List of self-education topics for a kindergarten teacher. Dow teacher self-education program

  • 20.09.2019

Teacher self-education program

To do great and important work,

two things are needed:

clear plan and limited time.

Elbert Hubbard

Plan self-education educator is a mandatory part of the additional development of the teacher. themselves caregivers treat such plans negatively, calling them "paperwork, an endless and waste of time, while you just want to work with children." Despite this, the plan helps to organize the work educator, reflects the effectiveness of his activities, allows you to develop the prospect of further professional growth. The plan contains program methodical activity for one or several years

Topic selection

When preparing the plan self-education The teacher has many questions. The first problem faced educator is the choice of topic. “I have a problem with choosing a topic for self-education! I don't know what I want! Help!". Such cries for help can often be found on forums for early childhood educators.

The topic is proposed by a methodologist or senior educator. It can also be selected on one's own. Here it is important to decide how you plan to develop and self-educate in the coming years. Remember, you can always suggest your own topic, justifying its relevance and practical significance for improving the educational process in the garden.

It should be noted that topics can be roughly divided into two categories. Depending on which option you choose, all your further educational activity:

caregiver plans to work on the topic for several years. That is, each subsequent year, the teacher refines the old topic, introducing new ideas and developments into it. The duration of work on the same topic varies in different gardens- from 3 to 5 years.

Every year the teacher chooses a new topic.

If you adhere to the second option, then the work can be built using the project method, more narrowly, according to the age of the children. In this case, the theme in subsequent years will sound like example: "The use of Gyenesh blocks in the educational process with children preschool age» (replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience).

The topic should address current issues of preschool education and be promising.

What does the plan look like self-education educator?

Work plan for self-education, or The plan of professional growth looks like this way:

Tit. Sheet: Teacher self-education program for ___ year.

Subject: «___»

(F. I. O. of the teacher)



(experience in teaching)

Subject: «___» .

Target: raising one's own professional competence on the issue___


Increase your own level of knowledge by ... (studying the necessary literature, visiting RMS, working with a bank of pedagogical information, on the Internet);

Develop and implement ___ (a strategy for interacting with parents, a system for working with children, perspective plan working with children, etc.)

Prepare and conduct pedagogical diagnostics at the beginning and end of the academic year;

Organize the work of the circle, "Family living room" etc.

Check out the activity center in the group (or mini-center, mini-museum, etc.)

Summarize your teaching experience and disseminate it through consultations for teachers on topic: ___ (speaking at the pedagogical council, participating in a seminar, conducting a master class for teachers)

Relevance of the problem (justification for choice, novelty)

Expected results:

Quality improvement educational-educational process.

Development and implementation of a system of work with children on ___

Creation of pedagogical developments and their publication in the media. (Creating your own mini-site, publications in the network pedagogical community)

Enrichment of the object-spatial environment


1. Formation of the need for self-education, preparedness self-assessment, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting goals and objectives Planning work on self-education

2. Theoretical study of the problem (selective study, analysis and abstract writing)

3. Own methodological developments (development of practical materials on problem: perspective and calendar plans, systems of games, tasks, exercises, etc. e)

4. Practical activities (application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, implementation of the plans drawn up, their adjustment, development of benefits, demonstration of open events)

5. Summing up self-education(generalization of accumulated experience and its dissemination)


1. stage Compilation of a bibliography on the topic self-education.

Work planning for self-education

2. Stage Study and analysis of methodological literature and modern approaches to the problem

Preparation and conduct of pedagogical diagnostics

Stage 3 Drawing up long-term plans

Development of abstracts

Manufacturing visual aids, presentations, games, card indexing, etc.

4. stage Practical use developed materials with children (Implementation creative projects, display of open events, participation in competitions on the Internet, events for parents)

Stage 5 Generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience on the problem

Carrying out RMO

Training (participation, holding) seminar, teacher's council.

Conducting workshops for teachers.

Exhibition of works.

Preparation of a collection of advice for parents.

Participation in regional and all-Russian competitions among teaching staff

Related publications:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities.

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Plan of self-education of the educator "Ecological education of children in nature" Karaganova Anastasia Vladimirovna p. DS "Fairy Tale" Kinel Topic: “Ecological education of children in nature as a form of work with subjects.

