Rules for the selection of linoleum for different rooms in the apartment. How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment Linoleum for an apartment types

  • 29.08.2019

The range of materials for flooring is replenished with new types, presenting us with such exotic materials as cork and self-leveling flooring. But this in no way reduces the popularity of linoleum, which is still one of the budget and at the same time durable floor coverings.

In different rooms - different linoleum

Today you can find linoleum, which differs not only in shade and pattern, but also in performance and purpose (for an apartment, industrial or public premises). How to choose linoleum? Find out what type of room linoleum is intended for, possible by marking, consisting of two digits, the first of which indicates the type of room:

  • 1 - apartment;
  • 2 - office;
  • 3 - public or industrial premises.

The second digit indicates the level of coating strength:

  • 1 - low strength;
  • 2 - medium strength;
  • 3 - high strength;
  • 4 - very high strength.

Marking 23 indicates that such linoleum can be laid in the kitchen in an apartment in which two people live. In the same room, but with a large number of residents, you will need class 31 linoleum.

You can find out what type of room the linoleum is intended for by marking, consisting of two numbers, the first of which indicates the type of room, the second - well, the level of strength of the coating.

Here are the main rules for choosing linoleum or how to choose linoleum:

  • pay attention to the smell of the material. A pungent smell indicates the presence in linoleum a large number harmful chemical impurities, which means low quality. Quality linoleum has no smell;
  • choose linoleum with an additional protective coating (antibacterial or varnish). A floor with such a coating is easier to clean, dirt does not eat into it;
  • to determine the quality of the coating, it is necessary to unroll the entire roll. Only in this way will protrusions and irregularities, bumps and peeling of the film become noticeable, in a word, defects that cannot be corrected;
  • pay attention to the shade of linoleum. There should be no extraneous inclusions on the surface (their presence indicates the content of various impurities that are not present in a quality material);
  • When buying multiple rolls, make sure they are from the same batch, as samples from different batches will vary in color even if their part numbers are the same.

Acquired linoleum cannot be folded in half; adhesive tape should not be glued to its front side. In order not to damage the material during transportation, it must be rolled up. front side inside.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of linoleum are the following:

  • unpretentiousness in care. The material is easy to clean with a damp cloth, it is moisture resistant, it is only important to monitor the quality of its installation, as improper installation will damage the coating due to water ingress;
  • strength and durability. The right type of coating will last for decades, linoleum does not wear out and is not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;
  • high sound insulation. Unlike porcelain stoneware, linoleum muffles the sound of impacts, falling heavy objects, and even walking in heels;
  • budget. Compared to other analogues (parquet, tile, self-leveling floor), the cost of linoleum is several times lower.

Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;

The disadvantages of linoleum are:

  • Seams. When laying over a large area, it becomes necessary to join several sheets. Over time, dust accumulates in the formed seams, which greatly spoils the appearance of the floor;
  • swelling of the surface, which is the result of unprofessional installation;
  • susceptibility to temperature. No matter how durable linoleum is, it is still not a tile and you should not put hot pots on it.

Which linoleum to choose from a bunch of types

Linoleum is divided into several types depending on:

  • production material: natural, PVC, alkyd, rubber, nitrocellulose;
  • purpose: household, semi-commercial, commercial;
  • the presence of a base: with or without a base;
  • number of layers: heterogeneous (multilayer) or homogeneous (single layer).

The highest quality, and therefore the most expensive natural linoleum. Its basis is jute, tree resin, cork, linseed oil and mineral additives. Such material has high strength and thermal insulation, has a noble appearance and is safe for health. The disadvantages are the homogeneity of the structure (only one layer), a limited palette of shades and high cost compared to synthetic counterparts.

PVC linoleum can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The type of material depends on the number of layers. The most durable is commercial, followed by semi-commercial and household. Linoleum of the first type is indispensable for the kitchen and hallway, living room, nursery and other rooms with massive furniture. you can lay semi-commercial linoleum. Household linoleum is the most vulnerable, so it is only suitable for a bedroom or guest room.

Alkyd linoleum has high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but low strength and low resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber linoleum(relin) is made from synthetic rubber mixed with bitumen. This is a fairly elastic and moisture resistant material, but is not suitable for use in residential areas due to hygiene requirements.

