Office decoration with flowers. Fatshedera: types and varieties, care and reproduction What flowers are suitable for the office

  • 16.06.2019

Office workers a significant part of life is spent in the workplace, which is not original, and often completely boring and dull. But there is great way, which will help turn a nondescript space into a pleasing to the eye, and these are fresh flowers. Of course, not every plant is suitable for this, and offices are different - somewhere there is more sunlight, somewhere artificial lighting prevails. Let's try to figure out how extra costs and hassle to transform workspace.

What flowers to choose for the office

First, let's find out what requirements plants for the office should meet.

  1. Attractive appearance at any time of the year - a plant that has shed its leaves will not decorate the room, but will make it even more boring.
  2. The absence of a pronounced aroma will save workers from headaches and allergies.
  3. Unpretentiousness in care - oh, this is the authorities, they are trying in every possible way to overwhelm the employee with business, so there is not always enough time for a whimsical plant.

This elegant and bright flower - poinsettia - certainly attracts the eye, but it is not suitable for the office - it requires too special care

And now let's look at a few examples that will help, given the features of the office, to make right choice among unpretentious flowers.

shade tolerant flowers

  • Aspidistra. A very unpretentious, long-lasting and shade-resistant flower. The leaves are long-petiolate, collected in a basal rosette and form a lush bush. The leaves are large, often lanceolate, with a glossy surface. The color of the foliage is green, but there are varietal variations in the form of light green or white stripes. Hardiness is very high. In winter, it can bloom, however, flowering is inexpressive.

    Perhaps the aspidistra is the best plant for the office, and the size of the plant can be selected commensurate with the size of the workspace

  • Sansevieria (sansevier). Well known as "mother-in-law's tongue". The leaves grow directly from the rhizome, the shape is elongated, the length and color depend on the variety. In addition to the spectacular appearance, it is also incredibly useful. It purifies the air of substances toxic to humans, while releasing oxygen. It is very easy to propagate with the help of rhizomes.

    The straight, upwardly stretching leaves of sansevieria will bring severity to the room, however, bright coloring leaves can soften this impression

  • Pilea. This modest flower is perfect for a small office, you can even decorate your desktop with it. Height up to 40 cm, there are creeping or branching specimens at the base. Stems are juicy, fleshy. The leaves are opposite. The size and shape depend on the variety. As well as numerous colors. With such a plant, it will definitely not be boring.

    Compact saw can be successfully placed in any corner of the office

Lovers of the bright sun

These are plants with brightly colored leaves, to maintain colors requiring bright natural light

  • Croton (codiaum). Very bright and elegant flower. The plant is branched, with leaves of various shapes (three-lobed, notched, broadly ovate, spirally twisted). Coloring includes both two-tone (yellow-green) and multi-color combinations (green-yellow-red-purple). The leaf plate is leathery, shiny. Of course, for such an exotic, some care will be required, but it is quite simple.

    Even one croton in a well-chosen flowerpot can enliven the space.

  • Aglaonema. Perennial with an upright short stem, which is almost invisible in young plants. Leaves on short or long petioles, entire, oblong-lanceolate or broadly ovate. To the touch, the leaf plate is dense, moderately leathery. Color variations vary by variety. At good care often blooms, but the flower is not bright and does not look advantageous against the background of foliage.

    Large specimens of agloanema can serve as a flower screen dividing a large workspace into smaller and more comfortable zones.

  • Aucuba. Evergreen shrub form. The leaves are oval or oblong-lanceolate, the edges are smooth or serrated. Coloring can be bright green or green-yellow. Perfectly helps to relax those who are busy with mental work. It is not very difficult to take care of.

    The joyful and bright colors of the aucuba will energize those who are engaged in mental work.


Among flowering plants, you can also pick up quite attractive and unpretentious:

Palms or false palms

The flowers listed below can be impressive in size and suitable for a spacious office, but can be small and fit quite well in a small room:

Of course, the list of plants suitable for the office does not end with the examples given. Do not forget about the well-known chlorophytum and ficus, luxurious zamiokulkas. But no matter how easy a flower is to care for, it still needs attention.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The health of office workers is influenced by many harmful factors that green friends will help to cope with. Therefore, the benefit indoor plants in the office is obvious.

