Butterfly room design. Ideas for decorating a room with paper butterflies

  • 23.06.2020

To create a unique interior today are used different variants. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material - original way revive an empty wall. Repair completed furniture arranged, new ones are already hanging curtains, but something is missing to complete the image of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall creative idea which cannot fail to attract attention.

Creating such a decor will require a minimum of material and the availability of free time. Even if there is no suitable paper in the house, it is sold in any stationery department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for embodying the idea. This will be discussed.

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They decorate, and, mirrors, ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And this is not just a beautiful element of the scenery: according to the laws Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Their appearance in the bedroom will give marital relations new colors, bring back slightly extinguished feelings, kindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

For the manufacture of bright moths, different materials are used:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Rough cardboard.
  3. Vinyl records.
  4. Starched fabric.
  5. Thin metal (cans of beer, Coca-Cola).

The sizes of the soaring beauties can also be different, different shapes and colors are also allowed. The embodiment of the idea depends on the imagination and the material at hand.

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a swift whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

What style is suitable for such decorations

Decorating the wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any style of interior:

  • rustic;
  • teeming with technology;
  • ascetic;
  • stingy;
  • noble classics.

The main thing is that miniature appliqués are in harmony in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just do not need to make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls, they will simply merge with the background and will be almost invisible.

The following combinations are ideal:

  1. green or red moths on;
  2. black or dark brown on white either;
  3. a combination of bright blue and bright red on.

Advice! Designers recommend enhancing the effect that creates the illusion of real soaring. A bedroom or a nursery decorated in this way will look great.

Preparation for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies on the wall. Photos of ideas can be peeped on the Internet, this is in case own fantasy doesn't suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to the stationery or arts and crafts store.

Moths of the desired shape and size are drawn on paper or vinyl film using a stencil. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will differ in variety. When choosing fastening method some points need to be taken into account:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next repair, then you can use glue to fix them;
  • if the owner of the apartment is not sure that the butterflies are for a long time, it is better to fasten them with pins or small buttons.

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawing up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the location of the butterflies on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from what was planned, which may well happen during the gluing of the elements.

Bright, shiny butterflies come from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are coated with acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! No less tempting look compositions with fluorescent paint.

Advice! When fixing butterflies on the wall, only their middle should be fixed, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Fabric composition and painted butterflies

If the room is finished liquid wallpaper, butterfly decor on the wall is an ideal solution, but it is better to choose as a material the cloth. Any will do variegated or plain patches which are sure to be found in any home. For fastening it is better to use PVA.

So that the edges of the matter do not crumble and fray, and the fabric is more rigid, it is recommended to pre-wet it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Drawn moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • which is made of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Using a stencil, the main pattern is applied to the wall with acrylic paint, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, soaring moths will mysteriously twinkle.

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Where I want - I fly there: butterflies in the interior

June 8, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

Decorative butterflies in the interior is not a new and popular technique, but it is beloved by designers because of the unlimited combination possibilities. In the hands of a professional, a vinyl disc, genuine leather, and even a tin can can turn into a butterfly. Is it possible to create an interior that will obey butterflies? Yes! But how to create it, I will tell you more about this.

The Case of a Butterfly

Butterflies for decoration can be artificial or real. The latter are often presented in the form of paintings, securely hidden under glass. But artificial moths have no restrictions, they successfully take root in the decor of walls, furniture, and chandeliers.

We can say with confidence that such a decor has no restrictions on style, even in monochrome high-tech you can find a suitable place for an unpretentious moth.

No less popular is the option of desktop decor. What could it be? Designs in which butterflies are attached to a small spring, forming a kind of mobile that moves even with slight fluctuations in the air.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not allow the use of volumetric options, choose vinyl stickers. They can be glued not only on walls, they are no less attractive on doors, curtains and table lamps.

Butterfly, know your place!

When looking for a place for decor, remember that butterflies are light and free creatures, they fly wherever they want, but it still won’t be superfluous to fix.

  1. Walls. The most popular option, implemented more often through vinyl stickers and paintings, allows not only to bring a touch of naturalness to the interior, but also to hide wall defects.

