Roast in pots with meat and potatoes - is it the first or the second? Recipes for homemade roasts with meat and potatoes for hearty meals. Juicy roast pork with potatoes in clay pots

  • 19.10.2019

Before cooking pork in a pot with potatoes, we wash the meat well, you should not cut off the existing fat, in the future it will be rendered during frying. Cut into small pieces.

We put the chopped meat in a frying pan, into which you first need to pour vegetable oil and heat it up. Fry until golden brown, while lightly salting and peppering it, literally a pinch each.

While the meat is fried, you can do the vegetables. Peel onions and carrots, cut into small cubes.

Tomatoes also need to be cut into cubes, but not too small. Whether or not to remove the peel from tomatoes, everyone decides at their discretion.

By this time, the meat will have time to fry well, we shift it from the pan to any bowl, or you can immediately into the pots. And add onions and carrots to the pan, directly into the oil that remains after frying the meat. Fry them until softened.

During this time, you can have time to cut the peeled potatoes into cubes.

We begin to put all the prepared ingredients into pots. At the very bottom we put the fried meat, then the tomatoes.

After we lay the fried vegetables, add spices and bay leaf.

We send the potatoes last and pour in the water. The amount of water will depend on the size of your pot. Just do not pour it to the very brim, so that when cooking it does not pour out of the pot. Salt the contents and send to bake.

Pots with pork and potatoes in the oven will be 30 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. Bon Appetit!

Baking pots are usually the thing that keeps me from reaching the bag of rice cereal behind them or the ice cream maker stirrer. There is always nowhere to attach this clay “army”, because it takes up so much space. The lids from them are constantly disappearing somewhere, so sometimes it seems to me that this is not a constant value :-) But when I cook roast meat and potatoes, it is difficult to find a replacement for the pots, almost impossible. The dish in them turns out to be cozy and homely, it will never burn and will not remain raw. It will upset you only twice: when an appetizing aroma floats through the kitchen, and it will be possible to taste the roast only after half an hour, and when you have to wash pots with a narrow neck. Although this is such a trifle, in fact! Let's already cook pot roast with your favorite meat and potatoes in the oven. A recipe with a photo (and not one, but two) is at your disposal.

Hearty roast beef or lamb with potatoes

Lamb, beef or chicken? Don't torture yourself with a choice! This roast will be delicious with any meat product!

Necessary products for 2 clay pots:

Cooking method:

I had lamb. In this case, it is important to choose the meat of a young lamb. In adults, fat has a specific smell and taste that not everyone likes. It is also better to take beef "young", with it the roast will turn out to be more tender and tasty. Cut the prepared, washed and dried meat into cubes. Do not cut too finely so that the pieces retain their juiciness.

Heat oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan. Put the meat pieces to fry. It is advisable to cook them in small portions. Because from a large number cold product, the temperature of the hot fat will drop sharply. The lamb will be stewed, not fried. And we need a ruddy crust.

Fry lamb or beef over high heat, turning occasionally. When the pieces are covered with a treasured golden crust, salt them and sprinkle with spices. Remove.

Divide into pots. Try to leave as much oil in the pan as possible. You will need it to fry the onions.

Peel potatoes. Cut into slices slightly larger than the meat.

You can also fry the potatoes until golden brown. Or just put on top of the meat layer. Season the potato layer with salt and dry spices.

Squeeze the garlic through a press.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Heat up the remaining fat in the pan. If it is low, add oil. Sprinkle onions to fry.

Cook 3-5 minutes, stirring, until soft.

Spread the onion over the potatoes. It will give the roast a pleasant aftertaste and piquant aroma. Pour water or broth (vegetable or meat) into each pot. Cover with lids. Place the roast in the oven to simmer until done. Cooking temperature - 180-200 degrees. Approximate time - 40 minutes.

The meat in the finished dish will be incredibly tender, the potatoes will become soft, but retain their shape, and skillfully selected spices will mask the specific smell of lamb (if you use it).

Pot roast with pork and potatoes

If marbled beef or rack of lamb ran out right in front of you, feel free to buy pork. Roast from it turns out what you need: hearty, juicy, fragrant. Get ready, you won't regret it!