Plan of self-education of the educator "Formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers" Topic: Formation of patriotic feelings in preschoolers. Purpose: to study the ways, means and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers.

Self-education plan of the educator "Oral folk art in the education of children of early preschool age" Topic: "Oral folk art in the education of children of early preschool age" Relevance: Undoubtedly, today the topic is very.

The teacher and educator belong to the category of those professions that require constant self-education and self-improvement. For example, no one will argue with the fact that today's children are completely different than in past decades. Understanding this, we build our work with them in a different way than the teachers who taught us did. And in everything else we also try to keep up with the times. Learning new things by sharing useful experience, we create, we dare, we create. We teach others and we learn ourselves.

The pages of this section contain ready plans, reports and self-education programs. They contain the current and prospective experience of your colleagues on this issue. We are sure that it will be useful for you too.

We build our self-education, using the positive experience of colleagues.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 from 2008 .
All sections | Self-education. Plans, reports on self-education

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MAAM Pictures Library

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Self-education of preschool teachers

This list must include a leader and a senior educator. kindergarten. The plan clearly defines who works on what topic and in what form reports. Reports on self-education can be heard at pedagogical councils, as well as be part of any methodological event. The form of the leaders' report can be consultations or seminars for preschool teachers. The report at the workplace involves the inclusion in the operational control of this topic and the subsequent observation of the pedagogical process, in order to assess the practical application of the acquired knowledge through self-education. This is the most democratic form of reporting. In order for the work to be successful, in the methodical office for this, the necessary conditions. Exhibitions "To help those involved in self-education", "It is interesting to know", "News", etc. are organized. The fund of reference and methodological literature is constantly updated and replenished.
It is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, abstracts). Summing up, we emphasize once again that the forms of self-education are diverse:
work in libraries with books, periodicals;
participation in the work of scientific and practical conferences, seminars;
maintenance of own card index on the researched problem.
The result of the efforts of the teacher is the improvement of work with children, the growth of his professional skills.
A few tips for self-educators
IMPORTANT, so that knowledge on a subject acquired from one source is supplemented by information from another document. This forces the practitioner to compare, analyze, draw conclusions and form their own opinion on the issue.
IMPORTANT learn how to use library catalogs.
This will reduce the time it takes to find the right literature, since many cards contain a brief summary or listing of the main issues covered in the book.
In our kindergarten, the following topics for self-education in the period from 2015 to 2020, taking into account the choice priority direction activities - cognitive-speech.

Download Making a teacher folder

An approximate list of topics on teacher self-education.

  • Development of creative activity of students in the classroom
  • Activation of cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons
  • The use of gaming technologies in mathematics lessons
  • Using a computer in teaching physics
  • Application of integrated learning in biology and chemistry lessons.
  • Using circuit training to develop basketball skills
  • Patriotic education in life safety lessons
  • Using materials from the school museum in history lessons
  • Using the techniques of project methodology in the classroom in English
  • Possibilities of using personality-developing education in the lessons of the Russian language and literature
  • Implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of teaching geography.
  • Using the project method in teaching
  • Accounting individual features students while learning mathematics.
  • The use of information and communication technologies as a means of improving the quality of students' knowledge, developing their creative abilities.
  • The use of elements of the system of developmental education in mathematics lessons.
  • The role of reflection in the organization and inculcation of skills of educational work.
  • The technology of the activity approach in mathematics lessons as a method of improving the quality of knowledge.
  • Using a computer in teaching various subjects. (for a computer science teacher)
  • Increasing cognitive activity in informatics lessons.
  • The use of Internet resources in conducting informatics lessons.
  • Computer techologies in physics lessons as a method of improving the quality of knowledge.
  • Techniques and methods for enhancing cognitive activity in chemistry lessons.
  • Accounting for individual characteristics is the basis of differentiated learning for students.
  • Improving the quality of knowledge through the use of modern pedagogical technologies.
  • Ecological direction in the education of students in geography lessons.
  • Independent work of students in the classroom
  • Formation of a diversified personality with the help of outdoor and sports games at a physical education lesson