  1. Table lamps, sconces and floor lamps. Here I would advise you to make a choice in favor of a three-dimensional decor, which, under the influence of warm air coming from the lamps, will be set in motion.

  1. Upholstered furniture. You have two options - to fit butterflies into the upholstery of furniture or choose the shape of chairs in the form of wings. Last option will require from you an impressive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room so that the butterfly has somewhere to “turn around”.

If you are not ready for a cardinal neighborhood with moths, choose prints in a small area, for example, on sofa cushions.

  1. curtains. It can be a light print on the curtains in the children's room or a massive bright embroidery for the living room. Remember, the world of butterflies is diverse, so its representatives will successfully fit into both light country music and pompous art deco.

  1. Floor. Yes, it can be a printed carpet or decor placed in large floor vases.

  1. Ceiling. Why not? However, in this case, remember that the surface is quite large and requires well-thought-out decor placement. I would advise you to opt for a large number small butterflies in a room with a modest ceiling height and a few large butterflies for spacious rooms. The latter option can be implemented using printed stretch fabrics.

Butterflies on transparent surfaces

If you consider yourself to be the lucky owner of sunny rooms, try placing butterflies directly on the glass. With your own hands, this can be done using a stencil and paints.

Not less than interesting solution there will be the creation of a stained-glass window with paints and the finishing of the contour with golden or silver potal.

On the mirror and glass surfaces of doors and partitions, butterflies can be created using sandblasting technology, which is best entrusted to the master.

How and from what?

Today, butterflies are no longer limited solely to plastic and paper, mirrors, glass, leather, fabric and wood, tin cans and old photographs, foam plastic and foam rubber are used.

No less attractive are the painted moths. For a classic children's room, you can safely use wallpaper with butterflies, which are successfully combined with a plain coating or stripes.

In a colonial-style office, they can take root in the form of oil paintings.

But for it is preferable to use butterfly wall decor based on vinyl stickers. In addition, pick up a bedside rug in pastel shades and bed linen with exotic moths.

A little about feng shui

Butterflies have not been ignored by the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. In almost all nations, moths are associated with well-being, sensuality and carelessness. And in Chinese teaching, they are called a talisman of joy and they say that love always lives with butterflies, so feel free to decorate your bedroom with them.

Hang the butterflies so that they create the most natural feeling. Imagine how a swarm of moths would settle if they accidentally flew into your room.

Watch out butterflies!

Butterfly decoration should be dosed and well thought out, otherwise it is likely that your apartment will turn from a stylish home into a colorful meadow.

Rule 1

So that butterflies are not perceived as colorful insects that flooded the walls, choose bright colors and a pastel background. It is better if the emphasis is on the texture of the finish, and not on the shade. The same rule is true when using printed furniture.

Rule 2

If you have made a choice in favor of wallpaper with a print, decorate only one of the walls with them, the rest should remain plain.

A slight deviation from this rule can be called the use of a duet of butterflies and stripes, such a tandem is suitable for fairly large rooms with a minimum of solid color furniture.

An example of the finished design "About butterflies, birds and sisters"

I hasten to show you the decor of butterflies in action using the example of a children's room for two sisters.

  1. To divide the room into two functional areas, a small partition with a bay window was erected. In this part, the work / play area has found its refuge. A niche was erected for storing things, in which a wardrobe was placed.
  2. The second part of the room is given over to the sleeping area. Stretch ceiling with photo printing, carpeted vinyl tiles allowed to obtain a fairly harmonious combination.
  3. The choice and arrangement of beds deserves special attention. For one of the sisters, they picked up a loft bed, for the second - a comfortable sofa bed.
  4. The spring mood is set by butterflies, which are located on the ceiling and walls of the working area.
  5. The natural theme was continued by a fabulous tree made of durable plastic. In the first layer I hid LED backlight, in the second - she placed magnetic leaves with birds, and from the third she formed a crown.

