The meaning of the name Galina - what fate awaits a girl with that name? Interesting Facts. What does the name Galina mean? Name Galina - meaning, origin

  • 26.09.2019

Compatibility in love: 70%

Marriage compatibility: 90%

Relationship type: "Sharpness and softness are compatible concepts"

Someone may object that Galina and Dmitry are people whose temperaments do not correlate with each other at all. Dmitry is a man of very hot morals, prone to leadership and intolerant of disobedience. For clarity, you can imagine a dark-skinned Italian mafia who is used to controlling all areas of not only his life, but also those around him. Galina, on the contrary, is a refined nature and does not tolerate any rudeness at all. On what grounds could these two opposites converge? In fact, the main principle here is reciprocity. And these people, to be honest, really have something to offer each other. Dmitry takes full responsibility for making decisions and thereby frees her from additional headaches about this. Galina, in turn, does everything to ensure such a favorable environment, where the spirit of confidence in the future reigns permanently, does not skimp on affection and care for her beloved. As you can see, each of them brings into the life of the other that which, for quite objective reasons, is clearly lacking. And what is the result? In their private lives, that enviable harmony, which many couples only dream of, has firmly settled.

Now look what the test, based on the knowledge of the ancient Slavs, tells you:

Will you be happy in marriage?

Galandna + DmandTRandth = 6 + 7 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

Result: Certainly.

Compatibility of the name Galina with male names

The name Galina is derived from the ancient Greek Galene and means “calm”, “silence”, “calm (on the sea)”, “serenity”, “sea surface”. That was the name of the nymph, the patroness of the calm sea.

There are other versions of the origin of the name Galina: from the Italian word "gallina" - in translation it acquires the meaning "chicken", "chicken"; from the old Russian Galya, which in ancient documents is interpreted as "kitty".

Currently, it is rare, having lost its popularity among young parents.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Ruler Planet: Sun
  • Talisman Stone: Garnet
  • Color: raspberry
  • Wood: pine
  • plant: sweet pea
  • Animal: jackdaw
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


Already in childhood, Galina has clear life priorities and guidelines. She is a very diligent and diligent, attentive and caring girl, gifted with various abilities and talents. With some effort on her part, she can become a wonderful craftsman. However, most often the girl is only concerned with her ambitions and self-realization in society. Among her friends, she has more boys than girls, it is much easier for her to communicate with them. This is a noisy, active and very fastidious teenager.

Galina cannot stand the mess in the house, she likes to spin in front of the mirror for a long time. However, this does not affect her studies at all. A logical mindset allows you to finish school well and enter a prestigious university in order to pave yourself the shortest and relatively simple path to success and wealth. In her youth, the already difficult character of the girl acquires tough features: she becomes more categorical in her judgments and rarely changes the decision she once made. Fearless and determined, Galina can take on any task. But not the fact that she will bring it to the end. If she has doubts about the success of the initiated event, she can simply cancel it.

The secret of the name lies in a certain amount of healthy egoism. Galina looks at things sensibly and considers her surroundings for usefulness for her beloved. At the same time, she believes that she does not use people, but simply benefits from the current situation. Such a woman has good diplomatic qualities, is always polite, it is almost impossible to quarrel with her. Constantly strives for the "golden mean" and keeps in neutral waters. In addition, she is absolutely harmless and unforgiving. That is, the girl remembers very well that someone offended her, but does not see the point in revenge.

Interests and hobbies

Traveling is one of Galina's strongest hobbies. She devotes herself with great pleasure to tourism during her holidays in various countries. Likes to read exciting adventure novels.

Profession and business

Galina good strength will and diligence, which cause respect in the team and contribute to the establishment of relationships. A leader by nature, she copes well with leadership positions, she can become a teacher or educator. For her, work always comes first. Through labor, a woman fulfills herself in society. Often there are situations when, tired of the “home life”, she goes into a creative profession and quickly achieves success.


Usually the owner of the name Galina rarely complains about her health. Neat and attentive, she tries to follow and take care of herself. True, in adulthood, heart ailments are possible.

Sex and love

Among Galina's hobbies, a separate place is occupied by men. She prefers active and determined partners. Perfectly aware of the impression it has on the stronger sex, he quite skillfully uses it. She herself rarely “burns with passion”, most often she lures a worthy, in her opinion, man into her networks and simply allows herself to be loved.

