Yoga exercises for weight loss - for beginners: a description of simple asanas. What yoga exercise is effective: photo, video

  • 17.10.2019

In this article, we will try to answer the very popular question of whether yoga helps to lose weight. In fact, opinions are divided: many agree that exercises really have a beneficial effect on the figure, but not everyone believes that this happens quickly and efficiently enough, especially in comparison with other types. physical activity.

Let's not create intrigue and say right away - the secret of effectiveness is quite simple: you achieve the best results if you combine yoga for weight loss with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. In this case, you do not even need additional physical activity, simulators and other special equipment.

Correct perception for beginners

If you have just started doing yoga exercises (yoga poses), then you can think of them solely as another way to burn calories through physical activity. However, yoga helps to lose weight due to the normalization of not only the physical, but also the psychological functioning of the body.

This is not a trip to the gym, but a deeper, spiritual process. It must be treated carefully and thoughtfully. This is the main difference between yoga and running, the gym, crossfit and other activities that are popularly practiced in order to optimize weight.

Body, mind and soul are three interconnected "layers" of the personality. Imagine that these are the three "leaders" of the body that are inside you. When the soul, mind and body get along with each other, everything is fine at all levels - your mood is excellent, the body “serves” with gratitude and performs its functions without interruption, peace and order in the soul. Weight normalization is just one of the many positive effects of the practice.

Therefore, in order to understand how to lose weight with yoga, let's take a quick look at its versatile effects on the body.

How to get the maximum benefit?

Don't just do the exercises - start living in a new way. Let your thinking become more conscious. Ideally, this means that your inner voice will report on existing problems in the soul and body, and not ignore them.

It would seem, and here is the deliverance from excess weight? And the connection is the most direct - a disorder in the soul - we go to seize "delicious", in other words, we are talking about unhealthy habits, a tendency to overeat, a passion for fast food, and so on.

The benefits of yoga for a figure do not begin with physical exercises, but with awareness, thanks to which a person begins to eat more correctly and less and less abuses junk food, and then refuses it altogether. And for this you do not need to "break" yourself, this awareness will come by itself with regular practice.

A separate benefit of asanas (postures used in yoga) is ridding the body of toxins. At first, it may not be so strongly felt physically, but the mind is noticeably cleared. This is why yoga for weight loss for beginners should be thoughtful, built on the right mindset, and not blindly copying poses.

How does it affect the figure?

Here, too, all positive points. With the right yoga practice or sequence, it's a great combination of cardio and strength training. Properly selected asanas help develop muscle flexibility and elasticity, train the musculoskeletal system, and accelerate recovery from injuries.

Knowing how yoga affects the figure, and already feeling a surge of strength and vigor, you are unlikely to want to eat fatty, heavy, unhealthy foods, as well as abuse alcohol.

By the way, do you know how many calories yoga burns? With the right approach - up to 400 kilocalories per session, but it's not so little!

But remember that just one lunch at a fast food restaurant or a feast with strong drinks negates the benefits of several days of regular exercise.

Does it help to lose weight?

Most people don't really understand why they gain or lose weight. To understand how to lose weight with yoga, you need to know why we generally tend to gain weight.

If you do not delve into physiological subtleties, then everything is quite simple: adipose tissue is deposited when a person receives more calories with food (and drinks!) than he spends - everything is simple.

Here are the main mechanisms that are launched in the body when a person begins to regularly perform asanas.

    A mindful approach to nutrition eliminates the desire to overeat. During practice, you already feel that the folds on the stomach and back prevent you from entering the fold or twisting deeper, and excess fat on the legs prevents you from performing Padmasana and other postures. Now you will definitely think about what you put in your mouth.

    Yoga practitioners, even beginners, begin to smell distinctly.

    Now you can find out without words what you or your practice neighbor ate for dinner - the smell of sweat clearly conveys the smells of food consumed (you will notice that with junk and messy food, the smell of sweat is sharp, sticky, very "loud", and with an increase in dietary fiber, vegetables and greens, sweat becomes softer and does not attract attention to itself).

    As a snack, you want to nibble on an apple or a piece of bread, not a chocolate bar. You always notice what you eat and how much.

    Getting up in the morning becomes easier. Heavy food is so called because it is difficult to digest (digested by the body). Especially if you like to have a hearty dinner - all the resources of the body are sent to digest what you eat, and not to restore strength for the body!

    Now you understand that it is better to skip dinner or make it extremely light, especially if the morning yoga practice is waiting for you the next day.

Important point! For yoga to be truly effective, need to practice regularly- the standard five times a week and each time spend up to an hour and a half. Among other things, it speeds up metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the body. But remember that it is better to start small - shorter duration, practice, for example, every other day - then you are unlikely to want to stop practicing.

