Cleaning the sewer in the apartment. Do-it-yourself sewer cleaning in a private house

  • 03.03.2020

cleaning sewer pipes from debris and fat is carried out as improvised means: soda, reinforced warm water, vinegar or citric acid, as well as liquids based on alkali and chlorine. Radical means of cleaning very durable traffic jams are a plumbing cable, a plunger and a hydrodynamic method.

The accumulation of greasy and salt deposits are prone to sewer outlets of toilet bowls and washstands. This is due to the fact that a large amount of fatty food waste is poured into them, which settle on the walls of the pipes and form a greasy coating.

Do I need to clean the sewer from grease?

Regardless of the material from which the sewer is made, fat quickly sticks to the inner walls with a continuous sticky layer.

Small household and food waste, which also fall into the sewer, stick to this film, forming fairly strong blockages. In cast iron pipes, the hole can be clogged by loose scale, which is removed only mechanically.

Fat is a favorable environment for the rapid development of various bacteria that globally violate the sanitary condition of the kitchen and smell very bad.

If an unpleasant stagnant smell appears near the washstand in the kitchen, it is necessary to clean and sanitize the sewer.

Using improvised means

Cleaning the sewer from grease is carried out without the use of professional household products, you can get by with improvised methods. In the public domain there are funds that have a destructive effect on fat accumulations, dissolving them.

Baking soda and caustic soda, reacting with citric acid or vinegar, produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide, which creates excess pressure along the entire outlet. This pressure is enough to break through a weak blockage and slightly dissolve greasy and strong soap deposits.

You can also use it by pouring it from the pack into a dry drain, and pour warm water on top.

For greater efficiency, the drain hole is clogged with a plug so that pressure acts along the pipe, pushing the blockage into the sewer. Consumption - one glass of soda per washstand. When using acids, the amount of soda is reduced to 2/3 cup.

Note! If the sewer pipes are made of metal, then the use of a mixture baking soda and acids can damage their anti-corrosion coating.

Chlorine copes with fatty film and adhering debris household products e.g. whiteness. Liquid products in their original form are poured into the sewer, and the amount should be large - up to several liters. It takes several hours to carry out the reaction, after which warm water opens in the tap, which flushes the pipe from the remnants of the blockage.

The most effective means for cleaning pipes from grease

It is worth noting that the use of improvised means helps to solve the problem with simple blockages - only professional chemistry or mechanical methods cleaning.

To remove deposits and adhering debris, they are used to remove dirt and grease, which contains components that dissolve grease and even food waste.

Pushing through strong blockages that appeared during prolonged accumulation of waste or a foreign object entering the sewer is carried out using mechanical means - a plunger or a sewer cable.

Use of chemicals

The most popular are products made in the form of powders or dry granules. They contain an active alkali, which reacts violently with warm water and dissolves even strong old fat.

Note! When choosing chemistry, it is recommended to purchase options that have an antiseptic effect, usually they are marked "biological product". In addition to removing the blockage, the pipe will be disinfected and the unpleasant smell will go away.

One of the most famous means - "Mole". Convenient packaging in small bags, which is enough for just one use.

The contents of the bag must be poured into the sewer pipe and do not open the water in the tap for several hours. If there is water in the sink at the time of the blockage, then it must be removed as much as possible so that the powder or granules fall directly onto the blockage. The alkali will react with the liquid that is in the pipe, and soon the greasy contaminants will be removed.

Carefully! When using any chemicals to clean the sewers, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment - goggles, gloves and a chemical respirator.

Use of mechanical means

To clean the sewer pipes from grease and strong mechanical blockages, a plunger or a cable is used.

The scheme for working with a plunger is very simple - it must be applied directly to the drain so that the rubber circle sticks tightly to the bottom of the washstand. Up and down translational movements create pressure in the sewer pipe, which is enough to destroy even the most dense blockages.

Usually 5-6 strokes are enough to push the blockage deep and wash it off with water.

A plumbing cable is the most radical way to remove grease. It is a metal cable with a length of 10 to 50 meters or more, consisting of interlaced high-strength wires.

A handle is attached to one end of the cable, which allows you to make rotational movements. The other end looks like a metal brush with very sharp ends that literally dig into the blockage and destroy it under the action of rotational movements.

The cable must be pushed into the pipe in a circular motion until it rests on the cork, after which some effort will have to be applied. The remaining dirt is washed off with warm water.

Important! During mechanical cleaning of sewers, pipes are not disinfected. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally use it after removing the cork.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

Professional cleaning using special equipment.

It is a durable elastic hose with a special tip through which ordinary water is supplied into the pipe under enormous pressure.

The special structure of the tip allows the hose to clear its way deep into the sewer pipe and at the same time thoroughly clean the pipe walls from any contaminants. One of the leading manufacturers of such equipment is Karcher.

Usually this method is used for pipes large diameter and long lengths, as well as for very strong and persistent blockages that are not even amenable to a plumbing cable.

Cleaning of plastic and cast iron pipes

When selecting chemical cleaners, it is necessary to pay attention to their description. Most often, the manufacturer indicates for which types of pipes the product is suitable or not suitable. The sprinkled powder may be so active that it will damage plastic pipes, but will not touch the metal. The opposite situation may also occur, when the plastic remains intact, and the anti-corrosion coating on the cast iron will be irretrievably lost.

Prevention of fat accumulation in the sewer

It is much easier to clean regularly than it is to deal with a permanent blockage one day.

It is enough to get into the habit of pouring a bag of chemical agent down the drain every time a general cleaning is carried out in the kitchen.

This can also be done at night - there is enough time for the substance to work as it should. The regularity depends on the amount of household waste that is discharged into the sewer. It is recommended to carry out prophylaxis at least once every 1-3 months.

In addition, it does not hurt to install .

Below is a video that shows a variety of ways to clean sewer pipes from blockages and grease.

Larisa, March 22, 2018.

There are many reasons that lead to blockages in the pipeline: improper operation, errors in the installation of the structure. Regardless of the reason, cleaning of sewer pipes is required, for this you can use various tools and chemicals.

Most often, blockages occur due to the formation of rust and the accumulation of waste products.

Causes and signs of sewer clogging

Some causes of water stagnation in pipes depend on the material from which the pipes are made:

  1. PVC pipes clogged as a result of improper installation of equipment. Violation of the slope angle causes a blockage.
  2. Cast iron often clogged as a result of corrosion on the walls. The appearance of such a raid is subject to a part of the pipe from the outlet of the kitchen sink to the bathroom.

