How to correctly read the names of famous brands. How to read English words correctly

  • 22.09.2019


1 Nike

The name of the brand comes from the name of the goddess of victory Nike and in the original it sounds like Nike.

That is how it is pronounced in the United States.

However, ignorance of this fact, on the one hand, and the rules for reading the English word "nike", on the other hand, have led to widespread in Europe in general and in Russia in particular the incorrect transcription of "Nike".

The name, which is essentially incorrect, has not only taken root and gained a foothold, but is also used in the name of the official representative of the company in Russia.

2 Lamborghini

The Italian manufacturer of expensive sports cars is called Lamborghini.

According to the rules of reading in Italian, if "g" is followed by "h", then it is read as "G". However, in Russia, the incorrect pronunciation of "Lamborghini" is so common that even the auto Google search gives it away.

But if you say Lamborghini in the usual way to an Italian, you will be looked at as an idiot who has caused a serious insult.

3. Garnier

Previously, the Garnier brand voiced itself in Russian as Garnier (the mark has been registered in Russia since 1991) - in the tradition of French brands such as Perrier (Perrier) or Courvoisier (Courvoisier).

Later, based on the results of focus groups, the brand abandoned the correct pronunciation and replaced the transcription with transliteration, believing that it was easier for customers to read its name this way.

Cosmetic renaming, despite the media weight, has not helped yet: the network people continue to write the name in the old manner, and even in full transliteration: garnier, garnier, garnier and even garanier.

The brand itself sets the tone for throwing, using three variants of the name in one sentence on the Russian website: “The history of the Garnier brand began in 1904, when Alfred Amour Garnier, a hairdresser, perfumer and haberdasher in the city of Blois, launched his first product, Garnier hair lotion.”

And you can’t figure out the sub-brand naming without Carl and Clara at all: Color Naturals, Dusseur Blond Garnier, Garnier Bel Color ...

4. Hyundai

Translated from Korean, "Hyundai" means "modernity". The correct Russian transliteration of this word is "Hyundai" with an emphasis on the last syllable.

The people of the Korean automaker are also called "Hyundai", and "Hyundai", and even "Hyundai". Similar difficulties with reading Hyundai occur in other countries.

Please note that the brand name has been slightly adapted for Americans.

Similar confusion arises in the pronunciation of the names of some Hyundai car models.

So, the Hyundai Tucson SUV is most often called Tusan, Tuksan, Tucson, Tucson. But in fact, Hyundai Tucson is named after the North American city in Arizona and is correctly pronounced as Tucson.

5. Porsche

Pronounced "Porsche" with an accent on the first syllable, named after the founder of the company, Ferdinand Porsche.

The Russians either confuse the stressed syllable or lose the ending, wondering why, then, the final “e” is not read in the name of the Cayenne luxury SUV (Porsche Cayenne).

An interesting situation with the pronunciation of the brand name ASUS (Asus) in the United States. From the lips of the Americans, ASUS becomes like a not quite decent "asses".

6. B-M-V

Some fighters for the correct naming of everything and everything assure that you need to say "B-M-Double-U."

You don't have to - because "B-M-V" is the perfectly appropriate pronunciation for BMW, the German automaker whose name is known to be short for Bayerische Motoren Werke. AT German the letters included in the brand name are called that way, and W is "Ve".

7. Hennessy

Another story about lovers of “authenticity”: Hennessy cognac is called “Ensi” in France, and therefore the opinion on the topic “We also need to call this cognac correctly” is becoming more and more common. But in reality, it is correct the way we are used to - "Hennessy".

And this is due not to the rules of French pronunciation, but to the name of the founder of the cognac house. Richard Hennessy was Irish.

8. Moet e Chando

Contrary to popular belief in Russia, in the name of the world-famous brand of champagne, when pronouncing, it is not the “t” in the word Moёt that is removed, but the “n” in the word Chandon.

The union "and", represented in the name by an ampersand, is read, as it should be in French, "e".

9. Tag Hoyer

Not “hower”, not “auer”, and not even “yor” (there are such bold proposals).

