Activities with children on the topic of sunflowers. Children's Development Center "Sunflower"

  • 05.06.2019

Baby club

Infants have the greatest capacity for developing and absorbing essential life skills, which is why they are the most successful explorers, experimenters, scientists, learners, and teachers.

The task of adults is to create appropriate conditions for the realization of the potential of each child.

These conditions are: physical comfort ( temperature regime, freedom of movement, satisfaction of physiological needs), psychological comfort - communication with loving adults, a balance of impressions and the opportunity to relax, a general atmosphere of love and joy.

In the classroom, we try to create these conditions or learn to create them from each other and from the kids.

Topotushki, Ladushki

Classes are built in a playful way on the principle of changing activities every 3-10 minutes (taking into account age and individual characteristics group children).

The course is based on the ideas and methodological techniques of educational methods of early development (G. Domana, M. Montessori, N.A. Zaitseva, Nikitinykh, L.V. Vinogradova, N. Burakova).

Why, Znaiki

The complex includes the development of speech and mathematical abilities, teaching reading and counting according to the methods of N.A. Zaitsev, creative (drawing, modeling, appliqué) and music classes (methods of L.V. Vinogradov, M.L. Lazarev, Zheleznov, Tyutyunnikova) .

Zaitsev Cubes

Learning to read and count in a playful way. Suitable for mobile children.

In the classroom, elements of the educational methods of N.A. Zaitsev and his followers (N. Burakova, E. G. Boyarinova (Afanasova)), as well as M. Montessori and G. Doman, are used.

German for babies

The game method of learning the language "foreign as native" - ​​softly and "imperceptibly" in the process of communication and play.

The basis of the course practical guide for learning German for children preschool age E.V. Yudina "German language in kindergarten".

Discovery Lab

Classes are built in a playful way on the principle of changing activities every 3-10 minutes (taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the children in the group). Folk and author's games, poems, songs, dances are used.

The course is based on the ideas and methodological techniques of educational methods of early development and literature on scientific experimentation for children. All tasks and games are adapted to an early age.

school of good manners

  • Education of a culture of speech
  • Education of politeness
  • Education of a culture of behavior
  • Formation of cultural and hygienic skills
  • Fostering a culture of activity
  • « Table etiquette»
  • "Guest" etiquette »
  • Education of a culture of communication
  • Formation of friendly relations
  • Getting to know the rules of the road
  • Education of patriotism
  • Fundamentals of Orthodox culture


Under cheerful modern music, an hour of classes for a child will fly by interestingly and imperceptibly.

The child will learn coordination, the basics of hip-hop and subsequently develop his talent, which he will be able to show not only in the training hall, but also at competitions.

Musical Theatre

If you want your child to grow up self-confident, active, developed in all respects, able to sing correctly and beautifully, listen to good music, come to us.

Let's meet and you will learn how to achieve the best results in our common pursuit of your child's development.


Music lessons develop a sense of rhythm, emotional responsiveness, mathematical abilities, fine and general motor skills, increase the creative potential of children and adults.

Block flute

Playing the recorder in addition to general musicality and fine motor skills develops respiratory system child, contributes to the prevention of asthma, ENT diseases and speech therapy problems.

Our center for early childhood development "Sunflower" is a place where children learn about the world in a socially adapted team. Where everyone is for himself, while the team spirit does not weaken for a second. Here we do not miss a single minute, so as not to teach your baby anything.

Doing at home? Wonderful! But remember that in the company of other children, everything will be faster and more harmonious:

1) Mom is a mother and the information received from her, the child perceives differently from a stranger. He can be afraid of you, shy, tease and even refuse regular classes, and this is the basis!

2) Specialists know better when a child is ready to gain knowledge in one direction or another; with self-study, the parent does not always correctly recognize this situation and sometimes repeats several times what the child has long understood and wants to learn new things further. Or vice versa, something is missed from the whole chain and new information is already perceived in a completely different way.

3) Whatever type of occupation is chosen, the child needs a team for socialization and adaptation. He must see how other children get or do not get a certain action, analyze the data received, learn from the mistakes of others, and not just their own!

