Pump to increase water pressure. Pump to increase water pressure: calculators for calculating the required pressure for a pump in a house

  • 20.06.2020

Insufficient pressure in the water supply pipeline is a common phenomenon that owners often encounter. summer cottages. The situation is typical for the area where a water tower is used to meet the needs of the population. There are several options for solving the problem. It may be necessary to install a pump that increases the already existing pressure in the water supply, as well as carry out preventive maintenance of the water supply system.

Is a booster pump really necessary?

When deciding on the feasibility of modifying water supply systems, several technical points are taken into account:

  1. Is there water pressure in the water supply - the pump will only increase the existing pressure. If the pressure is insignificant less than 1 bar, then the installation of one device is unlikely to help, a comprehensive solution to the problem is necessary.
  2. What is the reason for the low pressure - the cause may be clogged filters, pipes overgrown with rust. Even after installation pumping equipment in such a system, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem of low pressure in the water supply system.

If, after the inspection and preventive work to clean the filters and replace the clogged risers, the pressure remains the same, they are looking for an alternative solution, they install booster pumps for the water supply. It may be necessary to additionally install a water storage tank or an automatic station that will maintain the pressure in automatic mode.

According to technical standards: for gas water heaters, a washing machine and a dishwasher, the water pressure in the water supply system is considered insufficient below 4 bar. This pressure is sufficient to ensure normal operation. household appliances.

What pumping equipment to choose for plumbing

For water supply systems, many various models pumping equipment. To facilitate the choice of a booster pump for water supply, pay attention to the following criteria:

After determining the choice of equipment for pressurizing the water supply system, they proceed directly to the installation work.

Installation options

Perform general and spot installation. Each solution has its pros and cons.

  1. A common pump for the house - vortex-type equipment is suitable for this purpose. The device is distinguished by high power and good performance. The device is installed on a central supply riser (boost pumps, with rare exceptions, are placed on cold water). The binding is made. To increase the efficiency of the solution, it is recommended to install before the pump storage capacity for 100-200 l.
  2. Custom installation - in this case, the pump for raising the pressure in the water supply will increase the pressure for only one plumbing point: a gas column, a washing machine or a dishwasher, equipment can be installed on a shower, etc. In-line pumps are used for work. This solution has its advantages. There is no need for piping, as in the case of connecting a vortex pump, and costs are reduced accordingly.

If the reason for the low pressure is rusty risers, the water supply will not be enough to create pressure in the plumbing pump system. You will need to install an automatic station, with a built-in water storage tank. This option will completely solve all problems. The pumping station has only two drawbacks: high cost and the need to allocate part of the room for installation.

With the pressure of water, all leaks are detected in the system. To avoid unpleasant surprises, when the pump is turned on after the equipment is inserted, the pipes are checked for tightness by pressure testing.

Expendable materials

The pump is connected based on the material of the existing pipeline.

  1. Metal - the module is mounted in a water supply system with rigid fixation. If the pipes are made of metal, a welder will be required.
  2. PVC - in recent years, plastic has been increasingly used for fixed connections. This option facilitates installation and reduces the time of work. The pump must be fixed with the help of American women. If necessary, the housing can be easily removed later.
  3. Another option for connecting a pump-pump to increase water in the water supply is installation using flexible hoses. The same connections are used for faucets on a sink or washbasin. Better not to use cheap hoses. When a breakthrough occurs, the switched on pump will pump water without stopping. Connection with hoses is suitable for temporary use before tapping the pump with metal or PVC.

If necessary, to metal plumbing You can connect the pump with PVC. For this purpose, a section of the pipe is cut out and, with the help of a die, threads are cut from both edges, the coupling is screwed on. By soldering, a pump is connected to increase the pressure, work is carried out according to a pre-designed connection scheme.

Who should install the pumping equipment

Any changes in the water supply system inside a private house are the prerogative of its owner. Provided that you have the right tool and the right skills, making changes should be easy. The work will take about 2 hours.

As for a multi-storey building, modifications to the wiring to the apartment should be done by utilities. The pipeline entering the housing from the central riser, starting from the shut-off valve, can be repaired and modified by the owner. Of course, provided that the basic technical specifications systems.