Family and marriage

In the family, Galina occupies a leading position. She is a quiet, modest, skillful hostess, if she so desires. But at the same time a very demanding wife and mother. For her, remarriage is not wildness, so she easily breaks off unpleasant relationships. A husband and children for a woman with this name are more of a status necessity than a dream of a lifetime.

What names are best to be friends with, communicate with, whom exactly to love Galina? In culture, the opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread. Especially the compatibility of male and female name arouses the greatest interest. As if the names communicate with each other, and not people exchange energy and experience moments of happiness and anger together. Together they develop.

What is a name

The name is sound, meaning, associations. That is information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The whole amount of information with which a person identifies himself and which then presses/affects the unconscious/character/aura of a person.

The vibration-information code of the name is like a certain detail in the electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful, it works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let's say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the whole organism decreases to 0.5 kW, and the rate of development and achievement of goals slows down accordingly.

With the right approach to the issue, the name gives a person strength and support, it becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the whole electro-magnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

It is not the name that determines the fate of a person, and even more so relationships. The name corrects in "+" or "-" the character given from birth. And either facilitates fate (improving character) or not. Therefore, for different people the same names make different things.

My name is an instrument that influences me. They call me by that name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare the comparable, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not set the character, the name corrects the structure of the character of its owner according to a unique program. Therefore, the question of the name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Determining the number of the name

You can't tell who lives in a house by its number. Different people live there. Also, dozens of names and millions of different people are hidden behind the number of the name. On what basis can you draw a line and make a highly accurate generalization? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven time and time again.

And then, even if you have some observations of what qualities the carriers of one name have, you must always understand that one name paints each with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and it cannot be said that a person will strengthen you just by knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can identify this influence, but for him the name is simply the starting point for analysis complex design characters and auras, and not the final field of analysis.

Galina and compatibility with male names. There are many people, but few names. The truth is even less.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the papers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Galina and ANY man's name- perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way.

Galina and Alexander (protector of people)
Galina and Alexey (defender)
Galina and Andrey (man and defender)
Galina and Anton (entering the battle)
Galina and Arseniy (courageous)
Galina and Artyom (unharmed)
Galina and Bogdan (given by God)
Galina and Viktor (winner)
Galina and Vladimir (owning the world)
Galina and Vladislav (possessing fame)
Galina and George (farmer)
Galina and Gleb (large)
Galina and Daniel (God's judgment)
Galina and Denis (God vitality nature)
Galina and Dmitry (God of fertility)
Galina and Dobrynya (good fellow)
Galina and Egor (farmer)
Galina and Ivan (God's gift)
Galina and Ilya (my God)
Galina and Kirill (bishop)
Galina and Konstantin (permanent)
Galina and Leo (lion)
Galina and Leonid (son of a lion)
Galina and Maxim (stately)
Galina and Mark (hammer)
Galina and Matvey (gifted by God)
Galina and Mikhail (equal to God)
Galina and Nikita (winner)
Galina and Nikolai (victorious nations)
Galina and Pavel (small)
Galina and Roman (strong)
Galina and Semyon (heard by God in prayer)
Galina and Sergey (highly esteemed)
Galina and Stepan ("wreath")
Galina and Timothy (worshiping God)
Galina and Timur (strong as steel)
Galina and Fedor (God's gift)
Galina and Yaroslav (burning glory)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the “compatibility” of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way. Also, life can bring a surprise and a person will do something that you did not expect from him (see the study called "The Barnum Effect" about generalization in predictions).

Not a man for a name, but a name for a man. Man speaks to man

People feel sympathy not by the sound of the name. And unconsciously, by how comfortable you are, it is interesting together. What interchange of energies, qualities, actions takes place between you. What do you enhance in each other.

Look how many different people - with the same names. Also there are similar people - with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge delusion that erases the entire inner world of a person, his true nature. And it reduces to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where is real compatibility buried?

The compatibility of people must be sought in docking, depreciation, interpenetration of the structures of characters, auras. And when we come to the surface and want to reduce the relationship of people to the melodic / digital relationship of names, we don’t even think about what a person’s name reflects. How is the name and character of this person connected.

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios for the interaction of personal self-regulation tools (names).

How to check people for compatibility only by name?

As well as the compatibility of partners in marriage in terms of sock size. There will be so much common sense and even more in this, because we select socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us by a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

In order to really assess the compatibility of people, it is necessary to move away from superficial data taken from the “number of the name”, and begin to calculate the interaction by characters / auras / qualities.

