Growing an avocado from the seed. Avocado in a pot

  • 13.06.2019

With a little effort, you can grow an unusual tree from a tasty and healthy avocado seed. exotic plant with bright green foliage will help create an indescribable tropical atmosphere in the apartment and effectively complement any interior.

To begin, carefully cut the avocado (choose ripe and large fruits with a dense intact peel) and carefully remove the stone from it. To remove the remaining pulp, rinse it under running water. Next, around the circumference of the bone at the level of the middle, insert three or four toothpicks to a depth of 3-5 mm. Then fill with settled warm water(optimal temperature - + 23-25 ​​° C) a small glass container and place the prepared structure in it so that the blunt end of the bone is in the water and the puncture sites remain dry. Previously, a small amount of charcoal or activated charcoal can be added to the dishes. The main condition for good germination of an avocado seed is constant monitoring of the quantity and quality of water in the container, so every 2-3 days take the seed out on a damp towel and change the water in the bowl. Otherwise, microorganisms, dust and small specks will inhibit the growth of the root system. After 3-5 weeks, cracks will appear on the upper brown shell of the bone, and from them - the first fragile sprouts and roots. When the length of the sprouts reaches 3-4 cm, the seed can be transplanted into a pot.

For the first transplant, a spacious plastic pot with drainage holes. For filling, use loose fresh soil with a neutral reaction - avocados will not take root in acidic soil. For better aeration of the root system, be sure to lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, pour a mixture of calcined coarse sand, coconut fiber, humus and garden soil on top of it. In order to reduce the acidity of the soil, you can add a small amount of wood ash or a pinch of lime. Make a small depression in the pot, carefully remove the toothpicks from the germinated seed, bury the seed about 2/3 into the ground, leaving its sharp part above the soil surface, and pour it with filtered water. After transplanting avocados, do not allow compaction and caking of the substrate - for normal development Plants need unhindered air access to the root system. After 1.5-2 weeks, when the young tree reaches 10-12 cm in height, it must be transplanted into a larger pot or container. On average, in three months, exotic grows up to 45-55 cm in height.

It is best to place a pot of avocados near the north window - this seedling is photophilous, but at the same time it tolerates partial shade well. It is important to protect the plant from direct sunlight, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided. V winter time it must be illuminated with fluorescent lamps or special fitolamps. The optimal temperature range for avocados is + 16–20 ° С. As needed, the plant is watered with filtered water. Focus on the following points: brown leaf tips are a sign of a lack of moisture, yellowed foliage indicates waterlogging.

Remember that avocado is a tropical crop, and therefore very sensitive to air humidity. Spray the tree and the area around it regularly. Avocados are fed exclusively during the active growing season (spring-summer period) with complex mineral fertilizers for citrus crops. To provide the plant with an attractive decorative look, it is necessary to cut off its top over the 8th sheet every spring. Timely pruning promotes the growth of side shoots and the formation of a beautiful lush crown.

A hand-grown avocado will delight you with unusual emerald leaves and, perhaps, even flowering.

Exotic crops are worthy of your site, greenhouse or ornamental garden. One of them is the avocado tree (Persea). It differs in height (reaches almost 20 m) and the presence of pear-shaped fruits, half of which is a grain. How to grow an avocado from a stone, summer residents can learn from the recommendations of gardeners and agronomists. Experts note the unpretentiousness of the plant, easy germination and features of the formation of compositions.

Conditions to be followed

The deciduous tree is characterized by wide foliage, plastic trunks that are intertwined like pigtails. Growing avocados is easy: start by looking for a good, ripe fruit. Use a simple method: press down a little with your hands and release. The ripe fruit will return to its original shape. An unripe avocado is more difficult to grow, because you have to wait until it ripens. To speed up the process, put it in the same box with bananas or apples - the ethylene released from the fruit stimulates ripening.

Site preparation and lighting

It is important to plant the seed correctly. Gardeners recommend:

  • plant the plant in an open sunny area, but light partial shade is possible;
  • try not to give direct streams of light access to culture;
  • at home, place the sprout on the windowsill.

The ideal place for a tree is the west side of the property, a windowsill or balcony.