In this article, I would like to dispel the myths that appeared during the peak of the emergence of early development centers. And the first one is no matter how much the child does with his mother, all the same, all efforts will come to naught after visiting the kindergarten. This is not true, with the competent approach of teachers and the comprehensive training of the child, the knowledge gained in the classroom, the child in kindergarten will only increase and learn how to use them correctly. For example, if a child was taught to recognize 12 colors by the age of three, then in children's team he will recognize them. The only thing is that according to the standards by this time, children should know the basic 6 colors, but 12 is much better, isn't it?

Everything new is harmful and dangerous - the child begins to think beyond his years and this is bad. Another myth that can be easily dispelled by the fact that the more they work with a child, talk, teach him to think, the faster he begins to adapt to new knowledge, put it into practice, filter out what he needs and what he doesn't need!

Center for early development "Podsolnukh" is a springboard to the future: new, interesting, unforgettable! Remember, the most important thing for a child at any age is love! Not a single early development center can replace it, so we remind you once again that everything is fine, but in moderation. Do you have any questions? Call, we will be happy to answer all your questions, provide additional advice in the center, show you in practice and conduct a trial lesson.

In the Flower Fairy Workshop, the month of sunflowers. every time I want to hold a lesson at the beginning of the month, but it always turns out only at the very end. But how much the most beautiful works already made by mothers and children. I would like to contribute to the study of this beautiful flower. Here's how it went for us.

It is best to start the lesson in nature, so that the baby sees the sunflower in all its glory and marvels at its beauty and size!!! If this is not possible, then you can start with photographs or paintings depicting sunflowers.

golden sunflower,

Petals are rays.

He is the son of the sun

And a cheerful cloud.

Wakes up in the morning

The sun shines

close at night

Yellow eyelashes.

In summer, our sunflowers -

Like a colored flashlight.

In the autumn we are black

Give a seed.

A long time ago, when people discovered more and more new lands, sailors brought from a foreign country a wonderful fiery yellow flower on a high stem, and called it a sunflower.

What a beautiful sunflower -

Bright yellow, gold!

He is a gift to us from the sun

Such amazing!

Like the sun with rays

Only he does not sleep at night,

Adds color to summer

Hot, sunny colors.

And the sunflower flaunts

In the gold rays-eyelashes:

He is a gift to us from the sun

Garden summer prince!

What makes it so beautiful? (flower)

Yes, the flower gives it beauty, which is scientifically called “basket”, and we say more simply - “head”. Look, he has a thick stem. Touch it with your hands - what does it feel like? The stem is dense, strong, rough. Why do you need such a strong sunflower stem? To keep the wind from breaking it. Feel the leaves - what are they? Leaves are hard and large. But all its beauty is in the flower, right? In petals of fiery color. A lot of them? Lot. They are like the rays of the sun. What happens when the sunflower blooms? Seeds, seeds. Made from seeds sunflower oil, and you can also fry them and eat grains. Many insects fly to the sunflower, including bees, as it has delicious pollen and sweet nectar. Here is the plant we met today. And what should be done to make him grow up beautiful, strong? Take care of him: water, loosen the ground.

As always, they looked at paintings by artists with a sunflower. Now I try to insert pictures into every lesson, because just looking at them is boring, but this seems to be on topic.

Complex of rhythmic gymnastics on the ball “Sunflower”.

  • "The sunflower reaches for the sun." raise the ball over your head while rising on your toes;
  • Sunflower hides from the rain. sit down, “hide” behind the ball, hands on the ball;
  • "The wind shakes the head of a sunflower." sitting on the ball hands on the belt, tilt the head to the right / left
  • "The sunflower turns to follow the sun." Sitting on the ball, raise your hands up and turn to the left, stretch, turn to the right, stretch
  • “A strong wind has blown”. sitting on the ball, feet shoulder-width apart with feet on the floor, arms down.tilt to the right, stretching tense hands with fingers apart; the same to the left;
  • “Jolly Sunflower”. lying on the ball on the stomach, clasping the ball with legs bent at the knees, hands on the floor.push with the feet roll the ball forward with emphasis on the hands;
  • “Above the sunflower”. ball in hands in front of you. Jumping on toes in place, holding the ball in front of the chest, alternating with walking.

Fizminutka for fingers:

The finger is thick and big

Followed the sunflower.

Pointer from the threshold