Purslane - planting seeds and caring for a flowering carpet in the open ground and on the windowsill. Purslane (56 photos): decorative and medicinal beauty Growing terry purslane

  • 13.06.2019

Terry purslane is an ornamental annual creeping plant with double flowers 2-3 cm in diameter in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, orange, red. This is one of the favorite flowers of many gardeners, which, thanks to its bright, multi-colored flowers, creates a summer cottage an attractive variegated floral mat, which is why many people call purslane a “rug.”

Terry purslane is ideal for decorating flower beds, borders, creating flower arrangements and alpine slides; it is also used to decorate balconies and garden flowerpots.

Terry purslane, description

Terry purslane is a low-growing creeping plant no more than 20 cm high, with fleshy leaves and stems of light green color, sometimes with a purple tint, with spindle-shaped, branched roots. Clinging to the ground, purslane completely covers the area, the flowerbed, forming a continuous carpet of exquisite beauty. The leaves of purslane are fleshy and needle-shaped. The highlight of the plant is its flowers, reminiscent of miniature rose or peony, which consist of several balls of petals. Terry purslane begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and continues to delight with its extraordinary beauty until frost. The variety of flowers is simply amazing; the mixture of double purslanes looks especially beautiful and colorful, from which a spotted, elegant flower garden is created. Flowers open in sunny weather, their bloom lasts only one sunny day, and new ones appear in place of faded flowers.

The attractiveness of purslane for gardeners:

  • The plant is resistant to trampling. For a long time it was considered a weed, which was fought in every possible way.
  • Easy to care for.
  • The presence of beautiful buds of various colors is a decoration for any area or flower bed.
  • Quick landscaping of a summer cottage.

Types and varieties of terry purslane

Large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)

Portulaca grandiflora is the most common type of purslane, of which there are more than 200 varieties. The most famous: “white-flowered”, which blooms with exquisite snow-white double flowers and “splendence” with bright pink blooms and a pleasant aroma.

The most common varieties of terry purslane

  1. Flamenco. A medium-sized bush, reaching a height of up to 15 cm. The stems are long, fleshy and large. The leaves are needle-shaped and bright green. It has flowers of various colors.
  2. Pun – decorative bush 15 cm high, reminiscent of a rose bush, with long creeping large stems. The variety has large double flowers of bright rich tones. Successfully used landscape designers.
  3. Sunglo is an ornamental variety with large flowers. The stems are fleshy and large, with a slightly pink tint. The leaves are long and needle-shaped. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flowers remain open in any weather, even cloudy.
  4. Mango is a large-flowered double purslane with abundant blooms of coral-orange flowers 5 cm in diameter.
  5. Hybrid Cream - a plant with cream flowers that have a darker center, 4-5 cm in diameter.

Terry purslane, cultivation and care

Terry purslane – unpretentious plant, which does not require special attention. The only condition for its growth and constant flowering is a lighted and sunny place in your garden. He needs a permanent place for his normal height. If it is placed in a shaded place, it will not be able to fully grow and develop: the stems will stretch and thin out, becoming unattractive.

Water the plant once a week, since it is a drought-resistant flower that dies from excess moisture; water should not stagnate in the soil. The plant feels great without water for a long period of time. When watering purslane, do not allow moisture to get on the leaves and water early in the morning. Also, purslane does not need to be fertilized with fertilizers, and due to an excess of organic fertilizers in the soil, the green part of the plant grows, and flowering slows down. It has been established that the poorer the soil, the more abundant purslane blooms. Feels great on sandy and rocky soils.

Purslane is undemanding in terms of care; you just need to regularly remove weeds and thin out the seedlings a little so that the bushes are more spreading and lush.

Reproduction of terry purslane

Terry purslane, growing from seeds

Most often, purslane propagates by seeds. Since they are very small, they are simply sown in the soil in early spring and covered with film to protect them from spring frosts. After the first shoots, the film is removed.

Terry purslane, growing seedlings

For colder northern regions, it is recommended to use seedling propagation in pots.
In February, the seeds are planted in pots. To ensure that the seedlings germinate evenly, you can mix the seeds with sand (1:4). It is advisable to put glass on top of the pot and place it in a well-lit place in the house, the optimal temperature is at least 17 degrees. Within a week the first shoots will appear. The soil needs to be lightly moistened; you can sprinkle it a little with a spray bottle. To harden the plant and avoid sprouts from stretching, it is recommended to lower the room temperature at night. To give room for the growth of young shoots, it is recommended to pick them up, and plant the removed shoots in boxes with soil. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of April or beginning of May, when frosts are already excluded. When planting terry purslane, maintain a distance of 15 cm between sprouts.