Photo gallery:


  • decorative plastic products - 3A Composites;
  • stretch ceilings - "Europe";
  • interior door - NewLayProduct;
  • marker paint - IdeaPaint;
  • furniture and accessories - IKEA;
  • vinyl tile - Allure Flor;
  • screen for radiator - Premier Profile.

We make butterflies

Decorative butterflies for textiles and walls


Cut out butterfly wings from silk. The shape and size can be arbitrary. In the center of the wing I make a hole in the form of a drop.

I paint the wings with purple and gray paint, trying to blur the boundaries of the two shades as well as possible.

After the wings have dried with PVA glue on the wrong side of the parts, I glue the wire wrapped in paper.

With a single knife nozzle on the front side, I draw veins on the wings of a butterfly.

On the wrong side of the nozzle, a narrow heel creates volume around the perimeter, and also walks along the edge of the holes.

It's time to move on to assembling the butterfly. I take an awl and wind a gray-painted wire around it. In a few turns, we will get the body of the future butterfly. Whiskers are created in the same way.

I lubricate the PVA wire and dip it in sparkles. As a result of such a simple manipulation, the butterfly's body acquired an interesting brilliance and texture.

I apply the prepared parts (wings and mustaches) to the body in turn, fix them with a thread. I apply PVA glue to the wire leg, wrap it with silver paper ribbon.

Using polymer glue, I glue the pin. I straighten my wings and straighten my mustache.

In the photo - the process of attaching the pin

As an addition, you can use lace, feathers and beads.

Finished decor - butterflies on the wall

If you do not have special impregnated silk, prepare it yourself.

This will require regular edible gelatin.

  1. Silk is cut into ribbons up to 70 cm long and no more than 40 cm wide.
  2. 3 teaspoons of gelatin pour 200 ml cold water and leave for 1 hour.
  3. The resulting mass is melted in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  4. In the bathroom I pull on a thread or fishing line, arm myself with a slightly cooled gelatin and set off to create magic. Almost Hogwarts!
  5. I dip the silk pieces into the solution and wait until they are completely saturated. I take out the fabric, taking it by the corner, and stretch it between slightly clenched fingers, removing excess gelatin.
  6. I carefully straighten the piece and hang it on a fishing line, securing the edge with a needle or pin.

If you are gelatinizing satin, systematically correct the edges that tend to curl as it dries.

  1. Fabric blanks are not ironed and stored in the form of scrolls.

Butterflies guard your "time"

Operating procedure:

From plywood I cut out three figures in the form of concentric clouds. In the central "cloud" I make a non-through hole for the clock mechanism. I connect the parts of the structure with each other with glazing beads.

I add intanako powder to the white paint, which will give the watch a texture. I cover the product with the resulting mixture.

I am preparing a mixture of gypsum (30 grams), epoxy resin(15 grams) and hardener. I pour it into a chocolate mold and insert the cut pieces of wire.

I take out the butterflies and paint them white.

On the reverse side of the main element of the clock I insert the clock mechanism. I attach butterflies to the base instead of numbers.

Butterflies are tinted with silver paint. Ready!

Summing up

Undoubtedly, butterflies are worthy of being considered as decor. They bring lightness, spring, a piece of nature into the room, they are able to revive even an uncouth wall. They are successfully combined with all styles from rustic Provence to artsy Baroque and rightly can claim the title of a universal decorative element.

Are you ready to let moths into your life? Share your thoughts in the comments, it remains for me to offer you interesting video in this article.

If the time has not yet come for repairs, but you want to unusually diversify your home, you can easily do it yourself. Decor of an apartment or house beautiful butterflies from paper, cardboard and other materials - interesting and stylish solution that does not require a lot of time and money.

The ceilings and walls in the apartment can be decorated using any material available at home, but the following can be considered the most popular:

To keep cute jewelry secure, you must use the following types fasteners, which you can find in the table:

Wallpaper glue or PVA glue The easiest option, suitable for placing jewelry on cabinets and other interior items
pins Suitable for wallpaper, fabric and plastic panels
Chains, thread or wire With these tools, you can pin butterflies to the ceiling or fixtures.
Double sided tape Using adhesive tape, you can attach the workpiece to any place

Important! Use Templates different sizes for jewelry, then they will look more interesting and realistic.

