Wooden lining inside the house. How to sheathe the walls of the house with clapboard inside and out? Wooden base preparation

  • 27.06.2020

How to sheathe walls with clapboard? This question is most often asked by people who have started repairs on a loggia or balcony. But this material will be an ideal finish also for country house. The tree gives comfort to the house, allows the walls to "breathe". natural material always helps the brain to relax psychologically.

List of required tools and materials

Getting ready to finish, prepare in advance necessary tools and materials.

This will save you time, as you won't be distracted while editing by searching. Here's what we'll need:

  • Lining;
  • Wooden beam or metal profiles to create a crate;
  • Kleimers for fastening;
  • stapler or hammer;
  • Tape measure (required for various measurements)
  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw (to adjust the lining to the desired size);
  • Building level;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver (for fixing boards);
  • Dowels, screws or nails;
  • Sandpaper or mesh (needed to sand the surface);
  • Pumice stone or hard rough brush (required for cleansing);
  • Sander (preferred but not required)
  • Primer;
  • Impregnation;
  • Insulation and vapor barrier film (if insulation is expected).

It is better to stock up on lining in advance, as it takes time to dry it. On average, it takes from 3 weeks to 3 months.

How to correctly calculate the amount of lining

These simple calculations can be easily done by every manager in a hardware store. But let's talk about how to do it yourself.

First, let's calculate the area of ​​the room. To do this, you need to multiply the length by the width. Such measurements are made for each plane. which you are going to sheathe.

From the resulting area subtract the area of ​​door and window openings. Then we calculate the area of ​​​​one board. It consists of: thickness from 12 to 25 mm, length from 1 meter to 6 meters, width up to 15 cm.

For example, we take a panel 2.5 meters long and a width of 0.1 cm. Its area then is 0.25 sq.m.

We calculate the amount of material for the room (it is taken into account that we only sheathe the walls) 4 by 4 meters and a height of 2.5 meters. To begin with, we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone wall, and since we have square room- multiply this number by 4.

Multiply the height (2.5 meters) by the length of the base (4 meters). It turns out 10 sq.m. The total sheathed area then is 40 sq.m (10 sq.m is multiplied by 4). To find out the number of boards that will be needed for finishing, you need to divide the total area by the area of ​​​​one board. It turns out that for work we need 160 pieces (40 sq.m divided by 0.25 sq.m).

When buying, keep in mind that during work, and in the package itself, marriage is possible. Always take more.

The device of the crate and the location of the bars

In order to fix the sheathing material to the wall, a crate is used. It can be made in two ways:

  • From a metal profile;
  • From a bar.

Let's talk about the second option. In order for the tree not to deteriorate during operation, it must be covered with a special solution.

Video - creating a frame:

What determines the choice of section size? Typically, if you have flat wall, then the first option will do. It won't take up a lot of usable space. In the event that you have an uneven wall, you will have to use a large thickness of the bars. This is necessary to even out problem areas.

Thin slats are attached to the surface mainly with glue or cloves. Thick - dowels or self-tapping screws.

Sometimes, especially on the balcony, the bottom of the wall gets a little wet. To avoid this, apply a layer of waterproofing or a waterproof composition to the wall.

Important so that air can circulate inside the structure. This will increase the life of the material. To do this, if you use backing bars, leave a small gap. This will prevent the formation of mustiness and dampness.

Before you start attaching the frame, make a markup. To do this, you will need a pencil and a building level.

During installation accurately measure the angle of attachment guides. The aesthetic side of the design depends on this.

If you intend to use insulation, use wide bars. The distance between the rails should be no more than 60 cm. The direction of fastening of the structure depends on the chosen plane of the panels.

If you want to increase the width of the room - use the horizontal direction, to create the effect of a high ceiling, use the vertical direction. Racks are located perpendicular to the panels.

When installing the crate on a wall where there are windows or doors, it is necessary to install bars near them. The lining will be attached to them, not to the frames. Make sure that during installation a single distance is observed for the entire frame.

wall cladding

How to sheathe the walls with clapboard? This question is asked by almost everyone who first starts this type of work.

It is not at all difficult if you follow all the rules and sequence.

The following methods are used to fasten the panels:

  1. With the help of a kleimer;
  2. Fastening with a nail from the side of the tongue, driving it in at an angle;
  3. Using an additional clip;
  4. When using lining boards with an offset profile.