Ingredients for 6 pots:

How to cook pot roast with juicy meat and potatoes in the oven (recipe with photo):

Wash and clean vegetables. Rinse again. So that the potatoes do not darken, fill them with cool water.

Prepare the meat. I had pork. In principle, a roast prepared in this way will turn out delicious with almost any popular type of meat: beef, lamb or even poultry (chicken, turkey, duck). But you should not use too fatty or sinewy part of the carcass, this will not benefit the dish. If you also prefer pork, I advise you to use the shoulder, neck, tenderloin or ham. Wash the meat. Cut off the excess - veins, fat deposits, films. Pat dry with a thick paper towel. Cut the meat into cubes or other shapes.

The frying pan for frying meat should be well heated, and the oil should be hot. Then a crust will immediately appear, which will “seal” all the juice inside, and the roast will turn out to be more juicy and tasty. Fry the meat slices on high heat.

It is not necessary to bring the ingredient to readiness. Just brown it on all sides. It will take 3-4 minutes, no more.

Cut the potatoes in advance or while frying the meat. The form of cutting - cubes or sticks.

Remove the fried pork from the pan. Put potatoes in its place.

Fry the potato cubes until golden brown over high heat.

At this time, chop the onion.

And carrots. I cut the ingredients into cubes. But carrots can be chopped either into strips or grated coarsely.

When the potatoes are fried, transfer them to a bowl. Instead, add chopped vegetables.

Advice: The list of ingredients for the recipe is optionally supplemented with other vegetables, mushrooms or spices. It will be delicious with champignons or oyster mushrooms, and celery or parsley root will make the roast more piquant.

Fry the slicing until golden brown.

Arrange the future roast in pots. Sprinkle each with a little salt and spices. I put potatoes in first.

I spread the meat on top. When stewing in the oven, it will release juice, which is partially absorbed into the potatoes. If the meat layer was the first, such a tasty effect would not have happened.

After meat - carrots with onions.

Pour stock into pots or drinking water. Thanks to the liquid, the roast will not turn out dry and will not burn. Cover the dish with lids, placing them on one side, as in the photo, so that hot air comes out. Then the liquid will not boil violently. Send the roast to the oven, heated to 180-200 degrees. Cook the dish for 40-50 minutes.

Serve directly in pots or arrange on plates.

Good appetite!

Nowadays, dishes cooked in pots have become very popular. Firstly, it takes less time, and secondly, the cooked dish stays hot longer.

Homemade pot roast: 2 pork and chicken recipes

And most importantly, no matter what dish you cook, in pots it will turn out to be unusually tasty! You just need to prepare the ingredients, put them in pots and put them in the oven. Everything, the dish is ready! It looks very nice, right from the heat of the heat, it can be served to guests.

We offer you very successful pot roast recipes.

Roast in pots. 1 way

Ingredients: (approximately 3-4 pots of 0.5 l)

  • Pork meat - 500 g
  • 100 g onion
  • 100 g carrots
  • 500-600 g potatoes
  • 100 g cream
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 100 ml of broth.
  • Seasoning, pepper and salt
  • Rust. butter


  1. Cut the meat into 2 cm cubes. Add salt, seasoning to the meat, mix everything, cover with a plate and leave to brew for 30 minutes.
  2. To prepare the sauce, combine the cream and garlic. The resulting mixture must be broken with milk or broth to the density of liquid sour cream.
  3. Cut the onion, rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Peel and cut potatoes. It is necessary to cut not very large, pieces of meat are equal in size to pieces of pork.
  5. Fry potatoes in oil for a few minutes. This is done so that the potato pieces remain intact when stewing and are beautiful in the finished dish.
  6. Put the prepared products in pots in this order.
  7. 1 layer - lay out half the meat;
  8. 2nd layer - half an onion;
  9. 3-layer - half a carrot.
  10. Drizzle with sauce.
  11. 4 layer - lay out half the potatoes.
  12. Salt a little.
  13. Then lay out all the layers again.
  14. Cover the pots with lids and put in the oven NOT HEATED. Next, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and turn off the heat after 2 hours. I wish you bon appetit!