Creating butterflies: a universal master class

This master class can be used when creating a composition using any stencils. To create jewelry you will need:

  • cardboard and colored paper;
  • stencil sheets;
  • a printer;
  • pencil, glue and scissors.

Step 1. Draw yourself or print several different stencils on the printer. After that, you need to cut them out of plain paper.

Step 2 Attach the cut stencils to the cardboard, carefully circle them and cut them out. If desired, draw the silhouettes directly or translate the template using carbon paper.

Step 3 Outline the patterns, but do it on the back of the paper. Make several copies, cut them.

Step 4 Bend the workpiece a little - this will create the effect of developing wings.

Step 5 Apply a little glue to the center of the fold and attach the butterfly to the desired surface, pressing with your finger for a few seconds.

Step 6 Use your imagination - place the butterflies in one or different directions, along the edges or in the middle of the wall. Try placing the butterflies next to each other or at a distance from each other - look for the option that you like the most.

Beautiful origami butterfly

If you like to make different paper figures, you can make a butterfly in this way - such an unusual craft can cheer up guests and family. This is a simple scheme that you can easily make yourself.

Step 1. Take a square sheet of colored paper or cardboard. Fold it twice in the center, then unfold it again. Now the sheet is divided into four identical squares.

Step 2 Fold the paper diagonally so that four more lines appear on it. It turned out that the square is divided into eight triangles. Draw triangles on opposite sides to each other.

Step 3 Fold the top triangles in half, leave the bottom ones as they are.

Step 4 Turn the workpiece upside down, the small part should be on the bottom. Wrap the corner, act carefully - the edges should not tear.

Step 5 Tuck in the sharp edge. Turn the workpiece so that the tucked corner is front side to you.

Step 6 In the middle, make a fold with your fingers and fold the butterfly - if you skip this step, the wings will not be able to open. Origami decoration is ready.

Important! So that the butterflies do not merge with the interior, make them noticeable. Don't be afraid to use bright colors to make your craft stand out.

Stylish vinyl butterfly

If you have an unused vinyl record at home, you can create an unusual interior decoration. For this you will also need:

  • sample;
  • foil;
  • baking sheet;
  • colored markers and sharp scissors.

Step 1. Take the material and measure the middle of the stencil on it. Carefully trace the outline, draw with a white felt-tip pen on the plate, and use black on the sticker in the center.

Step 2 Lay the foil on a baking sheet, and place the vinyl on it. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place the baking sheet with the workpiece in the upper area. After 50 seconds, remove the plate - it should become soft and pliable.

Step 3 Use sharp scissors to cut out the pattern. This must be done before the vinyl dries. If it still dries up, place the plate in the oven again and repeat the action.

Step 4 Fold back the wings after cutting out the butterfly. The craft is ready.

Butterflies made of polymer clay

Polymer clay is a plastic material for modeling, which looks and feels like plasticine. You can make original blanks from it. You will need:

  • butterfly baking molds;
  • polymer clay (at the rate of 120 grams for five butterflies);
  • a skein of white thread for hanging crafts;
  • stationery buttons.

Step 1. Using a baking dish, cut out the blanks, make four small holes in the middle of the products.

Step 2 Fold back the wings and place the butterflies in a glass dish. Put in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes at 110 degrees.

Step 3 Insert the thread into all holes with a cross and form a knot. Push a button into it.

Step 4 Attach the resulting decorations to the surface. If the edges of the product are not formed, sand them. Color the butterflies in different colors if you want to add some color.

Butterflies on walls and objects: ideas

Choose a winged insect color that matches your interior. For example, pink butterflies can be placed above a pink sofa.

Decorate the ceiling by placing butterflies around the chandelier. They will be beautifully highlighted, creating good mood to all residents of the apartment.

Walls can be decorated with heart-shaped pink and black butterflies by gluing blanks in the living room or bedroom.