There are other reasons that do not depend on the material:

  1. Grease and dirt. They stick to the walls of pipes, over time various debris accumulates on them, which leads to the formation of a large mass that does not allow liquid to pass through. In the same way lead to blockage limescale, sand, earth.
  2. Foreign objects that may enter the sewer. In such cases, it is difficult to cope on your own, and in order not to damage the pipes, it is better to call a specialist with professional equipment.
  3. Detergents containing surfactants. They act similarly to fat, accumulating in the pipes in a dense mass.
  4. Wrong installation plumbing systems. More often this happens when installing pipes of a smaller diameter than necessary, in case of violation of the sealing of the joints.
  5. Long term operation sewer system.

If the blockage occurred in a private house, then first of all they check whether the septic tank is full. If the fluid level is normal, the pipes or drains should be checked.

The main signs of clogging:

  • the fluid drain rate is reduced;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the pipes.

If water drains in the sink or bath for a long time, then this is the first sign that a small blockage has formed in the pipes and needs to be removed.

Where did the blockage occur?

In order to quickly and effectively eliminate accumulations of dirt at home, it is important to find the place of blockage. It is recommended to drain the water in turn at each point in the apartment. If the liquid does not drain in any one area, then the problem is in the siphon.

If the liquid does not drain or overflows between devices (for example, when you turn on the water in the kitchen, the liquid begins to arrive in the toilet), this indicates that the common sewer outlet is clogged.

How to remove pollution in the siphon


To disassemble the device located in the kitchen, you need to unscrew its lower part. A bucket or basin is placed below, where the contaminated liquid will drain. The unscrewed lower part must be washed under the pressure of water. The second part of the siphon, where the most dirt accumulates, needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

It is more difficult to disassemble the siphon under the bathroom due to its structure and location. But after unscrewing, it is also necessary to clean both parts of the product.

How to clean without removing

The plunger is suitable for removing blockages in the initial stages.

If it is not possible to disassemble the siphon, you can try to break through the blockage without removing it.

To do this, it is better to use a plunger: it is pressed close to the drain, the product is filled with water, then the handle of the device is sharply pressed and raised - this will create water vibrations to break the accumulated masses.

Blockage in the corrugation

Corrugation is another place where a lot of pollution accumulates due to the structure of the product. If the problem is due to this element of the plumbing system, it is necessary to unscrew the corrugation and clean it thoroughly. How to do this is shown in the video.

How to clear clogged pipes with home remedies

The most common cause of deposits in the pipeline is the accumulation of grease. It must be dissolved, and other debris will move away from the walls of the pipes along with the fat. Regardless of the method chosen, it is recommended to flush the pipes first hot water- When warm, fat dissolves faster.

With baking soda and water

Soda quickly copes with fat deposits. If the blockage is light, you need to pour half the package of the product into the pipe, pour boiling water over it.

This method is suitable in the presence of plugs that are located near the drain.

If the pollution is stronger, you will need to make an aqueous solution of soda, which will require 150 g of soda and 250 ml of water:

  1. Soda is poured into a pan and heated over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. When the steam stops, leave the pan for 15 minutes.
  3. They pour water.

The resulting liquid is poured into the drain and after 2 hours washed with hot water.

Water supply and sewerage from manufacturers.

soda and vinegar

The combination of these substances leads to a reaction with the formation of foam, which destroys fat deposits during washing.


  1. Fall asleep 0.5 packs of soda.
  2. Fill with a bottle of vinegar.
  3. As soon as the reaction between the components is over, boiling water is poured into the drain in a large volume.

Mechanical methods


Instructions for cleaning with a do-it-yourself plunger:

  1. Water is drawn into the sink.
  2. Press the product so that the rubber part tightly touches the surface, press.
  3. They make 2-3 translational movements and at the last they are torn off from the drain hole.

If necessary, you can try to remove debris from a clogged pipe with a plunger 2-3 more times. If the kitchen has a two-section sink, it is better to buy 2 plungers for each section.

How to work with a rope

If hair or a rag is stuck in the sink, the above methods will not help - you need a special cable. At one end of the product - a handle for ease of use, at the other - a spiral. Similar products are also used to clean the chimney.

In order to use the device, access to the sewer pipe must be provided. To do this, it is recommended to disassemble the drain. The cable is unwound, the end where the ruff or spiral is located is lowered into the pipe, they begin to rotate it in one direction.

If the device is stuck, you need to make forward movements with it, trying to push it deeper. You need to repeat the procedure at least 3 times, while it is necessary to clean the tip of the cable from adhering debris.

The water seal of the toilet bowl is cleaned in the same way. In order not to damage the pipe walls, it is recommended to purchase a model equipped with a flexible tube.

Cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle will allow you to remove the blockage if it has formed at the bend of the toilet pipe, since the latter often has a loose rubber part.


  1. Cut off the bottom of a large vessel, leave the lid.
  2. Bring the container to the place of inflection, drain the water and make a sharp movement with the bottle.
  3. As a result, “waves” appear: they will help to break the cork from fat.

Preparations for chemical cleaning

If folk ways did not help, you can try to clean the pipes with household chemicals.

Alkaline preparations

Alkali is a powerful reagent that allows you to get rid of fat, soap scale. All alkaline preparations completely dissolve plaque on the walls of the pipes. The advantage is that alkaline formulations are safe for metal pipes, plastic products.

Among the popular alkaline cleaners are Robik K-67, Krup, Mister Muskul. To avoid burns, it is important to work with gloves when using alkaline compounds.

Granular products

Many pipe cleaners in the form of granules are based on alkali. Most often, manufacturers produce funds in small packages in order to use the entire volume at a time. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to use granules in the presence of water in the sink - it is necessary to drain the liquid. The most popular types of products: Antizasor, Shumanit, Titanium granules.

Sewer gels

The volume of compounds produced in plastic containers is enough for several applications, unlike granules. The active substance in most products is acid, in addition, antiseptic additives and whitening components are present in the composition.

Popular compounds for cleaning sewer pipes: Sanfor, Potkhan, HG, Tiret Turbo. Liquid formulations act much faster than granular ones, and therefore they are more expensive.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The use of hydrodynamic cleaning is considered the most effective method. Its principle is that after turning on the device begins to supply water under pressure. Water, passing through the nozzles, knocks down all fat deposits. Thanks to the jet thrust, the hose independently moves inward along the pipe, which also destroys accumulated deposits.

