Average lifespan of poodles. How many years do dogs live: life expectancy by breed

  • 31.10.2020

How many years dogs live depends on internal and external factors: genetics, conditions of detention. In this article, we will figure out how long certain dog breeds live and how we affect their lifespan.

How many years do dogs live by breed

Life expectancy is a general figure that gives only a rough estimate of how long a dog of a particular breed will live. On one of the forums, breeders of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels debated that they did not agree that their pets were only 9 years old. In one survey, they confirmed that 30% of their pets live for more than 15 years.

We present a list where it is indicated how many years dogs of a particular breed live.

Breed Life span
Australian shepherd 14 years
Australian terrier 14 years
Akita Inu 10 years
American Akita 11 years
American bulldog 12 years old
American Cocker Spaniel 12 years old
English bulldog 10 years
English Cocker Spaniel 11 years
English mastiff 7 years
English Setter 12 years old
Dogo argentino 12 years old
Basset Hound 12 years old
Belgian shepherd 13 years old
Bernese Mountain Dog 8 years
Beagle 12 years old
Bobtail 13 years old
Border Collie 12 years old
Dogue de bordeaux 7 years
Bullmastiff 9 years
Bull terrier 12 years old
Dalmatian 12 years old
Doberman 10 years
Golden retriever 11 years
Irish Wolfhound 7 years
Yorkshire Terrier 13 years old
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 10 years
Cane Corso 10 years
Collie 13 years old
Labrador 14 years
Pug 13 years old
Moscow Watchdog 10 years
Neapolitan Mastiff 9 years
German Shepherd 12 years old
German dog 9 years
German spitz 15 years
Newfoundland 8 years
Pekingese 12 years old
Poodle 13 years old
Giant schnauzer 12 years old
Rottweiler 10 years
Siberian Husky 13 years old
Scotch terrier 13 years old
Dachshund 13 years old
Tibetan mastiff 9 years
French Bolonka 16 years
French Bulldog 12 years old
Chow Chow 14 years
Chihua-hua 12 years old
Shar Pei 12 years old
Shih Tzu 14 years
Airedale 10 years

What affects a dog's lifespan

  • The size of the animal ... Large breeds live for 10-12 years, and their small breeds delight their owners for 14-15 years. This is partly due to the fact that the body of a large dog is subjected to greater stress due to body weight.
  • Genetic diseases. Each breed has a weak point. Nursery breeders breed healthy offspring through selection. But there are still problems. Mitral valve diseases are found in King Chals. Dogue de Bordeaux (and other large individuals) suffer from arthritis, joint dysplasia, heart disease. German Shepherds - joint diseases, cataracts. When choosing a pet, carefully study the weak links of the breed. And if the puppy is already in your house, then make an effort to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Nutrition must be balanced. If it is dry food, then only premium class. If the food is homemade, then no leftovers from the table. Watch the size of the portion. Obesity leads to diabetes mellitus, heart problems, hypertension, and liver problems.
  • Medical care ... Prevention and timely treatment will prevent diseases from becoming chronic. As a result, the pet lives longer.
  • Active lifestyle. Outdoor activities, body and mind exercises train the body and brain of the animal. It's not for nothing that the record for the longest dog's life was broken by a dog named Blue. He was a shepherd's helper and lived one month less for 29 years. Blue spent most of his time outdoors exercising his body. And he drove the sheep in the right direction, developing the brain. And all his brothers and sisters in the litter did not live more than 13 years.
  • Frequent pregnancies wear out the bitch's body. Rearrangement of hormones when carrying and feeding puppies, baldness after feeding. The mother needs at least 6 months to recover.
  • Stress negatively affect the number of years lived. Do not leave your pet alone for a long time. Eliminate anything that causes prolonged stress in the animal.
  • Popularity ... This factor is negative. If the breed of a dog is popular in the country, then there are always lovers of quick money, whom the breeders call breeders. They do not pay attention to the quality of the livestock. Frequent mating leads to weak puppies.

