There are Caucasian fir cones. Growing Caucasian fir in the garden, planting and caring for an evergreen tree

  • 16.06.2019

Nordmann fir - Caucasian fir - Danish fir tree - Abies nordmanniana


Decorative forms and varieties
- Planting material
- landing conditions
- Place of landing and climate
- Illumination
- The soil
- Landing
- Care
- Shelter for the winter
reproduction Caucasian fir: growing from seed
Where to buy Norman / Caucasian fir for planting

With the approach of the New Year, in search of a Christmas tree, we involuntarily meet and distinguish among others a lush and beautiful Christmas tree with soft, non-thorny needles called Nordmann Fir. But why fir, and not spruce, which is familiar to us? Where does this beauty grow? Should I buy it for the New Year? And if you buy, what to choose: cut down or with roots, in a pot? Is it possible to plant this tree in the garden after the holiday? How to grow from seed? Why is it recognized as the tallest tree in the country, and how did it become a Danish Christmas tree? We will talk about this in our article.

Why is the Christmas tree fir and not spruce?

This is the first question that arises in a person who is not familiar with the history of the New Year tree in Russia. And the Christmas tree appeared for the first time in 1670. This tradition was introduced by Peter I, having borrowed it in Germany. There, to decorate the Christmas holidays, a fluffy fir was exhibited, with needles that were not prickly or crumbling, symbolizing, according to legend, the triumph of Christianity over Paganism as obscurantism. There were not many firs in Russia, and it was decided to use for these purposes ate , pines and juniper , distinguished by green needles among winter leafless and bare trees. Gradually, the tree replaced the tall pine and shapeless juniper, becoming the recognized New Year tree in Russia, and the fir is still considered the main Christmas tree in Europe.

Interesting! Until that time, the New Year, or the New Year in the old way, was celebrated in Russia on March 1, before the beginning of the garden and field work. Later, the holiday was shifted to the harvest time - September 1. The pagan Slavs believed in a good spirit living in trees, therefore, celebrating spring or autumn New Year, tried to please him, dressing up every tree growing near the house. But the spruce was not favored, considering the tree of evil spirits. Since those times, the tradition has been preserved to scatter spruce branches, seeing off the deceased on his last journey.

How did the Nordmann fir become the Danish tree?

Christmas market. Danish Christmas tree

Among Christmas trees, the most beautiful was by no means European fir, but Caucasian fir growing in the Caucasus, the scientific name of which is Nordmann fir. She surpassed the European in the beauty and density of needles, the ideal shape of the crown, the speed of growth, besides, her soft needles did not crumble for a long time even at a sawn tree. The tree propagated by seeds, with the help of which the plant was overpowered in Europe.

The soil and climate of Denmark turned out to be the most favorable, where they began to grow these beautiful Christmas trees for sale, for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The country has become a leader in the production of the Christmas tree - Nordmann fir, ahead of other states in this. Only the United States surpasses Denmark in the export of a Christmas tree, but they grow mainly their own, American Christmas tree - Fraser fir .

Now in Denmark, for the Christmas holidays, 10-12 million Caucasian firs are annually prepared for sale, of which 9-11 million are exported, most of which is to Germany. Like dutch tulips, the name "Danish tree" has become a brand and guarantee of a very high quality Christmas tree. Danish growers invest a lot of money and labor in order to grow perfectly shaped and highly decorative trees. Therefore, they are not cheap, compared, for example, with Russian Christmas trees, which are often planted under power lines without any care for them.

Interesting! The birthplace of all Danish Christmas trees, oddly enough, is mainly Georgia. In Denmark, Nordmann fir seeds do not ripen and do not germinate, so they are purchased in the Caucasus, where local pickers harvest them from hundred-year-old trees. The largest center for seed harvesting is the vicinity of Ambrolauri in Georgia. The main part of the local population is engaged in the collection of cones, the collectors are called shishkars. To get the cones, the cones have to special devices climb to the height of a 10-story building. The collection season lasts a month, during which time tons of cones are collected. After drying the cones and painstakingly extracting seeds from 7 kg of raw materials, 1 kg of seed material is obtained, which is sold for 25 euros. Each shishkar receives up to 1000 euros per season.

What is this wonderful tree, famous throughout the world?