Heuer watchmaking was founded in Switzerland in 1860 by the Swiss Eduard Hoyer. The prefix TAG appeared in the surname only in 1985, it means Techniques d'Avant Garde, "avant-garde technique".

The abbreviation itself is the name of the company that owned the watch brand for 14 years, until it was bought by the LVMH concern.

10. Lewis or Levis

Careful research has revealed that both variants have long and firmly entered into general use, and even in the United States both variants exist. People continue to be interested, argue, prove, but the entire evidence base in this case comes down to two points: native English speakers most often speak Leviese, because according to the rules English name Levi is read as Levi.

But the name of the creator of the first jeans was Levi. Levi Strauss was a German Jew whose birth name was Loeb. At 18, he moved from his native Bavaria to San Francisco, and his name became Levi for ease of pronunciation in the States. And if you follow the grammar of the English language, then "Lewis" is more correct.

11. Ermes

The name of the luxury French brand comes not so much from the name of the ancient Greek god Hermes, but from the name of the founder.

The fashion house was founded by Thierry Hermes in 1837. And therefore it is more correct to say not “Hermes” and not “Erme”, but “Ermes” with an emphasis on the last syllable.

Or "ermez", if closer to English pronunciation. In addition, the emphasis on the E in the second syllable suggests reading the letter S at the end of the word.

12. Mitsubishi

The Russian representative office of the Japanese automaker Mitsubishi in its latest campaign has focused on the version of "Mitsubishi".

The penultimate sound in Japanese actually reads like a cross between "s" and "sh", but closer to "s" than to "sh", so the vast majority of Japanese scholars and translators from Japanese continue to insist on "Mitsubishi".

And they are thrown up from the word "sushi" - there is exactly the same sound, and therefore "sushi". At this point, it is no longer the Japanists who start throwing up, but simple lovers of rice and fish.

The same Polivanov system, adopted in 1930 and still not rejected, speaks quite clearly about "c" and "ts". "TS" is a simple tracing paper from the English language, in the alphabet of which there is simply no sign to denote the sound "ts".

And we have, and therefore Mitsubishi is correct. Therefore, the option of the Russian office is twice perplexing.

13. Zirox

Surprisingly, in fact, "Zirox", not "Xerox". In the United States, the initial "X" is always read as "Z". "Xena - Warrior Princess" is also spelled "Xena" by the way.

But in Russia, from the very first copier, Xerox was called a Xerox, and now no one will understand what it is about if they hear “Zyrox”.

14. Discuaed

Dsquared is a name that is not so easy to read when you see it for the first time. And it is completely impossible to reproduce its correct pronunciation in Russian letters.

And yet, Russian youth knows very well that Dsquared is pronounced in Russian as “Diskvaer” or “Diskverd”. Maybe not quite right, but that's the way it is.

15. Löwenbräu

Löwenbräu (German: Lion's Brewery, pronounced Löwenbräu, often mispronounced Löwenbräu in Russia) is a German brewing company based in Munich.

16. Clarence\

The most common version is "Clarins" or "Clarin". But neither one nor the other option is correct. "Clara (n) s" is the most correct of all possible options.

True, the second "a" nasal is not in Russian. French stamp, according to the rules of reading French-rins reads like -r/\ns.

17. Bulgari

There are practically no problems with this word, but there are two “buts” - stress and a strange V instead of a vowel.

The brand is Italian, which is why it is pronounced "Bulgari", and not as many people pronounce "Bulgari" or "Bulgari".

And the unusual shape of the letter "u" in the logo of the world famous jewelry brand is explained by its origin.

The Italian company was founded by a Greek, Sotirios Voulgaris, and in modern Greek his surname was written that way - Bvlgaris.

The last letter was dropped immediately to give the name a more Italian sound.

18. Samson

Samsung in Russia is pronounced like “Samsung”, but more correctly “Samson”, with an emphasis on the first syllable, which means “three stars” in translation.

19. Longe'in

Since the word came from French, it is correct to say "longe'in", softening the sound "g".

20. Glenfiddich

In Russia, this brand of Scotch whiskey is most often called Glenfiddich or Glenfiddich, although, according to the manufacturer, the one with the “x” sound at the end is considered a more correct option.