All of the above is just an attempt to give a short, not the most detailed answer to the question of whether yoga helps to lose weight. Moreover, each of its species has its own characteristics.

What yoga is best for weight loss?

The following can be said about the existing directions of yoga

    Like other "hot" methods, Bikram yoga provides the greatest cardiac activity. Burns over 450 calories per hour, and not only due to the high load on the muscles. True, this is definitely not yoga for weight loss for beginners at home. If only because it is necessary to heat the room to +40 ° C and practice there for an hour and a half, but it is better not to start this without preparation.

    Ashtanga yoga for weight loss is considered a little more gentle for beginners. It is referred to as power methods, since the posture and rhythm of breathing are dynamically replaced. But at the same time, a considerable effect is achieved through meditation and “kindling the inner fire”, which helps to improve psychologically and then physically. So you can burn about 350 kilocalories per hour.

    Recently, power yoga has been distinguished as a separate type / direction of yoga - for weight loss, this direction is also suitable for beginners, but initially weight regulation is not put before this type of yoga.

    The simplest yoga techniques are offered everywhere, even in studios and gyms, where no one tries to delve into the psychological and spiritual component.

    Hatha yoga is usually offered to beginners. More specifically, its physical elements, strength and flexibility training. Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga in this direction, without going into its spiritual component? In general, yes, because you can burn up to 200 kilocalories per session. But hatha yoga should rather have a complex effect.

    Finally, there are practices where there are no strength exercises at all or their role is minimal. For example, kundalini yoga for weight loss is considered not the most effective. Rather, it is called upon to fulfill a psychotherapeutic, meditative role. But still burn from 150 kilocalories per hour- is quite real.

We are only in in general terms described the possible benefits for weight loss in the practice of certain areas. Still, we believe that raising the question “which yoga is better for losing weight” is not entirely correct and correct, as it has been mentioned more than once - yoga is a system, philophony, a way of thinking and living.

How to build a curriculum?

If the main goal is to lose weight, then any correct cardio load will give you the expected effect. If we are talking about yoga, then morning yoga for weight loss is ideal and gives a charge of vivacity, starts all life processes in the body! Read more about the features of the practice in the morning in our article.

In order to lose weight and gain the tone of the whole body, practice yoga in the morning, after drinking a glass of water, you can with honey or lemon.

Important! To maximum benefit from morning practice, have breakfast after yoga, when you finish all the exercises. In extreme cases, it is allowed to have a light snack, but it is better not to eat anything at all before exercise.

A few tips for those who are wondering if it is possible to lose weight by doing yoga

Most importantly, try it! Do not give up and do not stop at intermediate results. Even if a little success pushes you to keep going.

Hello my dear readers! Our topic today is yoga for weight loss at home for beginners . Where to start, how to organize the process and what to expect (or not to expect) from losing weight with the help of spiritual practice.

Since we have decided to lose weight with the help of yoga, we will deal with everything thoroughly.

It is always difficult for a beginner, you see, and then there is this yoga with its asanas, mantras, chakras. How can I understand it correctly and even understand how all this will help to lose weight?

Slimming with the power of thought

About what yoga is and whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of a self-improvement system based not so much on the physical as on the spiritual component, we have already talked in an article about

In which they found out that losing weight in the case of this ancient practice is not a goal, but a result. It’s just that in the process of exercising you change your consciousness and yourself in such a way, you influence muscle groups in such a way that in the end you rebuild your body’s work in the right way, teach it not to store fat, gaining weight, but on the contrary, get rid of extra kilos.

Rather, everything that is superfluous - negative thoughts, depression, excessive love for the material, addiction to heavy food (like meat) - they leave, but they come positive thinking, cleansing the mind and body, and the long-awaited harmony.

Beginner's path

Where to begin?

Enlightened and cleansed

Some advise first to master the spiritual and moral levels, of which there are two - Yama and Niyama. They bring up the principles of morality, the rejection of violence, the cultivation of self-discipline and other positive qualities.

Others speak of the need to start with cleansing techniques, which are called shatkarmas. This helps to purify not only the body, but also the mind, and in general contributes to the healing of the body.

Still others say that you can do nothing of this, but immediately go to the point about the first exercises. And everything else will gradually come by itself.

We sing a mantra

Gradually learn to read mantras. Mantra - this is not a prayer and not a spell, as the ignorant might think. Yes, they originate in the Vedas - texts scripture Hindus and consist mainly of the names of deities.

But this is a kind of tool with which the practitioner tries to influence himself, his body, his mind and, as a result, indirectly changes his life in this way.