The Secret of Real Compatibility

It is necessary to begin to consider this question from the side of the individual construction of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic construction, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth is the influence of astrology
Experience- this is the influence of the karma of this and past lives
Crystallization level– development of the chakra system of channels

It can be imagined that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is incorrect in terms of symmetry and geometry - facets, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different sections in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, difficultly, or stop - clog. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain speed and of a certain quality.

The task of man from the point of view of evolution is the perfect transformation of his structure. With the aim of passing the figure of divine energy without any difficulty and resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious "roughness and unevenness" of this figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to “finish”, compact the desired part of the figure, or remove, clean. It can be solved different ways self-development: practices, meditations, prayers, austerities, reading and understanding the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neurolinguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, the use of weak currents and others technical means, use of compatibility, etc. In this context, the use of compatibility will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of a person's structure, compatibility manifests itself when two people are in the same space, whose structures are the most suitable and dock with each other, as if multidimensional puzzles that fit each other. That is, one or more faces of one design maximally or ideally complement some part of another design, compensating other people's dips with their bulges or smoothing out other people's bulges with their dips.

Compatibility levels. Mutuality and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensory level- there is joy, confidence, inspiration.
On the physical level- for example, expressed in sex
On a mental level– smart channel opens

There are various levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two-way and unidirectional, it can be mutually beneficial to an equal, greater or lesser extent, it can be harmful. It all depends on individual designs.

complementarity- ideal compatibility, subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than each of them individually. A kind of "plugging" of each other's holes.

Generation of one or more qualities, states (automatic) - when 2 people are in each other's field, a certain quality or state is automatically generated.

Anticompatibility- damage to both structures up to destruction. The interaction of structures destroys, suppresses development. The solution in this situation is to break up, move away from each other physically and remove attunement. Sometimes, at the behest of love feelings or the duty of the family, as well as work, the question arises of the need to communicate incongruous people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists on the selection of amulets, exercises (in terms of Castaneda - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smoothed out incompatibilities. But it is still better to limit the interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Unilateral compatibility- only one is beneficial interaction. Distinguish:
with harm for one of the couple - the other interaction is harmful.
without harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases), the solution and the way out is to break off and no longer keep in touch.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- Communication for the repayment of debt, which gives birth and delivers "joy" and leads to a lighter state.

Channel opening- If a certain channel is open for one person, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself has this channel open. One, without harm to himself, pumps up the second.

Elaboration of qualities- If one has worked out and developed some quality, then he can put pressure on the other with this quality, and the latter begins to process the development of the same aspect that was not previously developed.

And the names have nothing to do with it.

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Switch to the value of life

According to Mendelev

Courageous, cold, but quite a good name. In her youth, while still Galya, she is a little less cold; this is a brighter, stronger and more courageous personality. With age, it becomes less mobile and more rigid. She is characterized by edification and categorical judgments: when she encounters an obstacle or simply a phenomenon that does not fit into her ideas, she tries not to notice it, and when this fails, she becomes furious. It seems that Galina carries a constant, not very strong, but stable source of tension and anxiety. It interferes with the serene perception of the world and causes all sorts of conflicts. Galina has a strong will - up to a certain limit, beyond which she can break.

By nature, she is a pessimist, she does not expect anything good from the near future, and reacts poorly to external stimuli. Often Galina is a teacher, educator, educator, which is facilitated by her obvious craving for edification. She strives for others to accept her model of behavior and be guided by it. It is characterized by high education, especially in the humanities, interest in history and ethnography. Even when she is cheerful and sociable, some distance between her and the others remains, Galina is rarely sexy, but she loves her children madly and selfishly, for their sake she is ready for anything.

By the way, the Ukrainian name Galya has nothing to do with Galina - it is a diminutive form of a completely different name - Anna (Hanna).

Galina's color is intense purple.

According to Popov

Galina cannot be in an uncleaned room, cannot listen to an unprofessional singer, or eat a burnt cake. She is attentive to her health, cleanliness of the house and always makes sure that she is surrounded by neat and cheerful people. She gets married repeatedly, because she always finds something to complain about in every man.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She lives a dream of great love and sizzling passion, Galina is an idealist who dreams of loyalty and devotion. She invents herself a lover, who is often very far from real man, located next to her, and this does not allow her to live a full-blooded erotic life. Galina is freedom-loving, too independent, her behavior in love is sometimes unpredictable - she can suddenly, for no reason, break ties with a man, her sexual behavior differs in the same extremes. In any case, she sees in sex a meaningful goal - procreation. Stormy, passionate attraction, love fever, erotic feelings for a man are not inherent in her.

