Norman fir. Nordmann fir or Caucasian fir

  • 16.06.2019

An evergreen Nordmann fir from the same genus can act as a spectacular decoration of a personal plot. Subject to simple agrotechnical requirements for cultivation, the tree will delight the eye with rich colors for many years.

Nordmann fir, she caucasian fir, is represented by coniferous trees, which in the wild can grow from 60 to 80 m in height.

When choosing a plant for decorating a site, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of fir:

  • Crown - the trees have a dense crown in the shape of a cone, the diameter of which can reach 3 m.
  • Trunk - the diameter of a powerful trunk at a maximum height can be 2 m.
  • Needles - dense needles up to 4 cm long are painted green.
  • Flowering - the phase is celebrated annually in the second half of spring, when female and male flowers. The female flower is represented by a green earring, and the male flower is a reddish spikelet.
  • Cones are vertically attached fruits 20 cm long, the color of which changes from green to brown as it matures.
  • Root system - the tap root when planted on stony soils can be located closer to the surface.

Common varieties and types

Based on the type species, breeders have bred a variety of varieties, among the range of which the gardener can choose the most attractive for him.

  • Golden Spider is a dwarf variety, which for 10 years of intensive development does not exceed 1 m in height and in diameter. The needles are colored golden yellow, acquiring a whitish hue closer to the base.
  • Jadwiga is a fairly thermophilic variety, characterized by rapid growth. The crown is formed by densely arranged shoots covered with dark green needles.
  • Pendula - the variety is represented by large trees that grow quite slowly. Graceful branches form a dense crown of bright green color.

Preparation and planting of fir at their summer cottage

Since fir belongs to undemanding crops, every willing gardener has the opportunity to grow it, if he responsibly approaches the fulfillment of a number of mandatory requirements.

Site selection and soil preparation

Caucasian fir can be planted both in sunny areas and in shady areas of the garden. Soil culture prefers fertile and loose. But if the tree ends up on heavier soil with an acidic reaction, then the plant will still take root and continue to grow.

Terms and technology of disembarkation

Seedlings purchased with a closed root system can be planted from spring to autumn, guided by the following requirements:

  • For a seedling, a planting hole is dug 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide.
  • A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pit, which will further protect the core root system from moisture stagnation.
  • Drainage is sprinkled in the form of a mound with a soil mixture of peat, sand, humus and loam in equal parts.
  • Next, a seedling is installed.
  • The recess is filled with a prepared substrate, which, upon completion of planting, is compacted and moistened.

Features of caring for an ornamental plant

Caring for Nordmann fir is simple and involves only standard care.


Abundantly moisten fir is necessary only at a young age. When the tree matures and grows a tap root system, it will be able to receive moisture from the deep layers.

Soil treatment

In order for the plant to grow healthy and not lose its decorative effect, it is recommended that the near-stem circle be carefully freed from weeds for several years after planting. If you use the mulching technique, then weeding will not have to be carried out often. Over time, fallen needles will create a layer of mulch naturally.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Feeding should begin after the plant reaches the age of five. The most optimal fertilizers are liquid mineral complexes for coniferous crops. Agrochemicals are introduced during the active growing season.


There is no need to form a crown at the Nordmann fir. But sanitary pruning, in which dried, injured branches are removed, should be carried out every spring. Places of cuts must be processed with garden pitch.

Protection against diseases and pests

The species of fir is resistant to diseases and pests. But with constant overflows or landing of poor quality planting material rust and gray rot may develop, which spraying with a fungicide will help to cope with. If the conifer was inhabited by a false shield, spider mite, fir moth or Hermes, then you should resort to using an insecticide.

How to prepare Nordmann fir for winter

Caucasian fir has excellent winter hardiness, which only improves over the years. But young seedlings should be protected from frost by mulching the near-stem circle with fallen leaves and covering the trunk with spruce branches.

Plant propagation

Due to the poor survival rate of cuttings, the type species propagates at home by seed:

  1. Fir seeds are stratified for 2 months by placing a container with crops in the refrigerator.
  2. In spring, crops germinate.
  3. When the seedlings get stronger, they dive into separate containers, where they are grown before planting in open ground for 5-7 years.

Use in landscape design

Landscape compositions using Nordmann fir are diverse and depend on the variety:

  • Tall varieties look spectacular in single plantings on the lawn in front of the house.
  • Undersized representatives are widely used in decorating the lower tier of alpine slides.
  • Medium-sized and slow-growing varieties are perfectly combined with deciduous evergreen shrubs - boxwood, Thunberg barberry.

So, if the gardener has a desire to decorate the plot with a conifer, then you can safely choose the Nordmann fir, which is distinguished by its spectacularity and ease of care.