7 facts about the benefits of plants in the office

  • Oxygen saturation
    In an office where dozens of people sit, there is a lot of carbon dioxide. This phenomenon is called "stuffiness". Plants absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and release oxygen. Therefore, in rooms where there are many plants, the air is fresher.
  • Air disinfection
    In crowded places, there is an increased concentration of bacteria and microbes in the air. Have bactericidal properties coniferous plants- juniper, rosemary. Chlorophytum, indoor citrus fruits and laurel also cope with this task.
  • Eye Health Benefits
    Computer work puts a lot of strain on your eyesight. “The eyes rest on green,” says folk wisdom. Therefore, the proximity of plants to monitors is very useful.
  • Humidity maintenance
    Air conditioning and central heating dry the air, and plants can humidify it. Caring for green friends involves frequent watering and spraying, which already improves the microclimate. In addition, plants additionally excrete excess moisture through the leaves. Thus, the humidity of the entire room is optimized.
  • Protection against harmful substances
    Heavy metal salts, toxins, car exhausts penetrate from the street through the windows. These substances neutralize asparagus, dieffenbachia, ivy and philodendron.
  • Antistess
    Many plants have a pleasant smell and have a calming effect. And stress at work is inevitable. Therefore, it is useful to have mint in a pot, oregano, basil or lemon balm on the windowsill. These same plants improve human brain activity, which makes them indispensable for a working person.
  • Tobacco Filtration
    In places of general smoking, you can place pelargonium, aspidistra or clivia. But you need to place them in such a way that the pot does not become an ashtray. And, of course, from time to time to take out the plant on Fresh air for it to regain strength.

Criteria for choosing a plant for the office

  • Don't forget that plants are living organisms , and office routine can kill them.
  • You should not start capricious roses, orchids or gloxinia on the office table.
  • It's not worth it to start cacti . It is very difficult to ensure the cold wintering necessary for them under working conditions. And their ability to absorb harmful radiation from computers is just a myth.
  • The office is spartan for the green brothers: not all plants will be able to survive the ten-day New Year holidays, uneven watering and vandalism of irresponsible staff, including pouring leftover tea into the pot.

10 best office plants - what flowers to choose for the office?

  1. Sansevieria, or in a simple way - "mother-in-law's tongue." Not picky about living conditions, tolerates drought and drafts. Its dense hard leaves are difficult to break, and if damaged, the plant will easily survive the loss.

    Mother-in-law's tongue is not sensitive to temperature changes, it can live for a long time without a transplant. In addition, there are many types of sansevieria, both huge large ones standing on the floor, and small "tongues" for the windowsill. The color of this plant ranges from plain dark green to variegated white-yellow-green.
  2. Monstera has long been grown in offices, hospitals and schools.

    Very resistant unpretentious plant. Feels good under artificial light.
  3. Beautiful and unpretentious Zamioculcas recently appeared on office window sills.

    It is able to tolerate low temperatures. Such a plant will not freeze even on a cold, not insulated windowsill.
  4. Saintpaulias, or violets. These flowers are said to grow in a spoonful of earth. It happens that the office violet stands in stone dry earth, and at the same time it also blooms. This confirms her unpretentiousness.

    In addition, the violet is very beautiful. There are varieties with double, semi-double flowers, flowers in the form of huge stars, reaching 8 cm in diameter, striped violets - chimeras, mini varieties that are distinguished by a small rosette diameter - only 7 cm. On one windowsill you can collect a large collection of such crumbs.
  5. Spaciphyllum. It is a little capricious, but it cleans the air faster than anyone else.

    The only condition he needs is regular, but moderate watering.
  6. Another unpretentious plant is bamboo. It is sold immersed in a vessel with water.

    It is only necessary to periodically add water. Bamboo looks just great, it will fit perfectly into the oriental style of the room.
  7. Chlorophytum- a very hardy plant, besides it is an absolute champion in air purification.

    Chlorophytum will withstand a month of complete drought, will be able to live for a long time in one pot without a transplant, unless it releases a bunch of children outside. Such a plant can fully exist and please the eye for up to 10 years.
  8. Dracaena or yucca. Mexican deserts are considered the homeland of these plants, for this reason they tolerate temperature extremes and drought well.

    But they cannot live without full sunlight, therefore, yucca and dracaena should not be kept in the basement.
  9. dieffenbachia loves intensive watering, during drought sheds the lower leaves.

