The meaning of the name Martha and its secret. The name Martha in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

  • 26.09.2019

It's sonorous, slightly harsh female name long lost its popularity. Most often it is used as a second, church naming, which is given to a child at baptism. In Western countries, the main form of naming is more common - March, which slightly coincides with the meaning of the name Martha.

The little daredevil loves to play with the boys, considering the girls' team too boring and dull. At this time, the meaning of the name Martha for the child is fully revealed, the girl is endowed with determination and self-confidence.

Her tough, not at all girlish disposition, seasoned with an innate sense of dignity, often causes conflicts with others. An unrestrained girl argues with her parents, argues with teachers, does not help with the housework at all.

Despite the external strength, the baby is very vulnerable, touchy and vindictive. It is very difficult for her to study with a person who was once the cause of moral discomfort. Does not forgive enemies, and on occasion can get even with offenders.

Active, sociable, if desired - sociable. Thanks to self-discipline, he manages everywhere and copes with a large volume of tasks. At school, in addition to studying, he attends sports sections, chess clubs, and participates in Olympiads.

At a young age, another meaning of the name Marfa for a girl becomes pronounced - this is the presence of a clear position and a formed opinion. Once a girl has made a decision, it is almost impossible to change her mind. Does not give in to other people's influence, the only thing that will affect her is a constructive conversation.

The interpretation of the name reveals great potential for leadership. Martha is a man of his word. Very demanding of herself and others. Promises are important. And if, having promised, you broke your word, it means that in the future the young lady is unlikely to take seriously not only your words, but also yourself.

He has an enviable perseverance and diligence. She is not inclined to give up halfway through, bringing any initiated event to the end. In spite of developed intuition, in actions used to be guided by common sense and logic.

With age, she becomes more restrained, learns to keep her thoughts and emotions to herself. Sharpness in behavior and manner in everything to defend their point of view are replaced by calmness and cold self-confidence. She is straightforward, not inclined to play up and weave intrigues behind her back. The accumulated negativity expresses in the face of the opponent.

Name Martha - name biblical character from the New Testament. This name was borne by the sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, in whose house Jesus Christ stayed. These sisters, Martha and Mary, became symbols of two various types nature - active and contemplative.

Martha is an active person, Mary is a contemplative one. Martha cared, was glad to receive Jesus in her house, so she fussed a lot. Maria was calm and attentively listened to the guest.

The name Marfa is a female Russian personal name, derived from a Hebrew name, meaning "lady", "mistress". In Europe, the most commonly used form is Martha and its synonyms.

The name Marfa has been used quite widely in Russia since the Middle Ages. In the second half of the 18th century, the name was in use among the peasant and merchant classes, but was rare among the nobles.

Later, during the 19th century, the popularity of the name decreased, but at the end of the century it was still noted among the common names.

After the October Revolution, the name Martha became associated with the old, royal, orders, with the inert village life, and gradually completely fell into disuse. At the same time, it acquired the status of a common people's name.

According to the calculations of Vladimir Andreevich Nikonov, a Soviet linguist, in 1961 not a single case of naming by this name was revealed.

Also, according to the statistics of naming in Leningrad, from the 1920s to the 1980s, not a single newborn was named by this name. Therefore, the name Martha belongs to the category of the rarest Russian personal names.

The diminutive address Mara is also an appeal to other names and an independent name.

Among the Orthodox, in addition to the myrrh-bearing women, the early Christian holy martyr Martha of Persia and the Monk Martha of Cappadocia are venerated. For the name Marfa will be indicated Orthodox name day. Catholic name days See the name Marta.

The nature of the name Marfa

Anything can be expected from Martha. Since childhood, she is unpredictable, noisy and impudent. Studying well at school. At any opportunity, he begins to prove his point of view to teachers. She is independent, rarely listens to the opinion of her parents. Doesn't like to do household chores.

By nature, Martha is strong in spirit. She has enough male character. In business, she is swift and stubborn. In disputes, it is often emotional. She is an interesting and intelligent conversationalist.

Very charming, which attracts people to her. A girl with that name can be completely different. She does not lose her composure even in the most difficult situations. Martha is always confident in her abilities. Often shows pride and vindictiveness.

Having matured, she becomes kinder, more restrained, ceases to enter into an argument for any reason. It becomes much easier to communicate with her.