Nordmann / Caucasian fir - origin and name

Opening buds of Caucasian fir

Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana) is one of 50 species of the genus Abies. It was discovered on the Adzharian Range (Armenian Highlands) in 1835-1836, and was named after its discoverer, Russian naturalist, Finn by origin, head of the Botanical Garden in Odessa, Alexander von Nordmann. As a result of an expedition to the shores of the Caucasus, as part of a small team, he managed to collect a huge collection of plants, insects and amphibians (2000 specimens), while repelling local residents with the help of a convoy and a cannon. Among the plants brought there was Caucasian fir. For this expedition, Nordman received a diamond ring as a reward from the king. The brought seeds soon came to Europe, where the cultivation of Caucasian fir began in 1840.

Caucasian fir - the second recognized name of this plant, it indicates the place of its growth in the wild. These are the mountains of the eastern and southern Black Sea coast: the Russian Caucasus, Turkey, Abkhazia, Georgia, northern Armenia and Azerbaijan. The tree can be found in pure or mixed forests at an altitude of 900-2100 meters on the border of forest and alpine meadows. This area is characterized by a cold climate, mild winters, annual precipitation equal to 1000-3000 mm. For comparison: the average annual precipitation in Moscow is 708 mm, in the Crimean mountains - more than 1000 mm, in Abkhazia, Sochi - more than 1500 mm.

Interesting! There is a subspecies of Nordmann fir, found only in a limited small area in the mountains of northwestern Turkey - Trojan fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani). It is not widely spread in culture.

Caucasian fir - the tallest tree in Russia

Abies nordmanniana, tree height 60.5 m. Caucasian Reserve named after Kh. G. Shaposhnikov, Republic of Adygea, Kish river valley

Nordmann fir is not only the title of the most beautiful Christmas tree. It is one of the tallest trees growing in our country and throughout the post-Soviet space.
Huge specimens can also be found on the territory of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve (Krasnodar Territory, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia).
A well-known monument of nature is the hard-to-reach Buiny Ridge in Adygea, where a virgin relic fir forest has been preserved. The Nordmann firs growing there are real giants, their trunk reaches a diameter of 2 m, and the height of most trees is 60-65 m, according to some reports, there are 85-meter specimens, their age is 340 years.
These objects are included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

Interesting! The Buiny Ridge is considered the genetic center for the formation of the Nordmann fir range in the Caucasus. Among the huge number of Caucasian fir growing here, there are very rare phenotypes. Thanks to the growing fir forest, a network of thousands of streams is preserved, feeding the Armenianka, Svetly and Mutny Teplyak rivers.

Description of Nordmann fir

Whatever time of the year it is outside the window, the Nordmann fir is always striking in its beauty. Every part of this plant is worthy of admiration. Let's consider it more carefully.

This is a tall evergreen and long-lived (up to 500 years) coniferous tree 50 meters high, single specimens of which are higher than 80 meters and older than 700 years. It grows faster than other firs, especially after 10 years of age. The trunk, up to 2 m in diameter, is covered with a gray, smooth and very decorative bark, in old trees it is covered with cracks. Young branches of light color - yellowish and light brown.

The wood is non-nuclear, it is soft and light, resilient, whitish-reddish in color. The roots are strong, powerful, pivotal, located deep. The crown of adult trees is cone-shaped, beautiful, lowered to the ground, it can be up to 9 m in diameter, young trees have a regular pyramidal shape.

The kidneys have almost no resin, ovoid, brown in color. Very thin, less than a millimeter thick, flat needles, blunt at the end, 1.5 to 4 cm long, up to 2 mm wide. They are dense and hang down. From above they are glossy, green, with reverse side have two white stripes, where the stomata are located, through which the plant evaporates moisture and gas exchange. The needles remain on the tree for up to 12 years, during which time in industrial cities and other gassed and smoky places they become clogged with soot and toxic substances, which kills the tree. For this reason, Nordmann fir is not planted for landscaping cities, with the exception of resort cities.

Beautiful cones, green at the beginning of growth, brown when mature, grow vertically upwards, have a length of 10 to 20 cm and a width of up to 5 cm. Flowering and fruiting occurs from 30-70 years of age. Up to 200 scales are formed on each cone, each with 2 winged seeds. Cones disintegrate directly on the tree, in November (the timing depends on the region). Reproduction occurs due to scattering of multiple seeds, which germinate well in the wild. If you need to have your own seeds, the cones are harvested unopened from the tree, usually in September.

