What order are the rescues in? Three Spas in August: Honey, Apple, Walnut

  • 29.09.2019
August 13, 2018, 09:58

In August, the Orthodox celebrate three important and beloved ones at once, which symbolize the end of the harvesting work and are closely related to the Christian faith. These are Honey, Apple and Nut Spas

We owe the appearance of these festive dates to the Vyshgorod prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who founded these bright days 950 years ago. Any of the three Spas is a special holiday, because they are named after Jesus Christ, who, by his death, gave salvation to mankind. The symbols of this sacrifice were honey, ripe apples and nuts.

In the Christian faith, the feast of the Honey Savior is the day Life-Giving Cross Lord's. It was at this time many years ago that part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified was carried through the streets of Constantinople, thus saving the inhabitants of the city from terrible illness and death.

The second name of the holiday "Makovey" appeared due to the fact that on August 14 they celebrate the day of memory of the seven martyrs of Maccabees. Due to the similarity of the names, this holiday was associated with the poppy, which ripens at this time. Therefore, on the first Spas, poppy seeds are added to the traditional honey sweets.

Apple Savior is a kind of farewell to summer. The nights are getting colder, and it's time for the first apple harvest. There was a tradition according to which it was impossible to eat apples before the Savior. Only with the advent of the holiday, fragrant fruits were carried to church, consecrated, and only then eaten.

The Last Savior is called Nut or Khlebny because it was at that time that the hazelnuts and completed the work on harvesting grain. Therefore, there was a lot of bread and other pastries on the table. Nuts were brought to church on August 29 to consecrate, only then they were eaten. Another name for this day is Savior on the Canvas, because it was on August 29 that it was customary to buy and sell fabrics for winter needlework. Also on this day there is a big Orthodox holiday - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Spas - Honey, Apple and Bread. Find out how these holidays are celebrated and what traditions should be observed.

Honey Spas

The very first Savior of August is invariably celebrated August 14 and coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast. From that day on, beekeepers began to collect honey from overcrowded hives. Then the delicacy was carried to the church to illuminate, only after that they tried honey and treated their loved ones to it. From here originates the first, most famous name Spas - Honey.

By August 14, the collection of poppies began, from which various treats were made for the festive table, so Spas got his second name - Poppy or Makavey. Poppy Savior folk tradition associated with the church day of commemoration of the seven Old Testament martyrs Maccobees.

On this day, they asked the Lord and the Saints for a good harvest and not a hungry winter. They consecrated the water in the springs and collected herbs for amulets. Spas was celebrated modestly, because by the beginning of August, work related to the harvest was still in full swing and there was no time for a magnificent holiday. After a heavy labor day celebrations were organized, accompanied by dances and songs, and on the table were treats with honey and poppy seeds, as well as mead.

Apple Spas

Harvest Festival celebrated annually August 19 and timed to coincide with a larger church date - the Transfiguration of the Lord.

According to legend, from that day on, nature turned towards autumn and turned away from summer. The earth was transformed and gave people new harvest fruits. Apples picked at the end of the summer were taken to church to be blessed, and then cooked from them for Lenten treats.

Some of the consecrated apples were taken to the cemetery and placed on the graves of deceased relatives and close people. They illuminated the grain ears, which from this were well stored until the next year.

Girls spoke apples to get married this year and become happy. Tasting the fruits, they made a wish for a groom, saying: “What is thought is contrived! What is imagined will come true! What will come true - will not pass!

Despite the fact that work in the fields was still ongoing, the Apple Savior was especially revered, so folk festivals were organized with songs and dances.

The third rescued in August

The Third Savior of August, which is popularly called the Bread or Nut Savior, is timed to coincide with a church holiday in honor of the acquisition of the Image of the Not-Made-by-Hand Savior of our Christ.

August 29, on the feast of the Savior, bread baked from the flour of the new harvest was consecrated. Bread was served festive table and treated them to loved ones and neighbors. The first, bread, should be tasted by the oldest man in the family.

On the Third Spas, people went to the forest to collect nuts, after all harvested crop they poured it out onto the canvas, and next to it they laid a tablecloth on which there were treats. The holiday was celebrated in nature in a larger circle of guests.

Three Spas in August - important holidays for everyone Orthodox person. They contain age-old traditions that should be remembered. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

11.08.2015 01:20

Every year in August it is customary to celebrate the Spas - folk and Orthodox holidays. After learning more about the latter,...

Assumption fast is approaching. It is shrouded in signs and superstitions associated with the celebration of the so-called. "Three Saviors" Many Orthodox believe in them and follow folk traditions. With your help, I would like to clarify: what is right and what is categorically bad in these traditions?

