Graduation at school is necessary. Where to start discussing the organization of the prom at school: preparing for the first parent meeting

  • 02.07.2020

Recently, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate High school prom. Has he become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

It is generally accepted that prom This is a special event in the life of every student. So it was at Soviet power. Therefore, mothers, fathers, older brothers and sisters with lyrics tell modern graduates about their farewell to school. For most of them, it was a real celebration, which they had been waiting for for many years and for which they had been carefully preparing for several months. Graduation marked not only a farewell to school, but also the beginning of a new stage in life, independence ...

But lately, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate graduation. Has he become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

Prom through the eyes of modern teenagers

On various forums, there are more and more messages from worried parents who write that: "My child is finishing grade 11 and is preparing to enter a university. We all remember our school graduation day, farewell to school, teachers and childhood. This is a ritual. Therefore, I did not even have any doubts whether my child would like to celebrate graduation or not. But then one day my son comes home and declares that they consulted with the guys from the class and decided not to celebrate graduation. I am in a slight shock and confusion, as well as our class teacher, who urgently gathers parents for a meeting. You can guess the agenda without further ado."

Psychologists explain this situation by the desire of adolescents to deny everything traditional and ordinary, as well as the desire to declare themselves and their independence. Modern schoolchildren are no longer the same as their parents, older brothers and sisters were. They live in another century - a century information technologies. Accordingly, their interests and goals in life have changed. Very often, emotions, lyrics, spiritual qualities give way to purposefulness and the desire to achieve high goals. At the same time, many quite consciously consider graduation celebration an outdated tradition that has long outlived its usefulness.

In this case, parents need to speak frankly and heart to heart with the child, find out what is in his soul. Quite often, the child argues his refusal with such reasons that allow him to find an alternative option. For example, sometimes the reluctance to celebrate prom is due to tensions in the class. In this case, a possible solution to the problem would be to invite an outside organizer of the holiday (a specialist from the event management agency), who can offer an option that can bring all teenagers together. Or maybe the kids don't need a grand celebration, they just want to wander through the school corridors, sit in their classroom and chat with their classmates for the last time. In this situation, it is quite possible to get by with a solemn part at school and a collective trip, for example, to bowling.

Today, there is an opinion among schoolchildren that prom at school is boring and not fashionable: everyone will just eat, dance and go home. Even some parents believe that the significance of this holiday today is greatly exaggerated.

But after all, the soul of the holiday is not in the assembly hall and the restaurant, where graduates, their parents and teachers will gather, but in the special atmosphere of the event, positive emotions from communicating with friends, in a ritual farewell to school. In addition, holding an informal part of the graduation in a cafe or restaurant is far from the only option for holding a holiday. Note that even money plays a dominant role in organizing graduation (although nothing worthwhile can be organized without them). The main thing is the desire of graduates and their parents to beautifully and cheerfully organize the last meeting with the school.

Non-standard prom options

IN Soviet time there were not many opportunities to organize original and memorable celebrations at the school. And it was not customary at that time to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, all proms were held according to the standard scenario: girls in ball gowns, boys in formal suits, a solemn line, awarding diplomas, graduation, farewell waltz, dinner with dancing in the dining room, restaurant or cafe and meeting the dawn on the embankment (or in the city center ).

Fortunately, in our time the situation has changed dramatically. Today, there are practically no restrictions on the organization celebrations at school(naturally, within reason), and the abundance in shops and services open up unlimited opportunities for the realization of a bright and unusual holiday. We offer you some of the most popular alternative options for prom among modern schoolchildren.

  • Solemn part of the graduation party on the ship + restaurant.
  • A celebration in an old estate with dressing up, dramatizations and competitions (for example, in Derzhavin's mansion).
  • Graduation in Hollywood style with awards, a photo session, including against the backdrop of a press wall (a special background wall, like at conferences), filming a video about the class and graduation.
  • Prom in the style of "Chicago" (played on the Chicago theme of the 30s of the 20th century) provides themed outfits. The concept of such holiday at school implies the division of the celebrating into groups: parents, teachers - mafia, students - gangster fighters).
  • Celebration in the "Stilyagi" format (a variant of a stylish party).
  • Celebration at the Russian Museum in the Benois Hall (the program includes dinner, entertainment and a boat trip).
  • A country quest game (for example, on the topic of searching for a secret message).
  • Graduation in the format of the game "Mafia" (also includes a walk around the city in a beautiful retro car and a photo session).
  • Holiday on the theme of adventure in a country format. The entertainment program includes not only dances and music, but also a visit to the shooting gallery, horseback riding, quad biking, funny Games, relay races.