Uses of Nordmann Fir

Abies nordmanniana, Mount Fisht, Caucasus Mountains, 2000 m above sea level

Nordmann fir is very beautiful and useful plant. It can be used:
- as a Christmas and New Year tree;
- as a water-protective and mountain-soil-protective plant;
- for reforestation in Europe due to the expected decline in forests due to the expected warming of the climate;
- to obtain camphor, turpentine from the bark;
- to obtain fir oil from needles;
- as building and sawing material;
- as a raw material for paper production;
- as a material for the manufacture of musical instruments;
- in traditional medicine: 1) needle ends of branches rich in ascorbic acid and essential oils, used for the preparation of infusions, steams, baths, they have a tonic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory property, 2) fir resin (balm), obtained by cutting a tree, treats cuts and wounds;
- used in landscape single, group and alley plantings in gardens and parks in regions with a suitable climate, valued for its crown branching from the base and high decorative effect; dwarf varieties are suitable for container planting, for rock gardens and rocky gardens.

Decorative forms and varieties of Nordmann fir

Abies nordmanniana "Golden Spreader"

AT landscape design use decorative forms with a weeping (pendula) and erect (erecta) crown, bluish-gray (glauca) or golden (aurea) needles, white at the ends (albospicata) or with yellow tips (aureospicata).

Note slow-growing dwarf variety for rock gardens " golden spreader" with golden needles, shiny above, below with a whitish matte tint. Fir "Golden Spreader" dimensions after 10 years of cultivation 100x100 cm.

Slow growing dwarf variety "Hunnewell" forms a compact cushion. The color of the needles is silver-bluish-green. Used for container planting, for balconies and patios, in small gardens. Frost resistance zone 5-9. The maximum size is 50x70 cm.

Green dwarf variety "Munsterland" also suitable for containers, rocky gardens and patios. Size at 10 years 25x35 cm.

compact variety "Ambolouri/Tlugi" at the age of 10 reaches 4 meters in height and up to 2 meters in diameter. The crown of the tree is wide-conical, the branches are arranged regularly, storey.

How to care for a Christmas tree - Nordmann fir

The main advantage of Nordmann's fir as a New Year's tree is the ability not to shed its needles for a long time, remaining fluffy even when cut down. To do this, the tree needs to create conditions - moist air in the room and not a hot temperature. Spraying the tree with water from a spray bottle will help achieve this.

Growing Nordmann Fir

Where to buy a seedling

The easiest way to grow Caucasian fir in the garden is by planting its young seedling. It is better to buy it at a local plant nursery, specifying whether the seedling is grown directly in the nursery or brought from another region. Your own seedling will be stronger, it will take root easier and grow quickly. An imported seedling must undergo adaptation in the nursery for several months, after which it can also be planted in the garden.

Advice. By the presence in the assortment of the nursery of this plant, you can find out if it is suitable for your climate. Manufacturers planting material value their reputation and offer for sale only proven varieties and types of plants.

Interesting! Seedling producers distinguish varietiescaucasian fir based on the place of growth. For example, for Georgia it is Ambolauri, Borjomi, Beshumi. For the Russian Caucasus - Apsheronsk, Krasnaya Polyana, Psebay, Arkhyz.

Conditions for planting Nordmann fir

Growing conditions should be as close as possible to those in which a wild tree lives. And these are the Caucasian mountain slopes, where water does not stagnate in the soil, the climate is not hot and moderately cold, and the humidity of the air and soil is high. There are not so many regions on the territory of our country that correspond to these characteristics, otherwise we would have grown Caucasian fir everywhere for 100-150 years.

In the characteristics of the tree, there are data on its frost resistance up to -30 degrees, which is not entirely true. Perhaps the tree will survive in such frosts, but it will grow poorly, and after very severe winters it will be completely unsightly. Young plants above the snow level will freeze, and annual growths will die on adult trees. The temperature at which this plant will not suffer in winter should not fall below -18 degrees.

Do not forget about the winter hardiness of the species, which is not so high. With return spring frosts, young growths on twigs die, which is also unfavorable for the tree.

Abies nordmanniana "Munsterland"

Note! Experts do not recommend planting this type of fir in the Moscow region. Dwarf varieties and creeping forms can be used to a limited extent. The best plants for planting will be the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the southern coast of Crimea.