According to the existing law, it is possible to supply pumping equipment that will create a pressure that does not exceed what is indicated in the documentation. If there are deviations from the norm upwards, this is punishable by a fine and the need to return the system to its original position, at its own expense. Considering that plumbers in an apartment are a fairly common phenomenon, it is not worth risking violations. It is better to ensure that the water pressure inside the pipeline complies with the standards prescribed in SNiP and GOST.

Installing a pressure or booster pump on a water supply pipeline solves the problem of low water pressure. Take into account all the nuances of the choice of equipment and perform installation without errors under the force of professional plumbers with experience and the appropriate permit.

Quite often, residents of high-rise buildings and private houses are faced with the problem of insufficient pressure in the water supply. For this reason, the work is difficult, and. To ensure normal pressure, it is necessary to install a pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment. Together with the experts of the online magazine, the site will consider the varieties, features of choice and self installation water pressure equipment.

It is known that water supply systems contain a large number of and branches, as well as bends. Because of this, a pressure drop occurs, which is significantly lower than the values ​​\u200b\u200bset in the regulatory documentation for city networks. Weak water pressure in most cases can also be due to wear and tear of pumping equipment.

So, the pressure power should be at least 4 atmospheres. In practice, this figure is much less. The table shows some values ​​​​of the pressure standards of the plumbing system for the operation of household appliances and other equipment.

Table 1. Minimum operating water pressure ratings for household appliances

Pressure indicator (in atmospheres) Equipment
2−2,5 And
3 Fire extinguishing equipment
4 Jacuzzi, hydromassage boxes

Boosting water pressure equipment is also installed in cases where the pressure at different points of consumption within the same apartment varies, or is completely absent. comfortable conditions for living (water flows in a thin stream constantly, there is no way to turn on heating, etc.).

Advice! Not in all cases, the problem with the pressure of cold and hot water solved with the help of pumping equipment. Very often it is too low due to clogging of the plumbing system or a breakdown. Before you buy a pump to increase water pressure, you need to make sure that there are no emergency, and if necessary, eliminate it or replace the damaged section of the highway.

Classification of high pressure water pumps

By type of management

Many people do not know how to increase the water pressure in an apartment and choose the right booster equipment for this purpose. First of all, you should know that the devices for providing the necessary pressure differ in the type of control.

They can work in automatic and manual mode. In the first case, a water flow pressure sensor is installed in the pump, which regulates its operation. As soon as the tap opens, the pumping unit turns on. You should know that such equipment is much more reliable than manual counterparts, since it has protection against switching on in dry mode (in the absence of water pressure).

As far as manual settings are concerned, they operate continuously. This obliges to periodically monitor the equipment, and if necessary, turn it off to avoid overheating. A significant disadvantage of such stations should be attributed to the short resource of mechanisms.

Hand pumps usually cut into the pipeline and. If you open the valve, the contacts will work, which turn on the power to the pumping device. In turn, this leads to an increase in pressure in the line. There are also flow-through installations that are mounted directly to the place of water intake or in front of various types techniques to enhance their performance.

Permissible water temperature in pipes

Almost every pumping station for increasing pressure in the line is designed for a certain operating temperature of the water. It cannot exceed 60°C. The pump is connected to the apartment wiring, increases the pressure in the system, after which the water is heated, if necessary, with the help of, and other installations. Among the models of pumps, there is equipment operating from a cold or hot water supply line. There are also universal designs of stations that function regardless of the type of connection and the temperature of the liquid.

Type of engine cooling

Since electric motors are used to change the force of water pressure in the lines, this requires the use of cooling systems. Pumping units come with a "wet" as well as a "dry" anchor. In the first case, the equipment has small dimensions and is installed directly on the main pipe.

"Wet" pumps, unlike "dry" counterparts, operate almost silently, since during the pumping of water, the rotating parts of the mechanism are lubricated. If the discharge compressor has a “dry” armature, its shaft is equipped with an impeller, thanks to which the casing is air-cooled. Such pumps are characterized by increased productivity, and they are used if it is required to provide normal pressure at the same time for several water intake points (consumers). It is important to know that the design of "dry" pumps is fundamentally different from other types. The rotor of the device is placed outside the design of the unit, in addition, it has a separate air cooling system. This completely excludes the interaction of the armature of the electric motor with the aquatic environment.