    It is also demanding for good lighting, but it is not recommended to put it in direct sunlight. Beautiful and colorful dieffenbachia will decorate any office.
  10. Ficus benjamina, or rubber ficus - classic office plants. Under adverse conditions, they shed their leaves, like trees in autumn.

    They love the sun, moderate humidity and do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Ficus effectively purifies the air and produces a large number of oxygen. Therefore, doctors advise it for children's rooms.

Where to place plants in the office?

  • Large plants - for example, a palm tree or a large Dieffenbachia - should be placed in the manager's office or in reception rooms. There they will look more organic.
  • Small potted plants are more suitable for placement on a desktop, windowsill, as well as on a flower shelf.
  • For a successful arrangement of a pot with a plant, all factors must be taken into account. For example, being near a battery, a constantly opening door, an air conditioner that will constantly blow on a flower and drafts. After all, it is important that the plant pleases you as long as possible.
  • Office phytodesign plays a significant role in determining the location. Flowers and evergreens should look organic in the interior. Oversaturation of the room with flowers turns the office into a greenhouse and creates a frivolous image of the organization.
  • The absence or lack of plants in the office creates excessive severity. Such a room lacks the zest that is created by flower arrangements.

Plants in the office are part of nature in our highly urbanized world.

Unlike, which can be of various sizes, be poisonous or emit a strong odor during flowering, should not pose the slightest threat to employees and their health, should be unpretentious and fit harmoniously into the interior. You will learn which colors are appropriate for the office, the names of the most popular contenders, as well as the useful functionality of such colors.

Flowers for the office: basic requirements

Imagine the “standard” office plant that you notice when you visit these structures or, if you work in an office, you see every day at work. Most likely it will.

However, why is he? The fact is that an office plant, unlike a home plant, should suit everyone. That is, if it emits any odors, it can cause allergies in employees or visitors, which will negatively affect work.

Secondly, regardless of the season, the plant should look spectacular, without any dry stems, peduncles or leaves.

Thirdly, the office is not a greenhouse, where all efforts are aimed at caring for flowers, which means that the greenery should be unpretentious so that you do not have to hire extra staff to care for it, or change all the dried vegetation in the office every year.
Also, any office flower should be safe. There are a huge number of indoor plants that secrete poisonous juice, or all of their above-ground part is somehow poisonous.

Such plants are by no means should not to be in the office, as one careless movement, and the employee or visitor will go to the hospital.

List of the best views with descriptions and photos

An office plant with large leaves that came to us from tropical America.

The flower grows quickly if the room temperature is maintained within 20-25 °С during the warm season and at least 18 °С in winter. you need diffused lighting and plentiful.

Did you know? Monstera delicacy produces fruits that taste and smell like pineapple. The flesh of the fruit is edible and is used to prepare various dishes.

The flower is not afraid of dry air, temperature changes in the described range, suffers from lack of proper care and pruning.

Monstera Pros:

  • suitable for any design;
  • growing fast;
  • tolerates dry air;
  • requires diffused lighting, which is present in the office;
  • during dormancy does not shed foliage;
  • does not emit strong odors;
  • does not need an annual transplant.

Flower cons:
  • takes up a lot of space;
  • blooms only in good conditions(crown moistening, long daylight hours);
  • requires annual topping up of the earth.

Important! Flower top dressing is carried out from April to August, embedding a mixture of organic matter and mineral top dressing in the soil. Fertilizers make once every 15 days.

The flower comes from Africa, belongs to the Aroid family. not so long ago it began to appear in the homes and offices of our country and immediately gained great popularity due to its unpretentiousness.
- This is a medium-sized plant that can grow both in direct sunlight and in shade or partial shade (with a lack of light, the flower stretches).

The temperature from spring to autumn is within 20-25 °С completely satisfied with the plant. In winter, the temperature can be reduced to 16 °С, from which Zamioculcas will not suffer.
Watering should be moderate, from spring to late autumn. In winter, watering is practically stopped, especially if the room temperature is low enough.

Positive sides:

  • can be placed both in direct sunlight and away from the window;
  • does not require frequent transplantation;
  • tolerates low temperatures;
  • does not require frequent watering;
  • fits well with the overall design;
  • well tolerates any humidity;
  • does not emit strong odors;
  • can be propagated different ways(dividing, rooting leaves).
Negative sides:
  • blooms very rarely;
  • top dressing is needed to maintain showiness (from April to September);
  • transplantation should be carried out at least once every 4 years.