Who will live longer: a mongrel or a purebred dog

Veterinarians state that mongrels live on average as long as purebred dogs. The mongrels living on the street have strong immunity, developed by the fact that the strongest survive there. But external environmental conditions shorten life expectancy: poor nutrition, chronic stress, hypothermia, lack of home and veterinary care.

A mongrel who lives in a house has as many chances as a purebred relative. After all, they are mestizo, a mixture of different breeds. And from each breed the animal took something for itself. And this is not necessarily a positive factor. We discussed this in About Mestizos.

This article uses photographs of Harlow, Indiana and Reese. They have 250,000 Facebook fans. Subscribe and you.

P.S. It depends on the person how many years the dog will live in his house. With sufficient care, the animal will delight you 3-5, or even 7 years more than the average.

P.P.S. How many years did your pet live? Share with us in the comments.

Perhaps this topic will seem very sad, and many simply do not want to think about it now. But still, how many years will our dog live? Of course, this period depends on internal and external factors: genetics, conditions of detention.

In this article, ProfPet will work with you to figure out how long certain dog breeds live and how we affect their lifespan.

Breed lifespan
Life expectancy is a general figure that gives only a rough estimate of how long a dog of a particular breed will live.

On one of the forums, breeders of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels debated that they did not agree that their pets were only 9 years old. In one survey, they confirmed that 30% of their pets live for more than 15 years.

We present a list where it is indicated how many years dogs of a particular breed live.
Breed Lifespan
Australian Shepherd 14 years old
Australian Terrier 14 years old
Akita Inu 10 years old
American Akita 11 years old
American Bulldog 12 years old
American Cocker Spaniel 12 years old
English Bulldog 10 years old
English Cocker Spaniel 11 years old
English Mastiff 7 years old
English Setter 12 years old
Dogo Argentino 12 years old
Basset Hound 12 years old
Basenji 13 years old
Belgian Shepherd 13 years old
Bernese Mountain Dog 8 years old
Beagle 12 years old
Bichon Frize 13 years old
Bobtail 13 years old
Border Collie 12 years old
Dogue de Bordeaux 7 years old
Bullmastiff 9 years old
Bull Terrier 12 years old
Dalmatian 12 years old
Jack russell terrier 14 years old
Doberman 10 years old
Golden Retriever 11 years old
Irish Wolfhound 7 years old
Yorkshire Terrier 13 years old
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 10 years old
Cane Corso 10 years old
Ca De Bo 13 years old
Chinese Crested Dog 14 years old
Collie 13 years old
Labrador 14 years old
Pug 13 years old
Moscow Watchdog 10 years
Neapolitan Mastiff 9 years old
German Shepherd 12 years old
Great Dane 9 years old
German Spitz 15 years old
Newfoundland 8 years old
Pekingese 12 years old
Poodle 13 years old
Giant Schnauzer 12 years old
Rottweiler 10 years old
Siberian Husky 13 years old
Scottish Terrier 13 years old
Dachshund 13 years old
Tibetan Mastiff 9 years old
French Bolonka 16 years old
French Bulldog 12 years old
Chow Chow 14 years old
Chihua-Hua 12 years old
Shar Pei 12 years old
Shih Tzu 14 years old
Spitz 14 years old
Airedale Terrier 10 years old

What affects a dog's lifespan

The size of the animal.
Large breeds live for 10-12 years, and their small breeds delight their owners for 14-15 years. This is partly due to the fact that the body of a large dog is subjected to greater stress due to body weight.

Genetic disease and.
Each breed has a weak point. Nursery breeders breed healthy offspring through selection. But there are still problems.
Have king chals there are diseases of the mitral valve.
Dogue de Bordeaux (and other large individuals) suffer from arthritis, joint dysplasia, heart disease.
German shepherds- joint diseases, cataracts.
When choosing a pet, carefully study the weak links of the breed. And if the puppy is already in your house, then make an effort to prevent the development of the disease.

