What does a hazelnut tree look like. Hazelnut, hazelnut and wild hazel

  • 17.06.2019

Despite the different names, hazel and hazelnuts, in fact, represent the same thing. Plants are wild and cultivated forms hazelnut. Despite the closeness of their relationship, they have some differences, noticeable in the photo.

Over 20 species of hazelnut grow in the wild. In the temperate zone, common hazel is most common, which you can read more about on Wikipedia.


Appearance and geography of growth

Hazelnut is easy to recognize among other plants growing in the undergrowth of broad-leaved, coniferous or mixed forests in Russia. The plant is a shrub with many thin trunks. Its height is no more than 7 m, and the crown spreads to a width of up to 4 m.

Large, strongly expanded leaves (9 * 12 cm) vaguely resemble the silhouette of a bream fish. Because of this, the popular name of the hazelnut arose - hazel.

In April-May, flowers appear on the plant:

  • men's - earrings;
  • female - kidneys.

As a result of their pollination, a nut-fruit is formed from the ovary. It is neatly packaged in a paper wrapper. The ripening period runs until the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Ripe fruits have a rounded shape, up to 15 mm in diameter. The hard shell is light brown in color. Inside is the core, which is the main value for people.

The tree-like hazel is somewhat different from other wild varieties. Its name indicates the shape of the plant in the form of a large tree up to 8 m tall. Under favorable conditions, it can grow up to 200 years. The fruits of the tree hazel are larger and more tasty than those of the ordinary hazel. Therefore, the tree is popularly called "bear nut".

The area of ​​distribution of hazel covers a vast expanse of the Eurasian continent - from Southern Europe and Asia Minor to Siberia and the Far East. The shrub prefers to grow on shady areas with good hydration. Best Places for the growth of hazelnuts - ravine slopes and beams. The life expectancy of a shrub is up to 80 years.

Collection and storage of nuts

Nuts on hazel ripen in August-September. The degree of maturity is determined by the drying and falling off of wrapping leaves. It is not recommended to collect fruits that have not ripened to full readiness, they quickly lose their nutritional suitability. It is also impossible to overexpose nuts on a bush, otherwise they may crumble to the ground.

The fruits are carefully shaken and selected suitable for storage. The possibility of long storage provides a hard and hard shell. Harvested stocks are stored in bags made of cloth and strong paper. In them, nuts are less exposed to the danger of rotting. The ideal storage is a warm, dry pantry. For shelled nut kernels, suitable containers are glass or ceramic hermetically sealed vessels.

Chemical composition and useful properties

The composition of hazel contains a lot of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals. The presence of a variety of nutrients makes hazel useful for the human body.

Nut kernels are added to improve the taste in dairy and confectionery products.


Valuable nutritious nuts have been part of the diet of people since the dawn of mankind. With the transition from gathering to the purposeful cultivation of plants, people began to think about the cultivation of useful hazel. As a result of many years of breeding experiments, a variety of hazelnut called hazelnut was bred. How it will look, you can see in the photo. Currently, over 100 varieties of hazelnuts are known.


Hazelnut does not take root well on household plots. Much easier to grow hazelnuts. First of all, you should choose the right variety that will be suitable for specific natural and climatic conditions. . Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to the frost resistance of the culture, which is very important for Russia. To place the shoots, choose a sunny area where hazelnuts will grow best.

You can plant a plant both in spring and autumn. At spring planting the shrub will have time to get stronger and successfully winter. In the case of autumn planting, there is a high probability of getting the first harvest in a year. It is advisable to plant plants in small groups - 3-5 copies each. In this case, mutual pollination will occur, and the crop will increase fruiting.

Pits for seedlings are dug in advance and left to stand open for a while. Thus, the soil is disinfected so that the shrub does not get sick with bacteriosis. Agrotechnics for caring for hazelnuts is simple. After planting, it is necessary to periodically loosen soil in the root zone to ensure aeration of the roots.

