How to cook buckwheat in water with fat. How to cook buckwheat so that it is crumbly? Recipes for the proper preparation of buckwheat porridge

  • 29.06.2020

Buckwheat is one of the most popular cereals in Russian cuisine. It is boiled in broth - meat, mushroom, vegetable, milk and even cream. But buckwheat porridge on water fully reveals all its qualities, you just need to know how to cook it. Who knows how to cook buckwheat porridge on water, crumbly or slurry, can enjoy different tastes and the structure of the dish - each option has its own advantages.

Crumbly has a more pronounced aroma, and slurry - delicate and even silky in structure - is more suitable for dietary or baby food.

How to cook loose buckwheat

In loose buckwheat, each grain is easily separated from the others.

To achieve this effect, you should choose unground buckwheat or, in extreme cases, peeled buckwheat.

Nucleus- these are whole grains, steamed, retaining grain shells.

Peeled groats almost devoid of shells and also steamed.

Prodel- crushed steamed cereals with shells - more suitable for porridge-smear.

Like the famous Smolensk- cereals, in which only the middle remains after processing, since all the upper layers are removed.

There are many ways to cook delicious crumbly buckwheat.

Method of cooking in a saucepan

Most traditional method- in a saucepan. Here's how to cook buckwheat porridge on water in a saucepan:

  1. the cereal is washed in several waters. In many recipes, it is advised to fry it in a dry frying pan - a stronger characteristic aroma and taste. Yes it is, but frying significantly reduces the usefulness and increases the calorie content of the finished dish. Therefore, those who monitor their weight or simply prefer healthy food, the frying step is skipped;
  2. then the cereal is poured into a saucepan, poured with boiled cold water, salt and heat over high heat;
  3. when the water boils, you should cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to medium;
  4. after boiling for 3 minutes in this mode, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and, without removing the lid, cook the porridge for 15-17 minutes.

To make buckwheat more fragrant and crumbly, you can add a teaspoon of vegetable oil, such as fragrant sesame oil, directly into the pan.

Cooking in a thermos

Cooking loose buckwheat in a thermos is an unusual way.

The thermos is rinsed with boiling water.

The cereal is also washed with boiling water.

Put pure buckwheat in a thermos, add salt, vegetable oil if desired, and pour very hot or boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2.

Close the thermos and leave for several hours. Ideally, all night long.

Buckwheat prepared in this way retains all the useful and nutritious properties.

Ideal for this method of preparation - not steamed, but only peeled greenish groats.

Loose buckwheat in a pan

Another unusual way to cook delicious buckwheat porridge on water is to use a frying pan. The washed cereal is laid out in a thick-walled pan, poured with cold water, salted and tightly closed with a lid. Put the pan on a low heat and cook for 20 minutes without removing the lid.

Porridge in a pot

Washed buckwheat is placed in a pot, poured with warm water, tightly covered with a lid and put in the oven.

The oven must be cold so that the pot heats up simultaneously with the air to evenly heat the walls and contents of the pot.

This preserves the whole aroma of buckwheat and its beneficial features.

We set 180 degrees, after 30 minutes we turn off the oven and let our porridge “reach” for 15-20 minutes.

Easy cooking in a slow cooker

Put the prepared buckwheat into the bowl of the multicooker, pour water - hot for cooking in the "Heating" mode (temperature - 70-80, time - 1 hour) or cold for cooking in the "Porridge" or "Grains" mode (for them, the time and temperature will be set multicooker itself).

in a sachet

It is very convenient to cook loose buckwheat in bags. Many manufacturers of cereals pack their product in bags of 80-100 g. Such porridge is cooked from 8 to 20 minutes - as indicated on the box - depending on the degree of processing and the variety of buckwheat.

The bag is dipped into boiling water (the amount of water is indicated on the package and usually ranges from 200 to 350 ml). After the time has elapsed, the bag is shaken off the water, opened along a special seam and laid out on a plate. Even a child can handle the preparation of such buckwheat, it is absolutely impossible to spoil it.