Nutrition must be balanced.
If it is dry food, then only premium class. If the food is homemade, then no leftovers from the table. Watch the size of the portion. Obesity leads to diabetes mellitus, heart problems, hypertension, and liver problems.

Medical care.
Prevention and timely treatment will prevent diseases from becoming chronic. As a result, the pet lives longer.

Active lifestyle.
Outdoor activities, body and mind exercises train the body and brain of the animal. It's not for nothing that the record for the longest dog's life was broken by a dog named Blue. He was a shepherd's helper and lived one month less for 29 years. Blue spent most of his time outdoors exercising his body. And he drove the sheep in the right direction, developing the brain. And all his brothers and sisters in the litter did not live more than 13 years.

Frequent pregnancies wear out the bitch's body.
Rearrangement of hormones when carrying and feeding puppies, baldness after feeding. The mother needs at least 6 months to recover.

Stress negatively affects the number of years lived.
Do not leave your pet alone for a long time. Eliminate anything that causes prolonged stress in the animal.

This factor is negative. If the breed of a dog is popular in the country, then there are always lovers of quick money, whom the breeders call breeders. They do not pay attention to the quality of the livestock. Frequent mating leads to weak puppies.

Who will live longer: a mongrel or a purebred dog
Veterinarians state that mongrels live on average as long as purebred dogs. The mongrels living on the street have strong immunity, developed by the fact that the strongest survive there. But external environmental conditions shorten life expectancy: poor nutrition, chronic stress, hypothermia, lack of home and veterinary care.

A mongrel who lives in a house has as many chances as a purebred relative. After all, they are mestizo, a mixture of different breeds. And from each breed the animal took something for itself. And this is not necessarily a positive factor.

P.S. It depends on the person how many years the dog will live in his house. With sufficient care, the animal will delight you 3-5, or even 7 years more than the average.

Based on materials: www.osobake.by

When buying a dog, we, as a rule, do not think about how many years the dogs live, paying attention to the cute face, coat, color and smart eyes. But this can be an important, and sometimes a decisive factor. After all, a dog is not just a faithful companion. This is a guard and assistant in household chores. We will try to tell you about how many dogs of different breeds live on average and how you can extend their life.

Unfortunately, the lifespan of dogs is relatively short. Dogs of large breeds are also known to live shorter lives than small dogs. A dog whose weight in adulthood exceeds 26 kg, and whose height is 60 centimeters, can be safely attributed to large breeds. From the table we can roughly find out how long do big dogs live.

Breed Life span
in years
Alaskan Malamute 8
English mastiff 6
Afghan Hound 13
Belgian shepherd 12
Boxer 10
Dogue de bordeaux 8,5
Bullmastiff 8,5
Weinmaraner 10
Greyhound 13
Doberman 10
Deutsch Drathhaar 12
Irish wolfhound 6
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 9
Cane Corso 10
Neapolitan Mastiff 8
German Shepherd 10
German dog 8
Newfoundlen 7
Rottweiler 10
Giant schnauzer 11
Russian greyhound 10
St. Bernard 9
Tosa Inu 10
Central asian shepherd dog
Tibetan mastiff 8
Turkish kangal 12
Scottish setter 11
Airedale 11
South Russian Shepherd 10

Medium sized dogs Is the largest group. It contains about 200 breeds. The characteristics of this group are as follows: weight - from 13 to 25 kilograms, height at the withers 40-57 cm. Such breeds, on average, live longer than their large counterparts.