Galina often remains on good terms with those to whom she has recently been attracted and with whom she has been intimate. During the period of meetings with a man, she shows incredible energy and determination, having set a goal for herself, Galina will not deviate from her. She evokes strong sexual emotions in her partners, but she herself rarely responds in the same way, although she loves excitable, active men. Often in her youth she experiences unsuccessful love and then fears serious affection. The latter largely refers to the "winter" Galina. She is afraid of the manifestations of her feelings, fearing to make a mistake in a partner. Galina - creative person, talented in everything related to beauty, but often suppresses her craving for creativity. She lives in the happy certainty that she exists perfect man who waits only for her. He will never refuse an invitation to a company where there will be men, in the hope of a pleasant evening. Her expectations usually come true, because she is able to turn a man's head. She can give him intimate intimacy as an expensive gift as a reward for tenderness and warm relations.

By Higiru

Comes from the Greek word "galene" - calmness, serenity

Since childhood, she has been growing up as a father's daughter, she prefers the company of boys. No, she is well aware that she is a girl, loves to dress up, turn around in front of a mirror - lace, bows, all this is hers! - but in the environment of boys she feels better. And adult Galina is alien to the eternal female problems, intrigues: who looked at what, who

Galina is a real hard worker. She manages everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment, and at the same time remains attractive and charming. Of all that life gives a woman, most Galin chooses business. In matters, Galina is prudent, she knows in advance her interest and how to realize it. And people are interesting to her insofar as they can be beneficial in some way. WITH the right person Galina is all benevolence and courtesy, with the unnecessary, having exhausted her possibilities, she amazingly quickly turns into a coldly polite and somewhat rude woman. The mother-in-law, who knows about this feature of Galina, will never rush with wills.

Galina's mood is rapidly changing, and with it her attitude to the environment.

Compatibility and marriage named "Galina"

There are usually no problems with fans. Galina herself chooses, and often the most handsome, most skillful and economic guy becomes her husband, recognizing Galina's superiority not only over other women, but also over herself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate, such a position in the end turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. A meeting with a woman opposite in character to Galina often provokes Galina's husband to take decisive steps.

The marriage will be successful with Valery, George, Alexei, Viktor, Yakov, Yaroslav, unsuccessfully - with Leonid, Nikolai, Vladlen, Ignat, Yegor.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Calm", "Quiet", "Serene" (Greek). Galina in Greek mythology was the name of one of the sea nymphs

The energy of the name and character: Galina is a rather firm name, but at the same time, in the Russian sound, one can feel a small catch in it - showing firmness of character, Galya, as it were, involuntarily begins to doubt, but will this very firmness be enough for her? There is no secret here, just the name, starting very firmly and confidently, the main pressure of its sound leaves quite soft sound"l". So it turns out that firmness and solidity in the very middle of the word, as it were, begin to sag, which creates some instability. Of course, this is just a subjective perception, but it is precisely this that affects the subconscious with the greatest force. However, such an impact of the name begins to play a role only in the event of any difficulties, the rest of the time it is practically not felt, but it is fully manifested positive traits name.

Most often in childhood, Galya grows up as a balanced child, in which cheerfulness coexists perfectly with perseverance and obedience. True, sometimes she is let down by excessive self-confidence, it happens that she falls into the company of such "daredevils", but in most cases, after several unpleasant situations and strong parental suggestion, she again "takes up her mind", unless, of course, she has an acute conflict in the house generations.

But with age, when real difficulties begin to come, the features of her energy make themselves felt very noticeably. Usually this is manifested in the fact that Gali's first reaction to any trouble is rather calm, she does not lose confidence in herself and does not really think about the consequences. Further - worse: often, when it is already difficult or impossible to stop, her former confidence suddenly fails, to the point that she may become confused. Sometimes this leads to the fact that Galina painfully tries to find reserves of firmness in herself even when there is no longer a special need for this. This sometimes makes her too strict to herself and to people, she begins to give the impression of a closed or just a very serious person, which is a pity. You can avoid this by learning to treat failures with a smile and trust Fate more. After all, you can't change anything in hindsight anyway.

But if Galina's life developed more favorably, then she remains a cheerful, sociable person. Otherwise, in both cases, one can expect Galina to be a fairly caring housewife and a good, reliable worker, no matter what specialty she chooses for herself.