A clogged sewer system is an annoying but unfortunately common problem. It will be superfluous to remind you that it requires an immediate solution. Today on the beton-area website we will cover in detail the question: how to clean sewer pipes at home? Consider the methods of mechanical and chemical cleaning. From the many options offered, you can easily find the one that suits your situation.

Causes of clogged sewer pipes

No effort to protect the drain system in the house from clogging is guaranteed to be 100% successful. Even the finest mesh on the drain hole and constant use hot water are not a guarantee of clean pipes. What is the reason for weed plugs in the drain system?

The main blockages in drain pipes:

Signs of a clogged drain

It is very easy to understand that the sewer system is clogged. There are two main signs of this:

  • stagnation of water in the sink, bathroom or toilet;
  • an unpleasant (putrid) odor emitted from the drain pipe.

Clogged drain pipes need to be dealt with immediately.

List of effective methods for cleaning the sewer system

Experts advise in case of clogging of the drain system to resort to one of the following methods:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • dry cleaning;
  • manual cleaning.

  • place of contamination
  • the nature of the blockage
  • pipe material.

There is no fundamental difference between cleaning the sewer in an apartment and a private house. In one's own home, however, there is the possibility of affecting the part of the drain system that extends beyond the living quarters.

Mechanical cleaning of pipes of the drain system

Implementation mechanical cleaning sewage without calling a specialist is possible only if you have the necessary equipment. The most primitive tool that is easy to use at home is a plunger.

Cleaning the sewer with a plunger

Almost every housewife has this simple device. If you think that your home does not need a plunger, you should know that most of the "fresh" blockages are easily removed with this simple tool. To quickly remove the blockage from the pipe, you need to draw some water into the sink or bathroom, press the plunger against the hole and press and pull the handle with force several times. Under air pressure, water, together with the formed accumulation of dirt, will rise to the top. This action must be done several times until it becomes obvious that the pipe has been cleaned.

Cleaning a pipe with a plumbing cable

This device usually saves in situations in which the plunger did not help. These are usually cases with an old plug or large debris stuck in the pipe. It is rare that someone keeps a plumbing cable in an apartment or house just in case, but representatives of the organization servicing the house definitely have it.

Algorithm for cleaning pipes with a plumbing cable:

  • We remove the siphon.
  • We insert the cable into the clogged pipe.
  • We rotate the handle of the device to push its end to the blockage.
  • We take out and clean the cable and repeat the previous steps.
  • Pour several liters of very hot water into the pipe.

Plumbing cable for cleaning the sewer system

Chemical way to deal with sewer plugs

Specially produced chemical-based products corrode the formed mud plug. The range of such drugs pleasantly surprises those who are faced with the problem of a clogged sewer. But how to choose? Over many years of testing, consumers have been able to identify the most effective products in today's cleaning market. The first two places of honor in terms of the number of positive ratings were taken by:

  • "Mole",
  • "Tired".

Among the worthy rivals are brands well known to our consumers: Domestos, Mister Muskul, Antizasor, Titan.

There are products available to eliminate blockages in the drain system in dry, liquid or gel form, but this in no way affects their effectiveness. To remove the plug from the pipe, you just need to follow the instructions glued to the package. Usually you need to put a certain amount of product into the pipe, and after a strictly defined time, flush the drain system with water.

Before buying a drug, you need to make sure that it is designed to work with pipes in your home. Also, do not use more than the indicated amount of the product at one time and do not increase the exposure time at your own discretion.

"Pipe Cleaner Mole"

"Mole" is produced in Russia and has a mass positive feedback from users. Powder or liquid for cleaning sewer pipes is easy to use and can deal with almost all blockages. The product corrodes grease and other contaminants in pipes due to its aggressive effect. Because of this property, the material from which the drain system is made must be taken into account.

Superbly cleaning pipes, the Mole can harm the human body if no action is taken. Protect your hands and respiratory organs without fail. Several varieties of pipe cleaner called "Mole" differ in the degree of impact.


The gel product comes to our markets from Germany. Over the years of import, Russian housewives were convinced of the effectiveness of this drug in the destruction of mud plugs in pipes. "Tiret" is recommended to be used not only in the fight against pollution in the sewer, but also for the prevention of such problems.

A small amount of gel is enough to dissolve a tight plug in a sewer pipe. The agent quickly spreads through the drain system, dissolving deposits on the walls of the drain channel. At the same time, "Tiret" is considered a gentle drug, so it is absolutely suitable for any pipes.

Removing blockages in the drain system with improvised means

There are several ways to clean the drain system without special devices and chemicals, but we will consider the most popular due to its effectiveness. It can be attributed to chemical way cleaning, as it was based on the reaction of two substances: vinegar and soda. This option for dealing with blockages in pipes is chosen by fierce opponents of toxic chemicals or those who simply did not have them at hand. It does not matter for what reason you were attracted to this method, in any case, it will prove its effectiveness.

So, what is required to destroy a mud plug in a pipe? Half a pack of baking soda and half a bottle of warm table vinegar. At the end - boiling water. For confident success, actions should be performed in strict sequence:

  1. Pour soda into the drain hole.
  2. Pour vinegar into the pipe.
  3. Cover the drain with a cloth and leave for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Pour at least 3 liters of boiling water into the drain.

What's happening? Vinegar meets soda and there is a violent chemical reaction, during which it dissolves mud plug. Actions inside the pipe will be similar to a volcanic eruption - that's why it is better to cover the hole with a rag. At the end, the liquid mud is washed off with boiling water and comes out naturally. The normal flow of water will be restored, the putrid smell spreading from the pipe will disappear.

Combined method of dealing with blockage in the pipe

For an absolute victory over traffic jams in drain pipe many owners and housewives use several cleaning methods at once. One common combination includes:

  1. Flushing pipes with hot water.
  2. After 10 minutes use the plunger.
  3. Falling asleep soda and pouring three times more boiling water.

It is possible to eliminate clogged pipes at home without a specialist!

All these techniques in combination will leave the pipes completely clean, having established a drain in the house. This disinfection will eliminate unpleasant odors coming from the pipe. Experts advise regularly cleaning pipes, regardless of whether they are clogged or not. Prevention will help avoid serious drain problems.

Now in a country house or in a country house, you can create all the comfort conditions as in a city apartment, especially for utilities. For example, sewerage allows you to remove effluents from the house to the sewer for further disposal. But the presence of this communication from time to time is associated with a common problem - sewer clogging.

