How to decorate an old mirror with your hands. Self-decoration of the mirror

  • 13.05.2019

Handmade interior decoration is a very exciting activity. After all, it allows not only to fill the house with those things that most complement each other, but also to create something beautiful and memorable on your own. A striking example of this is the decor of a mirror with your own hands. It is diverse and contains a lot of ideas on how to decorate wall mirrors of various sizes and shapes.

Beautiful do-it-yourself mirror decor: a step-by-step master class

There are many ways to decorate mirrors. For this, needlewomen and handmade masters often use beautiful rhinestones, beads, flowers, threads, and literally everything that comes to hand.

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step master class how to decorate a mirror with bamboo sticks. In this case, you will needmaterials:

  • round mirror without frame
  • thin bamboo stems
  • special glue or hot glue gun

If the bamboo stems need to be cut, then you will also need a hacksaw and a vise (or clamps).


1. Cut the bamboo stems to the desired length.

2. Thoroughly degrease the mirror (medical alcohol is suitable for this), apply glue to one quarter of its circumference (along the very edge of the glass).

3. Glue the first and last bamboo sticks to the selected part of the mirror and only after that fill the space between them with other sticks. This will distribute them in the most even way.

4. In the same way, glue the mirror around the entire circumference.

5. Let the bamboo frame dry for 24 hours. However, if you use a glue gun, the bamboo will grab almost immediately, but when doing such work, you must ensure that the mirror does not burst under the influence of high temperature.

6. After the long bamboo stems have dried between them, it is recommended to additionally glue shorter pegs 2-3 cm long. They will not only decorate the mirror frame, but also make it stronger and stronger (it should be noted that long bamboo stems are glued on a mirror in front, while short ones are in the back). Once everything is dry, the mirror can be hung on the wall.

Mirror decor with a special film and rhinestones

Another popular method of decorating glass is creating patterns on the surface of the mirrors themselves. If you have some experience and talent, this can be done by hand, using stained glass paints and other similar materials. However, if desired, they are also easy to replace with a special self-adhesive film for glass decoration, which can be found in any store that sells goods for interior decoration. It can be transparent and opaque, on which the method of cutting it depends. In the first case, this can be done manually, in the second case, you will have to order cutting on a plotter. In the lesson below, the master uses a transparent film, and therefore does all the work manually:

Mirror matting

The next way to decorate wall mirrors is to matte them with a special paste or aerosol. To perform such work, you will need: degreasing fluid, a stencil with a pattern, matting paste (or aerosol) and some paper in order to close the mirror during operation.

To apply a pattern to a mirror surface, you must first degrease it, then attach a stencil to it and fix it in the desired position. Next, cover the rest of the mirror with paper, apply paste to the surface of the stencil and quickly level it. Let it set for 15 minutes, wash off with soapy water and remove the stencil. The drawing is ready.

Tip: when working with paste, you need to make sure that it does not get on the surface of the mirror in any case, otherwise white indelible spots will remain on it and the decor will be damaged.

Other options for decorating mirrors

Like bamboo sticks, you can always use colored paper and a flexible wire, with which it is easy and simple to make such a flower arrangement:

Or glue wooden clothespins around the round mirror:

However, the mirror will look good with a rich floral decor:

Such petals can be made of felt or other dense material.

In summer, decorating mirrors with shells and all kinds of pebbles is most relevant:

Although many prefer to use expensive pebbles and beads instead, which allow you to turn an ordinary mirror into a real piece of art:

Well, those who prefer to decorate the house in eco style will surely appreciate the idea of ​​decorating mirrors with green twigs:

This frame looks fresh, beautiful and homely. Another similar way:

As you can see, decorating mirrors is very easy. The main thing is to connect your imagination and inspiration to this lesson, and then you will get an exclusive mirror. self made that will fit perfectly into the interior of your home.

  1. What can you make a frame out of?
  2. Manufacturing process
  3. Taking measurements
  4. Oval mirror frame (no wood)
  5. Branch frame
  6. Advice for a beginner

A frame for a mirror is not only a part of the design of the mirror canvas, but also a decorative element in the composition of the room. Framing can become the accent of the room, harmonize with the surrounding space or stand out from it with its originality. The frame can be any. Its shape, size and appearance depend on the dimensions of the mirror and the imagination of the master. Here are a few master classes that will help you realize the idea and create your own unique frame.