The use of a clip gives us an undeniable advantage during dismantling. We will be able to disassemble the structure, while the lining will not be damaged. It can be reused for other jobs. When attaching, do not forget that the fixing method should not be visible. It is covered by the next board.

If you are starting from a corner, it is better to do it from the most inconvenient one, since trimming is inevitable. If you have chosen a horizontal direction, it is better to start from the ceiling.

The last strip, as a rule, is not included completely. Flaws are easy to hide with a skirting board.

One more piece of advice if you chose horizontal direction. To prevent dust from accumulating in the grooves, it is advisable to position the spike of the bar to the top.

The installation of the first element is very important for subsequent work. Use a level to ensure the panel is fixed as evenly as possible. We fix it with a glue. The latter is fixed to the structure with three nails. The kleimer should be near the board as close as possible.

Video - how to sheathe correctly wooden walls:

When fixing, make sure that the panel does not move from the set level. Subsequent elements are inserted into the groove and fixed in the same way.

Most often used for sheathing. But a great option for interior decoration there are also panels from the following tree species:

  • Another maple;
  • Ash;
  • Cherry;
  • Nut.

Maple wins with its extensive color range. The cut of ash forms an attractive pattern. Walnut is durable. Well, cherry is a noble shade.

The answer to this question lies rather not even in the form of wood, but in special impregnating compounds that protect the surface in such harsh conditions of this room.

Video - how to properly sheathe a block house:


When calculating the cost of work, it is necessary to include in the list both the price of the materials and components themselves, and the prices of the team, if you are not doing the installation yourself.

Work is usually estimated at 300 rubles and more for square meter. It depends on the volume and complexity of the work. Average price per cubic meter- 11,000 rubles.

Now you know how to sheathe the walls correctly. A little patience and skill, and you will succeed!

November 2, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Lining today is one of the most popular finishing materials for country houses. Therefore, home craftsmen often ask me about certain nuances of its installation. To help those who are engaged in finishing suburban housing or are just planning it, in this article I decided to talk in detail about how to properly finish clapboard inside the house with my own hands.

The choice of lining

First of all, we will consider which lining is better for interior decoration of the house, since the question of choice is the first thing you will have to face before finishing the room.

The main parameters that distinguish this finishing material are as follows:

  • type of wood;
  • quality;
  • profile.

As for the type of wood, the following types of lining are most often used for interior decoration:

  • from cedar - this lining is durable due to its high density and abundance of resin in the structure. In addition, it has a number of other advantages:
    • has a calming effect on nervous system;
    • has an antiseptic property, which also favorably affects the health of those living in the house;
    • has an attractive appearance;
    • mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of cedar.

The disadvantages of this material include only the high cost, so not everyone can afford to use cedar lining;

  • from linden - has an attractive uniform color and pleasant. Often, such lining is used for cladding baths, since it practically does not contain resin.
    The disadvantages include a porous loose structure and susceptibility to decay, so the linden must be treated with protective impregnations;

  • from pine - is the most popular due to its low cost, attractive appearance (it has a beautiful, pronounced pattern) and resistance to decay. The disadvantages include the ability to release resin. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed for some time even after thorough drying of the board;

  • from larch - it will be distinguished by high strength, comparable to oak products. In addition, larch has one more important quality- resistance to moisture. This wood practically does not rot, so it is often used for exterior decoration.
    Of the shortcomings, only high cost can be distinguished;

  • oak - this material belongs to the elite class, which is associated with the highest performance and attractive appearance. If you want to finish the house once and for all life, then oak lining is what you need. True, its cost, as it is not difficult to guess, is the highest.

Another an important factor choice is the quality of the lining. According to this parameter, it is divided into several varieties:

I must say that there is still a third grade, however, it is not suitable for home decoration, so we will not consider it.

When choosing a material, pay attention to the lining profile, which can imitate timber, logs or even siding. True, the choice depends solely on the interior design that you want to end up with and personal preferences.

Below are the prices for some types of lining:

Based on the above information, everyone can decide for himself which lining to choose for interior decoration.

Finishing technology

The interior decoration of the house with clapboard includes several stages:

Let's start with this work in order.

Stage 1: preparation of materials

To finish finishing country house lining inside, in addition to the lining itself, you will need the following materials:

  • wooden slats about 2 mm thick;
  • kleimers - special fasteners for lining.

If you also plan to insulate the walls from the inside, then you should prepare:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • bars for assembling the frame.