The next flower for the office is also considered unpretentious and has a familiar name -.

The plant can be found in regions with temperate climate, namely, in North America and Japan.
In order to become an excellent decoration for an office window sill, it must be placed in a sunny place. The shade of the flowers will depend on this.

However, diffused light on the northeast, northwest and north windows will be the best. Shading will not benefit the violet.
You can also use artificial lighting, but you will have to keep the flower under lamps most of the day.

Violet Benefits:

  • small plant size
  • weak aroma;
  • tolerates high temperatures and humidity;
  • reproduces in many ways.
Violet Disadvantages:
  • requires careful and moderate watering;
  • frequent transplants are needed;
  • constant lighting is required.

Did you know? The violet was considered a symbol of innocence and modesty in ancient Gaul.

Homeland are considered South America, Polynesia and East Asia. This plant captivates with its appearance.
Since the flower is not picky about lighting, you can put it in partial shade. If he stands in a poorly lit place, the leaves will become smaller.

Bright light can be helpful for spathiphyllum. It is best to place a flower pot near the north window.

Important! Protect the plant from drafts.

Room temperature should be at 23°C. Flowering will occur at 18 ° C.

Likes high humidity. In summer and spring, you need to spray the flower several times a day. But since it will stand in the office, you can put the flower in a container with wet expanded clay.
Spathiphyllum requires abundant watering especially in summer and spring. AT winter time you need to water the flower moderately. It is better to take water settled, at room temperature.

Spathiphyllum should be watered from above and add moisture to the pan. excess water it is better to drain so that the roots do not rot.

top dressing- an important procedure for the full development of spathiphyllum. From spring to autumn, it is better to apply fertilizer once every 14 days. Either fertilizer for flowering plants should be used.

It is better to transplant spathiphyllum once a year in the spring.

Flower Benefits:

  • unusual appearance;
  • unpretentiousness to lighting;
  • rare transplants and top dressing.
  • no smell;
  • regular watering is required;
  • high humidity is required.


Following exotic plant- . This ornamental plant You need a lot of light, and the more the better. Bamboo can be grown in the business center.
He needs to provide a lot of space and diffused light. It survives at low temperatures and moderate humidity.

Bamboo loves water and does not like dry warm air. Under such conditions, it develops poorly.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the plant with a large room with moderate humidity. Near the bamboo, you should install a tray with water or put the flowerpot itself on pebbles with water.

Important! The pot should stand exactly on the pebbles, and not in the water.

Be sure to keep an eye on watering, as due to transfusion, rotting of the root system may begin. In winter it is better to water rarely, in the summer - more. Spray bamboo twice a week.

Plant needs to be fertilized In spring and summer. Ideal for this complex lawn fertilizers. It is better to refuse from it, because due to an excess of nitrogen, bamboo becomes weakened.

The pot for transplanting the plant should expand towards the top. However, a plant can only be transplanted when young, as over time it grows to large sizes.

It is also necessary to carry out a haircut throughout the year. This will help young and stronger stems develop and receive more sunlight.

Bamboo Benefits:

  • unusual appearance;
  • it is not necessary to put the pot near the window or next to it;
  • resistant to damage;
  • fast growth.
Plant disadvantages:
  • bamboo height is not suitable for all offices;
  • certain watering and top dressing is necessary;
  • should be trimmed throughout the year.

If you don't really want to keep track of the plant that will grow in your office, then this is perfect for you.

This is a really hardy plant. You can not deal with it for a long time, but it will still grow.
Homeland is South America. The flower is accustomed to normal temperature, namely up to 18 °С. It can also withstand temperatures up to 8 °С.

In terms of lighting and location, it's all up to you. It develops both in the sun and in partial shade. However, when exposed to sunlight, the leaves become brighter.

As for air humidity, it does not play a role for chlorophytum, since it is resistant to dry air. You don't need to spray it.
Watering a flower in summer is better every 3 days, and in winter it will be enough once every 7 days.

Transplant the plant only when the roots are already starting to bulge out of the pot.

