To make your voice more beautiful. How to make your voice beautiful - exercises

  • 02.07.2020

The inimitable Marlene Dietrich said that if only a beautiful voice could be bought in a supermarket, there would be many who would like to do it. Too bad we haven't thought of this yet. Can you imagine what a huge line would form behind the counter with soft velvet voices?

Unfortunately, such a necessary product is not yet presented on the shelves of the supermarket. Therefore, we will have to make do with what we have and improve our intonation and speech.

Today we will talk about how to use simple exercises you can make your voice more sensual, gentler and more attractive to men.

Speech and voice exercises that will make them irresistible

1. A real cage for a soft, pleasant voice becomes a constrained body.. So to begin with, let your body loosen up and remove any existing clamps. That sensual energy, which will receive freedom, will make the voice sound much more tender and attractive.

Dancing is another great way to throw off the shackles from the body. It will become more flexible, movements - more plastic, and the voice - more attractive.

2. Vocal lessons with an experienced teacher will help change your voice and make it sound more melodious. Start a new day with a song or dance to the sound of your voice!

3. With the help of intonation, it is easier to convey your point of view to the listener. After all, if you mumble monotonously, the interlocutor may generally stop perceiving what you are saying.

Without training here, too, anywhere. good exercise it will be if you take a book and read passages from it aloud for several minutes. For example, take out any women's novel and read a couple of pages in different voices. This will cheer you up so much that you will go out to a romantic meeting with a young man in full combat readiness.

An exercise to "adjust" the volume of your voice: count from one to ten, decreasing and increasing the volume. Thus, you will determine which sound is best for you. It is only important to remember that in a room where, for example, music is playing loudly, the voice volume should be increased. You don't want your listener to take your quiet conversation as disrespect, do you?

5. State your thoughts clearly. This will give you the impression of a woman confident in her irresistibility. Rehearse the situation in front of the mirror, watch the gestures. If you have fussy movements, the interlocutor will definitely notice the uncertainty in you.

6. Look closely at the movements of the cat. You know that for a man this image is the most attractive. Imagine that you are a catwoman and make your movements appropriate for her - graceful and soft.

Stretch gently in bed in the morning, like a cat. If your voice lacks sensuality, try meowing and purring every morning.

Exercises to create a unique, sensual voice can be a great lifesaver, both in personal relationships and in a business environment. Just say gently, loudly, gracefully, and you will definitely be heard!

For example, some voices are soft and gentle, while others are coarse and deeper. These discrepancies in timbre make each person special, but they can also create some preconceived ideas about the speaker's character and intentions when speaking. In this article we will tell you how to make the voice soft and what affects the coloring of the sound.

Voice - a reflection of character?

Many people associate a naturally harsh voice with a cruel and rude person. And, while most appreciate a low timbre, they would rather have a smooth and sweet tone, especially singers. The tips below in the article will help you learn how to make your voice soft.

Take care of your health

You cannot have bad habits and expect your voice to be soft. Those who want to get rid of hoarseness should consider following the tips below to change their voice in life:

  1. Make a balanced meal plan and stick to it.
  2. Get regular aerobic exercise such as running or swimming.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day, not counting soups, broths, drinks, tea or coffee.
  4. Avoid dairy products, which can cause phlegm to form in your throat.
  5. Give up bad habits such as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Following these basic instructions will not only give a person a healthy lifestyle in general, but will also serve as a platform to move on to other methods of voice change.

Exercise Regularly

After you have compiled personal plan to keep the body as healthy as possible, you can focus on the voice itself. Practicing vocal exercises is especially important for those who want to turn their harsh tone into something softer. Let's find out how to change the voice in life:

  • Always stand with a straight back, do not slouch, the tip of the chin should look up. Imagine that someone mentally pulls you by the ears to the sky, preventing you from relaxing your back and bending.
  • Breathe deeply from your diaphragm, not just from your chest.
  • Begin each practice session by gently massaging your jaw with your tongue. inside.
  • Always keep your tongue near the front of your mouth to avoid sonorous sounds (pronunciations through your nose).
  • By vibrating the lips, you can vary the pitch of the sound.
  • Imitate the voice of an owl for a minute or two.
  • Sing softly, concentrating on shaping your tone as desired.