She likes to spend time among men. The girl always knows how to draw attention to herself. She is unable to forgive betrayal. He always expresses his claims directly to his chosen one. In relation to the opposite sex can be aggressive.

Quite lenient on compliments. In relationships, she is most often guided not by feelings, but by calculation. In sex, he does not show excessive demands on his partner. Martha is not inclined to change men often. However, she does not show any desire to get married. She likes relationships that do not require commitment.

Martha is very sensual and sexy. And this means that intimacy for her is, first of all, getting pleasure.

Somewhat aggressive towards the opposite sex. He pays great attention to the choice of a life partner, so he gets married late. Often, a woman's first marriage is unsuccessful.

By nature, Martha is monogamous. Terribly jealous, but carefully hides her feelings. If the first relationship with the chosen one failed, the woman may give up trying to start a family. He tries not to associate mercantile interests with love relationships.


Having created a family, a woman completely dissolves in it, following the comfort of each of the family members. This does not mean at all that the young lady will abandon her main activity. Her innate discipline, perseverance and hard work are almost limitless, so the young lady can easily cope with a large pile of chores and worries.

A wonderful housewife, cook and educator. When children appear, great importance is attached to their moral education and discipline.

Business and career

With boundless perseverance, the girl will definitely achieve the desired heights. The scope for the activities of the young lady is quite extensive, which means that she can become a surgeon, therapist, agronomist, linguist, lawyer, prosecutor, scientist or athlete.

The secret of the name Martha

Such a name was common several centuries ago in Russia. Most often it was chosen for girls who were born in countryside. Today this name is a thing of the past and that's it. fewer women wear it.

Martha is a sweet woman. She is a simple-hearted girl who can find mutual language with everyone. It is not easy for her to enter into a conflict or show her displeasure.

In the soul of Martha there is no place for anger and cunning. She is like an open book, she easily shows her feelings and can take care of even an unfamiliar person. Martha is an undemanding woman, she can be satisfied with little. In communication, Martha is easy and pleasant. Easily makes new acquaintances.

  • Talisman stone - garnet, tourmaline, tanzanite.
  • Name days - February 7, 8, 19, March 16, April 25, May 3, June 17, 22, July 19, September 3, 14, November 21.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Gemini.
  • The ruling planet is Mercury.
  • Favorable color - white, purple, orange.
  • Totem animal - lark, ladybug.
  • Cherished plant - chamomile, chestnut, tulip.

The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles.

They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


  • Planet: Moon.
  • Element: Water, cold, damp.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.
  • Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
  • Day: Monday.
  • Metal: Silver.
  • Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
  • Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
  • Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Martha

M- caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
F- the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to put into action the allegedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
A- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The Russian form of the name Marta is "lady". According to another version, it comes from the Hebrew marah - “bitter”, “sad”.

The name is obsolete and rarely chosen nowadays.

Martha is a strong, strong-willed person, with a strong character and a sober outlook on life. Very proud, sometimes even arrogant. She knows her own worth, knows how to present herself; among unfamiliar people he is very arrogant and cold. Marfa is smart, persistent, stubborn, emotional, very obligatory.

Martha never panics, she tries to achieve her goal at all costs, from any difficult situation finds the best solution. Marfa is a materialist, almost every goal of hers has a material interest. She has a well-developed sense of humor, but jokes can be quite snarky.

Women with this name are caring mothers. They love their children, although they bring them up in severity. Martha treats her husband with respect, but she will never forgive betrayal. No, she will not run away to get a divorce right away, but she will always remember betrayal.

In Marfa, the mind is successfully combined with perseverance, determination - with self-confidence. Such an alloy is the basis of a strong and fairly solid personality, if not for excessive pride, vindictiveness and stubbornness.

But these extremely sharp character traits recede into the shadows when Martha wants to attract the attention of the male half of society. This is where her purely feminine emotional richness and the attractive power of charm are revealed.

Totem plant - chamomile, totem animal - ladybug, talisman stone - pomegranate.

Sexuality of the name Marfa

Martha can be noted such negative traits character as some irascibility, suspiciousness, ambition, a tendency to manifest envy and vindictiveness.

But she can be re-educated own will for the sake of a man or let a man re-educate himself. Very diligent, homely, she strives to do several things at the same time, but she does not always succeed.

V personal life Martha is restrained and constant. She chooses her man for a long time and rationally, if not for life, then for a very long time.

