Energy blocks in the human body. Energy blocks

  • 29.06.2020

If you are over 40 or about, then you probably had to experience severe fatigue after a working day, unwillingness to do something after coming home after work or unwillingness to wake up in the morning, and it seems that “the strength is not the same” and “there is not enough strength for everything” … All these are signs of weak energy. Why is the energy sector weakening over the years? This is because people tend to accumulate blocks, or "blockages", which prevent the free flow of energy in the body. Over the years, we accumulate more and more blocks, and as a result, free energy becomes less and less and the energy becomes weaker and weaker.

This article will focus on how to get rid of blocks in the energy sector and clear it of unnecessary "blockages".

What are blocks in energy

Blocks are clumps or condensations of energy that form as a result of an outburst of negative emotions. Blocks block the flow of energy and do not allow energy to flow freely through the body.

How blocks are formed

Blocks are formed as a result of traumatic situations when something did not happen the way you wanted it to. You did not accept something, considered it wrong, rebelled, experienced irritation or other powerful emotions. At the same time, you might not show emotions openly, but you had them. The emotional charge is preserved in the body in the form of a compaction of energy in a certain place.

Over time, the block grows, because over and over again you find yourself in similar situations in which this block manifests itself again.

A block is a thought form fueled by your emotions. Thoughts can be very different, for example "This is wrong", "He should behave differently", "Everyone owes me", "I must be needed and useful", "I must not refuse", "Nobody needs me" , ”Nobody loves me”, “I'd better keep my head down,” etc. When you sign your thoughts with strong emotions, by doing so, you anchor them in your astral body, this is how the block turns out.

Since these thoughts are fueled by your emotions, and most likely you continue to feed them with your experiences, it is impossible to remove the block with the help of affirmations. Affirmations do not work here, because ordinary mumbling cannot rewrite these thought forms. You need to work with the energy of this block, remove it from your energy and from the body.

The role of the reptilian brain in the formation of energy blocks

According to modern research, the human brain consists of three parts:

  • neocortex(responsible for the rational, logical thinking) - it has developed a lot in recent centuries
  • limbic brain(responsible for emotions)
  • reptilian brain(responsible for instincts) - the most ancient part of our brain

The reptilian brain plays an important role in blocking. Since he is responsible for instincts, and we have three main instincts - survival, procreation and determination of who is “ours” and who is “alien”, the reptilian brain is necessarily activated when a person experiences negative emotions.

Since this is the most ancient part of the brain, which has survived since primitive times, when negative emotions could have died or see the death of a relative, the reptilian brain is still guided by this program "Negative emotions - so I can die" and emits a strong impulse to protect to go and fight, in other words to survive.

Despite the fact that in our modern world we no longer perish from the fact that there are “strangers”, and “ours” do not always behave in a decent way, but the reptilian brain has survived to this day and still controls our behavior.

The influence of the reptilian brain is that as soon as a person has experienced negative emotions (fear, anger, hatred, resentment, rejection, rejection, etc.), the reptilian brain immediately gives him a portion of energy for protection. Since a person does not use this energy in the future (for example, the rules of decency or upbringing do not allow him to stuff the face of the offender), then this energy is nodded in the body. This is how a block is formed, and it needs energy for further maintenance.

Block is a command to "fight"

In fact, the block is your command to the subconscious "fight" with some object outside world(or with yourself), and until you give the opposite command that you are not fighting this object, that you accept everything as it is, this block will exist in your energy.

To prevent blocks from forming, you need to stop "fighting", in other words accept and not resist (inside) situations that happen to you, and learn from them.

How energy blocks affect health

Blocks block the flow of energy, as well as the work of energy centers (chakras). Chakras are responsible for healthy energy exchange with the outside world. Moreover, this exchange goes in both directions - from a person to the Universe and from the Universe to a person.

Blocks directly affect health, because energy stagnation occurs in places where blocks accumulate, which then cause psychosomatics. Psychosomatics is the result of blocks.

And the blocks, I will remind you, are thought forms fed by your emotions. That is, at the heart of the block there is always some kind of your thought, attitude, belief. If you find this thought, attitude, belief that causes strong negative emotions in you, and replace it with a positive one, then the block will go away.

Human qualities and diseases

Surely you have come across tables explaining the causes of diseases through the qualities of a person (Louise Hay or Liz Burbo). Here the whole point is that certain qualities of a person cause certain emotions, and if a person often experiences the same certain emotions, then the same blocks arise and intensify.