The very name "Savior" indicates that these holidays are associated with the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, and remind us of the need to believe in Him. It is noteworthy that in addition to a purely religious context, the celebration of these events also has a dimension of folk life, from which the names of the three Saviors arose.

This question has two aspects. On the one hand, the religious traditions that have entered the flesh and blood of our people testify to the fact that Orthodox faith has always been an integral part of his life, way of life and worldview. Religion played such a significant role in people's lives that it was reflected in all its most important aspects. Good harvest or drought favorable climatic conditions or danger natural Disasters It was all a matter of life and death. And all their hope in worldly cares people placed on the Lord. Work began with prayer, prayer services were served in the fields, turned to God in difficult circumstances and received real help, as they prayed from the bottom of their hearts, with deep faith. Having received good harvest, people carried its symbolic part to the temple as a token of gratitude to God. It is no coincidence that there is a proverb among the people: "Without God, not to the threshold." Our ancestors knew well that any disasters are the result of sin and violation of God's commandments, and therefore they hurried to the temple, repented, took communion.

Bringing the first fruits of the first harvest to God is a custom that dates back to Old Testament times. For many centuries, the people sacredly kept the ancient religious rites. Popular piety, which has always been associated with deep ecclesiasticism, veneration Orthodox holidays, the preservation of the Gospel ideal of life - strictly preserved the Christian soul of our people.

On the other hand, one should also note the sad fact of the spread of many superstitions associated with the veneration of holidays and saints. Superstition - that is, vain, empty faith, faith in emptiness, when supernatural properties are attributed to ordinary objects - is the result of religious ignorance and the loss of a living connection with the Church. Superstitions arise when secondary, external, ritual things are put at the forefront, and what is really main and important - the inner content - is simply forgotten, lost.

Take, for example, the tradition of consecrating honey and fruits in the temple on special holidays. What we bring to the temple (in this case, fruits and honey) is of secondary importance, because, in fact, God does not need all this. Just in this way, we symbolically express gratitude to the Creator as the Generous Giver of blessings and the Provider of our life. And the main expression of our gratitude lies in repentance, prayer, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The church people knew this well. And hence the piety of the people, based on the reverent fear of God - on Sundays and holidays leave all earthly worries and come to the church for the Liturgy, confess, take communion, pray to God for yourself and your loved ones. In addition, it should be noted that people brought what they grew with their own hands and obtained with their own labor, and therefore the attitude towards this tradition was probably somewhat different. But when a person sees only the external attributes of a holiday, without understanding its spiritual meaning, without participating in the mysterious life of the Church, he begins to attribute various supernatural properties to these objects and thus falls into gross superstition.

For example, on the first Spas, Medovy or Mackovey, from which the Dormition Fast begins on August 14, people consecrate honey. It is believed to have healing powers. Please comment and tell us about the meaning of this holiday.

On August 14, the Church celebrates the Origin (wearing out) of the precious trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. We remember the One by whose power the instrument of execution became the tree of life for the believer. The origin of this holiday is connected with the tradition, which in the 9th century was established in Constantinople in connection with the spread of deadly epidemics in the midst of the heat - to wear out in early August a part of the Life-Giving Cross from the house church of the Greek emperors to the church of Hagia Sophia. At the same time, they also consecrated the water, went out religious processions into the streets and roads, and many sick people were healed. To this day in all Orthodox churches on this holiday, the rite of consecration of water is performed.

Also on this day, the memory of the Old Testament martyrs - Eleazar, his disciples, the brothers Maccabees and their mother Solomon, who suffered for the strict keeping of the Law of God, is celebrated. The tradition of bringing poppies for consecration is associated with the name of the Maccabee martyrs, which is obviously caused by the consonance of its name with the name of the martyrs.
This holiday is popularly called the Honey Savior, since by this time the honey of the new collection ripens, which is customary to bring to the temple, as a clear embodiment of God's mercy to us sinners. It must be remembered that the consecration of honey on this day is just a pious tradition that has nothing to do with the feast of the All-Merciful Savior, and even more so should not overshadow the true meaning of the celebration.

As for the healing power of honey, its beneficial properties are known to all. I think no one doubts the usefulness and healing qualities of this product. But it is superstitious to give honey, consecrated in the temple on this day, some kind of miraculous power - it means to worship the creature, instead of honoring the Creator, Who gave us all these blessings.

Also on August 14 - the beginning of the Dormition Fast, which lasts two weeks - until the feast of the Assumption Mother of God. This is a strict post dedicated to memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Who in fasting and prayer dwelt in the temple from early childhood. With this fast we must purify our souls and, imitating the Most Holy Theotokos, spend this time in prayer, abstinence and contemplation of God.

