Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

  • 30.09.2019

Project for older children preschool age“Imagine for a moment how we would live without books?”

"Reading is a window through which they see and know the world and themselves."
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Project passport
Project type: short term.
Implementation period: one month.
Project type: information and creative.
Project participants: children senior group, parents, teachers, music director.
Material and technical resources necessary for the implementation of the project:
- selection of methodological and fiction;
- selection of visual material (illustrations, posters, photographs, encyclopedia books; a book of riddles; author's fairy tales; Russian folk tales; children's magazines);
- didactic games;
- selection of cartoons; topic presentations;
- an exhibition of books, drawings, an exhibition of creative works of parents and children.
Necessary conditions for project implementation:
- the interest of parents and children;
- methodological developments.
Relevance this project.
Reading is of great importance for the formation of literacy in children and personal development in general. Reading experience begins in childhood. This is the age at which the ability to perceive with hearing, sight, touch, and imagination most clearly appears. piece of art; sincerely, sincerely sympathize, resent, rejoice.
Today, children have a decrease in interest in reading fiction. Books become unclaimed, gradually fade into the background. Children spend more time in computer games and in front of the TV. The consequence of insufficient communication of children with books is speech disorders, as well as a misunderstanding of what they read; impossibility appears own thoughts.
With this project, I would like to help parents and children find books that will help them acquire the joy of communication.
As a result of the project implementation, it is expected to increase the pedagogical culture of parents, introduce them to “family” reading, and develop the speech of pupils.
Objective of the project: Raising a love and respect for books. Formation of children's interest in children's books through creative and cognitive activities.
Project objectives:
- To maintain children's interest in fiction, to cultivate a love for the book, to form reader interest.
- Introduce children to the types and purpose of books.
- To introduce children to the process of creating a book.
- Clarify the role of writers, illustrators and designers.
- Teach children how to create a book with their own hands.
- To develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
-Create conditions for the development of children's creative abilities.
- To form in children an idea of ​​the role of books in human life.
- Introduce children to different genres of books.
- To give children knowledge about the role of the library.
- Cultivate love and respect for the book.
- To teach children to express their attitude to literary works, in various types artistic and creative activity.
- Involve the parents of pupils in joint artistic and creative activities with children, teachers.
-Create an appropriate developmental environment in the preschool for the implementation of this project.
Tasks for working with parents:
- To enrich the stock of knowledge of parents about the role of reading in the development of thought processes, creative abilities.
- Increase the competence of parents on the topic of the project month.
- To involve families in the educational process on the basis of pedagogical cooperation.
Expected result:
- exhibition of children's works (appliqué, drawing, crafts...);
- joint work of parents and children;
- speech creativity of children;
- didactic games and manuals;
- NOD;
- game-dramatization of children;
- name favorite works;
- can retell short texts, compose fairy tales, expressively read poems, stage independently;
- know how to properly and carefully handle books: repair them, use bookmarks;
-Children learned about the importance of books in human life;
- know the concept of "Library";
- know that you need to take care of the book;
- They know how to make their own books.
Methods used in the project:
- games: didactic games, board games, outdoor games, dramatization games, story- role-playing games;
- verbal: reading and examining poems, fairy tales, riddles;
Conversation, conversation; viewing pictures; looking at books; encyclopedias;
- practical: joint actions of the teacher and the child;
- visual: showing presentations, using illustrations, paintings, photographs, showing cartoons; thematic exhibition.
The work was carried out in two directions:
- joint activities of adults and children;
- interaction with parents.

Stages of work on the project

Stage 1 - preparatory
Designation of the problem and the theme of the project. Setting goals for tasks on the problem of children's lack of sustained interest in books, difficulties in retelling fairy tales, stories, and expressive recitation of poems.
Development of stages of project activity.
Designation of measures for the implementation of the project.
Drafting approximate plan project.
The activity of the teacher:
- setting goals, formulating tasks, thinking through the sequence of work and the content of the final stage of the project;
-reading and discussion with children of the problem: “Do we need books?”;
-viewing the presentation "Where did the book come from?" (The goal is: to arouse in children an interest in research activities, which involves getting an answer to the question of what books are for. To acquaint children with the history of the appearance and creation of a book, with the professions of people working on a book);
-gathering information about books, children's writers;
-search for books that are not in the group, involving parents in joint work;
- Interviews and interviews with parents.
Children's activities: accepting adults' proposals and getting into the problem, discussing (together with adults) the sequence of actions, making wishes in project activities.
During the preparatory phase, the following tasks were solved:
-Arouse children's interest in research activities, which involves getting an answer to the question of why books are needed.
-Introduce children to the history of the appearance and creation of the book, with the professions of people working on the book.
-Create conditions and interest in children to create their own homemade books.
2nd stage - introductory
"Journey into the History of the Book"