Her constancy will ensure that in her old age she will achieve almost everything that she wanted or planned. All her admirers must be highly educated and ambitious men who are not devoid of the desire for material wealth.

Pros and cons of the name Marfa

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Martha? It should be said that it has both, because in its sound some parents will be impressed by the old village charm, and some will not be able to get rid of the obsessive negative meaning.

This name is positively characterized by its good compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics, as well as a large number of reductions, such as Marfusha, Marfonka, Marfunya, Marusha, Marfushka. And his perception is negatively affected by the complex nature of many Marthas, which spoils general impression about this name.

This bright, somewhat harsh name has long lost popularity. Today it is more often used as a church one, which is given to a child at baptism. In the West, another form is more common - Martha, which partially coincides with the meaning of the name Marfa. It gives the owner strength, perseverance and courage.

The heroine of this article will be Martha. We will try to cover the meaning of the name, character and fate of its owners in as much detail as possible. Perhaps one of the young people awaiting replenishment in the family will decide to call their baby this old name.

Name Marfa: origin and meaning

This name was borne by the sister of Lazarus of Bethany and Mary, in whose house Jesus Christ was a guest. Martha and Mary are sisters who have become the embodiment of two different characters - contemplative and active. Martha is an active person, Mary is a contemplative one. Martha was very glad to see Jesus in her house, she took care of him, rendered honors. Maria, on the contrary, was calm and only listened attentively to the guest.

What does the name Marfa mean? Many believe that this is a native Russian name, but this is a delusion. It is derived from the Hebrew name, which means "mistress", "mistress". In European countries, the more common form is March.

It should be said that in Russia the name Martha for a girl was especially common at the end of the 18th century in the merchant and peasant classes, the nobles rarely called their daughters by it. In the 19th century, the popularity of the name gradually faded, although at the end of the century it was still mentioned among the common ones.

After the revolution of 1917, this name became associated with the royal order, with village life, and over time it practically fell into disuse. At the same time, it acquired the status of a common people. According to the calculations of the Soviet linguist V. A. Nikonov, in 1961 not a single child was named by this name. Moreover, statistics show that from the twenties to the eighties in Leningrad, not a single newborn received this name. Therefore, today it is classified as the rarest.

name energy

Experts say that the name Marfa has a special energy. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are inextricably linked. This is a businesslike, purposeful woman, whose energy is quite balanced. As a rule, the owner of this rare name energetic and well aware of his own worth. She has a highly developed self-esteem.

It is not uncommon for children to replace the name Maria with Martha as a nickname, for example, for an unloved teacher. A woman with that name sometimes gives out a rather sharp reaction to outside influences, discontent, and sometimes conflict. At the same time, this balanced person does not have hypertrophied self-esteem, and a woman bearing such a name is satisfied that she is always ready to stand up for herself, she clearly defines her vital interests.

Marfa can be called a pragmatic person who is not subject to excessive emotions. Rather, she is rather cold, because, due to restraint, her feelings almost never turn into passion: they find a way out in her determination. Martha sets quite realistic goals for herself and directs all her energy and strength to their implementation. It should be noted that in her plans the material side of the matter, as a rule, takes precedence over ambitious thoughts.

Martha's purposefulness does not at all prevent her from being a rather sociable person. On the contrary, her energy is open, and her consistent and logical mind contributes to the development of her wonderful sense of humor. We can advise Martha to turn humor to herself more often, since her directness and firmness often become a source of her touchiness. With the help of humor, she will be able to smooth out sharp corners in communication.

The meaning of the name Marfa explains another of her features - she does not know how to enjoy the little things. She is so committed to achieving her goals that she deprives herself of even the smallest momentary joy. Martha almost never enjoys the process, she is focused solely on the result.

Martha: the meaning of the name, character

Since ancient times, it was believed that a girl named Martha is sweet and simple-minded. Malice and cunning are uncharacteristic for her, she is easy and pleasant in communication. Martha is quite smart, stubborn, persistent, emotional and at the same time very obligatory. She is confident in herself, and almost never, even in the most difficult situations, does not lose her presence of mind and self-esteem.

She is probably too proud and vindictive. She prefers the company of men and deftly knows how to draw their attention to herself. Martha always looks spectacular, bold and this attracts a huge number of fans. The girl is incredibly jealous if she is seriously carried away by someone. As a rule, this creates problems not only for her, but also for her lover.