Cooking delicious porridge

To cook buckwheat porridge on the water, it is better to take prodel or Smolensk groats. Prodel is considered a more nutritious cereal, and the Smolensk dish is ideal for therapeutic diets due to its excellent enveloping properties. The famous "downy porridge" was cooked precisely from their Smolensk cereals.

These cereals are not washed or roasted.

To cook liquid buckwheat porridge on water, you need to pour buckwheat with water and cook for 30-40 minutes under a lid over low heat, stirring regularly.

Proportions and other secrets of delicious buckwheat on the water

  • To cook buckwheat porridge on water, the proportions of cereals and water should be 1:2 for crumbly porridge and 1:3 for slurry porridge.
  • Boiling water can be added to the slurry as needed, but for crumbly this is unacceptable, since it significantly worsens the taste and structure of the grains.
  • Do not forget about adding vegetable oil at the beginning of cooking friable porridge, the calorie content of the dish will increase slightly, but the taste, smell and appearance will be much better.
  • By the way, the calorie content of dry cereals is a beginner in proper nutrition and even more so, if it is aimed at, it can repel - almost 300 kcal. Do not be afraid, when cooked, the numbers are smaller: without oil - about 100 kcal, and with oil - 120-130 kcal.

Buckwheat is an important product for the human diet. The content of useful elements in this porridge is amazing. But just cooking this product is not enough. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of preparation in order to preserve all the useful substances that buckwheat has.

Properly cooked buckwheat will not only be tasty, but also quite satisfying and crumbly. In reality, you can find a lot of variations of recipes for cooking this product on water. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to cook delicious, crumbly buckwheat porridge on water.

Buckwheat porridge on the water

Kitchen utensils and equipment: a large saucepan with a thick bottom; deep bowl; Cup; knife.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • Before cooking buckwheat, it must be sorted out. Since it can contain various small particles, husks and pebbles.
  • If you bought buckwheat, and it is light in color, you can fry it a little in a pan without oil. Then buckwheat after cooking will not stick together and will acquire an interesting taste.
  • When choosing dishes for cooking, pay attention to the fact that the pan has a thick bottom. Otherwise, buckwheat will cook unevenly and eventually burn from the bottom.
  • In order to perfectly cook buckwheat porridge, it is imperative to observe the proportions of water and cereals. And do not forget that buckwheat swells during cooking, so you need to choose the right size dishes.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on the cooking time. If you overcook the grain, it will lose its texture and taste.
  • It is not recommended to stir buckwheat with an iron spoon. Also, do not cover the pan with a lid. Before boiling, the fire should be large. After boiling, it must be reduced to medium.

Cooking sequence

video recipe

In the video you can see how to properly cook buckwheat porridge on water.

How to serve and how to decorate a dish

  • It is recommended to serve hot with the addition of butter.
  • Add stew, fried onions, greens or fried mushrooms to buckwheat. So your porridge will get additional taste.

Before cooking, buckwheat should be soaked in cold water. So it will cook faster. In order for buckwheat porridge to turn out to be a crumbly structure, it must be poured hot water 2-3 times, and then put to cook.

  • After cooking, wrap the pan in a towel for 5 minutes to soften the grits.
  • Salt is necessary at the beginning of cooking.
  • Interestingly, buckwheat is a rather high-calorie product. If buckwheat is consumed without salt and oil, then the calorie content will be 130 kcal per 100 g of product. And if you add butter and salt, then the calorie content will increase to 430 kcal per 100 g of the product.
  • Buckwheat, like the rest food products can benefit our body.

Useful properties of buckwheat

  • Gives the body vitamins of groups B, E, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and manganese;
  • Has an antioxidant effect, removes heavy metal ions and radiation from the body;
  • Promotes the removal of excess cholesterol from the body;
  • Positive effect on vision;
  • Helps to increase vitality, mental and physical activity;
  • Rich in organic acids that improve digestion.