Before removing blockages in the sewer, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence. Moreover, there are places where they form most often, for example, in the sink or in the place where the sewer pipe from the bathroom and kitchen goes into a common riser. And given the ability of cast-iron pipes to silt up the inner diameter, the likelihood of blockage in this place is very high. Often the siphon in the sink becomes dirty, due to the draining of food residues into it. Another common problem is the presence of grease on the inner walls of the pipeline.

The reason for the blockage of the riser or other veins of communication may depend on the pipes used, they are of two types:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. Plastic.

In the first case, cast iron tends to collect plaque and rust inside the pipe. Due to corrosion, the walls become uneven, which contributes to the collection of waste. Often, when dismantling them with a diameter of 110 mm, the patency was the size of a little finger (2–3 cm).

Plastic piping is prone to clogging. In most cases, it is necessary to clean the sewer from grease due to improper installation of the route (non-observance of the angle of inclination). A plaque appears, which gradually fills the entire inner diameter pipes.

Types of blockages

There are three varieties:
Operational. The blockage is formed in the sewer pipe as it is used and as a result of deposits on the walls of various formations. Gradually, they reduce the diameter of the patency of the pipe. Thorough rinsing is necessary for recovery.

Mechanical. The problem appears when a large object, rags, etc., enters the pipeline. To eliminate it, you must completely remove the item.

Technical. Appears due to damage to the pipeline. It is explained by the presence of a counter-angle, insufficient slope or a large number of turns. This type of congestion depends on non-compliance with the technology of installation work.

How and with what to determine the place of blockage?

If the sewer is clogged, then you must first determine the intended location. In a private house, we conditionally divide the entire system into two zones: the house and the street.

In the house it is worth paying attention to such places:

  • In the siphon under the sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  • In a corrugated pipe under the washbasin.
  • At the exit of the riser to the street.
  • At the connection of pipes of a smaller diameter with a larger one.

On the street there may be such places:

  • At the outlet of the pipe in the septic tank.
  • On the stretch between the wells.

To determine the exact location of a clogged system, you need to check for water drains at various points. So you can understand where there is a congestion. According to this principle, other possible locations of clogging are determined.

Types of cleaning at home

There are many ways to clean the sewer:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Electromechanical.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Hydrodynamic.
  5. Thermal.
  6. pressure.

Consider all the features of these methods for cleaning the sewer when removing blockages.


Mechanical is carried out by a cable for punching and cleaning the sewer. There are several types of it:

  • Cable.
  • Tape.
  • Spring.
  • Spring with rod.

Cable. sewer cable standard size has a cross section of Ø6 mm. Made from galvanized steel. It is strong, durable, resilient, flexible. The end of the cable is specially crimped so that it does not unwind. It looks like a brush, you can wrap hair pollution on it. It is best to clean them at home when its length is up to five meters.

Tape. Flat cable for cleaning sewer pipes. The width of the tape reaches up to 40 mm. Due to this specific shape, it is difficult for them to go through a large number of turns (due to the ability to bend in only one plane).

Given this feature, a tape plumbing cable is used to punch pipes of large diameter and length, since it will definitely not twist along its course.

Spring with rod. It is used by professionals.

Mechanical cleaning of the home sewer with a spring cable allows you to remove complex and large blockages. It is based on a wire and a spring.

A galvanized cable is used as a rod, located inside the spring.

The rope diameter ranges from 13 to 16 mm. As for the length, it reaches up to 60 m.

spring. The cable consists of one spring.

It's hollow inside. Diameter not less than 9 mm. The cable must be equipped with a handle for its rotation. It is used for pipes of small diameter, as well as for minor blockages.

How to pierce the sewer yourself with a cable?

One end of the cable should be directed into the pipe and gradually pushed through. At the same time it is necessary to scroll the handle.

Due to this, the cable will sink further, and due to rotation, break the clogged area.

Advice! Cleaning the sewer in a private house with this equipment should only be done by two people. One turns, and the second pushes the cable in the right direction.

To achieve the best result, this equipment is equipped with additional nozzles. Their use allows you to quickly remove the accumulation of debris. Nozzles:

  • Hook.
  • Harpoon.
  • Pick.
  • Pear-shaped drill.
  • Shovel-arrow.
  • Cone drill and others.


Removal of blockage can be performed using electromechanical equipment. The essence of the technology is in the spinning steel wire. To achieve the best result, various nozzles are put on its end:

  • Drilling.
  • Scraper.
  • Pear-shaped.
  • Hook-shaped.

The choice is made on the basis of the goal or the nature of the problem. They can remove impurities. The spiral is rotated by an electric motor, and this special equipment has a gearbox that feeds the wire. Cleaning large sewer networks in this way allows you to achieve better results, since the length can exceed 100 meters with a pipe diameter of up to 600 mm.

Electromechanical cleaning easily passes the turns and bends of the pipeline. The installation itself is of two types:

  1. Drum. The spiral is wound on a special coil. You can adjust the power of rotation.
  2. Sectional. The spiral unfolds.


Chemical cleaning agents are divided into two groups:

  1. Acid. Such chemistry dissolves hair, grease and soap deposits.
  2. Alkaline. Effective agents for dissolving fats and similar deposits.

There are many products on the market, here are some of them:

  • "Mole".
  • "Tiret".
  • "Floop".
  • "Bagi Pothan".
  • "Rowdy".
  • "Sterile chimney sweep".
  • "Draft".

As for the method of their use, this can be found on the label from the manufacturer. In all cases, each product indicates the method of application and dosage. By following the instructions, you can do the job yourself.

There are quite a few folk remedies for cleaning:

  • Caustic soda.
  • Soda + vinegar.
  • Soda + salt.
  • Soda + boiling water.
  • Acid.
  • Citric acid + vinegar.

What is the best and most effective cleaning agent to choose?

If you have soda, vinegar on hand, lemon acid, then you can try them first. If they do not fix the problem, then you need to purchase special agent from blockages in pipes. In this case, one of the chemicals listed above is bought.


Hydrodynamic flushing of sewers requires special equipment. A machine is used that delivers a jet of water at high pressure with a pump. Hydrodynamic cleaning of pipes is effective with a diameter of 50 to 300 mm.

Important! Flushing the sewer in an apartment by the hydrodynamic method is impossible, or rather problematic. This the best remedy for cleaning pipelines in private homes. Although compact models of this equipment have appeared.