What specifications should be paid attention to when choosing a high pressure water pump


To correctly buy a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply, you should pay attention to its power. It is this indicator that determines the performance of the device and its capabilities. When choosing models, you must also be aware that appliances with high power in apartments are not always justified.

If you want to install auxiliary equipment for an apartment, it will be enough to purchase a pump with a power of up to 0.25 kW. This technology is energy efficient and does the job well. If the dwelling is large and it is necessary to provide water supply to several points at the same time, installations with a capacity of up to 0.5 kW can be used. In private houses, as a rule, they use from 1 kW and above.

Water lift height

Each pressure booster is designed in such a way as to supply water to a certain height. This moment should be taken into account when choosing a model, especially if installation is to be carried out on the upper floors of a high-rise building. This indicator can be obtained from the sellers of products, which is indicated in technical passport equipment.


The dimensions of the pumping equipment also play an important role when choosing a model. Many people, in order to save space, prefer to install compact devices. If the pipeline is not and there is no accident in the line, but there is no pressure, you should think about buying a self-priming pumping station with.


When choosing a pump model, you should pay attention to the noise level of the equipment. For apartments, you can purchase an installation with a "wet" rotor, which will work almost silently. If it is possible to make the installation of a pumping station in the attic, in this case it will not be heard in the premises how the unit turns on and off.

How to increase the water pressure in the apartment

When to choose a pumping station for increasing water pressure

A pumping station may be required if water is not supplied to the last floors of skyscrapers. Also, this equipment is used for installation. The station is a centrifugal equipment designed to increase and stabilize the water pressure in the pipelines. The tank has a reservoir of a certain volume, which is filled by means of a pump. As soon as the water supply in it ends, the relay is activated, and the liquid enters the accumulator. In practice, it has been found that the larger the volume of the tank, the more reliable the equipment works, since the unit is switched on and off infrequently.

Related article:

Why do you need a pumping station, its advantages and disadvantages, the principle of operation, selection criteria, popular models and manufacturers, prices, do-it-yourself installation subtleties - read in our publication.

Why choose a water-cooled pump for an apartment

Many people prefer to install water-cooled units in their apartment. This is due to the fact that pumps that increase the pressure of water in a water supply system with a “wet” anchor are compact in size, have a low noise level and are easy to maintain.

In addition, the connection of this equipment is not particularly difficult. First, a pipe section of a certain length is cut out in the supply line, after which the unit is mounted, which operates on the principle of flow pumping equipment. The installation is carried out directly in front of the place of water intake or equipment (, etc.) in order to provide the necessary pressure for its operation.

The best models of water pumps for increasing pressure in an apartment

Booster pump Wilo

If you need to install a reliable pump to increase the water pressure in the apartment, you should pay attention to Wilo products. In particular, the PB201EA model has a water-cooled type, and the shaft is made of stainless steel.

The body of the unit is made of cast iron and treated with a special anti-corrosion coating. Bronze fittings provide a long service life. It is also worth noting that the PB201EA unit has silent operation, has automatic protection from overheating and a large motor resource. The equipment is easy to mount, however, it should be remembered that only horizontal installation of this device is possible. Wilo PB201EA is also designed for pumping hot water.

Grundfos water booster pump

Among the models of pumping equipment, Grundfos products should be highlighted. All units have a long service life, withstand fairly large loads well, and also ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of plumbing systems.

Model MQ3-35 is pumping station, with which you can solve problems with water pressure in pipes. The installation is controlled automatically and does not require additional control. The design of the unit includes:

  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • electric motor;
  • pressure switch;
  • automatic protection unit;
  • self-priming pump.

In addition, the unit is equipped with a water flow sensor, which ensures high efficiency in operation. The main advantages of the station include high wear resistance, long service life and quiet operation. Please note that the MQ3-35 unit is designed for cold water supply. Booster pumps are also equipped with relatively small storage tanks, which, however, are enough to perform household tasks.

In order for the circulation pump for water supply to work both in manual and automatic mode, we advise you to pay attention to the model of the Comfort X15GR-15 unit. The case of this device is made of stainless steel, so the unit is not afraid of moisture and can function in any conditions.

An impeller is installed on the rotor, which provides excellent air cooling. The unit has a compact size, does not require special maintenance, and also consumes electricity economically. If necessary, it can be used to pump hot water streams. The disadvantages of the installation include the loud operation of the power unit.