For the kitchen a special approach

The requirements for the kitchen floor are much higher than for the flooring in any other room in the apartment. This is strength, and moisture resistance, and heat resistance, and a noble appearance. The best choice for the kitchen will be commercial pvc linoleum grade 31. Such a coating will withstand temperature extremes, and high humidity, and the ingress of chemicals. Natural linoleum is not used in the kitchen due to its low strength.

Which linoleum is better for the kitchen. Kitchen linoleum should have a multilayer (heterogeneous) structure with a protective layer thickness of 0.35 - 0.7 mm. Homogeneous linoleum is not suitable for the reason that it does not have a protective layer, and without it, the pattern will be erased very soon.

The strength of linoleum directly depends on its density, the denser the material, the stronger it is. When buying, it is easy to determine by weight: dense linoleum will be heavier.

As for the shade, most often the kitchen floor is finished warm colored linoleum(natural yellowish-brown and beige tones). You can visually enlarge a small space by laying linoleum with a small pattern on the floor. But the coating with a large ornament will favorably shade the furniture. Next, we will discuss which linoleum is better.

Popular brands and approximate cost

Which manufacturer of linoleum is better? Depending on the material of manufacture and the type of linoleum, its cost per square meter. m. can range from 168 rubles. (household) up to 880 rubles. (commercial). The cost of semi-commercial linoleum averages 314 - 747 rubles per square meter. m.

The highest quality is the products of the following manufacturers or which linoleum is the best:

  • Tarkett. The company provides a huge range of household and commercial type linoleum with different operational characteristics. Among the products presented, you can find options for various price categories (from 300 to 1300 rubles per sq. M.).
  • Juteks also produces products of high quality and average cost (235 - 326 rubles per sq. m.).
  • Gerflor- a French company offering exquisite and high-quality products (369 - 895 rubles per sq. m.).
  • IVC- Belgian brand, produces linoleum under stone, wood, wool and marble (250 - 416 rubles per sq. M.).

Linoleum flooring.

It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

Installation begins with the calculation of the required amount of material. For this it is necessary calculate the area of ​​the room by measuring the length and width. When taking measurements, you need to take into account the doorways, leaving 10 cm each for their share. Since the pieces of linoleum will have to be joined, another 5-7 cm must be added to the results obtained. For example, for finishing the floor in a room of 3 by 5 meters you will need 16 meters of linoleum (3m + 7 cm stock) * (5 m + 10 cm on the doorway + 7 cm stock) = 16 square meters.

How wide is linoleum? Linoleum available in widths 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or 4 meters. The best option would be the one in which the linoleum will lie over the entire area with a minimum number of joints.

Next, you need to adjust the linoleum to the size of the room. It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

It is necessary to lay linoleum on the most even surface. Surface preparation consists in cleaning it, removing debris and old coatings. If there are protrusions on the concrete base, they need to be knocked down, and irregularities (you can read about leveling the floor and).

IN small spaces with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. Flaw this method that after a while blisters will appear on the floor.

If you have leveled with self-leveling mixtures or concrete, then you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, because under the linoleum the moisture will not evaporate and will lead to rotting and mold development under the floor.

You can attach linoleum to the floor with glue or skirting boards. The first option is suitable for large rooms and when laying with an overlap. To do this, it is necessary to apply building glue to the surface of the floor and deploy a roll of linoleum on it, previously adjusted to the size of the room.

In small rooms with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor. Thus, laying linoleum without taking into account preparatory workwill take about 2 hours.

  • It is better to lay linoleum not on bare concrete, but on a substrate made of wool, jute, flax.
  • If linoleum already has a fabric base, then it is better to glue it with dispersion adhesive or bituminous mastic.
  • It is necessary to lay linoleum at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.
  • Joints can be sealed with wide-head nails, aluminum strips and cold welding(special glue). Last option allows you to make the seams less noticeable.

How much does it cost to install linoleum by a professional?