Have you noticed that some diseases are transmitted in families from generation to generation? In my practice, it is often gynecological diseases but there are others. There are frequent cases that both the mother and the grandmother have the disease. In this case, it works like a generic program. What is a generic program? It is a way of thinking and a way of acting that has been passed down from generation to generation.

When you increase your energy levels through sleep, rest, proper nutrition, sports, meditation, breathing exercises, qigong, etc., then you do not remove blocks from the energy. The blocks still remain and draw on some of your energy. When you stop doing exercises to increase energy, you will experience a decrease in energy and everything will return to normal - again fatigue, again lethargy, again there is no strength to do something. In other words, the blocks "consume" your own energy.

Fewer blocks - cleaner energy

But when you remove the blocks, then by doing so you release this energy, which is clogged in these blocks and you get energy for your use. The fewer blocks in your body, the more energy you have. When there are few blocks, then you do not need additional exercises to increase energy, because your body is already energetic due to the absence of "blockages" in the energy.

Thus, increasing energy through work with blocks is the most effective method increasing energy, the result is long-term.

It is important here to learn not to accumulate new blocks. And this happens through understanding what you are reacting to, what thoughts you think and what emotions you are experiencing.

The influence of blocks on a person's level of success

Since blocks are formed as a result of traumatic situations, the subconscious mind remembers this negative experience and protects you from repeating such an experience. How does the subconscious mind remember this experience? Through the creation of a block in your energy, in which the corresponding thought has been preserved ("I have no luck with money", "I always have conflicts with men, I will do without them", "I will never do this again!" And so on) and you nourished her strong emotions and thus anchored her in her astral body.

For example, if money was somehow present in a traumatic situation, then you may have a block for money. Your subconscious mind will associate the traumatic experience with money and it will be difficult for you to improve your money situation afterwards.

Blocks affect all spheres of a person's life - health, relationships with other people, career, self-expression, money, and so on.

Signs of the presence of blocks

A sign that you have blocks in some area is failure in this area, you are not getting what you want in this area.

Blocks also cause in you certain states when you do not want to do something and you have all sorts of excuses why you don’t need it - "Why do I need it, I feel so good", "Why am I going to strain", "Everything everything is useless anyway, I can’t change anything ”and so on. This block controls you.

When you have resistance to something, this is a manifestation of a certain block.

Oaths, vows, curses, "celibacy crowns" are also blocks that affect a person's success in a particular area of ​​life. Since a block is a thought-form fueled by emotions, visits to healers do not completely remove such blocks. Because healers work only with emotions, that is, with the astral body of a person, but they cannot change a person's thoughts. Only the person himself can change his thinking, the way he responds or the way he acts. This is done through the awareness of the causes and effects of their thoughts, words, reactions, actions.

How to start working with blocks

When working with a block, it is important to find a specific thought, formulate it precisely, understand in what situation it was formed, and then work through the understanding of why and why this all happened to you. You also need to reformulate that thought and articulate what you want instead. This is the only way to remove the block. At the moment of awareness, a certain movement occurs in the energy, and this is felt at the level of the body - energy is released from the block, which means that this thought, setting, belief will no longer affect your behavior. This is how you rewrite your automatic responses.

Blocks create situations of failure in a particular area of ​​life until you remove them. Once the block is removed, the situation changes.

What methods help to remove blocks from energy

You can remove old blocks from the energy by diving into yourself, focusing on your thoughts and emotions, you can always find which block controls you in a particular situation or which block creates failure for you in a particular area of ​​life.

The way not to accumulate blocks is to cultivate in yourself such an attitude towards events in which you do not experience strong negative emotions. It is about this kind of thinking, when you accept everything that happens to you.

Have you noticed that people with a good-natured character are most often energetic, even in old age? Certain personality traits are conducive to letting go conflict situations and non-accumulation of blocks - a good-natured character, humor, no pretensions, acceptance and trust.

But if you nevertheless experienced negative emotions, then you need to remove them, not accumulate in yourself. Fresh emotions can be displayed different ways, they are described in detail by psychologists - for example, to display in physical energy(go to the gym, work in the garden, wash the floor, etc.), extreme sports, speak out loud 50-100 times until you yourself get tired of “chewing”, sketch a sheet of paper with a felt-tip pen, etc. there are a lot of ways.

When you say to yourself “I am calm, I am calming down” after experiencing strong emotions, you do not remove the block, but only muffle it for a while. He will still make itself felt. But when you say to yourself, "I accept the situation with gratitude, it happened to me for this reason and for this reason, and I understand what all this is telling me" while not condemning either yourself or your opponent, then you have a chance not to hang imagine a new block block.