In summer, terry purslane can be propagated by dividing the bushes and transplanted to another place. After pinching off the cutting, lower it into a container of water until roots appear. In this way, you can plant purslane in decorative flowerpots and balcony boxes. After the shoot takes root, infrequent watering is required.

Diseases and pests of terry purslane

Purslane is a fairly unpretentious plant that is resistant to common diseases and pests. But, there are cases of plant infection with fungal diseases, which manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves and buds. Having noticed the first signs of infection, you should remove the affected areas of the plant and treat the bushes with a product containing copper. Another danger that awaits the plant is an invasion of aphids. When it appears, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a soap solution using a spray bottle.

Terry purslane is incredibly beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flower, which is successfully used for decorating borders, alpine slides and flower beds. This colorful rug will be a splash of color in your garden that is sure to attract attention. Purslane grows excellently on balconies, in pots and garden flowerpots, decorating verandas and summer gazebos. It looks great in compositions with petunias, nasturtiums, marigolds and zinnias. Since double purslane is a low-growing plant, in compositions it is recommended to plant it on foreground. Sometimes purslane can be an excellent alternative to a lawn, providing ideal coverage for the area.

Terry purslane, photo

“Flower rug” is a specific name that fully reflects all the decorative and botanical properties of the plant discussed in this article. Purslane flowers are widely used in the design of not only personal plots and gardens, but also for decorating balconies, loggias, terraces and patios in the summer. The rapid growth of vegetative green mass, resistance to trampling and magnificent double flowers of all shades of buds are distinctive characteristics in any description of the culture.

And it all started so prosaically. Many centuries ago, the crop penetrated the European continent from America, where it multiplied by self-sowing and was a fairly persistent weed. In Europe, at first, purslane also reproduced independently, until it attracted the attention of breeders. The name portula was given after observing the behavior of the capsules inside which the seeds ripen. As they ripen, they swing open like a gate, which is what the Latin word portula actually means.

Currently, two varieties are known: purslane flowers (double, large-flowered and ampelous) and vegetable purslane (used as a food crop and medicinal plant). This article discusses large-flowered and double purslane, which is used for growing from seeds in seedlings and decorating landscapes and interiors.

For now, look at the photo of purslane flowers, they perfectly illustrate all the decorative properties of the plant:

Growing purslane flowers from seeds: planting and care (with photo)

Growing purslane flowers is best done in seedlings. Sowing of seeds is usually timed to mid-March, when there is already a significant increase in the length of daylight hours. The culture is very demanding on the amount of light and ambient temperature. At a temperature of +10 degrees Celsius, the entire above-ground part of the plant dies. Therefore, planting in open ground is possible only after the threat of return spring frosts has completely passed. By this point, the night temperature should be at least 15 degrees Celsius.

For successful growth and development, a well-lit place with loose and structured soil is required. In central Russia, purslane grown from seeds is planted no earlier than the first days of June. In the Urals and Siberia, the landing dates may shift to June 10-15. It is advisable to grow it as a container culture, which allows you to remove the plants to a warm room if there is a threat of frost.

If you sow purslane seeds in a timely manner, growing the plant in the future is not difficult. Care consists of sufficient watering and fertilizing with mineral and organic substances.

Look at the photo of purslane flowers grown using seedlings sown in mid-March:

In order to get the same purslane, planting and care must be organized according to all the rules of agricultural technology for this crop. This is exactly what we will talk about in more detail, since there are certain tricks. The first subtlety is to prepare the nutrient soil. Under no circumstances should you use ordinary purchased soil for flowers and seedlings for this purpose. It is based on peat, which inhibits the growth process of purslane seedlings. Moreover, this soil can negatively affect seed germination. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the land in advance, in the fall. The best lineup ordinary turf soil or soil from under deciduous trees has. It is best to store the harvested soil under natural freezing conditions (for example, on an uncovered balcony). This way, you can easily get rid of more pests and diseases. Before direct sowing, the soil is laid out in containers with at least 2 cm of fine gravel or crushed eggshells poured into the bottom. Then the soil is calcined in the oven for 1 hour. It is poured into containers in a layer of up to 5 cm. It is advisable to add approximately 1 part of calcined river sand to 4 parts of prepared soil. After compacting the soil in containers, it is important to properly moisten it. The best way is to put snow on top and wait for it to completely melt. This is the most natural type of moisture, which helps to increase the percentage of seed germination. Purslane is planted on the surface of the soil, followed by burying the seed to a depth of 5 mm. You can use a toothpick for this.

Then the container is generously sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. The top is covered with a transparent plastic film and placed on the windowsill, under which the central heating radiator passes. It takes 3 for seeds to germinate important factors: high temperature (not lower than 20 degrees Celsius), sufficient soil moisture and penetration of sunlight.