The most famous mantra, so to speak, is basic - aoum or aum, when pronounced it resembles "om". In Sanskrit, this is one sign symbolizing the divine triad - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. In fact, there are much more symbols here, and all because the number 3 is special in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

To pronounce, sit in comfortable posture, close your eyes, relax and try to pronounce sounds, without pauses, in one breath, interrupted only by a breath. For beginners, 3-6 repetitions are enough, but in general their number is 108. This helps to prepare for meditation - a state of immersion in oneself, finding peace and satisfaction with oneself.

Meat - to eat or not to eat?

The next step is vegetarianism. True yogis are very scrupulous in this matter, being sure that proper nutrition with the rejection of animal food is very important.

At the same time, even the most convinced followers of the doctrine do not insist on the immediate rejection of meat. Everyone is simply sure that, having started practicing yoga, sooner or later you yourself will come to the conclusion that eating dead animals and products made from them is bad.

First exercises

Yoga is not gymnastics , and the exercises in it are special - asanas . There are a huge number of them. There are static, those in which long time stay in one position, aimed at stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles.

And dynamic¸ designed to warm up the joints and muscles, to disperse blood circulation. Correct breathing corresponds to each asana. For beginners, it is important to know the following:

  • Asanas are performed from simple to complex. Start with the lightest weights, the easiest asana variations, and a slight level of flexibility.
  • Asanas should be alternated - here correct sequence very important. If you did an exercise with a forward bend, then you must definitely perform asanas with a compensating posture, bending forward.
  • Discomfort during exercise is acceptable minimal. You don't have to do something to the limit of your ability. Don't be heroic. This will protect you from injury.
  • Regularity is the basis of success. Let on 15 minutes per day, but there should be classes. Better if it takes about an hour and a half.
  • Concentrate on what you are doing. Do not soar thoughts in unknown distances. Think about the exercise being performed, read mantras to yourself, turn off the TV, radio, protect yourself from extraneous noise. There is only you and yoga practice.
  • Don't ignore relaxation exercises. By skipping them, you deprive your body of much-needed relaxation for its joints, ligaments, muscles and internal organs.

Learning to breathe

Pranayama- This breathing exercises, which help to fill the body with the life-giving energy of the Universe - prana. This is a very powerful technique that is directly related to the ability to meditate.

It takes a lot of time to master it, and experienced yogis do not advise learning it on your own - inept actions can harm your health.

Pleasant change

According to reviews, after a couple of months, those involved note favorable changes, both physical and psychological:

  • improves mood and well-being
  • increases the body's stamina, its resistance to diseases
  • posture improves
  • muscles are strengthened
  • increased flexibility

The first steps

So, after a preliminary course, so to speak, the theory of yoga, let's get down to practice. What does it take to effectively practice at home? Nothing at all.

  • Hungry stomach. Yes all lessons pass strictly before meals.
  • A mat or towel to work on.
  • Comfortable, loose ("breathable") clothing.
  • Ventilated room with a pleasant body temperature.
  • Solitude (choose a time when you are alone Houses , or warn your family not to disturb you for a while).
  • Relaxing background music (or recording lessons).

Which yoga to choose?

Most adherents advise getting the first experience by practicing hatha yoga. She is considered classical teaching, there are practically no restrictions on age and health.

And, first of all, it is designed to restore physical health, develop flexibility, strengthen joints and spine, and calm nervous system, improve immunity and master the principles of proper breathing.

This video contains hatha yoga exercises for beginners

We sit down in a pose

Experts advise starting with the Surya Namaskar asana complex - in other words, Sun Salutation (at least, I met a great many tips in lessons for beginners to start their journey into practice with this particular complex).

It is believed that it is best to perform it in the morning, at sunrise, facing him. Another option is in the evening, before dinner, as this peculiar ritual of sun worship promotes good digestion.

Briefly, it looks like in this picture - you do a sequence of 12 asanas, starting and ending with the "prayer pose".

And here is a short video where a girl performs Surya Namaskar.

Repeat this complex is advised from 3 to 12 times. Three cycles are enough for me to wake myself up in the morning and stretch all my muscles.

Beginners will benefit from a detailed analysis of the complex. In this video, its author talks in detail about what happens to the body at each specific moment of performing asanas, and even gives interactive explanations.

And here are the mistakes that beginners often make.

How useful is the material? Someone already did these exercises?

Meanwhile, I have an excellent one especially for you. yoga complex for weight loss oriented towards beginners.

And especially for those who are interested in this topic, but are still not very sure how to deal with it on their own, I can recommend the book Yoga for Beginners. Guide for self-study»- An excellent guide based on a scientific approach to yoga. With this edition, you will be able to organize your classes and avoid the mistakes common to beginners.

Yoga and Pilates - twin brothers?

