Name meaning: Irina. Irina female name - which means: name description

  • 11.10.2019

The name Irina has noble roots. So called girls from the upper classes - little princesses, princesses and daughters of kings. It became popular only in the 18th century, only acquired a slightly different form - Arina. We will talk more about the meaning of the name Irina in this article. You will find out when the name days of girls with that name are celebrated, what character and talents they have.

Irina is a name that sounds proud, beautiful and noble. The origin of the name Irina is connected with Ancient Greece, and in translation from Greek it sounds like “peace”, “calm”.

Calling your girl the name Irina, you must realize that in this way you give your daughter a wayward character. She will try to be like her dad in everything, and she will prefer communication with bully boys to communication with girls. She will be characterized by independence and excessive activity. This child will always know how to get what she wants, because she will have a strong masculine character.

You can call your baby not only Irina. This name has several forms that you can use when referring to a girl. You can call Irina:

  • Irinka
  • Irishka
  • Irusey
  • Irushey
  • Irenka
  • Arinka
  • Arishka
  • Aryusha

Irina will be helped by her talismans throughout her life. Every girl named by that name needs to know that:

  • the zodiac constellation that patronizes her is Taurus;
  • the planet that will bring her good luck is Venus;
  • the most suitable color for Ira is pale blue (she should buy things exclusively of this color);
  • a tree that is energetically associated with the name of Irinka - chestnut;
  • flower named after Irina fragrant and delicate lily of the valley (you will be heading to the girl for a holiday, look for a bouquet of these flowers for her);
  • the sacred animal of every Irochka is an owl;
  • talisman stone - any kind of opal (an ornament with this stone must be in the box of every Arinka);
  • the best day of the week for Irinka is Tuesday;
  • on Monday, it is better for her not to start any business, because this day of the week will not bring good luck to Ira;
  • Irina's lucky number is the number "77";
  • Irina feels the happiest in spring, for her this is the most favorable time.

Note that the name Irina is one of the most popular today. According to statistical studies, every 5 parent names their daughter Irina or Arina.

When is Irina's day celebrated?

All Ira celebrate their name days twice a year, because they have 2 patron saints:

  1. April 29- The Holy Great Martyr named Irina with her brothers and sisters died during prayer. Throughout her life she was persecuted for her faith in Christ.
  2. May 18– Holy Great Martyr Irina, who was from a noble family, led a preaching life. She converted 1,000 people to faith in Jesus Christ, for which she was doomed to lifelong torment. First, they threw her into a deep ditch, in which snakes swarmed, then they tried to saw her with a saw, but nothing worked - touching Irina's body, the snakes died, and the saws broke. So she was protected by God. After she managed to survive, she decided to lead a reclusive life. Saint Irina settled in a cave, where she died.

Probably, from these great martyrs the firmness of character was transmitted to all Irins who are born in our time.

Characteristics of the name Irina

As we mentioned above, the name Irina has a very hard and stubborn character. However, these are not all the qualities that can characterize a girl named Ira. She has obvious positive features and a few negative ones:

  1. TO positive qualities Irina's character can be attributed to the fact that she:
  • decent and restrained (he will never show his emotions in public);
  • balanced and restrained (she will never openly conflict with anyone, because it is below her own dignity);
  • obedient and cheerful (there is no trouble with such a girl in anything);
  • independent and sociable (thanks to these qualities, she always achieves her goals, she tends to dream and realize her dreams).
  1. TO negative traits Ira's character can be attributed to the following qualities:
  • Irina is too reasonable (because of this, she sometimes seems insensitive and callous to others)
  • she is skeptical about everything (does not believe in anything and therefore seems to others a bore)
  • loves herself and to be always praised (this always annoys the people around her)
  • Ira can be cold, secretive and too proud (it can be very difficult for Irina to apologize for a misconduct, to compromise because of this)

We propose to consider in more detail how all of the above qualities manifest themselves in Irina at different ages:

