What does phlox seedlings look like? Annual phloxes - varieties with descriptions and recommendations for care

  • 17.06.2019

Annual phloxes, which are easy to plant, are favorites of gardeners. They conquer everyone with their beauty, variety of shapes and colors, indescribably wonderful aroma.

Phloxes are native to North America. These magnificent flowers can be seen on almost every suburban area because they are so popular. There are several reasons for this - beauty and unpretentiousness, a variety of colors and a simple way of growing. The variety of phlox species is amazing, there are about 85 varieties, but only one annual species is Drummond's phlox.

Every grower knows about this flower of extraordinary beauty. It is graceful, beautiful, diverse. What could be better than a flower that creates a stunning look and does not require much attention. That is why he has gained universal love and recognition of gardening enthusiasts. A riot of colors, colors and shapes - all these are annual phloxes.

It is named after the American naturalist Henry Drummond. Phlox Henry Drummond comes in different varieties and has many hybrids, and by species, flowers are divided into:

  • dwarf - reach a height of only 15-20 cm;
  • stellate - have flowers that look like stars;
  • tetraploid - have large flowers reaching about 4 cm in diameter.

Phlox seeds can be bought both as individual varieties and in the form of specially selected mixes. This allows you to plant a plant in the desired variation with other flowers or in separate compositions, guided by a certain color scheme.

Of the varieties can be distinguished:

  1. 1 Phlox Terry - undersized (about 20 cm), with pale pink double flowers.
  2. 2 Button - a bushy variety, has flowers with an eye located in the center.
  3. 3 Phlox Star rain - up to half a meter in length, a star-shaped flower with pointed tips.
  4. 4 Grandiflora - the species belongs to the tetraploid, it is distinguished by especially large inflorescences.
  5. 5 Grammy - flowers in the form of an asterisk, a white eye in the core, reaches a height of 15-20 cm.

Drummond can truly be called modest, as it grows within 15-50 cm, and the inflorescences reach a diameter of only 2 cm. However, it is difficult to call this a disadvantage, because thanks to this it goes well in composition with other, most diverse representatives of the flora, striking in variety color palette.

The color scheme of flowers is so diverse that it is impossible to even imagine - carmine, peach, coffee, purple, white, etc. Often there are varieties with patterns on the flowers. Drummond is often used by designers in landscaping country houses.

Unfortunately, this variety does not tolerate dark, damp and infertile land, there it blooms very sluggishly and dully, often exposed to various kinds of diseases. If there is no experience in growing annuals, buying seeds in a store is a great opportunity. Of all the varieties presented there, some variety will definitely appeal to you. Another undoubted plus is a very reasonable cost. You can afford several types, not sparing the money spent.

If flowering plants are already on the site, you can collect the seeds of your favorite variety on next year, since growing phloxes from seeds is exactly the method that is most favorable for the variety. It is worth noting one feature - hybrids of phlox varieties do not retain their appearance when breeding with seeds, so you should pay attention to the F1 mark on the package, such seeds are not suitable for collection.

  • the variety of seeds marked F1 is not suitable for collection;
  • it is advisable to mark good specimens during flowering;
  • F1 hybrids are planted separately from other species;
  • pre-mark the species whose seeds need to be collected.

Fruits for sowing in all species ripen at almost the same time.

Instructions for collecting seeds:

  1. 1 It is necessary to determine if the seeds are ripe. They should be large and dense. To do this, just open the box.
  2. 2 It is better to collect seeds in sunny, calm weather.
  3. 3 A suitable time for collection is after lunch, as the dew will have already disappeared by this time.
  4. 4 It is necessary to separate the seeds from the boxes, remove debris.
  5. 5 Store seeds in pods until sowing next spring.

Growing from seed

Phloxes, although easy to maintain, still feel better in fertilized soil. Annual representatives bloom in the summer season from June until frost. In order for the flowers to grow better, you should constantly loosen the soil around, maintain moderate moisture and remove the faded parts of the flower.