The soil needs to be watered, while avoiding waterlogging. For successful growth, seedlings are immediately cut to 15–20 cm. The crown is formed when the shrub is 5 years old. Sanitary pruning is carried out annually.


People have learned to use different parts of a useful plant: roots, shoots, bark, leaves, shells and kernels. Hazelnut has a large set of important components - proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins. Among other things, nuts contain potassium, iron, cobalt.

The kernels are high in calories - 628 kcal per 100g. It is enough to consume 70 g of hazelnuts per day to satisfy the body's need for biotin. The vitamin complex contained in the fruits has a restorative, tonic, immuno-strengthening effect. Trace elements have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

Due to the content of phytosterol compounds, hazelnuts are useful for women. It regulates the hormonal background in the body. Present in hazelnut paclitaxel blocks the formation of tumor cells. Doctors advise breastfeeding women to eat hazelnut kernels. This not only contributes to the activation of lactation, but also saturates mother's milk with substances useful for the development of the child.

The vegetative parts of the plant are actively used in phytotherapy. Tinctures from the bark are drunk for colds and varicose veins. The leaves are brewed to improve the condition with hypertension, anemia, beriberi, kidney disease. A decoction of the shell helps with colic. Very helpful honey-nut mixture. It has a beneficial effect on the work of male reproductive organs, has antitumor and helminthic effects.

Walnut oil has been widely used for cosmetic purposes. It is added to the composition of ointments and creams, perfumes. The oil successfully copes with dermatological problems.

Hazelnut has long been an invariable ingredient in many culinary dishes and products. Most often it is used in the confectionery industry.


Despite many positive qualities , walnut fruits also have contraindications. They should be abandoned in diseases of the gallbladder and hypertension, since hazelnuts are poorly digested and cause an increase in pressure. It is also forbidden for people with a diagnosis of diabetes.

Exceeding the daily intake of nuts can lead to unpleasant side effects - flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting. Fruits that have a rancid taste should not be eaten. They can cause poisoning.

Differences of nuts

It is required to carefully examine the hazel and hazelnuts: what is the difference - it does not immediately become clear. Plant differences include:

  • growing conditions;
  • varietal diversity;
  • shrub size;
  • productivity;
  • fruit size;
  • nutritional value of nuts.

A hazelnut has a nut that is 3 times larger in volume than a hazel. However, the hazelnut is valued higher for its medicinal qualities. It is believed that due to its growth in the natural environment, it is more beneficial to humans.

Hazel and hazelnut

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, adorning beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their variety. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

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Biscuit cake with chocolate cream - light, fluffy and airy, with a delicate fondant cream based on powdered milk, cocoa and cream. It will take very little time to prepare this dessert, and the products are simple, inexpensive and affordable. Homemade cakes for evening tea are pleasant and cozy moments of life that any hostess can organize for her family or friends. Coconut flakes can be substituted for toasted walnuts in this recipe.

It often happens that chemical insecticides, especially those that have been on the market for a long time, cease to act on pests due to the development of resistance (resistance) to the active substance, and then biological preparations can come to the rescue, which, by the way, have a number of advantages. In this article, you will find out how Lepidocid will protect vegetable, berry, ornamental and fruit crops from leaf-eating pests.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in open ground.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring in next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries are a rare promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a "supplier" of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then watered apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. Generally, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the shade of flowering trees have long become an essential attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

For most people, it is one of the favorites. It has a delicate, slightly sweet taste and goes well with any dried fruit, chocolate, marshmallow. Nut paste, flour are prepared from it, added to pastries, sweets, cakes, cakes, etc. Often, hazelnuts are called hazelnuts or hazelnuts, mistakenly believing that they are one and the same. Is such a statement true? Is there a difference between these plants? We will tell you about the difference between a hazelnut and a hazelnut in our article. But first, let's dwell on the definition and characteristics of these plants.