  • Irinka in preschool age- a submissive and good girl who grows up on her own, and does not cause any trouble to her parents. She is interested in communicating with her dad, playing sports and studying the exact sciences. Already at an early age, she has a pronounced analytical mind. The girl Ira cannot be forced to do anything, because it is useless. She always knows how to do everything, does everything, but not in public - public attention only scares her.
  • When Irinka grows up and starts going to school, her talents are fully manifested. In addition to creativity, she likes to watch Hollywood films and read adventure literature. But only over the plots of films and books, she will not cry sentimentally, because such things simply amuse her. It would be nice if at that age Irinka attended sports sections, communicated plenty with her peers.
  • As a teenager, Ira can become aggressive and adamant, defending only her point of view in everything, because she has a delicate taste and a special approach to every business.
  • When Irina reaches adulthood, she already knows exactly what she wants from life. She will not marry early and have children. She can successfully complete several higher educational institutions. In her affairs, she is never in a hurry, because she treats everything wisely. However, with all the pragmatism, Irishka is very amorous, but she will not marry anyone.
  • In adulthood, Irina is a thrifty, caring, but independent lady. She will never allow anyone to limit her personal space and interfere with the achievement of her goals.

What job is more suitable for Irina?

Irina is a woman for whom it is very important to live without needing anything. She will do everything possible to live securely and beautifully. At the same time, she does not need to explain and tell how to come to a high standard of living, she knows everything and so:

  • at first she will graduate with honors from school, but at the same time she will not try to have high knowledge in all disciplines, she will be deeply interested only in a number of certain sciences, mostly exact ones;
  • then she will enter the most prestigious university, even if not a state-funded place, then a paid one, and in the process of studying she will try to earn extra money so that she can pay for her own education (sitting on someone’s neck is not typical for Irina);
  • graduate with honors and find a great job with high salary(most likely, she will work as a lawyer, diplomat, engineer, air traffic controller).

Irina will definitely climb up the career ladder every day, seek a leadership position in which she will feel at ease. Ira will never take part in any adventures and machinations, because she is used to achieving all her goals in an exclusively honest way.

What is Irina in love and marriage?

Irina is happy in love and marriage. She does not need to do anything in order to achieve marital happiness. She is very amorous by nature, loves to flirt, but she will choose a husband for herself, based not on feelings, but on reason. Her husband must be reliable, practical and responsible, who will share the views of his wife in everything. Irina will have a successful family life if she marries:

  • Alexey
  • Andrew
  • Anton
  • Bazhen
  • Bashilo
  • Whitening
  • Bogolyub
  • Boris
  • Danila
  • Ivana
  • Igor
  • Lubomir
  • Miroslava
  • Sergei

Among the unsuitable male names for the name Irina include:

  • Anatoly
  • Denis
  • Kirill
  • Nikita
  • Leonid
  • Rostislav
  • Stepan

Irina will love her children madly. It is important for her that they have all the best, and she will take care of their provision herself, without relying on anyone.

How is Irina's health?

Now let's talk about what kind of health all Irina have:

  • Little Iroches have problems with appetite, so they do not gain weight very well. Basically, this problem is solved when the girl grows all her teeth. At preschool age, Irinka can often get sick with tonsillitis or dermatitis.
  • After Irina goes to school, she begins to develop other diseases, which include bronchitis, endocrine and cardiac pathologies.
  • In adolescence, Irina may begin to eat too much, which may cause her to become overweight. Therefore, from the age of 11, the girl needs to adhere to a strict diet.
  • At a young age, Irina can often experience nervous stress, because she reacts strongly emotionally to everything. Because of this, the liver can also become inflamed.
  • Irina in adulthood needs to take care of her health in terms of gynecology and mammology. You will constantly have to go to the hospital if you do not follow intimate hygiene.