The principle of use is very simple:

  1. A special nozzle is put on the flexible hose, which is directed to the cork.
  2. It is fed under high pressure by a jet of water from a pump.
  3. Water begins to flow out of the nozzles in a jet, which is directed to the walls of the pipes.
  4. Due to the resulting jet thrust, the hose gradually moves forward, breaking up all the contaminants on its way.


In this case, the blockage can be eliminated under the influence of high temperature. Thanks to boiling water, you can completely eliminate the problem area. Before you dissolve the fat in the sewer, you need to make sure that there is no liquid in it. Bring the water to a boil and pour it into the clogged pipe. It will help dissolve the fat.

By pressure

Removing small blockages can be done by pressure. The following materials are used:

  • Plunger.
  • Plastic bottle.
  • A vacuum cleaner.

Plunger. A simple tool that will help break through the sewer with a small blockage. Typically used for bathtubs, sinks, washbasins and toilets. If the sewer is clogged, then the pressure plunger pushes the debris further into the riser. The cleaning device itself has a wooden / plastic handle and a rubber nozzle. The way to use is simple:

  1. Press the nozzle firmly against the hole on the washbasin/bath.
  2. Pour in enough water to cover the nozzle.
  3. Next, you need to sharply lift and press the plunger.
  4. Due to this, water vibrations will be created, whereby the debris is gradually pushed through.

If, after several attempts, nothing happened, then it is worth considering another way, the better to clean it.

Bottle. If the sewerage in a private house is clogged directly in the toilet bowl, then the bottom is cut off on the bottle. The lid must remain in the closed position.

Then lower the bottle with the cut side into the water and with sharp movements direct it up / down. It will be possible to remove the blockage with your own hands using a bottle if the problem was in the kink of the toilet bowl. If not, then a cable is used.

A vacuum cleaner. Cleaning sewer drains can be done with a vacuum cleaner. This method will be possible if the unit has a reverse air flow function.

A rubber nozzle with a plunger is put on the pipe from the vacuum cleaner. It must have a tight connection to get rid of the problem for sure. After that, you apply it to the hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner. The air should blow in the opposite direction, the purification process will gradually take place.

How to clean and rinse the siphon?

A clogged siphon is considered a simple task, and even a schoolboy can get rid of it on his own.

Advice! The easiest way is to disassemble the siphon. If this is not possible or there is simply no desire to get your hands dirty, then chemical and mechanical methods are used.

Can be used for siphon - plunger. With sharp up/down movements, dirt can be pushed through. If not, then the sewer is cleaned with vinegar and soda.

Vinegar and soda

Cleaning the sewer with vinegar and soda is performed in the following sequence:

  • Pour a small amount of dry soda (half a pack) into the siphon through the drain hole.
  • It is important that the soda does not get stuck through the protective grid. To do this, you can push it with a stick or build a funnel out of paper.
  • Then pour half a liter of vinegar.
  • Then a hissing reaction will occur.
  • As soon as the reaction stops, pour out the boiling water.

If the result is not achieved, the procedure can be repeated.

Advice! Before you clean the siphon with soda and vinegar, you need to make sure that the problem is in this place.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is first poured into the siphon hole, and then water is poured, and preferably vinegar. The hissing process will remove contamination very quickly.

How to clean the riser?

If the problem is fat, then you can use a steel cable with a nozzle that will help break up the fat. Additionally, you can use special chemicals or soda with vinegar. Boiling water is also used to help melt the fat.

If the problem is not fat, then the use of hydromechanical cleaning may be required. But this is in case you have made every effort to eliminate the blockage in the riser.

Blockage Prevention

It is best to prevent a problem than to figure out how to clean your own from pollution. Therefore, experts recommend carrying out preventive work:

  • Once a month pour boiling water. Just don't pour it down the toilet, it will crack.
  • Clean the siphons once a month using baking soda and vinegar, or disassemble them.
  • When washing dishes, use warm water and detergents.
  • Pump out effluent from the septic tank in time.
  • Use for prevention.


You have learned what to do if the sewer is clogged in a private house or apartment. We looked at all sorts of ways to solve this problem, as well as how to properly get rid of debris in the pipeline. If you know other technologies and cleaning methods, then share them in the comments to this article. In conclusion, we offer for viewing the prepared video material in order to consolidate the whole theory.

Useful video

Watch the videos and maybe you are using something.

Method with vinegar, soda and boiling water:

Electromechanical method:

With rope:

Sewer pipes pass through themselves all household drains. Every day, water passes through them with grease, hair, leftover food and other debris. It is not surprising that such impurities are often the basis of severe blockages, even in pipes with smooth surface. You can turn to specialists for help in eliminating such plugs, but most people try to figure out on their own how to clean sewer pipes.

There are different troubleshooting methods. The final decision in choosing a method depends on the place where the pipe is clogged and the reasons that caused the blockage.

Clogged pipe in section

The first thing the owner of the apartment should do is to find out the type of blockage. First of all, you need to check whether the liquid passes through the remaining drains (toilet, bath, shower, sink). If water does not go away in these places either, then the task is global.

The catch is that in multi-story buildings the riser can become clogged directly. At the same time, the liquid does not go away and can occasionally rise in the toilet bowl and sink. Especially often this problem occurs on the initial floors. Only a plumber or a representative of the Housing Office can help here. The telephone number for the plumbing service is usually listed on the electrical panel on the floor or on a bulletin board.

You can try to neutralize other types of blockages yourself. Their list is presented in the table below.

Table 1. Types of blockages in the sewer and their differences

blockage typeDescription and methods of struggle
Operational This type of blockage occurs due to an abundance of grease in the sewer. It accumulates on the inner walls of the pipes. Hair, leftover food, and other debris stick to the fat, causing congestion.
Mechanical Usually the culprits of mechanical blockage are the residents themselves. It is a plug of toilet paper, cat litter or other foreign compounds that fall into the toilet every day. Occasionally, the paper may not dissolve and create a dense cork.
Blockage in the siphon Siphon is a device that is designed to make life easier for apartment owners. It is a kind of filter from an unpleasant odor from the sewer. But over time, it becomes clogged with grease and other deposits.
Man-made blockage If the home was bought immediately after the house was built, but blockages are a private problem, the worst case may lie at the bottom. These are man-made blockages that arise due to incorrect design of waste systems. In modern homes, this problem is not uncommon.

How to clean the sewer in the kitchen?

A clogged drain in the kitchen sink is perhaps the most common type of blockage. Every day, food remains and fat from dishes that freeze inside get there every day. Majority kitchen sinks equipped with a siphon, which is enough to disassemble and clean.