Those who are at least a little familiar with such a fitness system as Pilates probably noticed that it is very similar to yoga. Meanwhile, this similarity is only external, if I may say so. In fact, there are more differences than it seems, and most importantly, yoga has its own philosophy, which has been created for thousands of years, but there is no philosophy in Pilates.

Yes, both types of fitness (somehow the hand does not rise to call yoga like that, does it?) are positioned as aimed at training the spirit and body, but this is not so. Pilates is, first of all, just a system of recovery.

But yoga teaches you to work on yourself spiritually, gives you knowledge on how to manage your emotions and forces, how to achieve peace in your soul. They say, by the way, that often those who start doing yoga just as a fitness, then come to yoga philosophy.

What to remember

So, what have we learned today about how to do yoga for beginners and at the same time lose weight?

  • There are no special asanas specifically for weight loss.
  • To lose weight with yoga, you just need to start exercising.
  • You need to start practicing with the simplest asanas, gradually increasing the load and duration of the lesson.
  • You should feel comfortable doing this or that pose. Do not allow heavy loads, and then you will avoid injury.
  • Exercise should be regular, better - every day for an hour, at least 2-3 times a week.
  • You should not force yourself and immediately refuse food of animal origin - everything will come gradually with immersion in practice.
  • Don't expect fast weight loss with yoga - this path can take a long time, but the weight lost is almost guaranteed to never return.

And that's all I have for today. I look forward to your comments and don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates!

The article "Yoga for Weight Loss" will talk about how yoga makes the process of losing weight the most effective, in contrast to the use of dietary remedies alone, and what exercises should be included in the daily schedule.

Does yoga help to lose weight

Readers who want to lose weight ask if yoga helps to lose weight. They, obviously, have heard reviews somewhere about the benefits of yoga for weight loss, but they still don’t know exactly what decision to come to and what choice to make - in favor of yoga or any other practice. Therefore, after reading this article, you can arm yourself with the knowledge gained and decide whether yoga is right for you as a means of improving your figure.

The popularity of this complex lies in the fact that it is simple and can be mastered even at the initial stages of yoga, but this does not reduce its value. This is a dynamic set of exercises made up of basic asanas, in many of which the main element is tilts, backbends and extensions. It is this kind of asana that is especially effective in burning subcutaneous fat deposits, training muscles and stretching the spine.

It would seem, where does the spinal column - the basis of the musculoskeletal system. And yet, the state of your body and posture in general depends on it. Without a correct and beautiful posture, there can be no beautiful figure. In itself, a toned body, stretching upwards, with a royally raised head, visually looks slimmer, a proud posture also affects the psychological state, so you will automatically raise your self-esteem, and it plays an important role in losing weight.

Many people eat more than they need, because they "jam" internal dissatisfaction with themselves, the situation in life. Feeling better psychologically, realizing your self-worth, you will understand that food is not the consolation that you used to resort to to get rid of stress. Food has its own function - to provide the body with energy and, to a certain extent, to make you feel the enjoyment of the taste of food. But in order to enjoy food, it is not necessary to consume it in large quantities. A small portion of tasty and healthy food can bring much more satisfaction and benefit to the body than its consumption in large volumes.

Yoga for weight loss for beginners: yoga exercises for weight loss

Beginners can perform the following types of asanas:

  • standing,
  • sitting,
  • lying down
  • slopes,
  • deflections.

Of the above asanas, the most effective will be those in which there are inclinations and deflections. Since the asanas themselves are static postures, massage occurs while they are held. internal organs, increases blood circulation and its flow to that part of the body to which attention is directed in a particular asana. Due to the fact that initial stage the asana is held for at least 30 seconds (this is an approximate length of time during which 6 cycles of inhalation and exhalation can be done), a healthy load on the internal organs increases, the blood flow increases, thus the accumulated toxins in the form of excess body fat are cleansed and flushing out toxins that prevent proper functioning internal systems organism.

The list below will present asanas that are available even for beginners, and for those who have already practiced yoga, it will be useful to include them in their daily complex in order to prevent congestion in certain parts of the body, as well as to most effectively dissolve the subcutaneous fat., or The locust pose also has a great effect on the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back.

  • Paripurna Navasana, Boat Pose; this asana also focuses on training the abdominal muscles and hips.
  • halasana, although it belongs to inverted poses, it is very useful for stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system, especially for the thyroid gland.
  • Here is just a sample list of poses for you to understand the principle. It must be remembered that when performing asanas, the rule of compensation must be observed, i.e. if you made a tilt, then it should be followed by a deflection: the principle of the pendulum is from one side to the other. If you leaned to one side, then you need to do the same to the other.

    Performing any yoga asana, you stimulate the work of the deep muscles of the body, which in itself has a positive effect on the general condition and makes the body more toned. Many yoga complexes are warming up, and due to additional production internal heat excess deposits are burned, so choosing an asana is quite simple. You can choose almost any pose where the part of the body that you want to work out and strengthen is included in the work. Fortunately, there are enough asanas in yoga for everyone to find what they need for themselves.