Pump station Dzhileks Jumbo H-50H 70/50

The Jambo 70/50 H-50H pump station is equipped with a centrifugal pump unit, a horizontal accumulator and a sweat pressure switch. The design of the equipment includes an ejector and asynchronous electric motor which ensure stable operation of the plant.

The housing of the home water pumping station has an anti-corrosion coating. The automatic control unit ensures simple operation of the equipment, and the built-in overheating protection eliminates the possibility of damage to the unit. The disadvantages of the unit include loud work, and there is also no protection against "dry" running. In order for the device to function properly, it is recommended to install it in a room with good ventilation and low temperature.

Jemix W15GR-15A

Among the models of booster pumps with an air-cooled rotor, Jemix W15GR-15A should be highlighted. The body of the unit has increased strength, since it is made of cast iron. The components of the electric motor design are made of aluminum alloy, and the drive elements are made of especially durable plastic.

Pumping equipment is characterized by high performance, and can also be used indoors. Manual and automatic control of the unit operation is possible. If necessary, the unit can be connected to hot water supply. Significant disadvantages include rapid heating of the elements of the device and noise.

Video "Installation Features circulation pump with your own hands":

Consider the features of the installation work on the example of a circulation pump. Connecting the unit is not particularly difficult, therefore this work can be done on your own. First of all, it is necessary to insert the unit at the inlet of the water supply.

After measuring, it is necessary to cut a piece of pipe of the required length from the water pipe. Before proceeding with the installation, the water supply must be shut off.

Advice! The unit must be tapped in the position recommended by the manufacturer.

The pump must be installed on a prepared section of the water supply system, for which water shut-off valves, fittings and other connecting elements should be used, which are selected depending on the selected scheme. Places threaded connections sealant is recommended.

Upon completion of the installation, you must connect the pump to the mains in accordance with the recommendations described in the manufacturer's instructions. It is extremely important to follow the safety rules to avoid injury.

After carrying out the installation work, it is necessary to test the operation of the unit, evaluate the quality of the water pressure. If necessary, correct assembly flaws and repeat the check.

Booster pumps for water are an integral part of water supply systems. Such installations are necessary for buildings with no centralized water supply, or when the level of water pressure in the water supply is insufficient for the normal operation of household appliances.

Booster pumps are often used for individual or centralized heating systems. Increased hot water pressure improves the quality of heating systems.

1 Device and scope

The booster pump for water supply is a solid monoblock design, the main elements of which are a pump and a motor. For the manufacture of parts of the flow part and the working body, which are constantly in contact with water, durable anti-corrosion materials are used - cast iron, brass or stainless steel.

The case of the working part is open only on one side. Above the pump shaft there is a front suction socket. The feed bell is placed on top of the shaft.

Models with a hydraulic accumulator or a membrane tank are more productive for water supply with a constant lack of the necessary pressure. The membrane tank accumulates a supply of water, depending on the volume. When turning on faucets or household appliances such as boilers, washing machines and dishwashers, this stock is used first.

Thus, the local highway is provided with the necessary starting amount of water. As it is used, the pump fills the tank.

Booster pumps and pumping stations are used:

  • for raising pressure and transporting water in a house or industrial building;
  • in main pipelines, at waterworks;
  • to increase the pressure in the production plant;
  • for transporting liquid to fire-fighting or cooling systems.

1.1 Types of step-up units

Depending on the control method, pumps for increasing water pressure are:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

The operation of manual pumps is controlled by the operator. Switching on and off is forced.

Units with automatic control equipped with water flow sensors. They are triggered when the tap is opened and ensure that the unit is turned on. After closing the valve and stopping the flow, the sensor turns off the pump.

Depending on the specifications and operating conditions, the following types of pumps are distinguished:

  • surface centrifugal;
  • jet centrifugal;
  • vortex.

The principle of operation of surface centrifugal pumps is as follows: a working impeller is installed on the driving rotating shaft, opposite it there is a suction pipe, which is located at the bottom of the pump casing. The task of the impeller is to create a radial movement of water from the center to the periphery. Hydraulic losses are minimal.

Inside the impeller there are radial blades, which, when the water moves, convert mechanical energy into pressure and flow acceleration. After leaving the impeller, the water is directed into a spiral, with the help of which it enters the conical diffuser. There, the kinetic energy is converted into thrust energy.