View the presentation "History of the creation of the book." Examination of different types of paper, writing instruments and materials on which people wrote when there were no pens (goose feathers, reed sticks, ink, ink, birch bark, stones, raw clay).
Conversation "Where the holiday came to us from." Acquaintance with the tradition of holding the Book Week holiday in our country.
At the second stage, the following tasks are solved:
-Journey into the past: looking at different types of paper, writing instruments and materials on which people wrote when there were no pens.
-Introduce the tradition of holding "Book Week" in our country and the emergence of the International Children's Book Day.
- To develop interest in books, the desire to read them.
3rd stage - practical
Problem situation "Lost books"
1 The teacher and children gather in a reading corner, look at books, discuss the topic: does each kindergarten group have a reading corner? The teacher offers to check this - go on an excursion to other groups. Children first go to the preparatory group (for a short time they look at the reading corner, note that they are there, that there are a lot of books, that they are neatly arranged, if not, they correct them).
Then the tour goes to the younger group (there should be empty shelves in the reading corner, no books). Children of the older group with their teacher ask the children of the younger group if they have a reading corner, are there any books? The kids say that there is, but suddenly they find empty shelves ... The teacher of the younger group suggests that the books were stolen by robbers. The teacher of the senior group addresses his children: what to do? How are kids without books? Can we help them? Are you older than them?... How are we going to help? The teacher offers to make books for kids with their own hands. The children agree, promise to help the kids and go to their group.
2 Arriving at the group, the children sit down at the tables (the teacher reminds about the loss of books). The teacher suggests that the book consists of pages and a cover. He invites everyone to make their own page, and then glue the pages together, and you get a book. Reminds that the book has pictures (illustrations) and words - stories, poems, riddles, fairy tales.
The teacher gives each child a piece of paper (with margins so that it is possible to fasten the sheets together) and invites the children to draw any toys for the kids (they all remember together what toys there are). The teacher reminds that children should leave space on the sheet for their stories, poems, fairy tales or riddles. Children draw, the teacher praises and encourages them, saying how happy the kids will be.
3 Then the teacher individually discusses the drawing with each child. Next, the teacher invites the child to come up with a story (a fairy tale, a rhyme, a riddle) or remember something from what he read about an object he has drawn, if necessary, helps, writes the text on a piece of paper.
4 In the application lesson: The teacher folds the sheets of the page with the pictures together, drawing the attention of the children that there is not enough cover for the book. He offers to arrange it and take thicker paper for the cover, explaining why. Reminds that the title of the book and the author should be written on the cover (the teacher writes everything down or immediately writes the title in large letters, and then the children can circle by letter or several letters each). The cover is jointly decorated with appliqué.
5 At the modeling lesson, the children made heroes from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. The handicrafts were photographed by the educator, the photographs were printed and pasted on the sheets. Then the children were asked to write stories about animals for kids. When the children's stories were recorded, the children, with the help of the teacher, made a cover for the book, the teacher reminded the children not to forget to write the title of the book and the author.
6 When the books were ready, the children examined them, and the teacher read them and praised the children, because the books turned out to be real, the kids will be very happy with them.
The children went to the younger group and presented books to the kids.
During the practical part, the following activities were carried out:
-Children traveled through book exhibitions. We considered books that differ in content, design, and orientation.
- There were discussions “Should I save a book?” , “What does a book consist of?”, “What is a library”, “The book is our friend”, “I want to know everything!”.
- Artistic and creative activity (sculpting, application, drawing).
- Game activities (theatrical activities, didactic games, speech games, outdoor games, role-playing games).
- Literary quizzes were organized (fairytale riddles, based on Russian folk tales, based on the works of children's writers).
Interaction with parents.
1 Information education: consultations, setting up a corner for parents on the topics of the project, publishing a photo newspaper.
2 Selection of attributes for the implementation of the creative activity of children.
3 Making crafts on this topic for organizing an exhibition.
The following tasks were implemented:
Search for answers to the questions posed different ways through the practical activities of children.
Implementation of the plan of joint activities through the integration of different types of children's activities.
Direction of activity of children; stimulation to the manifestation of creativity, activity, emotionally positive attitude to everything that happens.
This stage took place both during the immediate educational activities and in the free activities of children.
4th stage - final
The final step was:
1.Conduct open class"Journey through fairy tales".
2. Issue of the photo newspaper "Dad, Mom, I are book friends."
3.Decoration of exhibitions of crafts of children's activities:
- "Draw Barto";
- “Cover of your favorite book”;
- "Books-homemade";
- Bookmarks are book friends.

Tasks of the final stage:

Give children the opportunity to express themselves and their knowledge during an open event.
Cultivate a persistent interest in books, in reading.
Summarize the results of the work in a playful way, analyze them, consolidate the knowledge gained, formulate a conclusion, create a presentation on the project.
Forms of work with parents
1. Questioning of parents.
Preparation of visual information
2. "Read with children" - poster information.
3. Consultation for parents "Books in the life of a child."
4. Joint creativity of parents with children - "Vernissage of favorite fairy tales." (Drawing the cover of your favorite fairy tale).
5. Joint participation of parents and children in composing a short fairy tale and designing it in the form of a homemade book.
6. Participation of parents in the organization of exhibitions in book corner: "Journal country", children's educational encyclopedias, books with poems by Agnia Barto "I love this book."
During the implementation of the project “Can you imagine for a moment how we would live without books?”
The expected results have been achieved:
- As a result of the project, children got acquainted with the work of children's writers.
- Children learned to recognize writers and poets in reproductions and photographs.
- The children got acquainted with the illustrations of the children's book.
- Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.
- The children created creative works based on the read works.
- Parents of pupils got acquainted with recommendations for raising a love of reading.


Synopsis of the open integrated lesson "Journey through fairy tales"

Target: In a playful way, remember and consolidate the knowledge of children about their favorite fairy-tale characters. Encourage "help" the heroes of these works - to pronounce familiar verses with them, using intonation means of expressive speech.
- Involve children in correct execution assignments.
-Formation of feelings of understanding of the image literary works understand the meaning of fairy tales.
-To form and improve the communication and speech skills of children.
- To improve the speech and motor activity of children.
-Develop memory, thinking, observation.
-Develop interest in small folklore genres.
- Cultivate children's love for fiction of different genres, arouse interest, curiosity and enjoyment of quiz games.
-Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales.

Event progress

caregiver: Hello children! Saying “hello” according to custom, we wish each other good, health. Let's say hello to our guests. With this we wish them health and well-being.
Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales?
Children: Love.
Educator: In our book corner there are books with your favorite fairy tales that you brought from home. Now we are going to travel with you. And how can you travel through fairy tales? Let's go to fairy tales by train, and return back by plane.
- Take your seats! Let's hit the road!
(The teacher puts on a funny hat)
- Hello guys! My name is Confusion. I love to confuse, confuse, confuse. And I know that you girls and boys are so mischievous, you love throwing toys in a group, misbehaving, I love it too, I'm sure that we will make friends.
-This is our first stop. Mystery station. I've already been here, mixed up all the riddles. I love to confuse things. My riddles are very difficult, I wonder if you can guess them? Sit on chairs and listen carefully.
"Alyonushka has sisters
They took away the brother of the bird,
She played with her friends
Brother Vanya missed. (Swan geese)

What kind of guest came to the house
To three forest bears?
I ate and drank there
Slept in three beds
And the owners are back
She barely took her legs!” (Three Bears)

"Brother didn't listen
big sister
And drank from the puddle
Muddy water.
Brought a lot of grief
They have unclean water." (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

"The bear is walking through the forest,
The box on the back carries -
Pies for grandma and grandpa
Granddaughter Masha baked
intractable Misha
Wrapped around her finger! (Masha and the Bear)

"He left his grandmother,
And left my grandfather
Songs sang under the blue sky,
For the fox, he became dinner. (Kolobok)