Sample self-education topics

  1. Development of creative and intellectual abilities students in the classroom.
  2. A problematic approach to learning new material as a means of activating mental activity.
  3. Creation of problem situations through active independent activity of the student.
  4. Organization of design and research activities in the classroom.
  5. Research activities of students.
  6. Research and project activity students in class and outside of class.
  7. Multi-level differentiation of students in the classroom.
  8. Usage information technologies in teaching.
  9. The development of cognitive activity in students in the classroom.
  10. Person-oriented approach through interdisciplinary connections and project activities.
  11. Formation of skills and abilities when working with tasks of higher and high level Difficulties in preparing for the CT.
  12. Formation of skills itself educational activities students through the use of information technology in the classroom.
  13. Formation of conditions for creating emotional and psychological comfort in the classroom through various means visibility, including ICT.
  14. Research activities of students in the study of the history of their native land as one of the conditions for the formation of a creative personality.
  15. Formation of cognitive independence of students.
  16. The method of mini-projects as a means of activating the cognitive activity of students.
  17. The use of gaming technologies in the classroom.
  18. Individualization of learning as a factor in the success of student learning.
  19. Methods of preparing students for the Olympiads.
  20. The use of information technology in the classroom in the context of the modernization of the educational process.
  21. Formation of a competency-based approach to the study of history among students.
  22. Methods and forms of extracurricular work.
  23. Activation of cognitive activity of students in the classroom by means of ICT.
  24. The use of tests in the lessons of history and social disciplines as a means of developing the educational and intellectual skills of students.
  25. Development critical thinking on the lessons.
  26. Technology for the development of critical thinking in the classroom.
  27. Learner-centered learning through a differentiated approach.
  28. differentiated learning.
  29. Cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom. Modular technology in education.
  30. Incentives learning activities students - the work of students with the greatest efficiency and the least stress.
  31. Developing student abilities through mastery various types educational activity.
  32. Practical orientation in the classroom.
  33. Individual and differentiated approach to teaching.
  34. Student-centered approach to learning.
  35. Group and pair forms of work in the classroom.
  36. Activating the work of students in the study of history. Increase motivation.
  37. Skill building independent work on the lessons.
  38. Project work on history.
  39. The role of the school history course in the socialization of the personality of a young person (student)
  40. Skill building research work students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Approximate topics of self-education of teachers of foreign languages

1. Problems of forming a picture of the world, characteristic of the country of the language being studied, among students when teaching a foreign language.
2. Ethno-cultural component in the content of education in the context of teaching foreign languages.
3. The role of the computer in the modern communicative technology of teaching foreign languages.
4. The use of interactive forms of work in the process of forming the speech competence of secondary school students.
5. Control of the formation of foreign language competence.
6. Communicative approach to teaching the grammar of a foreign language.
7. Independent controlled work of students in teaching a foreign language.
8. The use of cooperation technology in teaching foreign language communication.
9. Development of creative thinking of schoolchildren in a foreign language lesson.
10. Development of the student's personality in the process of teaching intercultural communication.
11. Cultural self-determination of students in the conditions of multicultural language education.
12. The system of work of a teacher with highly motivated students.
13. Integrated teaching of a foreign language in a modern school.
14. Social technologies in teaching students foreign language communication.

How to choose a topic for self-education of a teacher according to GEF?

Even a person who is far from educational activity understands that teachers cannot stand still, because the quality of children's education depends on them, so they must move forward, develop and improve themselves.

Self-education is becoming an integral part of the professional growth and improvement of teachers at all levels of education. To improve skills and competencies, preschool teachers should familiarize themselves with new research in the field of pedagogy and child psychology, study the experience of colleagues and improve general erudition. The main thing is that a person himself wants to learn something new and master new competencies.

In self-education, the student is also a teacher, he himself is responsible for the learning process and sets the rules of learning himself. In order for self-education to bear fruit, it is necessary to draw up detailed plan self-learning. Still, any learning, including self-learning, should be based on a system so that all knowledge fits into a coherent picture.

Start by reviewing your preschool setting to identify the resources, methodologies, and technologies you will use in your self-education process. Then determine your own level of preparation. Be critical. Identifying strengths and weaknesses will help you create a self-education plan.

After that, the educator must determine the goal of self-education, what results he wants to achieve. By clearly presenting the end result, it will be easier for you to outline the steps to achieve the goal.

