Tattelecom home internet personal account. cashew nuts

  • 24.09.2019

Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of cashews. There, this tree still grows wild, and also wild nut cashews are also found in the islands caribbean. For the first time they began to cultivate it in Brazil, and today more than 30 countries are the main suppliers of raw materials to the world market. It is exported by such countries with a warm climate as India, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. This type of nut does not grow in Russia, but from countries former USSR grown only in the south of Azerbaijan.

The cashew nut shell contains a pungent balm with poisonous substances (cardol), which causes skin irritation.

The cutting of nuts is done manually, and this process is very dangerous: even among experienced "nut splitters" cases of cardol burns are often observed. Because of this, nuts are collected with gloves on and boiled in a special liquid before use, after which the shell becomes harmless and fragile.

If you go to some tropical country and you have the opportunity to peel cashews yourself, do not even try, as it is very unhealthy!

Benefits of cashew nuts

The stable use of these nuts improves brain activity, increases memory and concentration.

Cashews are of particular benefit to people with high cholesterol, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis and poor vascular conditions (the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, thrombosis and heart disease).

Walnut is very useful and has an anti-sclerotic effect. It effectively affects the work of the cardiovascular system: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic, and also improves blood circulation. The high content of potassium in the composition has a healing effect on cardiac activity: the production of hemoglobin is normalized, the composition of the blood improves.

Frequent use of the cashew fruit strengthens the immune system, and also helps with bronchitis, anemia (anemia), etc.

Cashews in moderation are able to normalize blood sugar levels.

Among all useful properties walnut is especially valued for its anti-cancer effect. With the daily use of several nucleoli in food, the division of cancer cells is reduced. This product is recommended for preventive purposes on early stages oncological diseases.

Cashew nut has a beneficial effect on men's health. It enhances potency and sexual desire. Tocopherol, which is part of the walnut fruit, improves sperm production and increases the stamina of a man.

Nuts are useful for women during menstruation. Fruit nutrients replenish blood loss during menstruation, increase reproductive function and improve hormonal levels. The systematic intake of nuts improves skin condition, evens out tone and gives it a healthy glow.

Useful nuts and during pregnancy. The use of the daily norm replenishes the right amount of vitamins that it needs. future mom. Cashew reduces the risk of developing dystrophy in a baby, and also increases the immunity of a pregnant woman. Most doctors recommend eating 2-3 cashew nuts during lactation to increase milk production. But still, before eating this product, it is better to consult with your doctor.

How much can you eat per day

The maximum intake of cashew nuts per day should not exceed 30 grams.

Nuts are very high in calories and quickly saturate the body.

For people who are obese, cashews are ideal for a diet, instead of a hearty and healthy snack. Any healthy diet involves eliminating unhealthy trans fats from the diet and eating only healthy fatty acids like Omega-3,6,9.

For effective weight loss during a snack, it is advised to consume 20-30 grams of cashews in order to enrich the body with nutrients and to create a feeling of satisfying hunger.

Letai is a mobile operator of Tatarstan

Many residents of the Republic of Tatarstan use communications from one of the most popular local operators - Fly. Now this operator is the leader in 4G coverage in the Republic.

But not all clients of this operator know how to check the balance of their SIM card, clarify the balance of the tariff or determine their number. We will answer these and other questions.

Checking the balance of mobile communication "Fly"

You can check the balance of your personal account in a few clicks:

  1. Open a dialing window on your phone or smartphone;
  2. Dial USSD command *100#
  3. Press the call button and wait for a text notification in which the balance will be written.

How to find out the rest of the traffic on Fly?

To get information about the amount of traffic, you should:

  1. Send an empty SMS to 11616
  2. Wait for a response message, which will give information about the balance.

Ways to determine your number

There are two ways to find out your number:

  1. Look in the documents that were issued along with the SIM card;
  2. Enter the USSD command *116*106# in the dialing mode on the phone

Checking the tariff plan

Check tariff plan can be done as follows:

  1. Exit on the phone or smartphone to the dialing mode;
  2. Dial USSD command *116*100#
  3. Wait for a message with the result.

How to check internet speed from Fly?

There are a huge number of ways to check the speed of the Internet. We list the most popular.

  1. In order to check the speed of the Internet without using programs, just right-click on the Internet connection icon at the bottom of the screen with right side. Next, select "Network and Sharing Center". Click on the active network connection link. In the properties window that opens, the Internet speed will be indicated.
  2. You can use the site speedtest.net, which provides fast and accurate information. You just need to go to the site, click on the "Start Check" button and wait for the result of the check.