The Second Savior, which is called the Apple Savior, is celebrated on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19. From this day on, apples are allowed to be eaten. People say: After Easter until the Apple Savior, you can’t eat apples. Is it so? And why does the Apple Savior fall on the Transfiguration?

The Transfiguration has an important theological meaning, as it shows the state in which we will be after the Second Coming. The glory of the Transfiguration will become the property of those people who share with the Savior the joy of the Kingdom of God. “The Lord was transfigured not without a reason, but in order to show us the future transformation of our nature and His future coming,” wrote St. John Chrysostom. On this day, a Christian should confess and take communion, honor the holiday with a prayer in the temple, so that through communion with this great event, at least one step closer to his own transformation.

On this holiday, it is customary to consecrate apples, grapes and other ripened fruits in the temple. Very often, people who are far from the Church give the consecration of fruits magical properties, which is misleading. The meaning of consecration on the day of the Transfiguration is only that we bring to God the first fruits of the new harvest. This tradition dates back to the time Old Testament, when it was established by God to bring to the temple everything that appeared first in the field or in the barn - wheat, fruit, lamb. Christians adopted this tradition and also began to bring the fruits of their labors to the temple. In Palestine, the feast of the Transfiguration fell at the time of the ripening of grapes, which were brought for consecration, thereby blessing the new harvest, from which wine was made for the Eucharist. When the holiday came to Russia, instead of grapes, which they had not yet learned to plant, they consecrated apples. But the meaning remained the same - to bring God all the first and best.

The Typikon prescribes to refrain from eating apples until they are blessed. And the meaning of this prescription is not so much in abstaining from fruits for a certain period, but in the fact that the first fruits of the harvest must first be consecrated and only then consumed. In some monasteries, there is a tradition to consecrate the fruits of the first harvest as soon as they ripen, and then eat them at a meal, without waiting for the feast of the Transfiguration.

And on the last, third Spas, Orekhovy, on August 29, they bless nuts in churches ... What should the Orthodox do with these traditions? And what do we celebrate on this day?

Nut Savior is a holiday in honor of the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands. And, of course, it is quite obvious that nuts are not to be taken care of on this day. In general, the less we pay attention to minor things that do not affect the salvation of our souls, the better.
To understand various signs, one must always look at the meaning of an action or custom. In the Church, everything is meaningful, everything is subject to the Gospel logic, it serves the salvation of the human soul. And superstition is always devoid of internal meaning and focuses on external action, with a complete absence of internal content. In order not to become a victim of spiritually harmful superstitions invented by non-church people, it is necessary to go to church and strictly adhere to church tradition.

- What would you like to wish all of us at the beginning of the Dormition Fast?

First of all, I would like to congratulate all Orthodox Christians from the bottom of my heart on the upcoming holidays and the beginning of the Dormition Fast. We pray that the Lord would show mercy to our people and “bless His people with peace” (Ps. 28:11). The Church calls us to repentance, because this is the only way to a peaceful life and eternal salvation. “I have offered you life and death, a blessing and a curse,” we read in Holy Scripture. “Choose life so that you and your offspring may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

A person makes his own choice and is responsible for it. And if only we sincerely turn to the Heavenly Father with repentant prayer, He will give us everything necessary so that we can overcome evil and be reborn to eternal life. For this, penitential days of fasting are offered to us, so that through a little spiritual work we become able to feel and accept Divine grace, which transforms a person and the world around him. Cleansing ourselves from the filth of sin and passions, we draw closer to God, which means we return to the Father's house. “May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in everything. The Lord is with you all!” (2 Thess. 3:16).

Interviewed by Natalya Goroshkova

When is Nut Savior? Or Khlebny Savior, as this holiday is also called. From the article you will learn the date, the history of the Nut Savior holiday and traditions.

All three Spas are named in honor of Jesus Christ - the Savior (Savior).

Nut Savior is the third Savior. In total, three Spas are celebrated in August - Honey, Apple and Walnut. Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29.

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These holidays, beloved by the people, have both Orthodox traditions and meaning, and folk. Three Spas celebrate:

  • August 14 - the feast of Maccabee, the people of the Honey Savior;
  • August 19 - the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, among the people Apple Savior;
  • August 29 is the feast of the Image of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands, among the people of the Nut Spas.

1st Spas - Honey is celebrated on August 14th.

Even among the people, the 1st Spas is called Maccabeus, Wet Spas. In Orthodoxy, believers remember the feat of 7 brothers Maccabees (Wikipedia), their mothers and teachers, who were executed for believing in the One God, because they refused to bow pagan gods. Honey and bouquets of flowers are brought to the Temple for consecration; bouquets always contain ripe poppy heads.