Roast in pots 2 way

Ingredients: (for about 2 pots )

  • 500 g chicken breast
  • 400-500 g potatoes
  • 100 g onion
  • 150 g champignons or other mushrooms
  • 100 g cream
  • 50 g cl. oils
  • 250 g water or stock
  • seasonings and salt
  • vegetable oil


  1. Peel the onion and cut into large pieces (you can half rings). Cut the meat into pieces. Potato mode in large cubes. Lubricate the pot. oil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We lay out our products in layers: onions, meat and potatoes. Sprinkle with spices on top. Put chopped mushrooms on top and pour 100 g of water or broth.
  2. In each pot put 2 tbsp. l. cream. Close the lids, put in a hot oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees and leave it there for 35-40 minutes. We turn off the oven. Let the pots stand for a few minutes.
  3. After you take the pots out of the oven, you can sprinkle them with herbs and put a little butter on top. Good appetite!

When preparing any dish, each chef uses his own secrets to improve the taste. To improve the taste of the roast, there are also little secrets, such as:

  1. It is better to buy clay pots, as they are considered the most resistant to heat.
  2. No need to wash the pot detergents, as they are absorbed into its walls, and the next time they are cooked, they can stand out in the roast. To wash the pot, it is better to use ordinary baking soda.
  3. It is necessary to avoid a large temperature contrast, that is, put it from cold to hot and vice versa, since the pot may burst. It is best to put it on a wooden board.
  4. To make the roast tastier, before putting it into pots, you need to fry each ingredient separately until golden brown (that is, separately meat, onions, carrots and potatoes).
  5. Before covering the roast, put it on the most upper layer a piece of unleavened dough (1 glass of water - 2 tablespoons of flour). This will speed up the cooking.

Roast in pots belongs to the category of dishes that I would recommend to those hostesses who are just starting their culinary journey. The thing is that for cooking roast in pots, we need the most common ingredients and products that are affordable both in price and in their availability in any store. The cooking process begins with the fact that the ingredients needed according to the recipe are first lightly fried in a pan, and while still half-baked, they are put into a pot. Then spices, seasonings, herbs and salt are added to them, and all the components of the future roast are poured with broth, sauce or ordinary drinking water. It remains only to put the pot in the oven and bake the roast for the amount of time indicated in the specific recipe.

The result of all such culinary manipulations will be as follows: we will not only get a delicious roast in pots, which may include different types meat, vegetables, mushrooms, spices, herbs, and in addition, all these products will be given ideal conditions for languishing, so that the taste of roast in pots will be simply indescribable. The most commonly used meat is pork, veal, lamb or chicken fillet. It is not uncommon to make a kind of “meat mix” by combining several types of meat in one recipe, cutting it into pieces beforehand.

The vegetable component may include a set of the following ingredients: carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc. Here you should rely both on the list of products of a particular recipe, and make a selection based on your culinary preferences.

Remember that a lot will depend on the choice of spices, spices and herbs. Correct and good combination them with onions and garlic, will be able to give you new shades of taste, unlike anything else. latest important points pot roasts have, of course, time and temperature. Both the tenderness of the finished roast and its juiciness depend on these factors.

The pots also largely determine how you get a roast. It can be cooked in one large clay pot, or in several portioned pots. In the latter case, pots with roast before going to the oven can be covered not with ordinary clay lids, but with dough rolled into circles. Thus, in the end you will get not only roast in pots, but also delicious crispy bread, with which you can serve it to the table.

Pot roast pork with potatoes

Combinations of pork meat and potatoes, which are cooked in the oven, are a win-win dish for any dinner. From the proposed number of products, it turns out to cook a roast for 6 servings, so you will be able to satisfy even a large family.