Well done, they solved all the riddles, put things in order at this station. We leave longer, take places in a cheerful train.
- So we arrived at the fabulous station. Fairy tales live at this station. Children determine the name of fairy tales by the covers of books.
- Well done, here they put things in order. Take your seats in our fun little train and go further.
-Our next stop is called "Bag Troubles"
- I have a bag, and a note is attached to it: “Guys, help return these things to fairy tales. We really need them." Heroes of fairy tales.
Confusion calls one child from the team in turn. The child takes out an object and guesses from which fairy tale it is.
In the bag: soap ("Moydodyr"), flour ("Kolobok"), egg ("Ryaba Hen"), apple ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"), pea ("Princess and the Pea"), shell walnut(“Thumbelina”), a wooden spoon (“Three Bears”), a ball (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”), vitamins (“Aibolit”), a jar of jam (“Kid and Carlson”)
-Well done! Help the heroes of fairy tales! Let's go on our train!
-This is my favorite station and you will like it very much, because we love to play very much, and the station is called just that - a toy. Listen carefully to what needs to be done. Let's guys play the game "You tell me - I tell you" (with a ball). Start says Confusion, finish the kids.
Runaway bunny.
Foxy sister.
Sister - Alyonushka.
Brother Ivanushka.
Grey Wolf.
Princess Frog.
Invisible hat.
Magic carpet.
Vasilisa is wise.
Baba Yaga.
- Well done, and put things in order at this station. It's time for us to go further, we are waiting for many interesting adventures. Take your seats in our train.
- Our next station is called "Post". I received telegrams, but I don't know who they are from. Help me figure out who sent them.
“Grandfather and grandmother, save! I ran away from the wolf, but the fox is chasing me! (Kolobok)
“A wolf came and ate six goats. Save my brothers" (Kit)
"Uncle Fedor! Come urgently! Cat Matroskin and Sharik had a fight!” (Postman Pechkin)
"Come quickly! It's time to pull me." (Turnip)
Save! My grandfather caught me in the Blue Sea!” (Golden slave)
"Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf" (Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother)
“Don’t come, as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly along the back streets.” (Fox from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut")
-Let's go to the final station.
-Guys, we arrived at the terminal station, which is called the reading one. Sit on chairs. Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales. They even made up their own stories. We made baby books with my parents. And now let's check if you know the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.
(Children are watching the presentation "Heroes of their favorite fairy tales")
- Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks, I didn’t manage to confuse you, you know fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes well.
I’ll give you pictures now, and we’ll quickly return to kindergarten on an airplane carpet, only unravel all the fairy tales and all the heroes yourself. And it's time for me to go home to a fairy tale. Take your seats on our flying carpet. Hold on to the edges of the carpet and repeat after me the magic words:
You, carpet, fly, fly,
Roll us across the sky.
Lower, lower down.
Hush, hush, don't swing.
Here it is, here it is, kindergarten,
Get your guys!
Educator: So we returned with you back to our group. Did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember the most? What gift did Confusion give you? Before we start coloring drawings with fairy-tale characters, I suggest you warm up your fingers and do finger gymnastics.
Finger gymnastics "Favorite fairy tales"
Let's count fingers
Let's call fairy tales
Mitten, Teremok,
Gingerbread man - ruddy side.
There is a Snow Maiden-beauty,
Three bears, wolf, fox.
Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,
Our prophetic kaurka.
We know a fairy tale about the firebird,
We do not forget the turnip
We know wolves and goats.
Everyone is happy with these stories.
(Children alternately bend their fingers. Clap their hands on the last line.)
After completing the task, an exhibition "My favorite fairy-tale hero" is arranged.

Project in the senior group

Theme: "My family"


Zinovieva Yu.A.


Relevance of the project: the project presents the planned joint work of educators, children, parents to form the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other. During the project, children will gain knowledge about the professions of their parents, about their family's genealogy, and family traditions.

A survey of children showed that children do not know enough about their family, where and by whom their parents work, and the names of their grandparents. To change this situation, the idea came up to create the project "My Family". We, adults, educators and parents, must help children understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill a sense of attachment to the family and home.

Objective of the project:

Expand children's ideas about their family, pedigree.

Establish contact with parents to coordinate educational measures in cooperation with children.

Project objectives:

1. To improve the quality of the work of the kindergarten when interacting with parents.

2. To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family, about the moral attitude to family traditions, to expand knowledge about the immediate environment, to learn to understand family ties.

3. To develop the creative abilities of parents and children in the process of joint activities.

4. Raise in children love and respect for family members, show the value of the family for each person and take care of relatives.

Project type: short term.

Project participants: educators, pupils of the group of 5-6 years old, parents.

Project organization forms:

1. Survey of children.

2. GCD

3. Consultation for parents "What is a family tree?"

4. Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family".

5. Exhibition of drawings and photographs "Coat of arms of our family".

6. Plot - role-playing game "Family", "Hospital", "Shop".

7. Parent meeting"My family is my soul"

Stages of project implementation

Stage I - preparatory

Questioning children on the problem;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

Stage II - main (practical)

Implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the family, its origin;

Development of a consultation "What is a family tree?"

Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family";

Exhibition of drawings and photographs "Coat of arms of our family";

Joint production of children with parents role-playing games "Family", "Hospital", "Shop";

Leisure with parents in the hall "My family".

Development and accumulation teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem.

III stage-final

Processing the results of the project implementation;

Parent meeting;

Presentation of the project "My family".

Expected results of the project:

Children: fostering a sense of love for family members, expanding children's knowledge about their family: about family members, traditions, about the life of grandparents, the ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge about the family.

Parents: improving the pedagogical culture of parents, establishing trusting and partnership relations with them.

Project implementation


Stage 1


Poll of children: "What do I know about the family"

Stage 2


GCD on the theme "My family"

Communication "My family"

Drawing "Mom"

Communication "Telling the children of the Belarusian folk tale"Puff."

Modeling "Furniture for three bears"


"Group Items"

(clothes, shoes, hats).

Designing "Mom's pigtails"

Reading fiction:

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Swan geese"

"The Tale of the Smart Mouse" S. Marshak

"Mom's work" E. Permyak

"Mom's daughter" V. Belov

"Bone" K.Ushinsky

"How Vovka rescued grandmothers" A. Barto

"Grandma's hands are shaking" V. Sukhomlinsky

Didactic games:

"Who to be?"

"Finish the sentence"

"Who's older?" "Who's younger?"

"Who do we have?" (looking at yourself in the mirror)

“Put it in order” (figures of a person, taking into account age-related changes)

"Assemble a portrait from the details"

"Make a family of figurines"

"Joy - or grief?"

“Tell me what you are affectionately called at home?”

Role-playing games:

"Family", "Hospital", "Shop".


"Day off in my family"

How do I help at home?

"What Do Your Parents Do" (using the album)

"How We Rest"

Reading poems, riddles.

Finger game "My family"

Articulation gymnastics

"Delicious jam", "Pancakes"

Consultation "What is a family tree?"

Exhibition "Genealogical tree of the family"

Exhibition of drawings "My family"

Stage 3


Summing up the project implementation

Parent meeting "My family is my soul"

Dissemination of work experience on the topic among teachers of preschool educational institutions


During the implementation of the “My Family” project, the level of formation of ideas about the family in children will increase significantly;

In the process of working on the project, educators will get to know the families of pupils, their family traditions, and the peculiarities of family education.

Synopsis of GCD

in the middle group on the topic "My family".

1. Formation of children's ideas about the family, as people who live together, love each other. Give a concept of how a family appears, of whom it consists, what family holidays are celebrated.