You can sow annual phloxes in 2 ways - sowing seeds or growing seedlings. If you want to admire the flowering early, seedlings are grown. If annual phloxes are grown for planting from seeds, be sure to soak them for a day in soft water in advance, then take them out, dry them slightly, put them in gauze and leave them to warm up on the windowsill. Seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight. Sowing should be indented approximately 3-4 cm, not deep into the soil, but lightly sprinkling it on top. Then it is necessary to spray from the sprayer with water and cover with a film or glass on top.

How well the grown seeds will germinate depends on the temperature (it should be in the range from 17 to 20ºС) and soil moisture. Do not forget about timely watering and airing. When the seeds sprout, you can immediately remove the covering material. After about a couple of weeks, the first leaves appear, and it is allowed to plant sprouted shoots in the ground.

Since the seeds of annual phlox have a very dense membrane, soaking them and growing them as seedlings is the most the right way. When sowing seeds directly into the ground, it will be difficult for them to germinate, and flowering will be delayed for about a month.

Landing in the ground

Before planting seedlings of annual phlox in the ground, it is very important to prepare the ground well. The soil must contain the necessary fertilizers and a certain level of moisture. Compost, peat, ash are recommended as fertilizer. All this must be thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass requires the addition of a small amount of sand, potassium sulfate and nitrophoska.

For planting annual phlox, one should adhere to shady places, since the petals of some varieties may fade in the open sun. It is contraindicated to plant phloxes in clayey, acidic soil, this is fraught with diseases such as rot.

Transplant phlox seedlings into open ground you can already in late May or early June, at a distance of about 15 cm from each other, as they need a lot of space and nutrients.

Care rules

Phloxes, which have already been planted, need systematic watering - they cannot stand drought and overheating of the root system, therefore, after watering, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil around the flower. In the first 2 weeks of growing phloxes from seeds, it is necessary to moderately water the seedlings with a frequency of 2 days. In particularly dry and hot times, it is necessary to water the plant with water in the morning and evening, but not cold, in order to avoid damage to the root system.

For luxurious flowering of annual phloxes grown from seeds, it will be necessary to fertilize them with ammonium nitrate several times during the summer. If next year you want to grow the same annual phlox, the seeds must be collected at the end of the season, dried and stored in a cloth or paper bag until next spring.

Diseases and pests

Despite all the beauty and simplicity, growing phlox from seeds, unfortunately, is not without its negative aspects.

Phloxes are prone to a number of diseases:

  • viral diseases - variegation (the most common), rattle, leaf curl, ring and necrotic spotting;
  • mycoplasmal diseases;
  • fungi;
  • verticillium wilt of stems;
  • rust;
  • phomosis;
  • nematode.

The main thing in the fight against these diseases is to prevent their development at the initial stage.

Thrips have recently been a particular danger to phlox. In order to prevent the harm caused by them, it is necessary to treat the inflorescences with systemic insecticides at the stage of plant budding, such as Aktar, Konfidor, Komandor.

Growing annual phlox will not leave anyone indifferent. Having fallen in love with these flowers once, it will be simply impossible to forget about them. Phlox - perfect option if there is no experience in gardening yet, but you really want to try. They will please with their lush color and indescribably pleasant aroma, variety of shades and colors. Annual phloxes, grown with care and attention, will delight with their bright blooms throughout the summer season.

Reading: 5 minutes

Phloxes are magically flowering herbaceous plants, there are both annuals and perennials. They impress with their brightness and low demands. Among them, about 85 species are distinguished.

It is the diversity that makes it possible to use them in various plant compositions. With proper fit and proper care, which is discussed in the article, Phloxes will delight you with their rapid growth and splendor.

Popular types and varieties

Phloxes are delightful flowers, surprising with an abundance of flowers of all shades, sizes and shapes. You can purchase ground cover and bush species, among which are varieties with both snow-white petals and variegated ones. Below is a selection of common types of Phlox.

Annual phlox seedlings.