Temperature selection

The tropical plant is thermophilic. With a decrease in thermal performance, growing an avocado from a taken-out stone on your own will not be successful. A draft will cause the leaves to fall off quickly. To create optimal conditions for hardwood, you must:

  • support the right temperature regime. In summer, room temperature is enough, and in winter it is better to set +20 degrees Celsius;
  • take into account the dormant period and the risks of dropping leaves at +12 degrees.

An evergreen tropical plant requires temperature balance - control it carefully.

Irrigation organization

The tree is accustomed to heavy tropical rainfall, so it needs regular watering. It’s worth taking care of the crop correctly: avoid waterlogging the soil and increase portions of water in summer. Watch to upper layer the soil is dry (2-3 days), and then add a little moisture. She remains inside the flower pot for another 48 hours.

Support for normal air humidity

Avocados are meant to be grown in humid places, because its foliage suffers from dry air. The following activities will help create a normal microclimate:

  • carry out regular spraying;
  • humidify the air, not the stem itself;
  • avoid getting drops on the leaves.

An easy way to achieve suitable for the tree humidity - install a pallet with expanded clay filler and periodically moisten it with water.

Application of top dressings and fertilizers

Growing avocados from a prepared seed according to all the rules does not provide for top dressing in March - September. In the remaining months, apply citrus fertilizer once every 30 days. Top dressing with fertilizers based on sodium, phosphorus and potassium is performed twice a year.
Proper avocado care contributes to the rapid growth of a tree with a beautiful lush crown that saturates the air with oxygen.

Current sprouting methods

Independently, the avocado seed is cultivated by planting in the ground or in water. At home, you can grow Mexican Persea. Germination in the ground is long, shoots are formed in 2-3 months. A tropical tree grows faster in water, which makes it easier for amateur gardeners.

Bone preparation

Purchase a ripe alligator pear, free of rot. Before planting an avocado, prepare the seed:

  • carefully cut the fruit down the center. Try to cut the flesh 1 cm deep and, gently rotating the knife, cut out the bone.
  • clean the core. Be sure to rinse it under water without a brush so that the brown shell remains intact.
  • when germinating the plant in water, make holes for toothpicks. Lift the sharp end of the bone up and insert several toothpicks into it, deepening them by 5 mm.

After preparing the grain, you can solve the problem of how to grow avocados at home technologically correctly.

Use of the aquatic environment

Planting the bone is carried out in a container with water, the blunt side. The liquid should cover the grain by half. To take root avocados, grow as follows:

  1. gently, using a thick needle, pierce the surface of the shell.
  2. place a few toothpicks in the resulting holes.
  3. place the grain with a thick side in a glass of water, placing toothpicks on its edges.
  4. choose the right liquid - boiled, cooled to room temperature.
  5. watch the water evaporate and add it gradually.

Primary roots appear after 14-21 days. A shoot grown up to 3 cm can be placed in the ground.

Landing in the ground

Before planting a seed, prepare the soil mixture. You will need peat, earth, sand and humus in equal proportions, to which 14 servings of lime will be added. To germinate perseus, you need:

  1. Properly planting an avocado seed is choosing a clay pot for it right size. The best would be a vessel with equal depth and diameter - 10 cm.
  2. Make small holes in the container, thanks to which the liquid will not stagnate.
  3. Prepare drainage - expanded clay or foam pieces.
  4. How to plant an avocado seed, the previous method will tell you - with a blunt end down to the middle.

The plant is planted only in a clay pot filled with soil up to 2 cm from the edge. Instead of potting mix, you can mix in equal parts earth and coconut fiber.
Constantly moisten the soil and after 2-3 months the first shoots may appear.

Growing process

How to grow a homemade avocado? Start by carefully removing the cracked bone from the water container. It is placed in a pot with a special soil mixture with a blunt edge down. Moderately water the plant, organize drainage and lighting. Proper procedures will accelerate the growth rate of Persea to 1 cm per day.