Insulation of the house from the inside, for a number of reasons, should be considered as a last resort if it is not possible to perform insulation from the outside or if the external insulation is not effective enough.

Before purchasing all the materials, you need to calculate the quadrature of the surfaces that you are going to sheathe with clapboard. To calculate the materials, you can use the online calculator.

Stage 2: preparing the walls

If the walls of the house are brick, block or concrete, then before finishing them, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory steps:

  1. first remove all elements that may interfere with further work- these are shelves, hanging cabinets, a decorative element, etc .;
  2. if there are areas with peeling plaster on the surface, tiles or others finishing material, they need to be removed.

If you are preparing a wooden house for lining with clapboard, the work is done a little differently:

  1. after dismantling the hinged elements, it is necessary to process the wooden walls antiseptic composition. The agent should be applied according to the instructions on the package;
  2. if there are gaps between the crowns, they must be insulated using tow, twine, polyurethane cords or other insulation.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of preparing the walls.

Stage 3: installation of the frame

In order to qualitatively mine the lining inside the house, you need to properly install it. It is necessary to approach its arrangement especially responsibly if the house is to be insulated. In this case, the work is done like this:

  1. First of all, you need to make a ventilation gap. To do this, you need to attach rails to the walls. You need to arrange them horizontally in the form of belts with a step of about 50 cm;

  1. then a vapor barrier film must be attached to the crate. At the same time, it is very important to place it tightly, moreover, the canvases should overlap each other by 10 cm. The joints can be glued with adhesive tape;
  2. now you need to fix the frame racks. To fix them, you can use metal corners.
    During the installation process, the most important thing is to position the racks vertically and in the same plane. To do this, first install the extreme bars from the corners at the same distance from the wall. Then between them you need to pull the threads and set the intermediate racks along them.
    The distance between the bars should be a centimeter or two less than the width of the mats;

  1. then in the space between the racks you need to lay a heater;
  2. then a vapor barrier film is attached to the frame according to the scheme described above;
  3. at the end of the work, it is necessary to make a counter-lattice of laths with a thickness of about 2 cm. Keep in mind that the counter-lattice should be located perpendicular to the position of the lining.

In order for the ventilation gap to work, it is necessary to make air ducts in the wall below and under the visor, i.e. small holes. They can be filled with mineral wool and closed with a mesh.

If the walls are not insulated from the inside, it is enough just to fix the slats perpendicular to the lining. Keep in mind that the slats must also be in the same plane, otherwise the walls will turn out to be uneven.

As for the ceiling, the principle of mounting the frame is the same - wooden slats are attached to the slabs or floor beams, which are leveled. True, in some cases the ceiling in wooden house intentionally performed with open beams. In this case, the slats are installed in the space between the beams.

Stage 4: lining installation

The instructions for mounting the lining on the walls are quite simple. As an example, consider the process of mounting the lining in a vertical position, since most often it is installed in this way:

  1. first of all, the boards must be cut according to the height of the room;

  1. now you can start sheathing the frame, starting from the corner. Place the board in a vertical position on the level, and attach it to the crate with self-tapping screws, screwing them from the side of the spike. Pre-drill the holes to prevent the board from cracking.
    From the side of the groove, the lining is attached to the frame with the help of special fasteners. They provide concealed installation. Kleimers are attached to the frame with small nails or self-tapping screws;

In the photo - the docking of the lining between each other

  1. the second board must be docked with the first in the lock, and then fixed in the same way from the side of the groove with clamps. According to this principle, the entire wall is sheathed;
  2. the last board must be cut in width from the side of the groove, and attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. The latter should be placed closer to the corner;

  1. after sheathing all the walls, decorative wooden corners are attached to the corners. You can fix them with carnations with bitten off hats;
  2. then you need to perform slopes. To do this, fasten the slats along the perimeter of the openings, and attach the lining to them according to the standard scheme.
    You can learn more about the installation of slopes from other articles on our portal dedicated to this topic;

  1. at the end of the work, install wooden corners around the perimeter of the openings.

Now, according to the same scheme, lining of the ceilings with clapboard is performed. The joints of the ceiling with the walls can be hidden both with wooden corners and with special wooden ceiling plinths.

In the same way, the house is finished with clapboard from the outside. As a rule, facades are trimmed in this way. wooden houses.

Upon completion of the work, the lining should be treated with a protective impregnation or varnished. This will make the surface even more attractive, and will also protect the material from all sorts of negative influences.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to finish the interior of the house. wooden clapboard.