Spectacular annual plant, striking color. It has a number of advantages: does not fade in the sun, tolerates frosts down to -5 ° C, is not afraid of drought; variety of varieties makes it possible to choose the most suitable flower for your garden style, combining with other landscape items; unpretentious care and the ability to self-settlement will free you from unnecessary worries.

Drummond is a relatively low bush (not higher than 50 cm), branched and very lush. It will delight you all summer.

Popular varieties:

  • "Star Rain"- differ in the sharp tips of the petals, so the flowers resemble the shape of stars. Available different variants colors.
  • "Chanel"- flower buds are lush and terry, distinguished by a pale pink color.
  • "Beauty"- the most in demand, come in different colors, create an atmosphere of romance in your garden.


A bushy plant, which is remembered for its diminutiveness. The leaves of Phlox Subulate are pointed and rather rigid, the buds are small (no more than 2 centimeters), with petals notched at the edges. His life is long enough. Most representatives of the species bloom twice (from May to June, from August to September).

Cute blue buds.

In garden design, it is most often used in any kind of flower beds. Frost is not particularly dangerous. The most effective method of reproduction is pinching and dividing the bushes. Phlox Styloid can be sheared, shaped. It will please your eye.

Popular varieties:

  • "Wilson"- soft lilac shade, combined with crops blooming in May.
  • "White Delight"- with snow-white flowers, suitable for decorating borders.
  • Bayern- two-color flowers: purple rays extend from the center to the white petals.


Perennial fragrant plant, perhaps one of the most popular among Phlox. The root system surprises with its power, and the stem reaches 150 centimeters. Phlox Paniculata is remembered for its luxurious inflorescences and the pleasant honey smell that the flowers emit. The variety of the color palette is so great that you can find any shades to your taste (except yellow).

Popular varieties:

  • "Count Zeppelin"- light pale pink color with a ring purple in the center.
  • "Green Lady"- a feature is non-blooming decorative sharp buds.
  • "Cosmopolitan"- brightly Pink colour, high, magnificent.

perennial seedlings

Phloxes can be planted in any season, but sowing seeds is best done in late autumn, closer to the beginning of winter.

perennial variety before planting in the garden.

Sowing in autumn in open ground

  1. Seeds are sown at a great distance (50-70 centimeters), because after a while they grow strongly.
  2. Planting depth should be about 25 centimeters.
  3. After, with the help of peat, humus or sawdust, you need to mulch the soil.
  4. For the winter it is necessary to cover the crops.

Important! When preparing and choosing a place for planting Phlox, you should pay attention to the level ground water: it should be low, as plants do not welcome stagnant moisture. This means that it is desirable to choose elevated places, but not too windy. It is also not recommended to grow them in the shade of trees, because Phloxes are photophilous plants.

Sowing seeds in spring

  1. In prepared plastic containers with universal soil treated with a solution of phytosporin (powder at the tip of a knife per liter of water), you need to spread the seeds evenly over the entire surface.
  2. Then sprinkle with earth, and cover with a lid or film.
  3. For three weeks put in a cool place (refrigerator).
  4. After that, put in the sun and wait for shoots.

Delicate pink inflorescence.

Advice! At the bottom of the container, be sure to make holes so that water does not stagnate.

You don't need much care, just water occasionally.

Accommodation in the garden

After the formation of 4-6 leaves, seedlings can be sown in the ground. For development, loose soil filled with organic matter is required. Peat should be added to sandy soil, and sand to heavy soil.

How to care for seedlings?

  • water often on hot, dry days (it is important not to overwater the plant);
  • feed with nitrogen in the spring (using urea or ammonium nitrate);
  • during flowering, feed with phosphorus (wood ash is suitable);
  • after flowering, treat with fungicides;
  • timely remove dried inflorescences, wilted flower stalks.

annual plants

Sowing seeds of annual plants, albeit slightly, but still differs from sowing perennial Phlox. You can plant seedlings already in March, and in warm areas immediately into the ground.