Try Herbal Remedies

Many singers use the gifts of nature to soften the sound of their voices. Typical ingredients are ginger, dill, marshmallow root. A few more tips for those who don't know how to make their voice soft:

  1. Get rid of your cough. To do this, you can use licorice root, thyme, plantain, elecampane, rosehip. It is important that you get rid of phlegm and mucus.
  2. Soothe a sore and scratchy throat. Mix honey, cayenne pepper and water to get rid of inflammatory process and eliminate the infection. You can also dilute a bee propolis pea in a glass of water and then gargle.

Surgical intervention

When people try to learn how to make a rough voice softer, they involuntarily encounter alternative method. So, nodules and polyps can be removed surgically under general anesthesia. But this method always has a risk of complications: in addition to the standard surgical consequences, there is a possibility that after the operation the voice can recover for a long time.

Such different exercises

  1. You should start with a basic singing warm-up - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Accompany each sound you make with a piano key, trying to imitate the note correctly. When you're done, you can repeat the octave in the opposite direction, starting with the final Do. Gradually, you can sing this warm-up several times back and forth, without pauses or breaks. If you do not have a synthesizer or piano, you can turn on the electronic instrument on your computer via the Internet.
  2. Sing the standard combination with tightly closed lips - Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. When your mouth is closed, you strengthen your vocal cords and improve your articulation.
  3. Now try to open your mouth wide and sing a combination with long "ahh" sounds. Say an octave from Do to Si. Open it as wide as possible to make it easier for you to sing.

train your voice

If you still want to learn how to make your voice soft, then follow these tips:

  • Always use a large number of air for both loud and soft sounds.
  • Prefer those songs that fit your natural range.
  • The melodies you use to set up and practice your voice should be comfortable. While singing, it is important to feel comfortable.
  • Don't forget to reflect the emotional side of the composition on your face, don't stand like a statue.
  • When you sing or speak, never inhale through your nose. Imagine how it would sound if you had to speak with a microphone in your hands. It is best to divide the phrases into measures, between which you can take a "safe" breath. This will not break up the song or monologue, giving the listener the impression that you are short of breath.
  • Pronounce all consonants and vowels as clearly and distinctly as possible. To do this, practice reading tongue twisters.
  • When you sing or talk a lot, drink as much water as possible. Pay attention to all the speakers - they always have a filled bottle on the counter.

Voice modulation

When speaking in public, it is best to lower your voice to make it sound better. If your timbre has a natural rasp, avoid shrill and screeching sounds that may cause mixed reactions from your audience.

Try to speak more slowly, relax and do not be nervous - there is nowhere to rush. Pause between sentences and phrases to emphasize and control the pace of your speech.

Some more helpful tips:

  1. The length and scope of the topics you will be talking about have importance. Pronounce each word clearly, with appropriate pauses each time they are needed for emphasis. Practice in front of a mirror. Literally pronounce each word, making exaggerated movements, because this exercise will allow you to make speech more clear and clear.
  2. Yoga is all about connecting with yourself and the nature around you. You can use voice exercises during yoga to make the voice softer. Repeat Sa Re Ga Ma several times. You can also say "om" for 5 minutes every day.

What determines the timbre of the voice

Many people wonder how to increase the elasticity of the vocal cords. According to experts, such folds are muscles, which means that, like any other, it is important to train them regularly.

Never start singing without a good warm-up. Pronounce the sounds "a", "o", "u" and their derivatives to the sounds of notes, read tongue twisters, do exercises for the lips and tongue.