The diameter of the kitchen siphon is usually no wider than 4 cm. The smaller it is in the cut, the faster it will clog. But there are pluses in such devices - they are easy to clean, just follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Substitute a basin under the siphon to relieve the blockage and inadvertently not flood the neighbors.
  2. Unscrew the plastic nut that holds the plastic pipe in the siphon.
  3. Pull the siphon down and put it in the basin.
  4. Inspect the part and clean from dirt (if any).
  5. Use your hands or a knitting needle with a bent end to remove the blockage. It can be in the siphon itself or in the pipe.

Video: How to fix a blockage in the sink with your own hands

This method of cleaning will be appropriate if the blockage is local and not deep. For those who are not the happy owner of a collapsible siphon, all other methods will do. They are also used in the case of a deep blockage in a sink with a siphon.

Dismantling the siphon in the kitchen

How to clean sewer pipes at home?

In order for the cleaning of the blockage to become especially effective, it is necessary to take into account the place and complexity of the situation. An equally important factor is the material from which the pipe is made.

The most common are three types of treatment activities. This:

  1. Chemical method using different drugs.
  2. mechanical cleaning.
  3. Application of folk methods.

It does not matter where the blockage occurred - in a private house or in an apartment. All methods will be carried out in the same way.


However, in the case of a private house, pipe cleaning can also be carried out outside of it. This is true if there is a sewer plan.

Each method has its own characteristics, so all of them need to be carefully studied.

Plastic pipes must be cleaned carefully, as they are prone to damage.

Chemical cleaning

Market household chemicals provides the consumer with a wide range of chemicals to remove blockages. The advantages of the chemical method are:

  • prompt and effective cleaning of pipes;
  • convenient use - you just need to pour the drug into the drain, wait a bit and rinse it off with a stream of water;
  • a large selection of funds and their analogues.

On the shelves of shops special preparations are offered in the form of gels, liquids and powders. Basically, they all work in the same way: they dissolve the formed deposits due to their chemical properties.

The most popular drugs and their description are available in the table.

Table 2. Pipe cleaners with the most good reviews consumers

A druggeneral descriptionRelease formHow and what does it work
A well-known drug that is considered the most used remedy for removing blockages. It has the form of a loose mixture, which must be poured into the drain hole.The modern market offers the familiar "Mole" in different variations:
"Mole Turbo"
"Mole asset"

The last two varieties are the most aggressive.
Actively corrodes everything it gets on. It helps well in the fight against fatty plugs or other contaminants in the pipes.

This is a very aggressive drug that should be used with caution. It is not suitable for plastic structures, as it can easily dissolve them.

Important! Before opening the package, be sure to wear gloves and in no case inhale the composition.

The second most effective preparation for clearing pipes. It is quite expensive, but consumers call it an economical tool due to its low consumption.Produced in the form of a gel-like liquid. There are several varieties of the drug:

Any of these drugs can be used as a prophylactic or to eliminate more significant blockages.
After penetration into the sewer system, it spreads over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe. Promptly neutralizes accumulations of fat, as well as traffic jams from any other composition. It acts gently, unlike the "Mole", so it can be used for pipes made of any material.


Before starting the use of a chemical preparation, it is necessary to study the instructions for use. Some drugs are so aggressive that they can even destroy objects made of hard materials (for example, plastic pipes).

Mechanical removal of blockage

Mechanical methods are used as an "ambulance" when there is nothing else in the immediate vicinity. These methods include removing blockages with a plunger or plumbing cable.

Cleaning with a plunger

The easiest option, since a plunger is present in almost any apartment. According to the principle of operation, it resembles a pump that pumps liquid out of the sewer pipe along with air, pollution and waste.

In some cases, it is the plunger that is a particularly effective method of dealing with blockages. Especially if the cork appeared recently.

Step 1. Pour enough water into the sink or tub to completely cover the plunger bowl.

Pour enough water to close the plunger bowl

Step 2. Place the plunger on the drain hole so that there is no water under it.

It is important to install the plunger correctly

Step 3. Pull and release the handle of the device 15-20 times.

We make 15-20 active movements "up and down" with a plunger

The pipes will contain water and air. In the process of pulling vacuum movements, the liquid will move up the pipe, dragging particles of debris with it. It must be completely removed and the procedure repeated several more times until completely cleaned.

Cleaning with a plumbing cable

In cases where large pieces of debris or a massive plug became the cause of blockage, one plunger is not enough. Here, “heavy artillery” is used - a plumbing cable. It is a thick but flexible metal wire. At the end of the cable there is a handle for easy use, and the wire itself is about 4 mm in diameter. Such a cable can be easily bought at any plumbing store.

Step 1. Roll the metal cable into a ring with the handle left outside.

Roll a metal cable into a ring

Step 2. Remove the siphon to make it easier to get to the pipe.

We remove the siphon

Step 3 Place the end of the wire inside the pipe. Slowly turning the handle, push the cable further and further into the sewer system.

Cleaning the toilet with a plumbing cable

Step 4 Periodically pull out the cable and free it from adhering debris and dirt. The process is repeated several times until the cable is clean.

Dirt on the plumbing cable

After that, you need to turn on a strong pressure of hot water and rinse the pipe from the remnants of contaminants. It is best to use boiling water.

The procedure using a cable is carried out if other methods no longer help. This operation is very labor intensive.

You can replace the cable with a special mechanical machine. These two devices operate similarly to each other, but in the first case the process is completely manual, and in the second it is automatic.


In the process of cleaning the toilet bowl or draining the bathroom with a plunger, do not bend over the outlet and examine the contents of the sewer. If the cork cannot be removed the first time, on the second attempt dirty water can go right in the face.

Bathroom drain clogged with hair

Folk methods of dealing with blockage

The problem of clogged pipes is not at all new, so there are a lot of folk ways to eliminate blockages. Many families opt for non-aggressive methods. These are mostly young parents who make sure that their child does not inadvertently swallow a remedy to combat blockages.

The most popular tools are presented in the table below.

Table 4. Home methods for cleaning drains

WayStep-by-step instruction
Rinsing with boiling water
Some blockages can be neutralized by simply pouring boiling water over the pipes. For example, this method is suitable for dissolving medium-sized fatty plugs.

1. About 6 liters of boiling water is poured into a clogged sewer.
2. Gradually, the water should begin to leave. After about 20 minutes, you need to check the result.
3. If the water is completely gone, you need to pour boiling water over the sink again to remove the remnants of the blockage. If the water remains standing, you need to use more global methods.