When growing purslane from seeds, mandatory picking is required in the phase of appearance of two true leaves. For this procedure, prepare in advance peat pots, which are filled with the same soil composition in which the sowing was carried out. For one plant at this stage of development, a pot with a diameter of up to 8 cm is sufficient. When replanting, deepen it to the cotyledon leaves.

Caring for purslane at the seedling stage may include a mandatory additional lighting procedure. An additional light source is necessary when seedlings are stretched and the color of the leaves is pale. Usually 2-3 hours of evening illumination in the evening hours is enough. After picking, 2 weeks later, the first fertilizing is carried out with mineral flower fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen. The second feeding should be carried out with mineral complexes, in which the percentage of potassium and phosphorus predominates.

Planting in the ground takes place in mid-June. Transplantation into containers and hanging flowerpots can be carried out in early May. But it is necessary to protect the plants from exposure to cold air. When using the seedling method of cultivation, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the procedure for hardening the seedlings. 2 weeks before planting in open ground, seedlings begin to gradually adapt to new growing conditions. To do this, containers are taken out to Fresh air on the first day for 15 minutes. On the second day, the “walk” time increases to 30 minutes. Over the course of a week, the hardening time is increased to 5 hours.

The following photo shows purslane from various angles and types of planting:

IN open ground, containers and flowerpots, purslane flowers need an abundance of sunlight, daily watering with warm water and the application of mineral fertilizers once a week throughout the entire flowering period. And by the way, under favorable conditions, it can easily continue until the end of August in central Russia. In the south this period is even longer. The fact is that when some of the buds of the purslane fade, more and more new flowers are formed.

Double and large-flowered purslane flower: “white-flowered” or “splendence”?

The large-flowered purslane flower is known to biologists under the Latin name Portulaca grandiflora - this is the most common species. In total, there are more than 200 varieties, among which it is worth paying attention to “white-flowered” and “splendence”; they have elegant double inflorescences of rich white and pink colors.

But let's try to understand all this in more detail. All varieties of purslane are accompanied by colorful photos, which show all the decorative attractiveness of the plant.

Large-flowered purslane is a flower that richly decorates flower beds and flower beds of most modern European countries with a warm climate. It is a perennial plant that has an impressive mass of creeping shoots with a length of up to 1.5 meters. They are resistant to physical impact, but on lawns and garden paths It is still not recommended to plant them. The buds look like the heads of a tea rose and come in many different colors. A mixture of different colors looks great when planted as a border plant or in a garden container.

Terry purslane is a rarity that can decorate even the most sophisticated garden. The splendence variety has a pure pink shade of petals, a long flowering period and an unusual pleasant aroma. But the “white-flowered” purslane differs from it in the exquisite purity of its snow-white buds, favorably emphasized by the emerald rich greenery of the plant.

Ampel purslane at home

This plant is perennial and is perfect for growing indoors. Moreover, spring cuttings are possible in order to obtain early flowering on young flowers.

Ampelous purslane is not a special variety or variety. In fact, any species is ampelous or cascading if it grows in hanging planters. In open ground, the stems usually spread along the surface of the ground, forming a kind of green mat. And at home, it is advisable to keep purslane in hanging pots on a sunny southern window.

In winter, regular watering is provided. Feeding stops in October and resumes only in early March. After 2 weeks, cuttings are cut, which easily take root in ordinary water. After a month, such seedlings form beautiful flowering bushes.

It is very simple to start purslane at home - at the end of August you can transplant it from open ground or bring garden containers into the house.

Purslane is grown by many gardeners. Most often it is planted in the ground in the garden - This is a wonderful ground cover plant. The stems of the plant with leaves similar to Christmas tree needles are intertwined and perfectly cover the soil, and bright flowers: yellow, orange, scarlet, pink, white form a motley carpet on the ground.

Purslane is also grown in pots and flowerpots, which are used to decorate loggias, verandas and balconies, turning them into a beautiful “rosary”, because double purslane flowers really resemble small roses.

What kind of plant is this? What do you need to know about planting purslane and caring for it? What are the basic growing rules?

Purslane grandiflora

All decorative purslanes belong to the species Grandiflora purslane (Portulaca grandiflora). There are many varieties, they differ in the color of the petals and the degree of terry. Some manufacturers produce hanging varieties, although ordinary ones can also be grown as hanging varieties. Mixtures of seeds of multi-colored varieties are often sold; such planting looks very decorative.

This plant is perennial, but is grown as an annual, because in our conditions does not overwinter in open ground. The plant is a creeping succulent, its reddish branching stems rise 15-20 cm above the ground. The flowers open only during the day in sunny weather. In the conditions of the middle zone, this is, of course, a disadvantage, but a clear advantage is long flowering.

Purslane blooms from mid-June to September when the first frosts arrive. Flowering is abundant, but each individual flower fades in one day, then withers and sets fruit. If wilted flowers If you do not remove it in time and the boll will ripen, the purslane will self-sow, which, as a rule, is undesirable, because plants obtained in this way next year They will bloom only by August.