    We wish you an effective practice of yoga asanas and pranayama!

    The difference between yoga and other types and forms of physical activity is the special role of breathing, stretching and static muscle tension. Many exercises today are included in training complexes. For example, a trendy and very effective plank is a yoga exercise. If you make up a set of such exercises for yourself, you can speed up the process of losing weight and achieve results in just a few weeks.

    What you need to know about home yoga

    Yoga exercises for weight loss for beginners are simple, understandable, safe. Do not think that they are ineffective. On the contrary, exercising regularly, and preferably daily, you will quickly tone your muscles and start the process of fat burning.

    What exercise gives the body:

    The stomach is tightened;

    Fat rollers on the sides disappear;

    Slimming and tightening legs;

    Leaving the volume from the hips;

    Increased efficiency and mood;

    Improving appearance skin;

    The body becomes more flexible;

    Strengthens immunity;

    Constipation disappears;

    Improves digestion;

    Blood circulation is restored, thyroid function is normalized.

    For weight loss, the problems of constipation, indigestion and weakening of the thyroid gland are extremely important. If you get rid of them, losing weight will go easier. And if the constant practice of yoga becomes a habit, a person feels vigorous and healthy until the most advanced years.

    Static tension warms up the muscles well, so the fat burning processes are accelerated. Weight loss goes without stress, and thanks to special breathing techniques, it is also accompanied by the acquisition of inner harmony. Due to the fact that during the performance of asanas there is a gentle massage of the internal organs, yoga exercises for weight loss for beginners have a general strengthening, harmonizing effect. Toxins are eliminated faster and better, memory improves, depression disappears.

    It is believed that yoga is best done in the morning. However, working people simply do not have time for this. Nothing bad will happen if you train during the day or in the evening. Moreover, at this time the muscles are already more flexible, as they have become toned during the day, and many asanas are easier to perform.

    Another question is that the stomach should be empty during the class, you can’t even drink water an hour before the workout. It is better to practice every day for 15-20 minutes than twice a week for an hour and a half.

    Stretching before the main set of exercises

    The combination of tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles is a great way to strengthen them, burn fat in the waist area, and at the same time improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

    Before you start exercising, you need to stretch and warm up the muscles. Light walking in place, pulling your knees to your chest, jumping (inhaling arms up, legs apart, exhaling arms at the seams, legs together) will prepare the body for work. There are several stretching exercises you can do:

    On inspiration, he will interlock his fingers behind his back, tilt his head back, slightly bend the spine and hold the position for 3-5 seconds;

    Tilts to the side with arms raised up. The thumbs are intertwined, the body tends upward, the legs are straight, shoulder-width apart. Lean in different directions on the exhale, stretch to the side, rise on the inhale. Exercise perfectly stretches the lateral muscles of the back, arms, shoulder girdle;

    "chair pose" (utkatasana) imitates the movement that a person performs by sitting down. Arms raised above head, back straight. After doing a squat, you need to hold the position for 30 seconds, then rise to the starting position.

    Each exercise from the preparatory block must be performed 3-4 times. After that, you can proceed to the main complex.

    Yoga exercises for the press

    You need to start with the simplest yoga exercises for weight loss. For beginners, the following asanas are quite suitable, aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

    Plank (Dandasana)

    Performed lying down. The body should be extended in one line, focusing on the toes and palms if the arms are extended.

    Another option is possible: hands rest on bent elbows. The body is a straight string. You need to hold the position for as long as possible. At the initial stage, the pose is fixed for 20-30 seconds, then the execution time can be increased to 1-1.5 minutes. All muscles of the body are strengthened, especially the press, back, arms, legs.

    "Boat" (Navasana)

    Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Stretch your arms forward, lean back with your body, at the same time tearing off your legs and raising them at an angle of 50-60 °. Don't spread your knees. Hold this position for 10 seconds, slowly lower your feet to the floor. Exhale and return to the starting position.

    Asana strengthens the abdominals, muscles of the back, arms and legs, and hip joints.

    "Dog Looking Down" (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

    Lie on the floor, place your arms and legs shoulder-width apart. Raise the buttocks as high as possible up (should get a "hill"). The palms and toes rest on the floor, the tailbone is directed to the sky. Hold the position for a minute, lower yourself to the floor. This weight loss yoga exercise for beginners is one of the simplest and most effective. It perfectly removes the "apron" from the lower abdomen, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation to the brain, strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.

    "Birch" (Sarvangasana)

    One of the most effective exercises yoga for weight loss. For beginners, "birch" is not particularly difficult. This is an inverted asana, which perfectly tightens the stomach, strengthens the press, back, hips, and most importantly - has a beneficial effect on female body.