Another name for this plant sounds like hazel. But most people know it as hazel or hazelnut. And to be more precise, this is not even one plant, but a whole genus of shrubs (in rare cases, trees), which belong to

Hazel got its name due to the special shape of the leaves, resembling bream fish in appearance. An adult plant reaches a height of 3-7 m. The branches of the shrub are covered with brown bark. The leaves have a heart-shaped base and a pointed apex. The fruits are brownish-yellow edible nuts enclosed in a leaf sheath that resembles a bell in appearance.

In total, there are about 20 plant species that are widely distributed in Eurasia and North America. In the European part of Russia, on the territory of the Baltic states, Ukraine and Belarus, common hazel grows. The plant prefers fresh, moist and fertile soils of broad-leaved and mixed forests. Average duration The life of a shrub is 80 years.

Hazelnut and hazelnut - the same thing or not?

Many people believe that these are two names for the same plant. And there is indeed some truth in this. Hazelnut and hazelnut (pictured) have the following similarities:

  • plants belong to the same family (birch) and genus (hazel);
  • their shrubs and fruits look exactly the same;
  • nuts do not differ from each other in appearance, composition, properties and taste.

In fact, it is quite difficult to tell the difference between a hazelnut and a hazelnut. The fruits of plants do not differ even in shape: in the first and in the second case, it can be either oblong or round. So, maybe there are no differences between plants? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Hazelnut vs Hazelnut - What's the difference?

As mentioned above, these two plants belong to the same family and genus. And between them, at first glance, there really is no difference. Hazelnuts and hazelnuts (pictured) can be both oblong and round. It all depends on the type of plant.

So what is the main difference between hazelnuts and hazelnuts? It consists in the fact that hazel is wild plant, which is found in deciduous forests and on the edges, and hazelnuts are cultivated as a nut-bearing shrub, giving a high yield. Hazelnut or hazel fruit is usually smaller in shape, and its yield is not as high. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of caring for plants. But in terms of taste and other qualities, hazel is absolutely no different from hazelnuts.

Despite the fact that there are about 20 varieties of hazelnuts all over the world, in Russia, mainly common hazel grows. But in the same latitudes there are other varieties of plants:

  1. Hazel is large. Distinctive feature This shrub is dark red leaves. The nuts themselves are oblong in shape. In length, they reach 2-2.5 cm, and their diameter is 1.5 cm. The fruits of the shrub taste like almonds.
  2. Hazel tree. The plant reaches a height of 30 meters. This is a real tree with gray bark and a wide pyramidal crown of the correct shape. The fruits of the plant have a very thick shell.
  3. Hazel is multi-leaved. The shrub reaches a height of 3 meters and is highly frost-resistant. The fruits of the hazel are variegated, have a flattened shape and reach a diameter of two centimeters.

You can determine the difference between a hazelnut and a hazelnut by the appearance of the fruits of these plants. The nuts of the cultivated shrub are larger and ripen a little earlier compared to the wild plant.

The difference in planting hazel and hazelnuts

It is generally accepted that it is quite difficult to grow a hazelnut in your own garden plot. It is only in natural conditions that the shrub grows on infertile soils and in shady places. In the garden, hazel will need slightly different conditions. The shrub is best planted in a fairly sunny area and provide good watering. Experts do not advise planting one plant. It is better if there are 2-3 shrubs nearby at once.

The main difference between hazelnut and hazelnut when planting is that the hybrid plant is more picky. Only suitable for shrubs fertile soil, which should be loosened often, literally after each watering. To get a good harvest, the plant should be systematically fed. Planting a shrub requires a large plot of land. In addition, for normal growth hazelnuts, unlike hazelnuts, care should be taken to ensure that there are no weeds around the trunk.