The cost of laying linoleum depends on its type. So the installation of household and commercial linoleum on glue will cost about 250 - 350 rubles per sq.m. (together with material), installation running meter plinth 70 - 100 rubles, installation of the nut 100 - 150 rubles. per running meter. If there is a need for additional work (dismantling the old floor, leveling, building a screed), then the total cost of laying linoleum increases.

Linoleum remains one of the most popular floor coverings. Many, when repairing an apartment, are faced with the need to select the right coverage, and many questions arise here, since there are a lot of varieties of linoleum. In this article we will tell you how to choose linoleum for an apartment and specifically for each type of room.

Natural or artificial material

Before starting the selection, it is necessary to clearly define what type of linoleum you will use, natural or artificial. Natural linoleum includes such components as:

  • wood flour;
  • natural resins;
  • Linseed oil;
  • natural dyes.

Of course, this material is environmentally friendly, complies with all fire safety standards, and is easily cleaned from various kinds pollution. However, the cost of such material is an order of magnitude higher than that of artificial analogues. The natural coating does not conduct electricity and practically does not shrink after installation.

The composition of artificial linoleum includes polyvinyl chloride and many other chemical components. Household and semi-commercial material is safe, but when exposed to temperatures above 27 degrees, it begins to exude toxic substances. In addition, it has a much greater shrinkage than natural, but it is much cheaper.

Important. When repairing apartments, experts do not recommend laying commercial and rubber linoleum in residential premises, since environmental safety requirements for them are underestimated and their use is only permissible in office buildings with good ventilation.

Linoleum class selection

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment and specific rooms, you need to study the coverage classes:

  • In rooms with low traffic, such as a bedroom or study, you can lay linoleum of 21-22 wear resistance class;
  • In the living room, you can lay a floor of class 22, if 1-2 people live in the apartment. If the family is large, then it is better to use class 23;
  • For children's rooms, class 21 is used if available small child or 22-23 grade if there are several children;
  • In the presence of a large family and the frequent reception of guests, it is better to use class 31-32 linoleum in living rooms and hallways.

For your information. The higher the class of coverage, the higher its cost.. If you have limited financial resources, then you should not buy coverage of a larger class than the room requires.

Selection of linoleum for a specific room

Kitchen linoleum

When choosing a linoleum coating for the kitchen, you need to be guided by two main criteria, the material's resistance to mechanical stress and moisture resistance. by the most best solution for the kitchen there will be natural linoleum, which also has the name "marmoleum". This is a natural fabric-based coating, which is usually used as jute. This linoleum will last long enough, has high strength and makes it possible to easily remove various contaminants using modern detergents.

If financial possibilities do not allow the use of a natural coating, then you can also buy synthetic linoleum, only at the time of purchase it is necessary to clarify the service life of the material. You should not save on kitchen linoleum, make sure that the material meets GOST standards and quality certificates from the manufacturer.

Important. When deciding which linoleum for an apartment to use in the kitchen, take into account the opinion of experts who recommend using a semi-commercial coating. This linoleum has a durable decorative layer, reinforced protective coating and has sufficient density to withstand accidental drops of kitchen utensils.

Usually, imitation material is chosen for the kitchen. natural stone, parquet board or ceramic tiles. It must be remembered that increased antiseptic indicators are needed for the kitchen. Natural linoleum itself is an antiseptic due to the use of flax. With synthetic coatings, it is necessary to use a substrate with antiseptic characteristics, such as jute.

Important. Try to choose the width of the roll in such a way that the coating does not have joints, since this is the most vulnerable point of the material with the features of the kitchen.

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway

The most vulnerable linoleum in the apartment is in the corridor and hallway, since these are the premises with the highest traffic, which greatly accelerates the process of abrasion of the coating. If one or two people live in the apartment, then it makes no sense to overpay and you can use coverage of class 22-23.

At big family and high passability of the premises, the coating must have at least 0.25 mm of the protective layer and a thickness of at least 4 mm. The most reliable option would be to use a class 31-32 coating, which is also used in office space with low throughput.

Important. Before laying the material in the hallway, make sure that the floor is perfectly Smooth surface, which does not have bulges and depressions. Use PVC backing or cork. A jute or linen backing is not recommended, since it has a low density and will only increase the abrasion of the coating.