In relation to the light, the tree is tolerant - it grows in the shade, and in partial shade and in the sun. But on open places manages to be more magnificent. For young plants, shading or planting in partial shade is mandatory.

The soil

Fertile light loamy soils with a neutral and slightly alkaline reaction, with a good outflow of water, are suitable. Contraindicated heavy clay soils, highly compacted, dry or waterlogged soils


When planning a landing site, consider the growth rate and dimensions characteristic of the species or variety, as well as the type of planting (alley, group, tapeworm). Give preference young seedling than a large one. Plan an event for the spring.
Plant a seedling according to the classical scheme.

The planting hole is dug according to the root system of the seedling. The bottom is filled with drainage from broken tiles, bricks, gravel. The soil is mixed with fertilizer for coniferous plants, dosing it according to the instructions on the package. Landing is carried out on a slight elevation, given that the soil in the landing pit will sink by 5 cm. The root collar is not deepened. A stake is placed next to the seedling, to which it is tied. After planting, watering and mulching are carried out, which protects the soil from moisture evaporation. The entire period of survival of the seedling is especially carefully monitored for soil moisture, and watered as it dries.


Care activities include watering, weeding and fertilizing. Formative pruning and shearing are not required, as the crown itself acquires the correct shape, and shearing does not contribute to the growth of new branches. Only in the spring, before the start of sap flow, dry branches are cut out, and at the end of May, the tips of the branches damaged by frost are cut out.

Caucasian fir is moisture-loving. Adult plants are watered up to 3 times per season. Young, and in the case of a dry summer, and mature trees - somewhat more often. In the spring, with a lack of moisture in the soil, it is additionally watered for a quick and friendly start to the growing season. In hot weather, in the absence of rain, the tree is sprinkled once a week.

Top dressing is introduced two to three years after planting the seedling in the ground, using a special complex fertilizer for coniferous plants. Dry mineral fertilizer is easily embedded in the trunk circle, covering it with a mulch layer, for example, compost. As the tree grows older, they refuse to feed, as the large roots themselves begin to extract the necessary nutrition from the ground.

Nordmann fir does not have specific diseases and pests that are different from other conifers.

Shelter for the winter

Only young plants need it. Their trunk circle is mulched with compost or covering material, covered with spruce branches. Shelters are removed after the end of frost.

Reproduction of Nordmann fir: growing from seeds

The most reliable and, perhaps, the only way propagation of this plant - seed. And only garden forms and varieties can, but with difficulty, be propagated by cuttings or layering.

For sowing, it is better to use the seeds of wild-growing Caucasian fir, hardened by the mountain climate. They are harvested before the cones are scattered in September. Seeds have a short shelf life, so it is better to use them immediately - sow before winter in the garden in a dug box so that they undergo natural stratification. The box should have drainage holes. Crops should be mulched, and later covered with snow. If the climate meets the requirements of fir, the seeds will germinate safely in the spring.

If sowing is planned in the spring, the seeds are stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper towel or linen / cotton cloth. Seeds are sown after January, having previously exposed them to cold for 1-2 months. stratification . To do this, the seeds are mixed with wet sand, wrapped in cloth and placed in the refrigerator. You can do otherwise: sow in a container and bury in the snow in the garden.

After stratification, the containers with crops are exposed for germination, preferably in a bright place. Seeds germinate at a temperature of +18-23 degrees. In summer, the box is placed in the garden in partial shade or shaded with spunbond, laying it on a frame or over arcs. Ventilate periodically. For the winter, the box is dug into the ground and covered with spruce branches or non-woven fabric. It is allowed to plant seedlings for growing on a breeding bed, but it is better to do this in the spring.

The soil for sowing and subsequent cultivation should be loose and light, for this, add to the garden soil equal amount sand and sawdust, they should make up a fifth of the substrate. Lightly compact it, moisten it with a sprayer and spread the seeds. Sprinkle them with dry soil no more than a couple of centimeters.

Do not let the soil dry out, prevent crusting, water moderately, the soil should always remain "breathable". To avoid fungal infections, water the seedlings with Fitosporin solution once every 10 days. Plant seedlings in a permanent place after 4 years.

Where to buy Norman / Caucasian fir for planting

Some addresses that were relevant at the time of this writing.