As noted above, the hazelnut is a cultivated form of the hazel. The plant is high-yielding and has larger fruits. In general, hazelnut yields, unlike hazel, are considered stable. However, the cultivated plant is thermophilic and resistant to frost. And it is precisely the latter that are main reason low yield. The following measures will help to get more fruits in the fall:

  1. When planting in a garden plot, single plantings should be avoided. It is optimal that 2-3 shrubs are located nearby at once.
  2. When planting, use plants of different varieties to ensure cross-pollination.
  3. To obtain an early harvest, it is recommended to plant hazelnuts with varietal seedlings. Then the shrub will be able to please the first fruits in the spring. Seedlings obtained from seeds will bring a crop only in the second ten years of life.
  4. To increase the yield of plants, it is recommended to pollinate manually by simple spraying.

Harvesting and storage

Visually, the shrubs of cultivated hazelnuts and wild-growing hazel do not differ from one another. But when it comes to harvesting, there is little difference between plants. Firstly, hazel fruits ripen a little later than hazelnuts. In doing so, it must be taken into account climatic conditions places of growth. Secondly, harvesting hazel is most often difficult. As the fruits of the hazelnut ripen, they fall off, so some of them will definitely be lost.

Unlike shrubs growing in the forest, harvesting hazelnuts in the garden is much easier. The area under the trunk can be prepared in advance by clearing it and laying a cloth. harvested dry well in a ventilated area, after which they are transferred to fabric bags.

How to choose hazel and hazelnuts?

To purchase a truly delicious hazelnut, whether wild or cultivated, the following criteria must be considered:

  1. Harvesting of hazel and hazelnuts takes place in autumn - the end of September or the beginning of October.
  2. The nut harvested at this time has a shell almost white color, and only after a while it begins to darken. The lighter the hazelnut, the fresher it is, respectively.
  3. It is not recommended to purchase already peeled hazelnuts. The fact is that after removing the shell, its shelf life is significantly reduced. Such a nut can deteriorate much faster.
  4. If you want to buy wild hazel fruits, you should know the difference between a hazelnut and a hazelnut. The shape of the fruits of the latter is larger and rounded. Hazel collected in the forest is usually smaller and has an oblong shape.

Useful properties of nuts

Concerning nutritional value, calorie content and benefits of hazel fruits, then they are not affected at all, how hazelnuts differ from hazelnuts. The fruits of both wild and cultivated plants have approximately the same composition of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Hazelnuts and hazelnuts are recommended to be included in your diet for people suffering from vascular diseases, nursing mothers to increase lactation. The effectiveness of hazel fruits in the fight against cancer, to strengthen immunity, etc. has been proven.

Hazelnuts and hazelnuts are the same, they differ only in size. Hazelnuts are called all nuts of large-fruited varieties of hazel (common hazel and large hazel). Hazelnut has a high nutritional value, so it is grown on large farms in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Catalonia.

The hazelnut tree grows in forests and farms

Characteristics of common hazel

Hazelnut (hazel, hazel) belongs to the genus Hazel of the Birch family. It is a deciduous plant, a shrub. Hazel usually grows on the edges of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. What does common hazel look like:

  1. The hazel bush reaches a height of five meters.
  2. The crown is shaped like an egg.
  3. The bark of the trunk is light brown, smooth, the bark of the twigs is covered with a light fluff.
  4. The leaves are similar to birch, rounded or ovate with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves is dark green.
  5. The fruits are large nuts in a strong shell. Nuts are surrounded by leaf shoots on the outside.

For forestry, hazel is a weed. It rapidly multiplies vegetatively, forming root offspring, occupies the entire territory of forest clearing.

For Food Industry hazelnuts are extremely valuable. That is why it was cultivated and began to be grown on farms. Growing hazel is easy. You need a mineral-rich soil (chernozem is excellent), a moderate amount of moisture, a mild climate. It is practically not necessary to care for hazelnuts.

Hazel usually takes the form of a shrub

How and when hazel blossoms

Hazel leaves in the southern regions bloom in the last days of March, in the northern regions the crown turns green in April - early May. Hazelnuts bloom in early March before the leaf buds open.