Not Adme, not Adme and not Admi. Edmy. With emphasis on the first syllable - by analogy with hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me. But we don't take offense at any of your options ;)


Burberry - [burberry]
Tissot - [tisso']
Hublot - [ublo]
Moschino - [Moschino]
Montblanc - [mont blanc]
Dior Homme - [Dior Om].

Homme means "male, male" and is always and everywhere read as [Om].

Femme means "feminine, woman", and is always and everywhere read as [fam].

Accordingly, the names of perfumes “for him” - pour homme - will be read [pur Om], and “for her” - pour femme [pur fam]

Everyone at least a few times in their life doubted how to pronounce the word correctly, where to put the stress, because the Russian language is one of the most difficult languages.
Difficulties arise for several reasons.

Not in Russian general rule preservation of stress, it can stand in any part of the word, unlike, for example, the French language, where the stress is always placed on the last syllable.

Emphasis plays a semantic role. Depending on the stress, the meaning of the word changes, this can be observed in homonym words, or rather, in homographs (words that are spelled the same, but sound differently): a rit and steam and th, a tlas and atl a s, cr e dit and credit and t.

Our language has a lot of foreign words borrowed from other languages. This, on the one hand, enriches the language, and, on the other hand, creates difficulties in pronunciation and writing. Especially often, difficulties arise with the letter “e”: it is written “e”, and pronounced “e” (parterre, sex, dash).

There are many territorial varieties of the Russian language - dialects - which also affect pronunciation. So, in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, meat cooked on a spit will be called differently: shawarma and shawarma.

Communication with Slavic "brothers" has a huge impact on the native speakers of the Russian language. Even TV announcers began to pronounce many words in the Ukrainian manner, thereby making speech errors. Most often I hear such errors in the stress of verbs: n a chala instead of beginnings a, P about nyala instead understood a etc.

But despite the many factors that negatively affect the language, one must strive to speak correctly, since speech is the hallmark of every person. By the way a person pronounces words, you can tell a lot about his origin, upbringing, education. And even if native speakers, those for whom Russian - native language, will not take care of it, then who will save the language?

Let's talk right!

With this article, I open a series of texts on correct pronunciation.

For starters, here's a set of words that cause difficulty in stress.

One of the most common mistakes is stress in past tense verbs. female(I wrote about this already above, but I will repeat):

Wrong: began, understood, took, took, created.
Correctly: started BUT, understood BUT, took BUT, took BUT etc. But in the masculine: n BUT chal, p O nyal, with O building

It is considered bad manners to say they are calling, calling. Correct: call And th, ringing And t, ringing I t.

You can buy wed E dstva and enjoy wed E by means, but not by means.

Child in childhood need balls BUT th.

Ukrainian is spoken in Kiev And nsky language.

The confectionery sells t O mouths, and the data is entered into the catalog O G.

And what the key is hung on is called keychain, not a key fob.

And 40 more words:

apostrophe aristocracy bows genesis
denim dispensary contract slumber
enviably CONSPIRACY moldy cork up
jagged Spark quarter whooping cough
flint more beautiful kitchen chunk
scrap in a glimpse (in a glimpse) garbage chute naked (naked)
intention security ease wholesale
funeral (at a funeral) reward force plum
in-depth dead phenomenon (phenomenon) cotton robe
hosts scoop scarves sorrel

Tell us about the words that cause you difficulty in pronunciation. Maybe some words once or now surprised you with their stress?

Are you sure you pronounce brand names correctly, such as popular cars, sneakers, or clothing? To check yourself and correct the existing errors, you should look at our selection.

Statistics show that more than half of people pronounce the names of popular brands absolutely wrong. In order not to fall into their number and not look like an illiterate person during the next trip to fashion boutiques, you need to learn how to pronounce at least the most popular brands correctly. We will gladly help you with this.

1. Hermes

The well-known brand of bags and scarves, which are very loved by women around the world, does not sound right "Hermes", and even more so not "Hermes". There are people who pronounce it like “Erme” and from the point of view of the grammar of the French language, this is correct, but there is one detail - the name was chosen not because of the god of trade, but in honor of the founder - Thierry Ermes, therefore it is correct to call it “Ermes ".