Healing techniques and energy practices

If you know how to feel your energy, then you can scan yourself for blocks in the energy. To do this, you need to focus your attention in the area of ​​energy seals and count the thoughts that this block is transmitting. You can scan your chakras using the same method.

If you decide to turn to a healer, then here you need to keep in mind that the healer will help you clear the energy, but will in no way help change your own thoughts... Therefore, external influences on a person's energy or energy practices themselves have a short-term effect.

But if in parallel with this you work with your beliefs, way of thinking, your qualities and way of acting, then the result will be much higher and more lasting.

So, in this article I talked about what blocks in the energy sector are, where they come from and how to remove them. If you are haunted by a state of dissatisfaction, failure in any area of ​​life, then this is a sign that you have blocks on this topic. The situation can be changed by removing the corresponding blocks.

If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them. If you wish, you can work with energy blocks with me, with blocks, diseases and energy, I also work.

When removing various blocks on the subtle plane, they express themselves in completely different images, and their appearance can lie in dozens of reasons, the main of which is fear (of the world, parents, work, oneself, self-expression, etc.). Some wards can read information about the occurrence of blocks,. Here are some examples from a recent session:

Stomach problems: removed the ring in it. Rejection and fear of high responsibility at work, especially before new projects.
Nausea: a block in the throat from the egregor of sales, when you decorate, lie, distort information for the client.
Unhealthy love: a red ball in the heart, blocks emotions, does not allow true love, express feelings.
Excessive pity: dense haze around the heart, blocks emotions, catches up inner guilt
Rigidity in relationships: a record in the head, does not allow you to go beyond the comfort zone, enjoy a relationship, accept a partner playfully, without templates and expectations
Belief “I owe my parents”: a dark lump in the chest. Instilled by parents in childhood, provokes feelings of guilt and rejection at the same time
Duty to mom ("I gave birth to you, now you owe me your whole life!"): A metal star for the whole chest, provokes mistrust, rejection of mom, constant scandals
Helmet with wires from the ancient war of the technomages. The winners broke the will of the vanquished. Provokes laziness, apathy, amorphousness
Iron box on my heart: I closed my heart so as not to feel pain (my own and someone else's). Partly due to being beaten by my mother as a child.
A receiver that plays random songs in the head, especially in the morning: a microphone and a piece of iron in the brain, wires lead to the heart. It is placed to drain energy and switch attention by different players.

Most of these blocks are installed by a person himself, or he gives permission to install / attracts, although everyone must to be considered from the point of view of individuality, there is no one rule for all.

Excerpts from a session with K., in which we mainly examined devices that absorb different kinds energy inherited from loved ones or imposed by a system of social values. Almost always, such gifts are placed out of ignorance, by accident or out of good intentions, but whether you need to carry them in yourself for years is a big question, especially after you see how all this beauty looks on the subtle plane or you live in immersion "forgotten" emotions ...

Brother's gloves

We saw gloves on our hands. Leather with metal plates. Asked the owner. Came brother K., with whom the relationship in life is cool and strained, and at an early age it was, and still continues. The brother confirmed that his things were put on a long time ago, in childhood. They took energy and gave it to their brother. They appeared when K. himself was 5-6 years old, his brother was about 13.

At first, the brother was the best friend, little K. trusted him. But when the elder began to grow up and turned into a teenager, this trust began to be manipulated. My brother cheated, forced him to do what K. did not want to do, and used him. By this he studied K. and explored his possibilities for influence, a normal process for a teenager, in general, but not entirely normal for little boy, who had not even gone to school yet, where the techniques were "practiced".

The gloves were dissolved, each took his energy. Found a source of light from my brother. Stretched out a ray of light to his Spark. We spoke words of forgiveness. They took the "stuck" potential out of this relationship. They gave everything that had lodged in K. himself; at that moment, tears flowed from him. There was a feeling of understanding of the brother and the situation, of unity that could not be achieved in everyday reality. They asked for forgiveness, forgiven, thanked and let go. The Guardian confirmed that they did everything right with this childish situation, and you can move on.

Shoulder pad and rope from mom

There is heaviness on the left shoulder. We saw a shell-shell. Pulled out, treated with light. The dark gray shoulder pad was physically painful. The invention is not his own, first the image of the first wife surfaced, before meeting her nothing of the kind was observed. We dug deeper, it turned out that the "gift" was not from the former, but from K.'s own mother, her work. Mom and first wife did not love each other. Mom did not approve of the marriage, she believed that the daughter-in-law claims only for the income of her son, she does not feel any love, she wanted to protect. And, in principle, that time my mother was right. She then believed that all women want only material benefits, but now her opinion has changed - she likes her new wife. I agreed to remove the linings. They forgave my mother, asked her for forgiveness, accepted and let her go. The overlay slowly dissolved.