The fate of the name Irina

All Irins have different fates - many are happy, some are difficult. But history included Irina, who are distinguished by special talents and achievements:

  1. Irina Fedorovna- the wife of the Russian Tsar Fedor Ioannovich. It went down in history as a symbol of femininity and marital fidelity. She never interfered with her husband in his affairs, but supported and took care of him in everything, like a child.
  2. Arina Rodionovna- the well-known nanny of the great Russian writer and poet - Alexander Pushkin.
  3. Irina Bugrimova- an outstanding Russian trainer of predatory animals, who made a huge contribution to the development of the domestic circus and organizations for the protection of predators.
  4. Irena Sandler is a Polish human rights activist who during the Second World War helped orphaned children to get into an orphanage or find their families.
  5. Irina Slutskaya- an outstanding figure skater of Russia, who twice became the world champion in figure skating and 7 times - the champion of Europe.

Women wearing proud name Irina should know that they are examples of true beauty, wisdom and determination. We sincerely wish that the destinies of all Irins develop happily and successfully. Live long, be loved, be healthy and be yourself! You are the beauty of our world!

Video: "The Secret of the Name Irina"

The name Irina is one of the most popular names in Russian. And if we also take derivative names, then it will probably enter the top three popular female names. From the name of Irina came the names - Arina, Yarina, Irinya. IN different time their popularity even surpasses the original name.

But what does the name Irina mean? It is believed that the name Irina came from the name of the goddess Eirene (Εἰρήνη - "peace"). This goddess from ancient Greek mythology is responsible for peaceful life. Some derived names have "own" etymologies. So Yarina is considered by some experts to have originated on behalf of Slavic god Yarilo. But this hypothesis has few supporters. For a more detailed history of the name, see the article "The Origin of the Name Irina".

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl

Irina is growing up as an active child. She will be happy to go to all kinds of circles and do things that are interesting to her. She is growing up as a fairly independent child and is more likely to even ask you about such activities. You don't have to force her to do anything. Even if you achieve a tactical victory, nothing good will come of it in the future.

The girl sometimes shows a temper. This is characteristic of Irinam, but do not rush to scold her. Most likely, this is a previously restrained anger or a feature of temperament. Try to find an approach to the child and do not expect quick changes.

The girl's health is good, but Irina often has skin problems. This causes a lot of problems especially in adolescence. Only regular proper care And healthy eating help deal with this problem.

Abbreviated name Irina

Ira, Irka, Ina, Irena, Iren, Irene, Irena, Rina, Rena.

Diminutive names

Irinka, Irishka, Irinka, Irisha, Irusha, Irunya, Irusya, Irochka, Ironka, Irushka, Erina, Irinya, Inulya.

Name Irina in English

Name Irina for passport- IRINA. This is the correct transliteration according to the transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Irina into other languages

in Arabic - ايرين (Salma - peace)
in Belarusian - Iryna
in Bulgarian - Irina, Irena
in Hungarian - Irene
in Greek - Εἰρήνη
in Hebrew - אירנה, and ירינה‎
in Irish - Eireen
Spanish - Irene
in Italian - Irene
in Chinese - 伊丽娜 (Pronounced "I Li Na")
in Latvian - Irene
German - Irene
in Polish - Irena
in Portuguese - Irene
in Romanian - Irina
in Serbian - Irina
in Ukrainian - Irina
in Finnish - Irene
in French - Irene
in Czech - Irena

Church name Irina(in Orthodox faith) the name remains unchanged - Irina. Of course, Irina can choose something else church name for baptism.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Irina can give a few bright characteristics. She is active, friendly, purposeful. Her active life position sometimes so striking against the background of other people that it catches the eye. Unfortunately, Irina does not always have the strength and mood for this. There are periods in Ira's life when everything falls out of hand, but usually it passes quickly.

Purposefulness helps her in promotion. She is a responsible worker and easily gets along in the team. She puts work in often more important than family and health, which, when she loses her job, leads her into great confusion. Ira loves being praised, the so-called "excellent student syndrome".