How to Improve Your Singing with Proper Breathing

Here are the most popular techniques for developing the lungs and diaphragm:

  1. Stand up, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose to expand your lungs. Exhale through your mouth.
  2. Inhale through your nose and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale also as long as possible.
  3. Inhale through your mouth and as you exhale, you need to sing all the vowels.
  4. Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, you need to say the numbers from 1 to 5. Gradually add one number each time you repeat this exercise.

Correct pronunciation

  • Gymnastics. Reach for the chin and then the nose with the tongue. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Chew your lower and upper lips for 30 seconds. "Clean" your cheeks, that is, blow them out one by one.
  • Read tongue twisters.
  • Pronounce the "m" sound. First you need to do a quiet voice, and then gradually increase the volume.
  • Breathe in through your nose and say "Ha!" sharply. Repeat this exercise for 1 minute.

Everyone knows that the female voice is often much higher in timbre than the male voice. But it is interesting that the fair sex rarely can take the highest notes. But the female voice is universal. With his regular training, you can achieve both low and high timbre.

Hello. Recently I ran into such a difficulty: they were filming a video, and I heard my voice. To be honest, I didn't like him at all. So, please tell me how to make your voice more pleasant.


Well, yes, we checked how the voices of each of our editorial staff sounded on the recorder and began to write you an answer to the friendly laughter. I think that with the start of testing technologies such as video and audio recording, all of humanity has suffered a total fiasco. "How? What, I have such a terrible voice?? Yes. And you don't have to put up with it, this "problem" can be solved. Of course, you will have to make a little effort or even a lot. In any case, do not despair, as always you forgot who the man is here.

1. Listen to yourself

You need to understand how you sound now. Knowing your voice timbre, you can control its sound. You can stand in front of a mirror and read an excerpt from your favorite play or Eminem song, or you can record your voice on a dictaphone, as we just did. Some devices will transmit sound more correctly, so take the trouble to find quality equipment. Don't try to write down a dull mumble on Grandma's Motorola. Tiny voice recorders do not reproduce deep bass sound.

2. Drinks

drink warm water or warm weak tea before starting voice exercises. A warm drink will help relax the muscles in your throat and larynx. But cold water will make the ligaments stiff, such a thing will come in handy if you want to practice using a high voice. But why you might need it, we do not know.

3. Breathing

Breathe naturally. Breathe deeply enough to fill your lungs and improve breath control. You don't need short, shallow breaths.

Your posture is essential in achieving a good result. If you stand with a straight back, this will open the diaphragm. Then the air will move freely and it will help you to speak more clearly. Check your posture in front of a mirror. Don't slouch like a hyena. It is high time to remember that the back should always be straight.


Open your mouth naturally in order to speak normally.

Do not growl or speak in a rough voice. Such pronunciation can lead to damage to the throat and voice. Well, if this sound does not disappear despite your diligent efforts, then perhaps you have some kind of minor throat disease. It would be nice if you went to the doctor.

5. Develop a deep voice

The voice comes deep from your throat, your lips are parted and your chin is pointing down to your chest, this will help warm up your voice;
Singing slowly raise your chin, your voice should sound from the depths;
Add a little pleasing sound, make the tone of voice come through the nose;

Making your voice pleasant is not difficult, but you need to constantly work on it. Yes, it's long, but if you want to get beautiful and interesting girls, then it's worth it. 20 minutes a day of regular such exercises will make you a real macho. If not externally, then at least by ear you will be a pleasant person.

Egor Kaznacheev

While working on the text, we consulted with a voice professional. Meet: candidate of medical sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category, homeopath, ENT specialist at the Institute of Contemporary Art.

If you know that some annoyance can be changed, you try to fix it. The vision began to fall - I went to the optometrist. I didn’t like the body - I bought a subscription to fitness. I got tired of dragging an interpreter with me - I put him back in the storage room and learned twenty languages.

Dissatisfaction with our own voice is one of those annoyances that many of us put up with without even trying to fix it. To most, this seems as unlikely as living on Mars or winning the Russian figure skating team in the World Cup. Actually getting your voice to be the way you like it is not that hard. A little free time, a little patience and a lot of this article are enough.