Nordmann's fir, or Caucasian is, which was first discovered by the botanist Alexander von Nordmann, in whose honor it got its name. The plant is one of the evergreen trees that can grow up to 60, and sometimes up to 80 m in height (we are talking about natural growing conditions).

If you want to plant Nordmann fir on your site, pay attention to her description:

  • the crown of the tree is distinguished by a cone-shaped shape, which can reach 2-3 m in diameter;
  • the trunk of the tree is thick, in natural conditions of growth it can reach 2 m in diameter;
  • the color and structure of the bark varies depending on the age of the tree - at a young age it is smooth gray-brown, in a more mature one it begins to crack and acquires a darker haze;
  • the branches on the trunk are densely arranged, each slightly raised up;
  • young shoots have a light greenish color with a slight yellowness, decorated with short and fluffy needles;
  • the main branches are covered with dark green needles, shiny above and matte below;
  • the length of the needles can reach 4 cm; when it is rubbed, a very rich coniferous aroma is felt, which is due to the presence in the needles a large number oils;
  • an adult tree blooms annually (April-early May), covered with both male and female flowers; male flowers are presented in the form of spikelets with a reddish tinge, and female flowers are greenish catkins, which are formed mainly at the top of the crown;
  • large cones up to 20 cm long are formed as fruits; they are held vertically on the branches, have a short leg; immature cones are green in color, in the process of maturation they become more and more brown and coarsen;
  • the root system may differ depending on the features: if the soil is soft, the root system goes deep into the core, if it is clayey and stony, it spreads near the surface.

Did you know? Due to its attractiveness, Nordmann fir is used in European countries as a Christmas tree.

Under favorable conditions, Caucasian fir can live for about 700 years. It is noteworthy that the increase in the tree is observed regardless of age.

Main varieties

The tree has a number of varieties, among which you can choose the most attractive for yourself:

Did you know? The natural growth conditions of Nordmann fir cover the entire Caucasus, Turkey and even the countries of the Middle East. This tree can form dense coniferous forests, adjacent only to beech.

What you need to know about planting

The dream of Caucasian fir in the country is feasible, regardless of the characteristics of your suburban area, since this tree is unpretentious in cultivation. In any case, you can also improve the growing conditions for your favorite plant yourself.

Choice of landing site

Caucasian fir is a tree that actively develops areas at an altitude of about 1200 meters above sea level. Therefore, in low areas it shows low growth rates, which, however, with ornamental cultivation is of no importance. main feature(with the exception of some varieties) is the ability to grow actively in both shady and well-lit places. This tree is not even afraid strong winds, but prefers areas with high humidity.

What kind of soil is needed for successful growth

Nordmann's Caucasian fir loves nutritious, rich soils. Loams are best suited for planting, but the tree grows well when planted in heavier acidic soils.

Important! Fir can be propagated only with ripened seeds, since the methods show themselves from a very bad side. may not take root at all or take root with great difficulty. As for the seeds, their ripening occurs at the end of October - the beginning of November. Only those seeds that themselves fly out of the opened cones are considered ripe.

Landing Rules

Since Caucasian fir reproduces only by seeds, they are 1.5-2 months before planting. To do this, the seeds are placed in the soil previously poured into the container and left in the refrigerator or in the basement. After that, in the spring, the seeds germinate in warmth, and the resulting seedlings dive into larger containers. Usually the plant is grown in pots for 5-7 years and only after that it is transplanted into open ground. This is due to the instability of young seedlings, which can die under any adverse conditions.

Considering the above circumstances, it is recommended to plant fir on your site in the form of a seedling purchased from a nursery. For this, a pit is prepared with a depth of 80 cm and a width of 60 cm. To the indicated depth, it is recommended to add a layer of, the presence of which is mandatory when planting fir (crushed stone or gravel is used for this). For successful adaptation and growth of the tree, prepare soil mixture in the following proportions:

  • sand - 14.5%;
  • humus - 14.5%;
  • clay - 28%;
  • – 42 %.
Add complex fertilizer to the resulting mixture and pour part of it into the bottom of the pit in the form of a slide. Spread the roots of the seedling along it and completely fill it with soil, leaving only the root neck above the soil surface. only needed for landing.

Features of care

Nordmann fir is undemanding in care, however, depending on the growing conditions, it still requires supervision.

Watering and feeding the plant

Nordmann fir in cultivation requires periodic watering and top dressing, which is carried out only in trees. Watering is carried out only for young seedlings, adult trees can not be watered at all, since their root system is quite capable of providing a large tree with moisture. As for dressings, they begin to be carried out only from 5-6 years after planting. It is best to use liquid complex preparations for fertilizing conifers.