How does hazel bloom? The plant has male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers. The stamens are hidden in catkins, like those of a birch. From one kidney, 3-5 earrings bloom. Under normal conditions, they reach 10 cm in length.

Female flowers consist of a pistil and an underdeveloped perianth, they look like a kidney. A bright red fluff of stigmas can be seen from the kidneys. The more of this cannon, the more flowers are hidden in the kidney. The hazel is pollinated by the wind. Earrings begin to release pollen in April, a process that lasts about two weeks. The stigmas of the pistils catch pollen from their own plant or from neighbors.

Male inflorescences of hazel

Characteristics of hazel fruits

The fruits of common hazel are hazelnuts, nuts of an almost spherical shape of a light brown color. Compared to other types of hazel, they are large in size, and hazelnuts bear fruit annually. Cultivated plants bear fruit for the first time in the third year of life (after seed germination).

Hazelnut is one of the most expensive and valuable types of nuts. This is due to its unique chemical composition. Hazelnut contains all the substances necessary for a person. The nutritional value of nuts, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is 98%. To fully cover energy needs, it is enough for a person to eat 300 grams of hazelnuts per day. Nuts are also rich in such useful substances:

  1. Vitamins - vitamin A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), group B (thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pantothenic acid, choline, pyridoxine).
  2. Macroelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  3. Trace elements - iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium.
  4. unsaturated fatty acids.
  5. Polysaccharides - starch, cellulose.
  6. Amino acids.

Hazelnut is easily digested and absorbed, so the body gets the maximum benefit.

Hazelnuts are extremely nutritious

The use of hazelnuts

Due to its high yield, unique nutritional value, and excellent taste, hazelnuts are widely used in the food industry, especially in the confectionery industry. What is made from hazelnuts:

  • butter;
  • hazelnut flour;
  • hazelnut paste.

Flour and pasta are added to cottage cheese, cheese pastes, ice cream, sweets, sauces. Whole roasted peanuts are added to bar chocolate and sweets.

The quality of hazelnuts is not constant, over time it loses moisture and some nutrients, and can become bitter. Therefore, hazelnuts are distinguished between the first grade (new crop) and the second grade (old crop). The most delicious and healthy products are obtained from young nuts.

Hazelnuts are especially appreciated in the preparation of desserts.

Why is it worth growing hazel

You can get a rich harvest of hazelnuts from your own garden. Even a novice gardener can handle growing hazel. Advantages of growing hazel in a private household:

  1. Endurance, unpretentiousness. The plant adapts well to external conditions, does not require painstaking care. It is important to immediately provide hazel conditions for healthy growth (fertile soil, diffused lighting, moderate humidity).
  2. High yield. Hazel brings rich harvests every year. From one bush you can collect about 7 kg of hazelnuts.
  3. Long shelf life of nuts. At right conditions harvest saves beneficial features and palatability for 1.5–2 years.
  4. The high price of nuts. If a lot of bushes have been planted, you can sell nuts to confectionery factories or wholesale depots.
  5. Hazel bushes are very beautiful, on the site the hazel looks unusual.

Hazel bushes are usually planted in rows. The aisle can be used for growing other garden plants.

Hazelnut gives good harvest and well kept

Varieties of cultivated hazel

Today, several varieties of hazel are known, which are grown by gardeners. They differ appearance, yield characteristics and have some care features. The most commonly grown varieties of hazelnuts are:

  • Barcelona hazelnut;
  • Cosford;
  • Gallic;
  • Warsaw red.

The Cosford hazelnut was bred in England, the Gallic hazelnut is a German variety. The origin of the Barcelona and Warsaw varieties is clear from the names. Plants of different varieties have different external characteristics. You can choose a variety based on personal preferences.

Bushes of Barcelona hazel have a powerful growth, form a wide crown. The main advantage of the variety is frost resistance. Hazel will be able to keep buds and flowers after spring frosts. The plant has large leaves, the plate is dark green above, lighter below. Flowering variety begins in mid-April. Fruiting starts early. The variety has increased productivity. Hazel fruits are very large, have different shape(most often flattened). When the nuts ripen, the surrounding shell bursts, releasing them to the outside.