2. To cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, to develop a sense of pride in one's family, to cultivate respect for the older generation.

3. Show the children that the family is like a mighty tree, schematically draw up a family tree (Family Tree)

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, musical education.

Preliminary work: examining a family album, drawing drawings “My family”, working with parents - creating a family coat of arms, family tree, conversation with children "Who is who"

Materials: a house with drawings of families of pupils, a Bird of Happiness, a sun with rays, a basket with hearts, items for table setting, aprons, images of family holidays, a presentation on ICT of family coats of arms and a genealogical tree.

Lesson progress:

Reading poems about family.

Educator: Hello, guys, dear parents! I am glad to welcome you today! I am very pleased to see that you good mood and I want it to never leave you. Guys, I invite you to hold hands, look affectionately at each other and convey warmth and kindness, the joy of our meeting!

“All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Educator: Guys, let's look at the house, these are your drawings, what is shown on them?

Children: Family!

Educator: A family is a place where a person feels protected, needed, loved. All members of the family are connected with each other by close ties and live together amicably and happily.

And let's, guys, remember what kind of relatives the family consists of?

Finger game "My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

Educator: - What a friendly family! Let's remember who is older and who is younger in the family.

Who else could be in the family?

Children: Brother, sister.

The Russian people had many symbols of happiness. One of them was - the magic Bird - Happiness, one feather of which can bring happiness to a person. This Bird - Happiness flew to our kindergarten. A good fellow always goes in search of happiness in fairy tales, overcoming many obstacles and completing tasks. Now our good fellow will also go for a pen, and we will carry out tasks together.

1 pen

1 task. The game "Mom is my sun"

Educator: and who is the most important sun at home, which protects us, warms us with its warmth, takes care of us? Bird - Happiness has prepared for you the game "My mother is my sun."

Imagine that the sun is your mother. Remember what she is? Every ray is a quality that mommy has, every good word about her, let's collect all the rays.

Look, guys, what a radiant sun we got. How many good good words talking about mom. And what our mothers are beautiful, elegant. Let's help moms dress up.

Task 2 Game "Dress up mom"

2 Feather

1 task.

Educator: Bird - Happiness invites us to play the game "Burst the Balls". We need to burst the balls in which pictures of family members are hidden. And arrange them on the board in order of seniority.

2 task

The game "Who is who in the family?"

3 Feather

Educator: Each family celebrates holidays when all family members get together, congratulate each other, give gifts, set the table, laugh.

1 task. Presentation

Bird - Happiness gives us the following task: “Look at the pictures on the screen, tell me, on what holiday do we see this item at home? »

2 task. "Table setting"

Educator: For the holiday, adults in the family carefully prepare, clean the apartment, prepare a festive dinner, set the table. Now we will see how your parents serve the table.

3 task. Dance of parents with children.

Educator: After a delicious dinner, you can dance!

4 Feather

1 task The game "Collect hearts in a basket" (To the music, children pass the basket in a circle, the one on whom the music stops calls a good deed, a heart is placed in the basket.)

Educator: You can please your relatives not only with gifts, but also with good deeds, good deeds. Stand in a circle, look at the basket the Bird of Happiness gave us. In it we will collect good deeds.

Task 2 Game "Let's feed our parents"

Educator: Now you guys are big and independent, you can help your parents, and when you were little, your parents and grandparents looked after you. Now try to take care of your parents, we offer to feed them.

3 task The game "Washing handkerchiefs"

5 Feather Presentation "Family coat of arms, genealogical tree."

Educator: Guys, I want to tell you that the family is like a huge powerful tree, the roots of this tree are the parents of your grandparents (great-grandparents). Thick branches are grandparents, thinner branches are moms and dads, and the thinnest ones are you kids. Let's now see what family crests you have prepared with your parents.

Surprise moment - Group tree.

Educator: We also live in a group as one big friendly family, we are happy to meet. What is a family?

Children (stand in a semicircle):

Family is happiness, love and luck

Family is summer trips to the country

Family is a holiday, family dates,

gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble.

Dreams of good. Excitement, trembling.

Family is work, caring for each other.

Family is a lot of housework.

Family is important, family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love!

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family you are!

Educator: Look, guys, we have collected all the feathers, I propose to leave this Bird of Happiness in the group so that it gives us joy and happiness. I wish you each of you to have a friendly, strong, happy family.



Senior Project

Topic: "The benefits of milk"


Zinovieva Yu.A.


The duration of the project is 2 weeks.

Project type - research.

Project participants are children of the senior group, educators and parents.

Children are 5-6 years old.

The purpose of the project: to enrich knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of a child's body.

Project objectives:

For kids:

Expand knowledge about milk and dairy products.

To give an idea of ​​the importance of milk and dairy products for the child's body, to identify the role of milk in human life.

To form research skills in children (search for information in various sources).

To develop cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things.

To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities.

To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating

For teachers:

Create the necessary conditions to introduce children to milk, by enriching the developing environment.

To intensify joint activities with parents to form in children a conscious attitude to eating dairy products for the development of the body.

For parents:

Help to understand the importance and necessity of children's consumption of milk and dairy products for the healthy development of the body.

Generate interest in collaborative activities.

Project Products

For children: an album of children's drawings "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy." presentation for children: “What do we know about milk?”, poster “KO graze in the meadow ...”, layout “Cows in the meadow”

For teachers: presentation of the project at the teachers' council; these materials can be used to familiarize children with the outside world, in a conversation about proper nutrition for the development of the body.

For parents: stand (mobile) "Merry Burenka", a collection of recipes "Family recipes for dishes from dairy products".

Expected results of the project: during the work on the project, we will find out that milk is the basis of a child's diet. A glass of milk a day is a recipe for longevity that has been proven for centuries! With milk, our body receives all the necessary nutrients for normal development organism.

For kids:

Knowledge about milk and dairy products, their significance for the child's body and the role of milk in human life will be enriched.

A cognitive interest in research activities, a desire to learn new things will develop (search for information in encyclopedias and other literary sources, from communication with adults, television programs, etc.).

for teachers

rise pedagogical skill on the formation of children's ideas about milk and dairy products, on the use of the project method in the work, to see the desire of the children to be active participants throughout the project

For parents

We will help to understand the importance of the consumption of milk and dairy products by children for the healthy development of the body.

Summary of the project


Actions of teachers

Family activities

Stage 1


Task definition.

Develops the content of the educational process according to the centers of activity.

Selects methodological and fiction literature on the topic.

Encourages family members to cooperate.

Familiarization of parents with the content of the project.