Breed Life span
in years
Australian shepherd 13
Akitainu 9
American bulldog 9
Amstaff 12
English bulldog 9
English setter 11
Basenji 15
Basset hound 13
Bullterer 13
Dalmatian 13
Golden retriever 12
Irish Setter 12
Karelo-Finnish laika 10
Karelian bearish 10
Keeshond 14
Kerry blue terrier 14
Collie 12
Labrador 12
Mittel schnauzer 14
Pit bull terrier 14
Pointer 13
Russianpe Gayagonchaya 13
Samoyed Laika 15
Siberian Husky 12
Whippet 14
Pharaoh Hound 13
Hovawart 12
Chauchau 13
Shar Pei 11
Jagd terrier 13

Small breed dogs in size they are divided into the following groups: toy (height up to 28 cm at the withers), dwarfs (below 35 cm) and small (below 45 cm). The weight of such dogs does not exceed 10 kilograms.

Breed Life span
in years
Australian silky terrier 15
American cocker spaniel 14
English cocker spaniel 12
Affenpinscher 12
Biverjork 15
Beagle 15
Bichon Frize 15
Border Terrier 14
Italian greyhound 15
Yorkshire Terrier 15
Cairn terrier 13
Chinese Crested 10
Maltese 14
Pug 12
Pekingese 13
Russian spaniel 13
Scotch terrier 12
Dachshund 13
Fox terrier 13
French Bulldog 11
Chihuahua 13
Sheltie 13
Spitz 15
Japanese Chin 16

It should be noted, however, that weight and height are not the only factors affecting a dog's lifespan. There are exceptions to any rule. Your pet's age can vary significantly, as it depends on a huge number of external and internal factors. The lifestyle, diet, physical activity of your pet has a huge impact.

What affects the lifespan of dogs

Mongrels suffer from hereditary diseases much fewer purebred dogs

If in youth the dog ate well, walked in the fresh air, was regularly examined by a veterinarian, kept at a comfortable temperature and clean, in adulthood its health will not cause you any special problems.

How many mongrel dogs live - mongrels? Studies have shown that they have a clear health advantage over purebred dogs. After all, their intelligence, health, height, weight and other characteristics are the result of mixing the characteristics of several types. At the same time, hereditary diseases characteristic of a particular breed are not inherent in them.

Of course, all this applies to domestic dogs, having an owner, a home and appropriate care. Street dogs, unfortunately, are under the influence of constant stress factors: weather conditions, food quality, diet, lack of veterinary care. All this significantly shortens the life span of such animals.

How to extend the life of a four-legged friend

Be considerate of your dog and he will live a long, happy life.

If you want your pet to feel comfortable, follow these simple guidelines:

  • First of all, you should take care of a competent, varied and balanced diet. Don't forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.
  • It is also worth controlling the weight of the pet, because its excess is often the cause of cardiovascular diseases and problems with the skeleton.
  • Mode. Your dog needs to be active in order to feel good. Before you even have a puppy, think about whether you can provide enough physical activity or opt for a dog with a calmer temperament.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene of the dog itself is an important component of its health.
  • Favorable microclimate in the family. If peace and tranquility reign in the family, stressful situations do not undermine the mental and physical health of the pet.
  • Veterinary care throughout your pet's life. Many problems and diseases in an animal's old age can be, if not avoided, then reduced their catastrophic impact if they are detected at an early stage. Do not neglect preventive examinations, vaccinations, cleaning of tartar.
  • Try to also minimize the possibility of accidents. Walking the dog correctly will prevent the possibility of poisoning or an accident. Restricting access to wires and cables will protect your pet from electric shock.

Thus, when acquiring a dog, you should pay attention to the breed and the conditions of keeping typical for it. This will allow you not only to know in advance how long your four-legged comrade will live, but also to take measures to extend this period. Let your dog please you with excellent health and wonderful mood for as long as possible. After all, this is a guarantee of your longevity and well-being.