Jet- centrifugal pumps- a kind of centrifugal pumps. An ejector is installed inside the body, which provides a self-priming effect. Part of the liquid pumped by the pump enters the discharge pipe. The part that remains is recirculated by means of an ejector that is attached to the suction chamber. Recirculation creates a vacuum inside the suction chamber, which contributes to the self-suction of water.

There are such types of pumps in which the suction chamber with the ejector is placed in a separate unit and connected to the pump by two pipes. The block can be lowered into the well.

Vortex pumps have radial blades on the periphery of the impeller. They transfer mechanical energy to the pumped water. Thanks to the design of the blades, they provide radial recirculation of the water that enters the pump. Vanes and double channels are located on both sides of the impeller. Water is recirculated between them.

Numerous blades contribute to the transfer of energy, this leads to a gradual increase in water pressure. As a result of such work, the output flow is uniform, with high pressure.

1.2 Features and benefits

To reduce noise levels, most household models have a rotating rotor placed directly in the pumped liquid. Such designs are called wet rotor models.

All boosters have small dimensions, so they are easily placed on the pipe. Easily operated in private houses and apartments.

Despite the fact that the pumps slightly increase the pressure in heating and water supply systems, even such a minimal increase in pressure improves the circulation of the coolant in the batteries and ensures the normal operation of boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.

The liquid with which the boosters work can have a temperature in the range of 10 - 100 degrees. The air temperature should be below 40 degrees.

Pumps for boosting water pressure have a number of advantages:

1.3 Efficiency of use

The cause of low water pressure is not only clogged filters and overgrown pipes. Often a weak pressure is the result of a large intake of water at a certain time. If apartment buildings quite simply cope with a similar problem, then for private construction autonomous systems water supplies are simply irreplaceable.

The device of the pumping unit, the complex of which includes a drive, will eliminate the problems of general water intake. Systems using surface and submersible pumps have many advantages.

During the installation of such equipment on the highway, often with excellent performance indicators, there is no work efficiency.

This happens because when the booster is installed, the water pressure does not increase, since water is taken from different points. As a result, the amount of water that enters the pump will constantly decrease. Especially if the neighbors below also installed a pump to raise the water. As a result of a lack of water, the pump starts to work at its maximum. This leads to premature wear of parts and reduced service life.

To achieve efficiency and increase pressure, it is recommended to install storage tanks in parallel.

2 How to choose the right pump to increase water pressure?

When buying equipment to select the optimal model, you need to pay attention to its capabilities.

Main selection criteria:

  • temperature mode of operation;
  • power;
  • noise during work;
  • method of connection to the water supply;
  • pressure;
  • throughput.

To maximize the duration of the unit, it is necessary to avoid its operation at maximum permissible temperatures.

If you need to slightly increase the pressure of water over a short distance, you do not need to buy a very powerful mechanism. A motor with more power consumes more electricity. It is more profitable to purchase a less powerful model that can easily cope with such a task.

The method of connecting to the water supply also plays an important role, because basically the supercharger is connected secretly so as not to spoil the interior.

For premises small size noise level is very important. When installing equipment in a basement or other enclosed space, noise during operation does not play a special role.

One of the most important criteria choice is the maximum head. Power is not always an indicator of high pressure. There are models with low energy consumption that can create high pressure.

A direct indicator of the rate of filling the required capacity is throughput. measured in cubic meters in an hour.

3 How to install a booster pump?

For effective work unit must be properly connected. When installed on a common line on the pipeline, the pressure will increase on all branches of the pipeline at home. Since the pipe area is large, the pressure generated by the blower in the separated sections of the pipeline will be less.

As a result, the pump works on full power, and the efficiency of such work remains insignificant. Especially if water is taken from several points at once. Installing a unit with more power will not be beneficial in terms of power consumption and noise during operation.

A suitable and budgetary installation option would be installation on the pipeline in front of the consumer. For which the constant support of the desired pressure is important. With this setting, the pressure on other lines will not change.

Sometimes it is better to install several units at once with a small capacity on the necessary sections of the pipeline than installing one powerful one for the entire pipeline.

In each individual case, the length of the pipes, their cross section, and the pressure level are measured. This allows you to determine the maximum parameters.