    It is simple to do. You need to lie on your back, push your legs up, fix the position of your back with your elbows and shoulder blades, resting your palms on your lower back, and fix this position for 2-3 minutes (if possible).

    Yoga exercises for thighs and legs

    To strengthen the muscles of the thighs, you can master a few more asanas that are not too difficult to perform.

    "Table" (Ardha purvottanasana)

    Sit down, bend your knees, lean your hands on the floor behind your back shoulder-width apart (hands turned away from you, feet close to your buttocks). While inhaling, lift the pelvis and hips up, keeping the emphasis on the hands and feet. You can tilt your head back. The knees and hips should be in line with the toes and should not be spread apart. The pose resembles a table on four legs. It needs to be fixed for 1-2 seconds, then slowly, on exhalation, sit back in the same position. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, back, hips. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Wind Release (Pavanmuktasana)

    Lie on your back, stretch your legs, try to relax. Alternately pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your hands, press your face to your knees and fix this position for 10 seconds. Exhale, alternately straighten and slowly lower your legs. Exercise will strengthen the muscles of the legs, the press, stretch the muscles of the neck. After the session, people suffering from back pain improve their condition.

    "Lunge" (Banarasana)

    Lunge forward with your left foot. The right leg should remain extended, with emphasis on the toe. Left knee under the chest, perpendicular to the floor. Hands on both sides of the lower leg, resting on the fingers. The heel of the right foot stretches back and up, the head is directed forward. The right leg and body represent one straight line. Fix the position for 40-60 seconds. Exercise perfectly stretches tendons, muscles, simulates fat burning.

    Make a regular lunge with one foot at an angle of 70 ° (obtuse angle is obtained). Hands are raised vertically upwards, fingertips stretch to the sky. You need to fix the position of the body, keep your balance and stay in this position for as long as possible.

    There is a second version of this asana: make a lunge, turn the body to the sides, also spread your arms to the sides and fix this position for 30 seconds. The asana strengthens the abs, buttocks and thighs.

    "Hero" (Virabhadrasana 2)

    Asana resembles a “swallow”, only the arms need to be extended forward parallel to each other. The weight is held on one leg (right), the other is extended parallel to the floor. If at first it is difficult to keep balance, you can start by spreading your arms to the sides. Fix the balance for 30 seconds. Exercise well strengthens the abdominal region, makes legs and arms beautiful.

    Girls who want to get the effect quickly and get rid of the stomach first of all are recommended to do this whole set of yoga exercises for weight loss. For beginners, it may seem too complicated, so after warming up, you can take 2-3 exercises, and then add the rest.

    "Triangle" (Utthita Trikonasana)

    Stand up straight, stretch your legs, pull your stomach in. Inhale, spread your legs apart at a distance of about 70 cm. At the same time, spread your arms to the sides horizontally on the floor surface. As you exhale, lean forward right hand clasp the right shin or rest the fingers on the floor near the foot. Left hand lift up, reach for the sky with your fingers. The head is turned towards the left palm, the eyes look up to the sky. Both hands should be on the same line. The outer part of the left foot should rest on the floor. Hold the position for a minute, breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat the exercise on the other side. This asana strengthens the hip joint, makes the legs slim and strong, and the stomach flat.

    To get the maximum result, you need to repeat the exercises twice a day. Gradually increase the duration of fixation in a particular position. Results that are obvious to others will become visible in three, and sometimes two weeks. You need to train every day, in this case yoga will become a way of life, the muscles will receive the necessary load every day, and the fat will quickly go away. Of course, you have to give up junk food.

    When yoga is contraindicated

    Unfortunately, there are redistributed conditions under which it is not worth doing the exercises. So, if you have been diagnosed with a disease of the spine or have an injury to the spinal column, then statistical loads from yoga are contraindicated.

    In addition, exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

    Postoperative period;

    Inguinal hernia;

    high blood pressure (hypertension) or increased intracranial pressure;

    Recent stroke (within the first year);

    Heart attack and other serious heart disease;

    Oncological disease.

    You can not exercise if the body temperature is elevated. Influenza and SARS are contraindications for exercise. If you feel tired after a workout, this is normal. But if your health suffers, you should stop exercising and go to the doctor.

    An important note for beginners: yoga exercises for weight loss are not performed on the 1-2 day of menstruation. During pregnancy, training should be stopped at the fourth month.

    Now there are a huge number of people whose conversations and thoughts revolve only around how much excess weight they have and how to start losing weight after all, if nothing works. I have tried every possible diet, read every article about the body 5 times and reviewed every workout video. You know what? None of this worked! But I am glad that it happened, because in desperation I turned to yoga and asanas. And yes, I lost a lot of excess weight.