Flower Benefits:

  • any reproduction (, rosettes,);
  • infrequent watering;
  • no need for top dressing and pruning;
  • suitable for any humidity.
Disadvantages of chlorophytum:
  • frequent transplantation is necessary;
  • flowering is absent in office conditions;
  • can grow a lot.

An unusual plant, which is also a perennial. Homeland consider the tropical zones of America.

This flower cannot be placed on the southern windows, as it does not like sunlight. It is better to create partial shade or diffused light.
The flower does not like drafts and does not respond well to temperature changes. In spring and summer, the temperature should reach up to 25 °C, and in winter it should not fall below 15 °C.

You need to water with soft water. In winter and autumn, it is necessary to water a few days after the topsoil has completely dried.

In spring and summer, watering should be plentiful, but it is very important not to flood the flower and not to let the earthy coma dry completely.

Regularly spraying and washing the leaves every week is necessary.
He also needs pruning and transplanting. The latter should be carried out when the root system completely fills the pot. It is better to transplant from the end of winter until May. With active development, an additional transplant will be needed in the summer.

Maybe cuttings.

Important! The milky juice of the plant is poisonous and can cause irritation, swelling of the glands and tongue (if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth).


  • decorative look;
  • does not need fertilizers;
  • does not emit any odor;
  • requires diffused light.
  • the toxicity of milky juice;
  • regular spraying and watering is required;
  • does not tolerate lower temperatures in the room.

The last one on our list of office plants is. it unusual flower, which is considered unpretentious.

likes good lighting, since this condition is important for good development flower. In winter, it requires additional lighting with the help of special lamps.

As for the humidity of the air, it is suitable for elevated level. However, this is not required.

You can just spray it regularly. Since it collects a lot of dust on its leaves, it must sometimes be wiped with a damp cloth or sponge.

The optimum temperature for ficus in summer is up to 30 °С, in winter - up to 20 °C. The minimum temperature a flower can withstand is 10 °C.

Important! Ficus does not tolerate drafts and hypothermia of the soil.

You need to water the flower in summer plentifully, and in winter moderately. The soil should not dry out between waterings. However, in winter, waterlogging can be dangerous for the soil.
maybe cuttings.

Need to repot a flower annually, since the ficus grows very quickly. Drainage must be placed in the pot before transplanting.

Ficus Benefits:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • unpretentiousness to lighting;
  • tolerates low humidity;
  • propagated by cuttings.
  • proper and regular watering is necessary;
  • in winter requires additional lighting;
  • it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a rag;
  • waterlogging in winter threatens with frostbite of the roots;
  • ficus need to be repotted regularly.

Did you know? Ficus is considered national symbol state of Thailand.

Useful properties of plants in the office

After discussing the most popular types of flowers for the office, let's talk about the benefits of greenery in work areas.

Let's begin with that main problem offices is a large number of employees who are located in a small area.
Under such conditions, the amount of oxygen in the air decreases, and it becomes much more difficult to work. Therefore, the first and most obvious office flower function- saturation of air with oxygen and absorption of carbon dioxide.

Important! At night, the greens begin to work in reverse side: absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Constant work at a computer or laptop leads to a strong overload of the eyes.

However, if during the next break you look at green plant, then your eyes will recover faster and you can continue working.
Flowers increase the humidity of the air both in the process of their growth and due to watering. Since air conditioners and heaters dry the air a lot, such a useful function "green friends" helps maintain optimum moisture.

Many office flowers give off a pleasant smell that reduces stress and gives strength to continue working.

How to choose the right place for flowerpots

There is no general instruction for choosing the right place, since each flower has its own requirements, which at least partially must be observed.

Let's start with where office flowers should never be placed:

  1. In the elevator. Place a flower in an elevator is the worst thing imaginable. The plant will not receive the right amount of light, heat, moisture, and constant drafts will lead to rapid death.
  2. In narrow passages. Even if the place is optimal in terms of lighting and heat, in a narrow passage the plant will not only interfere with everyone, but also risk being knocked over or damaged.
  3. Close to batteries or pipes heating system . Dry air and intense heat from the battery will not tolerate even the most resistant flower, so this placement is unacceptable.
  4. under air conditioning. In summer, the plant will constantly be in a draft, it will freeze very much, and in winter a stream of hot air will make a semblance of a herbarium out of a “green friend”.
  5. Near the urn or coffee machine. Unscrupulous employees will constantly throw garbage into the flowerpot or pour out the rest of the coffee, because of which the plant will begin to wither and soon dry out.