Help collect literature on milk and dairy products

Talk to children about the benefits of milk and dairy products

Stage 2


1. Conversations on the formation of children's initial ideas about the value of a healthy lifestyle

2. Carrying out experiments with milk.

3. Reading fairy tales, nursery rhymes, proverbs to children that talk about milk and cows, learning poems.

4. Collective work on drawing on the theme "Kos graze far in the meadow ...",

5. Collection of material for the manufacture of a stand (mobile) "Merry Cow",

6. Making a “Glass of Milk” layout (what vitamins are contained in a glass of milk)

7. Developing a script for the final entertainment.

1. Helping children in the design of the album "Drink milk, children, you will be healthy",

2. Compilation of a recipe book "Family recipes for dishes from dairy products."

3. Joint activities to collect material for the manufacture of the stand (mobile) "Merry Cow"

4. Help children in the study of the refrigerator to find milk products.

5.Consultation for parents "Benefits of milk".

Stage 3


Conducting the final entertainment "Milk Rivers"

Design and selection of visual and practical material for children.

Summing up the work on the project.

Assistance in organizing an exhibition of the project's products: a stand "Cheerful cow", a poster "Benefits of milk".

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group

"Milk Rivers"

Lesson progress

The teacher draws the children to a glass of milk on the table.

Educator. Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, today we will talk about ...

Educator: (the teacher takes a glass

milk, covered with a napkin).

Priceless treasure in my hand

Everything for life is in it.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

And also miracle vitamins -

All ailments with them are victorious.

The cow sends greetings to you all,

Drink, children, you him, be healthy! (Milk)

Why do the guys say this: “You don’t drink milk, where do you get the strength from?”

Children's answers.

Educator: Milk is often called the “Source of Health”. in milk

has all the useful and nutritious substances necessary for a small

a person to grow faster and develop properly, these are proteins, fats and

carbohydrates, minerals (calcium to strengthen teeth and bones)

vitamins. In addition, milk is a medicine, due to the set of useful substances in it.

substances. Milk invigorates a person, makes him more active.


Since childhood, I have been drinking milk, it has both strength and warmth!

After all, it is magical, kind, useful!

I grow with him by the hour and I will give good advice -

Instead of Pepsi, lemonade, milk should be drunk more often!

Milk helps everyone: teeth, gums strengthens!

You feel light if you drink milk!

But where does milk come from? Guess the riddle

Itself motley, eats green, gives white.

In the middle of the yard stands a mop: a pitchfork in front, a broom behind. (Cow)

Slide. Cow.

What animal is a cow? (homemade)

Why? (lives near a person's house, she is looked after).

People say: "The cow is in the yard, the food is on the table"

One cow gives as much milk as one family needs.

And where do huge rivers of milk flow from to feed the entire large

city? After all, milk is on the table every day.

Today I will tell you where milk rivers flow from (children sit on


Slide. Farm with a cattleman.

In villages and villages, large-scale farms are being created, where

many, many cows. They are looked after by special workers. cattlemen

feed the cows, clean and clean the room so that the cows always

fresh water.

Slide. Pasture with cows and a shepherd.

The shepherds graze a herd of cows in the pasture, they take care that the cows

grazed in spacious, plentiful forage meadows. Many shepherds take

their assistants are smart, trained dogs that help them follow,

so that the cows do not lag behind the herd.

Slide. Milkmaids milk cows. Milking machine.

Milkmaids milk cows. This is very hard work. When cows are not milked enough

manual. And when there are a lot of cows on the farm, you have to milk the cows

special milking machines.

Slide. With feeders for cows, or a camp in a barn.

For milk to flow like a river, for cows to have a lot of milk, it is necessary

feed them well. No wonder the proverb says “Feed the cow more satisfyingly -

the milk will be fatter"

What does a cow eat? (summer - grass, winter - hay).

That's right, but not only these, cows need a variety of food. Per

a special doctor monitors the nutrition of cows on the farm, he draws up a menu for


In the morning cows are fed fragrant hay, at noon - corn silage,

in the evening - straw from grain crops. Cows love this menu.

Slide. Cows in the meadow.

But best time- this is summer, when free cows walk through the meadows themselves

choose themselves the best grass: juicy, green, fragrant.

And cows give fatty, wholesome milk.

Slide. Milk carrier - a machine, a dairy.

Milk from the farm is transported in special vehicles, how do you think they are

called (milk carrier).

The milk goes to the dairy. Here begins an interesting process.

Milk turns into ... and into what, let me start, and you continue.

Slide. The children guessed the product appeared.

To make life beautiful, you spread ... butter on bread.

We all love rustic ... sour cream without deceit.

It is famous all over the world for delicious, sour ... kefir.

As a turnip is yellow on all sides, the more holes, the better it is. Cheese.

I am not cream, not cheese, white, delicious ... cottage cheese.

What is the name of all these products in one word? Dairy.

What dairy products do you know?

Curdled milk, cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk, varenets, ice cream, condensed


Slide. A counter with dairy products.

Dairy products go to the store where we buy them.

The children get up and go to the table where the cereals are on the plates,

covered with a napkin.

Every day for breakfast we are served milk porridge in the garden. Pay

attention to the table (the teacher raises a napkin), guys, what is it?


Name them. (Semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal).

And what will the porridge from these cereals be called? (semolina, millet, rice,

buckwheat, hercules).

I suggest you play, we will cook porridge.

I put on masks for children milk, salt, sugar, rice.

Physical education "Cook porridge"

One two Three,

Cook our pot of porridge!

We will be careful

Let's not forget anything!

Pour milk ... because it is healthy

We will be careful

Let's not forget anything!

I need to salt the porridge

And sweeten it up a little

We will be careful

Let's not forget anything!

We pour cereal ...

We will be careful

Let's not forget anything!

All products are placed.

Porridge is cooked: "Puff - puff!" -

For friends and family.

And now they're all next to each other

Let's stir the porridge around!

And we will try our

Cooked porridge together!

Let's eat it together

Everyone - we will treat everyone with porridge.

After all, it was cooked - then: "Puff - puff!" -

For friends and family."

Educator: Well done, kids girls and boys, showed how

right to cook porridge! Do you know what to add to porridge,

to make it taste better?

Children offer options: add butter, jam, nuts, raisins, strawberries


Educator: and now, guys, I suggest you experiment a little.

Children: Yes!

Educator: I propose to become magical artists and paint our milk with colorful paints.

To do this, add a few drops of a different dye to the plates with milk. We take cotton swabs, dip them in liquid soap and touch the center of the plate with milk. And what happens? The milk begins to move, and the dyes mix. A real explosion of color in a bowl! Now I will explain how this happens: milk is as liquid as water, only it contains fats, minerals, vitamins and other substances. And the whole secret of color lies in a drop of soap, the main property of soap is to eliminate fats. When soap is placed in milk, the soap molecules try to attack the milk molecules, and those in the milk try to avoid the attack and run away. So they run after each other, so there is a movement of flowers.