Sheathing the house with clapboard from the inside is carried out simply and quickly. The most important thing is to properly prepare the surface and ensure a flat frame surface. As for fastening the lining, this procedure is easiest to perform using clamps.

Wooden paneling of the walls with clapboard gives stateliness to the room, classic elegance. But, rooms where the sun is present most of the day (southern), it is not advisable to finish with clapboard. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, it will quickly lose its color. After a few years, dark spots will begin to appear.

The walls are often sheathed with clapboard, especially in summer cottages, loggias of apartments. This gives comfort, incredible coziness.

We classify the material

When buying a lining, the quality, cost of the material, the room where the walls will be finished with a lining will be taken into account. There are many options.

Natural lining is made from the following tree species:

  • Coniferous;
  • Deciduous.

For example, for saunas, baths, hardwood panels are suitable. Since they do not emit resin, like conifers, at high temperatures, significant degree differences. Coniferous walls will not look neat, will be sticky. It is also easy to get burned by tar secretions.

Among conifers, only cedar from Siberia is a pleasant exception. Its wood is of a high class. The cost of such panels is decent. But the quality and durability will justify all the costs.
Trees such as cedar, larch, pine, eucalyptus, and fir-tree are considered soft. Below is a wall decoration with clapboard in the photo, which will help you choose the design that you like best.

The most persistent are deciduous (ash, aspen, linden, alder). Linden is recognized as the best for a bath. When the air temperature rises, it begins to release a slight smell, which has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
By quality, wood is divided into classes: premium / extra, a, b, s.

Mounting types

Naturally, before you start lining the walls with a wooden clapboard with your own hands - an example in the video, you need to decide on its type, direction. Be it horizontal, vertical, diagonal, herringbone, rhombus or brick, mixed.

Considered a classic horizontal installation(in Russia, that's for sure). It has a positive effect on the expansion of room space. A small disadvantage that can be avoided (during installation, the grooves are directed downwards) is dust, moisture that collects at the joints of the boards. Adhering to this recommendation, start laying from above.

Vertical placement is the most popular among Finns. It makes the ceilings visually higher. This effect is especially important for low rooms. Installation of wall decoration with clapboard begins to be carried out from the most difficult angle.

Diagonal installation (and mixed) have differences in direction, aesthetic appearance. Installation is much more difficult than the previous options. The interior, decorated with wood of different grades and shades, looks especially bright and unusual.

It is easier to install wooden panels on the walls horizontally with belts or vertically.

The vertical version of wall cladding with clapboard is simply necessary for rooms with high humidity, places where frequent condensation is possible (bath, kitchen, etc.). Since the horizontal method will not protect against excessive moisture.
The type of installation, with the vertical installation of the boards, affects whether the groove-ridge will be cut off, in what place, by how much.

When installed horizontally, the final result looks very attractive. Here the lining is installed, directing the ridges upwards to protect the grooves from the appearance of water accumulation. This will prevent the occurrence of rotting, microbes, fungi in the future. When installing the first bottom board, the side of its groove is cut off. Thus, the pocket is removed, which will collect moisture.

The diagonal option for placing the lining is least often used. This happens more difficult, with a lot of material waste. From the point of view of beauty, it practically does not differ from previous installation methods. This do-it-yourself clapboard wall decoration will bring zest to the room.

There are shaped styling: herringbone - a little difficult, but possible. A vertical crate is needed, on which template-cut fragments of material will be mounted.

The lining of the walls with a diamond-shaped clapboard is more complex. A crate is made in the form of a framed cross. The bars are fixed in its quadrants diagonally. The labor expended on the installation of a diamond-shaped lining is worth it. The result looks incredibly stylish, expensive.

How is the installation

Everything happens in order.

A crate is being made. Without it, channels appear where moisture collects, dampness occurs in the room, a fungus can start, and the wall will begin to rot altogether. Therefore, they commit repair work by all rules. Even if the walls of the house, perfectly even, are themselves wooden, all the same, before lining the wall with clapboard, it is necessary to install a crate.

Clapboard wall decoration is installed with obligatory channels for ventilation (they are specially cut out in boards). No crate anywhere. It should be made of wood, like the panels. This is important, because the material acts as a damper. Especially important when using min. wall materials. The gaps (deformation) between the wall itself and the boards support the same function. Connectors are 5mm or larger.