Caucasian fir seedlings

Caucasian fir - a wonderful Christmas tree for the southern regions Middle lane and subtropics. Where it is hot for Siberian fir, it is beautiful for Caucasian fir. Good for creating a hedge in warm climates, you can grow a live fluffy "Christmas tree" at home, and also useful for plant collectors.

Erik Jensen/

Description. Caucasian fir, or Nordman ( Abies nordmanniana) - a majestic coniferous evergreen tree up to 65 m tall and a trunk thickness of up to 2 m, can live 5 centuries. The crown is conical, openwork-pyramidal with age, branches from the ground, spreading. The tree is very wind resistant due to the deeply developed root system. From the age of 10 it gives growths of 50-60 cm / year, before that it grows slowly. Young bark plays with paint from yellow-green to brown-red. Mature bark is grey. Since this is a southern type of fir, the buds are not covered with resin. The needles are shiny, dark green with some blue, due to which the whitish stomatal stripes on the underside of the needles look more contrasting and spectacular. The needles are up to 4 cm and thicker and harder than those of the Siberian, on the shoot it grows with a thick brush directed upwards. The tip of the needles is rounded or slightly dissected, which, together with other features, makes the Caucasian fir a pleasant tactile pet. Like most firs, each needle lives for about 10 years.


Just like the Siberian fir, the male anthers are yellow, sometimes reddening, the female strobilus cones are purple - during flowering, in May the tree looks festive and exotic. Blooms by 25-30 years. Vertically protruding barrel-like cones up to 20 cm long, up to 5 cm wide, at first light green, later light brown with a purple tint and visible pale yellow covering scales - in autumn this increases the decorativeness of the plant by one more fad. In addition, when ripening in October - November, the cones crumble, cover the entire perimeter of the crown with light brown scales and seeds with an amber-red glossy sheen. Seeds are large, up to 12 mm with a wide wing up to 25 mm long. In the homeland, the germination of seeds of Caucasian fir is usually up to 30%, in Belarusian specimens up to 70%. Like all firs, after shedding the cones, rods remain that can be used as candlestick spikes for candles. It is the Caucasian fir that is the most popular New Year tree in Europe. In landscape design, the variety "Golden Sprayer" is popular - a short, sprawling dwarf form with a blunt top. The needles are 2 times shorter, with a golden yellow tint.

Martin Ystenes/

Growing conditions, planting and care. Despite the fact that this fir comes from the Caucasus and Asia Minor, it can withstand frosts down to -33 ° C without frostbite on the needles if there is no wind. Except Western Europe grows well in the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, in the south of Russia. An adult plant tolerates heat well at + 40 ° C, but young fir trees should be watered every week. Caucasian fir loves good lighting throughout the day, at the same time it is very shade-tolerant, although it stretches towards the light, reducing its fluffiness and decorativeness. In early spring, when the snow lies and the sun is very active, young fir trees may have needle burns. Therefore, you just need to throw some kind of shelter on it from the south side (agrofibre, burlap, spruce branches, straw, etc.) for 2 weeks.

James Gaither/

Growing from seeds of Caucasian fir is no different from other species. After 2-3 months of stratification, sowing in spring in boxes with a mixture of peat, sand and forest litter in equal parts. Constant watering and a bright place guarantee success. When purchasing seedlings, choose only containerized ones, which are completely removed from the pot with the whole clod of earth. Because in coniferous plants important criterion is the integrity of the root system - on parched roots (only 10 minutes per outdoors) the mycelium that forms mycorrhiza for the plant dies. Without mycorrhiza coniferous plant cannot absorb nutrients. Containerized conifers can be planted all year round, if there is no frost, but it is still better in the spring, before the May bud break. Caucasian fir can be planted both in the perimeter and in the center of the site, making this beauty its main decoration. If the hedge is only made of firs, then it is better to make the distance between them 1.5-2 m - at the age of 15, the branches will begin to close. Under the seedling, a hole is dug wider by 20 cm and deeper by 30 cm. If the site has clay soils, then drainage of 20 cm is necessary, if sandy - a loamy layer of 5 cm at the bottom of the hole. Next, pour soil mixtures (garden soil, peat, sand in equal parts) into the pit so much that the seedling inserted with a lump has a root collar at ground level (it is impossible to bury). It is good if you add 20% of the forest litter to the soil mixture (coniferous litter, rotten stumps, pine bark, heather earth) - there is a lot of mycelium in it, which contributes to the development of mycorrhiza.