It is important to understand that everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of "prom" (it's not for nothing that they say "How many people, so many opinions"). That's why organization of non-standard graduation it is better to entrust to special agencies that not only have the experience and material and technical base for high-quality preparation of the holiday, but also know how to find compromise options that can satisfy the requirements and wishes of everyone. The presence of an activist-entertainer among the parents will be an additional advantage, since he will be able not only to offer interesting ideas, but also to talk about the features of the class and the relationship between children.

But in any case, no matter how you decide to organize a graduation, magnificent or modest, original or traditional, the last evening at school, with classmates who have been around for 11 years or just with friends, will definitely leave special memories in the soul of every student.

So the carefree school time ends, ahead of passing the entrance exams to higher educational institutions and a memorable graduation party before entering adulthood is simply necessary. Children will remember this holiday all their lives, so it is necessary to take it as seriously as possible. You should prepare for the graduation in the 11th grade in advance, because the costs will be relatively high, so at the parent meeting you need to decide where and how the graduation will take place - because the budget of the event will depend on this.

Graduation Ideas

To begin with, you need to consider several options for holding a holiday, for example, the evening can be spent in a cafe, restaurant, countryside, club or elsewhere. But if you turn on the fantasy, then graduation can be held in a very original way, for example, the whole class can go to Paris for the weekend - it will be very romantic and will be remembered for a lifetime. Many will say it is very expensive, but if you count the cost of a graduation party, then they will be commensurate with the cost of travel. And after the decision is made, you should begin to draw up a script for the holiday.

Graduation script, grade 11

Once the organization-wide issues are resolved, it's time to prepare the prom script. Writing a script for graduation is a rather difficult task. The scenario should include the following points:

By the way, the script can be compiled by both parents and graduates themselves. After all, a script written by yourself may not turn out to be perfect, but it will certainly be sincere and sincere, because the guys have been together for 11 years and know each other quite closely.

Proms in Russia

Graduation parties are usually held in secondary schools after finishing grades 9 and 11, as well as in universities after passing state exams and defending diplomas.

Proms at schools

In schools, graduation parties are usually celebrated at the beginning of the twentieth of June, after all school exams are over. Previously, it was held on June 25 (24 - if 25 falls on Friday (the release of the day is important for taking exams at some universities, in Moscow - VZUI and Moscow State University) or Sunday (they are not held on this day)). Now time is decentralized. Graduation in universities is held

  • full-time: earlier than June 25, after the amendment of the Law “On Conscription and military service» first on June 30, then on July 1;
  • evening parties: in early-mid June;
  • correspondence students: at the end of April.

However, they are not traditionally held on June 21 (the last graduation was on June 21, 1941), as well as on June 22 - on the Day of Memory and Sorrow. Schoolchildren who received medals and diplomas as a result of their studies are traditionally honored at an official ceremony, then certificates are awarded.

The solemn part in a number of settlements begins with the laying of flowers at the monuments to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

As a rule, proms in Moscow now take place on the night of June 23 to June 24. And many graduates, together with teachers and parents, jointly choose not cafes and restaurants, but large city venues, such as the Kremlin Palace and the Olympic Sports Complex in Moscow.

In St. Petersburg, graduation parties have received a special status, like "Scarlet Sails" and are already celebrated by the whole city.

Almost everywhere, the solemn part includes a concert program and a disco or a school ball (in the event that graduates prefer classical dances to modern ones). Discos are held either within the walls of the native school, or in restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, etc.

After the sprawl of cities, the obligatory final part of the program was meeting the dawn. In Moscow, if possible, it is held on a hill - on Sparrow Hills, in St. Petersburg - on the embankments of the Neva.

Proms in the USA

Traditional "hat tossing" at the graduation ceremony at the US Naval Academy

In the US, the prom date is usually shown on school calendars as degree day and is also associated with the transition of the student to new level learning. Similar ceremonies are held in higher educational institutions after students receive the next academic degree (bachelor, master). The most famous tradition at graduation parties in American colleges is the tossing of academic hats into the air.

Often, graduation ceremonies begin with demonstration marches and speeches, followed by the presentation of diplomas, at the end of which students are declared graduates. The marches usually follow Edward Elgar's Pompous and Ceremonial March #1.