SMART technology is perfect here, according to which the goals should be:

  • S(specific)- specific. The more clearly you visualize the end result, the easier it is to achieve.
  • M(measurable)- measurable. Select the criteria for achieving the goal, indicators of progress.
  • A(attainable)- achievable. Consider your possibilities and realities modern world. Don't try to jump over your head.
  • R(realistic)- relevant, corresponding to the realities of the modern world. Ask yourself: why do you need to do this task? Why is she important?
  • T(Time-related)- limited in time. Specify a specific time period. Take your time and set realistic deadlines.

Then it is worth choosing the necessary training material. The information must be accessible for perception, correspond to the data modern science and requests for time. After that, based on the goal, a work plan is drawn up.

Building a teacher self-education plan

Making a plan and acting on it means taking full responsibility for learning. Proper planning will allow you to optimally allocate time and achieve the planned results as quickly as possible.

Plan for the conformation of the educator in the preschool educational institution:

  1. Goal setting and task definition.
  2. Topic selection.
  3. Educational activity - the study of methodological literature on the chosen topic.
  4. Practical activities - preparation and conduct of classes with pupils.
  5. Summing up - filling in the reporting folder with data on progress, organizing an exhibition of children's works, presenting the final report at the teachers' council, methodical seminar or pedagogical conference.

How to choose a topic for self-education?

The choice of a self-education topic for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the professional task of every preschool teacher. We live in a rapidly changing world, today's children have different needs than past generations, so education has new challenges. To solve these problems, educators need to get acquainted with new research in the field of preschool pedagogy and child psychology, the best practices of colleagues and improve their skills.

Before choosing a topic, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework for preschool education and analyze own experience- identify strengths and weak sides his pedagogical activity understand what needs to be given more attention.

When choosing a topic, you can rely on the directions of development of the child according to the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

  • socio-communicative;
  • cognitive;
  • speech;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical.

Sample topics on self-education for educators in preschool educational institutions according to GEF

At the heart of this list of sample topics is the game - this is the main way a child learns about the world around him. Based on this, topics on self-education according to GEF can be as follows:

  1. Social and communicative development:
  • Socialization of younger preschoolers through a role-playing game.
  • Play as a means of communication for preschoolers.
  1. Cognitive development:
  • Enriching the plot of a children's game by getting to know the outside world.
  • Didactic game as a form of teaching children the basics of mathematics.
  • Game as a means of educational activity.
  1. Speech development:
  • Theatrical game in the development of speech of younger preschoolers.
  • The use of didactic games in speech development classes in middle preschool age.
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • Didactic game as a means of artistic and aesthetic education.
  • Education of artistic and aesthetic taste of children through folk games.
  1. Physical development:
  • Outdoor game as a means of developing motor skills in preschool children.
  • The role of outdoor games in the physical development and health of the child.

In addition to topics in a specific direction, you can choose a topic about the work of a preschool educational organization as a whole:

  • Organization of network interaction of preschool educational institutions with other organizations.

Having chosen a topic, proceed to the analysis of the material selected on the topic. Material for self-education is not only scientific literature, but also video recordings of webinars, lectures, articles in journals dedicated to education and pedagogy. When studying the material, highlight the key theses, ideas and judgments of the author. For example, choosing the topic “Modeling the developing environment in a preschool educational institution”, the teacher draws attention to the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the organization and the role of the environment in the educational process. Then the selected ideas are tested in practice in the classroom with preschoolers.

Possible problems in self-education and solutions

  1. It is difficult to define and formulate the topic.

Find the problem that interests you. Use observations of pupils, analysis of the work done and the results of pedagogical diagnostics. When formulating a topic, pay attention to the Federal State Educational Standards and educational programs.

  1. It is difficult to find the necessary methodological literature.

Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with traditional methods and classic pedagogical works, then proceed to consider modern technologies and experience of colleagues. Viewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book.

  1. It is difficult to comprehend the material read.

For a better understanding of the information, use notes, mental maps and block diagrams. Note-taking involves highlighting the main facts, thoughts and concepts - this will help to systematize information.

Mental maps or mind maps are a method of graphical structuring of information, in which concepts, tasks, facts are depicted as a tree diagram. Flowcharts are a graphic representation of information in the form of interconnected blocks.

Professional self-education is not limited to the formal filling of reports and the preparation of reports. The purpose of the work on self-education of a preschool teacher is to reveal creative abilities, increase the level of skill and develop personal qualities.

Optimize work preschool International conference will help you