Do you need it?

Surely you have met girls fanatically removing freckles; people with minus seven vision who stubbornly refuse to wear glasses, and men combing the scanty mop of remaining hair on the back of their bald heads. But, you must admit, there are many people who incredibly suit glasses, sparkling bald heads and girls with freckles. Why are we? Before you begin to improve your voice, you need to make sure that this is really necessary. We have compiled two lists of reasons that indicate that something needs to be done about your voice. The first list enumerates external causes, emanating from the surrounding reality. The second is your internal.

External causes

1. The phrase “Repeat, please” from others you hear not much less often than “Hi!” or "How are you?" At the same time, you are absolutely sure that you speak clearly and loudly enough. “Whether a person will perceive what you say depends on the voice by 30–40%,” says Natalia Olenchik. It is probably because of him that people miss your words.

2. Unexpectedly for yourself, you can start or end a phrase in an unnatural voice: either too high or too low. In particular advanced cases you squeal like a sausage-eating troll.

3. Get into your hands from time to time honest people who say to your face that your voice does not match your appearance (age, social status, the number of hamburgers you can eat at a time) or just nasty.

Local causes

Below are the main characteristics of the voice that are worth working on. Our happiness if this list includes at least one epithet that characterizes the sounds you make, because in this case you will surely read this text to the end! You can mow down from reading only because of illness: in order to appreciate the sound of your own voice, you first need to be healthy (flat feet do not count).

█ Too high.

█ Husky.

█ Nasal.

█ Trembling.

█ With hoarseness (rarely slipping "signature" hoarseness is not considered).

█ With shortness of breath.

█ Tense (strained, sharp - as you like).

How to speak with your voice

Another section that will help you to cherish the hope of the tolerability of your own voice for a while. It's possible you're making the wrong sounds. “People who speak unnaturally are quite common,” the expert says. “Moreover, a person usually does not realize the unnaturalness of his voice, he is used to speaking that way.”

To start speaking (singing, screaming, boiling potatoes) with your own voice, you need to go through three steps. Let's take a closer look at three of them.

1. Get well

As we have already said, chronic diseases and the consequences of injuries do not count. “But even treatable ailments have a noticeable effect on the voice,” Natalya Olenchik encourages you to cure kleptomania.

█ Diseases of the heart and/or lung system lead to shortness of breath, make the voice trembling.

█ Diseases nervous system and spine make the voice tense.

█ Diseases of the reproductive system primarily strike at the psyche. And already she, having curbed a weak-willed person, makes the voice be deliberately courageous, which is audible to the naked ear.

It’s not worth mentioning a cold and a sore throat separately (it’s better to cure them as soon as possible in order to start testing your voice) - except that our consultant advises not to whisper in case of an inflamed throat and ligaments.

“To speak in a whisper, you need to have good speech training, trained vocal folds. To speak in a whisper during illness - even more so. When whispering, the vocal folds do not close and a lot of air passes unvoiced: the muscle fibers of the vocal folds are overstressed. That is, a whisper increases the tension of the speech apparatus at times, even in comparison with yelling or singing.

2. Speak comfortably

█ Speak out loud for 15 minutes. “If during this time discomfort or even pain appears in the larynx, it means that you are speaking in an unnatural voice for yourself. Usually the reason is not so much possible diseases how many wrong breathing and habits,” Natalya Olenchik is sure. The easiest way to identify your natural voice is by experimenting, trying to speak with the correct breathing (more on that later) and different pitches. And that's what. Even if you know exactly where your vocal folds are and are sure that they are not the ones that hurt when you speak, stop rejoicing. “The pain around the folds is directly related to the surrounding muscles. The folds themselves will never hurt, because there are no pain receptors there, ”explains our consultant.

█ Try not to smoke for a couple of days. “Cigarette smoke causes aseptic inflammation of the folds,” says Natalya Olenchik. “The voice from this, of course, goes down, but due to the loose closure of the vocal cords, smokers get hoarseness.” Alcohol, by the way, contrary to popular belief, does not have a significant effect on the ligaments.