Educator: That's how much new and interesting things we learned about milk.

Let's now, guys, make a three-dimensional application of colored paper "Funny Cow".

Experience: An explosion of color in milk.

To conduct this spectacular experiment, you will need:

Whole milk

Food coloring in different colors

Any liquid detergent

Cotton buds


We draw your attention to the fact that milk must be whole, not skimmed. Why? All explanations after experience.

Work plan:

1. Pour milk into a bowl.

2. Add a few drops of each dye to it. Try to do this carefully so as not to move the plate itself.

3. And now, believe it or not, we're going to get the milk moving with regular detergent! Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and touch it to the very center of the plate of milk. See what happens! The milk will move and the colors will mix. A real explosion of color in a bowl!

Explanation of experience: Milk is made up of different types of molecules: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When a detergent is added to milk, several processes occur simultaneously. First, the detergent reduces surface tension, and due to this, food colors begin to move freely over the entire surface of the milk. But most importantly, the detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and sets them in motion. That is why skimmed milk is not suitable for this experiment.

Demyanchuk Ekaterina Viktorovna and Kazaryan Olga Sergeevna
Educational institution:"Kindergarten of the combined type MBDOU No. 29"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-09-25 Project for the senior group of the kindergarten "Professions" Demyanchuk Ekaterina Viktorovna and Kazaryan Olga Sergeevna Short term project for children of the senior group of the kindergarten, which describes each day of the project in accordance with the proposed tasks. Children are offered a variety of activities to choose from, but not deviating from the topic. Children learn something new, try to make creative works corresponding to the name of the project.

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Project for the senior group of the kindergarten "Professions"

Project in the senior group "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Educators of the senior group MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 29"

Demyanchuk E.V.

Kazaryan O.S.

Educational project "All professions are needed - all professions are important"

View, type of project: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistic and speech. Topic: "All professions are needed - all professions are important."

Project duration: 1 week (from 09/11/2017 to 09/15/2017)

Project participants: children, parents, educators.

Age of children: senior group (children 5-6 years old).

The purpose of the project: to create conditions for the positive socialization of preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults and professions, in the process of joint and independent activities through "immersion" in practical situations.

Project Objectives: Priority Objectives educational field "Social and communicative development"

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of professions.

Formation of respect for people, for work, a positive attitude towards peers and teachers.

Development of the desire to work.

Cultivating a caring attitude to the results of labor.

The development of the desire to reflect their knowledge and impressions of the work of adults in gaming activities.

Forming the foundations safe behavior in everyday life and society.

Tasks in the integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive Development"

Actualization, systematization and expansion of ideas about the world.

Expanding the horizons and cognitive interest of children in professions.

Development of constructive abilities, thinking, imagination, memory.

Development of control and self-control skills.

"Speech development"

Development of active speech communication skills.

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary; the name and purpose of modern professions.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Formation of the need for reading literary works as a source of new knowledge.

Development of the desire to reflect their knowledge and impressions of the work of adults in the visual activity.

"Physical development"

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Formation of health-saving competence of preschoolers.

Tasks for teachers:

Creation of a developing subject-spatial vocational guidance environment within the preschool educational institution by organizing networking.

Formation of a system of ideas about professions among pupils.

– involvement of parents of legal representatives in the implementation of the project.

Attributes and inventory:

- didactic games "Professions"

Various didactic reading material

- bibabo dolls "Professions".

Puzzles "Professions"

Project relevance:

As part of the succession of career guidance, the kindergarten is the initial link in a single continuous education system. Preschool is the first step in the formation of basic knowledge about professions. It is in the kindergarten that children get acquainted with the diversity and wide choice of professions. All this helps children to expand their understanding of existing professions. It is advisable to organize the work on early career guidance in the form of network interaction within the preschool educational institution and in the group separately, to create a subject-spatial career guidance environment.

Working with parents

Making crafts on the topic

Production of applications on the topic

Inventing and writing stories about professions.

Collection of illustrative material

Collection of printed material on the topic

Stages of project implementation

Before the project, a mini-museum "All professions are needed - all professions are important" was decorated in the group.

- decorative applications and drawings on the topic,

- didactic games: "Professions"; "Guess"; "I'll be like dad"; "From small to big"; "Tools"; "By signs"; "Score"; "Cafe".

Diary of the week.

A long-term plan for conducting "All professions are needed - all professions are important" in the senior group.

Project implementation

Days of the week

Activities during the day

Educational areas


The first day


“Are all professions needed, are all professions important?”


"Find what's what"

* Acquaintance of children with professions;

* reading and solving riddles;

* a journey through the exhibition "Miracle Profession";

* Act out the situation: “What would I be when I grew up”

* Drawing "Professions"

* Educational games for children "Professions"

* mobile game "Look how we dance"

cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Communication development

1. To introduce children to the history of the origin of various types of professions,

Desire to solve riddles.

2. Invite children to apply an unconventional method in drawing

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Second day


"What do my parents do"


Kindergarten professions

* We make crafts from plasticine "My mom and dad work ..."

* Playing out the fairy tale "How Egor went to the village" by roles.

* Children are directly involved in inventing the plot of a fairy tale.

* game "I know all professions."

* viewing illustrations on the topic

cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Communication development

1. Develop imagination by inventing your own fairy tale plot,

arouse interest in an unconventional approach to studying this material.

desire for riddles.

2. In various activities, invite children to use non-traditional techniques.

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Day Three


Tour of the kindergarten "In search of professions"

Afternoon Conversation on the topic “What profession do I remember in kindergarten, why"

*Observation of the work of cooks, a launderer, a doctor, an educator

*Drawing. "Which profession do I remember the most"

* Conversation “What profession did I remember in kindergarten, why” is an assumption of the development of the plot.

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Communication development

3. Development of fine motor skills.

Day four


Excursion to the street. Sheremetevsky prospect "In search of professions"


Didactic exercise "What will happen if ..."

* Discuss what you think is the most important job

* what types of professions met on our way.

* Conversation on the topic of the exercise.

cognitive development

Speech development

Communication development

1. Introduce children to various options games,

arouse interest in an unconventional approach to studying this material.

2. In various activities, invite children to use non-traditional techniques.

Day five 15.09.2017

Application "Profession on wheels"

(second half of the day) The result is a mini-exhibition of children's works

* Performance of application in non-traditional technique.