What can you make a frame out of?

Creating a mirror frame is a creative process. It is made from anything:

  • Wood is the most common material. In the course are slats, old and new boards, saw cuts of trunks. The variety of solutions is limited only by the imagination of the author.
  • Polyurethane foam ceiling moldings are another option for creating a classic frame that works well for decorating.
  • Metal baguettes and forging are organically combined with a mirror surface. These materials are used by craftsmen who know how to work with metal blanks, forging and welding.

The main thing in manufacturing is an idea that should be well thought out and implemented, then the mirror composition will bring aesthetic pleasure and complement the interior.

Decor is an equally important stage in the design of the frame and baguette. If the frame is made from a ceiling plinth, it should be supplemented with decorative elements or covered with paint, enamel, since the plinth itself is often white and faceless. The same goes for plastic rails. With a tree it is different: the material already has a structure, beautiful drawing, shade. It is enough to cover wooden baguettes with protective paint or varnish, but you can always add accessories to the frame.

Requirements for framing mirrors for different rooms

When choosing materials for creating a frame and its decor, it is important to take into account the specifics of the room in which the mirror will be installed:

  • For the bathroom, it is imperative to use materials that are resistant to corrosion. It can be wood treated with an antiseptic or galvanized metal, polyurethane is suitable.
  • Near the heating radiators, in the kitchen, in the room opposite the window, they hang a baguette made of heat-resistant materials that are not subject to linear expansion (it is not recommended to use plastic).
  • The frame opposite the window must be UV resistant, apply special formulations to cover frames.
  • Ease of care is an important requirement for framing and decor.

In addition to practical qualities, the frame should be combined with the surrounding space, in harmony with the interior and match the style of its design.

Manufacturing process

The most convenient material for making mirror frames is wood. Natural raw materials are suitable for almost any interior style: from classic to modern. Can be used to make different forms tree:

  • longitudinal cuts of trunks;
  • cross cuts (circles);
  • finished slats;
  • wood materials (chipboard, OSB);
  • thick and thin branches.

The tree does not need additional decoration, but if necessary, you can do anything with it: paint, tint, glue applications, etc.

Taking measurements

The first thing to do before starting work is to correctly take measurements of the mirror sheet. To do this, measure the length and width of a quadrangular product, and the diameter of a round product.

When creating a rectangular baguette frame, it must be taken into account that the mirror will partially go beyond the frame (1-2 cm) from the front side. When preparing rails, measurements should be taken on the inner shelf, if any.. When gluing a mirror onto a base canvas, this allowance can be neglected and the actual dimensions can be transferred.

Master class: composition from slats

The easiest way to decorate a rectangular or square mirror is to make a frame from ready-made wooden or polyurethane ceiling slats. They can be bought at any building supermarket or framing workshop. The width of the blanks is determined by the aesthetic preferences of the artist:

  1. From the rails, it is necessary to cut blanks according to the size of the canvas. It is important to take into account the size of the inner shelf so that the mirror does not move in a large frame.
  2. Then you need to cut the rails at an angle of 45˚, clean the cuts sandpaper.
  3. Now on the table we fold the frame corner to corner, to the outer ones - we attach metal corners.
  4. We take one blank and coat the ends with carpentry glue.
  5. When all the blanks are missed, we attach the metal corners again and pull the structure with a rope to fix the position of all components. It is important to stretch the rope as much as possible so that the glue grabs.
  6. After a while (see the instructions for the glue), we remove the stretch. The frame is ready. It is necessary to strengthen its corners - we put brackets with a stapler.

The video shows the process of assembling a frame from finished profiled rails.

Then you can decorate front side: paint, paint the resulting frame, make an application.

  1. To fix the mirror in the frame, cut out 4 corners from plywood.
  2. We insert the mirror into the frame, attach the corners to the base. This is done with glue or a stapler. It is better to combine these methods.
  3. We attach a loop to the frame for hanging.