The testimony of doctors suggests that buckwheat should be eaten by people with diagnoses: anemia, hypertension, toxicosis, diabetes, some viral and bacterial diseases.

Buckwheat - very useful product And if cooked right, it's delicious. I have cooked this recipe many times, and the porridge always turned out crumbly and tender. Try it too. Write your recipes and impressions in the comments. Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat porridge has been a traditional Russian dish for centuries. To date, buckwheat recipes are also very popular and varied. Everyone knows that buckwheat porridge is good both as an independent dish and as a side dish. From it you can make a delicious breakfast and hearty lunch. In addition, the benefits of buckwheat are difficult to overestimate. And in order to preserve all its benefits and taste, you need to know how to properly cook this cereal.

To prepare any dishes with buckwheat or a light breakfast from this cereal, it must first be boiled in water. This is where the question arises: how to make buckwheat porridge tasty, fragrant and crumbly? To do this, you need to observe certain proportions of water and cereals, and know how long it takes to cook buckwheat.

When cooking buckwheat porridge on water, salt and butter are often added to the dish, but we will consider classic recipe buckwheat without additional ingredients. You can cook buckwheat in a saucepan or ladle - here the choice is only for your convenience. You can use a container with both thick and thin walls.


- buckwheat 180 g

– water 360 g

Output of the finished dish: 450 g.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Buckwheat on the water - a step-by-step cooking recipe with a photo

  1. Before using buckwheat, we sort it out, throw out spoiled and hard grains, otherwise they can negatively affect the taste and quality of the whole dish. Then buckwheat must be washed under running water. In order to cook the dish correctly, you need to observe certain proportions. We shift the cereal into a saucepan, pour clean drinking water in a ratio of one to two. For example, for one glass of buckwheat, we take two glasses of water. We put buckwheat with water on a strong fire.

  1. After five minutes, the water boils, after which it is necessary to reduce the heat to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid, but not completely. On low heat, buckwheat should be boiled for 15 minutes. During this time, she will completely absorb all the water.

  1. Further, you do not need to mix the cereal. Just leave the buckwheat in the pan under the lid for another ten minutes. It will steam and become very fragrant and crumbly. Only after that, buckwheat porridge can be mixed and served.

Today we shared with you information on how to cook buckwheat properly. To do this, you just need to know the proportions of water and cereals, and how long the cooking process takes. As a result, you will get a simple and delicious dish, which will definitely become part of your diet.

From buckwheat boiled in water, you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy recipes- full breakfasts, lunches and side dishes. In addition, buckwheat porridge on the water is a real treasure for those who want to lose weight. In the article, Vedich talks about all the features of this technique and how to properly prepare buckwheat for a diet.

If you have questions or comments about this recipe, you can leave them on our forum at.


Cooking buckwheat porridge experienced housewives doesn't seem complicated at all. But what if you are a beginner? Then our article will help you. From it you will learn, crumbly, how long it needs to be cooked, as well as a few little tricks for a successful porridge.

How to cook buckwheat crumbly and tasty

Delicious buckwheat porridge is far from being obtained by everyone, as there are some tricks in its preparation, without which you will not achieve the proper result. Well, well, let's figure out how to cook crumbly and tasty buckwheat, and what you need for this.

Cooking buckwheat porridge is a short, but painstaking process. In order for it to turn out really tasty, it will need to be sorted out. Agree, it is very unpleasant to feel the crunch of a pebble or other foreign body on your teeth?

Before you start sorting out the cereal, you must measure the amount of cereal you need. This is a rather responsible matter, since it should be taken into account that after cooking, the cereal will become two, or even two and a half times more.

The amount of cereal will depend on how many people you are cooking for. For example, one glass of buckwheat is enough for three people.

After you have measured the required amount of buckwheat, sorted it out, the cereal should be properly washed. This is to ensure that all small floating debris is washed out. Rinse the cereal three or four times, this will be enough for its purity.