* Reading sayings and poems about the types of professions related to transport

* mobile game "Organization of independent activities for the choice of professions"

* Organization of a mini-exhibition

* Discussion and analysis of own works.

cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Communication development

1. Arouse interest in an unconventional approach to studying this material.

2. In various activities, invite children to use non-traditional techniques.

3. Development of fine motor skills.

4. Development of the motor process - inventing one's own movements for counting rhymes.

The result of the project implementation:

1. As a result of the project, the children got acquainted with various types of professions.

2. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

3. Children have learned to distinguish between the main types of professions.

4. Children created creative works based on the material they read.

5. The children made up their own fairy tale.

7. Children participated in the dramatization of their own fairy tale.

8. Parents of pupils got acquainted with the information on the importance of this topic, appreciated

. .

creative project for older children:

"Let's say thank you to each other"

Project passport

Topic:"Let's thank each other"

Project type: creative, short term.

Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

Children's age: 5 - 6 years.

Conduct form: group.

Project relevance

Improving the process of moral education of children is an important task of preschool pedagogy at the present stage of development of our society. An important place in it is occupied by the question of the formation in children of ideas about the norms of morality that regulate the relationship of a person to other people.

The section "Moral education" is included in almost all educational programsaddressed to preschool children. The basis of a humane attitude towards people - the ability to empathize, to sympathy - is manifested in a variety of ways. life situations. Therefore, children need to form not only ideas about proper behavior or communication skills, but above all moral feelings.

Project epigraph:

There is great power in the word "thank you"

And the water comes alive from it,

It gives wings to a wounded bird,

And a sprout grows from the ground.

Be thankful to the world on this day

On holiday, thank you, open your soul.

Project hypothesis:“If you are kind, is that good?”

Design Component

Objective of the project: Teaching preschoolers to do "good deeds" and evaluate the deeds of others.

Project objectives:

Contribute to the moral and communicative development of preschoolers by expanding the horizons of children and enriching vocabulary children's speech;

To teach children to be attentive to their peers, to close people, to do good deeds for them;

Teach children the rules of speech etiquette;

Develop emotions and motives that contribute to the formation of communication skills; respect for other people;

Clarify children's ideas about good and evil deeds and their consequences, develop the ability to express their point of view;

To cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, caring attitude, both to oneself and to other people and to the entire world around the child;

Encourage children to positive actions and deeds;

To cultivate the desire to leave a “good mark” about yourself in the hearts and souls of other people.

Project focus: developing a child's interest in public life, careful attitude to the world around, knowledge of oneself and one's own kind, education of humane feelings.

Integration of educational areas:


Artistic creativity;


Physical Culture;


Project implementation forms:


Equipping the subject-developing environment;

Working with parents.

Preparatory stage:

Selection of methodical literature;

Selection of games;

Preparation of materials for artistic creativity;

Specially selected literature on this topic (tales and stories about kindness, about politeness, proverbs about good deeds, riddles);

Selection of audio recordings;

Selection of illustrations: "good - bad";

Watching cartoons: "Greedy", "Cat Leopold".

Expected result:

Children, parents, teachers constantly use forms of verbal politeness;

Children are also able to analyze the actions of literary heroes;

Children are able to regulate their behavior according to social norms;

Ability to build friendships with peers.

Project Implementation Plan:

Educational areas



Didactic games: “What is good and what is bad”, “In the world of emotions”, “You can - you can’t”, “ABC of moods”.

Plot - role-playing games: "Toy store", "In kindergarten".


Conversation: “For what we say thank you”, “Magic words - why they are magical”, “Our good deeds”, “What do good deeds mean”.

Memorizing proverbs: "Affectionate word heals."

Examination of illustrations: "Good - bad."


Making up a story from personal experience: "Our good deeds."

Compilation of the story "Polite people."

Fairy tales and stories written by children.

Reading fiction

V. Stepanov “Lessons of politeness”, Sukhomlinsky “Why they say “thank you”, V. Oseeva “Magic word”,

V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad."

Artistic creativity

Paper construction: "Flower of courtesy", "Garland of kind hearts", "Tree of kindness".

Drawing: "Gift for a friend."

Crafts from plasticine: "A flower for mom";

Designing their paper: "Flower of goodness", "Garland of kind hearts".

Physical Culture

Outdoor games: “If we live together”, “You can cross your bridge”, “Polite brook”, “Courtesy holiday”, “Friendship waltz”.

Physical education minutes: "Kindergarten", "Butterflies", "Droplets".

The song "Smile", "If you went out with a friend for a walk",

“How we help the nanny” (assistance in setting tables for dinner); Duty in a corner of nature; Help the janitor with snow removal;


Rules of conduct in kindergarten; table manners; rules of conduct on the street, in public places.

Working with parents

Participation in the competition "Give a bird feeder".

Counseling: What Kind of Parent Am I?

Project presentation

Exhibition of children's works.

Entertainment "Enchanted Forest".

Design of the photo exhibition "Our good deeds";

Preliminary work (surprise moment)

A letter arrives in the kindergarten from the magical fairy of the forest. The envelope contains not only a letter, but also a disk. The fairy turns to the kindergarten children for help, but first you need to see the disk. It contains the appeal of Baba Yaga: “I bewitched the whole forest and all living things in the forest. Everyone became evil and ugly.”

Guys, how can we help the fairy save the forest? (different answers of children)

I think that we need to do only good deeds, say “polite words”, and then we will be able to disenchant the forest, because good triumphs over evil.

The teacher brings a magic flower to the group, which will bloom only when the children begin to do good deeds, deeds ...

Presentation of the Enchanted Forest project

Target: Education in children the ability to be affectionate, activation of polite words in speech; drawing the attention of children to how good deeds help to overcome difficulties.

Tasks: encourage children to use "polite words" in speech; to consolidate in children the concept of "politeness", "kindness"; cultivate sympathetic feelings to help in trouble.

Activity progress

Guys, today I again received a message from the forest fairy: “Guys, I really wanted to visit you and say thank you, because your good deeds and polite words disenchanted the forest, but Baba Yaga captured me and I couldn’t come to you .

And not in vain did the fairy want to thank us:

Thanks to say helpful.

If sincere and honest.

Thank the sun for the light

And for the movement of the planets!

Thank the field for the grain

Thanks to the stove for warmth,

Thanks Mom for the love

Thank you World again and again!

There is a knock on the door, Baba Yaga runs in.

B. Ya.- Come on. Move over! Look, sit down here! (pushing everyone aside, sitting down) Why are you staring at me here? It's me, Baba Yaga!

Oh, how impolite and rude you are. Guys, let's tell Baba Yaga what it means to be polite, to do good deeds.

Children's answers.

And you, Baba Yaga, do you know polite words?

B. Ya.- Of course I know!

Well, now let’s check, the guys and I have already done a lot of good deeds and we know not only the word “thank you”, but many other words. Try Baba Yaga and guess our riddles.

Riddles about polite words.

Baba Yaga tries to guess them, but she fails.

Guys, let's help B. Ya. solve riddles.