Growing purslane from seeds

In warm southern regions, seeds can be sown directly into the ground. But for purslane to bloom in June in the middle zone, planting in the ground is carried out by seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February - March. You can take any soil for germination, it is important that it is light, air- and water-permeable. Purslane seeds are very small, so when sowing it is convenient to mix them with calcined or otherwise disinfected river sand. This mixture is scattered over the surface of the wet soil, it is not covered with soil on top, it is simply pressed slightly onto the surface with a board, and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. The crops are placed in a warm place (with a temperature of at least 20 degrees), covered with a film or bag, which is removed once a day for ventilation. As the soil dries, the surface of the soil is moistened with a spray bottle.

After about 1-2 weeks, seedlings begin to appear, at this moment the film should be removed from the boxes and placed on the windowsill. Continue watering using a spray bottle. Purslane, as a rule, emerges together, the seedlings are plump and juicy.

After the appearance of the second true leaf on the seedlings, picking is carried out. In this case, the plants are planted at a distance of 4 cm from each other and buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

Planting and care

Purslane is planted in open ground by when the danger of return frosts has passed. In the southern regions - in May, in the middle zone at the end of May - beginning of June, in Siberia and the Urals - after June 10. Before planting, it is useful to harden the seedlings 1-2 weeks before planting. To do this, containers with plants are taken out into daytime outside, gradually increasing the hardening time from 15 minutes to 5-6 hours. It is good if by the time of planting the seedlings have more than 10 strong leaves and buds.

Seedlings are planted in the garden at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, and watered after planting. Until the shoots grow and cover the ground, the purslane needs to be regularly weeded and the soil around the plants loosened.

For purslane, it is important to choose the right place for planting. It grows well in open, sunny places and in light partial shade. It will bloom sparingly in shaded areas. Good lighting is perhaps the only fundamental condition for the successful cultivation of purslane.

Purslane feels great on poor sandy soils, does not really like peat soils; shoots actively grow on nutrient soils to the detriment of flowering. The area for purslane should be dry, without stagnant water.

When caring for purslane, you need to remember that excessive watering is also harmful to it. In combination with cold weather, this leads to the appearance of fungal diseases in the plant, although in general this plant is very resistant to diseases, and pests do not attack it. Water purslane abundantly, only in hot weather, when the soil is sufficiently dry. The plant can tolerate quite a long period of drying out; it is a succulent.

Purslane takes cuttings well. If you move one or more plants from the garden indoors for the winter, in the spring you can cut a few branches from them, root them in water and plant them in a flower garden. Within a month the cuttings will produce flowering bushes.

The plant does not require mandatory feeding, but if you feed the purslane with mineral fertilizer 2-3 times during the summer, the flowering will be more abundant and luxuriant.

If you are interested in growing purslane from your own seeds, this is possible, but most likely for non-double species. Terry varieties produce fewer seeds and have poorer germination rates. Since seeds are formed and ripen unevenly, they need to be collected as they form. The boxes are picked after they turn yellow, slightly unripe, so that they do not have time to crack, and are dried, laid out on paper. They can be sown for seedlings next spring, and germination persists for three years.


In addition to decorative (inedible) varieties, there are edible, garden varieties of purslane. They are used in salads, added to soups, and pickled. Garden purslane also has medicinal properties, although it also has contraindications for consumption for health reasons. Species specially bred in France garden purslane with red and yellow leaves.

This plant has an interesting name. What does it mean? There are two versions. First, the word comes from the Latin words pulli pied - “chicken leg”. Indeed, a sprig of purslane resembles a chicken leg. By the way, one of the popular names for purslane, “chicken leg,” can be considered an indirect confirmation of this version. According to the second version, the word “purslane” comes from the Latin word portula - “door”. The ripe purslane fruit, the capsule, is torn, and the torn edges resemble an open door.

Non-ornamental species of purslane are found wild in the southern regions of Russia, in the south of the Far East, in Central Asia, and in the Caucasus. It has also taken root in the non-chernozem zone. Wild purslane is a stubborn, tenacious weed, which is very difficult to remove from the garden. Common names: flea beetles, buterlak, chicken leg, chicken trail, sucker, dandur.

Purslane is a light-loving flower, usually grown as an annual crop. The best place for planting is open, warm and sunny. This low plant, so beloved by both landscape designers and summer residents, will create a flowering carpet on the ground when proper care. It can bloom from June until frost. This succulent is grown in flower beds, borders, southern balconies and alpine slopes, and, of course, on windows in the summer season.