For example, there are frequent cases when wooden boards are laid on a steel crate (as when installing drywall). Later a short time the material begins to burst, cracks appear. But, having removed the plinth a few years after installation, it turns out that the even-looking surface of the wooden crate was only slightly led around the edges. It doesn’t matter what type of crate will be, the basis for its installation is the same for everyone: the crate bars must be located strictly perpendicular to the boards.

Do not forget about the bars that are placed along the edges:

  • The ends of the boards should not hang;
  • With a diagonal version of the installation of the lining, its crate must have a frame (solid);
  • The thickness of the bars starts from 20 mm, the width - from 30 mm;
  • The size of the installation step of the bars is at least 4 boards wide;
  • From the ends, the fixing points are placed at a distance starting from 50 mm.

Some styling rules

In order not to spoil the finished repair, when installing the lining, some rules are observed:

  • Do not install directly on a wet, porous wall crate;
  • The wall must be properly prepared;
  • Most the best way- plastering with cement;
  • If the room is dry, there are even walls plastered with concrete - the bars are fixed with EU brackets (which is used for drywall). These are plates that have been perforated.

To make everything masterful, the bars are chosen the most even. The brackets are attached to the walls, a middle bar is installed (placed first), along the edges of which the brackets are bent, and the bar ends are fixed. This is followed by bending the intermediate brackets, the bar is completely mounted (without deformations). The subsequent bars are leveled with the middle one, placed evenly along this plane.

The surest preparatory method for lining walls is to carry out a vapor barrier. For some rooms, this is extremely necessary (kitchen, bath, hallway, etc.).

Do-it-yourself clapboard wall decoration requires care.

The wall must be completely leveled, insulation must be applied on top, with the side of the foil facing out. Insulating material (on a special adhesive tape) is placed with an overlap (15 cm). Next comes the fastening of plywood linings (of the required thickness, at least 8 mm) to the wall under the bars. Then crate bars are attached to them.

It turns out a well-ventilated spatial gap (between the lining and the insulating material).

The basic principle of laying the lining is to start work from the most difficult small places; finish with large, simple sections.

When the wall is already sheathed with clapboard, plinths are attached. Do-it-yourself clapboard wall cladding helps to save enough money, find interesting solutions. This is where the analogy with laminate flooring comes in handy.

Material advantages

Lining from natural wood has a number of advantages that are known to many. Consider the main ones:

  • Ecological cleanliness of the finishing material;
  • There are no emissions of substances that adversely affect a person;
  • It is allowed to use in a children's room, a room where allergy sufferers live;
  • Duration of operation (if you periodically perform special processing of wood, it is maintained in perfect, new condition);
  • Wood lining does not burst, does not scratch;
  • Not afraid of damage (minor mechanical);
  • It is easy to realize any design fantasy (due to different tree species, their coatings with varnish, paint);
  • Withstands temperature fluctuations (certain types of wood);
  • Possesses moisture resistance;
  • Modern types of panels have high fire safety;
  • Withstands significant influences both indoors and outdoors (one of the main differences from plastic lining).

Tricks, nuances

Once the material is purchased and brought home, it must be adapted to the future location. Before the walls are finished with clapboard (example in the photo), the panels are dried for 1-2 weeks inside or outside.

If the material was on the street, it will have to be left for another day or two in the room where the walls will be repaired. Such manipulation will avoid possible deformation of the boards on the wall.

Masters prefer to fasten the boards to the crate with special clips (mounting):

  • Sweeping;
  • Starting;

Kleimers are the most productive. Installing one anchor point takes a couple of seconds. They do not spoil the wooden lining.

Required protection:

  • Grinding;
  • Primer;
  • Coating with acrylic varnish (colorless, tinted).

The varnish will not only protect against damage, radiation, but also add fire resistance to the material.

Lacquer-colorful choice

Means to maintain the excellent appearance of the panels long time use on early stages before sheathing. And the walls sheathed with natural clapboard, an example in the photo below, must be processed upon completion with additional colorful materials.

In addition to them, to give a spectacular finish to the lining of the lining, at the end of the repair, the wood is covered with tint compositions.

It is based on a couple of components that strongly affect appearance finishes. Varnish happens:

  • Alkyd;
  • Acrylic;
  • With a water base;
  • polyurethane;
  • Mixed (acrylic with polyurethane).

Alkyd dries for a long time. For faster drying use special. solutions. Such a varnish will endow the room with a sharp, not very pleasant smell, which is difficult to erode. But these little things can be endured, because the alkyd will give the boards reliable protection from humidity.