It may seem unfair to some that the average life span of dogs is so short. Years fly by quickly, the puppy turns into a mature dog, and now, the veterinarian suggests to euthanize his beloved pet so that he does not suffer from pain ... How much time is allotted to dogs on our planet?


average life expectancy

In the process of evolution of dogs, it was revealed that the life expectancy of dogs of different breeds is different. If we take in a complex such factors as the heredity of the breed, the living conditions of the pet, its size, then we can assume how many years this or that animal can live. Of course, this indicator will be very approximate, since an additional set of factors must be taken into account in order to take into account the maximum permissible number of years lived.

It has been proven that representatives of large breeds trample the ground less than others. The lifespan of small breed dogs is much longer. So, for example, a Bolonka can live as much as 20 years, while it is unlikely to meet its eighth birthday. German Shepherd Dogs can live up to 14 years, and Chihuahua Dogs have an average lifespan of 15-17 years. Large breeds are more susceptible to various diseases, their skeleton is exposed to active stress, and the body is aging rapidly.

Dog - Human: Age Matching

Previously, people believed that a dog grows and develops seven times faster than a person. But now they realized that this was not at all the case. After all, a one-year-old dog is already a fully formed physically and mentally individual. A seven-year-old human cub is not one. Therefore, now experienced dog breeders have created a rough calculation of the correspondence of canine and human ages.

Long life factors

Of course, every dog ​​owner would very much like the animal to meet its deep old age. But it is not so easy to achieve the maximum in this matter, since the upbringing and maintenance of a dog is not an easy matter. Nevertheless, it will be correct to report that the life expectancy of his pet will mainly depend on the owner.

When you start a dog, keep the following factors in mind from the very beginning:

  • a properly composed diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • psychological factor;
  • heredity of diseases of different breeds;
  • regular visits to the veterinary clinic.


In the question of how many years dogs live, heredity of diseases plays an important role. Basically, this factor no longer depends on the breed, but on the size of the dog. So, in small pets such as Pinscher or Bolonka, the fontanel and Batalov duct may not overgrow, the teeth may crumble or rot, there may also be anomalies in the growth of cilia, hydrocephalus and collapse of the trachea.

(German Shepherds, Retrievers), due to their rapid and active growth, suffer from joint diseases, obesity, volvulus of the eyelids, dislocation of the knee caps, cataracts and atrophy of the retina. Large breeds (Newfoundland, Dogue de Bordeaux) have similar ailments: joint dysplasia, volvulus, bloating, arthritis, dermatitis, heart disease.

To reduce the likelihood of a hereditary disease, it is better to get a puppy in a good kennel that values ​​its reputation. There, most likely, carriers of serious ailments will not be allowed to breed. You can estimate the likelihood of a puppy getting sick at the age of 1.5 years.

Life expectancy by breed

BreedLife span
Australian shepherd14 years
Australian terrier14 years
Akita Inu10 years
American Akita11 years
American bulldog12 years old
American Cocker Spaniel12 years old
English bulldog10 years
English Cocker Spaniel11 years
English mastiff7 years
English Setter12 years old
Dogo argentino12 years old
Basset Hound12 years old
Belgian shepherd13 years old
Bernese Mountain Dog8 years
Beagle12 years old
Bobtail13 years old
Border Collie12 years old
Dogue de bordeaux7 years
Bullmastiff9 years
Bull terrier12 years old
Dalmatian12 years old
Doberman10 years
Golden retriever11 years
Irish Wolfhound7 years
Yorkshire Terrier13 years old
Caucasian Shepherd Dog10 years
Cane Corso10 years
Collie13 years old
Labrador14 years
Pug13 years old
Moscow Watchdog10 years
Neapolitan Mastiff9 years
German Shepherd12 years old
German dog9 years
German spitz15 years
Newfoundland8 years
Pekingese12 years old
Poodle13 years old
Giant schnauzer12 years old
Rottweiler10 years
Siberian Husky13 years old
Scotch terrier13 years old
Dachshund13 years old
Tibetan mastiff9 years
French Bolonka16 years
French Bulldog12 years old
Chow Chow14 years
Chihua-hua12 years old
Shar Pei12 years old
Shih Tzu14 years
Airedale10 years

How long do Dvor Terriers live?