Also should not be posted flowerpot in drafts or in a smoking room.

It is best to choose a well-lit place. It is desirable that it be either a corner or a free space far from the furniture, where a flower pot will not bother anyone.

At the same time, the place should be accessible so that at any time the flower can be watered.
It is also worth considering that the plant, in addition to sunlight, receives a sufficient amount of an artificial analogue, therefore, it must be placed in the lamp lighting field.

Tall plants are placed on the floor, miniature ones - on the windowsill, near the glazed window, which rarely opens for ventilation (danger of drafts).

Now you know how useful plants are in the office and how to properly place greenery in the work area. Flowers not only decorate the overall interior, but also help employees take a break from the hustle and bustle, problems and general stress during a break.

However, the flower is creature, so if you have carried out landscaping of the office, then do not forget about the minimum care and attention.

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86 times already

The office is often presented as a dull, colorless room with monotonous walls, desks, computers, and stacks of documents. Due to stress and an abundance of other harmful factors, many feel in the workplace, as if in a cage.

Green “pets” will help to cheer you up, enliven the atmosphere and feel comfort in the office.

It is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of indoor plants in the workplace. Indeed, in addition to satisfying emotional needs, they help in a practical sense. For example:

With the obvious benefits of flowers in the office, it is important to understand that not every representative of the room flora will be able to survive the office routine.

Requirements for choosing colors

When choosing a flower for your workplace, it is important to consider a few rules:

  • unpretentiousness. In the office, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create special conditions for keeping, and there is not much time for complex care, spraying, fertilizing, maintaining the necessary air humidity at work. In addition, capricious pets may simply not survive long weekends or holidays.
  • beautiful appearance- optimally, if the plant looks presentable and spectacular, it should not have obvious defects - spots on the leaves, bare stems, dried flowers.
  • Odorless and hypoallergenic Plants in the office affect both employees and visitors. They must be absolutely safe and not irritate anyone, since even a slight smell of flowers can cause an allergy in someone.

The best indoor plants for the office

  • , or "mother-in-law's tongue" - has a beautiful appearance, sometimes with variegated leaves. Some types are large and placed on the floor, others are small, for window sills. It tolerates drafts and drought, temperature changes. It can grow for a long time without a transplant, more about caring for it;
  • - has a great appearance, in addition, it grows easily in the shade and is not particularly picky about watering. It tolerates, and even prefers, cool;
  • is a popular office plant. Its spectacular large leaves will decorate any room. In addition, it easily tolerates low humidity. Can grow with artificial lighting how to care for her - see;
  • - perfectly cleans the air in the room. It blooms for a long period with beautiful white flowers that look like boats. Shade-tolerant, tolerates dry air. Requires regular;
  • - a very hardy flower, perfectly cleansing the air. Attractive rosettes of light green leaves produce "whiskers" with babies at the ends. Looks especially impressive ampelous plant in hanging planters. It can grow in the shade, tolerates irregular watering and lives in the same pot for a long time without transplanting, more details;
  • - a beautiful decorative and deciduous ampelous plant. Looks great on a shelf or cabinet. Not capricious, can grow in artificial light. Tolerates dry air and irregular watering, plant care can be viewed;
  • unpretentious flower, which tolerates a lack of light and low humidity. Grows slowly. There are large species that will decorate a large office with their variegated foliage, you can see the care for aglaonema;
  • - beautiful large plant with brightly colored leaves. It is important to know that he needs enough light and heat, more details;
  • care, while always looking good.
  • Bamboo - grows in a vase with stones and water. Looks very original and impressive. Unpretentious. The only thing that is required is not to forget to add water.

When choosing and arranging indoor plants in the office, it is important to remember that they need at least minimal care.

A little attention and care - and the green "pets" will thank with their magnificent appearance, give strength and give a lot of positive emotions! What flowers grow in your office?

Photo gallery

Flowers suitable for office space, from the list above. Detailed galleries can be viewed in separate headings of flowers.

Our store is a real find for all plant lovers: large and small, evergreen and blooming. Plants and indoor flowers for home, offices - our profile. We know everything about plants and will share our knowledge with you: we will tell and show you how to care for them. Our phytodesigners have a professional command of the language of flowers.

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