Acrylic is quick drying. Used inside buildings and outside. Moisture resistant, perfectly tolerates high temperatures. Attractive is the presence of many shades, colors. All surfaces treated with such a varnish can be washed without problems, it is easy to remove dirt and dust from them.

Varnish on water is the safest, most environmentally friendly among all means. Dries quickly, no smell. Differs in the absence of chem. solvents. There are water- and dirt-repellent varnishes. Caring for materials coated with this varnish is very simple. The cost is quite high.

Polyurethane. By far the most versatile. It will not let the wood turn yellow. Shades are offered brightly saturated, half transparent. The tool is presented for every taste. Do not forget about the primer of the required tone, especially if the choice fell on the light color of the varnish.

An interesting, practical, often applicable when cladding walls on their own is the impregnation of wood with oil. Thus, the panels acquire an unobtrusively shiny, beautiful tone.

For our climate, in order for the board to look perfect for more than 10 years, it must be treated with acrylic varnish in two layers.


The perfect decoration of room walls with a clapboard with your own hands following the example (watch the video), will not take much time and effort. If you like to do something on your own, have accuracy, are sure that you can handle it, feel free to get to work.

Clapboard is a pure natural material that has been successfully used for wall decoration for a long time. Clapboard trim is found in residential buildings, baths, utility rooms.

Interior design with clapboard

There is an opinion that this material is more suitable for giving or a bath than for a cottage or apartment. This myth is successfully refuted by designers who organically fit wood trim into the most different styles and directions.

Wooden lining in the interior is organically combined with tiles, wallpaper, plaster. With the skillful combination of textures, you can create an elegant and stylish interior like in this photo:

Original photo ideas for cladding with clapboard furniture can become the basis for your own design:

Lining can become an integral part of the interior in scandinavian style. In this design, it is combined with natural or artificial stone and large ceiling beams.

For those in love with Provence, wall decoration is ideal wooden material natural shades. In this option, the combination of wood with plaster and a rough board floor looks cute and natural.

Another style that requires the use of natural wood paneling is Russian. The walls sheathed with a block house look like the walls of a log house.

Lining is also applicable for high-tech style. In this version, the material is dyed in neutral gray or white and used as a backdrop for bright accessories.

Fans of minimalism should like the combination of lining with strict stone and ceramics.

Varieties of material

Lining can be not only wooden, there are three main types of material:

  1. MDF panels.
  2. Plastic lining.
  3. Wooden lining.


The traditional and time-tested material is wood. It creates a breathable coating that can be varnished or painted in any color with paint or special impregnation if desired.

Wooden lining has several classes with different quality characteristics:

  1. Class Extra. Differs in high quality, lack of defects, the increased durability. Has an appropriate price.
  2. A-class. Small knots can be found on material of this quality. Otherwise, there should be no defects. The most popular type of material in terms of price - quality ratio.
  3. B-class. There are noticeable factory defects on this lining. But at the same time, the material is quite durable and can be safely used for finishing a bath or balcony.
  4. C-class. Most inexpensive option with defects different kind and not durable. Suitable for finishing non-residential outbuildings.

Another classification of lining - in form:

  • eurolining (considered to be of higher quality and has a different appearance);
  • ordinary lining, having standard shapes and sizes.

Note! The most popular clapboard finish inside the house today is from the block house material. This is a eurolining that imitates log house. This design implies a traditional national flavor.


It is believed that plastic panels more suitable for sheathing ceiling planes. For walls, this material is not suitable, as it is fragile.

Note! Exceptions are rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen.

trimmed plastic material the ceiling is easy to clean with conventional detergents and does not need special drying, like a wooden counterpart.


This lining looks very similar to a tree. MDF is easy to mount, has a wide color scheme and varied in texture. Its main drawback is instability to moisture. When wet, this material exfoliates and deforms, so it is not used in rooms with high humidity. MDF can be used for walls or ceiling.

Note! Combining MDF panels with other materials gives an excellent result.

How to work with wooden lining

Finishing clapboard requires careful preparation of the material. The wood must be thoroughly dried. In addition, the material must be left indoors for a day before starting work, so that it “gets used” to the temperature regime of the room. Walls for sheathing need to be prepared: leveled and treated with special compounds.

Note! Each element of the lining has a groove and a spike for connecting parts. Thanks to this system, the surface sheathed with wood will be perfectly flat.