Important! Caucasian fir is characterized by good resistance to low temperatures. A middle-aged tree easily tolerates frosts down to -30° C, and with age, this threshold only increases. But young seedlings are afraid of frost, so they are recommended carefully for the winter.

soil care

Young fir seedlings are very sensitive to the neighborhood, so it is very important to keep the near-stem circle of the tree in perfect cleanliness. In order to maintain it longer, it is recommended to regularly soil around the Caucasian fir, using rotten soil for this purpose.


Nordmann fir generally does not require pruning. However, if you wish to make the tree more ornamental, pruning is perfectly acceptable. The need for it also arises in relation to old trees, on which many shrunken branches appear. So that they don't spoil appearance tree - the branches must be carefully removed with a saw, not forgetting about the processing of the cut area.

Plant diseases and pests

Caucasian fir is quite resistant to various pests, but the juiciness of its needles can still attract them. Under unsuitable growing conditions (the climate is not suitable, the soil is not suitable, or there is not enough fertilizer), some diseases can also affect this tree. Let's get acquainted with the problems of Nordmann fir in more detail.

Nordmann fir - delicious ornamental plant, which will perfectly decorate your personal plot. The Nordmann or Caucasian fir was first described by the Finnish-Russian botanist Alexander von Nordmann. The tree got its name in honor of him. Caucasian fir belongs to the pine family. The Danish tree, often seen on screens when we watch Christmas movies, is nothing more than a cultivated species of our fir, or abies nordmanniana.

Description of Nordmann fir

Caucasian fir is conifer tree. Evergreen can grow up to 60 m and even 80 m in height in natural conditions.

Let's go to the detailed description:

Under favorable growing conditions, a tree can live for about 700 years! Its growth does not depend on age.

Main varieties

tree planting conditions

The tree is unpretentious, so the features of your summer cottage will not affect its cultivation in any way. Moreover, the growing conditions can be improved artificially.

Location selection. Caucasian fir is actively developing areas at an altitude of approximately 1200 m above sea level. m. In low areas, it does not grow so well, but with ornamental cultivation this is not important. The main feature is the ability to grow actively both in the shade and in places that are well lit. Strong winds not afraid of the tree, but the level of humidity in the place of its growth should be high.

The soil. Soil tree prefers nutritious, rich in mineral fertilizers. Planting is recommended in loam, but good growth is observed in more acidic soil.

Landing Rules

Caucasian fir reproduces exclusively by seeds, which are stratified 1.5-2 months before planting. Seeds are placed in the soil, previously covered in a container, and left in the refrigerator or basement. In the spring, the seeds are germinated in the heat, and the resulting seedlings dive into larger containers.

As a rule, the tree is grown in pots for 5-7 years and only after that it is transplanted into open soil. This is due to the instability of young seedlings that can die under adverse conditions.

The following plants can be planted nearby:

  • larch;
  • Rowan;
  • barberry Thunberg;
  • Pine;
  • juniper.

In view of the above, it is better to plant fir on the site with a seedling purchased from a nursery. A hole is made for it 60 cm wide and 80 cm deep. It is recommended to add a layer of drainage to the indicated depth, which is mandatory when planting (gravel or crushed stone is used).

For the successful development of the tree, a mixture of the following ingredients is prepared:

  • sand - 14%;
  • humus - 14.5%;
  • peat - 42%;
  • clay - 28%.

A complex fertilizer is added to the mixture, and part of it is poured onto the bottom of the pit in a slide. The roots spread along this hill, then everything is completely covered with soil, only the root neck is left above the surface of the earth. Watering is needed only when planting.


Periodic watering and top dressing are required, carried out only during the growing season. Only young seedlings are watered, adult trees can not be watered at all, because their roots are quite capable of providing sufficient moisture.

Feeding the plant begins from 5-6 years after planting. As a fertilizer, liquid complex preparations for fertilizing conifers are recommended.

Young seedlings are extremely sensitive to the neighborhood of weeds, and therefore, it is important to keep the near-stem space clean. To maintain this very cleanliness, regular mulching of the soil around the tree using decomposed sawdust is recommended.


In general, pruning is not required for the tree, but if it is necessary to make the tree more decorative, pruning is done. Old trees are cut off, on which there are a lot of dry branches. So that the appearance of the tree does not deteriorate because of them, the branches are carefully cut down, and the places of cuts are processed.

Pests and diseases

A more detailed description of the problems:

Nordmann's fir begins to bear fruit quite late. As a rule, it takes 10-20 years to wait before fruiting. This process starts faster in hybrid varieties.