Many pedigree dog breeders know that mongrels can live longer at home. Born on the street, a purebred puppy has strong immunity, its stomach is able to digest a variety of food, while purebred relatives need to be fed only with super premium food.

If you take home a yard dog, take good care of it, vaccinate against diseases, walk regularly, then it can live up to 20 years, regardless of size. It turns out that mongrels combine the characteristics of different breeds, which are mixed in their blood and genes.

But if you are interested in the question of how many years mongrel dogs live in street conditions, then the picture here is not so rosy. Despite strong immunity and the ability to eat anything, yard dogs are susceptible to various mechanical injuries, serious diseases, hypothermia, and so on. Often such a dog does not live up to 10 years.

Long life of the dog in the hands of the owner

Any pet can live a long time if its owner is attentive and loving towards a four-legged friend. To do this, he will have to devote time, spend money and show feelings for the animal. Therefore, if you are going to have a puppy, be prepared for this, because a dog is not a plush toy.

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If you have a purebred dog, then in matters of feeding you should not have any problems. But in keeping a purebred dog such as the German Shepherd or Akita Inu, the owner's carelessness in making up the diet can lead to digestive problems or even the death of the animal. In this matter, you should adhere to only two rules:

  1. You need to buy exclusively premium food, and natural food - of high quality.
  2. Feeding should be carried out in a strict regimen and in limited portions. It is strongly not recommended to feed the dog additionally (especially from the table)!

Medical examination

Each pet should have its own medical history, which is best managed by a single veterinarian. From the age of one month, it is necessary to do all vaccinations, follow the rules of care before and after vaccination, carefully monitor the condition of the animal and changes in its appearance, habits. When a dog reaches adulthood, it is very important to detect the onset of diseases in time, which almost no animal can avoid in old age. Sometimes the illness can be cured or alleviated.


All puppies who live in the home prior to vaccination should be clipped. After starting walking, you need to monitor the length of the claws. And finally, it is worth recalling the eyes, which also need care.

Psychological factor

Along with other factors, interaction, mutual love and friendship between man and dog plays a big role. If you leave the dog alone for a long time, then the pet will be very bored and worried. Well, Newfoundland will begin to suffer altogether, which will certainly affect its health and life expectancy. When keeping a dog, keep in mind: its life expectancy will directly depend on the quality of your care and the degree of care.

Video "The oldest dog in the world"

It was a dog named Blue, who lived for 29 years and 5 months, after which he was euthanized.

We humans live much longer than dogs, so we inevitably face the need to part with our beloved pets. No matter how much we want our dog to live forever, or at least as long as we do, we need to understand the approximate age of the coming old age and parting with our dog. We must prepare for this, understand the needs of an aging dog in order to maximize its life and take a balanced approach to its care.

So how many years have our four-legged friends been released? How long will my dog ​​live? The answer to this question depends on many factors and primarily on such as: the size of the dog, its genes, breed, health, care and relationship.

The size

Small dogs live significantly longer than large dogs. You may already know this. Why this happens is still not known.

There is an assumption that large dogs start to get sick with age-related diseases earlier than small ones. In any case, one way or another, a small dog will live longer than a large one, and this is a fact.

Along with size, the breed also has an effect on a dog's lifespan.

Small dogs

Small dogs usually live between 11 and 16 years old, some can live up to 18 years old.

Medium dogs

Medium-sized dogs typically live 10 to 14 years. Of course, in this category there are also long-livers who live longer lives.

Large and very large dogs

The lifespan of large dogs usually ranges from 10 to 13 years, and very large dogs from 7 to 10 years.