█ The larynx is located at the level of the 4th-6th cervical vertebrae. Considering that you have only seven of them, it is no wonder that, even being healthy, the vertebrae cervical affect voice quality. “If during a conversation you strain your neck or bend it unsuccessfully, your voice changes, and noticeably,” the expert assures. So relax your neck, keep it straight, put on your hat and take out the trash.

3. Find the key

█ “There are many ways to find exactly your voice, and all of them become very controversial when trying to self-diagnose. Here is one simple and common technique. Believe him or not - you decide. But it’s better to make an appointment with a specialist to find your own voice,” warns Natalia Olenchik.

The native pitch of the voice is revealed, in particular, by such an exercise. Close your teeth and lips, fill your lungs with air and exhale evenly with the sound “mmmmmmmm”. Since [m] is a consonant sound, at the output you will get something between “mmmmmmmm” and “muuuuuuuuu” - that's how it should be. While making this sound, clasp your throat with your palm, and as high as possible to the chin. Say a long "mmmmmmmm" up and down. Notice the moment when the larynx will vibrate the most (you will feel it with your palm). Most likely, this voice is your real one.

Action plan

This section includes three paragraphs with recommendations. We attributed one or another miraculous property to each of them (“correct hoarseness”, “relieve trembling”, “give an apartment”). Know that you can fully develop your voice only if you work on folds, and on breathing, and on articulation at the same time. So try to find time for all kinds of exercises. And if we demand the impossible from you, at least honestly combine the necessary points (for example, to get rid of trembling, you need not only to train the vocal folds, but also to put in the right breathing).

Train your folds

What will you fix: hoarseness, trembling, hoarseness, tension, make the voice lower.

“The vocal folds are made up of special muscles,” says Natalia Olenchik. - These muscles, like all the others, we can train and pump up. The thicker the vocal muscles become, the lower the voice gets. Trained folds close more reliably, which will allow you not only to lower your sound, but also to get rid of the other shortcomings listed above. Faster to fitness for voice! Bonus: you can set up a vocal fold room without leaving your home, without a club card and a change of shoes!

█ Talk as much as you can. When all the friends are ready to endure so much chatter, get a deaf-mute cactus that will pretend to listen to you for days on end.

█ Think and read, pronouncing each word to yourself and mentally straining your vocal folds (at first, for plausibility, you can even move your tongue in your closed mouth). “Voice folds fluctuate constantly, even in sleep,” the expert explains. - They do not rest in a state of rest, but due to a change in the mode of operation. When we are silent, these vibrations practically do not help to pump up muscles. But this can be corrected by starting to pronounce thoughts and texts in the mind.

Breathing exercises

1. Remember the army, even if you saw it only in nightmares. Hands at the seams! Bend over with your back bent and take a short but noisy breath. The neck should be relaxed. Gently straighten up (but not completely), allowing the air to slowly exit. Bend over again and inhale sharply again. Well, then you know. Repeat everything 8-10 times, take a five-minute break and repeat again (there should be 8 sets of 8-10 breaths in total). After a few days of training, the number of breaths in one approach can be doubled.

2. Stand up straight. And don't slouch! During a smooth inhalation, spread your arms to the sides and lift them up. Hold your hands and breath for a few seconds. Then sharply bend over and exhale with noise (hands down too). Repeat every day 2-3 times.

█ Shout and sing. “Better in the shower or toilet. There are good acoustics, and you will have the opportunity to hear yourself,” says Natalia Olenchik. Do not forget to sing long notes: the ability to hold them evenly will make your voice more confident.

Put your breath

What will you fix: nasality, trembling, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tension.

█ Breathe with diaphragmatic (lower) breathing. “Inhale deeply - so that the stomach comes forward with each breath. At the same time, the chest and shoulders should remain motionless (many lift them up), - our consultant advises. “Speak on your breath.”