Linoleum for an office or bedroom

Soft foam padding best linoleum for an apartment that can be laid in a bedroom or office. In these rooms, the minimum permeability and the density of the material can be sacrificed for the sake of the maximum level of comfort. For these purposes, a class 21 household artificial surface is used, which has a foamed PVC base, as well as a single-layer material laid on a soft jute or linen substrate.

For your information. In the children's bedroom, it is highly recommended to use only natural coating household series with a stronger base of grades 22-23, since an active child creates a considerable load and mechanical impact on the coating when playing with toys.

Linoleum for the living room

Choosing which linoleum is best for an apartment, household or semi-commercial when laying in the living room, you need to proceed from the degree of load on the coating. For example. If a large family of 4-5 people lives in the apartment or the owners often like to receive guests, then it is better to lay semi-commercial class 31-32 linoleum, which is also used for the corridor. With frequent reception of guests, there is a high probability of damage to the linoleum, so you should not lay an expensive coating, since it will have to be changed after 7-9 years of operation.

But if 1-2 people live in an apartment, then the patency of the room is minimal and a household coating of class 22-23 with a protective coating thickness of 0.15 to 0.20 mm is sufficient.

Tatyana, city of Voronezh

During the renovation, synthetic linoleum was laid in the hallway and a linen backing was used. On the coating were clearly visible traces of not only my heels, but also from my husband's shoes, which disappeared over time. At first they thought they were caught quality linoleum and wanted to make a claim to the store. But then it turned out that it was necessary to use a denser substrate. They changed jute to cork and the traces stopped appearing.

The choice of floor coverings is currently simply huge. And when it is necessary to choose the material for the floor, the eyes run up from the many samples presented in the window of the hardware store. And attempts to evaluate the technical parameters, to understand the pros and cons of a particular option, only finally enter the buyer into a stupor. He is lost, not knowing how to choose linoleum.

In recent years, the construction market has been flooded with new floor coverings and materials. But despite this, linoleum, which has already become a classic, does not yield its niche. Its cost, in comparison with other materials, is much lower. At the same time, it is practical, lasts a long time, does not require special care. This led to the great popularity of linoleum.

Why choose linoleum

Linoleum is well known to everyone since the days of Soviet Union. And this material has proved to be just excellent: it is quite durable and difficult to damage (even with such intent), tolerates moisture well and does not deteriorate, and provides a huge selection of colors. Linoleum is plastic and does not create difficulties for installation.

In order to lay linoleum, special preparation is not required. This task is within the power of any man who is not afraid of physical labor.

Characteristics and differences between the types of linoleum

The range of produced linoleum is very large. But all materials can be combined into groups (types) according to a common feature. Thus, there are several types of linoleum, differing in some ways.

Linoleum based on natural ingredients

The basis is a fabric cord. In most cases, factories use oil (linseed), wood or cork flour, and lime in a certain proportion. The color is given by natural dyes.

Due to this composition, this material is absolutely harmless to human health and therefore can spread in all rooms without exception (even in a children's room). Such linoleum will not cause allergic reaction and will not trigger an asthma attack.

Natural linoleum has fairly good characteristics: it is wear-resistant, does not lose or change color throughout the entire service life, does not ignite or burn. It should also be said that it has bactericidal properties. Caring for such linoleum is elementary.

But there is one drawback - materials of this type are not recommended for use in rooms with high level humidity.

PVC linoleum

Polyvinyl chloride is a versatile material. It is also used for the production of linoleum. PVC materials are good dielectrics, do not conduct heat (have good thermal insulation properties), and are safe for health. The material is not afraid of moisture and does not rot, easy to install and maintain.

But PVC linoleum is extremely sensitive to temperature changes (with a decrease in temperature, performance properties drop sharply). Contact with alkalis, other aggressive environments and substances.

by appointment

Commercial - mainly used in offices. Differs in the increased durability and wear resistance. Long service life (at least 20 years). High quality is reflected in the cost of linoleum - it is rather big.

Semi-commercial - used in both office and residential areas. Serves no more than 7 years. Therefore, it is advisable to use this material as a floor covering in rooms with low traffic.