Secrets of communication: It is unlikely that you will be able to start any overly heated argument with Galina, in good mood she will simply take it quite cheerfully, and in the bad she will not argue at all. If you happen to meet overly strict Galina, then do not be embarrassed, usually there are no evil thoughts and calculations behind this mask.

Famous people with the name "Galina"

Galina Ulanova

The great ballerina Galina Ulanova (born 1910) once said in response to a journalist's question:

- Just as words are made up of letters, and phrases are made up of words, “words” and “phrases” are made up of individual movements of an artist, revealing the poetic plot of a choreographic story. Separate movements by themselves do not mean anything ...

And indeed, everyone who has ever seen Ulanova on stage was amazed, first of all, by the inimitable grace and natural ease with which the ballerina performed the most intricate steps. However, in her performance, these movements did not seem complicated at all, and only in comparison with other artists did a true understanding of the gigantic work that should stand behind such an easy "flutter" around the stage come.

A great worker, Ulanova, while still at the choreographic school, was distinguished by that inexorable exactingness towards herself, which later helped her become one of the best primas of the world ballet. It was then, while still at the school, that she set herself this most important task: to achieve the effect of maximum simplicity, when all movements are inextricably linked into a single whole and one flows into another. Perfection of movements, maximum expressiveness of gestures, professionalism - these are just some of the reasons why Galina Ulanova is considered the uncrowned queen of Russian ballet. And not only Russian - it seems quite natural that it was to her, an unsurpassed dancer and teacher who brought up a whole galaxy of brilliant ballet dancers (Ekaterina Maksimova, Lyudmila Semenyaka, Vladimir Vasiliev and many others), that a bronze monument was erected in Stockholm, on which a laconic inscription was engraved: "The best ballerina of our time."

Short form of the name Galina. Galya, Galinka, Jackdaw, Alya, Ina, Gluck, Galinukha, Galinush, Gala, Galisha, Galyunya, Galyusya, Galyukha, Galuha, Galyusha, Galusha, Ghana, Ganya, Gasya, Gulya, Lina, Lina.
Synonyms for the name Galina. Galini.
Origin of the name Galina The name Galina is Russian, Orthodox, Greek.

The name Galina, translated from ancient Greek, means "calm", "quiet", "serene". That was the name of one of the sea nymphs. Therefore, the name Galina is also translated as "sea surface".

In Spain and Italy, the name Galina will be consonant with the Italian word "gallina", meaning "chicken, chicken", which many Russians remember from the advertisement of Galina Blanca bouillon cubes. Short forms the names Gala and Lina are also independent names.

The character and fate of Galina. As a child, Galina loves to spend her time in the company of boys more than among girls. She likes romantic stories, travel, various trips. But purely girlish interests, like outfits, dolls, are also not alien to her. She knows how to find golden mean. Activity and calmness, firmness and suppleness, where you need to give in, and where to insist on your own - Galina confidently chooses the right and necessary position.

Galina knows how to do almost everything, she is not afraid of anything. Having started a business, however, she will not always be able to bring it to the end with the confidence with which she began it. Since she may suddenly begin to doubt the success of the event, but the decision once made will still convince her that initially she did exactly the right thing.

The owners of this name are very sociable, but they consider people most often out of their own interest, how this or that person will be useful to her. With everyone she is friendly, polite, correct, it is quite difficult to quarrel with Galina - she will always find the very middle.

Galina is often in the center of attention of the company, she has many fans. And she will choose a man for herself that she needs - most often this is a man who believes that best wife than Galina simply does not exist for him. Galina will be a very caring hostess, a helpful wife, an attentive mother.

She will be successful in almost any profession, but she prefers to choose a noticeable, vibrant profession, and a very important, significant position.

Galina's name day

Famous people named Galina

  • Galina Volchek (Russian actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater)
  • Galina Brezhneva (daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I. Brezhnev)
  • Galina Ulanova (outstanding Russian ballerina)
  • Galina Bannikova (Soviet graphic artist, type designer)
  • Galina Vishnevskaya (singer of the classical repertoire, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Galina Benislavskaya (friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin)
  • Galina Starovoitova (Russian political and statesman, human rights activist)
  • Galina Polskikh (Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Galina Kulakova (athlete, champion Olympic Games in cross-country skiing (born 1942))
  • Galina Mozhaeva ((born 1929) cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Galina Shatalova (neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences; healthy lifestyle teacher, winner of the Burdenko Prize)
  • Galina Ustvolskaya (composer whose work is better known in the West than in Russia)
  • Galina Shcherbakova (writer, author of the story "You never dreamed of ...")