F. D. Richards /

After planting, be sure to water the fir well and mulch the trunk circle with sawdust, peat, moss, bark, and other organic matter. The rest of the care consists only in watering and sprinkling the crown - all firs love this. You can once a year, at the beginning of summer, feed the fir with compost, peat or humus, which stimulates more lush growth. Otherwise, there are no problems with Caucasian fir - the tree is very tenacious, it is not affected by pests, and if it is not flooded with water so that the roots do not rot, then it does not suffer from fungal infections. And if you spray the needles with a weak solution of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, etc.), then it will be even thicker.

Practically all conifers, Heather, beech and many evergreen deciduous plants will become good neighbors for Caucasian fir.

Therefore, if you live in a climate with mild winters and want more greenery on the site all year round, so that the hedge is pleasing to the eye and performs its functions well, and the New Year tree is the most beautiful in the whole area, plant Caucasian fir.

Live Danish fir (Abies Nordmanniana varieties), which can be ordered with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region. Stunning Christmas tree from Danish forest nurseries.

Key features of the tree

  • Nordmann's fir is resistant: it does not shed needles for a long time and better tolerates the heat and dryness of the room;
  • the crown of the tree has a regular conical shape;
  • the needles are soft, not prickly and have a slight fir smell.

This is one of the favorite New Year trees in Europe and America. It is grown on the northern coast of Europe, in Denmark (hence the name - Danish tree). Many Danish farmers have been growing firs for the New Year for generations. Most of them opt for Danish firs because of their durability: the needles do not turn yellow and do not crumble for a long time.

Nordman (or as sometimes called Nordmann) has an excellent, almost perfect shape with fluffy branches due to constant care and pruning by foresters. The needles of the New Year's tree are shiny dark green. The needles are long and flat, not prickly.

back side positive qualities fir Nordmann - its value. Due to the additional costs of care and delivery, it costs more than ordinary Russian firs and pines.


Fir is a fairly heavy tree, especially if it is over 1.5 m high. We recommend ordering door-to-door delivery by courier to avoid unnecessary hassle. Additionally, you can buy fir with installation in a stand.

Christmas tree stand, installation and delivery are not included in the price.

Nordmann's Caucasian fir - this name was given to the culture in honor of one Russian-Finnish scientist studying plants, Alexander von Nordmann. It was he who in 1835 discovered such a plant near Borjomi (on the territory of Georgia). The scientist described the plant in detail, noted its attractive appearance and special power. It is important to consider the features of planting Caucasian fir and caring for it.

Place of culture

The Norman fir is a type of fir that reaches a height of up to fifty meters. The total diameter of a tree trunk can reach up to two meters. The crown of the plant has a pyramidal shape. Such a culture is called the Apollo tree, in honor of the ancient Greek god of the Sun.

Another name for the culture is "Trojan horse". There is a legend that when creating a Trojan horse, the wood of this particular culture was used. Currently, the tree is considered very popular with European residents. They use it to decorate the house for the Christmas holidays.

In nature, such a culture grows on the territory of Asia Minor and the mountains of the Caucasus. The plant can be found in the forests of Denmark.

Culture has a high life expectancy - up to 7000 years. The needles on the tree are distinguished by a light green color, may have a characteristic sheen. Small needles are directed forward, in length they can reach up to four centimeters. The bark of the plant is smooth and gray in color. When growing up, it begins to change to a brown hue.

The needles can reach only up to 30 millimeters, they are painted dark green on top, with white stripes on the bottom. On cone-bearing shoots, the needles are comb-like, on vegetative ones - notched, and on the lateral ones - in rows of needles that go along the entire shoot. On a plant in the conditions of natural growth, the needles continue to be preserved for thirteen years.

The root system of the culture is quite deep. The plant grows best in a loose soil mixture. while its growth accelerates. The tree pays special attention to the indicator of environmental humidity. Fir can withstand extreme cold (down to -25 degrees Celsius). Used as an ornamental crop.

Common varieties

There are the most common varieties of this tree:

plant description

Normandy fir belongs to the group of evergreen crops, which can reach a height of up to eighty meters (it should be borne in mind that this only happens when growing in nature).