Martha is friendly and undemanding to people close to her and is always ready to help them. Studying the meaning of the name Marfa, one can understand what kind of mother the owner of this name becomes - affectionate and active. She will do her best for her children. Usually she has several children, whom she loves to do and devotes a lot of time to the kids.

If we close our eyes to the complexity of temperament and the sharp corners of Martha's character, then we can say that this is an attractive and cheerful person, able to independently find positive everywhere and generously give it to others.

If you ask yourself what kind of mother she is, then the answer is obvious. Affectionate and active, she will do everything to put her children on the right path and show them the right direction in life. As already noted, usually the owner of the name has not one, but several children, and she always finds time for them, children's questions and whims are not able to piss her off. A young mother will patiently answer, tell, teach. But at the same time, he does not spoil them, but tries to educate them simply as good and strong personalities. With her husband, Martha shows gentleness and wisdom.

The owner of this name is sociable: she can find a common language with almost any person.

Astrological characteristics

  • Name colors are steel, brown, reddish yellow.
  • The planet is Mercury.
  • Zodiacal correspondence - Gemini.
  • The stone is amber.
  • Favorable color is orange.


Undoubtedly, a strong and whole personality is hidden in Martha. The meaning of the name indicates a complex personality. She goes through life confidently, often neglecting the help of relatives and friends. At the same time, she likes to contact the outside world, but at the same time she is completely unaffected.

With age, Martha becomes wiser, much more restrained. But until the end of her days, she will never be able to learn to forgive infidelity and expresses to her companion everything that she thinks about him. And then Martha just leaves, slamming the door quite loudly.

Field of work

The meaning of the name Martha allows us to judge her excellent business qualities. Martha is extremely hardworking and always achieves the goals she sets for herself. The sphere of activity of this woman can be quite extensive: she can be a wonderful doctor, a knowledgeable pharmacist, a world-famous scientist, a linguist, a talented actress.

By nature, Marfa is a teacher and educator, therefore, wherever she works, she tries to teach employees, and not everyone likes this. Despite the fact that Martha quite often successfully builds a career, and if she faces a choice - a career or a family, she will choose a family.

Marfa girl

From childhood, a girl bearing such a name amazes others with some kind of adult thinking. From a very early age, she becomes an authority for many peers. The meaning of the name Marfa for a girl is that she will turn from a focused child into a kind and responsible girl.

Martha is active at any age: in childhood, and after thirty. She manages everything, and everything “burns” in her hands. It is not difficult for her to do several things at once. All her free time is occupied by sections and circles, hobbies and hobbies. Studying is easy for her, and not only humanitarian subjects, but also exact disciplines.

Usually, Martha is determined with the choice of profession in childhood. From a very early age, she knows what she wants to do, and every year, step by step, she moves towards her dream. It is noteworthy that her successes are completely unrelated to titanic efforts. Martha just does what needs to be done and gets the result she wants.

Features of children's character

Parents need to pay attention to such a trait of a girl as vindictiveness, since it is very pronounced. Martha never forgives the offenses caused to anyone, and even after quite a long time she will seize the moment and will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Famous women named Martha

  • Marfa Boretskaya - the wife of the posadnik, who became the head of the Lithuanian party after the death of her husband, is better known as Marfa Posadnitsa.
  • Marfa Apraksina (1664-1715) - wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich.
  • Marfa Kryukova (1876-1954) - famous Russian epics performer, storyteller.
  • Marfa Muravieva (1838-1879) - the great Russian ballerina.
  • Marfa Sobakina is the wife of Ivan the Terrible, whom he chose from one and a half thousand applicants. Martha died unexpectedly fifteen days after the wedding.

Such a name for girls as Martha is mistakenly attributed by many to Old Church Slavonic, but in fact its origin has Hebrew roots. It is a modernized form of the name Martha. Its meaning is translated as “mistress”, “mentor”, “mistress”. Over the centuries of its existence in Russia, this beautiful name was considered completely independent.

Name astrology

  • Gemini
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Garnet
  • Orange color
  • Wood: chestnut
  • plant: chamomile
  • Animal: ladybug
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


Marfa is the name of a strong, persistent and very determined personality, straightforward and even a little tough, quite capable of "stopping a galloping horse." Such a character has been inherent in her since childhood - a girl from an early age leads a gang of boys, and is mischievous with them on the "same wavelength". But over the years it becomes calmer: her violent emotionality and self-confidence gradually subsides. grown woman already knows how to control and restrain his feelings and emotions, communicates with people within the framework of etiquette, makes compromises.