█ Talk a lot. “Recommendations by some experts to set the breath while reading passages from books do not work well, because they are not related to real speech situations. The exception is people who, by virtue of their profession, have to read texts aloud (actors, presenters, etc.), ”explains Natalia Olenchik and encourages you to speak during classes the way you do it in real life.

█ Begin to set your breath by speaking in English. This language treats the voice apparatus much more carefully than Russian, and therefore it will be easier to get used to following the rules.

3. Move your lower jaw back and forth, and then open your mouth wide, as if you decided to measure the distance from the refrigerator to the gas stove.

4. Stick out your tongue and make figure eights with it in the air. You can also draw other numbers with your tongue.

5. Loudly and clearly pronounce the sounds [b], [m], [c] and [p] in turn.

For this, too, there is a special - articulatory - gymnastics. And do not rush to run to pay for the Internet to find a few exercises there. All of them are simpler than the Zhiguli and are aimed at developing the facial muscles, tongue and jaw. Rubbing the face in circular motions with the tips of the fingers, savory yawns with simultaneous attempts to say something intelligible, dangling the tongue and spanking the lips in different ways will be enough. For greater clarity, we give you a few exercises.

Well, do you remember everything? Not? Then it is better to re-read the article again and be careful. Of course, you can always relax and quickly solve the voice problem surgically. To do this, it is enough to apply with a corresponding request to the ENT department of any medical university. But, since operations on the vocal folds are the wildest thing, they can only help you with little things - the removal of singing nodules, fibroids and tumor-like formations. This will get rid of hoarseness in the voice, but, unfortunately, will not make it more courageous (that is, lower in sound). Oh yes, even with the help of the operation, you can make your voice much thinner and higher. But this, it seems to us, will hardly interest you.

If your voice is a tool for you, for example, you work in marketing or often speak in public, then it is very important that your voice is convincing. According to research, a low voice is associated with calmness, impressiveness, and leadership qualities, while a high voice is associated with self-doubt and weakness. In addition, a high timbre is more difficult to listen to for a long time.

It is very important to have good diction. People should understand you without making an effort. If you "swallow" words or speak indistinctly, even your most revolutionary and mind-blowing ideas will not be received properly by the public.

To make your voice more beautiful, get ready to constantly work on it. In addition, watch how you speak during everyday communication. Try to speak clearly and with arrangement. Try talking a little lower. Communication - The best way train your voice and hone your speaking skills.

Charging for the voice and muscles of the tongue

The beauty of the voice cannot be achieved without performing special exercises. Doing them daily won't take much of your time. It is especially useful to do them in the morning, when the facial muscles still feel “sleepy”. What are exercises that improve diction?

Start by lowering your lower jaw and moving it out to the sides. Then move back and forth. Perform the exercise very slowly and smoothly.

Now start warming up the muscles of the tongue. Smile and open your mouth. Move your tongue in different directions. Only the tongue should move, not the lips or jaws. Also, you can not run the tongue along the lower lip.

In the same position, run your tongue along the upper lip, from one corner of the lips to the other. Now on the bottom. Do not jerk, drive it at an even speed, work only with your tongue, everything else is motionless. Now make a full circle. Repeat several times. Then run your tongue along the upper and lower teeth in the same way, slowly, as if counting all the teeth with your tongue.

Now close your mouth and lick your upper and lower teeth alternately without opening it. Then tighten your tongue and direct it to the left cheek, and then to the right. Repeat with your mouth open.

The starting position is the same. Stick out your tongue, make it wide. Raise to the nose, then lower to the chin. Don't narrow it, let it be wide. Use only language. Then alternately place a wide tongue on the lower and upper alveoli (tubercles in front of the teeth).

To improve the timbre of your voice, do the following exercise. Stand up and fold your arms across your chest. Now lean forward, exhaling and making long sounds "o" and "y", and your voice should be as low as possible.

Also, to improve diction, practice saying tongue twisters every day, they should sound quickly and clearly.