Tropical tree reaches up to 20 m in height. Cultivating the Mexican avocado variety, gardeners will not get the same result. Avocados can be grown quickly only with frequent transplants:

  1. A 15 cm shoot is placed in a large container.
  2. Young stems are transplanted 1 time in 12 months, and then - 1 time in 3 years.
  3. The soil is prepared in a special way - loose soil is needed, with low level acidity, fertilized with wood ash or dolomite flour. As a soil mixture, a composition based on peat is prepared, garden soil and coarse river sand in equal quantities.

How to plant a plant without damaging the soil? Agronomists advise using the transshipment technique - the tree is transferred with a clod of earth from a container that has become small.

Forming and sanitary pruning

Gardeners who are thinking about how to plant an avocado are guided by its decorative properties. Several perseus are planted in one container, and then the stems are intricately intertwined. To reduce the intensity of growth, pinching is carried out. The optimal number of leaves for the procedure is from 8 pieces. First, the upper part of the trunk is cut off to form lush branches on the side, which are subsequently pinched.
Form pruning can be done in March. The procedure will improve appearance culture, accelerate its growth and create a beautiful crown.

Why is there an avocado in the house?

The fruit - an alligator pear - is unique: from a biological point of view, it belongs to fruits (it grows on a tree, has a stone), and in terms of sugar content it resembles vegetables. The pulp of a ripened avocado is needed for culinary purposes - salads, appetizers, cold dishes, sushi and Mexican food guacamole are prepared from it.
Vegetarians know how to grow perseus while saving taste properties fruit: in terms of potassium, vitamins and oleic acid, it is an excellent alternative to meat and eggs.

Tropical culture is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its beneficial properties:

  • strengthens memory, increases concentration and resistance to stress;
  • eliminates the risks of heart disease and blood vessels;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and blood pressure;
  • strengthens the digestive system;
  • carries out the prevention of periodontal disease, eczema and Paget's disease.

Useful properties of the fruit are stored for 5 days - this is how long it is stored in the refrigerator.
When thinking about how to effortlessly grow a healthy avocado, keep in mind that proper care does not always guarantee the formation of fruits. Thanks to patience and diligence, you will grow a beautiful tree with an unusual crown that will decorate a room, a greenhouse or a winter garden.

Hello dear gardeners! How exciting it is to grow a real tropical plant on your own! The whole family can watch its development from the stage of grain to a tree - it is interesting for both children and adults. In a house or apartment, the experience with avocados will be successful. How to plant this exotic fruit from a stone at home?

To begin with, you will have to be patient, because the process of seed germination alone sometimes lasts a month or even two. But the result is worth it.

How to choose a fruit

It is not at all difficult to get an avocado palm from a seed at home.

Start sprouting better in spring. The seed must be extracted from the ripe fruit.

A ripe avocado is slightly soft to the touch. In most varieties, when ripe, the skin color changes from green to dark green, often with a brownish tint.

When the ripe fruit is shaken, the tapping of the kernel is heard inside. If you break off the stalk, then when pressed, juice should stand out. Rotten fruit with pulp Brown not worth taking.

A hard, unripe specimen can ripen in a few days at room temperature (do not leave in the sun). Ripe apples or bananas lying nearby will speed up the ripening.

How to prepare planting material

For planting, it will be important to know where the seed has the top and bottom. Can this be determined by the shape of the bone? If it is oblong, then it is not difficult: the bottom is usually a little wider. If it is round, then the location will need to be noticed after cutting the fruit: the top of the stone will be from the side where the fruit is attached to the stalk.

The photo shows that

the seed inside the avocado is very large (the larger, the better for growing a seedling), similar to a nut. It is not removed in advance, but immediately before landing.

The bone is carefully washed cold water from the pulp without breaking the seed coat.

Sprouting over water

Successful young seedlings are obtained by the "toothpick method".

  • Principle of operation

The germinator is a small glass (it is more convenient to take a transparent one). Above it, it is necessary to hang an avocado seed in such a way that its lower part is immersed in water, but at the same time there is still room for the growth of roots. Toothpicks successfully cope with the role of holders.

  • Installing toothpicks

Along the “equator”, the bones are pierced with a thick needle three or four holes (evenly), half a centimeter deep, wooden toothpicks are inserted into them (directing them slightly up, at a slight angle).