Features of growing in balcony pots and in open ground

Purslane came to Europe, and then to Russia from the countries of South and North America. In warmer climates with mild winters, purslane often becomes a weed, reproducing by self-seeding. The name purslane comes from the Latin portula - which means “collar”. This is due to the fact that the seed pod opens exactly like this: with gate leaves, only very small ones.

People call purslane a rug, because it really rarely grows above 15 centimeters in height, preferring to spread along the surface of the ground. In the room, purslane grows well only in very bright light, preferring southern windows and direct sunlight. It can grow in a room in winter, but if there is a lack of light, it stretches out and does not bloom, so it is necessary to use additional lighting, preferably with special phytolamps.

This is an annual plant with a spindle-shaped and branched root. Stem Brown, branched, fleshy. The leaves are small, shaped like a flattened egg, and fleshy. It blooms in June with small flowers appearing in the branches of the stem. Each flower stays open for only 1 day, then dies.

Purslane is eaten as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, by frying or poaching young stems with the addition of vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar or fried onions. This healthy vegetable, easy to grow and rich in microelements.

But most often purslane is bred as ornamental plant. In some areas it is planted on sunny alpine hills, as bright spots in the flower bed.

In apartment buildings, purslane is an excellent solution for hot and southern balconies, where ordinary plants burn from excess sun and heat. It is best to admire it up close, and thanks to its highly branched stems, it is also planted in hanging baskets.

Annual or perennial - which is better?

Purslane grandiflora is most often grown as an annual crop; it is decorative flower with a wide variety of color shades. They can be white, red, scarlet, yellow, orange, single and double.

There are also perennial varieties purslane, but in open ground due to the cold and snowy winter they can only be grown in our conditions as annuals. Ampel varieties of purslane are most often considered perennials; they can be grown in hanging flower pots and brought into a warm room - an apartment or house - for the winter, limiting nutrition from September to March and keeping the soil moist. In the spring, such a plant begins to be intensively fed and cuttings are taken or simply pruned, stimulating the growth of new shoots or rooting cuttings to produce new bushes.

In places with warm winters, where the temperature does not drop below +10, purslane overwinters on its own.

Purslane - stem length up to 60 cm, flowers small, yellow, of no value. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, contains carbohydrates, proteins, carotene. It quenches thirst well and has a positive effect on mood. For medicinal purposes it is used to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, for insomnia and liver diseases. Young leaves and shoots are eaten, eaten fresh, boiled or canned. Very often, it is the garden vegetable purslane that grows like a weed, reproducing by self-sowing.

Puffed marshmallows and other purslane varieties

There is a wide variety on the market decorative varieties- there are those that require maximum light and those that can bloom in the shade, annual and perennial, with simple flowers and terry, and even mixtures of varieties, for those who cannot decide. We provide a description of the most common varieties, but breeders are constantly developing new ones.

  • Long Summer is an improved version of terry purslane, characterized by longer and more abundant flowering. The height of the plant is up to 15 cm, it blooms only on clear and sunny days, blooming flowers of a wide variety of colors, reaching a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Merry round dance - terry purslane, whose flowers bloom even on cloudy days. Flower up to 5 cm in diameter, of various colors. Suitable for hanging, borders, balcony boxes.
  • Coral reef - annual purslane, up to 15 cm high. The diameter of semi-double flowers is 4 cm, the color is coral. It can grow even on the most meager and poor soil, on sandy or rocky soils with minimal watering.
  • Cream F1 - annual variety purslane with double cream-colored flowers. Very beautiful, with strong growth vigor, grows best in poor and sandy soils. Indispensable in hanging culture.
  • Cherry is a double purslane that blooms only in sunny weather. Plant height 12 cm, spreads well, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, cherry color. Very light-loving, does not bloom even in the slightest shade. Prefers to grow on sandy and dry sandy soils.
  • Pink terry - purslane height is up to 10 cm, stems grow up to 30 cm, branches well, forming a dense mat. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, double. Well suited for balconies, pot culture.
  • Sunny Princess - a mixture of seeds from the Gavrish agricultural company - includes double, semi-double and simple varieties of various colors, can grow in sunny, but damp and cool climates. Grows well in poor and rocky soils even without fertilizing. Planted in flowerpots, on borders, alpine hills.
  • Terry orange - blooms flowers even in cloudy weather. The plant is low, only 10–15 cm, the diameter of the flowers is up to 5 cm and is bright orange. Terry. Resistant to pests and diseases. Can be used for potting, on sunny balconies in boxes.
  • Scheherazade is a large-flowered purslane, non-double, with flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Opens only on sunny days. Blooms in July. Suitable for growing in containers and pots.
  • Happy Travels F1 - yellow, orange, pink or red and white striped double flowers, up to 23 cm high, forming a mat up to 45 cm in diameter. It is better to plant in flower beds, hills, and containers.
  • Happy Occasion - large-flowered, bicolor, double. The color of the petals is white and pink, the stem is light green, up to 25 cm high. It looks very beautiful in balcony boxes, flower beds, flower beds, but blooms only in sunny weather.
  • Pink haze - original flowers, double and semi-double, pale pink in color, very reminiscent of roses. It grows well in width, forming a spot about 40 cm in diameter. Grows well in sandy, rocky and poor soils with minimal watering. Very a good option for ampel plantings.
  • Tequila Cherry F1 and Tequila White F1 are hybrids with strong growth energy and grow quickly, forming a mat up to 40 cm in diameter. They grow even in humid climates, on the poorest soils with virtually no watering. Double flowers, up to 5 cm.
  • Purslane Sunny is an annual plant, up to 10 cm high. The flowers are yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter, open only in sunny weather. Undemanding to soil. It is advisable to plant on the southern slopes of rocky hills.
  • Puffed marshmallow is an annual plant that grows only 10 cm in height and spreads well. Double flowers of various colors: pink, orange, red, white, lilac, with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm. Can grow on ordinary garden soil, in border flower beds, on balconies, in flowerpots.
  • Sunglo - perennial purslane with the most large flowers, which do not close even in cloudy weather.