To make the porridge fragrant, roast the cereal in a pan. Take a dry frying pan, pour buckwheat into it, and fry it until it starts to crackle. It will take you no more than five minutes.

Now we come directly to the moment of cooking porridge. Here the main thing will be right choice saucepans.

A little digression. Previously, our grandmothers cooked porridge, how? They took a cast iron pot, poured porridge into it, poured water, and put it in the oven. And the porridge languished there for a long, long time. It turned out delicious, rich, but not boiled porridge.

Of course, now there are no stoves, but there are cast-iron pots, cauldrons, and just thick-walled saucepans. Here they are for us and are suitable for making porridge. Take such a saucepan, pour prepared buckwheat into it, pour water.

A clarification should be made here. We take exactly twice as much water as cereals. Those. you took one glass of cereal, so you need two glasses of water.

Take clean, filtered water, as water with various impurities can give the taste of porridge not at all what you expected.

Now we put the pan on a strong fire and let the water boil with porridge. After it boils, salt the porridge and reduce the heat. Let our porridge sweat over a small fire. Do not open the lid now so that the steam is not lost.

After about twenty minutes, the fire should be turned off. However, the porridge is not quite ready yet. Wrap it in something warm and let it stand for another twenty to thirty minutes. This method of evaporation is no worse than grandmother's stoves.

That's it, your delicious crumbly porridge is ready! Scatter it on plates, add butter and eat.

Bon Appetit!

How and how much to cook buckwheat on water

How much to cook buckwheat on water? This question is asked by novice housewives, who for the first time cook this simple dish on their own and it is important for them to know the cooking time. After reading this article, you can find out about it.

So, buckwheat. The cooking process itself takes no more than twenty minutes. But before that, you must properly prepare buckwheat so that the porridge turns out to be tasty and fragrant. Her recipe will be described below.


  • one glass of buckwheat;
  • two glasses of water;
  • salt, butter.

Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out if yours is not too clean. And also rinse well to remove floating debris. It is best to rinse in several waters, so that there is certainly nothing left.

Now fry the cereal in a pan. Usually it is calcined without oil, in a dry frying pan, but we will take a little butter and we will calcinate on it. The grits should crunch a little before you remove them from the heat. But do not overdo it, so as not to get embers.

Now we take a saucepan that suits us in size. Boil water in it, salt. Now pour the prepared buckwheat groats there, follow it until it boils. If foam appears, it will need to be removed.

Reduce fire to low. Porridge should sweat for about twenty minutes on the stove. Do not open the lid, because in many ways the preparation of delicious porridge depends on this.

After this time, turn off the fire, remove the porridge from the stove. Take a warm blanket and wrap the porridge in it, let it stand for another thirty minutes. This will allow our porridge to get enough heat and reach.

When the porridge has stood, put it on plates, put a small piece of butter in each piece and put it on the table. Bon Appetit!

How to cook buckwheat for a side dish: a recipe for a buckwheat porridge lover

Buckwheat porridge is a very common dish that hostesses prepare as a side dish. It turns out tasty, fast, healthy. How to cook buckwheat for a side dish, you will learn further.

There are several ways to cook buckwheat porridge, but today we will consider one that retains all the beneficial properties of buckwheat, and when using it, you will get a delicious and fragrant porridge.

What will be needed for cooking?

  • buckwheat - one glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • butter - 50-70 grams.

Now how to cook. Grains must be carefully sorted out and washed with cold water. Throw on a sieve (take a fine one so that the grains do not fall out).

Now take a saucepan and pour water into it. Put it on fire and wait for the water to boil. Throw cereal into boiling water, now the water should boil along with buckwheat.

After everything boils, add butter to the porridge and salt. Turn off the heat and put the pot in a warm place. You can also cover with something warm.

The swelling of buckwheat will be completed in forty minutes. Your porridge cooked in this way will be tasty and crumbly. Useful properties of buckwheat during this processing will retain all their useful properties (and there are many of them).

After the time has elapsed, you can pour the porridge into plates and serve. As a side dish, it goes well with meat and fish dishes, as well as to vegetable salads, gravy.