B. Ya.- Wow, you are so nasty! How angry I am with you! Give me the next task, I'll definitely cope with it.

D. i. "Fold the Courtesy Flower"

(pink and black petals)

Children petals, what color will you choose? And why?

Children spread pink flowers, and B. Ya. are black.

What do you think, does the flower of B.Ya. smell good, does it look like a “flower of courtesy”? And why?

Physical education:

What can't flowers live without? Let's water them now. Water, let's do a good deed. To do this, we will imagine that we have become drops of water.

"Children's Free Dance"

Baba Yaga sat down on a chair upset.

Baba Yaga, what happened?

B. Ya.- So I look at you and I feel so sad that you are all so good, kind, and I am angry and I don’t know at all how I can become the same as you.

I think I know how to help you! Guys, I propose to give B. Ya. a flower of kindness, which has blossomed in our group.

B. Ya.- Thank you guys.

The magic fairy of the forest appears.

Fairy- Guys, what great fellows you are, they helped not only me and the forest, but also made B. Ya. kind. And I have prepared a treat for you, give.

B. Ya. and the fairy say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Photo-presentation of the project: “Let's say “Thank you” to each other”

Give the good that you have

You won't have to wait long for an answer!

What you sow in this world today

Then soon, you yourself will have to reap!

Preschool education is the most important step in the education system. It is this that lays the foundations and creates the basis for further development and education of the child. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize training in preschool educational institutions. One way to form studying proccess- implement projects in kindergarten.

Why projects are needed in kindergartens

A child from an early age begins to explore the world. The task of a preschool educational institution is to provide basic skills and knowledge that will be useful in the future. For example, in a preschool educational institution, children are taught about the alphabet, they are taught to read, and also to perform the simplest mathematical operations - addition and subtraction.

The implementation of projects in kindergartens is designed to help build an effective educational program and teach children various skills and abilities.

Types and types of projects according to GEF DO

There is a certain classification of projects in kindergartens. They differ in terms of implementation, composition of participants and topics. They use various methods and techniques aimed at the development of the child.

Exist the following types projects in preschool education according to GEF:

  1. Dominant principle.
  2. By the nature of the content and informativeness.
  3. By the role of the child in the project.
  4. According to the characteristics of the contacts.
  5. By the number of people involved in the project.
  6. By expiration date.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions, the following types of projects are used:

  1. Research and creative.
  2. Role-playing with game elements.
  3. Information-practice-oriented.
  4. Creative.

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is a game, then, starting from a younger age, role-playing and creative projects are used.

The following types of projects are of great importance:

  • research;
  • individual;
  • group;
  • intergroup;
  • complex;
  • creative.

The main goal of this method in a preschool educational institution is the development of a free creative personality of the child.

Documents required for project implementation

Before implementing the project, the educator must complete the following steps:

  1. Set the goal of the project.
  2. Develop a plan to achieve the goal.
  3. Involve specialists in the implementation of the relevant sections of the project.
  4. Draw up a project plan.
  5. Collect the necessary material.
  6. Include in lesson design different types activities.
  7. Prepare homework assignments for self-study.
  8. Present the project in kindergarten with the help of an open lesson.

When implementing a project in a preschool educational institution, it goes through the following stages:

  1. Goal setting. The teacher helps the child to choose a feasible and relevant task for him, taking into account his age, abilities and interests.
  2. Project development - a plan of activities to achieve the goal.
  3. Implementation of the project - the practical part.
  4. Summing up - defining tasks for new projects.

Projects for different age groups in preschool

In kindergartens, there is a division into the following groups:

  • nursery - from 1.5 to 2 years;
  • the youngest - from 2 to 4 years. Can be further divided into 1st and 2nd groups;
  • medium - from 4 to 5 years;
  • senior - from 5 to 6 years;
  • preparatory - from 6 to 7 years.

Each group has its own projects that take into account all the characteristics of the children in the groups. Depending on what topic or area of ​​life the teacher wants to cover, the project can be short-term, long-term or medium duration. Here are some examples for each of the age groups.

For example, in the middle group in kindergarten, the following projects can be carried out: “Matches for children are not toys!”, “ Healthy foods nutrition", " living water", etc. So, the project "Matches for children are not toys!" designed to explain to preschoolers about the danger of fire, how to behave in case of fire and what measures can be taken to prevent fire.

With the help of the Living Water project, children's knowledge of water, its properties and states of aggregation can be clarified. Here, the rules of behavior on open water are considered, and an aesthetic attitude to nature is formed.

The project "Healthy Foods" should increase children's knowledge about products, their useful properties, methods or places of obtaining them, and also tells what dishes can be prepared from them.

In the older group there are children from 5 to 6 years old. At this age, there is an intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of life. The projects implemented in the preschool educational institution in the senior group take into account these features and are aimed at their development. For example, the project "Our Kind Tales" is aimed at developing interest in books and reading with the help of Russian folk tales.

In the preparatory group in the preschool educational institution, the daily routine of the baby does not differ from the one that was previously, but the emphasis is on the moral and physical preparation of the child for school. At the same time, groups continue to conduct classes and implement projects aimed at developing various qualities and skills. One example of a project in preschool in the preparatory group is the Kindness Saves the World project. It aims to develop positive qualities character and is designed to motivate children to do good deeds within their power.

There are also children's projects in which preschoolers gain knowledge on their own or together with their parents. For example, in a preparatory group in a kindergarten, the project “Magic Transformations of Milk” can be implemented. With it, children should learn about the different types of dairy products and how to prepare them.

GEF sample projects

The following documents are required for the successful implementation of the project:

  • explanatory note;
  • project passport;
  • cyclogram of its implementation;
  • stages of work on it;
  • results;
  • feedback from participants.

One of the most important documents is the passport of the project in the DOW. Using the example of the Children's News in Kindergarten project, let's consider what is included in it. The document indicates the authors of the project, its theme, type and type, purpose, tasks, who will participate, that is, for children of what age it is intended, the timing of its implementation and expected results. With its help, teachers plan to introduce children to the work of a journalist and presenter and give them the opportunity to make a report or news release.

The project "Children's News in Kindergarten" contains separate tasks for the child and the teacher. A sample project passport in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard can be viewed.

Consider the project “Mini-Museum in Kindergarten. "Heritage of the Russian Land", its purpose in the passport is formulated as follows: the creation of a mini-museum "Heritage of the Russian Land" to enrich the educational space of the kindergarten.

The project implementation includes the following stages: organizational, main and analytical. The first stage will last 3 months, the second - 11, and the third - 1 month. The documents describe in detail each of the stages, while children do not participate in the preparation for the implementation of the project. They will participate in the main and analytical stages. They will form the museum's exposition, make crafts on their own and together with their parents.

The main work falls on educators and other employees of the preschool educational institution in the implementation of the project. The organization of the educational program falls on the head of the preschool educational institution.