2. Levi's

In many countries of the world, the name of this famous denim brand is used in two versions: "Lewis" and "Levis". The second version is more common in English-speaking countries, since their name Levi (the creator of the first jeans was called Levi) reads like "Levi". At the same time, many do not know that at birth the founder of the brand received the name Loeb, but after moving to the USA, it was changed to Levy. Summing up, we come to the conclusion that, according to the grammar of the English language and the word source, the correct variant is still “Lewis”.


There are many versions of the pronunciation of the popular trademark, since it is very difficult for Russian-speaking people to pronounce it. The most common but incorrect versions are "Diskvaer" and "Diskverd". Only one name is correct, which is worth remembering - "Diskuaed".

4 Philipp Plein

The most common version of the pronunciation of this brand is "Philip Plain", but this English version is incorrect. Since the designer was born in Germany, then his name must be pronounced in the German manner - "Plein". Here it would be appropriate to mention the famous brand of underwear - Calvin Klein, which is read as "Calvin Klein".

5. Moët & Chandon

The problems of correct pronunciation also affected the world-famous brand of champagne. Many are sure that it is necessary to remove the letter “t” in the first word when translating, but this is not so, since the second “n” in the second word is excluded. The ampersand (& sign) is read in the French manner, like "e". The result is "Moet e Chando".

6 Lamborghini

One of the most famous manufacturers of expensive sports cars is based in Italy, and it does not produce Lamborghini, but Lamborghini. At the same time, it is worth noting that it is the first incorrect option that is common in Russia, so even the Google automatic search system issues it.

7. Christian Louboutin

The shoe brand that many girls dream about is often misnamed. A huge number of people and even those who are interested in fashion make mistakes in the pronunciation of the surname, for example, "Louboutin" or "Lobutan". At the same time, the real name of the designer is translated as "Christian Louboutin".

Connoisseurs of the English language and those who study it from scratch should get acquainted with the peculiarities of the pronunciation of individual sounds. This will help in the future to avoid problems with the pronunciation of individual words.

In contact with

Features of phonetics

To learn how to pronounce words in English correctly, you must first learn how to pronounce all sounds without errors. To acquire this skill, transcription of the English language is used, since this is the only guarantee of the exact pronunciation of words.

Each Russian-English dictionary has a transcription of English words that allows you to pronounce them in full accordance with the orthoepic norms of the British or American version.

Why do you need a translation into Russian

In English, almost every word is equivalent to several Russian counterparts. To check this, just look into the dictionary of foreign vocabulary and familiarize yourself with the content.

The standard English-Russian dictionary contains numerous lexical meanings, which have more than one or two matches in Russian, but at least five. This is due to the fact that the modern English language is very rich.

In addition to the translation of words, there is also an exhaustive base of pronunciation norms in the form of transcription, which allows you to learn how to read correctly and perceive it by ear in foreign speech.

Techniques for improving pronunciation

Available different ways how to improve the pronunciation of an English word. The fact is that it is a complex speech act. Only experience allows you to learn how to pronounce word forms correctly, without the need to constantly read theoretical reference books. The best option to achieve an effective result, constant communication with native English speakers is considered.

We offer the main list of methods that are used in the system of self-education and in classrooms:

  • daily training with a teacher, communication on simple topics;
  • listening and repeating short phrases and words in English after the speaker;
  • development of the laryngeal apparatus through the use of special phonetic techniques;
  • reading aloud in Russian the most complex combinations of word forms that form speech competence with their translation.

All of the above methods are high level efficiency and enable self-learning. Also important is the experience of communicating with a teacher or with a native speaker. This will significantly reduce the training time.