  • 12 potatoes
  • 500 g pork
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 4 stalks of leeks
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp sour cream for each pot
  • 1 tbsp tomato sauce for each pot
  • Black pepper
  • Herbs
  • Vegetable oil for frying potatoes

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into slices. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and fry the potatoes over high heat so that it is covered with a crust on the outside, but at the same time remains half-cooked in the middle.
  2. Put half of the potatoes on the bottom of the pots and salt.
  3. Wash the pork, cut into pieces, salt and fry until half cooked.
  4. Then add chopped carrots to the meat.
  5. Arrange lightly fried pork with carrots in pots.
  6. Put the rest of the potatoes on top.
  7. The next layer will be pre-peeled, washed and chopped onions.
  8. Next, we do the same with bell pepper and leeks.
  9. The final layer will be sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes.
  10. Top all the ingredients with sour cream and tomato paste. Sprinkle with herbs and black pepper to taste.
  11. Fill each of the pots with boiling water, so that the water completely covers all their contents.
  12. We tear the pots with a lid or a circle of dough, after which we send them to the oven for 40 minutes. Cooking temperature 180 degrees.

Delicious pot roast with vegetables

If you like the taste of stewed vegetables, then you will definitely like the recipe for roast vegetables in a pot. Yes, since I really love cheese, I could not resist the temptation and not make a kind of hat out of grated cheese. From the indicated amount of ingredients, you can cook 3 pots of roast.


  • 2 eggplant
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 3 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 bulb
  • Parsley greens to taste
  • Spices
  • Herbs

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the eggplant, wash and cut into cubes.
  2. Fry them for vegetable oil until ready, do not forget to salt to taste.
  3. We put the finished eggplants on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place chopped tomatoes and bell peppers on top.
  5. Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Fry until transparent and then put in pots. Add spices, herbs and salt to taste.
  6. We put in each pot with vegetables a spoonful of sour cream and a little parsley.
  7. Fill the pots halfway with boiling water, and finally sprinkle the contents of each pot with grated cheese.
  8. We cover the pots with a hot lid and send them to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes.

Pot roast dough lid

If you want to cook not only roast in pots, but also bread for it at the same time, then use this recipe and make a dough cover for the pots. Excessive efforts on your part will not be required, but your family or guests will be surprised.


  • 1 st. kefir
  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 3 art. flour

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep container, mix together kefir, eggs, sugar and soda.
  2. Mix well, add salt and flour.
  3. Knead the dough, it should eventually stick well from your hands.
  4. We make circles from the dough, and cover each of the pots with them like a lid.

Now you know how to cook pot roast. Bon Appetit!

Roast in pots is a dish that everyone will definitely like. If you like meat, you can opt for roast pork, veal or chicken. If you are a vegetarian, then try roast vegetables. Whichever option you choose, you have every chance of achieving another victory in this culinary duel, since cooking a home-style roast is very, very simple. Finally, I want to give a couple of tips to make your pot roast delicious the first time:
  • Roasts can be prepared with pre-fried foods, although I personally prefer to let them simmer a little in a pan;
  • Roast can be cooked both in portioned clay pots, and in one large one. Here, proceed from what culinary utensils you have available;
  • Roast pots are best placed in a cold oven, otherwise they may be damaged;
  • If you have the time and desire, then do not be lazy and prepare dough lids for the roast in pots. So you will not only have something to crunch, but to please your family with the smell and taste of homemade bread.

Pot roast is a dish that used only fresh and hot.

It is not reheated and not used the next day.

And if you cook deliciously, then there will be nothing to leave!

Plenty of hot options!

But most often the dish is prepared from meat with potatoes.

Roast in pots with meat and potatoes - general principles of cooking

Used for pot roasts any meat, maybe a bird. Pork, beef, lamb are simply cut and cooked. It is advisable to soak the rabbit before cooking, like game. Any meat can marinate or fry, the taste of the dish will only benefit from this. For greater softness and tenderness, pieces can be beaten off beforehand.

Potato peeled, cut into cubes, slices or sticks. It can also be fried in a pan, but is more often laid raw.

What else is added to the dish:

Various vegetables;

Dairy products, including cheese.

Sometimes bacon, sausages are laid along with the meat and a prefabricated roast is made, resembling a hodgepodge. Pots can be poured with sauces or stew foods in your own juice. For filling, you can use cream, sour cream, broths, vegetable juices. The more liquid, the more the dish will look like soup.

Recipe 1: Roast in pots with meat and potatoes at home

A hearty winter dish. For roast in pots with meat and potatoes, we use pork, lamb or beef.