How to sow correctly?

  1. in a container with regular seedling soil, lightly moistened warm water, make recesses for seeds;
  2. spread the seeds
  3. sprinkle crops with water with the addition of a growth stimulator;
  4. cover the container with a lid or film;
  5. put in a warm place.

Bloom home plant.

Care after landing

  • every morning you need to ventilate the containers, remove excess moisture from the lid;
  • maintain optimal temperature (20°C);
  • monitor the provision of the plant with light (put on the most illuminated window sill);
  • after germination, monitor soil moisture (water when it dries up);
  • as it develops, it is necessary to dive Phloxes into separate containers;
  • feed about 2 times before landing in open ground.

Landing on the garden

Like perennial Phloxes, annuals love light and cannot stand stagnant water. They must be planted after the departure of severe frosts, so that nothing threatens the flowers. Plants should be planted at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. After planting, it is necessary to mulch the soil.

  • keep a close eye on soil moisture, this is not only unfavorable for Phlox, but also attracts pests such as slugs. To combat them, use lime or ash around the bushes;
  • do not plant the rhizome deep, this pushes back the flowering period;
  • at 4-6 years it is necessary to transplant plants;
  • buy planting material in specialized stores to prevent the risk of fungal diseases;
  • Cut stems before wintering.

Useful video

At the end see interesting video about sowing annual phlox for seedlings:

So contain beautiful garden or a flower garden with fragrant, picturesque and unusual flowers is not difficult. The bottom line is to follow the rules and tips for growing these flowers. Site preparation and selection proper fit, attention to care - a guarantee of the magical flowering of Phlox, which will delight you and pleasantly surprise you.

Evidence of the characteristic "calico bloom". It is associated with the coloring of calico according to the variety of favorite shades, the splendor of the floral ornament, the shape of the inflorescences. Some even call it the “village flower”, as it is ubiquitous and grows under the windows of many houses.

Those who refuse refinement to phlox, to put it mildly, are not deeply familiar with the species and varietal diversity of the plant. And the recognizability of phloxes only says that it easily takes root in our latitudes and has come to the liking of people.

The flower is revered by Western breeders. It was they who gave us breeding varieties of awl-shaped, prickly phloxes and the annual form of Drummond. Many do not even realize that theirs, decorated with a blooming rug of fragrant flowers, is a type of phlox. In our open spaces, they are more familiar with the paniculate type of phlox, and even then not with all varieties.

The title photo shows the variety Violetta Gloriosa.

Phlox has up to 70 species varieties and more than 1500 varieties. The color scheme, combinations of shades and variety of shapes will surprise even the most experienced gardener.

Phlox types. perennial, annual

Allocate the main species groups. The classification is based on stem height, flowering time, plant shape, flowering time.

Paniculate view

Phlox is a perennial paniculate, the most famous and diverse species. Phlox height is from 40 cm to 1.5 meters. The palette of tones and colors defies description: plain, multi-colored (spotted), a combination of different shades. There are also exotic forms, these are the so-called Fillings (Feelings) or "buds". Inflorescences are collected in non-opening buds of various shapes.

Styloid phlox

Perennial species, ground cover plants (up to 20 cm) with delicate fragrant flowers. They cover border beds, rockeries, alpine slides with a beautiful carpet. IN color scheme blue, white, lilac-violet tones predominate. But there are varieties with rich colors, raspberry, salmon.

Phlox splayed (Phlox divaricata)

Perennial, undersized, unpretentious plant from 17 to 40 cm. Inflorescences have a heady delicate aroma. This type of phlox can grow in the shade and under trees. Delicate shades of lilac and blue spectrum of colors predominate.

Phlox splayed

Phlox Drummond (Phlox drummondii)

An annual flower grown from seeds. Varieties of Drummond are distinguished by sophisticated flower shapes and a delicate aroma. Height no more than 30 cm. Wide range of colors and color combinations. It differs in that it blooms all summer, until the start of frost.