Bon Appetit!

To make buckwheat porridge tasty and crumbly, you need to prepare cereals, pick up suitable dishes and comply with all terms and conditions. Thanks to our cooking secrets, the porridge will turn out to be very fragrant. In this post, we will share our experience on how to cook buckwheat porridge deliciously, and also offer the best, in our opinion, buckwheat porridge recipes for your judgment.

Buckwheat can be boiled in water or milk, there are plenty of recipes. And they all contain a large number of calories and therefore, along with suitable for those who are on a diet.

Benefits of making buckwheat porridge

  • The perfect garnish. In addition to carbohydrates, buckwheat contains as much as 13 grams of protein. Because it is great for the nutrition of athletes and people who are engaged in heavy physical activity and patients after surgery.
  • Preservation of nutrients. If you boil cereals correctly, you can save iron, copper and phosphorus, calcium and useful amino acids, as well as minerals and vitamins. It is desirable that buckwheat dishes are present in the diet at least a couple of times a week, especially in baby food.
  • Ease of preparation. To cook loose buckwheat, you must follow simple rules for boiling cereals, the exact recipe and proportions.

There are a large number of ways to prepare such a healthy and tasty side dish, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves.

  1. Before cooking buckwheat, the groats need to be sorted and washed. This must be done carefully, as among the grains there may be pebbles dangerous for the teeth.
  2. During the cooking process, there is no need to stir the porridge.
  3. For cooking, it is better to use a cauldron or a pan with thick walls.
  4. Ready porridge can be wrapped in a blanket and left for half an hour to evaporate.
  5. Buckwheat can be served as a side dish or with butter, fried onions, herbs, mushrooms or stew.
  6. If foam forms, then it must be removed with a tablespoon.
  7. To speed up the cooking process, you will need to bring the water with cereal to a boil over high heat, and then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking.
  8. If desired, lime or lemon juice, as well as tomato or soy sauce, can be added to buckwheat porridge.
  9. Usually buckwheat is poured with cold water, but nothing will happen if you pour cereal into hot water, it will just take a few minutes longer to cook.
  10. When preparing buckwheat porridge, ½ proportions are used. That is, there should be twice as much water as cereals.
  11. the river is salted at the beginning of cooking or thrown into already salted water.
  12. Porridge in a bag is cooked for 15 minutes. To do this, you need to lower the bag of buckwheat into boiling salted water, then take it out with a fork and put the contents of the bag on a plate.
  13. When cooked, the volume of buckwheat doubles.

In addition, in order for the porridge to be especially tasty, you need to use the highest grade cereal, not crushed, but from whole grains. The unground kernel with the largest and not very dark grains is best suited.

Loose buckwheat porridge

This is a way to prepare an unusually delicious porridge. You can add milk, eggs or mushrooms to it, or eat it just like that, with the addition of a small amount of butter.


  • buckwheat - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Take the required amount of cereal, clean it of debris and spoiled grains. Rinse buckwheat with cold water several times and dry. After that, the cereal must be fried in a pan until golden brown until the aroma of fried grain appears. This may not be done, but it is the fried kernels that give a piquant taste and a pleasant shade.

Then you need to melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat. Add buckwheat and salt there and mix, pour hot water. As soon as the water boils, it is necessary to reduce the heat as much as possible, and close the saucepan with a lid for 20 minutes. You do not need to open the lid and stir the porridge. After all the water has boiled away, the porridge is ready. You just need to add oil and you can serve.

If the porridge is already ready, and there is still water in the pan, you need to add fire and wait until all the liquid has evaporated.

Buckwheat porridge in a thermos

When answering the question of how tasty it is to cook buckwheat porridge, one cannot fail to mention buckwheat cooked in a thermos. This recipe is very simple, as you do not need to stand at the stove and cook porridge. It is enough to fill the cereal with water in a thermos for the night, and in the morning have breakfast with delicious porridge. With this method of preparation, cereals retain more useful minerals. Buckwheat can be used in any quantity, the main thing is to stick to the proportions.