Wood is an excellent heat-insulating material, but it is sensitive to temperature changes in the room. Abrupt climate changes can lead to mold growth. In addition, insects that feed on wood can cause great damage to the coating. To keep the lining inside the house for a long time, it is important to monitor temperature regime and treat material from pests.

Note! Excessive drying of the wood can lead to deformation of the panels.

Mounting the lining is very simple, this task is easy to handle House master. You just need to follow a simple algorithm of work:

  • clean the walls from dirt dust;
  • level the surface;
  • install a crate from a metal profile or a wooden beam (the crate will help hide the bumps and slope of the walls);
  • fasten the trim elements using clamps.

You will need an assistant to work, it is not always convenient to fasten long cladding elements alone.

Lining can be carried out in a vertical or horizontal direction. Accordingly, if the skin is horizontal, the frame is installed with vertical posts and vice versa.

To make the crate even, all its elements are set using building level. The installation of the frame starts from the corners of the room. Between the rails, a distance of half a meter is observed. If necessary, mineral wool insulation can be fixed between the racks of the frame. Wooden racks are pre-treated with compounds from mold and wood-eating insects.

Note! Minus wooden frame in that it is sensitive to temperature and humidity. That is why professionals advise using a metal profile.

Finishing a room with clapboard can begin from the floor or ceiling, as it is more convenient for the master. In the second case, it is easier to hide undercuts with a regular skirting board. Sheathing elements can be fastened with ordinary nails or clamps. Between the fragments of the coating, you can leave a small gap, it is not necessary to join them closely.

If the rail is shorter than the wall of the room, you can use butt elements - special strips.

How can you paint the lining

For a finished look, you can cover the skin with a varnish composition or paint. Which option is better to decide?

Varnishes for woodwork can vary in composition and are:

  • water;
  • alkyd;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylic;
  • acrylic polyurethane.

Acrylic-based lacquer dries quickly and is suitable for indoor finishing works. It is resistant to humidity and high temperatures. Has different color solutions. Lining with such a coating is easy to wash if necessary.

Universal output - polyurethane varnish. This is the only coating that prevents light wood from turning yellow. For light shades of varnish, you need to use a transparent primer.

Alkyd-based varnishes dry for a long time. Sometimes special solutions are added to the composition to speed up drying. Alkyd varnish has a pungent smell that will stand in the room for a long time. But on the other hand, this coating, like no other, will reliably protect the wood from moisture.

Water varnish is absolutely harmless to humans. It does not emit toxic substances, dries quickly. This varnish can cover the walls in the children's room.

You can paint a tree with different dyes. But it is better to give preference to water-based or acrylic-based paint.

Note! If you need to update the walls, lined with clapboard, they can be easily repainted. It is necessary to pre-sand the surface with an emery or grinder and apply a new coating.

Today it is fashionable to replace plastic trim elements wooden options which gives the home comfort and warmth. The technology of wall cladding with wood has been known for a long time, but remains relevant to this day. Today we’ll figure out whether do-it-yourself clapboard wall cladding is so difficult, and whether it can be done without outside help.

What nuances should be considered when working with lining

Lining is a board of different thickness, which is made from different breeds tree. This material got its name because of the place where it was first applied. These are wagons in trains, the inner walls of which were sheathed with small wooden slats. Today it is fashionable to sheathe the walls in the bath with clapboard, as well as in the sauna, or the gazebo.

It must be taken into account that the decoration of the walls with clapboard with one's own hands requires a thorough, balanced approach. Pay attention to the following details:

  • Packed boards should be stored on a substrate in a horizontal position.
  • The humidity of the storage room must be within the normal range.
  • Storage should not be allowed when direct sunlight is directed at the packages.
  • It is important to pay attention to the expiration dates indicated on the package.

  • The cost of 1 m2 of distillation from linden, which perfectly tolerates temperature changes and high humidity, costs 500 rubles, and in order to sheathe walls in the main rooms at the dacha, on average, you can meet a smaller amount - 300 rubles per m2. Important! The price of the material directly depends on the quality of the wood.

On a note! Lining for walls is bought with a margin, which is equal to ten percent of the total area. It must be remembered that the width of each element is measured by the internal depth, so you need to subtract 10-12 mm of the groove depth.

Lining material processing

After the purchase, the question becomes, how to sheathe the walls with clapboard on your own, so that the coating turns out to be wear-resistant and beautiful? The primary task is the correct pre-treatment, because the manufacturer does not carry out any manipulations with the tree. You need to do the following:

  • Needle products need degreasing. To do this, it is better to rinse the board with a 25% acetone solution. Then wipe with a cloth dampened with water and dry.