Installation of equipment is not difficult:

  1. First, make sure that there is an outlet at the place chosen for installation.
  2. Further markings are made at the incision points.
  3. The water supply is shut off and its remains are drained from the pipeline.
  4. The pipe is cut and the external thread is installed.
  5. Adapters screw on.
  6. Fittings are screwed in.
  7. Using a three-core cable, the unit is connected to the shield. In this case, an individual machine is installed.
  8. Joints are checked for tightness.

After that, a test run is carried out. The first start of the pump is carried out only after the water circulation resumes. If the check is done by specialists, an act of checking booster pumps is drawn up.

Thus, this equipment is able to eliminate low water pressure. But for maximum efficiency, you should choose the right model and take into account all its characteristics during installation. For control technical condition the unit is also very important to do the installation in an easily accessible place.


When you open a tap in your home to simply drink water, and a sluggish trickle flows from it, then the idea immediately comes to your mind to install in the water supply line.

The sufficiency of water pressure in the pipes is the key to the normal life of a person living in a private cottage, in a country house or in a high-rise apartment. This is very important for the trouble-free operation of domestic hydraulic machines and plumbing fixtures. This is one of the very important conditions for your comfortable living and the durability of expensive water equipment in your home.

For the normal operation of the main models of household hydraulic machines and plumbing units, the water pressure in pipelines from 2 to 4 bar is sufficient. If at the outlet of the intake taps you periodically or constantly lack these indicators, then you should understand the reasons for this shortage and, if necessary, install booster pumps in your individual or collective use.

Below we will describe the basic requirements for checking the performance of your water supply, the criteria for choosing the appropriate equipment, consider different types pumps for increasing the pressure of water in the mains from different manufacturers.

Key questions covered in this article

  • Comparative scale of technical characteristics of water pressure in pumps of various types.
  • Possible reasons shortage of water pressure in the mains.
  • Types of pumps for increasing water pressure in pipelines.
  • We read the instructions and install the pump.

Comparative scale of technical characteristics of water pressure in pumps of various types

World pump manufacturers use for pump head characteristics different types the following water pressure units:

For quick approximate household calculations, the approximate ratios of these quantities are suitable:

In practice, for the normal operation of household hydraulic equipment with automation, the use of flow taps and the operation of bathrooms, work geysers and boilers, it is enough to maintain water pressure in pipelines within 2-4 bar for all major models of domestic water devices.

Possible reasons for the lack of water pressure in the mains

The lack of water pressure in your pipelines for high-rise apartments can be due to several reasons:

  • Daily fluctuation of water pressure in the water supply due to the frequency of use of the resource by the residents of the house;
  • Lack of design capacity of general user pumping equipment from the service organization;
  • Temporary deposits of rust and salts inside the pipeline, clogging the body of the water riser:

  • Clogged water cleaning filters in the water supply connection system:

In such cases, floor neighbors and residents of the upper and lower floors of an apartment building should be interviewed to find out what water pressure is usually in their apartments. In this way, you can identify the local cause of low pressure in your particular case. It will be possible to accept correct solution to troubleshoot these problems or stop at the option of buying a high pressure water pump individually or common use, having coordinated this issue with other residents of the entrance (riser) of the high-rise building.

In a private house, these causes are of a similar type. But there may be various additional reasons for the low water pressure in your pipeline:

  • Long distance from the main water supply pump;
  • Excessive elevation of the structure and location of the flow valves above the level of the pump installation;
  • Discrepancy between the pressure data of the power plant, with a specific layout of power and consumable units, and so on.

Types of pumps for increasing water pressure in pipelines

In practice, it is possible to increase the pressure in the water artery using 2 well-known types of pumps:

  1. Insertion into the water supply line of a circulation pump with a wet or dry rotor;
  2. Installation in the line of an additional self-priming power unit or an automatic pumping station based on this type of pump.

Approximate connection diagrams for various types of pressure booster pumps:

Circulating electric pumps help in cases where it is required to increase the water pressure in the pipeline with a stable supply, but a low pressure, reaching no more than 1 - 1.5 bar. In multi-storey buildings, using this type of pump, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a sufficiently stable pressure for all residents of the riser, even if 2 or more pumps are installed. This option is more suitable for an individual increase in water pressure in a separate apartment. This is, so to speak, a "home" version of pressure stabilization.