Household - the thickness of linoleum does not exceed a few millimeters. Scope of application - exclusively residential premises with low traffic. The service life is on average 5 years. Sold in rolls. has the worst complex operational properties.

Other types of linoleum

Glyphthalic linoleum consists of alkyd resin applied to a durable fabric. Such a composition at times complicates the work of laying material on the floor, but it's worth it: sound insulation and noise insulation improve.

Colloxylin linoleum has a number of important positive properties: the material is elastic, resistant to moisture, does not ignite when in contact with an open fire.

Relin is a two-layer composite material. The first layer is a mixture of bitumen and crushed rubber. The second layer is rubber, pigment, as well as a special filler. Such linoleum is not afraid of moisture, elastic.

The structure of the layers of linoleum

The structure of linoleum can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. How to choose the right linoleum, so as not to regret later? When making a decision, it is necessary to take into account the features, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The thickness of the linoleum of the first group is 1.5-2 mm. The pattern is applied using the so-called end-to-end technology, due to which the material has a presentable appearance throughout the entire service life. That is why experts recommend given class linoleum for the kitchen and hallway. These rooms have the highest traffic.

The thickness of the class reaches 6 mm. It is composite and consists of a PVC substrate, a reinforcing fiberglass fabric, a decorative PVC layer with an image applied to it, and a bactericidal outer coating.

You can see mixed linoleum on sale. The basis of such a flooring material is a homogeneous layer, but at the same time there is a PVC layer, fiberglass and a protective film.

But which linoleum is better? There is no single answer to this question. The choice of a particular type of coating is determined by many factors.

How to choose linoleum for an apartment

To do right choice taking into account all the subtleties and requirements, it is necessary to know the universal marking. All premises in accordance with international standards can be divided into residential, office and industrial (production). The main criterion for classifying a room as one type or another is the intensity of the load on the floor surface. The image of the house and the number 2 accompanying it indicate that linoleum is intended exclusively for residential premises. Material intended for use in harsh office conditions is marked with the number 3 and the image of a multi-storey building. The number 4 and a schematic representation of the factory indicate that the material is intended for use in workshops and other production facilities.

To determine such an important characteristic as abrasion, control samples of linoleum are tested. How to choose a test method? And it shouldn't be chosen. It is strictly regulated by EU standards and GOST. The bottom line is this: a felt circle of a certain diameter is given rotation, then the circle is brought to the test sample and pressed with the necessary force, after a specified time, the amount of wear is measured. On the basis of experimentally obtained data, a particular degree of abrasion is assigned to a linoleum sample. Beech “T” marks material with abrasion degree up to 0.08 mm. "P" corresponds to wear up to 0.15 mm. "M" - up to 0.3 mm. Finally, "F" - abrasion up to 0.6 mm inclusive. It should be noted that sometimes the degree of abrasion is marked with pictograms of little men. In this case, the more figures, the higher the degree of wear resistance of the material.

The living room or hall, as a rule, are rooms with medium traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to use 1.5 mm thick linoleum in these rooms. The best choice is inexpensive household PVC linoleum. It is desirable that the coating is resistant to moisture, does not absorb dirt, does not lose color as a result of exposure to sunlight. It is best that the material be reinforced with either jute or felt mesh fiber (this will give elasticity, a certain softness, and enhance the pleasant effect during tactile interaction).

The flooring in the children's room should not contain any harmful substances. It is best to use linoleum from natural materials. Yes, in this case, the coating will last much less, but you should never risk the health of children.

The coating of the kitchen consistently experiences significant loads due to the high traffic. In addition, there is almost always high humidity in the kitchen, the kitchen floors are often washed using fairly aggressive detergents. Linoleum typesetting with squares, no more than three millimeters thick, is ideal.

The choice of material for the bedroom will depend on the patency of the room. As a rule, the load on the floor in the bedroom is negligible. Therefore, in most cases, linoleum is suitable for small thicknesses (from 1.2 mm).

The entrance hall is the most visited room in the apartment. Therefore, the flooring is under heavy load. All family members come from the street and step on the hallway linoleum with a hard sole, on which sometimes there are abrasive elements, stones, glass fragments, etc. A semi-commercial class of linoleum with a thickness of 3 millimeters or more is recommended for use.