Anti-graduation - an alternative graduation party organized by a group of schoolchildren. It can both be opposed to the official graduation, with a boycott of the latter, and complement it. The anti-prom is usually organized by those who are dissatisfied with the usual prom night- the cause of dissatisfaction may be the control of the school administration and teachers over the celebration, excessive kitsch luxury, huge expenses for prom dresses, unloved music. In the conditions of European and especially American schools, anti-graduation is often organized by a group of graduates united by religious beliefs or sexual orientation in order to avoid the uninhibited relations between boys and girls that are part of the tradition of a regular prom.

The anti-graduation is reflected in a number of youth television series - including the series Kyle XY.

see also


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See what "Graduation Party" is in other dictionaries:

    Evening: Evening Saturday evening Graduation evening Generous evening Creative evening Evening (film) Carnival evening (picture) Women's evening television talk show Good evening (TV show) Saturday evening (short film) Evening of jesters (film) ... ... Wikipedia

    An adjective from a noun release, used also in the meaning of a noun. Prom Night A 1980 American horror film. Graduation American Horror Film 2006. Final exam TV movie, 16 episode 4 ... ... Wikipedia

    Exist., m., use. max. often Morphology: (no) what? evening, why? in the evening, (see) what? evening what? tonight, about what? about the evening; pl. what? evening, (no) what? evenings, why? in the evenings, (see) what? evenings what? in the evenings, about what? about evenings 1. Evening is ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    evening- EVENING1, a, pl pm, ov, m Part of the day from the end of the day to the onset of night, when it has not yet completely darkened; the time when the sun sets, and some short time after sunset; Ant.: morning. The evenings were getting colder and people... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    evening- scarlet (White, Turgenev); crimson (Remizov); serene (Bryusov); blessed (Polonsky); pale (Turgenev); deaf (Artsybashev); blue (Balmont); thoughtful (Gogol); golden (Balmont, Fedorov); gold (Balmont, Chirikov); Red… … Dictionary of epithets

    BUT; pl. evenings; m. 1. Part of the day from the end of the day to the onset of night. Came in. Late c. The day is fading into evening. Seven p.m. Kind in.! (a polite form of greeting at this time of day). V. life (book; about old age). Not in yet. (also:… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    evening- but; pl. pm/; m. see also. in the evening, in the evenings, in the evening, from evening, from morning to evening, in the evenings ... Dictionary of many expressions

    I m. Ball, evening dedicated to graduation [issue III 1.] from an educational institution. II adj. Associated with the release of [issue III 1.] students from an educational institution. III adj. 1. Serving for release [release V 3.], exit (water or some other ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    high school graduation- see issue 1), 3); a / i, o / e Exhaust / th valve. In th hole. Graduation / th class. Prom … Dictionary of many expressions


  • Barbie. Graduation ball (poster + 3D stickers) , . Get ready for prom with Barbie! Her outfits can inspire you to transform and create your own image. Think of where you can stick 30+ 3D stickers, or decorate with them…

Graduation from a school, college, lyceum, gymnasium is a milestone of extreme importance, a transition to a new stage in life, or rather, as they say, entry into adulthood. And the graduation party becomes the festive final chord of the long school stage. They prepare for it carefully, starting with festive clothes and ending with the organization of the second day of the celebration.

IN different countries of the world, of course, celebrate this day in different ways, big influence have a way of celebrating traditions bringing national color to this event. Let's see how graduations are held in other countries of the world, let's go ...

1. In Australia schoolchildren celebrate the end of the tenth and twelfth grade. According to tradition, the graduation party is supposed to arrive on unusual vehicles. This is not about luxury cars. Graduates have to put a lot of imagination to surprise their classmates. Australian graduates can come to the ball in a fire engine, a tractor or even a wheelbarrow.

2. in South Africa the end of the academic year is at the end of the calendar year. The month of graduation ceremonies is November. Since schooling is still exotic for Aboriginal people in some areas, a whole family with old men and babies often comes to the graduation party, in their ethnic costumes.

3. In Sweden Prom begins with a celebratory champagne breakfast. To the side of each graduate (for girls this is - White dress, and for boys - a suit) a white hat is required, on the lining of which everyone can sign as a keepsake. At the end of the official part at school, graduates go outside and throw these hats into the air. After that, yesterday's schoolchildren get into cars with an open body, decorated with birch branches, turn on loud music and drive around the city. The holiday ends at home, where the guys invite many guests. At the same time, for young Swedes, a graduation party is also an occasion to receive practical gifts that are given to them by invited guests.

4. In Norway graduates dress up in funny overalls different color depending on their future specialty. So red overalls denote economic specialties, blue - for those who will enter the university.