How phlox reproduce

Most of the plants of these species are perennials. Only Drummonda, an annual, can only reproduce by seed.

Phlox breeding methods:

  1. Vegetative method: dividing the bush, layering and cuttings.
  2. Growing from seeds: seedlings and directly into the ground.

Vegetative way

Since the flowers need to be updated every 5 years, the bush is divided for this purpose. It can serve as material for seating phloxes. Dig up a bush, shake off a clod of earth. If the roots are tightly grown together and intertwined, you can lightly rinse with water. Carefully separate the stem from the root. We remove the old roots, then slightly trim the remaining ones. The seedling is ready for planting.

The other most common method is cuttings.

There are several ways to root cuttings.

Young spring shoots (up to 12 cm) are separated from the main bush and planted in a greenhouse. When the earth warms up, you can plant in a permanent place.

The second way. Cut stems with two pairs of leaves in early summer. So that from the bottom to the leaves there is a piece of the stem. For a day put in a nutrient mixture (for example, "Kornevin"). A cutting is planted in a specially prepared greenhouse and covered with a bottle or jar until the roots are tied and the first leaves appear. In early autumn, you can transplant the seedling to a permanent place. The optimal time is the end of August, the beginning of September. This is done so that the seedling has time to take root in a permanent place before the cold weather.

Note. You can plant the plant in the summer, but in this case you need to maintain a wet regime, regularly, but not abundantly watering.

Growing from seed

Important. It should be noted that the seeds lose their germination capacity during long and improper storage. Therefore, they must first be checked for germination by the method of stratification. In other words, grow.

Phlox subulate seeds.

How to germinate seeds?

Sowing seeds for germination can be done in standard ways. Sow them in wet sand and then see that they hatch. Then planted on seedlings or in warm open ground, at the end of May.

Another recommendation: planting seeds for seedlings directly into prepared boxes to a depth of 2 cm. It is necessary to water the seedlings with a sprayer so as not to wash them. After 2, 3 weeks, seedlings dive and make the first top dressing (nitrogenous fertilizers).

How to sow seeds?

Pay attention to the "Perennial Mix" of phlox seeds from the company "Plasma Seeds". Plasma treatment stimulates plant growth and development. The flower blooms ahead of time.

Germinated seeds can be planted in May warm soil, directly into the ground (depth up to 2 cm). The first time, until sprouts appear, cover with a film. Then she is removed. Flowering will begin already in the planting season, but later.

There is a way to plant seeds in the winter. Here opinions differ. Some argue that early germinated sprouts can die prematurely from the cold. Others, on the contrary, that such a planting hardens plants.

Our advice. In the case when you have your own seed material from mother bushes that have adapted to the climate, you can plant it in the winter. If these are purchased seeds of phlox varieties that have not previously grown with you, then it is better to germinate them and plant them in seedlings. Plants have memory, so they respond to different climatic conditions cultivation.

Agrotechnology for growing seedlings

A group of new hybrids, their cultivation from seeds, is no different from conventional ways. Varieties of the annual Phlox Drummond can be grown by sowing in the ground, in the month of May. The main conditions for successful germination are soil preparation and shelter of crops in the first weeks with spunbond. The land for sowing is prepared by mixing with peat and humus. Plant several seeds shallow (up to 2 cm) at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Flowering of phloxes from seedlings begins earlier than from seeds in the ground, since by this time they have already taken root and began to develop.

When to plant?

Seeds of the Drummond variety and other hybrids are planted for seedlings in spring, in March.

Note. Phlox seeds are similar to small coffee beans with a dense skin. But you can’t deepen them into the ground, so they begin to germinate only if sunlight hits them.

Planting seeds for seedlings, how to plant

Seeds are planted on seedlings, almost on the surface of the soil, slightly deepening. Covered with glass, film. Moisten the soil by spraying water.

How to grow seedlings:

Basic rules for care after planting seedlings

Phloxes prefer loose soils, neutral or slightly acidic. Before planting seedlings, peat, humus, and organic matter are introduced.