700 grams of meat;

2 onions;

1 carrot;

800 grams of potatoes;

2 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

A little oil;


1. Cut the meat into cubes, fry until lightly browned in well-heated oil.

2. Shred carrots, randomly cut onions.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes.

4. Put meat on the bottom of the pots, then carrots and onions, potatoes on top.

5. Add peppercorns, salt, put a piece on top bay leaf. You don’t need to put a lot, you shouldn’t drown it in a dish either, so that the roast doesn’t taste bitter.

6. Pour up to half the water, cover.

7. Put in the oven for an hour, temperature 180-190. Then turn off, add a little chopped garlic on top of each pot, cover and leave in a hot oven for another half hour.

Recipe 2: Creamy Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes

A variant of a very tender roast with potatoes and meat, which is poured with cream. You can use fat milk 5-6%.


400 grams of meat;

400 grams of potatoes;

250 grams of cream;

40 grams of butter (butter);

1-2 bulbs;


1. Put a piece of butter in a pan, melt, add the onion and fry until the pieces are transparent.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes and meat, mix and arrange in pots.

3. Combine the cream with fried onions, salt and pepper.

4. Pour the roast cream sauce and cook for 70-80 minutes at 170 degrees. At the end, under the lid, you can add chopped dill, bay leaf, a piece of cheese.

Recipe 3: Roast in pots with meat, potatoes and mushrooms

A very fragrant and rich dish, for which ordinary champignons are used. But you can take dried or fresh forest mushrooms.


500 grams of meat;

8 potatoes;

300 grams of champignons;

40 grams of mayonnaise;

50 grams of cheese;

2 onions;

Salt, pepper, a little oil.


1. Cut the onion into quarters of rings. Put in a frying pan, pour 2 tablespoons of oil and fry.

2. Shred champignons, previously washed, with thin slices. We shift to the onion, fry together for 3 minutes.

3. Cut the meat and potatoes into cubes. Instead of meat, you can use chicken, turkey.

4. We put meat on the bottom of the pots, then potatoes and mushrooms with onions on top. Salt the products a little.

5. Put half a spoonful of mayonnaise in each pot, pour 100 grams of water. You can take mushroom broth or dilute a cube.

6. Three cheese and sprinkle the pots on top, cover.

7. Set to bake for 40-50 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the pots in it for the same amount of time as they were cooked. That is, for 40-50 minutes.

8. Before serving, put a sprig of parsley under the lid, you can dill.

Recipe 4: Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes in Tomato Sauce

This Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes requires fresh tomatoes. But if they are not, then replace with tomato paste, ketchup, any red sauce.


500 grams of beef;

5 potatoes;

1 onion bulb;

3 tomatoes;

Oil, spices;

Garlic, some greens.


1. Cut the peeled onion into cubes, fry for two minutes.

2. Add chopped garlic. The number of cloves to your taste. If you do not like garlic, then you can not put it at all. Let's fry together for a minute.

3. We wipe the tomatoes, remove the skin and put the mass in the pan. If tomato paste is used, then add 70-80 grams of water or broth for 3 tablespoons. Simmer the sauce for 5 minutes.

4. While the vegetables are cooking, cut the meat into cubes, peel the potatoes. We cut it like beef.

5. We take another pan, lightly fry the beef, take out the pieces and fry the potatoes. If there is a large frying pan, then you can fry everything together at once, but make the fire large so that the food does not let the juice out.

6. We lay out the meat and potatoes in pots, add water so that it occupies a third of the volume of the container. Salt, pepper. Lay out on top tomato sauce and done!

7. It remains to bake the roast for 1.5 hours in the oven and you can call to the table!

Recipe 5: Smoked Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes

Very flavorful variant. Ribs are perfect for smoked pot roast with meat and potatoes. But you can take other parts, the type of meat also does not matter.


500 grams of smoked meats;

500 grams of potatoes;

Onions, carrots;

Salt pepper;

Sour cream (you can take cream);

broth or water.