Lessons with a tutor

Features of the pronunciation of individual words

Take, for example, the pronunciation of "the". The sound of this word is especially difficult for a number of reasons. Let's dwell on the main ones. To learn how to pronounce this combination correctly, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. The tip of the tongue should rest against the hard palate. Without this moment, it will definitely not work to pronounce the sound.
  2. The back of the tongue should be in close contact with the larynx. Only in this case the sound will match the original. The back is always pulled back to create a gap between the laryngeal cavity on exhalation.
  3. It is important to consider the pronunciation of British speakers, as it differs significantly from the American version.
  4. The sound of English words is considered one of the most difficult, due to the lack of similarities in other European languages.

But no matter how difficult the theoretical component may seem, it is easy to really learn how to pronounce the sound “the” in Russian with constant practice. Otherwise, serious problems may arise, even if there is a desire to learn.

How to pronounce th correctly in English language

How to learn correct pronunciation

Any teacher strives to ensure that his student can correctly pronounce sounds, first in Russian, and then in a foreign language. They are the basis of a deep understanding of the context and the ability to convey their thoughts in another language. How to pronounce correctly English words, can teach phonetic exercises to develop the laryngeal apparatus. They include the following points:

  1. The skill of forming varying degrees of jaw elevation for pronouncing vowels, in accordance with the norms of communication.
  2. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed 15 minutes, but it turns out to be extremely useful with a deeper study.
  3. All English sounds are divided into two types: upper and lower rise. For exact observance of the pronunciation norm, they usually resort to the need for phonetic training.

Important! Every student who speaks Russian must be aware that no one English sound does not look like the Russian counterpart, since a different articulation, the degree of elevation of the tongue and contact with the larynx is used to pronounce it. Sound development takes a long time.

To pronounce English words correctly, you need to practice every day.

Activating Skills

To learn how to speak English easily and quickly, you need to do phonetic exercises in Russian. This is the technique recommended by the best teachers in the world. Modern English has 11 vowel sounds and their Russian counterparts, which you can see in the table below:

The student should not be afraid that he will have to learn many new sounds. Yes, their analogues cannot be found in modern Russian, but the classification given above allows us to understand their main essence.

We also offer a list of English consonant sounds that every language learner should know. There are 24 of them in total:

p f t th ch s sh k b v d dz
z g gue h m n gn r l w j th

Important! The notorious sound "th" can sound differently, depending on the position in the word.

Practicing sounds and words

Practicing sounds cannot be accompanied only by a theoretical review. Since no English sound is similar to Russian, you can learn how to pronounce it correctly only under the guidance of an experienced mentor. An independent attempt may turn out to be a failure.

Standard development occurs step by step, from simple variants to more complex ones. More than half of all sounds belong to the last category, since their pronunciation is a difficulty for the Russian speech apparatus.

Attention! The role of the teacher in the process of mastering English phonetics is difficult to overestimate. It provides an opportunity to avoid errors in initial stage. Without prior preparation, the student runs the risk of becoming an object of misunderstanding in an English-speaking environment or in an authentic setting.

Consider how the word knight is read in English. Not every beginner will be able to read a given word in English without errors, relying only on the spelling component. The word "knight" has six letters, but the word is pronounced differently, out of correspondence with the letter combination. In this case, there is only one syllable. In Russian, it sounds like "night". What is the cause of this dissonance? It's all about historical development British dialect. This is important to understand for both a simple layman and an experienced linguist.

British today is considered one of the oldest dialects in Europe. Over the 1000 years of its existence, there have been major changes in the norms of pronunciation. Today we have the opportunity to see it as it became in the middle of the nineteenth century. A deep understanding of the changes in the field of phonetics and vocabulary became possible thanks to the work of the reformers of the literary form.

Words with significant differences in principles and pronunciation can be identified more than one hundred. Only a good knowledge of transcription makes it possible to learn how to pronounce any British words.

Useful video: one of their lessons English reading from scratch


Now the reader understands how important correct pronunciation is. Without such an important aspect, further study may become meaningless. High-quality study of the material, translation and transcription of words is required. Now you know how to learn a language in a short time and read either syllables without errors.