The resulting “hedgehog” is placed over a glass of water, placing toothpicks on the upper edge of the vessel for support. The bone is located in a suspended state.

  • Water

Water must be boiled. Pour it in such a way that the lower third of the seed is under water. Sometimes it is recommended to pour less or more - immerse only the very bottom or almost half of the seed (but below the punctures). It doesn't really matter.

It is important that the constant evaporation of water creates stable humidity, and the growing roots do not dry out.

Water is added, and also often changed - once every 2-3 days. You can update it less often (once every five to seven days), if you put a piece of charcoal there (you can use a tablet of pharmaceutical activated carbon). We must not allow the development of putrefactive processes.

  • Place and time

The glass is set in a bright (but not sunny), warm place.

The seed is saturated with moisture, after a certain time the roots pierce the shell, grow back. Sometimes they begin to appear after two weeks, but most often you have to wait longer - a month, two, sometimes even three!

The roots must be constantly under water, it is regularly poured.

A little later, a stalk “shoots” from above. At the same time, the bone bifurcates very interestingly, cracking into two halves.

The sprouted bone is transferred to the ground, focusing on the size of the roots or stem. "Moving" into the ground is carried out with a length of roots of 3-4 cm or a stem height of not more than 15 cm.

Planting in the ground

A pot for a seedling is chosen not too large - with a diameter of 15-20 cm, always with holes for draining excess moisture. A little drainage is laid at the bottom.

What kind of soil do avocados prefer? Requires loose and moisture-intensive. For example, a mixture of humus, peat, sand and a small amount of lime (chalk) is suitable. The soil should always be moderately moist.

A child of tropical America, avocados also love moist air.

A seedling in a pot is placed in such a way that the upper part of the cracked stone rises slightly (about a third) above the level of the substrate.

Sowing in the ground

The bone can be planted immediately in a pot of earth. The container is selected small - 10 cm in height and diameter, with good holes in the bottom. We have already mentioned the substrate above. You can add a little sphagnum moss for disinfection.

The seed is planted in the shell or peeled from it. Deepen the lower (wide) end into the soil by two-thirds of the height. The third is outside. Keep in the light, watering regularly, but avoiding water stagnation. As in water, germination in soil can take 2 or even 3 months. But usually in the spring the process is faster, even in half a month - as lucky.

Sometimes pre-germination is practiced before sowing in the ground. To do this, the seeds are placed in moistened cotton wool or sphagnum moss; coconut fiber is also used. When the bone cracks, it is planted in a pot of earth according to the same rules - leaving the top outside.

What to expect in the future

It should be recognized that at home it is quite difficult to get fruits from avocados (although some enthusiasts manage to do this as well). It is grown simply as a beautiful ornamental plant.

If you pinch correctly, you get a lush, large bush or tree. It is believed that the avocado plant perfectly cleans the air in the room.

It must be remembered that avocado foliage (however, like the peel of fruits and seeds) accumulates a special organic compound called persin (from the Latin name for avocado - Perseus).

It is quite toxic to humans (especially children) and pets - however, only when ingested (many flowers, both indoor and garden, have such properties).

Dear friends, successful sowing and planting in the new season!

Sincerely, Andrey

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Almost half of the mass of the avocado fruit is occupied by the bone located inside. After eating the fruit, you can throw it away, or you can try to grow a cute exotic tree that will perfectly decorate your home. Avocado, or scientifically American Perseus, - unpretentious plant, therefore, its cultivation at home will be mastered by almost any, even the laziest flower grower. The only thing you have to tinker with is the germination of the bone. Here you need to show a lot of patience, but, most likely, the manifestation of this quality on your part will be rewarded. So let's figure it out how to grow an avocado from a seed at home.

Proper bone preparation is the key to success in growing avocados.

In order for a beautiful tree to grow at home, which would turn into a subject of your pride, it is not enough just to stick a bone into the ground and wait for the greenery to appear. Something more is needed - in particular, long preparation. But so that your efforts are not wasted, first of all, make sure that planting material, which you removed from the fruit, is completely suitable. In this case, everything depends on the ripeness of the fruit - it should not be either unripe or overripe. Now let's talk about the preparatory process.