They call it Honey Savior because it is time to collect honey from beekeepers. And the Wet 1st Savior or also the Savior on the Water is called in connection with the consecration of new wells.

2nd Spas - Apple is celebrated on August 19

This holiday reminds of the end of summer and the arrival of autumn: "In the Apple Savior - summer left us."

In connection with the arrival of autumn and the harvest, fruits are taken to the Temple for consecration - grapes, pears and apples. Therefore, the Savior is called Apple.

Believers celebrate on this day Transfiguration. The Bible tells that on this day Jesus Christ for the first time was transfigured before people and showed himself as God - he shone with an immaterial light in front of his disciples the Apostles Peter, John and James on Mount Tabor. The prophets Elijah and Moses appeared before Christ and spoke with him about the future crucifixion. Also from heaven came the voice of God: “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him." Christ forbade his disciples to talk about what they saw.

3rd Spas - Walnut is celebrated on August 29

Also among the people the 3rd Spas is called Khlebny and Linen.

Believers celebrate the day of the transfer on August 29, 944 of the miraculous image of Jesus Christ to Constantinople from Edessa. The history of the holiday is as follows: the Turkish king, who suffered from leprosy, learned about the miraculous healings of Jesus Christ. He sent an artist to Jesus to paint His holy image. But the portrait did not work out, then Christ wiped his face with a towel and gave it to the painter.

The face of the Savior was reflected on the towel. The Turkish ruler was healed from the miraculous image of Jesus. Constantine - The Byzantine emperor ordered the image to be transferred on August 29, 944 from Edessa to Constantinople.

On the day of the 3rd Savior, believers bring nuts to the Temple for consecration. These days the harvest ends, so this holiday is also called the Bread Savior.

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I wish everyone the help of the Savior in all your good deeds! Joy, faith, hope, love and peace of mind!

See you on the blog pages!

According to Christian tradition, every Savior is a holiday in honor of the Savior Jesus Christ. In August, three holidays are celebrated at once, popularly called: honey Savior, apple Savior and nut spas. Three Spas - one of the important holidays in church calendar. They are closely related to household and field work.

First Spas, or Honey, - the day when, according to legend, the bees stopped collecting honey. Second, Apple, marked the beginning of the apple season. From that day on, it was possible to eat apples - before that, there was a ban on the consumption of fruits.

BUT Third Spas- the time it ended field work and the period of collecting nuts began. That is why the name is Walnut and Bread.

Honey Spas

Honey Spas or Makovey is celebrated every year on August 14th. On this day, Christians go to church and consecrate bouquets of flowers and poppies, honey and fruits.

Among the people, the first day of the Dormition Fast is called Honey Savior. In various regions, the Honey Savior is also called the First Savior, Poppy Savior, Wet Savior, Savior on the Water, Lakomka, Honey Feast, Bee Feast, Seeing Off Summer, Maccabeus.

Previously, it was after Makovey that beekeepers began to collect honey from hives. Usually by this time the combs were already filled. After the church, everyone gathered by the water, ate fruits and honey, sang songs.

According to tradition, it was allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church from this very day. They ate honey with bread. Housewives baked honey gingerbread, pancakes with poppy seeds and honey, pies, buns with poppy seeds. The villagers knew that honey has a special power and is suitable for the treatment of many diseases.

August 14 is also the day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs Maccabees. There were seven of them - Avim, Antonin, Gury, Eleazar, Evsevon, Alim and Markell. All of them were executed by the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes on August 14 in 166 BC. e. for serving God.

There are certain prohibitions on Honey Spas. On August 14, the Dormition Fast begins and certain dietary rules must be followed. Usually on this day, housewives cook lean borscht and dishes with mushrooms.

Also on August 14, a small consecration of water is performed in churches, so the Honey Savior is often called the Savior on the Water. On this day, believers bathed in rivers and lakes for the last time of the year, washing away all sins from themselves.

On this day, you can not quarrel, get angry or wish someone harm. According to legend, all negative wishes can return like a boomerang. Also on this day you can not clean the house and work in the garden. All work must be completed the day before.

In the evening, the whole family should gather at the table and quietly thank God for the meal. You need to start dinner with a spoonful of honey. Before use, make a wish, which, as our ancestors believed, would come true.


Swallows and swifts fly south - the nights will become colder.

If it rains that day, then there will be no forest fires for a whole year.

The weather on this day tells what it will be like next year: if it rains - to cold, heat - to heat, respectively.

Congratulations on Honey Spas