  • buckwheat porridge;
  • water;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

The cereal will need to be sorted out, washed and put into a thermos. Add salt, in proportions - 1 teaspoon per half liter of water, but you can also taste. After that, buckwheat must be poured with boiling water (at the rate of two glasses of water for one glass of cereal) and tighten the lid of the thermos. Porridge can be eaten within an hour after that. But the longer it brews, the better it tastes.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Mushrooms have always been considered a good addition to buckwheat. They must be fried on vegetable or butter with onions and mix with porridge. They can also be cooked together with cereals.


  • buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • salt and oil to taste.

Cooking method:

Onions need to be peeled, chopped and fried until golden brown. Cut the mushrooms and add to the onion in the pan. Fry for 5-7 minutes.

Sort the grits well and wash. Pour buckwheat into a saucepan, add water, add salt, mushrooms, onions, carrots and let it boil. After that, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and leave it for 30 minutes until the liquid has completely boiled away. Periodically, it is necessary to check the amount of water in the pan so that the porridge does not burn. Ready porridge should be mixed and can be served at the family table.

Aromatic buckwheat in pots

This dish is not only very tasty, but also beautiful, because it is cooked in pots. Pork, veal or poultry meat is added to buckwheat. Such an appetizing dish in pots can be served to guests for dinner as a hot dish. Ingredients are listed per pot.


  • buckwheat - 100 grams;
  • meat - 150-200 grams;
  • onion - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 50 grams;
  • glass of water;
  • salt pepper;
  • a small bay leaf;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

The meat will need to be cut into small pieces and fried a little in a pan with chopped onions and carrots. Wash and sort the grits, scatter in pots and pour water. Add salt, ground pepper, bay leaf.

Arrange meat and vegetables evenly on top. Cover with lids and send to the oven for 40 minutes. The pots should be placed in a cold oven so that they heat up gradually. Sprinkle buckwheat with fragrant herbs before serving.

Buckwheat in a pan with meat

Not everyone likes to eat buckwheat as a side dish. But porridge cooked “in a naval way” with homemade minced meat will leave few people indifferent. Try to cook porridge according to this interesting recipe.


  • homemade minced meat - 350 grams;
  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt and ground pepper to taste;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • a little parsley;
  • vegetable oil - 35 grams.

Cooking method:

The onion should be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Then add minced meat with spices to it, mix and simmer a little. Pour the washed buckwheat, pour water or broth, mix and close the lid. Add parsley before serving.

Buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots

A simple recipe for buckwheat porridge, which can be cooked on hastily. It is suitable both as a side dish and as an independent dish. Such porridge can be eaten at least daily, and it will not get bored.


  • buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • bulbs - 1 piece;
  • melted butter - 70 grams;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat needs to be sorted out and washed. Then drain the water. Put a little melted butter in a saucepan and fry the grits. After that, it is necessary to fill the buckwheat with water, add salt and cook until fully cooked. Cut the onion into cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Then melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the onions and carrots, cook until soft. At the end, you can add your favorite spices. Pour the prepared buckwheat for frying, mix and leave on low heat under the lid for 3 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Little tricks for cooking fragrant and tasty buckwheat porridge

When cooking buckwheat porridge, it is better not to let off steam and not open the lid once again. If you do so, then upper layer porridge will not be fully cooked, and some of the kernels will remain hard.

If you add a little oil to the porridge during cooking, it will make the dish much tastier. In addition, to get an unusual flavor, you can put a peppercorn or a clove of garlic. Bay leaf you can stick in a ready-made pan of hot porridge.

In order to give a mushroom flavor to the dish, it is enough to put a small dried mushroom in a cauldron during cooking.

When dust is found at the bottom of a bag of buckwheat, this indicates a poor quality of the product. Such cereals can give off an earthy taste, so it is better to rinse it thoroughly several times before cooking.