1. Cut the potatoes into large slices and fry in a pan until golden brown, you do not need to cover the dishes.

2. We take out the potatoes, put chopped onions and carrots in the same pan, fry for three minutes.

3. Cut the smoked meats into such pieces that they fit in pots.

4. Put all the ingredients, add salt and pepper.

5. Pour up to half the water or broth. Put a spoonful of sour cream on top.

6. Bake for 50 minutes. We do not take out the pots immediately, leave for another half hour in a hot oven.

Recipe 6: Roast in pots with meat and potatoes in a merchant's way

Variant of rich pot roast with meat and potatoes in sour cream sauce. The addition of mustard gives a special touch to the dish.


600 grams of beef;

3 onions;

500 grams of potatoes;

1 spoon of mustard;

2 cups sour cream;

1.5 tablespoons of flour;


1. We wash the beef, remove the films, cut into cubes, like for goulash. Sprinkle with spices, put mustard, mix and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

2. Put flour on a dry frying pan, fry for a few seconds until it becomes creamy. Let's add sour cream. Mix the sauce, warm it up and turn off the heat.

3. Cut the peeled onions into rings, potatoes into cubes. Onion can be fried if desired.

4. Fill the pots. To do this, in a large cup, mix the meat with vegetables, add sour cream sauce. If needed, add more salt and pepper. We lay out on the prepared containers on the shoulders.

5. Cover and bake until done. If you want to add greens, then it is better to put it under the lid 10 minutes before the end, you do not need to mix.

Recipe 7: Pot Roast with Meat, Potatoes and White Wine

Wine roast is a delicious dish that will simply captivate with its aroma. For cooking, it is better to use pork, with beef it turns out not so juicy. It is better not to fill this dish with spices so as not to lose the delicate aroma of wine. Quantity of products for 4 serving pots.


700 grams of pork;

200 grams of white wine;

700 grams of potatoes;

4 tomatoes;

4 cloves of garlic;

200 grams of broth or just water;

Butter, salt, a little pepper.


1. Cut the pork in layers, lightly beat off, then cut into cubes. Pour in wine, add salt and pepper and set aside.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes and tomatoes into large slices. Put in different bowls. Finely chop the garlic.

3. We take pots and put a piece in each butter. Then equally divided pork. Evenly pour wine with meat juices into containers.

4. Spread the potatoes, then the slices of tomatoes. Add garlic and salted broth.

5. Cover and bake for an hour. Then the lids must be removed and the pots kept open for another 15 minutes.

Recipe 8: Roast in pots with meat, potatoes and pumpkin

A very bright version of the dish with the addition of pumpkin. In fact, the recipe is basic and you can also add other vegetables to the pots: eggplant, zucchini, peppers. But the pumpkin is convenient in that it is wonderfully stored all winter and at any moment a bright dish will cheer you up.


400 grams of meat;

300 grams of potatoes;

300 grams of pumpkin;

1 onion;

30 grams of oil;


100 grams of sour cream;


1. Cut the onion with carrot strips, fry in a pan with the addition of any oil or fat.

2. Cut the potatoes and peeled pumpkin into cubes, you can immediately mix together, salt and pepper.

3. Meat is also cut into cubes. If there is time, then it can be marinated in spices in advance, this will not only speed up cooking, but also improve the taste of the dish.

4. Put pumpkin and potatoes in pots, then fried vegetables, at the end put pieces of meat.

5. Mix sour cream with 200 grams of water or broth, pour into pots. The liquid should be no more than 2/3 of the height of the container.

6. Bake the dish for 50 minutes. Then you can remove the lids and lightly fry the top pieces of meat.

Pot Roast with Meat and Potatoes - Tips and Tricks

Any roast looks more appetizing with a cheese crust. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, simply open the lid and add a little grated or chopped product. You can not return the lid back and fry the cheese.

Previously, pots were made and sold without lids. To preserve the taste of the hostess, they used dough to close the dish. So why not do it now? And besides the roast, you will get delicious homebaked bread, soaked in aromas of meat, spices and potatoes.

Not everyone loves the smell of boiled garlic. Therefore, you can not put it right away, but add a little under the lid to an already cooked, but still hot dish.

Roast is served in the bowl in which it was prepared, that is, in pots. It is not customary to shift it into plates, garnish fresh vegetables. Any additions are served in a separate dish, like sauces.