The first step is to wash the bone to remove the remnants of the pulp. Then it must be partially immersed in water with the blunt end down. There are two widely used methods for this:
1. Simply place the bone in a small bowl and fill it up to half with water.

In both cases, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the water level does not drop. It is at this stage of growing avocados at home that you need to be patient, because the seed will definitely not sprout earlier than in three weeks, and in some cases you will have to wait about three months. First, the upper part of the stone will begin to dry out, then it will crack, after which the roots will sprout, and behind them a green sprout will appear. If your patience does not end sooner, this will be one of the happiest moments of your life.

There are roots and a sprout - so you can plant? No. A newly hatched sprout cannot be transferred to the ground. Before landing, a few more stages must go through:
sprout reaches a height of 15 cm,
half of its height is cut off,
the sprout grows again to 15 cm.

Experienced tips on planting and growing an exotic tree at home

Those who already have an avocado tree decorating their home environment are happy to share their observations on the issue of growing it. Here's what they advise:
Pot. When planting a sprouted seed in the ground for the first time, try to pick up a container with a diameter of about 20 cm.
Drainage. Provide good drainage system to his plant - excess moisture is contraindicated for him.
The soil. Avocado is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil, so a universal substrate for flowers is suitable for growing it at home.

As for the subsequent care of the plant, flower growers are advised to pay special attention to such points:

  • Watering. It should be done frequently and abundantly. The plant will tell you about the excess of liquid with yellowed leaves, about the lack - with drying. In hot weather, it is also advisable to spray the plant.
  • Topping. Each time the plant grows 15 cm in height, it is advisable to pinch it.
  • Transfer. As soon as it is noticed that the roots of the avocado hardly fit in the pot, the latter should be replaced with a slightly larger one.
  • Fruiting

How to grow an avocado from a seed at home? This does not require too much effort, but the maximum amount of patience is needed. The main thing is not to despair, because most cases end successfully. If you want to grow an avocado tree at home in order to later treat yourself to its delicious fruits, this venture will most likely end in failure. But maybe, taking a risk, you still manage to drink a glass of champagne while eating a slice of self-grown avocado ...

People who have never experienced gardening activities will benefit from learning how to grow avocados. Because this can be done from the bone by collecting suitable planting material at home. Let's not delay, let's get started!

How to grow an avocado from a stone - characteristics of a tree

A tree grown on its own has some features. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

1. If we consider the characteristics of specimens growing in nature, they reach 18 m or more in height. However, a tree grown at home does not exceed 3 m.

2. Before you grow an avocado from a seed, you should know that fruits appear extremely rarely at home. It takes a lot of hard work to bear fruit. Usually avocado acts as a decoration.

3. If you are serious about getting a prolific avocado, then you have to wait about 3 years to see the first copies. They will be delicious, not inferior to those that are on the shelves.

4. The plant is very convenient to keep at home, because it has the ability to enrich the air with oxygen. Also, beautiful aesthetic characteristics will give comfort to any home.

Conditions required for growing avocados

Below we will tell you how to grow an avocado from a seed. But first, read the rules that should be followed at home.

1. The seedling actively grows in the spring, so this time is perfect for germinating the nucleolus. Prepare the material, the bone must be intact, and the fruit itself must be mature.

2. To assess whether an avocado is ripe, you need to start from the color of the peel. It is usually dark green. At the same time, the fruit itself is elastic, compacted, and when pressed, it quickly recovers.

3. The bone should easily move away from the soft part. Otherwise, in front of you is a copy that has not ripened to the end. The bone itself hardly exceeds a quail egg in overall dimensions.

4. If you still managed to take an unripe avocado, then let it reach. For this purpose, the fruit must be put with bananas in a paper bag. Apples and tomatoes will do. These products release ethylene, which promotes rapid maturation. It is enough just to keep the avocado for two days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.

Steps to growing an avocado from the seed

There is a certain sequence of seed germination, and stick to it.

1. At the initial stage, you need to get the bone. Cut through the soft part without damaging sowing seed. Remove it with a spoon, rinse without touching the brown shell.