Nut kernels have amazing taste. They are juicy and sweet. Hazel has one drawback: it is prone to disease, especially moniliasis.

Barcelona hazel nuts

The main characteristics of the Cosford variety:

  1. Great strength of growth, large bushes with a dense crown.
  2. Average frost resistance.
  3. Leaves open dark green, turning red in autumn.
  4. The flowering period is early (early April).
  5. The nuts are large, round and flattened. The shell is thin, after maturation it becomes red-brown.
  6. Nut kernels completely occupy the shell, covered with a fibrous film. The nuts taste juicy and sweet.
  7. Early fruiting.
  8. High yield.
  9. The fruit ripening period is the end of September.

Cosford grows in warm regions. It is important to provide plants with protection from the wind. The variety acts as a pollinator for other varieties (Gallic, Nottingham hazelnuts, etc.). Cosford is self-pollinating.

Hazelnut Cosford gives large nuts

Hazel bushes of the Gallic variety have a crown with an average density of leaves. The average plant height is 5.5 meters. Hazelnut leaves are dark green in color and covered with a rough pile. Formed in spring a large number of earrings, they bloom in clusters of 6-7 pieces. The standard flowering period is mid-April. The fruits are shaped like a cone, have big size, easily fall out of the fruit shell. The kernels are enclosed in a thick shiny shell. They are dense, moderately sweet in taste.

Gallic hazelnut - late-ripening variety

The Gallic hazelnut ripens later than its counterparts - in early October. Harvest ahead of time it is forbidden.

The variety brings rich harvests, but is very demanding on the conditions of detention. Regular application of organic fertilizers is required. Growing hazelnuts is best on elevated terrain. The soil should not be excessively wet.

The variety is not self-pollinated. It is pollinated by other types of hazel.

Warsaw red hazelnut

Warsaw Red is an ornamental variety of hazel. The crown has a spherical shape. The leaves of the plant are red, turning green in summer. The fruits are large. The ripening period is the second half of September. The yield of the variety is less than that of the Gallic hazelnut. The flowers are pollinated by other hazels.

Two plants with fruits in the form of rounded nuts that are considered hazel are hazel and hazelnuts. They belong to the Birch family, and they have much in common, but there are differences between them. So, let's decide: hazel and hazelnuts - what is the difference between them and what unites them.

Traditionally, hazel is called a wild plant, hazelnut. It is used not only to obtain fruits, there are also decorative varieties, which are decorated with burgundy or yellow leaves in spring.

Hazel begins flowering in April. Bushes grow strongly, reach a height of 5 m and form several trunks. For active growth, they need an area measuring 3 x 3 m.

The plant prefers a sunny place to grow, in nature it grows on the forest edge. For development, it needs sufficient watering; it prefers organic fertilizers.

Hazel has the following features:

  • Fruits every year.
  • The harvest is low, depending on the vagaries of the weather.
  • It is not exacting to conditions for growth and fructification.
  • All parts of the plant are useful, especially the bark and leaves.

Cultivated hazel is a hybrid of hazelnuts and its wild species. It bears fruit annually, with decent care it will give up to 3 kg of nuts from a bush. They are oblong, whitish in color, collected in a bundle of three pieces.

Hazelnut is a cultivated type of hazel. Varieties have been bred that give a high yield. The culture is thermophilic, most varieties grow poorly in cool climates. Nuts are larger than those of hazel, more marketable. blooms in early spring before the leaves open. Has male and female flowers.

To obtain a guaranteed high yield of nuts, pollination of female flowers should be ensured. To do this, it is necessary to plant at least three hazelnut bushes on the site.

The first fruits are formed after four years. The shrub reaches its highest yield at the age of 10 to 35 years. The life expectancy of a culture is 100 years or more.