    Many people doubt whether yoga helps to lose weight ...

    But as they rightly say about yoga,

    Can you lose weight with yoga? Certainly! Let's talk in this article about those asanas that will help you tighten your body and lose weight.

    If you have no experience and you don’t know where to start and how to do it right, we just have pictures with names and descriptions of the execution technique.

    Facial Slimming Yoga Exercises (approximately 2 minutes)

    1. Simhasana

    Also- lion pose

    Operating principle

    This asana is known to tone the facial muscles. This is a basic and simple pose and therefore anyone can perform it regardless of age. When you assume the lion pose and stick out your tongue, your facial muscles, along with your chest and spine, are stretched. If you need to remove the double chin, then this is the perfect asana for you.

    Precautionary measures

    There are no potential risks. If you have any discomfort in this position, you can relocate to a chair to perform it.

    2. Jalandhara Bandha

    Principle of operation

    This is one of the most popular asanas for beginners. You need to press your chin to your chest, between your collarbones, holding your breath. This yoga pose also works to sharpen the jaw line.

    Precautionary measures

    If you have breathing problems, do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor. Do not attempt it if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.

    A set of yoga exercises for slimming arms (about 5-6 minutes)

    3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

    Also- downward facing dog

    Operating principle

    This is the so-called "weight" pose. You need to shift the weight of your upper body onto your arms. This is great way tighten the muscles of the arms and biceps.

    Precautionary measures

    Do not do this asana if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.

    4. Chaturanga Dandasana

    Also- staff pose on four supports, low plank pose

    Operating principle

    This pose requires you to be off the ground, supporting your body in your arms and tensing your core muscles. Not only does it tone your arms, but it also strengthens and tones your biceps and triceps. This asana can be performed even at home for effective weight loss.

    Precautionary measures

    Do not attempt this pose if you are a beginner or if you have a shoulder or hip injury. It is better to work with a certified yoga instructor who can help you with the variations.

    5. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

    Also- Dolphin pose

    Principle of operation

    Your arms will become the basis for balancing your entire upper body as you try to "stay afloat" i.e. to hold balance. This pose helps strengthen and tone the biceps, triceps, and arms.

    Precautionary measures

    This is a simple asana that everyone can do. However, you need to be careful if you have neck or shoulder injuries.

    6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

    Also- upward facing dog pose

    Operating principle

    Yoga at home is an interesting and rewarding pastime. And this asana is one of the most powerful and effective for toning your arms, biceps and triceps. It involves stretching the muscles of the arms and balancing the body weight, and can even be performed at home.

    Precautionary measures

    It is best to avoid this asana if you have had severe neck or shoulder injuries.

    Asanas for slimming shoulders and upper back (approximately 4-6 minutes)

    7. Bharadvajasana

    Also- Bharadvaja twist

    Operating principle

    Asana involves only a deep turn, so the level of difficulty is quite average. Everyone can easily master it with practice. This pose improves the natural flexibility of the upper body and also helps tone the shoulder blades.

    Precautionary measures

    8. Ardha Matsyendrasana

    Principle of operation

    This pose requires simultaneous movement of the shoulders, neck, and spine. An intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, upper body as well as the abdominal muscles.

    Precautionary measures

    Do not attempt it if you have headache, insomnia or menstruation.

    Yoga poses for slimming the abdomen and in the area of ​​the diaphragm (approximately 5-7 minutes)

    9. Naukasana

    Also- boat posture

    Operating principle

    Draw a parallel with the boat when you do this asana. It works in the same way, and the area of ​​the diaphragm becomes the base for balancing the body. If you're struggling to lose that stubborn fat, here's what will give you visible results. This is a big step towards a flat and toned tummy.

    Precautionary measures

    Do not perform this asana if you suffer from insomnia, hernia or spinal injury.

    10. Matsyasana Pose

    Also- fish pose

    Operating principle

    It's all about stretching your lower body, i.e. thighs, intestines, and abdominal muscles. All asanas that include twists and pulls help in burning excess fat, which is stored in the most famous and “problem” places, such as the abdomen and thighs.

    Precautionary measures

    It is better to avoid this asana if you have high blood pressure, hernia or migraine, menstruation.

    11. Anantasana

    Also- Vishnu posture

    Operating principle

    This pose tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The focus shifts to both sides of the body as you stretch. This asana also improves circulation and digestion.

    Precautionary measures

    If you experience discomfort, consult your doctor before doing this asana.

    12. Bhujangasana

    Also- cobra pose

    Principle of operation

    The basic pose in Surya Namaskara is an elegant asana that works the upper body. It gives the abdominal muscles a great stretch and acts as a catalyst to burn unwanted fat.