Instead of a profiled rail, use a regular one. Then the profile can be made on carpentry tools, if any. If skill allows, glue joints are replaced with grooved ones.. To do this, in the angular planes it is necessary to make a spike and a groove, which are subsequently coated with glue and firmly connected to each other.

Another option is to connect the rails at an angle of 90 0, not 45 0.

We use a vertical saw cut of the trunk

Sometimes nature itself creates masterpieces that you just need to see. For example, an old snag or a lopsided tree can have an interesting shape and become the basis for an artistic frame for a mirror:

  1. We take a barrel of any diameter (depending on preferences).
  2. We make a longitudinal cut, set the thickness of the workpiece.
  3. We process the board with sandpaper, soak it with antiseptics.
  4. We connect the strips at a given angle.
  5. To fix the mirror, with reverse side frames we fasten plywood corners.
  6. We mount a loop for hanging the structure.

Framing round and oval mirror

To decorate an oval or round mirror, you will need a plywood substrate for an oversized canvas. We make the basis for decoration:

  1. A mirror sheet is attached to the base with glue.
  2. On the reverse side, a loop is mounted for hanging the structure.

Oval mirror frame (without wood)

It is not easy to enclose an oval or round mirror in a frame, but it is easy to decorate with a border. For example, cable car:

  1. For glass, you will need a base of a similar shape, only larger.
  2. A rope or rope is taken with a length equal to the circumference of the fabric being formed.
  3. We attach the mirror to the base with thermal glue.
  4. We lay the edging around in one or several rows, lubricating it with hot glue along the entire length.
  5. We hide the edge of the rope under decorative elements. You can make the usual transverse dressing with the same rope.

The made base goes well with beads, marine theme accessories.

Branch frame

Branches can be found everywhere: in a park, forest, square on the way home or to work. Why not use them to decorate a mirror frame?

  1. The collected branches must be thoroughly cleaned of microflora: remove the raw and broken bark, treat with boiling water or an antiseptic that makes the shade of the wood more saturated.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a cardboard base for glass.
  3. We press the processed branches tightly against each other to the base, after soaking them with hot glue.
  4. If necessary, color the composition. It is convenient to do this with aerosol paints.

Most master classes are based on the use of a substrate under the mirror, to which all the elements are attached - a mirror sheet, decor, loops for hanging. Otherwise, no difficulties - just enough imagination, and the result will certainly please you and your loved ones!

Hello dear readers! We are always happy to help you in controversial moments of your interior. Today we will advise better ways how to decorate a mirror with your own hands so that every visitor to your house pays attention to it.

In addition, now no design is complete without this element. It is noteworthy that some people use the mirror as an intermediary in creating a special style in the room. We will not beat around the bush, but immediately proceed to today's topic.

If you decide to complement your interior with a mirror, take a closer look at models that have a varied and non-standard shape. In addition, a significant role is played by the frame in which the "glass" is framed. In general, a properly selected mirror will emphasize the creative imagination of the owners and bring certain notes of exclusivity to the house.

It does not take much money and effort to create a unique decoration for the room. It is enough just to connect creativity, diluting everything with unusual and bold ideas that will be embodied in the finished product.

Do not forget that the creation of a masterpiece is an exciting creative work, which will result in a non-standard result.

Also, photos are attached to understand what is at stake.

Method number 1

Get ready to be surprised, because for the first option that we want to offer, you need a small amount of rice, millet, pearl barley or buckwheat. Try to choose coarse grains that resemble beads.

  1. Cover the outer edge of the product with masking tape - this way you get a frame.
  2. Then we apply another layer, inside the previous one. Make it with double-sided tape, and next section again with masking tape. So you got a triple frame.
  3. Now, our task is to lay out the cereal evenly, along the entire length of the double-sided tape. For uniformity, smooth with your hands and press firmly to the surface. You should get a uniform frame, which is then covered with golden paint.
  4. After all the work, remove the frames from the masking tape.

The result was a frame resembling golden beads. Optionally, add a small section of beads around the edges.

Hang the result of your work in a prominent place, and the design of the house will become more attractive.