2. Before you grow an avocado from a stone, you should prepare the soil. At home, a container with drainage is used. Expanded clay or gravel laid out on the bottom acts as the latter.

4. After mixing, the pot is filled with the mixture, but it should not be filled to the top. It is enough to retreat 2 fingers from the edges. Now the seed can be germinated by choosing the appropriate method.

How to grow an avocado from a seed

There are only 2 methods - closed and open. We will analyze them in order of priority, choose the best option for yourself.

No. 1. Closed

1. Pick up a pot, fill it with a moistened nutrient mixture (the recipe is described above). Make a hole in the middle part, lower the bone into it with a blunt end exactly halfway, do not cover it with earth. The sharp section of the bone should be visible. Otherwise, the planting material will rot.

2. Now wait from 15 to 30 days. During this period, a sprout should appear from the sharp part. To achieve this result, the soil is constantly watered (moisture is retained, but it is not necessary to fill it).

3. When the sprout hatches, it will begin to open leaves similar to bay leaves. It is at this moment that you should think about a larger container by transplanting a tree into it.

No. 2. Open

Since it is quite possible to grow an avocado, a tropical fruit tree can be obtained from a stone. All you need to do is follow the recommendations at home.

1. Pick up a glass of any other suitable container. Make several small punctures from different sides in the middle of the bone. Insert toothpicks into the prepared holes. They need to be deepened by a maximum of 4 mm.

2. The toothpicks will act as a support. The nucleolus must not be allowed to be completely covered with liquid. Only the lower part should be in the water. Place the pit in the cool liquid with a 1/3 flattened end.

3. As an alternative to water, hydrogel is allowed. This composition perfectly retains moisture. long time. Be sure to keep an eye on the liquid level throughout the cultivation. Don't let it shrink.

4. It is allowed to transplant the bone into the ground as soon as you notice the appearance of the first root. Keep in mind that in order for the avocado to take root, the roots must grow at least 3 cm. This may take up to 1.5 months.


Before you grow an avocado from the seed, you need to know that it contains an enzyme in the form of persin. The problem is that at home it is necessary to work with the seed in silicone gloves. Otherwise, you can earn an allergy or gastrointestinal upset.

Avocado Bone Care

Avocados need not only cultivation, but also proper care. Follow the recommendations at home if you want to grow a full-fledged tree from a stone.

1. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it needs to be moistened. Do these things systematically. Often enough 1 watering for 8-10 days. With the onset of cold weather, manipulations are recommended to be performed less frequently. Dry soil should stand for 2 days.

2. It is important to provide the plant with the desired moisture indicator. This is done in several ways. Put a pot of avocados with plants that produce a lot of moisture. Alternatively, spray the sprout with a spray bottle.

3. If it is summer in the yard or the house is hot due to heating, it is recommended to put a pot with a seedling on a tray with wet sand. At the same time, maintain the temperature in the room at about 19 degrees. In winter - around 11 degrees.

4. Feed no more than 2 times in 4 weeks. Use a mixture that is intended for ornamental crops. If suddenly the leaves of the tree turn yellow, most likely you water it often.

decorative avocado decoration

How to grow an avocado from a seed, it became clear. Now at home it is worth thinking about the unusual design of the tree.

1. If you plant several seedlings in a container, the stems will intertwine. As a result, the tree will become unusual and voluminous.

2. In order for an avocado to grow, transplant it once a year. Carry out the procedure at the end of winter. During this period, the plant begins active growth. As soon as the tree reaches a height of 14-16 cm, it needs the first transplant.

3. So that the avocado does not tend to rise, the top should sometimes be pinched. Thanks to such actions, the growth of side shoots is accelerated. The crown becomes beautiful and voluminous.

4. In the spring, when the growth of the tree is stimulated, it is recommended to carry out shaping pruning. For the first time, the top is shortened after 10 leaves, and the shoots on the side - after 5.

In today's material, you learned everything about how to grow an avocado from a seed. Agree, carrying out manipulations at home does not raise additional questions. Even an amateur who is just trying himself in the field of a gardener will cope with the landing.