5. In Indian tradition, the main event of the prom is the speech of the headmaster. At the same time, each student receives a small printed booklet, which contains addresses, dates of birth and small comments about each of the graduates. A special "literary committee" is engaged in compiling the booklet.

6. In Poland instead of prom celebrate a holiday stodniowka, which takes place one hundred days before graduation. The celebration begins with an obligatory polonaise dance, the first couple of which are the principal of the school with one of the graduates. After that, the real fun begins with dancing and singing. If the holiday is celebrated at school, then graduates compete in invention and ingenuity to decorate the hall. It is no less popular among Polish schoolchildren to celebrate this event in restaurants, pubs and clubs. There is a dress code: for boys, these are three-piece suits or even tuxedos, and for girls, evening dresses.

7. Graduation in America one of the most romantic. Preparation for the ball begins in advance. At the beginning of the last academic year, the graduating class elects the members of the organizing committee, which will come up with the theme of the ball (for example, "Hollywood" or "Moonlit Night"), decoration of the hall, competitions. Graduates begin to think about the dress, hairstyle, makeup, bouquets and accessories. This event turns out to be no less troublesome for young people, because it is supposed to come to the graduation in a limousine, it is also necessary to purchase a flower, which he will attach to the dress of the girl he will accompany. By American tradition , the girl cannot come to the ball without a companion. He must come for her by car ( most often it is a limousine), give flowers, take them to the place of celebration and take care of the whole evening. Violation of this law threatens with public censure. At the same time, you can invite to the ball not only one of your classmates, but also from elementary grades or the university. The main condition is that the inviter himself must be a graduate. If a couple could not be found, graduates come in groups of several people. The school part of the ball ends choice of King and Queen, which, as a rule, become the most popular and beautiful graduates. After that, all graduates go to restaurants or hotels, where they continue to celebrate until the morning. Two days later, graduates receive certificates.

Do you remember your graduation party...? Of course, not a single person will forget such a grandiose event in his life!

And for a bonus, watch the thematic clip of Bast - Graduation (2016), maybe remember your school love ...

I remember when my grandmother saw me in a magnificent ball gown, made especially for the prom, she shed a tear, and I proudly “carried” myself to the Ordzhonikidze Palace, where the long-awaited celebration was to take place.

Then my classmates were more beautiful than one another: girls in the same ball gowns literally competed: whose hem was more magnificent, the boys surprised with their impeccable appearance in strict suits. At the same time, relatives, and among them were not only mothers and fathers, grandparents, but aunts and uncles, tenderly said: “In our time, this was not the case!”.

Almost 10 years have passed since then. Graduation parties are still held in all schools, yesterday's students with sadness and joy say goodbye to teachers and to each other. At first glance, nothing changes in this ceremony. But is it really so?

rational triumph

… Happy smiles and tears of joy. Graduates are greeted with applause by parents and teachers. Perhaps this picture is familiar to every educational institution. So at school number 13, everything goes according to a familiar scenario.

The assembly hall of the school is decorated on the occasion of the celebration balloons and paper white doves, the parents took their places, the graduates, and this year there are 47 of them in the “13th”, are ready to show themselves in all their glory. But before that - the introductory and solemn speech of the class teachers of the guys. Teachers speak without a microphone, therefore, only in the middle of their speech, parents stop whispering, and the content becomes clear. In a moment, holding hands, like 11 years ago, yesterday's boys and girls, and today already adult boys and girls, not without a share of shyness, go to their places. I immediately draw attention to the outfits of graduates. Young people in traditional classic trousers and shirts, girls have a much wider range of dresses, but only a few people are in long ones, and it seems only a couple are in a real evening dress. After one of the graduates, Masha Gayautdinova, will explain:

“I would like to wear some kind of puffy dress, maybe even with a corset, but in such an outfit it would be very hot. Yes, and it’s not a desire to stand out much, because such dresses are not for everyone. Therefore, I chose a more democratic option for graduation. Thanks to my grandmother, who spent many hours with me on shopping trips.

Regarding the heat, Maria is right, during our graduation we were terribly tormented in our outfits from heat and inconvenience (crinoline, petticoats and corsets sometimes distracted attention from everything that was happening around. Many then changed into more comfortable clothes after the official part. Question: was there any point buy an evening dress so you can change it before midnight?). The rational approach of current graduates pleases the practical one: after all, then such a dress can also be worn, if not in Everyday life, then it will definitely come in handy for some significant event. Yes and family budget you can save (about it a little later - approx. auth.)