Method number 2

For the next option, you will need dry, small branches. You won’t have to follow them far, there are plenty of them in every yard, under the next tree. Calculate in advance how much will be enough so that you do not leave during the process.

  1. Let's start from the foundation. It will be enough for him thin sheet from plywood, on which we glue the mirror, with the help of " liquid nails". You can get them at any nearby hardware store.

    Please note that the mirror should be smaller than the plywood sheet and a kind of frame should form.

  2. On this part we glue branches from a tree or shrub.
  3. Next, to strengthen the structure, prime the whole thing and paint. It is advisable to use a single color paint.
  4. To diversify, glue a few dry flowers, artificial butterflies or dragonflies. Ready!

Such an exclusive work will give any interior a new touch of originality, and the ease of implementation will push you to remake all the mirrors in the apartment.

Method number 3

  1. Fix the desired pattern on the mirror, and then cover with a special aerosol. In the event that you only need thin lace, take a small piece of paper and close the unnecessary edges. Otherwise, the spray will fall on the mirror, outside the napkin.
  2. After completing the work, the product will be covered with a frosty frame in the form of a lace pattern. At the same time, the inner edge will be covered, which will create a special beauty.

Method number 4

The following method may seem resource-intensive, but if there is at least a part of necessary materials, you will save a lot and get a masterpiece. Today, this option is fashionable, namely, decorating a mirror with a matte stencil. Prepare rubbing alcohol, a few wipes, a disposable spoon, and matting paste. Of course, you can not do without a stencil.

There are several more ways to apply patterns, but this one is considered the simplest and most affordable.

Of course, this list is not limited. available materials, which can be used to decorate mirrors or mirror surfaces. For example, you can give preference to pasta, coffee beans, buttons, shells, stained glass paints, etc. In extreme cases, you can glue the frame for the mirror from foam baseboards, which have a suitable decor.

Of course, the main task in this matter is not the selection of materials, but the correct creativity. Do not be afraid to implement unusual and bold ideas to get a great result. Do not forget that the finished work will bring joy to your household, and guests will always be surprised by your resourcefulness. We wish you success in decoration!

In addition to its functional mission, the mirror serves decorative ornament the entire interior of the room, regardless of its purpose. Basically, mirrors are purchased ready-made, and the products offered are produced mainly in standard configurations, but you can also purchase a designer thing, but its cost will be quite high.

You can solve the issue yourself by making a frame for the mirror with your own hands or decorate the existing one with the help of improvised materials and personal imagination.

If your imagination is a bit tight, you can always resort to the help of Internet resources, where you can see a lot of photos with options for decorating mirrors.

Mirror Decoration Ideas

Perhaps almost everyone knows amazing property mirrors - expanding the space of the room, making it visually larger than the actual size, and the role of a stylish interior decoration.

You can decorate mirrors various materials available in sufficient quantity for everyone. And your indefatigable imagination and great desire will translate into reality any ideas for decorating mirrors, moreover, made with your own hands, which will make your creation truly priceless and unique.

The main field for creativity in decorating mirrors is not the mirror surface, but its frame, i.e. frame. To decorate it, you do not need special knowledge or work experience at all, this process is quite accessible to everyone, the main thing is to have good taste and be creative in the design process.

To decorate the mirror frame, you can use: seashells, pieces broken glass or ceramics, tile fragments, paper, newspapers, jewelry items, mosaic remnants, bamboo sticks, tree branches and much more.

Using broken dishes

It is easy to make a mirror decor from fragments of broken dishes with your own hands. Did your favorite cup or plate break? Do not rush to throw away the fragments, because they can be used to build a decoration for a mirror frame.

Cut the mosaic pieces with the appropriate tool. Prepare in advance a draft of the future creation and a field for creativity.

Glue the mosaic components on top of the workpiece using ordinary glue, small beads and pebbles with mother of pearl will not be superfluous, in addition, you can use other details at your discretion. At the end of the process, it is necessary to grout the frame surface and wipe it with a soft cloth.

Decor with shells

Decorating a mirror frame using seashells is as easy as shelling pears, with glue, acrylic-based paints and a sufficient variety of shells on hand. Prepare the surface of the frame in advance, clean it from dust and dirt. Apply glue on top of it and lay the prepared shells in the intended order.