Second condition normal growth and flowering, top dressing.

Fertilization schedule:

  • month of March, complex top dressing;
  • in May, organic fertilizers, combined with complex chemical;
  • in June, complex fertilizers, with an increase in the proportion of potash, the addition of ash and urea;
  • in July, early August, complex fertilizers are applied with the addition of superphosphates.

Complex formulations are best applied in the evening, in the form of solutions for irrigation. It is necessary to avoid getting on the foliage and inflorescences.

The soil around the roots must be mulched, this is especially important for bushes that are several years old. The roots of plants lie at a depth of up to 20 cm. As the bush grows, they rise to the surface. This, in turn, can lead to drying out of the root system.

The root system of phloxes is shallow (15-20 cm). Therefore, timely watering prevents the soil from drying out and dehydration of the roots. At the same time, phlox does not like an excess of moisture in the soil.

When to transplant and rejuvenate phlox

perennial plants needs to be rejuvenated approximately every 5 years. By this time, the bush grows, gives many shoots that prevent the development of the plant. The crowding of the bush leads to its weakening and a decrease in inflorescences.

They dig up an old phlox bush, separate cuttings with roots from it, which can be used as planting material. Some of the stems are used for cuttings, from which stem processes are formed for cuttings.

Many gardeners ask the question why perennial phlox does not bloom.

Important. Perennial phlox may stop blooming if the bush is very old or it is covered by a strong shadow. If a tree or shrub with a strong root system grows nearby, then it can clog the phlox and prevent the formation of inflorescences.

Phlox diseases

They are divided into viral and fungal.

Here is a photo of the diseases.


  • rattle. Light spreading spots on the leaves;

On the site of any country house you can see annual phloxes. This is a plant of the cyanide family and there are more than 60 species. Plants attract with a variety of colors, their beauty and wonderful aroma. It is not difficult to grow annual phloxes, the main thing is to regularly care for the plant.

Annual phloxes: varieties

Phlox Drummond is the only annual type of phlox that has several varieties. The most common are:

  1. Phlox "Star Rain". The flowers are shaped like stars. They can be single color or two color.
  2. Phlox "Flickering Star". The plant is undersized up to 25 cm high. Phlox flowers are large at the end of the petals are pointed.
  3. Phlox Chanel. The bush is compact and covered with double flowers of yellow-red color.
  4. Phlox Promis Pink. The flowers are large and double, pink in color with a pleasant aroma. Differs in plentiful and long blossoming.

This plant will make flowerbeds, lawns of any suburban area more attractive.

Methods and terms of cultivation

Phlox propagation can be done in one of two ways: seeds and cuttings. From mid-May to June, cuttings are carried out. To do this, cut off a cutting with two or three leaves and plant it in open ground. In a month, the plant will form a root system and by autumn it will bloom. Cultivation by sowing seeds is carried out in March or April.

Seeds during this period are sown for seedlings. After the emergence of seedlings, seated separately and put on the windowsill. It is important to avoid direct sunlight. To do this, cover the landing with any covering material. If you sow seeds in open ground, it is recommended to do this in May. During this period, the earth is already well warmed up.

It should be remembered that phloxes grown from seedlings bloom all summer, and seeds sown in the ground bloom only at the end of summer. You can sow the seeds for the winter, in October or November. Phloxes tolerate frost well, but it is recommended to insulate the planting site with dry leaves or grass.

Preparation and landing

If phloxes are grown from seeds for seedlings, then the seed must first be soaked. You can use a specially prepared solution of potassium permanganate or soft water. Lower the seeds for a day, then remove, dry, put on gauze and put on the windowsill to warm up. Seeds should be sown after 3-4 cm, not buried in the ground, but sprinkled on top. Then spray from a spray bottle and cover the container with glass. It is important not to forget to regularly water and ventilate the seedlings.