Design and style issues

How to choose linoleum for an apartment in which a good repair has already been made? If there is good taste, certain ideas about the desired result, then you can rely on your own opinion. However, there are a number of general recommendations, rules and regulations that will help make the room more aesthetic and stylish:

  • cold tones visually make the room more spacious, while warm tones have the opposite effect;
  • beige color associated with the warmth of the hearth, with comfort, red - tension, aggressiveness, blue - sets to rest, gray sets to a working mood;
  • ornament on the floor renders big influence on the perception of space, you can significantly expand a narrow room visually through the use of linoleum with the image of a parquet board;
  • the size of the elements of decorative tiles on linoleum should be proportional to the size of the room.

Buying linoleum

In specialized stores, the choice of linoleum is so huge that you can, without exaggeration, get confused and purchase, to put it mildly, material with not the best characteristics.

So how do you choose coverage? Based on many years of experience, the masters give some advice on choosing linoleum for an apartment. However, these recommendations are also relevant when buying flooring material for an office or other premises. Key points to pay attention to:

  • If the linoleum emits a very sharp, bad smell, then most likely it contains harmful substances. Such material should not be taken.
  • The surface should not shine too much, the pattern should be clear, without defects.
  • Be sure to ask the sales assistant if he can provide all the necessary certificates confirming the quality and health safety of the products sold.
  • Make sure that an external protective coating is in place (it significantly extends the life of the coating).
  • Of course, it is necessary to carry out, so to speak, a macroanalysis and make sure that there are no significant damages, foreign inclusions, heterogeneities in composition, etc. on the surface of the linoleum.
  • The width of the roll should correspond to the overall width of the room in order to avoid joints that spoil the appearance and bring dissonance to the interior.
  • The method of transporting the roll should be planned in advance and a machine with suitable dimensions of the cargo compartment should be found.
  • When purchasing material, you should take it with a margin (you may have to combine the pattern, cover thresholds and hard-to-reach places).

If you pay attention to the above criteria for choosing linoleum, then problems with the acquisition, installation and further operation of the flooring can be avoided.

In no case should you chase a low price. As a rule, too low a price is set for low-quality linoleum in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Linoleum manufacturers

On the market building materials, in particular, on the linoleum market, both domestic and imported products are presented (mainly Europe). We can say with absolute certainty that the domestic manufacturer offers competitive products that are not worse, and in some respects even surpass imported analogues.

The most famous domestic manufacturer of linoleum is the Tarkett brand. Of the imported products, the highest quality products are offered by the Hungarian brand Grabo, Forbo (Switzerland), Juteks (a Slovenian company, there is a plant in Russia) and Gerflor (France).

"Grabo" specializes in the development and production of coatings reinforced with fiberglass. This solution gives the material incredible strength and wear resistance. Materials from this manufacturer also differ in good noise and heat insulation properties, ease of installation work. In general, the material from the Grabo company is a worthy option. In addition, the cost of linoleum is quite attractive.

Linoleum brand "Forbo" - one of the best in the market segment of synthetic and natural flooring. The manufacturer positions itself as an innovative company that constantly upgrades technological process and the material base of the equipment. Only high quality components and raw materials are used. Linoleum has good adhesion and friction properties (does not slip), is moisture resistant, and is a bactericidal material.

The Utex company has Slovenian roots. Although at present in many countries there are factories that manufacture products under this brand under license. 70 years is a long time. And if during this time the company not only did not go bankrupt, but also annually increases its capacity, then this indicates the quality of the products. The main "chip", or feature, of linoleum is the presence of a special protective layer. This outer dense film serves reliable protection from grease, dirt, intense mechanical impact on the material. Products, of course, are certified according to international quality standards.

How can you characterize the linoleum from the French company "Gerflor"? First of all, these are original style solutions that will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated interior designer. Patterns and colors of linoleum always correspond to fashion trends and trends. And of course, the coating is not inferior to competitors in other parameters: durability, resistance to moisture, solar radiation, etc.