  • All, even the most minor, damage should be repaired with a putty mixture for wood. You can buy it at any hardware store.

  • If you need to change the shade, then you can use stain, or other professional impregnations that will preserve the beautiful texture of the wood.

What you need to prepare the walls for lining

There are two main options for how to make a wall clapboard: glue and frame. Note that the first one will require you to have a perfectly flat surface. That is why the second method is preferable, which involves the construction of a crate. Among the advantages of this method- creation additional space for warming the room.

In order to fix the lining on the wall, you need:

  • Instruments. In this particular case, you should prepare a drill with different nozzles, a plumb line (level), pliers, a hammer, hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • Reiki for the construction of the frame. For these purposes, whole wooden beams with a section of 30 * 60 mm. At the same stage, the substrates used to level the surfaces are prepared.
  • Fastening materials: dowels, self-tapping screws, nails, kleimers, if necessary, then hangers for the frame.

Important! Even if the frame method of fastening is used, preliminary preparation of working surfaces is required. The procedure is simple, it is that all decorative elements are removed from the wall, and the defects are overwritten. After that, an additional primer is carried out.

How to create a crate for lining fasteners

Preparing walls for lining is the most scrupulous process. You will have to tinker with creating a special design. General recommendations:

  • Treat the beam with refractory impregnation and antifungal agents.
  • Make sure that the slats are located strictly perpendicular to the decorative boards.

  • Between the rails, it is necessary to observe a single distance, the step of which is 40-50 cm.

  • It is necessary to leave a distance between the floor and the ceiling. This recommendation is especially relevant for wooden houses, which are constantly subject to shrinkage.
  • The evenness in the installation of the frame is subject to careful check, for this, plumb lines and a level are used.

  • If a space is formed between the rail and the wall, then it must be filled with prepared dies.

Important! The construction of the crate makes it possible to equip the walls with an additional insulating layer. The insulation is fixed between the formed racks.

Which fixation option to choose?

It is important to decide on the method of fixing plank materials. Sheathing a wall can be done in several ways:

  • Through view of fasteners. This is the simplest solution that does not require special efforts. The point is that the screws are screwed directly through front side. This method involves marking so that the fastener points are located on the same line. In addition, holes are drilled in advance on the wagon board, which will not allow the tree to deteriorate and crack. When screwing in screws, make sure that their heads are completely recessed into the wood. This is easy to achieve if you pre-drill a place under the hat with a large-caliber drill. Formed holes are masked with special eraser plugs or rubbed with putty. Of the shortcomings, this method significantly violates the external aesthetic appeal of the coating.

  • Fastening the lining to the wall can be carried out using decorative carnations. Their hats were originally decorated to match the color of the material.

  • A great option would be hidden carnations without hats. The peculiarity is that such nails can only be hammered at an angle of 80 degrees. This will make it possible to hide those areas that have been violated.
  • If you have a professional stapler on your farm, then staples can be used for fasteners.

Important! Not worth buying hand tool for driving staples, which is sold at every corner, since its use does not provide a secure fit.

  • With the smallest thickness of the wagon board, kleimers are used. The main advantage is that the mounts are invisible.

The method of how to fix the lining to the wall is selected individually, based on the specific situation. But we note that recently the most popular are the kleimers.

The process of fastening the lining

Before sheathing the walls, the material is brought into the room and left for two days. This manipulation is essential for the tree to fully acclimatize.

Important! If you rush and skip this stage, then there is a high probability that the structure will warp.

All work must be carried out at positive air temperatures, and the optimum humidity is at least 60%.

The essence of the technique:

  • Most often, laying is carried out in a horizontal position, so install the first bar at the bottom so that its pinch (groove) looks up.
  • As with wallpapering, fixing should start from a corner that is away from the entrance to the room.

  • Check the board carefully with a level, taking into account the horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • The first board is fastened, and the rest are then grooved, and then fixed with clamps. be careful with the first and last elements, it is better to fix them with screws.

  • After finishing, you need to decorate the walls with skirting boards and corners, or you can paint the walls from the lining with stain or varnish the surface.

Experience guarantees completion of finishing work in a day, even including the installation of the frame. Natural materials will give the room comfort and warmth, last a long time, and retain beauty.

Video: Do-it-yourself lining installation