Photo gallery: varieties of flowering purslane

variety Air marshmallow - one of the most popular Long summer - a mixture of double flowers of various colors Cheerful round dance - a mixture of double hanging flowers Variety Cream F1 with delicate color and large flowers
Cherry variety - blooms only in sunny weather Pink terry variety, short with large flowers Terry orange variety blooms even in cloudy weather Sunny Princess - a mixture of shades and shape of petals Happy Travels variety is quite a tall plant, comes in different colors
Sunny Purslane - a low annual variety The Happy Occident variety is distinguished by its unusual coloring Scheherazade mixture - single petals of different colors The Tequila Cherry variety is distinguished by double cherry-colored flowers The Pink Haze variety grows well, ampelous

A large selection of varieties allows you to choose exactly the one that the gardener likes, both in flower size and color. Although decorative purslane loves the sun, there are varieties that bloom in partial shade.

How to propagate purslane

Decorative purslane can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. In regions where winters are warm and summers are long, purslane can produce full seeds and sprout on its own in the spring.

Garden purslane reproduces by self-sowing; you don’t have to do anything special.

Propagation of terry varieties by cuttings

Beautiful hybrid varieties purslane cannot be propagated by seeds, since they will not pass on the maternal genes, so this purslane is propagated by cuttings:

  1. A piece of a twig 10–15 cm long is cut from the plant.
  2. Lightly dry the cut and remove the leaves at a distance of 2–3 cm from it.
  3. The cuttings are placed in water or wet sand.
  4. In dry and hot weather, you can cover the cutting with a transparent bag or spray the cutting with water.
  5. Place the rooted plants in a bright place.

Usually new roots appear within a few weeks. And they are transplanted several at a time to a permanent place or into seedling pots.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To get flowering bushes already in June and enjoy their beauty longer, seeds are sown on seedlings in mid-March. Light and warmth (22 degrees and above) are very important for young plants.

Select light soil for seedlings, preferably without adding peat, which reduces seed germination. Therefore, it is better to use turf and leaf soil with the addition of ¼ of washed sand.

The container for planting is chosen wide, with drainage holes. Fine expanded clay or gravel, up to 1 cm high, must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. This is due to the fact that purslane tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than its excess; for proper circulation in the container there must be good drainage.

Sequence of actions for growing seedlings:

  1. Pour the soil into a container and moisten it well with rain or melt water. If this is not the case, then you can use water that has previously settled.
  2. Purslane seeds are small, like a poppy seed; they are sown so that the distance between them is 1 cm, lightly pressing into the soil to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Cover the top of the pot with film and place it in a warm place, with a temperature not lower than 22 degrees, but better - 30 degrees. It is advisable for the pot to stand in the light.
  4. If condensation accumulates on the film, you need to ventilate the greenhouse at least once a day.
  5. The first purslane shoots may appear as early as 7 days. Usually purslane emerges together, it is immediately moved to a sunny and warm windowsill, and the film is removed.
  6. Grown seedlings with 1–2 true leaves are planted in individual pots. The soil can be added up to the cotyledon leaves.
  7. To grow strong purslane seedlings, you need to provide them with an abundance of sunlight, warmth and moisture, otherwise they will stretch out. You can add additional light to the seedlings in the morning, in the evening, and in cloudy weather - all day.
  8. Well-growing seedlings require fertilizing at least once a week. At this stage of growth, you can use a universal mineral fertilizer.

Video - how to sow purslane with double flowers for seedlings

Although purslane has good seed germination, there are cases when purchased hybrid terry varieties They don't germinate well in bags. To preserve expensively acquired plants, it is better to propagate them in the future by cuttings.