Seven Irina takes, though important, but often not the first place. She does not like to obey and is looking for a partner or equal, or with very pronounced leadership qualities. She loves her children very much like any mother. With regard to children, Ira often relies on her intuition. Sometimes it may even seem that she has a pedagogical education. In fact, Ira is a teacher from God.

The secret of the name Irina

Irina is a very insightful person and looks into the essence of what is happening. You can't fool her if she's not "happy to be fooled" herself. Her intuition allows her to quickly and accurately make decisions. However, with the high importance of the decision and excitement, she may be mistaken, which she then greatly worries about. Irinam is not encouraged to make decisions based on emotion. Only the complete absence of an emotional background will allow her to truly listen to herself.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Taurus.

totem animal- Owl.

Name color- Light blue.

Wood- Chestnut.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Opal.

Short form of the name Irina. Ira, Irinka, Irisha, Arinka, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Rina, Ina, Arisha, Aryukha, Aryusha, Reni, Rena.
Synonyms for the name Irina. Irini, Irena, Arina, Orina, Yarina, Airin, Irene, Irene, Irene, Irin, Erin.
Origin of the name Irina The name Irina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Irina in translation from the ancient Greek language means "peace, peace." It came from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, the goddess of peace and tranquility. The name Irina also has a male form - Iriney and Iriny ( Orthodox saints), and in the Catholic calendar as Irenaeus.

The name Irina in Russia in the Middle Ages was widespread, a confirmation of this is the abundance of proverbs where this name is used. In the common people, the name Irina was very often pronounced as Arina - “Aunt Arina spoke in two”, “Three Arinas live in a year: Arina - open the shores, Arina is a hotbed and Arina is a crane flight” (this folk omen on the days of commemoration of Saints Irene). Among the peasants and merchants in the 18th century, it was the appeal of Arin, and not Irina, that was widespread. The name Irina was more often used among the nobility.

The name Irina has various colloquial forms - Arina, Erina, Yarina, Irinya (most often among the Slavic and Russian peoples), as well as those that arose under the influence of Western European languages ​​​​- Irena, Irena, Iren, Iren. Used, but less often, and the ancient church forms of the name Irina - Orina, Irinia. Arina, Yarina became independent names and are used regardless of the name Irina.

Short forms of the name Irina - Ira, Rina, Rena - became independent names.

Irina is a very sensitive child. She performs her duties perfectly, showing her parents a lot of love. Otherwise, Irina may show laziness, carelessness and seek isolation. She does not tolerate injustice, and because of her susceptibility, she can get very angry, hard to forgive insults.

Irina is a sensitive woman, has a natural grace and has an idea of ​​balance and harmony. Irina is very appreciative family values, this is a noble woman who loves to please and does not tolerate violence and aggression. Irina often reconcile everyone - they love peace and tranquility around them. She highly values ​​loyalty, grandeur, beauty, and will work to achieve her dreams. Courage does not fail her when she is motivated. Irina is a perfectionist. Thus, the man of her life will be handsome, refined, witty, intelligent, and of course, with a good character.

Irina has a strong will, but also timidity before making decisions. But if a decision has already been made, then it will be implemented. She is an intellectual and spiritual person, loves to read.

Irina chooses a profession that requires communication with people. These are doctors, teachers, salespeople, lawyers, actresses, psychologists. At the same time, Irina loves a busy life very much. She loves to be praised, after receiving praise she is ready to work with even greater zeal. Ira responsibly treats any business she takes on. The owner of the name Irina does not lose faith in herself, in her strength, no matter how thorny her path may be. Ira easily converges with different people, it is not difficult for her to establish various business contacts, but she just does not always bring the matter to the end.

Irina is a very active, receptive and intelligent woman. She soberly looks at things, does not hover in the clouds, so she is rarely sentimental. Ira is a decisive, independent, strong-willed, uninhibited girl in her actions and judgments. You can imagine her as a cold, independent woman, but she really needs affection and human warmth, then Irina will blossom and be able to fully give her love and her heart to her chosen one.