For the room in which the baby lives, you can cut out several templates of different shapes, and then transfer them to different colored paper and place on the wall in the form of a whirlwind.

To diversify the interior, before placing the blanks on the wall, use a brush to apply luminescent paint to the butterflies. After it is completely dry, your butterflies will begin to glow in the dark.

One more original idea: Butterflies can be placed in a spiral shape.

With imagination and a few hours of free time, you can create a real work of art. Unusual and difficult, but very beautiful option crafts in the shape of a heart.

A stylish solution for the bedroom: butterflies can be placed in frames of different sizes and shapes.

Butterflies can also be attached to curtains. In this case, you can use corrugated paper - it will make the butterflies airy, light and voluminous.

Laconic version of the placement of butterflies made by hand. It doesn't take a lot of time, but it looks very nice.

Important! The philosophy of Feng Shui says: butterflies are a symbol of joy, love and happiness. This symbol plays a very important role in the ancient teachings.

Butterfly patterns: cut out yourself

There are many different templates that you can use to make stencils and transfer them to paper. You need to choose the size and shape yourself, it is only a matter of your imagination.

Classic butterfly for decorating walls and furniture.

Another version of the classic butterfly.

Large butterfly with outstretched wings.

Cute curly butterfly with round antennae.

Beautiful butterfly with unusual wings.

Funny pink butterfly for the nursery.

A beautiful butterfly with antennae.

Template for decorating walls and furniture: side view.

Gorgeous butterfly with patterns and sharp antennae.

Butterflies made by yourself are a great way to decorate, which will give the room a fresh and updated look. If you creatively approach the issue, put a little effort, imagination and effort, you can create a real masterpiece that will delight you and your family members for a long time.

Video - Paper butterfly patterns for interior decoration

DIY decorations for various rooms can emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house. At the same time, you can give style and showiness to the interior. Various motives are used for this. Various decorative butterflies harmoniously fit into the interior of the bedroom or children's room. Showing imagination and creativity, you can create various wall decorations for such a motif.

To make a decor in the form of butterflies yourself, you do not need special knowledge or skills. Therefore, almost everyone can bring gentle beauty to the design of the room.

General principles

There are many ways to transform an existing interior. Butterflies are associated with summer and youth. They carelessly flutter from flower to flower. They are light and beautiful creatures. It is not surprising that they can decorate a variety of interiors, adding style and grace to the design.

Decorative butterfly stickers sold in specialized stores. However, it is much more interesting to create compositions with such motifs on your own. In this case, you can show imagination. Butterflies are applied to walls, ceilings and other interior elements with paint or their three-dimensional figures are created.

You don't have to be good at drawing. Templates can be found in various sources and printed on a printer. You can create a decorative panel on one or all walls, the ceiling in the room. There are many approaches to creating butterflies from different materials.

Where to begin?

V general style interior should fit any decorative ornaments. Butterflies can be made from various materials. Depends on their choice general impression from panel. Moth figurines can be made of hard, durable materials, such as cardboard. They will keep their shape well, allowing you to create clear pictures. Such types of jewelry are considered the most durable.

If you use light paper or even film, corrugated paper, butterfly figures will be light and delicate. If you fasten them only in the center, this will allow the wings of the moths to flutter from the slightest breath of wind. Such a composition will be incredibly light and airy.

The color scheme of the room must be taken into account when choosing the colors of the decor material. It will depend on this whether the butterflies will harmoniously fit into the existing interior. Each moth must be clearly visible. Therefore, it is better to give preference to contrasting shades.

Decor configuration

making decorative butterflies on the wall some tips to keep in mind professional designers. First of all, they recommend making figures of moths of different sizes. This will bring some dynamism to the created panel.

It is better if the wings are not mirror identical. In the manufacture of figures, one should be guided only by the reception of horizontal symmetry. The top and bottom wings are best made in different sizes.

When choosing a blank for a butterfly from various sources, you should not give preference to intricate figures that have a large number of details. Cutting ruffles will be extremely inconvenient, and decorative effect may not meet expectations. One composition will require many butterflies. Therefore, it is better to give preference to a simple configuration.