Seed germination depends on temperature and humidity. The temperature should be in the range of 17-20 degrees, it is also necessary to adhere to high humidity. It is important not to forget about timely watering. Before planting phlox in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The land must be fertile and moist.

It is undesirable to plant a plant on clay, acidic and damp soils. The soil needs to be fertilized. On the square meter you should take about 7 kg of peat, 5 kg of compost, 300-400 g of ash.

Mix everything well and add a little sand, potassium sulfate and nitrophoska 30 g each to the mixture. Apply the prepared fertilizer to the soil and dig up the ground. Plants can be planted after 2-3 weeks. It is important to know that it is forbidden to apply manure under phlox, as the plant can be affected by various rot. It is recommended to sow seeds or plant seedlings in shady places. Thus it is possible long time admire the flowering of phloxes.

Sowing seeds into the soil is carried out to a depth of about 1-1.5 cm. In the spring, the seedlings will sprout, and it will be necessary to pick. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 18-20 cm. After a week, young plants should be fed with saltpeter. It is better to plant a plant in the evening or in cloudy weather. Low-growing varieties are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other, plants of medium length - 50-55 cm, and tall ones - 60-70 cm. The depth of the hole is about 15-20 cm.

Put a seedling in the prepared hole, cover it with earth. In this case, the stems should be deepened by 3-5 cm. This is necessary so that the root neck does not get sunburned, and in winter the plant does not freeze out. After that, pour water and mulch.

plant care

Once planted, annual phlox should be watered every 2-3 days for 2 weeks. Watering should be moderate. You will need 2 buckets of water per square meter. During the dry season, water regularly in the morning and evening. In hot weather, cold water should not be watered, as this can lead to cracking of the root system.

Phlox should be fed at least 3 times during the summer. Dry top dressing is applied if the summer is rainy. If there is little precipitation, then liquid fertilizer is applied. To prepare dry fertilizer, take a bucket of humus and 2 tablespoons of urea. Mix the components and sprinkle next to the plants.

If you need to make a liquid top dressing, then dilute 2 tablespoons of urea in 10 liters of water. These fertilizers are applied when the branches are stalks. With the advent of buds, you can perform a second top dressing. Dilute nitrophoska (60 g) in a 10-liter bucket. You can also add special fertilizers for flowering plants. The last top dressing is performed after the phloxes have faded.

Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted in a bucket of water in equal number 30 g each. For dry top dressing, take 8-10 kg of peat, 60-70 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and the same amount of Autumn fertilizer. Proper preparation fertilizers and optimal timing applications the next year will ensure abundant and long flowering. When caring for phlox, do not forget to mulch the soil, loosen and remove weeds.

Mulching should be carried out continuously to prevent drying out and ensure the soil is breathable. As mulch, you can use humus, compost, dry peat or leaves. Phloxes are not demanding in care. Subject to all recommendations, you can enjoy lush and bright flowering all summer.

Widely used in landscape design and the design of garden plots, spectacular and long-blooming - these are annual phloxes (see photo), planting and caring for which are not difficult.

Phloxes are bright and unpretentious plants that are loved by flower growers all over the world. North America is considered the birthplace of the plant, but today phloxes are widespread, especially in Europe.

There is a huge variety of species and varieties of phlox that amaze with a palette of flower colors. There are perennial and annual species, tall and ground cover varieties.


Annual phloxes are distinguished by a variety of colors. If perennial species can boast of white, pink, red and purple colors, then the palette of shades of annuals is much larger.

These are cream, coffee, peach and chocolate shades. There are varieties with two-color and double flowers.

Plant height does not exceed 30 cm. The flowers of annual phloxes resemble stars or snowflakes. The diameter of the flower is not more than 2 cm. They are collected in large inflorescences in the form of corymbs or umbrellas.

The annual variety of phlox is the only species - (Phlox Drummondii). This species is native to the North American state of Texas. The culture blooms for a long period - from mid-June until the start of frost.