It should be noted that in case of insufficient moisture, the needles and shoots can dry out, therefore, for planting, choose the variety on the site that has the highest probability of survival.


It grows in the mountains of the Western Caucasus on the northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus and on the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus (Adzhar-Imereti and Trialeti) at an altitude of 1200–2000 m.


One of the largest firs, reaches a height of 65 m and a diameter of more than 2 m. The crown is cone-shaped, dense, occupies most of the trunk. The base of the trunks is often thickened and ribbed. The bark is dark, covered with easily separated elongated plates. The needles are dark green, 15–40 mm long, with a bright white lining due to a large number stomata, stays on branches for 9–13 years. Blooms in April-May. Cones are brown-brown, often resinous, 15–20 cm long, with large wide seeds and curved covering scales. They crumble in October-November, leaving rods sticking up on the branches. Seeds 8–12 mm long, bitter, shiny with a brown wing covering the seed. Caucasian fir is thermophilic. Demanding on air humidity. Very shade tolerant. It usually propagates by seeds. Grows faster than other types. Lives up to 800 years. It is used as a water protection, mountain protection and decorative breed.


The breed is non-core, but with ripe wood, has no resin passages. Homogeneous white color. It pricks well. At 15% humidity the density is 0.42 g/cm³, at 12% humidity 0.38 g/cm³.


Volume shrinkage coefficient 0.43%.


The compressive strength along the fibers is 502×10 5 Pa, with static bending - 995.6×10 5 Pa. End hardness 308.2 × 10 5 Pa.


Weakly resistant.

Technological properties

Well pricked, processed.


Used as lumber, in chemical processing; as balances - to obtain cellulose, as well as in construction.

  1. Description
  2. Spreading
  3. Popular varieties
  4. reproduction
  5. Landing: the subtleties of preparation
  6. Description of the disembarkation process
  7. How to care for a tree

Nordmann fir, or Caucasian fir, ( lat. Abies nordmanniana) was first described by the Finnish-Russian botanist Alexander von Nordmann. Belongs to the family Pine genus Fir.

Fir requires soil rich in minerals and fertilizers. Prefers loam. In such conditions, the tree develops rapidly and gives growth. It also grows on alkaline soils.

Fir tolerates frost well down to -30 ° C. With age, frost resistance increases.

The optimal belt for breeding is 1200–2000 meters above sea level. The plant can be planted in the shade and on open area, not afraid of the wind.

Popular varieties

Abies nordmanniana put on household plots, in city parks. Used varieties:

  • "Jadwiga",
  • "Pendula"

  • "Bright Green"
  • Golden Spreader,

  • Borjomi.

The latter is similar to the Caucasian. Features of other varieties:

  • "Pendula". It grows slowly, the crown is already normal. Used to decorate areas.
  • "Jadwiga". Grows faster than other representatives. The crown is narrowed, rapidly increasing in diameter. The tree is suitable for landscaping.
  • golden spreader. Eternal dwarf. Slowly growing, height - up to 1 m at the age of 10. Bred in pots, planted on alpine hills. Special care is not required.

Danish spruce is distributed throughout the world. New varieties are constantly being introduced.


Propagated by mature seeds. The vegetative system is poorly developed - cuttings are grafted with great difficulty or this function is completely absent. Seeds ripen in October-November. They need to be collected during this period, until the material flew out of the opened cone.

Collect seeds from mature trees.

Landing: preparation

Seeds are sown in the ground, leaving holes for the embryo to breathe, placed in a refrigerator or basement for stratification. Withstand 1-1.5 months.

Germinate seeds in a pot or wait for early shoots in a forest belt. Shoots grow slowly, the process will not even speed up good care. If scheduled spring planting, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made 5–10-year-old seedling. Younger individuals will die in a new place, the old ones will not take root: firs do not like transplantation.

The place is chosen open, not cluttered with other trees. Soils must be fertile. When designing alleys or planting several individuals, the distance between the trees is calculated. For prospectuses - 3–4.5 m, for groups - 2.5 m each.

Description of the disembarkation process

General plan of action:

  1. They dig a hole 50 x 50 or 60 x 60 cm, up to 80 cm deep. Dimensions depend on the power of the seedling, its root system.
  2. A drainage layer is poured at the bottom - 20 cm of broken brick or gravel.
  3. Mineral fertilizers for conifers are added, about 10 kg of medium-sized sawdust.
  4. The pit is kept for 2 weeks.
  5. The roots of the seedling are moistened with water, placed in the prepared recess so that the root collar remains above ground level.
  6. Abundantly watered.

In the first winter, on frosty days, the Nordmann fir should be covered with insulating materials. In the future, such care will not be needed.