Sowing directly into the ground

In regions with in early spring and in the long summer you can plant purslane seeds directly into the ground:

  1. Tender purslane shoots can die even with minor frosts, and at +10 0 air they already stop growing, so you should not rush into planting and be sure to cover them with film at night.
  2. They dig up a bed for purslane, upper layer The soil is mixed with sand and moistened.
  3. The seeds are mixed with sand and scattered over the surface of the soil and pressed lightly.
  4. Water regularly as the soil dries out (on sunny days 1-2 times a week).
  5. If germination is uneven, grown seedlings with 1–2 true leaves are plucked and planted. The soil can be added up to the cotyledon leaves.
  6. Feed young shoots once a week, after a month - once every 14 days.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place after the threat of return frosts. The air temperature at night should be more than 10 degrees Celsius. In central Russia this is the end of May and the beginning of June, in more northern regions - after June 12, and in the south of Russia - in early May.

Be sure to harden off purslane seedlings a week before planting in the ground and acclimate them to the sun. Hardening can be carried out on the balcony if it is not possible to take the seedlings to the garden or dacha.

A plant with 10 formed leaves and buds is considered a good seedling.

Where and in what soil is it better to plant a flower?

Purslane loves the sun. He is not afraid of even the very hot rays of the southern regions. Where other plants burn, purslane blooms with bright colors. Therefore the most the best place- the southern slope of alpine hills, along paths, borders or in separate flower beds on the lawn. If you plant purslane in the shade, you may not get flowers, but the chosen flower variety will also have an impact.

Purslane is undemanding to the soil; on well-fertilized soils it grows quickly and occupies large surface, but flowering may be weak. To properly care for it, place it in lighter, sandy or even rocky soils where purslane blooms lushly and abundantly.

It is advisable that the purslane is not flooded with rainwater.

Caring for purslane in open ground

In summer, on hot and sunny days, purslane must be watered, preferably 1-2 times a week. warm water. Purslane is undemanding when it comes to feeding, but modern varieties respond very well to mineral fertilizers, which can be applied 2-3 times during the summer.

The first flowers bloom 6–7 weeks after germination. Each flower lives only 1 day, then closes and dies. While the bush is still small, this is noticeable, but when the purslane grows to the state of a dense mat, the flowers constantly bloom in large quantities and it seems that they do not fade at all.

How to collect seeds

Since a new bud opens every day, the seeds ripen unevenly. Remove the petals from a pollinated flower and observe the seed pod. About two weeks after pollination, it will turn brown and open, scattering seeds around it. Don't miss this moment if you want to collect them. In autumn, seed ripening takes longer. Collected seeds They remain viable for 3 years, but before sowing their seeds must lie for at least 3–4 months.

Collected seeds from terry varieties at next year can give simple flowers. That is why it is better to propagate them by cuttings, taking the best plants for the winter.

How can you preserve purslane in winter?

As a rule, purslane seeds, especially double purslane, are not sown in winter. But in the flower beds where purslane was adorned the previous summer, young shoots can be found in the spring. Usually they grow into plants with simple (non-double) flowers.

  1. At the end of summer, dig up the entire mother plant.
  2. For the winter, put it in a bright and cool place (temperature about 15–18 degrees).
  3. Water periodically and do not feed, which will allow you to preserve and propagate your favorite variety in the spring.
  4. After warming up, cuttings of 5–10 cm are cut from it and, tearing off the lower leaves, they are planted in boxes or pots for rooting.

How to grow purslane in winter

Due to the snowy and frosty winter, purslane does not overwinter in open ground. Particularly valuable specimens can be dug up and transplanted into a pot; at the end of summer, cuttings can be collected from the plant and rooted. In winter, such plants are stored in a bright room at a temperature of +15...+18 degrees, but they can also be placed on a southern windowsill, adding additional light to the purslane in the evenings, then it will continue to bloom until spring, that is, grow like a perennial.

Garden purslane reproduces well by self-sowing, so the bed with it is not dug up for the winter.

If purslane does not bloom

The most common reason for lack of flowering is the wrong choice of planting location, with the absence or insufficient sunlight. In this case, the purslane will be frail, the stems will be thin, and flowering may not occur.

The second reason for the lack of flowering is too fertile land. Purslane grows green mass, it feels good, it fattens and therefore does not produce flowers. If you plan to grow the plant there permanently, you can add sand and small stones before planting and dig it up.

Indoor purslane (on windows and balconies)

Purslane can be grown not only in the garden, but also in the apartment. It is better to choose beautiful terry varieties that bloom even in cloudy weather (Pink terry, Orange, Sunglo).

For potted culture, it is better to grow purslane as a succulent, purchasing appropriate soil: loose, breathable and peat-free. It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom of the pots.