We scanned the body for threads from mom to energy centers. Found a thick rope from heart to heart white... Neither K. nor mom needs this rope. It appeared a long time ago, also in childhood. In this way, mother wanted to keep the youngest son by her side, nothing like that leads to his brother, only to K. The rope was dissolved. They took theirs, gave away someone else's. Nothing came to the request for karmic connections and contracts. They explained everything to my mother, thanked her and saw her off.

Invited ex-wife... Feels like there are no connections and debts left, everything is fine. We thanked her for the experience, left only what was needed. We set an intention to return, to take away all the pieces of our soul. We sent all the pieces that do not belong to K. to their owners. There was a feeling of composure, integrity - it was visualized as a room that is filled with light.

Father's mask to hold back emotions

A mask was found on his face. It looked like a white plaster of paris. They requested a functional - hiding emotions and feelings. The image of the father appeared. It came that it was better for K., his father wanted to protect him. Now relations with my father are normal, but the mask, like all previous devices, was installed in childhood, and still works by inertia.

When little K. wanted to show emotions, his father said that this was not done, it was not accepted. I wanted to cry, but my dad didn’t approve, gave the attitude “men don’t cry,” this attitude took root in the body with a hard mask, and at the same time began to interfere with expressing oneself, seeing and perceiving reality, distorted the picture. My brother has the same mask, by the way, but they were allowed to clean only with K., each of these stories must work out for himself. The mask is associated with outbursts of anger in K. The mask was completely dissolved, they took away their energy from there. Nothing superfluous connects with the father anymore.

Outbursts of anger. Programs from childhood

We watched the outbursts of anger. We tried to understand what explodes inside when irritated, where is the source. Track an emotion or subpersonality. In response, an understanding came that this was due to the role of a parent, the disobedience of children (2 daughters, both preschoolers) annoyed. There is a program that children must obey, because K. was taught that he himself must always obey his elders. As a child, he was taught that happiness will be only when you do what your parents tell you to do, and nothing else.

He obeyed, little one. And now he expects the same from his children. A whole protest is born inside: since K. himself had it like this in childhood, why should it be somehow different now? There is a feeling of resentment that K. in childhood did not have the will and courage to behave as freely as his children behave today. But at the same time comes the realization that the girls are doing just fine.

We set an intention, when outbursts of anger, to remember our inner child and understand that it is not worth envying children, there is nothing constructive in this. Moreover, the flashes did not work as they would like: the children were frightened, but did not become more obedient from this. K. recalls how he went through all this in childhood and understands that he does not want such a system of upbringing for his children.

We worked with the intention of setting - an automatic brake, which will be triggered every time you want to flare up, in order to first adequately perceive the reason, and then react. Requested unpacking for more information on alternative methods of communicating with children, not through threat or punishment.

They asked little K. what he would like most of all. I would like my parents to just be there, understand and love, without conditions. Little K. did not have enough attention, they sent him all their understanding and attention. They gave him everything that he wanted so much in childhood - love, joy, attention, so that he felt that he was loved, filled in all the emptiness in him. We have integrated little K. into an adult today through Iskra. Adopted their inner child. They promised to sometimes release this inner child in nature, in games with children, doing what they like, not to forget about him and reckon with his interests, as far as possible.

Egregors of work

We decided to look at the connection with the egregors of professional activity (IT sphere). We looked at what was at the top of the pyramid (Kaspersky company), what channel, the pyramid was not found there at all, rather a tunnel. The feeling of yellow light below and dark above, nothing criminal, but there is no special glow either. We asked the keeper to show if there are unnecessary connections with the egregor of Kaspersky. Nothing was found in the field. We checked the connection with the current project. Comfortable sensations - calmness, confidence, yellow light. We skipped ahead, scanned changes, pitfalls, risks. Nothing inorganic. This work suits K.

Are there any plug-ins in production now or in the future, what to be wary of? You need to avoid what you don't like, what is perceived as negative, trust your intuition, not do what is not interesting. If the project involves too much effort, it will not bring the desired effect today.

Intuitive channel

How long does it take to work with a project to get an intuitive correct estimate? How long is it? Up to several days.

They asked the keeper to help open and strengthen the reflex, "pump" the intuition channel. When I tried to describe the channel, the feeling of "yes, this is interesting" passed like an anchor in my head. Such a state is what K. needs to catch in order to hear his inner voice... They caused this state, when intuition was turned on, tried to remember it, to feel where it resonates in physics, so that later it would be possible to clearly define it, not to be confused.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate ours from not ours, or to extract information autonomously)


Unpleasant energy formations are a frequent occurrence in the area of ​​the eyebrow chakra, because by opening the all-seeing eye, a person becomes vulnerable.

To know how to remove a block of the third eye, you first need to establish its cause, work with energy flows of different strengths and study the specifics of your chakra. With experience, every esoteric person develops his own ways of protecting himself from blocks, and also learns to get rid of them in the process of habitual meditations.

Basic information about power units

It can be argued with some certainty that the activity of the brow chakra is negatively affected by all three types of blocks: energetic, psychological and magical. In the first case, we are talking about a difficult flow of light and information flow from Space. The second type of obstacles is associated with mental prohibitions of a person, which he can put even unconsciously.

Psychological blocks are especially important to take into account when working with the third eye, since this organ of intuitive vision is very sensitive to any setting in the head.

The magic block is the inability to realize your skills of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, etc.

It is with energy difficulties that a person most often encounters in the course of working with Ajna. However, a psychological block can also lead to an energy-type block.

If we generalize all the existing blocks of the energetic type that hinder the work of the third eye, we can distinguish several typical cases:

  • Lost contact with others energy field and a stable energy exchange is disrupted. In this case, the chakra is damaged or simply blocked.
  • An energetic imbalance is felt, associated with the fact that one chakra is more developed than the others, or, conversely, with the fact that the energy center is fading away against the background of the work of other chakras. Also, violations of this type can be caused by the attraction of energy to the chakra of an inappropriate level and a sharp outflow of energy.
  • The energy channel is damaged... Any chakra in the human energy system has a connection with the channels through which the energy flows. These channels can become clogged as a result of excess negative thoughts and feelings in a person's life, which is why all sorts of problems arise with the third eye.

The brow chakra itself is also distinguished by a specific energy charge and allowable volume. Therefore, with increased tension or a strong flow of information, an excessively powerful charge may form, which will clamp the chakra. In contrast to the blockage of the channels, this situation is characterized by the previous flow of energy into Ajna, but at the same time the activity of the third eye itself is carried out with impairments.

In addition, sometimes the glabellar chakra becomes clogged with a large amount of negativity, from which the energy tissues are very damaged. This kind of problem can lead to complete inactivity of the chakra in the future. The system of work of the energy center is arranged in such a way that, with appropriate emotions, the sixth chakra opens and releases the energy necessary for our biofield.

If disruptions occur, Ajna can stop giving energy, which will affect the quality of expression of emotion.

Energy blocks are not only limiting, but also protective. In particular, psychics know about such a concept as "stub". We are talking about an additional energy layer on the brow chakra, which protects a person from full vision of the subtle worlds.

Such control is necessary so that novice esotericists are not shocked by the huge amount of information that the Universe has. You should first gain experience, expand the level of your consciousness, improve your own energy configuration, and only then think about how to remove the plug from the third eye.

Block elimination technique: general rules

Excessive negative material

If the chakra (or the supplying energy channel) suffers from the presence of excess negative material, cleansing is required. The degree of Ajna's renewal is determined by the diagnostics of the energy center, within the framework of which it is possible to determine how deep the clot of negativity lies.

With the appropriate experience, one can even determine the time of the appearance of bad energy in the chakra, because the negativity that has strayed into a lump inside Ajna indicates a long-standing situation (from six months to a year). The negative clot is removed from the third eye with the help of pure energy flows, corresponding in color to certain chakras.

  • Ajna corresponds blue color and a shade of indigo, so even a simple contemplation of images in these tones clears the energy center.
  • It is also useful to use the green spectrum of energy for healing the chakra and restoring its individual fragments, if the negative accumulated in Ajna for a long time and managed to seriously harm.
  • The violet flow of energy is also actively used, since it neutralizes blocks and disinfects the biofield. With this shade, you can also soften very large bad clots, however, for this purpose, white light is often used.

In addition to rendering paintings in the colors you want you can imagine how the negative areas in the chakra are washed by the flow of energy and go deep into the Earth. For superficial negativity, even one session of such cleansing is enough.

If the chakra has a block

If the chakra has a block that causes a strong overstrain in it, first of all, one should look for negative cause-and-effect relationships, which the third eye subtly feels. As soon as the negative factor of the inner or outer life of a person is eliminated, the chakra can return to normal.

Most often, the reason for the tension of the third eye is hidden in some kind of mindset or behavior. For example, Ajnu often crushes a person's contempt for other people. Very often, blocks occur after strong unspoken grievances, constant feeling hatred or envy. Ajna is often blocked due to the life of the individual in the captivity of illusions and star sickness.

After the reason for the blockage of the chakra is established, you will need to work on your model of behavior and internal principles of perceiving events. For example, among the psychological blocks that can affect the activity of the third eye, low self-esteem is often listed. You can deal with this problem by giving up idols and constant comparisons of yourself with other people, as well as developing your own talents.

And the brow chakra can also be disturbed by the difficult socialization of the individual and his difficult relationship with the opposite sex. This situation must already be resolved through full recognition of oneself and a partner as equal individuals, respect and the creation of zones of common responsibility and complete freedom. In principle, a non-conflict and benevolent person rarely has blocks on any chakra. Therefore, you need to perceive the world as a part of yourself, not get out of balance from minor everyday problems and respect each person on your life path.

By changing the perception of consciousness, you can achieve a change in the behavioral response, and this will already allow the third eye to work.

Therefore, this technique of liberating the chakra is called reawareness.

Effective practices

Automatic cap removal

Removal of the cap from the third eye usually occurs at an automatic level. It is enough to pay attention to any intensive technique for the development of clairvoyance and try to overcome the boundaries of your consciousness. Close your eyelids, relax, feel yourself.

Before focusing on the opened infinity, direct your forces to building your own energy body. At the same time, one should control oneself well and maintain concentration of attention on oneself, so as not to break away from it ahead of time.

Focusing on yourself means more than just visualizing the changes that are taking place in consciousness. First, you need to constantly observe yourself in the state of "here and now" in order to begin to notice some kind of internal expansion over time.

If practical exercises do not help to get rid of the plug, you need to clear the energy channel, using, for example, the method of interaction with an energy crystal and golden balls.

Improving the quality of visions of the glabellar chakra

To remove blocking types of energy from the third eye and return to the perception of the aura, it is necessary to improve the quality of visions of the eyebrow chakra. At any comfortable posture touch your forehead with your right palm so that the fingers are wide apart from each other and the middle finger is directed to the sides of the hair. The little finger should reach a little to the left temple, and the thumb, on the contrary, to the right.

It turns out a kind of gripping gesture with fingers spread. Then you need to lightly press your hand on the entire frontal bone and Ajna in particular. Try to squeeze your forehead as if kneading dough, or want to get inside your head. Hold your palm in this way for a full minute.

Then you can relax your efforts, since you will already feel the integrity of two energies - the whole body and a separate hand. Your energy counterpart will penetrate your head through your forehead to the center of your head. Squeeze the hand gradually, imagining how the energy hand is also squeezing negative energy in the third eye. This is how the block is removed: the fingers are collected in a bundle in the process of visualizing the capture of energy.

Then you slowly pull the blob of negativity out of your body, connecting all your fingers at the point between the eyebrows. Clench your hand into a fist and point towards the center of the earth. Imagine that the strongest fire is raging there, into which you throw energy.

Ajna Purification Technique

This technique not only cleanses Ajna, but also helps to restore her former activity, i.e. relieve the state of lethargy or stupor. Get into a comfortable sitting or reclining position.

Close your eyelids, relax. Extend either finger on your right palm. Press it on the third eye, using only the pad, and not the entire phalanx. Keep your finger straighter and maintain pressure for 5-7 seconds. Then slowly move your palm a couple of millimeters so that the contact between the forehead and the finger is maintained, but there is no tension. After 5-7 seconds, repeat the pressure on the brow chakra.

Do this for 10 minutes to feel the sixth center energy cylinder push and pull with your finger.

"How to remove the block of the third eye?" - this question is asked by esotericists with different levels of experience, since none of them is completely immune from internal, and even more so external, negativity. Try to identify problems in Ajna's work in a timely manner, observing your condition during and after practices.

If you are unable to overcome the obstacle on your own, you can seek help from psychics who can cleanse the eyebrow energy center and fill it with a clean glow.

Blocks appear constantly as you grow.

When we remove the blocks, the energy centers are released, space will be freed up in this sector of life, and the person realizes something new. You will become richer, more successful. Go to the next level of your realization. And there will be other blocks. And that's okay.

Working through blocks is a skill. Which must be used all your life. Just like washing your face, brushing your teeth. That is, we keep ourselves in energetic purity.

These are the areas through which we interact with the outside world.

These are cavities into which energy and information enter and are processed. In fact, on the basis of these energy centers, channels of communication with the outside world are created.

It is on the energy centers that the blocks live.

Energy center Source is the lowest... Drainage of waste energy in the energy field of the Earth. Natural audio channel. The sound range is being worked out. No wonder they say Ass heard.

When we were in embryo, we were like a molecular bagel. In the process of cell division, our body grew, the donut burst, and we took on human form. One part of this complex mechanism for accepting and processing information that played a critical role in the survival of the early embryo.

If the energy-information center Source is blocked, and it is blocked when you were frightened or suppressed, then the carrying capacity of this energy center decreases, the person stops hearing the words. Everything is in order with the ears, but the Istok energy-information center, which processes and stores information in the form of sound, stops working. That is why we listen to the words, but we do not hear. When the Source information center is blocked by blocks of fear and suppression, an energetic constipation occurs. The power system is swamped.

The characteristic indicators of the blocking of the Source energy center are: Severity, apathy, total apathy.

Remove blocks from the source energy center and clear hearing will wake up. This will help to hear all the possibilities of the Universe, to hear your inner voice, to hear the essence of the words of other people. Stop getting into ridiculous situations.

The germ. Video channel. The power of pleasure, excitement, zeal, involvement is born.

Before you get inspired you saw. And you are ready to create, to move.

If the energy center Zarod is blocked, you were shamed, accused. They cause stiffness, dullness, do not want to, look at the world through a dark window, quickly deflate, nothing pleases.

Remove the guilt and shame blocks and you will be liberated. Clairvoyance will awaken. You will see your perspectives, the fastest correct steps, you will see a huge number of opportunities. This is one of the secrets of Success.

Energy Center Belly.

The navel area. Life force... Internal discipline. Power.

It is this function that helps us to appeal to our lives, to control our body. This is the control of the state of sensations of the body. Your interaction in the physical world depends on how well this Energy Center works. You know how to correctly prioritize for every day, for life.

Blocks Energy Center Belly Anger... The function of internal discipline gets confused. Loss of control over the sensations of the state of the body. A person ceases to control the energy of life. You take on a lot of things, but the results are zero. It seems like they are not completely overworked, but the fatigue is enormous.

Percy. Solar plexus. Feelings and emotions.

Blocked by failures and defeats... There is uncertainty about what we are doing.

Fret on the right side of the chest.

It is a Relationship Building Energy Center. Creation of social communication, social interaction. It manifests itself through Veda, trust and respect. This is what allows us to get along with people.

It is blocked by impudence, withholding, disrespect... Discord sets in. If we betray ourselves in the same way, we change ourselves, we lose faith in ourselves.

Lelya Energy Center of Clarity.

This is knowledge of oneself, knowledge of one's destiny. What is true, what is false. Lelya's energy center is blocked by sloppiness... Discharge of responsibility.

There is no money, but the government is to blame. Parents brought up that way. Blocked by self-pity.

The salient features are laziness. Sleepy state. Avoiding Difficulty. I want everything to be easy.

The basis of the Lelia energy center is work, development, tension, effort. If a person avoids efforts, then he will oppose himself to the Universe. Development always goes through effort.

The mouth is the energy center of speech and memory.

Blocked by lies, foul language, claims, reproaches to other people... Stuttering, stuttering, forgetting sets in.

Chelo Energy Center target acquisition.

If the goal is correct, yours, adequate, then we quickly achieve it, we know what to do and feel like winners. We add purpose to ourselves. We become whole. If our goal is not our own, the Energy Center of the Chelo is blocked. We are losing our bearings in life. We are losing our goals.

Spring power.

Blocks the Spring by giving up power... Money is the result of the value that we transmit to the universe.

How to remove energy blocks. Technique for eliminating internal blocks and uncomfortable conditions.

Focus on what you are failing. If you have found such a direction, look, feel and what it feels like prevents you from realizing this goal. What internal state is interfering. Laziness, Apathy, fear. Self-pity. Uncertainty.

Reproduce the state of the problem situation. Feel the tension in your body or outside. We are guided by sensations. Find the epicenter and touch this place with your hand. Begin by feeling with your inner eye. It can be blurry, large or small, hot or cold, whether it has a color, old or young, its own or someone else's. This is how the block is discovered.

Practice working out the block.

I want to. We take this to the required energy center, we are now restoring the primordial energy. Everything mine returns to me, everything alien returns to the being from which it manifested itself.

With one hand we hold on to the found place on the body, with the other hand we touch the inner corner of the eye. Feet touching the floor. I accept everything that was held back. Have changed your hand. Feel it. Inhale I accept everything that was held. Exhale, letting go of everything that was held. I want to. We take this to the necessary energy centers, we are now restoring the primordial energy. Everything mine remains for me, everything that is alien returns to the being from which it manifested itself.

We accompany the waste energy downstairs. This will eliminate the blocks. We found it, determined its properties and elaboration. You will see how painful experiences are removed. The inner world is like a dump. We carefully take one trash bin and put it away.

This technique actually works the blocks.

This work is not pleasant. But it needs to be done. This is the path of transformation. There will be a lot of energy. Just go off the charts. You can do it as often as you like. Do you know that it is difficult for you - you worked - you got energy - you got the result.

Elena Azhevskaya

Cleansing from negativity: how to remove energy blocks for yourself

"Each person is the creator of his own destiny"(Ancient philosopher Sallust)

Hello, Dear friends! In tickets number: 2, 3, 4 of this cheat sheet, we have already discussed the topic of psychological barriers and how you can reprogram yourself for success. But what does cleansing from negativity imply from an energetic point of view?

In this article, we will analyze how to remove energy blocks and independently cleanse yourself of negative subconscious programs and blockages.

Energetic cleansing

It is easier to remove all sorts of problems if you shape them. To do this, it is necessary not only to identify the feeling that needs to be worked out, but also, listening to your body, analyze where it is, what it feels like. Then you need to direct your attention and the message of liberation to this area.

On the other hand, you can regularly cleanse your energy channels and chakras and slowly, the energy will clear all the "garbage accumulated over the years." To do this, you just need to imagine how energy moves through energy channels. Breathing can be used. Such exercise will be a good addition to gymnastics and will have a positive effect on the restoration of mental and physical health.


When a reason is identified, in addition to emotional and energetic cleansing, remove the block using an action. Action is good for dealing with fear.

To do this, you need to make a plan: "What can I do to neutralize the worst-case scenario?" Then we begin to gradually implement this plan in life. Now we know that we are doing everything that depends on us. Thus, action dissolves fear. Well, the Universe, of course, will help!

Switching to the positive

Don't get hung up on getting rid of negativity. At a certain moment, you yourself will feel it, you have to say to yourself - “I've had enough!”, And switch your attention to building a new reality.

Fear, resentment, sadness in the past, at least for the most part. Everything is good now! Now you need to turn your attention to strengthening the connection between your consciousness and your own. After all, only the True Self of a person is able to bring him out of the oppressed state and lead to a better reality.

Don't worry about something going unnoticed. With the rise energy vibrations and the direction of thinking in a constructive direction, the remaining blocks will manifest themselves. They just won't be able to be with you anymore. Here it is necessary to understand what has "surfaced" (), to realize, accept and let go. But this is no longer such a difficult job.

You can also use spiritual tools: joy, gratitude, blessing, message unconditional love... You can also use mantras. In general, everything that contributes to an increase in vibrations and access to your spiritual component.

Practical Activity: Removing Obstacles Using Visualization

You can remove blocks using visualization. To do this, you need to plunge into a meditative level, connect to the Source of energy from above and below, concentrate your attention on the area of ​​life that you would like to establish.

Trusting your intuition, you need to determine the place where the energy block associated with negative experiences in the past is located. Next, you need to imagine how the energy of Light and Love dissolves this energy clot.

In turn, life events associated with failure in this area of ​​life will emerge: you need to feel where the clot is and dissolve it. Tears are possible, especially if you are just starting to work on cleansing. But with each time you do this exercise, you will become calmer and calmer.

After working through the blocks, a few memories, you yourself will feel when, we simply fill ourselves with light, so that the light spreads a certain distance from you. Now you need to program yourself for all the good things. Bad memories that attracted negativity are gone. Now everything is fine, you can plan a new life!

I cannot say that it is easy to work through the blocks. But the main thing here is simply to force yourself to start moving in the direction of cleansing your "accumulator of experiences": which, like pitfalls, interfere with the success of each of us.

Perhaps the experience of other people will help start moving along. But on my own I noticed that when everything is comprehended, the reason is clarified, the block is found, it is easier to remove it with the help of another person. For this, there are certain energy techniques in. And if you need such help - write.

Even if an inner voice says that this is all nonsense, sabotage and so on, you just need to start acting. When energy is released, you won't have to persuade yourself to cleanse yourself, because it is nice to feel fulfilled and you want to become a stronger, more harmonious and more joyful person.

With love and respect, Elena Azhevskaya.

Success cheat sheet, ticket number 13.