Which manufacturer to trust? What is the best linoleum? Unfortunately, there is no universal answer. It is necessary to take into account the operating conditions, the allocated budget. One thing is for sure - choosing products well-known brand, the risk of purchasing poor-quality goods is much lower. And the products of a domestic manufacturer are not always obviously worse than foreign ones, sometimes even better.

Choosing a floor covering for your home, you need to approach this issue quite seriously. After all, it carries not only an aesthetic component, but is also a restraining element for loads.

Not all areas in the apartment are exposed to the same influences. The most passable, and therefore having a large load on the floor, are the corridor and the kitchen. The living room is a special room in which we not only spend our leisure time, but also receive guests. Therefore, the flooring in it should be not only practical, but also beautiful.


For many years, linoleum has been the undisputed leader among floor coverings. It is suitable for any premises, you just need to make the right choice. The hall is no exception.

Here are the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing linoleum flooring for the living room.

There are several variations of types of linoleum:

  • household: wear resistance class - 21-23, protective layer thickness - 0.3 mm, withstands small loads;
  • semi-commercial: wear resistance class - 31-32, protective layer thickness - 0.5 mm, withstands moderate loads;
  • commercial: wear resistance class - 33, protective layer thickness - 0.6 mm, withstands fairly large and prolonged loads.

For the living room household linoleum will be enough, since the patency of this room is small.

The material matters a lot. There are products to choose from: PVC, rubber, natural, colloxylin, glyptal.

In the hall, choose a PVC covering with a jute or felt base. Professionals say that such material the best way suitable for the living room.

There are several types of it:

  • homogeneous: has 1 layer with impurities of lime and quartz sand. It is stretchy and fairly easy to shape. But due to its small thickness, it quickly becomes unusable. In addition, all the unevenness of the floor is visible through it;
  • heterogeneous: consists of several layers, each of which performs its own function: protective, shock-absorbing, decorative.

Choose the second for the hall PVC option coatings. It will hide floor defects, provide thermal insulation, and last quite a long time.

How to choose?

To choose the right flooring for your room, follow some guidelines:

  • In the cold season, it is better to buy linoleum in a store, and not in the market, as it tends to deform under the influence of low temperatures. In addition, in the store it is more convenient to inspect the canvas for defects.
  • To find out what size the purchased product should be, measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour hall and leave allowances on all sides of a few centimeters.

  • Notice the smell. A quality product should not emit a "flavor". For a recreation area, this is unacceptable.
  • You can not ignore this type of linoleum, like marmoleum. It is made of natural materials and has two positive qualities at once: no smell and antibacterial effect. And this is very important if there are children in your house, because the living room often becomes their play area.
  • A product with an anti-slip layer is ideal for a living room if it is devoid of carpets.

Also, one nuance should be taken into account. If you choose linoleum not for an apartment, but for a sports, concert, assembly hall, then the selection criteria here are slightly different. The main thing to rely on is that all of the above audiences have a high degree of traffic, that is, they are subjected to a large mechanical load: walking, rearranging furniture, and exposure to heels. Therefore, the linoleum coating for these halls must be, first of all, durable.

For this purpose, choose at least a semi-commercial look, and preferably a commercial one, with anti-slip properties.

Color spectrum

After the choice on the structure of linoleum is made, the most pleasant thing remains - to decide on the color. There are also some rules here.

If your living room is spacious enough, any color will suit the floor: light, dark, bright. And dark shades will be more practical to use. If the living room has small dimensions, choose light colors for the linoleum flooring. They visually expand the space and get rid of the oppressive atmosphere.

It must be remembered that the floor, like any other part of the room, must be combined with the interior.

If your living room is made in classical style, for her, use linoleum in warm, discreet tones. For modern styles bolder solutions in the form of bright colors will do. And minimalism is favorably emphasized by floor coverings in black and white.

The floor can become the focus of attention in your room. If the interior items are made in a calm, discreet style, and there is no carpet, enliven the room with beautiful linoleum with ornaments or large patterns.

Properly selected, they can visually stretch or expand the space, if necessary.

If your floor is nevertheless decorated with a carpet, then the linoleum flooring should be laid plain and discreet so that it creates a background and favorably emphasizes the pattern of the carpet. Also, modesty in color is advised to be observed if all the components of the interior have rich, catchy tones.