The characteristic of the name Martha hides a woman with excellent intellect and intuition, however, she never listens to the latter, being rational and pragmatic to the marrow of her bones. In addition, such a person has a certain magnetism, some kind of animal inner strength, which does not allow him to bend even in the most difficult life situations. Her pride, vindictiveness and harshness make the girl difficult to communicate with people. Therefore, she has very few girlfriends and friends, although deep down she likes to be in the spotlight, especially when it comes to the male team.

Interests and hobbies

Despite the tendency to be overweight, Martha is a rather mobile woman who is fond of sports, an active lifestyle, and dancing. She usually chooses skiing or climbing, wrestling or yoga, enjoys hiking and traveling.

Profession and business

Martha is hardworking, so she can easily work in any field, becoming a good nurse or pharmacist, cashier and merchandiser, cook and salesperson. The character of a girl with this name does not pull her into science or art, but she is suitable for professions associated with long trips, as well as those where there is an opportunity to teach and give advice to the team. A firm, even tough disposition, remarkable ambition and a desire to succeed help to achieve dizzying results in business.


Nature gives Martha good health, but still problems with the gallbladder and stomach cannot be avoided. In addition, she tends to be overweight, so diet and exercise will not interfere with her. Also, the genitals can be attributed to weak points.

Sex and love

Relations with the stronger sex are of great importance for Martha, but she knows how to be proud. He does not forgive deceit, betrayal, falsehood, not being afraid to express his personal opinion to his partner in person in order to part with him forever.

The secret of the name Martha hides a woman for whom sex is a great pleasure, but at the same time able to resist impulses and treat men with a certain aggressiveness. Sometimes she considers guys solely in terms of financial solvency. But if she likes a young man, she does not hesitate to take the first step towards him, although she does not have special skills and knowledge in the art of flirting and sex.

Family and marriage

Martha is in no hurry to get married, for years being content with the position of a “civil wife”. If the marriage has already been concluded, then he gives all his strength to the family, not forgetting the older generation and children. She chooses her husband carefully, paying attention to strong, strong-willed and financially independent men who can provide her with a certain level of comfort. In exchange for a material component, it turns into ideal wife and a mother who fills the house with the warmth of her love. At the same time, you can’t call her a homebody - she prefers to quickly finish the necessary things in order to be free to relax with her children and her husband.

From the owners of the name Marfa, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Martha name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up better feelings in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of searching the best option. Life experience help get rid of them.

Which is marked by the special patronage of the god of war. However, its interpretation is not so simple. Therefore, in this article we will discuss in detail the meaning of the name Martha.


The main thing we will talk about is the characteristic. But before proceeding to a description of the features of the name, we will talk about where the name Martha came from. Its origin and meaning are closely related. As already mentioned, the birthplace of this name is Ancient Rome. The language is therefore Latin. It comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of war Mars. Therefore, its semantic translation can be as follows: "devoted to Mars." Initially, it sounded like Martha and was one of the female forms of the name Martin. But in Greek, the hard "t" turns into "f". It was through Greek influence that the name Martha appeared in Russia. This happened due to the Christianization of Russia. But there is another etymology that elevates the meaning of the name Martha to where this word is translated as "mistress". In this sense, it is mentioned, for example, in

Significance for the child

The meaning of the name Marfa for a child is mainly that the girl will be active and cheerful. Her energy and restlessness will not allow her to become an exemplary child, and no one will be bored with her - neither her girlfriends nor her parents. The meaning of the name Marfa for a girl is also manifested in frequent conflict situations who accompany her. This is a feature of the character of the owner of this name - the atmosphere of confrontation and quarrel energizes her and makes her feel like a queen. In addition, it should be noted the extremely developed sense of self-importance of those girls who are called Martha. The meaning of the name makes them proud and sometimes capricious, which remains characteristic of them throughout their lives.

Negative qualities

When Martha grows up, she predominantly exudes optimism. But this state will continue only until someone gives the girl a reason to be very angry. By itself, she is an energetic, purposeful, persistent person. She is also characterized by self-confidence and emotional openness - the meaning of the name Martha is such that the girl does not hesitate to express her feelings openly, whether they are positive or, on the contrary, negative.