Composition formation

Before you make a decorative butterfly or a whole group of them, you need to consider their location in the room. First you need to evaluate the pattern of wallpaper or other wall decoration. In places where the composition harmoniously fits into the interior, you can place several moths.

The composition may look like a flock of butterflies, which smoothly moves from one corner of the room to another. Their concentration may be stronger in the center or on one side. The chaotic distribution of the figurines creates a stylistic effect of unique beauty. It is initially recommended to draw it on a piece of paper.

Also, a group of butterflies can form a certain shape. For example, it can be a flower or a heart. There are no limits for imagination in this direction. The intended pattern should be marked on the surface wall light lines. They should be barely visible. It is best to use a thin simple pencil. It can then be wiped off the surface.

Paper and cardboard

Decorative butterflies, as mentioned above, can be created from various materials. Cardboard and paper are very popular. It will be very easy to cut moth figures from the latter. Coloring the wings of such butterflies will also be easy. This is one of the most inexpensive ways to decorate the interior.

You can purchase white or colored paper. It is also possible to use the pages of glossy magazines or newspapers. It all depends on the style of the interior. They are grouped by color. Paper butterflies are easy to attach to the wall.

Butterflies made of cardboard are known for greater reliability. These are strong, dense figures. They are quite difficult to cut. However, it will be much easier to form different bends of the wings from them. At the same time, the workpiece is dipped in water, and then it is fixed in the desired position. After drying, the material takes on the desired shape. These moths need a secure mount.

Film and fabric

Can be created from film or fabric. In the first case, a special vinyl material or a wide range of "self-adhesive" is used. Moths will have a glossy texture. If create proper lighting indoors, their wings will reflect the glare. The room will be elegant and bright.

The production of figurines from film is fully consistent with the technology in which cardboard is used. If the material has a special adhesive layer on the reverse side, the butterfly can be fixed on the wall simply. To make the moth flutter, the wings are not glued to the base. Only in the center of the workpiece is the protective layer removed.

Fabric butterflies look original. The blanks are completely glued to the base of the wall. If you want to make the fabric dense, able to keep its shape, it is impregnated with a mixture of water and PVA glue. For very thin materials, a soapy solution is used. The composition is applied to the fabric, the workpiece is fixed in the desired position. After drying, the butterfly will take the desired shape.

Making paper butterflies

By creating decorative butterflies for the interior certain instructions must be followed. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the required materials and tools. First of all, you will need colored, white paper or wallpaper trimmings. The template is printed on the printer. You will also need cardboard, a pencil, scissors and glue.

First, several butterfly patterns of different sizes are printed on the printer. They are cut out and applied to a sheet of thick cardboard. The contour must be circled with a simple pencil. Next, you need to create a stencil. Inner material butterflies are cut out. It turns out a blank for figurines of moths.

On the reverse side of colored paper or wallpaper, you need to draw a lot of butterflies using a stencil. They are cut out and slightly bent in the center. This will create a fluttering effect.

Mount type

DIY decorative butterflies on the wall can be fixed different ways. You can use glue for this. Paper and cardboard are firmly attached to the base with PVA. To do this, glue is applied to the center of the butterfly or over its entire surface. Next, the workpiece is pressed against the surface. It is necessary to ensure that the glue does not protrude beyond the edges of the wings. When applying PVA to reverse side butterflies need to control its amount. Surplus is immediately removed. If the glue is applied only in the center, in this place the butterfly is pressed tightly against the wall with a finger. This allows you to clearly fix it on the surface.

Pins can also qualitatively and quickly fix the moths in the places provided for them. This option is not suitable for painted or plastered walls. But for other types decorative finishes pins will become best solution. If desired, the butterfly can be moved. At the same time, there are practically no traces left on the wallpaper.

Butterflies can be hung with threads from a cornice or ceiling. You can also use thin fishing line for this. Butterflies that will be hung in this way must be made of cardboard. Moths folded according to the origami method will also look spectacular with this method of fastening.