« iPad" or " iPad», « Xiaomi" or " Shaomi», « touchpad» on a MacBook or « trackpad"? Such questions from the field of correct pronunciation different kind There are many brand names and devices from the IT field. Let's break this interesting topic down a bit.

iPad and other Apple products - the truth is somewhere in between

In the comments to articles with a video where he appeared, battles often flared up, they say, the author incorrectly pronounces the name of the Apple tablet computer. Someone voted for ipad", someone - for" iPad". Let's see how he pronounces, he certainly knows the truth (interesting happens at 8:34):

Anyone else have questions? OK, here's another video with, let's say, the classic pronunciation of the device name:

« iPad and no nails!", the vast majority would say, but as you know, the truth usually lies somewhere in between. In fact, you can hear from Americans both "ipad" and "ipad". In the second case, we are dealing with Boston accent, which brings confusion in this particular issue. By the way, the pronunciation of Nike - “nike” or “nike”, as well as Adobe (“adobe” or “adobe”, or maybe “adobe”) is all from the same opera.

What is the correct answer? Yes, everything is simple - both options are correct. Do you want to talk like Steve Jobs- call the tablet "ipad". If you are used to pronouncing "ipad" (like the author of the article, for example), then don't worry - this is also the right option.

By the way, in the case of a Mac, the answer, at first glance, should be unambiguous: "Mac" or "Mac" and even more so "Macbook". Somehow, the "Macbook" greatly cuts the ear. On the other hand, the variety of apples that the Apple computer is named after is pronounced this way and that: "mac" and "mackintosh." Again, let's turn to Steve Jobs and the presentation of the original iMac, where you can clearly hear the "mac" and "iMac" (16-17 minutes):

As a result, we again came to the conclusion that the truth is somewhere in the middle and both pronunciations will be correct. It's all about the accent.

Trackpad and touchpad

Continuing the conversation about Apple and correct pronunciation names of the company's products, it is worth getting into old dispute with " trackpad" or " touchpad". Here, of course, the point is not so much in pronunciation, but in the designation of the touch pad under the laptop keyboard, but the question still fits the topic under consideration and it is high time to dot all the “e”.

First thing let's get rid of the misconceptions about trackpoint(TrackPoint, PointStick, Track, strain gauge joystick), sometimes mistakenly referred to as a "trackpad". This control was often used in corporate and business-class IBM laptops and was even found in some keyboards. It is a kind of miniature joystick integrated into the keyboard and allows more or less comfortable control of the mouse cursor. Now it can be found in the laptops of the Chinese company Lenovo, which bought out the laptop division of IBM in the past and continues to maintain good traditions:

Now let's talk specifically about touchpad and trackpad. To be precise, both of these words mean the same thing, namely, a touch pad for controlling the mouse cursor by moving your fingers along its surface. However, in the case of Apple products, it is still customary to say "trackpad" to designate this control, and the company itself always uses this name. Why is that? This is marketing, friends, pure marketing. The company needs to somehow distinguish its devices, and its trackpads are still considered the best on the market, and among Windows laptops, no one has come close to the MacBook in terms of the quality of the touch pad.

But I will not be unfounded and will give a few facts. So, for the first time the word "trackpad" Apple used in 1994 during the announcement of the laptop. PowerBook 500. It was the first Apple mobile computer to use a touchpad instead of a trackball (a ball that you rotated to control the mouse cursor) to control the mouse pointer. The "trackpad" has since become associated with Apple laptops and with the company's separate pointing device.

That is, if you wish, you can call the touchpad in the MacBook a touchpad, you can't go wrong. But Apple itself calls it a "trackpad" and, in principle, has full right on its own separate name for this element due to the fact that it is the best on the market.

I remember when I switched from a Windows laptop to a MacBook Pro in 2008, out of habit I used a compact Logitech MX Nano mouse for several days, but then I decided to try to abandon it in favor of a trackpad. It took one day to adjust. Since then, I have not carried a compact mouse with me. Absolutely all operations are performed without problems using the trackpad, including work in graphic editors. For this alone, Apple can put a monument, but the company is constantly developing this direction: glass instead of plastic, multitouch, a built-in button, and now, plus the Taptic Engine.

Fierce Asian offices

In the second half of the article, we will talk about the names of Asian technology companies, which also raise a lot of questions.