Irina is not devoid of common sense, although sometimes she can make rash acts, make purchases dictated by a fleeting desire. In general, Ira has a balanced approach to things, knows how to control herself.

Ira has had good creative abilities since childhood, studying does not require much effort from her. She realistically assesses reality, always knows what is preferable to do at the moment. She is usually attractive, attracts the attention of men. Most often, Irina is an extrovert. It easily adapts to any conditions. Feels better among men than in the company of women. With friends, she can behave very relaxedly, she will not refuse to drink wine, she loves holidays and feasts.

Her attitude, her main life goal is to dedicate oneself to something. This can be both her family and social activities, sometimes even religion. Irina is very patient, always guided by the so-called female logic and knows how to control herself well. Ira has a well-developed inner instinct, it is not at all easy to deceive or deceive her. Most often, Irina is diversified, she has an excellent memory. Ira is a very subtle and delicate diplomat, and this strong trait character uses very actively.

Irina can often be imagined as an impeccable person, but one of her negative traits is her resentment. It is very easy to hurt Ira with a word, she is not vindictive, but at the moment of resentment she can commit many rash and bad deeds. Irina is a selfless friend.

Irina is always a loving, caring mother and faithful wife. She is highly respected by her husband and children, her opinion in the family and when making decisions are always listened to. However, Ira does not want to fully devote her life to the interests of her husband and the hearth. She strives to be independent from home, although she loves her family very much. Her favorite hobby is reading, she prefers exciting adventures, fantasy novels and detective stories. Ira tries to keep up with fashion trends in various fields life.

Irina's name day

Irina celebrates name days on January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1.

Famous people named Irina

  • Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova ((1910 - 2008) Polish activist of the resistance movement. During World War II, Irena Sendler, an employee of the Warsaw Health Department and a member of the Polish underground organization - the Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota), often visited The Warsaw ghetto, where she monitored sick children Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children out of the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.Irena Sendler recorded the data of all rescued children on narrow strips of thin paper and hid this list in glass bottle. The bottle was buried under an apple tree in a friend's garden, with the aim of finding the children's relatives after the war. On October 20, 1943, she was arrested on an anonymous denunciation. After torture, she was sentenced to death, but she was saved: the guards who accompanied her to the place of execution were bribed. In official papers, she was declared executed. Until the end of the war, Irena Sendler was in hiding, but continued to help Jewish children. In 1965, the Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem awarded Irena Sendler the title of Righteous Among the Nations. In 2003 she was awarded the Order of the White Eagle. In 2007, the Polish President and Israeli Prime Minister nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the prize was awarded to US Vice President Al Gore. In 2007, she was awarded the International Order of the Smile. Honorary citizen of the city of Warsaw and the city of Tarczyn. The portrait of Irena Sendler, together with Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and Matilda Getter, is placed on the Polish silver coins of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations.
  • Irina Slutskaya (Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first ever seven-time European champion in figure skating (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports)
  • Irina Khakamada (politician)
  • Irina Muravieva (actress of theater and cinema)
  • Irina Rodnina (an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure)
  • Irina Chashchina (rhythmic gymnastics athlete)
  • Irina Bugrimova (first female raptor trainer)
  • Irina Bogacheva (singer of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Irina Arkhipova (Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher)
  • Irina Alferova (actress of theater and cinema)
  • Irina Kupchenko (actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Irina Rozanova (actress of theater and cinema)

Decent and mostly restrained Irina usually does not cause unnecessary trouble to parents, pleases teachers. She becomes independent early, quickly understands what is real and what is not. At the same time, the girl always understands what her capabilities and abilities are, therefore she does not set unrealistic goals.

And everything would be almost perfect, if not for a few "But!". Too reasonable, vain, touchy and overly cold Irina sometimes does not justify her name: she can be skeptical, distrustful and often gives up feelings for the sake of high society, where it is not so difficult for her to enter.