Depending on the breed, you can expect an approximate lifespan of a dog within the following ranges:

Breed How many years live
Australian shepherd 12-15
Akita - inu 10-14
Alabai 10-12
Alaskan Malamute 10-13
American stafford 12-14
Afghan Hound 12-14
Basenji 12-14
Basset Hound 11-14
Belgian shepherd 10-12
Beagle 12-14
Bichon Frize 12-15
Bloodhound 10-12
Bobtail 10-12
Boxer 8-12
Border Collie 10-14
Dogue de bordeaux 9-11
Boston terrier 13-14
Bulldog american 12-14
Bulldog english 8-12
Bulldog french 11-14
Bullmastiff 8-10
Bull terrier 11-14
Weimaraner 10-13
Welsh corgi 12-15
West Highland White Terrier 12-14
Dalmatian 12-14
Jack Russell Terrier 13-15
Doberman 10-12
Drathhaar 12-14
Golden retriever 10-13
Irish wolfhound 8-10
Irish Setter 12-14
Italian greyhound 12-15
Yorkshire Terrier 12-15
Cavalier king charles spaniel 10-14
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 8-12
Cane Corso 10-12
Miniature pinscher 12-14
Keeshond 12-14
Chinese Crested 13-16
American Cocker Spaniel 13-15
Cocker Spaniel english 13-14
Collie 8-12
Kurzhaar 12-14
Labrador retriever 10-12
Laika 10-14
Maltese 14-16
Mastiff 8-10
Mittel schnauzer 12-14
Pug 13-16
Moscow watchdog 8-10
German Shepherd 10-12
German dog 7-10
Papillon 12-15
Pekingese 12-15
Pomeranian 14-16
Big poodle 11-14
Small poodle 11-15
Toy poodle 12-16
Giant schnauzer 10-12
Rhodesian ridgeback 10-12
Rottweiler 8-11
Russian greyhound 10-12
Russian toy terrier 12-15
Samoyed 10-12
St. Bernard 8-10
Siberian Husky 11-13
Scotch terrier 11-13
Staffordshire bull terrier 12-14
Dachshund 12-15
Miniature schnauzer 12-15
Chow Chow 8-12
Chihuahua 14-17
Shar Pei 8-13
Sheltie 12-14
Shiba inu 12-15
Shih tzu 11-14
Airedale 10-13
Japanese Chin 12-14


Undoubtedly, a dog's lifespan also depends on its health. Many dog ​​breeds are prone to breed diseases. If you identify and eliminate the negative consequences of certain diseases in time, you can significantly extend the life of your pet.

Dogs get sick, some quite often, especially in old age. Timely qualified veterinary care will also help your dog live longer.


Genes are responsible for the rate of aging and the propensity for disease, so they also have an impact on the dog's lifespan. Probably, if a dog had long-lived ancestors in the family, then, having inherited their genes, it will also live a long time.

If you are taking a dog from a breeder, you can ask how old the ancestors of the puppy you are planning to take.

Relationships and caring

We often become very attached to our dogs and treat them like members of our family or even like our children. This attitude leads to meticulous care of your pet. We take care of all aspects of our dog's life. We regularly take care of it and protect it from possible problems, thereby reducing the risk of accidents. This in turn also prolongs the life of our dogs.

It is also possible that our love and desire to be with them as long as possible makes a significant contribution to the continuation of the life path of our dogs.

The time will probably come when dogs will live longer. And now we can only do everything in our power to prolong their life.

The approximate human age of a dog

To better understand the age of the dog and what to be prepared for, it is useful to correlate the age of the pet with the human age. Below is a table that will help you draw the appropriate conclusions.

Age (years) of the dog Small dogs up to 10 kg. Medium dogs from 10 to 23 kg. Large dogs from 23 to 40 kg. Large dogs over 40 kg.
8 45 51 57 63
9 49 56 63 70
10 53 61 69 77
11 57 66 75 84
12 61 71 81 91
13 65 76 87 98
14 69 81 93 103
15 73 86 99 112
16 77 91 105 119
17 81 96 111 126
18 85 101 117
19 89 106 123
20 93 111
21 97 116
22 101 121