If the gardener is going to plant fir on the territory of his site, then it is important to consider the following features:

Given all the conditions, a culture can continue to grow for 700 years in one place. It should be noted that the growth of the tree occurs regardless of the age of the culture.

Anyone who wants to grow Norman's fir in his country house can not be afraid of anything: such a culture is completely unpretentious and can easily grow in any area. In case of difficulties, the gardener can independently provide the culture with all the necessary conditions.

Site selection and landing

Normandy fir is a plant that can take root at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. In the lowlands, such a plant shows slow growth, which, when grown for ornamental purposes, will not be of particular importance. main feature crops (excluding some varieties) - the ability to grow both in sunlit areas and in the shade. She is unresponsive strong winds, but it grows best in conditions with high humidity.

Selection of soil mixture

Caucasian fir prefers to grow in nutrient soil, which contains a large number of minerals and useful components. For planting a plant, it is best to use loam, but a good increase in a tree is observed even when it is planted in soils with high rate acidity.

Culture propagation is allowed only with fully ripened seeds, since vegetative methods show themselves with negative side. Cuttings may not take root at all or take root, but with great difficulty. If we talk about seeds, then their full ripening is noted at the end of October. Only those seeds that fly out of the cavity of the cone on their own can be considered ripe.

Features of planting a plant

Since Danish fir can be propagated only with the help of seeds, they are stratified a few months before planting in the soil. To do this, the seeds are first placed in a container with soil inside, then they are placed in a refrigerator or in a cold basement.

In spring, the seeds are germinated in the heat, the sprouts obtained from the seeds are transplanted into large containers. Most often, such a crop is grown in pots for six years. and only after that it is planted in open soil. This is due to the instability of young fir trees. They can quickly die when exposed to any negative factors.

If all conditions are taken into account, then the plant must be transplanted to suburban area in the form of a seedling, bought in flower shop or a special nursery. For this, a pit is preliminarily prepared with a depth of 70 and a width of 50 centimeters. To the specified depth, you need to add a layer that includes a drainage layer, the presence of which is considered mandatory when planting a plant (for this, it is important to use gravel and crushed stone). For a quick engraftment of a seedling and its active growth, you need to create a special soil mixture:

  • humus - 15 percent;
  • peat mixture - 43 percent;
  • clay - 30 percent;
  • fine sand - 13 percent.

Complex top dressing is added to the resulting soil, part of it is poured onto the bottom of the created hole as a slide. After this, the rhizomes of the seedling are carefully spread over the soil and completely covered with earth from above. Watering the plant is important only during planting.

Proper care

Norman fir does not need special care from the gardener, but, depending on the characteristics of the flower growing, it is still important to keep a close eye on it.

When growing a plant, it is important to ensure that it is measured watering and fertilizing. They are applied most often during the growing season. Watering is allowed for seedlings that have just been planted in the ground, adult trees are allowed not to be watered at all, since their rhizomes can independently provide themselves with the right amount of moisture.

If we talk about fertilizing a crop, then it should be started only from the fifth year of growing a plant in open soil. It is best to use complexes of liquid products for feeding, which are important for conifers.

Caucasian fir is particularly resistant to cold. A middle-aged plant can normally tolerate frosts below thirty degrees Celsius, and with age this figure only becomes more. But young fir seedlings do not tolerate low temperatures well, so with the onset of winter it is important for them to provide protection.

Young plantings are very sensitive to weeds at the planting site, so it is important to carefully treat the perimeter near the tree and remove all weeds. To keep the soil clean for longer, it is best to mulch it regularly, using rotten sawdust for this.

Possible diseases

If the needles of a tree begin to dry out quickly, and honey drops appear on it, then the plant is sick with a false shield. You can eliminate it with the help of burlap traps, which are impregnated with caterpillar glue.

If you properly care for Norman's fir, it will delight gardeners with its smell and beauty for a long time. A tree rarely gets sick - it is best to prevent this by carefully monitoring its condition.

As a spectacular decoration of a personal plot can act evergreen Nordmann fir from the genus of the same name. Subject to simple agrotechnical requirements for cultivation, the tree will delight the eye with rich colors for many years.

Nordmann's fir, also known as Caucasian fir, is represented by coniferous trees, which in the wild can grow from 60 to 80 m in height.