The main characteristics of hazelnuts:

  • High yields.
  • The fruits are large.
  • Differs in a stable harvest.
  • It is resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Varieties have been bred that differ in the size of the bush and the size of the nuts.
  • Requires a warm favorable climate.

What is the difference between the chemical composition and useful properties

Both nuts are rich in protein, including vitamins A, D, B and E, elements of iron, potassium and magnesium. Their nuclei are rich in useful amino acids - palmitic, stearic and oleic.

Hazelnuts are characterized by a high fat content, up to 70%, which is considered its disadvantage. In addition, it contains up to 20% protein and carbohydrates. Hazelnut fruits are recognized as more useful, as it is a natural natural plant. However, before eating both types of nuts, you should make sure that they do not cause an allergic reaction.

Geography of growth

Hazel for growth chooses mixed forests, sometimes coniferous, quickly fills clearings and conflagrations. Places where it can be found in nature are in the European part. The forests of the Caucasus are rich in it. Winter-hardy culture feels great in cold Norway and Siberia.

Hazelnut is a thermophilic plant. In forests, it is found in areas near the Mediterranean and Black Seas. This useful plant breeders do. They brought out various varieties that can now be planted in the gardens and parks of the Moscow region.

Differences in appearance

Hazel grows in the form of tall bushes, which many mistake for trees. Their usual height is 5 - 6 meters, can reach 10 meters in height. In a bush there are up to a dozen trunks with light grayish or brown bark. The foliage is broad and rounded. Sometimes a hazelnut can look like a tall tree.

The kernels are hidden in a hard shell. Nuts are fixed in green "skirts", fused together, forming a bunch of three fruits. Hazel begins to bear fruit at the age of 7. Grows and bears fruit for 150 years.

Hazelnut grows as a perennial compact shrub. It can grow up to 5 meters, but usually its height is adjusted when forming the crown. It has a powerful root system, which allows it to grow on poor soils and on mountain slopes.

The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, deep green. In a bouquet 6 - 8 fruits are formed, which have grown together with false flowers.

Taste difference

In practice, these nuts are very difficult to distinguish from each other. Of course, hazelnuts have larger fruits, with thinner shells. It is believed that their taste is more tender, there is no astringency in it, the nuts are more fragrant.

Since hazelnuts contain more fat, their kernels are more oily, which makes them more delicate taste. Vitamins and nutrients are present in the same amount in both cultures.

Growing hazel and hazelnuts: what is the difference

These seemingly similar cultures require several various conditions cultivation. Consider what each of them needs.

Growing common hazel

It can be successfully grown in the garden. It is better to take cultivated varieties, they are more productive. For planting seedlings, planting pits are prepared, into which they add fertile soil rich in organic matter.

The plant grows strongly, so extra trunks should be cut down, leaving no more than 4 pieces. It is necessary to limit the height of the shrub, pruning at a height of three meters. This makes harvesting fruit easier.

The plant is frost-resistant, requires cross-pollination.

What you need to consider when planting hazel:

  • The landing site is preferably along the fence, where the bush will be well blown by the wind. Shading is allowed.
  • Requires fertile loose soil, deciduous rotted earth will be good for it.
  • Demanding on moisture, regular watering is needed.
  • Grows up to 10 m.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp5qmLI5ZUk

Growing hazelnuts

It needs well lit areas to grow. It is planted in loose, fertile soil. The shrub has developed roots, which must be taken into account when loosening, trying not to damage them.

For cross-pollination, at least three different varieties of bushes are required to be planted.

This heat-loving plant does not like cold winds and does not allow drafts. However, air movement is necessary for pollination.

How to grow hazelnuts:

  • He loves bright places, but does not tolerate the hot sun rays of the summer afternoon. For this reason, the plant is not planted in the southern part of the site.
  • Requires moist fertile soil.
  • The highest plant height is 7 m.

These plants propagate in the same traditional ways - cuttings, layering, you can use seeds or nuts.