Popular varieties

Thanks to breeding work, a considerable number of varieties of Drummond's phlox were bred.

beckoning star- This is a bright mix. Height - no more than 40 cm. Star flowers are small in size - no more than 1 cm. Flowers form inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. Colors: white, pink, purple, bright crimson.

Blue sky- an annual, its height does not exceed 5 cm. The flowers are white with a blue eye or, conversely, blue with a white eye. There are also pure blue flowers. Their diameter is up to 3 cm. They are collected in inflorescences in the form of corymbs.

Blue velvet- a spectacular variety with an unusual, rare color of flowers. The flowers have a diameter of up to 3 cm. The color is blue with a purple tint. The diameter of corymbose inflorescences can reach 15 cm. The height of the variety is no more than 25 cm.

scarlett- low annual plant (height no more than 25 cm). Flowers are double and semi-double.

Coloring - saturated, scarlet. Scarlett is characterized by abundant and intense flowering. The flowers are collected in large, corymbose inflorescences.

Features of growing from seeds

There are two ways to grow plants from seeds:

How to grow seedlings:

In open ground, seeds are best sown in early May. Several seeds can be sown in one hole at once. The distance between the seeds should be at least 15 cm. If all the seeds sprout, then the weak ones can be removed.

It's important to know: after the formation of sprouts, liquid nitrogen fertilizer is required. Top dressing can be repeated after two weeks. After the formation of flower buds, complex ones can be added.

Some flower growers prefer to sow seeds before winter, as the seeds are well resistant to frost. prolonged thaws in winter period can harm the seeds, so during the thaw period it is recommended to cover the seeds with non-woven material.


You can plant phloxes with the onset of May, when the threat of night frosts has passed. The distance between seedlings should be about 15 cm or more, as the plants grow well.

It is better to plant phloxes in sunny areas, since the color in the sun will be much brighter than in the shade, and flowering will be much more abundant. Suitable landing in partial shade.

Phloxes prefer light and fertile soil. Lowlands and wetlands are not suitable, because plants do not like stagnant moisture in the soil.

Healthy: phloxes prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil. Therefore, if the soil is characterized by high acidity, it is necessary to add lime or dolomite flour to it.

Phlox Drummond goes well with other plants, well suited for growing in flower beds, flower beds, mixborders and discounts. They can also be used to frame garden paths.


Phlox annuals are considered undemanding plants. Even the most inexperienced grower can cope with the content of this culture.

But in order for the plant to please with abundant and colorful flowering, to grow healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for caring for it:

  1. Watering the bushes is required regularly, but moderately;
  2. After watering, it is desirable to loosen the soil and remove weeds;
  3. In order for the bush to grow more magnificently, it is advisable to pinch the shoots;
  4. At the end of flowering, wilted inflorescences must be removed;
  5. Bring in fertilizer.

Phloxes respond well to the application of both organic and mineral fertilizers. It will require four times the application of fertilizers per year:

  • 1st top dressing - liquid manure is applied at the end of May;
  • 2nd top dressing - phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied in early June;
  • 3rd top dressing - liquid manure is applied in early July;
  • 4th top dressing - phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Where to buy seeds

You can buy annual phlox seeds in specialized flower shops, hypermarkets, as well as order through online stores or through Russian mail.


The annual phlox is propagated by two methods:

  • seed;
  • Vegetative (cutting).

When propagated by seeds, it is possible to sow seeds for seedlings or sow immediately in open ground. Growing phlox from seeds was discussed above.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out either in May or June. For this, a young and healthy shoot is used. The shoot must have at least one internode and a pair of leaves.

The cutting is placed in light and loose soil. You can plant it directly in the garden. Watering should be regular.

Note: Drummond phloxes take root in three weeks, and in early autumn, young shoots begin to form.

Annual phloxes are bright and showy crops that will fit perfectly into any garden design. Various colors of flowers-snowflakes. There is nothing complicated in caring for a plant, so annual phloxes are very popular in floriculture.

How to care for phloxes so that they delight you with flowers, see the following video for tips from an experienced gardener: