Clean the blockage in the toilet with a bottle. How to clear a blockage in the toilet: ways to eliminate mud plugs

  • 03.03.2020

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 5 minutes


A clogged toilet bowl is an unpleasant phenomenon, in the solution of which sometimes difficulties arise. This is due to the lack of basic knowledge in the plumbing field and step-by-step instructions on how to clear the blockage at home.

Practice shows that the study of the design of the sewer system, together with knowledge of effective measures to eliminate blockage, contributes to the preservation Money and helps to quickly restore the normal operation of the plumbing unit.

Before starting the procedure, it is important to determine the cause of the toilet problem, as this greatly simplifies and speeds up the solution to the problem. And the cause of blockage can be different.

  • Food waste.
  • Items that do not dissolve in water.
  • Tray filler.
  • Wrong toilet installation.
  • Salt deposits on the inner walls of the elements of the sewer system.

Many flush paper napkins and towels, used toilet paper down the toilet, not realizing that this aggravates the situation. Once in water, paper products swell and increase in volume. As far as pet litter mixes are concerned, only pressed sawdust is safe for the toilet and system.

Step-by-step instructions with a plunger and a cable

A poorly functioning sewer system is a big problem for residents of an apartment or house. This not only makes it difficult to household tasks, but also reduces the level of comfort, so it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Plunging is the most common drain cleaning method.

  1. First of all, carefully inspect the toilet. If visible debris comes into view, carefully remove it from the neck.
  2. Place the fixture over the drain so that the edges of the rubber tip fit snugly against the walls of the neck.
  3. Push the plunger handle down and release, repeat several times. After that, pull the plunger sharply. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Not only mechanical, but also pneumatic plungers are sold. The difference in the use of tools comes down to the fact that the pneumatic version provides a stronger impact, which leads to faster pushing of the mud plug.

If, after using the plunger, the sewer system does not return to normal, this indicates a serious blockage in the pipe. We are talking about compacted fine dirt stuck to the walls or a foreign object accidentally flushed down the toilet.

In this case, more radical measures will help to solve the problem, including the use of plumbing cable.

If you don't know, a plumbing cable is a twisted spring made of steel wire, equipped with a comfortable handle. The wire layers are wound in a special way, which ensures optimal transfer of torque without sacrificing flexibility. In everyday life, cables up to 5 meters long are used. How to use such a tool?

  • Lower the end of the cable into the toilet and push it all the way. Rotate the handle in one direction until the wire system passes the bend. Use your free hand to support the instrument.
  • When the cable reaches the plug of dirt, change the direction of turning the handle. Remove the cable from the sewer, remove clumps of debris and repeat the procedure.
  • If the cork has moved, do not stop. Try to push it up to wide drain pipe. Flush the system at the end warm water.

Video instruction

A similar procedure can be carried out using a conventional cable purchased at a building supermarket. The main thing is to choose the right diameter and length of the product. If the drain in the house is made of plastic elements, do not forget to put a special plug on the end of the cable. Otherwise, the tool will damage the pipe, which is fraught with the replacement of the element of the drain system.

What to do if there is no plunger and cable?

The reality is that not every home has a plunger. What to say about the plumbing cable ... These devices are in the arsenal of only housewives who have repeatedly encountered a clogged toilet. What if the problem appeared suddenly and needs a quick solution, and necessary tool not at hand? This will help improvised means.

  1. Plastic bottle . To make a homemade plunger, take a plastic bottle and carefully cut off the bottom. Take a homemade tool by the neck, lower it into the drain and press hard on the neck, then pull the bottle sharply. Repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Doll. In the people, a “doll” is a bag filled with sand with a rope tied to the end. After the construction, lower the fixture into the neck of the toilet and press the drain key. As soon as the water sucks the bait, remove the tool from the neck by gently pulling on the rope. Due to its weight, the doll easily copes with blockages.
  3. soda and vinegar . Flush the toilet from the toilet, leaving no water in the drain a large number of water. Pour half a pack of baking soda down the drain, push the powder as deep as possible, and add a glass of vinegar to start the chemical reaction. After half an hour, pour a few liters of boiling water and drain the water.

Video information


If the toilet is connected to the sewer system with a plastic corrugation, it is forbidden to use boiling water. To avoid harm, use hot water to flush.

How to clean a blockage with chemicals

The stores sell domestic and foreign chemicals aimed at combating blockages in the toilet. The composition of such products includes acids or alkalis, which easily corrode body fat, hair and even textiles. The most popular among housewives are such products: "Mole", "Tofix", "Mr. Muscle", "Domestos", "Tiret".

Some products are sold in powder form, others are liquid, and others are in granules. Regardless of this, be sure to read the instructions before using purchased chemicals.

Use chemicals carefully if your house has plastic pipes. In no case do not use several drugs at the same time, so as not to start an unexpected chemical reaction.

In most cases, to use the tool, it is enough to take a few simple steps.

  • Pour or pour into the neck of the toilet a dose of the drug in accordance with the instructions.
  • Wait for the time indicated on the label, then rinse off the aggressive substance with water.

Remember the security measures. The composition of purchased chemicals includes substances that are dangerous for the skin, mucous membranes and health in general. Eliminate blockage in the toilet with rubber gloves, after taking care of the ventilation of the plumbing unit.

We examined the intricacies of the procedure for eliminating blockages in the toilet at home. Now we will pay attention to the rules for the operation of plumbing, the observance of which prevents the occurrence of problems.

  1. Do not throw foreign objects into the toilet. If something gets into the neck, try to remove it as soon as possible.
  2. Do not wash away leftover food. Fats gradually accumulate on the inner walls, which over time will lead to the formation of a dense cork.
  3. From an early age, teach kids the rules for visiting a plumbing unit.
  4. If the toilet is being renovated, cover the toilet with a thick cloth to keep construction debris out.
  5. To prevent blockages, periodically use special chemicals. She'll make sure the pipes stay clean.
  6. Often the cause of blockage is rusty pipes, the loose inner surface of which traps debris. To avoid problems, it is recommended to replace them with new ones made of polymeric materials.

People who have experienced the horror of a clogged toilet are taking a more serious approach to bathroom use. node and do not forget about its immediate purpose. I hope the article will protect against such inconveniences and problems.

Effective ways to clean the toilet

Cleaning the toilet is an unpleasant, but necessary step in cleaning. Let's look at ways to quickly and efficiently carry out work that will make life easier and help restore the plumbing element to its original form.

Even Coca-Cola does a good job of cleaning. Treat the entire surface of the product with a drink and wait a few hours, then walk along the faience or ceramic toilet with a brush. The effect of using a delicious drink will surprise you.

The washing algorithm is as follows.

  • Pour a solution made from water and cleaning agent into a plastic bottle. Screw the container with a lid, after making several holes in it.
  • In order for the cleaner to come out under pressure and penetrate into the most difficult places, press on the bottle and direct the jet to the right place.
  • Let the cleaner take a few minutes to soften the dirt. After the time has elapsed, rinse with water and wipe with a dry cloth.

If the above methods did not help clear the blockage in the toilet, call a plumber. It is possible that a plug appeared in the riser, and when further use the sewer system of the toilet bowl will not be enough to hold drains. A professional will quickly solve the problem.

A clogged toilet is a real domestic disaster that can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of a flood. It is best to turn to a professional plumber in such a situation, but it takes too long to wait for help from the Housing Office, and the services of a private specialist are not cheap. If the situation is not critical (the contents are not spreading across the floor at an alarming rate), you can try to deal with the trouble without involving people from outside. How to clean the toilet using improvised and affordable means?

Sewer blockages have varying degrees of complexity and cause. The standard situation is the clogging of the toilet itself, when the wastewater does not go into the system, but rises and pours out. If the liquid flows out of the drain of the bathtub or sink, it will be more difficult to correct the situation - this means that it is not the toilet that is clogged, but the entire riser. In this case, you need to talk with the neighbors, find out exactly where the blockage has formed, and then call the plumbers from the Housing Office, who have the right to interfere in the structure of the sewer systems.

The most common cause of blockage is thick wads of toilet paper or any items washed down the drain (rags, children's toys, feminine hygiene products, etc.). The second factor that often provokes blockages is improperly installed plumbing or the use of handicraft structures.

For the normal operation of the sewer, plumbing equipment must have the correct shape, complete set and competent fixation. During installation, a certain angle of inclination of the structure to the riser and the correct distance between them must be observed. Missing some details fan pipe, valves) will also lead to constant blockages, so you need to buy plumbing in specialized stores, and specialists should do the installation.


The most common mistakes plumbing owners make are using newspapers instead of toilet paper and throwing leftover food and vegetable peels down the toilet. Even if the waste is small and freely passed into the drain, it can clump below and form a tight blockage.

Cleaning with improvised means

If the apartment does not have special chemicals or devices that will help to cope with the trouble, you can use what is always at hand - boiling water, soda and vinegar.

To clean the drain with boiling water, you need to take a large pot of water, boil it and immediately pour it into the bowl. The jet must enter the pipe at a strictly right angle, and it must be poured quickly so that the pressure in the system increases. If the procedure immediately gave a result (the wastewater gradually leaves), you can add another bucket of boiling water.

Caustic soda is caustic and should be handled with care

The second method is to use vinegar in combination with baking soda or caustic soda. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • pour soda powder into the toilet drain (about 150 g or five tablespoons);
  • put in a liter table vinegar or 120 ml of essence;
  • wait for a reaction - when the substances come into contact, a characteristic hiss and light smoke will appear;
  • after the reaction is over, pour a bucket of boiling water into the pipe.

The advantages of using home remedies are simplicity and relative safety (when working with boiling water and vinegar essence care must be taken to avoid burns). The disadvantage is low efficiency, so they can only be used to remove light blockages or soften plugs in order to subsequently remove them mechanically.


If you regularly clean the sewer pipes with baking soda and vinegar, blockages will form less often, and there will be no unpleasant smell in the toilet.

mechanical cleaning

To independently deal with sewer blockages, it is better to acquire special devices- plunger or plumbing cable. They do not take up much space, are easy to use and allow you to quickly remove even difficult blockages.


Plunger - a simple and cheap device for dealing with blockages

The plunger is a construction of a rubber nozzle with a wooden handle. It is designed for simple plumbing work - cleaning pipes from plugs located near the toilet. There are modified models of plungers with handles that are easy to use, but they have the same principle of operation. To do this, follow these steps:

  • fill the toilet bowl with water;
  • fix the device so that its rim tightly closes the drain;
  • several times quickly and intensively press the handle so that a pressure drop occurs in the pipes, which will move the plug from its place.

If necessary, the actions should be repeated several times - the blockage will gradually collapse, and the water will freely leave through the pipes.

A device like a plunger can be made independently from a strong wooden stick by wrapping rags around its end so that the structure fits snugly into the pipe. To clean the toilet, you need to perform similar progressive actions, creating a water hammer.

Video: How to clean the toilet with a plunger

Plumbing cable

A plumbing cable is a must-have tool for any plumber. It is a flexible, hollow tube of metal rings with a handle at one end and a pointed or spiral design at the other. The length of the cable can reach 100 meters, but for cleaning the bathroom in ordinary apartment buildings, a tool 2.5-5 m long is enough. Despite the fact that it belongs to professional tools, it can be used independently, following some rules.

Table 1. Step-by-step instruction for cleaning the drain with a plumbing cable

Step, No.Description
Step 1
Remove water from the toilet, if possible (this is an optional step, but it can make the job a lot easier)
Step 2
Pass the end of the cable, equipped with a nozzle, into the pipe until it stops
Step 3
Carefully turn the handle clockwise, pushing the plug into the sewer or destroying it
Step 4
Feeling that the blockage is giving in, you need to continue moving until the drain is cleared.
Step 5
Rinse the toilet bowl with boiling water to remove the remaining blockage

It is better to work with a plumbing cable in pairs - one person makes sure that the tube does not twist, and the second rotates the handle.

If it is not clear where the end of the cable rested - against the elbow of the pipe or the accumulation of debris, you need to get it by turning the handle in the opposite direction and carefully examine the nozzle. If it is dirty, you should continue to work, and the drain will gradually clear. If a foreign object gets into the pipe, it is better not to push it further, but try to pick it up with the end of the cable and pull it out.

Plastic bottle

Mechanical cleaning of the toilet can be done using a simple plastic container with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters - the main thing is that its diameter matches the width of the drain pipe. The bottom of the bottle should be cut off, the neck should be tightly closed with a cork, then inserted into the pipe with the cut end down and pushing movements should be performed - the same as when working with a plunger. The bottle works in a similar way - it creates a water hammer, due to which the blockage collapses or passes down the pipes.


It is strongly not recommended to use sticks, pieces of wire, metal pins or other similar means to clean pipes. They will not be able to remove the blockage, as they will not pass through the bends of the pipes, and in addition, they can damage the drain system, which will require it to be replaced.

Video: How to clear a clogged toilet with a bottle


The most common household remedy for removing blockages - Mole

There are many products sold in home improvement stores that are a good alternative to mechanically cleaning the drain. They do not require special skills, act quickly enough, and are presented on the shelves in a wide range.

Table 2. The most common household chemicals for cleaning pipes

Tool nameDescription and featuresprosMinuses
Mole Composition - sodium and potassium hydroxide, acetic acid, surfactant. Sold in the form of granules, less often in the form of a liquidLow price, wide availability (the product is sold in all stores), good performanceLong duration of action (it takes from 1.5 to several hours to clear the blockage), lack of a child protection mechanism on the bottle
Tiret Contains chlorine bleach and surfactant, available in thick gel formFast exposure (within 15 minutes), no caustic fumes, easy accessibilityRelatively high cost, not all products of the line are suitable for removing blockages in toilet bowls (when buying, you need to carefully read the instructions)
Sanfor Consists of sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite, surfactants, ADTA saltsQuickly removes blockages (exposure time 5-15 minutes), reasonable price, prevalenceThe presence of chlorine, which is harmful to respiratory system and pipe coatings
Chirton Composition - caustic and sodium nitrate, release form - blue granulesDesigned for several applications, which eliminates long-term storage, optimal cost, lack of chlorine, fast actionNot sold in every outlet
Bagi Pothan Active ingredients - caustic soda and surfactants, available in powder formInstant effect, economical consumption, the presence of a locking mechanism on the lidCorrosive formulation (application requires eye and respiratory protection), corrosive effect on pipes
Mister Dez Active ingredient - sodium hydrochlorite, release form - gelLow cost, quick removal of light blockagesHazardous components in the composition, it is required to eliminate complex blockages long time, high consumption of funds (one bottle is enough for no more than two applications)
YPLON Drain Cleaner The product is based on sodium hydroxide, sold in the form of a liquidRelative harmlessness to the skin, the absence of chlorine compounds in the composition, a safe lid with a locking systemNot applicable for ceramic and aluminum pipes, long-term effect on strong blockages
Deboucher Active A complex remedy that includes chlorine, active substances, potassium and sodium hydroxide, is sold in the form of a gelAcceptable cost, no aggressive effect on pipes (can be used for plastic), fairly high efficiency, no pungent odorLow economy (at least half a liter of product is required to eliminate a serious congestion), long-term exposure, the presence of chlorine in the composition

When using household chemicals to eliminate blockages in bathrooms, you must strictly follow the instructions (dosage and features of use), and be sure to protect your mouth and nose, mucous membranes and skin. After applying the granules or gel, be sure to ventilate the room. Household chemicals can be used in combination with tools for mechanical cleaning, but mixing different products is strongly discouraged - reactions can be harmful to both people and pipes.


Cleaning the toilet bowl with hydrochloric acid or other caustic compounds is not recommended. They are able to clean pipes, but if they enter the respiratory tract, they can cause serious harm to health, and when they come into contact with rubber or plastic, they burn holes in them.

How to clean the toilet from cat litter

Often, cat owners throw cat litter down the toilet. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since clay, silica gel and wood fillers quickly absorb water and turn into a dense cork. It will not be possible to dissolve it with the help of household chemicals, as it happens with food waste, so you need to use a plunger or a plumbing cable. If a large amount of filler has got into the drain, you need to wear high rubber gloves and pull out the part of the debris that is closer to the pipe.

Cleaning the toilet from cat litter by mechanical means, do not forget that a dense blockage is not able to completely go into the sewer - it will simply move to the lower levels of the system. This can lead to flooding of the basement or first floor of the house, so it is better to invite plumbers to clean the drain, and do not flush the fillers down the toilet in the future.

How to clean the toilet from construction debris

Construction waste is the most difficult type of blockage imaginable. He doesn't give in simple ways cleaning, and the only way solve the problem - try to get it manually. If gypsum or cement mixture, you can try to break it with light blows of a hammer on a long chisel, but in no case lower the pieces into the sewer, but take them out. True, such attempts most often lead to cracking of the toilet bowl near the base, as a result of which it has to be changed. In some cases (if gypsum or cement is in the pipes), individual elements of the sewer network will need to be replaced.

How to clean toilets with a septic tank

Toilets in private homes are most often connected to local sewer networks. You can break through such a bathroom in the same way as plumbing connected to central systems - using a cable, a plunger or household chemicals. The difficulty lies in the fact that sometimes blockages are far away, and it is impossible to get them using ordinary home tools and products. In such cases, it is better to call a sewer service, which will pump out waste products and clean the sewer.

How to clean the drain tank

The toilet cistern rarely causes clogs, but the dirt and rust that accumulates in the cistern causes a lot of problems. The water starts to go down badly, rusty traces remain on the plumbing, and in the bathroom there is bad smell.

To clean the tank, you need to turn off the water supply and remove the lid - the complexity of this task depends on the model of plumbing. If the toilet is old, and a handle is provided to drain the water, you just need to remove the lid, as it is held under its own weight. In new models, to drain the water, you must press the button, which simultaneously plays the role of a latch. It must be unscrewed by turning it counterclockwise, and then remove the cover.

The internal equipment of the tank must be carefully examined - if the water release mechanism is rusted or covered limescale, it must be removed and cleaned separately or replaced. The next step is cleaning inner surface tank. To do this, you can use simple home remedies (soda, citric acid, vinegar), abrasive products or household chemicals.

  1. Home remedies. Baking soda, citric acid, and vinegar work well on light dirt, are safe for health, and do not require special precautions when working. Some housewives use carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc.) to clean the tank - thanks to the acids they contain, they remove plaque well.
  2. Abrasives. The composition of such products includes fine solid particles (pumice, quartz sand, chalk, etc.), which allow you to remove dirt. These include Pemolux, Sarma.
  3. Acid and alkali preparations. Household chemicals based on acids and alkalis corrode lime deposits, remove rust and urinary stone, and also kill fungal spores and pathogens. Examples of funds - "Silit", "Toilet duck", "Domestos".

Toilet tablets

When choosing a specific product, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plumbing (heavy pollution requires the use of concentrated products) and the material from which the tank is made. For plastic and polymer products, it is necessary to use special preparations that do not contain chlorine and aggressive components, otherwise the plumbing will fail. The algorithm of actions, as a rule, is the same for all cases:

  • remove all water from the tank and dry the surface slightly;
  • put on rubber gloves, treat the inner surface of the tank with the selected agent;
  • wait a certain time (from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the instructions);
  • wipe the walls with a dry cloth - if the dirt is very ingrained, you will need to make some efforts;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • put the cap back on and restart the water supply.

To prevent the appearance of lime deposits and rust, you can use special tablets that are lowered into the tank. They effectively fight strong pollution and deodorize the air in the bathroom.


When is the best time to call a plumber?

If all the ways to deal with clogged pipes have been tried, but there is no result, you will have to invite a plumber - in this case, an independent solution to the problem is impossible. In addition, you need to contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • water comes, despite all attempts to clean the drain, or overflows over the edge of the toilet;
  • the liquid does not flow from the bowl itself, but from other parts (tank, pipes, etc.);
  • when you try to flush the toilet, it flows out of the sink or bathtub drain.

The above problems indicate the presence of leaks in the pipes or clogging of the common riser, which requires serious repair work.


In old houses, where the sewer network has not been updated for many years, plumbing requires special attention and careful handling. The waste products of people form deposits on the inner surface of the pipes, which reduce their clearance and impede the passage of drains. In such cases, it is better not to throw toilet paper into the toilet, but to put a special basket for it, or completely change the pipes.

How much does it cost to call a specialist

How much do plumbing services cost

Specialists from the housing office or other government agencies should do the work for free, but sometimes parts of the sewer system need to be replaced, for which you will have to pay extra. For private specialists, prices can vary significantly depending on the region, the qualifications of the master and the level of complexity of the blockage - on average, you will have to pay from 500 to 2 thousand rubles for a plumber's visit.

Blockage Prevention

To prevent household troubles, you need to follow the rules for using plumbing and carefully care for it.

  1. Do not flush foreign objects into the bathroom, including feminine hygiene products and rags. If any thing accidentally fell into the bowl, do not try to wash it down the drain, but try to remove it as soon as possible.
  2. Do not throw leftover food, including liquid dishes, into the toilet. Grease will gradually build up in the folds of the system and cause serious blockage as a result.
  3. Children should be taught to correct use plumbers and prevent them from lowering toys or other objects into it.
  4. If the bathroom is being renovated, the toilet should be covered with something - construction debris forms dense plugs that are difficult to handle even for experienced plumbers.
  5. Old, rusty pipes cause constant blockages, as sewage and debris often accumulate on their inner surface, so it is better to replace them with modern polymer structures.
  6. You can prevent trouble with blockages with the help of special tools that are regularly poured or poured into pipes. For these purposes, non-aggressive household chemicals are suitable - before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and instructions.

A clogged toilet is a serious household problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If you can’t cope with the trouble on your own, it’s better to call a plumber - inept actions can do more harm than good.

With this trouble, the tenants apartment buildings encounter at least once in a lifetime. In old houses, where the sewage system leaves much to be desired, blockages often become a real disaster. It takes time to wait for the plumber. But, if you have a desire, you can easily eliminate the blockage yourself. From this article we will learn how to clean the toilet from blockage, as well as analyze several ways to clean it.

Finding the cause of blockage

As a rule, the main causes of blockage are:

Large items falling into the drain: accidentally thrown rags, leftovers of food or garbage;

The formation of too large a layer of limescale during long-term operation of plumbing; it is formed quite quickly even in the presence of excessively hard water;

Illiterate installation of the toilet bowl and the presence of excessive convolutions and bends in the pipes located at a large angle: this is possible when moving the toilet bowl too far from the drain or installing a “steep” toilet bowl of the latest model, the drain hole (inlet) of which is absolutely incompatible with the hole installed in your apartment.

Cleaning chemicals

If the cause of the blockage is the formation of limescale, you can try to soften it with any quality formulations intended for this:

Domestos: in addition to Domestos itself, the group of these fairly inexpensive and quite effective cleaning products also includes the Cif brand, produced by the same manufacturer;

Domestos gel

Procter & Gamble: able to cope not only with plaque, but also with rust;

Jonson&Jonson: used for cleaning hard-to-reach places, has a package in the form of a “toilet duck” - tubes with a curved dispenser nozzle, which allows you to spill the composition along the rim of the toilet bowl, cleaning along the way and the accumulated plaque in this area;

Tiret: means for the elimination of lime formations and their prevention;

Sanita Gel: another quality product from a Russian manufacturer.

If you have already encountered the problem of blockage and know some other brands of products that can clean plumbing from plaque, you can certainly use them. We have listed only the most famous manufacturers whose products really work (unless, of course, you buy a fake).

Important! Before using any composition, be sure to read the instructions. Most of these cleaners are designed for use in sewers with cast iron or plastic pipes. Unfortunately, steel pipes they can hurt.

If the blockage is small, you can try using a mixture of 9% vinegar and baking soda. To do this, you need about half a pack of soda and a glass of vinegar. To enhance the effect, it is better to scoop out excess water from the toilet before this.

Pour soda, then add vinegar

Mechanical cleaning of the toilet
The first step is to make sure that the toilet is clogged. Turn on the faucet, for example, located above the washbasin or the faucet above the bathtub. If the water passes without problems, then the blockage is in the toilet.

If you know for sure that a foreign object has fallen into the toilet, try to get it out. Perhaps he hasn't gone too far yet. Put on rubber gloves (if you don't have them, you can use a large, durable bag) and check the drain.

If we are unlucky and the rag or debris has gone too far for our hand to reach, try using a plunger. A tool with a small rubber valve will not work here - its diameter should be slightly larger than the drain. Place it firmly against the edges of the drain hole and begin to make sharp forward movements, pushing the water down. Under the influence of hydraulic pressure, the object that has fallen into the toilet will be pushed into a common, wider drain.

Cleaning with a plunger

Advice. The plunger can be replaced by the cut top of a 1.5-liter plastic bottle with a tightly closed cap. For the convenience of capturing water along its edges, several cuts can be made.

A plunger will only help if the item that falls into the drain is not too large

Cleaning the toilet with a cable

If you do not have this useful item in your house, be sure to purchase it. After all, plumbers use it to clean all types of pipes. With the help of a cable, even compressed and dense and hard deposits can be removed from the drain, as well as fairly large debris can be pushed through.

For use in an apartment, it is better to purchase a tool with a diameter of 9 mm and a length of 5 m. For convenience, a handle is fixed at the end of the cable, which you will rotate. At the other end is a small tip in the form of a spiral or ruff, with which you can crush the garbage or grab pieces of it.

Since when the cable is pulled back from the toilet, sewage and drops of dirty water can get on the floor and surrounding objects, cover the area around with old rags or an unnecessary bedspread. When punching, it will be better if someone helps you spin the cable (although you can handle it alone).

Lower it into the drain and gradually, without effort, try to push it as far as possible. Keep in mind that you will have to overcome several bends, so proceed slowly. As soon as the cable reaches the blockage and hits the obstacle, start turning the handle. Try pulling out the cable. You may have been able to catch some debris in the drain. If nothing happens, push the cable all the way again and start turning the handle. And so on until the end!

Rope punching


In order not to suffer from blockages in the future, use the following tips:
do not throw large objects and food waste into the drain;

After washing the floors, be sure to check if there is a rag left in the bucket;

Regularly, for the purpose of prevention, use modern chemical means to combat limescale; if the water in the house is hard, such prevention should be carried out more often;

If possible, replace old clogged and corroded sewer risers with new ones;

If you find that your toilet is not installed correctly, call plumbers or (if you have at least basic skills) change it yourself.

Video: How to clean the toilet with a plastic bottle

The toilet, unfortunately, can become clogged. It is enough to throw too much toilet paper into it and the problems are ready. It is worth remembering that a clogged drain will not let water through, if you continue to press the button despite the blockage, then for 3-4 drains you will expose the room to the risk of sewage overflow and may flood the floor. Clogging can be a big problem. Although an ordinary plunger, in some cases, is well suited to clear the sewer, there are also other methods that allow you to solve the problem without special tools. How to clean the toilet from blockage at home with a bottle, plunger and folk remedies?

In most cases, it is enough to fix the problem simple means, which are in every home, namely: dishwashing liquid, warm water, baking soda or vinegar. Below are methods to eliminate the problem at home using improvised means.

Liquid dish detergent and warm water

The first method consists of using two components:

  • ordinary dishwashing liquid, which is in every home;
  • warm water.

The procedure is not complicated.

  1. Pour dishwashing liquid into standing water in the toilet.
  2. After about 20 minutes, after the dish liquid has settled to the bottom, a pot of warm water should be poured onto the toilet paper that clogged the drain.
  3. After that, you should wait a little more and drain the water.

The advantage of this home method is that it can be used in most cases. Note, however, that it is not 100% efficient. Much depends on what the drain is clogged with. The method is quite effective if the passage is clogged paper towel. This material is slightly thicker than toilet paper and does not soften well in water, therefore it is a fairly common cause of clogged drainage.

How to clear a blockage with a plunger

One of the most popular and simple methods is the use of a plunger. There are quite a few types of plungers on the market, each of them is designed to clean clogged sewers of different diameters.

Using a plunger is a very quick and effective method, and it's also fairly easy. Simply insert the rubber tip into the drain hole, press down and pull up. The tool works very simply, it acts as a suction pump and produces a pumping variable pressure that acts on the liquid. Usually we achieve the expected effect the first time.

The only problem is that, as a rule, we simply do not have it in stock. Therefore, it is worth purchasing this simple and inexpensive device in advance “just in case”, even if you have not yet encountered this problem.

Cleaning with baking soda and vinegar

in a good way is also a combination of these two components. The first of these is baking soda, which is considered the most versatile household remedy. With it you can clean almost the entire house, it will be useful when performing tasks related to cleaning windows, carpets, silverware, irons or to remove smell from shoes. Combined with vinegar, baking soda is an "antidote" to clogged plumbing. How to clean a blockage with soda? The first step is to pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the water, and then add vinegar and wait a few minutes. Then just rinse with water.

Cleaning with salt and vinegar

You can try to clear the blockage with salt. To speed up the flow of water in a partially clogged drain, sprinkle half a cup of salt and two cups of hot vinegar into the drain, then rinse with hot tap water.

Korean invention Pongtu

The methods listed above are successful, but there is a risk that something will go wrong, that some of the collected water will overflow from the tank onto the floor. Pongtu is an invention from South Korea that eliminates this risk. Just wipe the headband with a dry cloth and attach a special layer to it. Drain the water, which will cause the material to bulge out. Now it is enough just to press the bulge a few times and the cork will go away.

We use a cable or a wire hanger

This method can be considered desperate. If there is no soda and vinegar in your house, a plunger, you did not bring it from a trip to South Korea an invention called Pongtu, and you don't even have dishwashing liquid, but maybe a wire clothes hanger. She will replace the cable. You just need to unfold it and place it in the drain hole. Vigorous movements towards and away from yourself will help unlock the passage.

How to clean the toilet with a plastic bottle

If you do not have a plunger, you can make a temporary, but quite effective piston from a regular plastic bottle from mineral water. It is enough just to cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut the plastic to a depth of about 3 cm at the bottom in a circle.

The cap of the bottle must be screwed on and must be grasped by hand. Lower the part cut in a circle into the drain hole. And then move the bottle vigorously up and down. Thanks to this, a clogged toilet bowl can be unlocked.

Cleaning with chemicals

You can also solve the problem with the help of appropriate chemicals. This method should be resorted to only when others have failed. It should be remembered that funds will enter the sewer only when the water has already left. If the water does not decrease, it is necessary to scoop it out, and then pour in a solution based on sodium hydroxide. If we pour it into a large amount of stagnant water, firstly, it cannot work effectively, and secondly, it can cause a splash and burn us when a reaction with water suddenly begins to occur.

If you are not afraid of this kind of work, you can do it yourself. Just remember to follow safety precautions, that is, wear gloves, goggles and appropriate clothing. If these methods do not help, then you should call a professional.

There are other remedies in the form of a gel or powder or tablets that will help to quickly correct the situation. Before using any product, do not forget about safety precautions and carefully read the instructions.

Clearing a clogged toilet is definitely one of the least enjoyable things you can do at home, and unfortunately, it can't be put off until later. Maybe at first you think that you need to call a plumber or even ask a neighbor for help, but before that, it is worth evaluating what you can do on your own.

If the toilet is clogged, apartment owners prefer to call a plumber. But sometimes this service is temporarily unavailable or too expensive. How to proceed in this case? After all, you can do without water, gas, electricity. But without a toilet to withstand the day will not work. In this case, you have to take on cleaning the toilet yourself. There are several ways to deal with this task.

There are many reasons that can lead to sewer clogging. This may be improper use of the toilet: throwing garbage into it, waste after repairs or cat litter. But sometimes the sewer is clogged even without the "help" of the owners. Neighbors can also contribute. And sometimes a blockage occurs due to poor-quality, too hard water, which ensures the gradual deposition of plaque on the pipes. Then there is an urgent need to figure out how to clean the toilet yourself if it is clogged. Before analyzing effective methods for cleaning sewers, it is necessary to dwell on four tips from the masters.

  1. Find out the cause of the blockage. The solution to the problem must begin with asking all family members about possible source Problems. For example, a child may accidentally drop a toy into the toilet. In this case, half of effective methods will be ineffective. To cope with such a congestion, if the object is far enough away, only a cable will help.
  2. Determine the location of the plug. If the water does not go well in the toilet, what do the newcomers immediately decide? They assume that the blockage arose precisely in the toilet pipe and use all available methods to clean it. This approach is not entirely correct. After all, the congestion could have arisen much further, in the sewer pipe. To approximately determine the location of the cork, it is necessary to open the taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the water drains normally and does not linger in the pipe, then the problem is really in the toilet plexus. But if the water quickly filled the pipe and leaves the sink very slowly, then the problem is quite serious, and it is better to use the services of a plumber.
  3. Do not use a tank. To check how the water is leaving or to clean the pipes "under pressure" do not use cistern. If the blockage in the toilet is too strong, then all the water mixed with sewage can pour out through the toilet directly onto the floor. Another unpleasant phenomenon is also possible. Bath and toilet are two communicating vessels. So dirty water, which is unable to eliminate the congestion, there is only one thing left - to flood the bath. It is better to drain the water from the basin, strictly controlling the process of its outflow.
  4. Urgently call a plumber. In some situations, even knowing how to clean the toilet if it is clogged, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. If, upon opening the toilet, you notice that the water level is gradually rising, this means that a blockage has formed in the common riser. In this case, the communicating vessels will be your toilet and sewer riser. Do I need to say that very soon all the sewage will overflow and fill the toilet? No cleansing measures will help solve the problem. Only a plumber can handle this plug, using special inspection hatches and a plumbing cable.

If the blockage occurs too often, then you need to pay attention to the toilet itself. Modern models, harmoniously complementing the design of the toilet, are not always suitable for installation in old sewer systems. Therefore, when purchasing plumbing, it is important to pay attention not only to its combination with the overall interior, but also to specifications selected model.

Folk remedies to help. toilet cleaning

How to clear a blockage in the toilet? If no one threw any foreign objects into the toilet, then ordinary home remedies can come to the rescue. They will be of inestimable benefit in the formation of congestion from rust, urinary stone, fatty deposits and plaque. The most common and effective such folk remedies.

  • Lemon acid. It qualitatively eliminates urinary stone and plaque on the pipes. It is recommended to pour three tablespoons into the toilet citric acid. In this state, the plumbing is left for three to four hours. Then the closet is cleaned with a brush and the water is drained. A nice bonus of such an event will be the freshness in the toilet room.
  • Soda. If possible, flush water from the toilet. Then soda is poured into it. It will take about 250 g (half a pack). In this form, the plumbing is left all night (no less than eight hours). Then carefully drain the water, if necessary, help with a brush. Cleansing with soda will help not only eliminate plaque, but also whiten the toilet bowl with high quality.
  • Vinegar. To get rid of congestion, you need a 9% product. A liter of vinegar must be heated. Warm liquid is poured into the toilet, with previously scooped up water, and left for three to four hours. With a rough sponge or brush, carefully clean the accessible surface. Then carefully wash off with water.
  • Vinegar soda. If individually these products did not bring the desired result, then you can try to eliminate the congestion with a combination of baking soda and vinegar. Water from the toilet must be scooped out. Pour 250 g of soda into the drain. Then pour a glass of vinegar into it. Get ready to sizzle. After 15 minutes, when the "disturbances" of soda are over, pour half a liter into the toilet hot water. But remember that you can not use boiling water, otherwise the porcelain toilet may not withstand temperature changes. This remedy will get rid of plaque and eliminate the fatty plug if food residues are often poured into the toilet bowl.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It acts very aggressively, so it is used only in extreme cases. But it is hydrochloric acid that is able to dissolve the congestion formed cat litter. It is necessary to pour some liquid into the toilet bowl and leave it for one hour. Then you can try to wash off the water. But if sewer pipes are made of plastic, then hydrochloric acid should not be used. She'll eat the pipes.

There are tips to use such improvised means as whiteness, Coca-Cola, bleach. They are ineffective and can only deal with small traffic jams. But as a bleach for the toilet is very useful.

Chemical reagents from congestion

Manufacturers have developed many chemical compounds that can dissolve plugs formed in pipes. Their main advantage over folk methods is the speed of exposure. Typically, effective cleaning occurs 15-20 minutes after using the selected reagent. The following products can be used to clear a clogged toilet.

  • "Mole". A budget tool that can effectively clean pipes. It contains caustic soda and surfactant components. This combination ensures the dissolution of fats, solid waste, such as fish scales, hair. Produce "Mole" in the form of powder and gel. The agent can be used for steel and cast iron pipes. But for plastic counterparts, some varieties of "Mole" are strictly prohibited.
  • Vortex Draft. This cleaner is available in liquid form. Effective dissolution of congestion is provided by active chlorine, caustic soda and surfactant components. The drug is able to cope with heavy biowaste and fat accumulation. Can be applied to any pipes.
  • "Bagi Pothan". This is an expensive option that ensures that even the most serious blockages are cleared. But the reagent has negative quality. This substance contains alkali, therefore it can worsen the condition of the pipes. Given such an aggressive impact, it is not recommended to use "Bagi Potkhan" for worn-out plumbing. And you should not resort to his help too often.
  • "Mister Muscle". This product is available in powder or gel form. It has a mild effect, and you should not count on the elimination of serious congestion with its help. With minor traffic jams, "Mr. Muscle" will cope in just a couple of minutes. But if the congestion is more serious, then it is recommended to pour the product into the toilet and leave it overnight.
  • "Tiret". The preparation is based on chlorine-containing bleach, surfactant and sodium hypochlorite. The agent can be used for both metal and plastic pipes. Effectively clears congestion, eliminates unpleasant odors and has disinfectant power.

If plastic pipes are to be cleaned, it is best to use a gel or liquid reagent. Powdered household chemicals can get stuck at the connection sites. In this case, such components will gradually corrode the rubber seals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

If you yourself clean the blockage in the toilet with the help of folk or chemicals fails, you can resort to mechanical cleaning. The procedure is carried out manually or using such "assistants" as a plunger and a plumbing cable.


What to do if the toilet is clogged with foreign objects: toys, rags, large food cleaners? Before removing the blockage in the toilet, it is necessary to examine the emergency area manually. Putting gloves on your hands, follow four steps in sequence.

  1. Scooping water out of the toilet.
  2. They lower their hand into the drain and try to feel for a foreign object.
  3. Grab soft clogs with your fingers and gently pull them out of the toilet.
  4. Further and denser objects are pulled out with a wire with a hook at the end.

Sometimes, after unsuccessful attempts to pull an object out of the toilet, the owners decide to push it. Such actions drive the cork much deeper and only exacerbate the problem.


When the cause of the blockage has not been identified, and water is still able to seep, it is recommended to use a plunger to clean the toilet. The effectiveness of cleansing depends on the right "helper". On sale you can find several varieties of plungers.

  • Cup-shaped. This simple model. It is designed to eliminate small congestion. A bowl-shaped plunger will help clean the sink. But in the case of congestion in the toilet, this remedy is ineffective.
  • Taper. This model is able to eliminate the blockage in the toilet. The dense rubber nozzle, which has a cone-shaped shape, ensures the correct entry into the drain hole.
  • Pneumatic. The most advanced model with great power. The plunger is equipped with a nozzle that can "maneuver" inside the pipe.

The procedure for cleaning the toilet with a plunger is quite simple and includes the following three steps.

  1. A rubber nozzle is placed on the drain hole so that the plunger completely covers it.
  2. To pump out, make a few light pressures (the rubber suction cup should “adhere” to the hole).
  3. At this moment, they sharply pull the handle, and tear off the nozzle from the drain hole.

The hydraulic shock with this technique provides cleaning from the cork formed by newsprint, small cleanings or other rubbish.

plastic bottle

How can you pierce the toilet without a plunger at home? If the necessary device is not on the farm, then you can try to create hydraulics using an ordinary plastic bottle. The purification process is carried out in four stages.

  1. The bottom of the bottle is carefully cut off.
  2. Screw the lid on tightly for the rest.
  3. A plastic bottle with the cut side is placed on the drain hole.
  4. Holding on to the top with the cover, try to create a water hammer as if using a plunger.

Plumbing cable

Such an event is used in the most extreme cases, when none of the above methods can remove the cork. The help of a plumbing cable is resorted to in case of clogging of the sewer with construction waste (sand, clay, putty), cat litter. The auger (cable) is a flexible steel "snake", with which you can reach the most inaccessible sewerage areas. It is equipped with a special handle that provides rotation of the cable. To clean the toilet, seven steps are sequentially performed.

  1. The plumbing cable is lowered into the drain hole.
  2. Slowly advance the cable along the bends of the toilet.
  3. The cable is carefully turned so that it passes freely through the pipes.
  4. When the auger rests, they begin to rotate it, winding up the garbage.
  5. The cable with the hooked "weight" is carefully pulled out of the toilet.
  6. After cleaning the auger, it is re-launched into the sewer pipe.
  7. Repeat until the blockage is completely eliminated.

Cleaning the toilet at home is easy. But it is hardly possible to call this procedure pleasant. In order not to resort to the need to clean the toilet, experienced owners recommend prophylaxis. To do this, from time to time it is necessary to clean the toilet with baking soda and vinegar. In this case, plaque and dirt will not accumulate, and the toilet will always be snow-white and fresh.