Boiling water is used only for cleaning metal pipes. If the sewer system consists of plastic, hot water can be turned on.

Lemon acid

1. Pour into the drain hole about 60 gr. powder.
2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
3. Wait about half an hour and rinse the drain with a powerful jet of water.
This method works well with lime plaques.
After calcination, the effectiveness of such a tool increases.

1. Ignite the soda in a hot pan.
2. Dilute with water so that a concentrated solution is obtained.
3. Pour the solution into the sewer and wait half an hour, then rinse with hot water.

Salt with soda
1. Mix a large amount of soda and salt in a liter of hot water;
2. Pour into a clogged pipe;
3. Wait half an hour, then use the plunger for the best effect;
4. Rinse with water.
Experience shows that this method is well dealt with contamination from fat.
A vacuum cleaner
Quite an unusual way, which is still used by some citizens. For its execution, you need a vacuum cleaner equipped with reverse blowing.

1. Wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag;
2. Press firmly against the drain in the sink;
3. Turn on the device for full power and break through the blockage with a powerful jet of air.

The procedure should always be started only after the blockage has been analyzed. So, it can be local or shared. In the first case, it is enough to work on the problematic pipe, in the second, you will have to completely clean the entire sewerage system.


Almost all of the above tools can be used to prevent blockages. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 months to negate the risk of severe blockages.

Cleaning pipes with baking soda and vinegar

Soda is a generally recognized alkali. When the reagent is mixed with acetic acid, a reaction occurs with the active production of carbon dioxide and an increase in temperature. The use of these properties helps to quickly neutralize the dirt, grease and waste that has accumulated inside.

To cleanse you need:

  1. Pour half a pack of dry soda down the sink drain.
  2. Then send a glass of simple homemade vinegar. To make the process go faster, you can warm it up.
  3. Plug the drain tightly and wait about 1.5-2 hours. If a reaction is heard inside, it means that the process has begun, and the cleaning is underway.
  4. After two hours, the cork must be removed and the drain poured with a stream of boiling water. It will remove the remnants of blockage and plaque from soda with acid.

This method is considered very effective, but at the same time it is distinguished by its economy. After all, all of the above tools are present in almost every home.

A mixture of soda and acid gives a good cleaning effect.

How to rid the sewer of fatty plaques?

Most kitchen sinks become clogged precisely because of grease, which in the process of washing dishes penetrates into the pipes and accumulates there in large volumes. To break such a fatty plug, you need to use preparations containing chlorine. These can be household chemicals or standard whiteness, which is poured into the drain in excess and after 60 minutes it is spilled with a stream of boiling water.

For minor congestion, you can simply use a large amount of boiling water. If this does not help, it is worth moving on to more global methods - chemical and mechanical. Their features for this type of pollution are presented in the table below.

Table 5. Removal of fatty plaques by chemical and mechanical methods

Chemical To dissolve fatty plugs, a choice is made in favor of preparations based on alkali. It is not necessary to carefully look for this element in the preparation: it is enough to purchase a granular product or powder. Such formulations usually also contain an antiseptic, which quickly deals with the consequences of blockage.

In the fight against fat, the following means are effective:
Mole is the most effective and budgetary remedy, which is packaged in bags for one-time use;
Mr. Muscle - acts similarly to the Mole, but costs a little more;
Potkhan is a strong drug that is classified as "heavy artillery". It is enough to pour it into the sink and leave it for 15 minutes, after which even especially difficult blockages will be eliminated.

Chemicals are a very dangerous thing for the human body, and especially for a child. When using them, you need to use a protective mask and tight gloves. And in apartments with small children, such decisions are generally recommended to be abandoned.

Mechanical Mechanical methods are quite effective in dealing with grease dried in pipes. The most commonly used plumbing cable. This is a long steel "rope", consisting of several interlaced wires with a handle at the end. To improve the impact on the cork, the other side of the cable is provided with a tip in the form:
metal brush;
To get rid of fatty plugs better fit first option. However, the brush must be used very carefully, as it can severely damage the walls of the pipeline.

Alkaline compounds not only perfectly eliminate fatty plugs, but also help well in the fight against soap residue. It often accumulates in inside pipes on a large scale.


Another productive way to clean the walls of pipes from grease is a sewer tape. It is screwed into the drain, due to which all deposits adhering from the inside are removed.

Plumbing cable with a brush at the end

Video: Cleaning the sewer with a plumbing cable

Mixed pipe cleaning

This method involves the use mechanical method along with the use of folk remedies. The sequence of actions for mixed cleaning will be as follows:

  1. Remove debris and dirt from the drain if they are located close to the hole.
  2. Pour 1.5-2 liters of boiling water into the sewer.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Use a plunger.
  5. Pour one part of baking soda into the drain and add three parts of boiling water.

The last stage in the form of soda cleaning will not only remove the remnants of contaminants, but also disinfect the sewer. Thanks to this, the unpleasant odor from the sink will disappear.

The blockage is most often concentrated in the siphon, so it needs to be disassembled and examined first.

Hydrodynamic Cleaning: When Nothing Helps

The hydrodynamic method of cleaning blockages is a "lifeline" if none of the above methods helped. This method is very laborious and requires partial disassembly of the sewer, so it will not always be convenient.

Such cleaning should be used only in the presence of a specialist. There are special utilities that have hydrodynamic systems available. The sewer is cleaned using a special machine that supplies water to the pipes under high pressure through nozzles of various sizes.

The method is used only in pipes whose diameter does not exceed 30 cm. The procedure is carried out in two stages, as a result of which the pipes are completely cleaned:

  1. Using a hose. The blockage is pierced with a hose, at one end of which large nozzles are fixed. They supply pressurized water. The larger the atomizer, the more actively the water will move. The main task of the first stage is to destroy the cork and carry out preliminary cleaning of deposits.
  2. With replacement injectors. After the first punching of the pipes, the nozzles are replaced with smaller ones. They may also have nozzles in the form of brushes. The liquid, which is supplied through small nozzles under high pressure, actively acts on the inner walls of the pipes and removes small deposits.

This method involves the most thorough cleaning of pipes. It is used in the presence of a large amount of body fat, as well as to eliminate frozen liquid in sewer structures. But in such situations, instead of cold water hot water is supplied through the hose and the method is called thermodynamic. It helps well in neutralizing blockages in a private house in the winter.