Think about Apple's main competitor in the mobile market, the company Samsung. Most often we hear something like " Samsung with the accent on the last syllable. It is not right. Translated from Korean, Samsung means "three stars", and is pronounced something like " Samson with an accent on the first syllable. Don't believe? View any Galaxy S6 advertisement on official channel Korean company. Her name is usually heard at the very end of the videos.

Lots of controversy around Xiaomi. Some say, they say, it is correct to pronounce " xiaomi", other - " Shaomi", someone votes for" Xiaomi”, plunging the Chinese into shock and awe. You don’t have to go far for examples, just remember the dispute in the comments. So, in the American version, it is correct to pronounce Shao Mi, i.e " shaomi". From Chinese this name is translated as " small rice ”, that is, it consists of two words - “shao” and “mi”. If you don't take my word for it, then take a look at what the vice president of Xiaomi thinks about this. Hugo Barra:

What I liked the most was the last example with the phrase: “ Show me the money". The first two words will form the correct pronunciation of the Xiaomi company name for an English-speaking friend. On the other hand, according to the system pinyin, which describes the pronunciation of the hieroglyphs of the state language of China, putonghua, for a Russian person to pronounce correctly " xiao mi”, that is, as two separate words.

Another peppy Chinese company - - also brings confusion with its seemingly simple-looking name, but you will never guess how to really pronounce it correctly.

The first thing that comes to mind, and as I personally constantly called the company, is “ Huawei". It is possible so, but we are talking about the correct pronunciation, and it is different, at least in the American version. I’ll scout out a little intrigue and take one and a half minutes of your time, which I propose to spend on watching the video below:

« wow wow” - this is one example of the pronunciation of the name of a Chinese company. Again, according to the rules of pinyin, it is more correct to pronounce this name as "hua wei". (In detail about these nuances, including the moment of the absence of stresses in Chinese as such, read in the comments Jonny_Ive below.)

By the way, for the ear of an English-speaking citizen, this is a very pleasant name, a kind of “super path” or “steep road”, which cannot be said about the Taiwanese ASUS. This company was not very lucky with the name, or rather, with its pronunciation by the Americans.

You can often hear from them something like " asses", that is, jo" asses. Well, what company would like to be called "ass"? Correct to say " asus”, and with an emphasis on the last syllable, and not on the first, as many Russian-speaking comrades like to say. In the same way, with an emphasis on the last syllable, the Taiwanese also call their company. As for the “butts”, ASUS once even released an “ololo-trololo” advert about this:

Freak with the names of world-class companies

We talked about Apple, about Asians too, let's now remember a couple more brands from other parts of the world, but with a worldwide reputation. Not the most popular now comes to mind, but the office is slowly rising from its knees blackberry. In terms of pronunciation, it usually does not cause problems, "blackberry" and in Africa there will be "blackberry", it is difficult to think of other options here. But where should the emphasis be placed? I heard from different people pronunciation options both with stress on the first syllable and on the second. You have a 50 percent chance of answering correctly. We try and ... cheers! You answered correctly - the emphasis is on the first syllable. This is how the English word “blackberry” is pronounced, which, in addition to the name of the Canadian company, also means a berry. blackberry". As proof of this, I propose to look at an excellent humorous miniature from BBC One:

How do you pronounce the name bose? Probably "Bose", with an accent on the last syllable? Or maybe Bos? In fact, if you don’t want to fall on your face in certain situations or companies, it’s better to say “ Bowes» with the accent on the first vowel is the correct variant. Why exactly this way and nothing else? It's simple - the name of the company is also the name of its founder Amara Bowza.

Finally, it is worth recalling the well-known German office, the name of which everyone “twirls” as he pleases, but only a few usually pronounce it correctly. Although, here everything is as usual - the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is, of course, about Sennheiser. Keyword in this paragraph german". That is, the name of a German company should be pronounced the way the Germans themselves pronounce it, right? In general, it is correct to say Senheiser with an accent on the second syllable. English-speaking comrades, and Russian speakers, also often call the company "Senheiser", from him even the slang designation of branded headphones went - "senhi". The choice, of course, is yours, but it’s still correct to say “ Senheiser».