For this reason, in apartment buildings with a large number of storeys, it is better to use a self-priming pump of greater productivity or a pumping station with appropriate automation for water pressure with its own hydraulic accumulator.

With this option, you will not bother with the problems of turning the pump on and off, automation will do it for you.

When installing any type of pump, it should be borne in mind that if there is temporarily no even the smallest water pressure in the taps of a high-rise building on the upper floors, then installing a booster pump will not correct this situation. The pump needs at least a minimum water pressure that meets the technical limits to raise it to the desired level.

If you installed any booster pump only in your apartment, then keep in mind that it will create a discharge effect in the common pipeline before it. And air will be sucked into this rarefied space. It is good if the pump is automatically protected from dry running and its engine does not burn out, but it will constantly turn off. In doing so, you create an even greater pressure drop in the common water supply pipe. If other residents of your entrance or riser follow your example, then this will lead to even more deplorable results with water and real “sanctions” from the water supply organization.

Self-priming pumps are limited by the amount of water rise along the height of the installation from the water surface to 7-8 meters (maximum 12). A large tank for a circulation pump with a supply of water, you also cannot install in a medium-sized apartment. We will have to negotiate and cooperate with neighbors in order to install such a container in the attic of the house.

The most competent and comprehensive solution to these problems can be the installation of a full-fledged automatic station with a self-priming centrifugal pump. The power device must be of high performance. To contain its own hydraulic accumulator of the maximum possible volume and full automation of the water supply process. You can connect this station to the basement collector of the common riser of the general water supply or to an autonomous source. This is the only way to create the required water pressure at the outlet of all taps and not aggravate the situation for the neighbors.

Choosing a water pressure booster pump

Circular pumps are divided into 2 groups:

We are used to considering circular pumps only as elements of heating systems. But they have a wider application.

  • Household pumps with a wet rotor. They are more compact and silent in operation. They don't need preventive maintenance for lubrication of rubbing parts, as this occurs due to the washing of the rotor shaft with water. They are easy and simpler to mount directly into the water supply pipe using a tie-in and do not require additional fasteners. But this group of pumps has low productivity and low head performance. In addition, these units are installed with a horizontal axis of the motor rotor.
  • Circular pumps with a dry rotor have an asymmetric housing shape towards the electric motor. They are cooled by a jet of external air from a special impeller. Require additional fastening to the wall. They have better technical capabilities in terms of pressure and performance. They require regular lubrication of rubbing parts. They make quite a lot of noise while working.

Both groups are suitable for cold and hot water, but require constant manual control of the on/off mode.

To save yourself from this, you need to pick up a circular pump equipped with a water flow sensor. Then the pump will start only when the flow valve is opened and there is water in the line.

The same effect can be achieved by installing a separate flow sensor on any group of circular pumps. And if the pressure in the system is unstable and there is insufficient water in the water supply, an additional pressure switch will need to be installed.

Some popular models of circular pumps from global manufacturers: Grundfos (Grundfos):

Jemix circular pumps W15GR and WP series:

Pressure booster pumps from the Wilo brand of the PB and PW series

  • Self-priming centrifugal pumps can operate with increasing water pressure, both independently and as part of automatic pumping stations.

  • Specialized stations for increasing the pressure of water from the main water pipelines of the Gileks VODOMET M brand are used to tie into the underwater part of individual sources. They have an additional flow-through filter unit for supplying already purified drinking water:

Grundfos specially designed water pressure booster pumping units: CMBE 3-62, 5-62, 1-44, 1-75, 3-30, 3-93 and others:

Read the instructions and install the pump

To solve the problem with the water supply, you should not chase after some exorbitant indicators in terms of pressure and pump performance. You just need to add some 1.0 - 1.5 atm to the existing pressure (10 - 15 meters above the outlet valve).

So you should not have questions about how to choose a pump, what characteristics it should have. Just look at the manual this product or listen to the recommendations of the technical manager of the store where you decided to buy the unit. The descriptions of the pumps contain all the data on their connection to the water system (connection diagram), there are rules for installing a specific product and it is described what and how to connect in the desired sequence.

In extreme cases, we turn to qualified specialists for practical help for installing and configuring a pump at your dacha, cottage or high-rise building.

You can learn more about the principle of operation of the listed pumps, how their automation works, from the articles on our website in the heading: or by calling our consultant.