Moths from a vinyl record

Original decorative butterflies made from vinyl records. Making them is easy enough. In addition to the plates, you will need to prepare white and black chalk or pencils, moth patterns and scissors.

Using a template and crayons, you need to apply the form to the center of the plate. White chalk is used on the black field, and black on the label. Next, you need to put a plate with a drawn butterfly on the foil. She is sent to a preheated oven (upper compartment) for 45 seconds. During this time, the material will become soft.

With sharp scissors you need to cut out the moth. In this case, the material will quickly cool and harden. It will need to be sent to the oven several times. After the butterfly is ready, its wings need to be bent a little.

Other decor options

They can decorate not only the wall. Having shown imagination, they can decorate the ceiling, chandelier, cornice, etc. There is a technology for creating butterflies using origami. They will also look original in the interior.

From paper, cardboard blanks, you can create a beautiful chandelier. Moths seem to envelop the ceiling. In this case, you can choose any color for staining. It is correlated with the chosen colors in the interior.

White paper butterflies can be painted with acrylics. On the fabric, you can make an additional finish with beads and rhinestones. It all depends on the imagination of the master, as well as the availability of a large amount of free time.

Having considered the basic approaches to creating decorative moths, everyone will be able to decorate the interior of their home with the help of these motifs.

An important role in creating a cozy atmosphere is played by decorative gizmos and compositions. But not always and not everyone may have enough money to adequately decorate their home with expensive decorations. Creating such interior items with your own hands often becomes the best way out from the situation, moreover, such needlework brings a lot of pleasure - both in the process and in the end result. To date, moths and butterflies have become a popular type of home decoration. These creatures fluttering along the walls are able to cause a mass positive emotions reminiscent of beautiful sunny days. We will devote our article to an overview of the various possibilities self-decoration walls with butterflies, and also consider how to make them.

Butterfly wall compositions

Butterflies in the interior of a particular room can be presented in different ways: they are placed in the form of panels, scattered in chaotic or ordered compositions, they decorate certain areas with them (for example, around lamps, artificial trees etc.) or painted on the walls, often with luminous paints. One has only to look at the photo of a beautiful panel in the form scarlet heart of butterflies, you will immediately want to place this romantic composition in your bedroom.

The advantage of moth decor is their ability to complement the interior of any room, regardless of its functional purpose and the style present. It is important to choose the right color scheme to match the overall design. For example, red or green moths will look great on a beige wall, black ones on a white one. In the children's room, you can create multi-colored paintings from butterflies fluttering cheerfully over the crib, and in the living room, decorate an empty wall with a whirlwind of plain butterflies.

Luminous moths created with the help of special paints look unusually beautiful. In the evening they become original decoration rooms, enlivening it and filling it with mystery.

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands: manufacturing methods

If you decide to decorate the apartment yourself with such decorations, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with different ways making butterflies. Although the work will require some costs, time and perseverance, but the result, believe me, will undoubtedly please. To make the composition look more natural, it is better to make moths for it. different forms and sizes, using templates that you can draw yourself or take ready-made ones from the Internet.

How to make butterflies out of paper and cardboard

The easiest way to make paper butterflies. To do this, you can take white sheets and decorate the winged beauties at your discretion, or get a set of colored paper. The advantage of this material lies in the ease of working with it, therefore, it is quite possible to involve a child in the manufacture, having issued, for example, a panel of butterflies in a nursery. In addition to paper, you will need accessories such as scissors, templates, pencils, PVA glue (for bulk products).

There are two ways to make a butterfly out of paper. The first is to take a ready-made template and use it to transfer the outlines of a moth onto a sheet of paper, cut it out with scissors. The second way is more simple. First, we cut out a square (rectangle) from paper, fold it in half, apply a half butterfly template to the fold line, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. Then we unfold and get a beautiful moth. The advantage of butterflies cut out of paper is their airiness - if a light draft blows, their wings will move like real ones.

You can give the butterfly wings more elegance by cutting out pre-drawn internal details with nail scissors or a clerical knife. To make a magnificent butterfly, cut out two identical blanks from paper. different colors or the same, and then glued. In this case, the lower plane - the base - can be simple, and the upper one is decorated with patterns or clippings. For fastening use double-sided tape.