Get a certificate and leave

Meanwhile, the director of the school, Lyudmila Fedorovna Sukhova, addressed her children and their parents with words traditional in such cases, but there is no doubt in their sincerity, because each of the students becomes a part and a kindred man for teachers.

And now, the most important moment - the presentation of certificates. At the table, covered with a red tablecloth, representatives of the school administration were comfortably seated. The director, calling the names of the guys, invites them to the stage. Happy, they take turns replacing each other, receiving their "matriculation certificate". Here is someone's grandmother modestly wiping away a tear, and someone's younger sister happily claps her hands when she hears a familiar name. It becomes stuffy in the hall, even open windows do not save. Everyone endures inconvenience - such an event happens once in a lifetime.

At this time, after voicing another name of the graduate, a young man runs out from the last row, dressed not at all in formal dress. It looks like he didn't even get an applause. Having quickly received the document, the guy is hiding from the hall: he will definitely not participate in the concert and the banquet. What is the reason is not known. But once upon a time, the deputy director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1 Vasilyeva Lyubov Vinerovna told us, her graduates: “You can have this wedding more than once, but graduation is an event that happens once in a lifetime and you can’t miss it!”.

Ball, ball and more ball

Perhaps Lyubov Vinerovna holds the same opinion even now, having become the director of the lyceum, because her graduation educational institution any 11th grader would envy.

By tradition, farewell to the school years takes place not within the walls of the lyceum, but in the Ordzhonikidze Palace. And this is not a tribute to fashion. The assembly hall of the lyceum is not able to accommodate 1.5 hundred (and sometimes more) graduates and their parents, and the lyceum students themselves are frequent guests of the palace. Once upon a time, classes were held here on an aesthetic course (the guys studied dancing, singing and acting), now the tradition of initiation into lyceum students has been preserved.

We still hold various lyceum events here at the Palace, and therefore graduation, as the final event in lyceum life, also takes place here. It cannot be otherwise, - says the director of the Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 1, Lyubov Vasilyeva.

Graduation party of lyceum students becomes a real ball. Even at the entrance to the Palace of Graduates and their relatives, the sounds of music performed by a brass band are greeted, and the surroundings (fountain, flower beds) create an even more festive mood. Perhaps, only the red carpet is missing: graduates are more beautiful than one another. Many, contrary to the current fashion for cocktail dresses, are in evening dresses. Someone is not afraid to go even for experiments. So, for example, Sofya Galimova came to the graduation in the form of Carmen. She says that when she saw a Spanish gypsy for the first time in Spain during a theatrical performance, she fell in love with this image. For graduation, she specially ordered a tailoring of a dress, which cost the girl's parents within 3.5 thousand rubles.

No one will refuse comfort

Talking about the financial side of the event, the girl admitted that the entire prom cost her family about 10 thousand rubles. By the way, the same amount was given to us by the parent of the children who were graduating from a regular school.

One of the components of the total amount is a banquet, which traditionally follows the prom. In the Soviet years, he, like the solemn part, was held within the walls of the school. Usually graduates were served tables in the local canteen or gym.

The tradition of arranging a banquet outside of school appeared with us 10-15 years ago. Today, this is already a familiar system for everyone: the presentation of a certificate and congratulations at school, an informal celebration in some cafe or restaurant in the city, - says the director of school No. 55 Konkin Sergey Yuryevich.

I have seen a lot in my 23 years as principal at this school. I am sure that today everyone is already accustomed to comfort and hardly anyone wants to return to a banquet in the dining room. And yet, Sergei Yuryevich noted that the entire initiative lies entirely with the parents and the children themselves. And therefore, where to spend the last school night, they decide for themselves. The main thing, the director is sure, is that farewell to the school should take place at the school.

The guys spend 10-11 years of their lives here. The school becomes their second home. Therefore, in order to preserve this atmosphere of the holiday, to extend communication with teachers and classmates a little more, the presentation of certificates and diplomas should take place here, - says Sergey Konkin.

And the students themselves agree with this. In the "55th" the first part of the graduation takes place within the walls of the school. The assembly hall is not provided for by the project; several years ago, the stage was installed right in the large corridor. The assembly hall was the second floor, where classes are located elementary school. And because the last day of school life becomes even more symbolic - the guys leave from there, where they started.

P.S.: Perhaps, in the days of our parents, prom was cheaper, but no less solemn and touching, and today not everyone can afford to send a child to prom. At the same time, in most schools, 11th graders still come up with holiday concerts, and most moms and dads do everything from year to year to make their child happy on this day, because farewell to school happens only once in a lifetime.