    Precautionary measures

    Do not attempt this asana if you are pregnant or have hernias.

    For thighs (about 6-8 minutes)

    13. Baddha konasana

    Also- butterfly pose

    Operating principle

    This asana works on the inner and outer thighs. An interesting variation of this pose is to move the legs to mimic the flapping of a butterfly's wings, which is the reason why it is also called the Butterfly Pose. This pose is very good for relaxing the legs.

    14. Malasana

    Also- garland pose

    Operating principle

    The most suitable posture for those who sit all day. It stretches the hips, groin and thigh muscles. Also improves flexibility and tones the inner/outer thighs.

    15. Anjaneyasana

    Also- low lunge forward pose

    Operating principle

    How to lose weight with yoga? Just! And this pose will help you. It stretches the legs, hamstrings and thighs, thereby helping to tone the muscles from the hips to the ankles. It also releases tension and makes you more flexible.

    16. Ardha bhekasana

    Also- half frog pose

    Operating principle

    The half frog pose is one of the most difficult, but it will give you wonderful results. It stretches and strengthens the hips, quads, and hamstring muscles. You will feel refreshed as it also stimulates blood circulation.

    Precautionary measures

    It is better to avoid this asana if you have neck, shoulder or lower back pain. It is also good to take a lesson from a yoga instructor before doing it yourself.

    Asanas for weight loss at home for calves, shins and hamstrings

    17. Padangusthasana

    Also- leaning pose with the grip of the toes

    Operating principle

    A pose that fully stretches the hamstrings and tones the calf muscles. It strengthens your hips, legs and back while stimulating the kidneys and liver.

    Precautionary measures

    This is one of the most basic poses and can be done by anyone. However, beginners will need a few practical exercises before they can stretch to their full extent.

    18. Parsvottanasana

    Also- pyramid pose

    Principle of operation

    It is also called the Intense Lateral Stretch Pose because it involves deep stretching on both sides of the body. This asana strengthens the quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings. It is also very effective in strengthening and toning the leg muscles.

    Precautionary measures

    19. Virabhadrasana 2

    Also- warrior pose 2

    Operating principle

    This is a pose that will help you develop endurance by stretching all the muscles in your legs. This is the second level of the warrior pose and comes with many benefits beyond just toning and strengthening your legs.

    Precautionary measures

    Avoid this asana if you have chronic knee pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, or diarrhea.

    20. Upavista konasana

    Also- tilt from a seated position with legs wide apart

    Operating principle

    This pose resembles a split, and differs only in a forward lean. Deep stretching releases tension in the muscles of the trunk and hip joint, tones the thighs.

    Precautionary measures

    This is an advanced pose, but it doesn't come with any potential risks. However, if your lower back hurts, place a soft pillow or blanket under your torso.

    Yoga at home for slimming the buttocks (about 5-6 minutes)

    21. Garudasana

    Also- eagle pose

    Operating principle

    Eagle pose is a twisting pose that works your hips, legs, and arms by pushing your torso out of your body. The balancing moment helps you find balance and, in the process, strengthens your heart and thigh muscles. Can you lose weight by doing yoga? Certainly! And this pose is your main assistant.

    Precautionary measures

    Avoid this asana if you have pain in your knees, shoulders, or ankles. Also, check with your doctor if you are pregnant.

    22. Ananda balasana

    Also- happy child pose

    Operating principle

    Yoga will naturally help you lose weight, but this pose is one of the best for this purpose as it stretches the entire lower body. The focus is on the femur as it runs perpendicular to the floor. The inner thigh, groin, and hamstrings are also strengthened in the process.

    Precautionary measures

    Avoid this asana if you are pregnant or menstruating.

    23. Rajakapotasana

    Also- dove pose

    Operating principle

    Strong stretching of the legs, spine, and chest strengthens the thigh muscles. In this asana, the whole body is in front, and the hip joint is the only part of the body that remains behind.

    Precautionary measures

    This asana is solid and seems overwhelming, so it's best to do it under the supervision of a certified instructor, especially if your stretch isn't very good.

    24. Supta Baddha Konasana

    Also- back angle pose

    Operating principle

    This asana stretches the hips and also targets inner part hips. The balancing moment of keeping the legs connected while pressing the fingers together helps to stimulate the muscles of the hip joint. This is a very relaxing asana - it relieves all tension in the muscles of the thighs.

    Precautionary measures

    Refrain from this asana if you have lower back pain or a knee or groin injury.

    Have you ever thought that yoga can help you lose weight? Yoga is not a religion; it is the lifestyle you are going to adopt. For life. It improves your mental and physical immunity. But always remember that yoga is not just gymnastics, but a full-fledged sport, so expert advice is required.

    So, good luck on your journey through the world of yoga!