When choosing a plant for decorating a site, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of fir:

  • Crown - the trees have a dense crown in the shape of a cone, the diameter of which can reach 3 m.
  • Trunk - the diameter of a powerful trunk at a maximum height can be 2 m.
  • Needles - dense needles up to 4 cm long are painted green.
  • Flowering - the phase is celebrated annually in the second half of spring, when female and male flowers. female flower represented by a green earring, and male - by a reddish spikelet.
  • Cones are vertically attached fruits 20 cm long, the color of which changes from green to brown as it matures.
  • Root system - the tap root when planted on stony soils can be located closer to the surface.

Common varieties and types

Based on the type species, breeders have bred a variety of varieties, among the assortment of which the gardener can choose the most attractive for him.

  • Golden Spider is a dwarf variety, which for 10 years of intensive development does not exceed 1 m in height and in diameter. The needles are colored golden yellow, acquiring a whitish hue closer to the base.
  • Jadwiga is a fairly thermophilic variety, characterized by rapid growth. The crown is formed by densely arranged shoots covered with dark green needles.
  • Pendula - the variety is represented by large trees that grow quite slowly. Graceful branches form a dense crown of bright green color.

Preparation and planting of fir at their summer cottage

Since fir belongs to undemanding crops, every willing gardener has the opportunity to grow it, if he responsibly approaches the fulfillment of a number of mandatory requirements.

Site selection and soil preparation

Caucasian fir can be planted both in sunny areas and in shady areas of the garden. Soil culture prefers fertile and loose. But if the tree ends up on heavier soil with an acidic reaction, then the plant will still take root and continue to grow.

Terms and technology of disembarkation

Seedlings purchased with a closed root system can be planted from spring to autumn, guided by the following requirements:

  • For a seedling, a planting hole is dug 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide.
  • A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pit, which will further protect the core root system from moisture stagnation.
  • Drainage is sprinkled in the form of a mound with a soil mixture of peat, sand, humus and loam in equal parts.
  • Next, a seedling is installed.
  • The recess is filled with a prepared substrate, which, upon completion of planting, is compacted and moistened.

Features of caring for an ornamental plant

Caring for Nordmann fir is simple and involves only standard care.


Abundantly moisten fir is necessary only at a young age. When the tree matures and grows a tap root system, it will be able to receive moisture from the deep layers.

Soil treatment

In order for the plant to grow healthy and not lose its decorative effect, it is recommended that the near-stem circle be carefully freed from weeds for several years after planting. If you use the mulching technique, then weeding will not have to be carried out often. Over time, fallen needles will create a layer of mulch naturally.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Feeding should begin after the plant reaches the age of five. The most optimal fertilizers are liquid mineral complexes for coniferous crops. Agrochemicals are introduced during the active growing season.


There is no need to form a crown at the Nordmann fir. But sanitary pruning, in which dried, injured branches are removed, should be carried out every spring. Places of cuts must be processed with garden pitch.

Protection from diseases and pests

The species of fir is resistant to diseases and pests. But with constant overflows or planting of low-quality planting material, the development of rust and gray rot can be observed, which spraying with a fungicide will help to cope with. If the conifer was inhabited by a false shield, spider mite, fir moth or Hermes, then you should resort to using an insecticide.

How to prepare Nordmann fir for winter

Caucasian fir has excellent winter hardiness, which only improves over the years. But young seedlings should be protected from frost by mulching the near-stem circle with fallen leaves and covering the trunk with spruce branches.

Plant propagation

Due to the poor survival rate of cuttings, the type species propagates at home by seed:

  1. Fir seeds are stratified for 2 months by placing a container with crops in the refrigerator.
  2. In spring, crops germinate.
  3. When the seedlings get stronger, they dive into separate containers, where they are grown before planting in open ground for 5-7 years.

Use in landscape design

Landscape compositions using Nordmann fir are diverse and depend on the variety:

  • Tall varieties look spectacular in single plantings on the lawn in front of the house.
  • Undersized representatives are widely used in decorating the lower tier of alpine slides.
  • Medium-sized and slow-growing varieties are perfectly combined with deciduous evergreen shrubs - boxwood, Thunberg barberry.

So, if the gardener has a desire to decorate household plot ephedra, then you can safely choose the Nordmann fir, which is distinguished by its spectacularity and ease of care.