You can grow it through seedlings, then transplanting it into a small container or pot. Moreover, you can plant several bushes at once, and if you take seeds for sowing not of one color, but of a mixture, then your home flower bed will be very bright and varied.

It's important to remember that this sunny flower and only a southern window sill or balcony is suitable for him. If the windows are on other sides of the world, and you want to grow beautiful flowers, be prepared to regularly highlight the purslane and provide additional care.

In the summer months, purslane can be fed once a month for lush flowering, by autumn, the fertilizing is removed, long stems can be cut off, and the pot can be moved to a cooler place.

I shake them and leave them in a cool place; in the spring they wake up. In general, you can all year round update the cuttings and keep them growing. Only in winter there is practically no flowering.


In spring, the bush wakes up and blooms with renewed vigor.

Probably, many remember from childhood a beautiful creeping plant with narrow and voluminous leaves and delicate flowers of a wide variety of shades. Its seed pod opens like a tiny little box and contains grains slightly similar in structure and color to poppy seeds. It got its name from the Latin “portula”, which means “collar”; it was precisely these associations that botanists evoked by the two valves with seeds that appear after the flower has bloomed.

Purslane is an unpretentious plant; it tends to grow quickly and bloom.

Russian gardeners associate this plant more with a rug that can cover the surface of the soil of the entire flower bed. At the same time, it is unpretentious and grows quite quickly, with proper care and favorable conditions.

A little history

Purslane is an unusual plant that can be found in the plots of experienced gardeners in Russia and in the fields of South and North America, as well as in the central regions of Europe. In those regions, in the old days, the cultivation of this plant was especially popular, because it was used to quickly heal wounds or as first aid for a snake bite and even as a remedy for insomnia.

The plant species called purslane includes more than two hundred plants, some of which last no more than twelve months, while others are perennial. A plant called “Portulaca grandiflora” has become especially widespread in various gardens around the world. It was brought from South America and is distinguished by large flowers that delight amateur gardeners almost throughout the warm season.

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Features of the plant

Portulaca grandiflora is the most widespread and unpretentious of its genus.

The length of one stem is, as a rule, no more than twenty centimeters in length. The leaves are narrow, fleshy, dark green, sometimes reddish. The flowers consist of five petals fused together and are cup-shaped. Their shades range within a fairly wide palette: from red to white, while there are also colors such as pink, cream, yellow and even orange.

Growing varieties such as White-flowered, Double Mix and Splendence produces especially beautiful flowers. In the first case, they are a soft white shade, striking in their purity. In the second, terry ones appear. In the third, a green rug delights with cups of a magnificent purple hue.

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Drop off locations

Purslane blooms as long as there is sunlight and the necessary humidity.

In gardens where there is a lot of stone, as well as as a decoration for borders, the container plant purslane finds its application. Flowers, the cultivation of which is not at all difficult, delight with their unique beauty almost all the time, as long as there is solar warmth and the necessary humidity.

They are placed both in open soil on a large piece of land called a flowerbed, and in hanging pots, vases, baskets and balcony boxes.

Due to its special endurance, purslane is sown at the joints of stone and concrete slabs, and where the soil is especially dry and does not allow creating a green lawn, this plant grows beautifully, creating a full-fledged dark green carpet with bright spots of flowers.

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Rules of care

Purslane perfectly withstands extreme heat and calmly tolerates a sharp drop in air temperature.

Purslane is a plant, the cultivation of which involves certain features that any gardener must take into account. For example, if you plant it on a lawn where very little sunlight penetrates, it will not bloom. It can also be grown in flower pot, however, you need to choose the window sill for it that is located in the southern direction of the world. It perfectly withstands extreme heat and calmly tolerates a sharp drop in air temperature. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the plant during periods of sudden changes in weather conditions.

And in order to grow a full-fledged plant that will delight you with its beauty, you need to constantly water it, especially if the air temperature rises greatly. However, the soil should not be very wet and stagnation of water should be avoided in the pots in which these flowers grow.

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Acquisition and seeding

Many gardening centers and nurseries offer purslane flowers in seeds. Growing it may be more successful if you purchase ready-made seedlings, which are sold in many of the most common markets at the very beginning of spring. It is usually sown in March, but you should not introduce various fertilizers into the soil, which are aimed at additionally feeding the plant, because it thrives even in depleted soil.

The temperature for rapid germination should be high, within 25°C. Therefore, it is best to get a greenhouse or build your own from metal rods and a couple of meters polyethylene film. Growing a full-fledged plant also requires a certain type of soil. Purslane loves rocky and sandy conditions. Then it grows into a magnificent green carpet that can cover a significant part of the land plot. Organic fertilizers and peat can destroy flowers or cause fungal diseases in them, which are quite difficult to eliminate.