The girl who bears this name is also extremely immune to the advice and opinions of others. Many people consider Martha to be an overly self-confident person who is not used to considering the interests of anyone other than herself.

Particular attention should be paid to such a trait of Martha as vindictiveness, since it manifests itself very clearly. The girl never forgives the wrongs done to anyone, and even after a considerable amount of time she will take the moment to avenge herself and restore justice.

Positive qualities

If you do not take into account the sharp corners of Martha's character and the complexity of Martha's temperament, this is a rather attractive cheerful person who is able to find positive everywhere and everywhere, and give it to others in huge quantities. The girl is very sociable, finds a common language with almost everyone. Therefore, she is always surrounded by many people and Martha definitely does not suffer from loneliness.

As for studies, good abilities are manifested in a girl during her school years, and over time they only increase. This means that if Martha is interested in anything, she will move mountains and undoubtedly become an expert in her chosen field. The only difficulty that the teachers and teachers of this girl face is her fantastic stubbornness. Both at school and at the university, as well as in the work team, Martha always takes part in all kinds of amateur performances. In general, she has creative abilities, and if desired, she can easily develop them to professional level. This is especially true of writing, writing poems, songs, and so on.

The meaning of the name Martha also gives the girl excellent business qualities. With age, the opinion of others becomes more and more significant for her, and therefore ambitions and vanity grow. The firmness of character and straightforwardness help her create the image of a serious, venerable boss, although the ambitions and self-confidence of the girl are not always commensurate with the degree of her preparation and knowledge of the topic. However, if Martha has set a goal for herself, she will achieve it by all means, often demonstrating her egoism in all its "glory".

General characteristics in adulthood

There is no doubt that a very strong personality is hidden in a woman whose name is Martha. The meaning of the name, its character and fate are closely interconnected and form a complex texture of individuality, which both the owner of this name and the people around her have to cope with. She confidently walks through life, neglects the support of friends and relatives, is always decisive and ready to stand up for herself. Over time, wiser, a woman becomes less and less quick-tempered and impulsive. She gets used to waiting, thinking strategically and calculating every step. He does not let anything take its course and always controls all aspects of his life. Spontaneous decisions and emotional outbursts are not for her, although a woman is distinguished by vivid emotionality. If at a young age she also succumbs to the influence of suddenly arising feelings, then over time she completely subordinates her mind and emotions to cold calculation. She always tries to occupy the highest position in the hierarchy and does everything so that everyone around her - from work colleagues to neighbors on the landing - reckon with her opinion.

Personal relationships

As for the relationship of the sexes, then Martha faces a serious obstacle in the face of her own pride and desire for independence. This side of her nature creates problems for her both in her youth and in her mature years. In addition, Martha pays extremely great attention to the material condition and social status of her chosen one. In feelings, as in everything, she shows a cold calculation, even if she does not want to admit it to herself. In fact, she simply will not allow herself to fall in love and have a relationship with someone she considers below her level. As a woman, Martha looks spectacular, confident, bold and therefore attracts many admirers. Carried away by someone, the girl shows incredible jealousy, which again creates countless problems for herself and her chosen one. Among other things, Martha will not hesitate to start sorting things out and openly quarrel not only with her man, but also with alleged rivals. At the same time, excessive jealousy endows her with excessive suspiciousness, and therefore from her emotional outbursts Quite often innocent people suffer as well.

At a young age, a girl often changes partners, trying to find perfect man. Marfa almost never succeeds in this, and over time she stops her choice on just one.


Martha is in no hurry to tie the knot, preferring to first achieve material independence and realize herself in a career. Therefore, she marries quite late and, as a rule, for a person somewhat older in age. In addition, pride and a natural tendency to be independent can cause loneliness. The meaning of the name Martha and her fate, as already mentioned, are closely connected, and therefore a woman with this name does not shine in any case with a calm, measured family life. In addition, she never forgives cheating, and any infidelity immediately leads to a divorce. She is demanding of her husband, although she herself also tries to live up to the notion of a good wife - she flawlessly performs homework, creates comfort, endows households with care and affection.


Career is one of the most important aspects of Martha's life. Here she shows all the strength of her character - both creative and destructive. In pursuit of status and money, she is ready to go over the heads and sacrifice a lot. Martha's natural abilities help her achieve impressive results in everything she does. In short, Martha was born to become a successful person.