The origin of the name Irina is Greek. It means "peace, peace" in translation. That was the name of the goddess of peaceful life in the mythology of ancient Greece.

In Christianity, Irina appeared with Macedonian - the first of the women who fell into the rank of great martyrs. She was especially revered in Byzantium. For her faith, she suffered considerable humiliation and was burned in 304.

Then the martyr Irene of Corinth, who lived in the 3rd century, was called that. The next saint was Irina of Aquileia. After that, the name became associated with high social status, because the future empresses were called that.

In the 18th century, Irina, or Arina - this is how the name began to be used more often at that time, became even more widespread both among the merchant class and among the peasants. But among the aristocratic society, this name was not the most popular. By the end of the 19th century, girls were called so less and less.

But the name gained new popularity already in the twentieth century, and approximately in its middle. Statistics prove this: 23% of newborns were called Irins only in Leningrad. In Moscow, it became the 4th most common in the 1950s.


Despite the fact that the name Irina means “peace” in translation, the peaceful and restrained, reasonable and independent, to a certain extent conceited and prudent owner of the name can be persistent to the detriment of her peacefulness.

The meaning of the name Irina gives her the ability to resolve conflicts in a truly peaceful way. She does not scandal, does not beat the dishes, does not go ahead, but she always knows what she wants. Sometimes she is ready to give up feelings for the sake of a career, high society, her personal calculations.


Parents are usually interested in what the name Ira means. The girl, who will be called Irina, will be very reasonable from early childhood. Many adults like it when their child grows beyond their years: and it’s really so good when the baby can keep herself busy with games that are interesting to her, and the parents can go about their own business. The baby can play or draw, do needlework from a very early age. As a result, she studies well, pleases teachers, and does not cause trouble for her parents.

Over time, Irina acquires many friends, although her independence contradicts this - many girls at her age still do not know how to make friends and establish any kind of relationship. However, when she wants to, she always has girlfriends. But at the same time, Ira never gets carried away with the affairs and problems of her close friends.

Since childhood, it is easier for her to find a common language with boys, and then with men. This is not surprising: her logical and reasonable approach to life is closer to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Irina is hardworking, can confidently climb the career ladder. At the same time, she works great as a seller, and a music teacher, and a designer, and a psychologist.

Her decisions are always thoughtful. The voice is calm. Mind is sober. Therefore, she chooses a husband for a long time, but remains faithful to him, keeps and protects relationships, takes care of him and the children, and does a good housekeeping. But she will never sacrifice her career for the sake of her family: in her way of life there will always be a place for her favorite business and work, which means a lot to her.


The character of the name Irina is amazing: independent from an early age, balanced and confident in the correctness of her actions, sometimes sentimental, but ready to sacrifice her feelings to achieve the goal - such is the character of Irina. She is sociable, reserved, knows exactly what she wants. But sometimes aggressive, overly conceited, persistent.

Her opinion is the only correct one, although it is impossible to refuse Irina in common sense. Her taste is refined, and her goals are acceptable. Ira knows her abilities, clearly understands where she is going and why.

Irina in love never loses her head - her mind always leads, even when her heart refuses to obey. She does not give in to feelings, and many consider her a cold nature. The girl herself prefers to call herself sober. However, she does not deny herself and the pleasure of being the center of attention in a male company: she likes courtship, especially “on highest level”, flirting, frankly admiring look and hints. She loves to play with the feelings of men, but in fact remains faithful to her husband, if, of course, she has already chosen her only one.

The characteristic of the name Irina is understandable - pragmatic, tactful, reasonable. She earns her mind and never crosses the line of the law.

name day

Irina celebrates her birthday by Orthodox calendar several times a year:

  • January 12 and 16;
  • February 26;
  • April 29;
  • May 18 and 26;
  • August 10, 17 and 22;
  • September 30th;
  • October 1;
  • 2 and 8 November.