A cardboard butterfly is also cut out in two ways - using a full or half template. As a basis, you can use not only ordinary colored cardboard - multi-colored moths cut out of old postcards and magazines look beautiful.

Corrugated Paper Butterflies

One of good ways making a voluminous moth - the use of corrugated paper. To do this, you additionally need to prepare a needle and thread. On sale you can find material of various variegated colors and create a real colored moth cloud.

First you need to cut out a strip of paper measuring 7x10 cm (you can use other sizes, depending on the desired size of the butterfly). Using a needle and thread, we form an accordion in the central part and tighten it, as shown in the photo. We fold the resulting side canvases, connect them and, slightly stretching them to the sides, get rid of the folds - we got a blank of two wings, which now need to be given a beautiful wavy shape. You need to cut out two wings at the same time, not forgetting to also select areas for the antennae. In this case, templates are not needed - the shape can be given at your discretion.

At the final stage, we unfold and straighten the workpiece, and twist the antennae with our fingers. Butterfly is ready!

paper origami butterfly

A beautiful, voluminous butterfly can be made using the origami technique. It is a little more difficult to make it than in previous cases, however, when you make a couple of such beauties, things will go much faster. Beginners need to use the schemes of such work, which are quite a lot on the World Wide Web, be patient and perseverant. The art of origami does not stand still, constantly evolving, so there are a variety of ways to fold butterflies - from simple to modular, capable of moving wings, etc. As we learn how to make an origami moth for wall decor, you can use a simplified technique.

First you need to cut out a paper square, bend it along the possible diagonals and twice through the center. We fold the opposite sides, and bend the lower corner tops, turn over - we get a double triangle. We bend its tip so that the tip is located above the entire part, after which we wrap it and fold it in half along the central guide. At the final stage, fold the part twice. Making a voluminous butterfly in this way, you do not need to intensively smooth out the folds.

Making fabric butterflies

Knowing the origami technique, you can make a magnificent butterfly out of matter. To do this, you need two rectangular pieces of different fabrics of the same size. We sew them together along the perimeter - we get a canvas-base, from which, following step by step diagram, presented below, we form the product. To fix all the necessary folds and the final design, an iron is used. Butterflies made of fabric will be an excellent decoration for the room. Materials can be used different colors and structures including tulle and lace.

Butterflies from tin cans

If you still have empty cans of drinks, do not rush to throw them in the trash - they can be an excellent material for making shiny winged beauties. Using scissors, it is necessary to cut off the top and bottom of the can, cut it in half, getting the base canvas. Next, we will use the template and apply the image of a moth to the surface, cut it out, giving the edges a waviness. To prevent the wings from curling, you can give them a corrugated finish by making longitudinal recesses with the blunt side of a knife or scissors. The resulting blank is decorated with multi-colored markers.

Luminous butterflies do it yourself

Luminous moths look amazing and excellent in the interior, capable of captivating with their mystery in the dark. In this case, their images will be applied to the wall using phosphor paints. To get the glow effect, you need to make sure that there is some kind of light source next to the decor.

So, for work you will need paints of different colors, a sponge, a brush, glue spray and stencils. First, we prepare stencils of future moths from cardboard and glue them on the wall. We attach a piece of sponge to the brush and use this simple tool to decorate the butterflies. To better understand which paints will look more profitable, it is better to work in the twilight. After applying, you need to wait a quarter of an hour and remove the stencils. The paints will dry completely in two hours, after which you need to outline the contours with a pencil. To "revive" the composition, you can apply additional strokes of paint near the wings. The decor is ready. We turn off the light and admire the beauty of our luminous fluttering moths.

Butterflies on the wall - decor photo

In conclusion, we invite you to visit our photo gallery. Here we tried to collect the best examples of decorating an apartment with butterfly compositions. We hope these creative works will bring you a lot of pleasure and inspire you to create your own wall decorations. Happy viewing!