If the sewer system is PVC structures, high temperature exposure cannot be used. Such material is able to withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees, then it begins to melt.

Tip of hydrodynamic pipe cleaning tool

How to clean plastic and cast iron pipes

Cleaning plastic and cast iron pipes must be approached with caution. If it was chosen chemical agent, before buying it, you must carefully study the annotation on the package. As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates for which types of structures a particular composition is suitable.


Aggressive mixtures can undesirably affect both plastic and cast iron. So, one active powder can injure plastic pipes, but will not affect cast iron. Conversely, another composition can destroy the anti-corrosion layer on cast iron, but not damage the plastic.

Pure cast iron pipes cutaway

Blockage material and methods of struggle

So, let's try to approach from the other side - choose a method of dealing with blockage, depending on its nature. Materials that can enter the sewer system are presented in the table below, along with a list of control methods.

Table 6. Blockage Material and Solutions

MaterialBlockage removal principles
Paper The wad of paper usually gets stuck in the narrowest place - the outlet of the toilet. The easiest way to remove it from there is to push it into a wider place, then the problem will disappear by itself. Most often, a plunger is used for this purpose.

If there is no plunger at home, you can use homemade tools. For example:

1. Take plastic bottle a volume of 1.5-2 liters and cut off the bottom of it. If you tighten the lid tightly, you can get an almost full-fledged plunger.
2. Use a simple stick or mop handle. A thick, damp cloth is wrapped around it.

Such devices can be used on the same system as the plunger. They are pressed against the drain hole and moved up and down until the paper stopper is removed.

Rag If a rag got into the sewer system, it will only be possible to pull it out from there with a special plumbing cable. At one end there should be a hook or steel fibers fluffed to the sides.

A cable with continuous rotation is thrust into the sewer. It must be taut, otherwise the cable will fold into loops. You need to try to grab a rag. When this succeeds, the cable is pulled along the same trajectory of rotation so that the rag does not break off and float into the pipe.

Hair The problem is especially acute in apartments where several women live or have pets with abundant hair. There are several ways to clean the bathtub drain from a hairball:

1. Knitting needle or hook. Hair hanging from the lattice can be removed piece by piece with a knitting needle or crochet hook. The tool is simply thrust into the hole, the hair is picked up and pulled out.
2. Plumbing cable. It can be safely called an assistant in any situation: passing through the opening of the lattice, it catches all the hair on itself and pulls it out.
3. Dismantling the siphon. A decisive method that is used in the most severe cases. The siphon is removed, thoroughly cleaned of hair. At the same time, it is better to change the rubber seals immediately: after a while they may lose their elasticity and begin to leak.

Sand It could be building sand or dog-pawed dirt that has clogged the drain in the bathroom. The easiest way to remove such a plug is to dismantle the siphon and pour out the dirt.

In some cases, this method can be completely inconvenient: for example, if the apartment has a shower. You have to remove the top and disassemble the harness. You can simplify the task with the help of a plunger: cover the drain with it and pump the water back and forth several times. The remains of sand are removed by volume streams of hot water.

How to clean the sewer in a private house?

If the sewerage in your house is clogged, the available equipment is audited first. You need to find out what kind of blockage has arisen - internal or external. In the first case, all those algorithms that were discussed earlier will do.

With external blockage, the pipe that goes from the building to the well suffers. For its "punching" the following algorithm is suitable:

  1. Remove all water from the well. For this purpose, a water hose with a pump is used.
  2. Gradually screw the plumbing cable into the sewer through the drain. Usually, for sewers in private homes, the length of a standard cable is insufficient. And in a wide pipe, it can even be folded in loops. In such cases, it is worth using a sewer wire. It has more rigidity than a cable.
  3. Without removing the cable, the pipe is filled with water at a temperature of 60 degrees under high pressure. You can pre-fill the bath and flush the water when the cable is in the sewer.

All garbage after such cleaning should be in the well. If everything worked out, take out the cable and remove the hose. Otherwise, repeat the procedure.

If the blockage is not strong, even a fragile girl can handle it

Alternative method: clean the blockage "from the well"

Specialists never clean pipes from the side of the well. But some owners of private houses, who have already encountered blockages more than once, call this method the most effective.

When performing it, it is very important to observe safety precautions. Namely:

  1. Work only with a partner. It will help to get out of the well if the ladder breaks or some unforeseen situation occurs.
  2. Do not go underground immediately after opening the lid. A lot of gases accumulate under it, including methane. These compounds are low-toxic, but with an oxygen deficiency, the “plumber” may lose consciousness. Therefore, the air in the well must be allowed to renew itself.
  3. It is necessary to clean the outlet, standing on the brackets of the well above it. As a result of the “punching” of the pipe, water, together with sewage, hits the opposite wall with great force. If the cleaner will be above the descent, he will be able to quickly retire.

When cleaning the sewer "from the well" it is necessary to observe maximum accuracy

Prevention of blockages in the sewer

Of course, it is better not to allow a gap in the pipe at all than to clean it later. For this, periodic prophylaxis is carried out, for example:

  • every 2 weeks, sewer pipes are shed with a large volume of boiling water;
  • try not to throw food waste, paper, hair, cat litter down the toilet;
  • sometimes flush cast-iron or plastic pipes with a mixture of soda and vinegar;
  • pour a portioned package of a chemical preparation into the sewer every time a general cleaning takes place in the apartment.

The latter method is especially effective. It is enough to leave the substance in the sewer for the whole day or overnight to dissolve small deposits and prevent the formation of large ones. The frequency of such treatment depends on how much household waste is drained into the sink.

As a preventive measure, you can use not too aggressive means.

Prevention of blockages in a private house

In your own home, an effective method of protecting against blockages is to install grease separators. They are produced for home and industrial use, mounted under the sink. The operation of such devices occurs in two steps:

  1. Waste water circulates through the filter system and is cleaned of debris.
  2. The resulting liquid is cleaned of fat and only then flows into the sewer pipe.

Prevention of blockages both in the apartment and in the cottage will certainly increase the life of the pipeline, and will also help save time, money and resources.

An important part of prevention is the installation of stainless steel nets on the sink drain. In addition, it will not be superfluous to install a disposer - a waste chopper. It also needs to be cleaned regularly.

Metal mesh prevents product particles from entering the sewer

If the pipe is still clogged, in most cases the blockage can be dealt with without the help of specialists. But if the blockage is very complex, you can not do without the participation of utilities.

Video: How to get rid of blockage? Pipe cleaning at home