Straight lines, wavy, in the form of circles or bends, and other configurations will look beautiful. Dry the composition for some time, then cover acrylic paint or fix with varnish.

Stone decoration

The frame, decorated with stones, looks quite expensive and stylish. When using glass drops, do not forget that they are quite massive, which means you should leave space around them free. Do not combine stones of different types and textures.

For decor perfect choice will become: smaller than average pebbles, teardrop glass, crystal elements, artificial or natural stones, rhinestones and other materials. As a fixing, use a special transparent glue.

We decorate the wall with mirrors according to the rules

In order not to spoil the wall with future creations, and to make the decor of the mirrors on the wall successful, you must follow certain simple rules:

  • give preference to mirrors of the same dimension, it is better to use products no larger than average;
  • products of non-standard forms, as a rule, are not placed in frames;
  • round or square mirrors should be decorated with a beautiful frame;
  • a composition of the same type of mirror frames will look solid, regardless of the size of the mirrors;
  • use no more than 5 mirrors in the composition with a spectacular and stylish frame, otherwise break the harmony;
  • a win-win option would be to use mirror frames, which are ideally combined with the whole style of the interior solution of the room.

Photo decor mirrors

It's no secret that mirrors in the interior occupy a special position. They not only visually increase the space, but, having interesting design transform the look of the room. Mirrors can be hung everywhere: in the bathroom, in the corridor, in the living room, in the children's room.

A mirror decorated with your own hands can turn into a real masterpiece of design art. And for this you do not need a lot of strength and financial investments, the main thing is to show imagination and a little perseverance.

Making a bathroom mirror

Many in the bathroom on the shelves are laid out all kinds of shells brought from warm countries. And what if the mirror is decorated with the help of these very shells? To do this, you will need a glue gun (you can use Titanium-type glue, but it will take ten times longer to dry) and, in fact, the shells themselves. In addition to shells, you can use various beads, beads of artificial pearls will look especially beautiful. Before gluing, the mirror must be placed on a flat, stable surface and degreased (in case the decor will be glued not to the frame, but to the mirror itself). Lay out the shells along the edge of the mirror in random order, and then glue one at a time, starting with the largest. Glue small shells and beads in the gap between the shells.

Mirror for children's room

There is room for fantasy here! An ordinary mirror with the same glue gun can be decorated with:

Small toys from kinder surprises

fun vinyl stickers

Flat wooden and plastic applications

multi-colored buttons

Fabric flowers (for girls)

Felt applications

A mandatory rule for a mirror in a children's room is that it must be completely safe, i.e. the edges should not be sharp, and the mirror itself should be fixed properly.

Hallway and living room mirror

When decorating mirrors for these rooms, you should consider general style rooms. For example, a mirror with a stained-glass window or fabric roses is not suitable for a high-tech interior, but a stylish creative mirror will be like an eyesore in a classic interior.

V modern interior Mirrors with decor made of plastic spoons and clothespins will fit perfectly. The photographs below show that making such mirrors is not so difficult.

For classic interiors decorating a mirror using decoupage technique, painting with stained glass paints or decorating a mirror using strips from plastic bottles is suitable.

  • Avoid bedroom mirrors: in dreams we free negative emotions and the mirror beside the bed will reflect them back. It is believed that if the sleeping bed is reflected in the mirror, then this contributes to family quarrels, anxiety, as well as adultery.
  • In Feng Shui, it is considered extremely negative to place the mirror directly opposite front door. The fact is that through it the main amount of qi energy enters the house, which is necessary for a good Feng Shui home, and therefore for successful life his owners.
  • Avoid placing a mirror opposite another mirror, and avoid placing a mirror opposite a window. When the light is extinguished, the window turns into a mirror, and in the first and second cases, an endless energy well is obtained. It can be compared with open door through which energy flows. This leads to a strong weakening of the energy of both yours and your home.
  • Avoid using mirror tiles- it fragments your image, which is noted by the subconscious, and acts as a network that compresses the cash flow.
  • If you want to hang a mirror in the bathroom, remember that it should not reflect the washable one (to illness or failure in love).