Name color

The name Irina is associated with a pale blue color - a rather cold, transparent and understandable shade of a peaceful sky. Peacefulness and tranquility are the main features of both this color and the name. Of course, this is the road of spirituality, freedom and friendliness, but here there is also some optionality, a tendency to change and carelessness.

Fresh and pleasing to the eye, pale blue is not always so gentle and comfortable: sometimes it speaks of excessive prudence.

name flower

The flower named after Irina is lily of the valley. This delicate flower reflects the peacefulness of the owner of the name, but not her strong character. Yes, she will be faithful to her chosen one, but she is unlikely to be able to devote herself to her feelings when she has a clear career goal in front of her.

Lily of the valley symbolizes happiness in family life, and Irina is ready for this if it does not contradict her work and the achievement of her goals.

Church name, saints

The church name Irina sounds the same, although it is sometimes referred to as Arina. There are other ancient church forms - Orina, Irinia. The saints mention Irina of Macedon, Corinth, Aquileia.

Name translation in different languages

The name Irina is translated as "peace" from ancient Greek and has no other translation from any language. This name sounds differently in other languages:

  • Irene is in English.
  • Irene is in German.
  • Irin - in French.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

The full name Irina is abbreviated as "Ira". Affectionately, Ira is called differently: Irochka, Irishka, Irisha, Risha. Therefore, the question of how to affectionately call Irina, the parents decide on their own.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

The name Irina is most successfully combined with patronymics Alekseevna, Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Ivanovna, Igorevna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna.

Name Compatibility

Marriage with Boris, Andrey, Leonid, Sergey promises to be harmonious. The compatibility of the name Irina will be organic with Stepan, Ivan, less with Dmitry, Yaroslav and Roman. Still wondering what male name goes with the name Irina? Pay attention to simple and old Russian names:

  • Danil;
  • Matvey;
  • Novel;
  • Timothy;
  • Denis;
  • Elisha;
  • Semyon;
  • Peter and others

How to decline

Irina, Ira - nominative.
Irina, Ira - genitive.
Irina, Ira - dative.
Irina, Ira - accusative.
Irina, Ira - creative.
Irina, Ira - prepositional

Notable people with this name

The name Irina left a significant mark on history, and today there are many celebrities who wore it:

  • Irina Fedorovna is the sister of Boris Godunov, married to Fyodor Ivanovich Ivan the Terrible in 1580.
  • Arina Rodionovna, who hardly needs an introduction, is the nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
  • Irina Bugrimova is the first female trainer in Russia. In 2000 she received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, third degree.
  • Irena Sandler was a Polish underground activist during World War II. Secretly with like-minded people, she took 2,500 children out of the ghetto and distributed them to orphanages, monasteries and families.
  • Irina Slutskaya is an athlete, world champion in figure skating.
  • Irina Rodnina is another figure skater who won Olympic gold and the world championship 10 times back in Soviet times.
  • Irina Muravieva is an actress.
  • Irina Khakamada is a famous politician.
  • Irina Chashchina is an athlete-gymnast.
  • Irina Alferova is an actress.
  • Irina Kupchenko is an actress.
  • Irina Rozanova is an actress.

The decoding of the name Irina promises the girl success in life, because she studies well, has a peaceful character, knows how to set clear and realistic goals. But at the same time, she can be both vain and amorous, but the mind always wins over feelings, and Ira builds her life based on a sober calculation.

When choosing a name for your newborn girl, you should not get hung up on the negative aspects of your character: it all depends on your upbringing, date of birth, season, zodiac sign and, of course, your attitude to the chosen name.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Irina


You can be promiscuous when forming your own image. By by and large Where are you going quality is more important and the comfort of clothing, rather than the conformity of her style to the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably follow is to ensure that your costume does not destroy the impression of you as a person who deserves all kinds of trust. After all, that is the impression you want to make.

Irina name compatibility, manifestation in love

Irina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the breakup easily, memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only thing the right decision. Try to "hear" it.