The apartment is cold - what to do? Where to go if it's cold in the apartment. Frost outside the window: five ways to make the apartment warmer Changing old windows

  • 16.06.2019

To make your apartment warmer will help a few simple ways. After all, the apartment should be warm, and the situation when even the walls do not save from the cold own apartment familiar to many.

In addition, it often happens that cold weather begins earlier than the heating season, and the question of how to escape from hunger worries many.

First, pay attention to the windows and balcony doors, because they are the main cause of heat leakage from the apartment. And if you have not yet acquired double-glazed windows, then it is best to do so.

Such windows reliably protect from the cold and do not release heat. After all, as a rule, easy installation windows of the new generation allows you to raise the temperature in the apartment by 3-4 degrees.

However, the installation of new double-glazed windows will not help you if the heating system in your apartment does not cope with its duties.

There are two ways to bring it into working condition: replace old radiators with new ones, or repair it.

Before you spend money on buying new radiators, try to understand and identify the cause of the system's poor performance.

First, check the temperature of the pipes suitable for your radiators, they should warm up to 85-90 °C. If the temperature in them meets the standards, then we go further and check our radiators.

If the battery is hot, but the air temperature in the room leaves much to be desired, then you can “build up” the battery by adding a few more additional sections to it.

But before adding sections, pay attention to how the device is connected, because if the inlet and outlet pipes fit the radiator on one side, then there is no point in increasing the battery.

All sections of the radiator should have the same temperature, but it often happens that the first sections warm up to the prescribed 85-90 ° C, while the rest remain barely warm.

The reason for this may be either an air bubble that may have formed in the device or a blockage.

You can remove the air bubble using an air release valve called a Mayevsky tap. Well, the blockage is more difficult to eliminate, because cleaning the radiator is a very laborious task and often does not give a tangible result. In this case, it is easier to replace a poorly functioning radiator with a new one.

Before you go to the store to purchase a new radiator, be sure to find out what heating system wiring is used in your home. It's not hard to find out. Talk to the neighbors living on the first and last floors. If it’s warmer upstairs, then the wiring is upper, but if it’s warmer on the first floor, it’s lower.

When buying a new radiator, be sure to consider the type of wiring used in your home, because when bottom wiring the heat transfer of the radiator drops by 20-25% compared to that stated in the documentation.

Also pay attention to what kind of heating system you have: one-pipe or two-pipe. Look carefully at your battery: if the inlet and outlet pipes go from the radiator to the same pipe, then it’s single-pipe, but if it’s different, it’s two-pipe.

This must be taken into account when choosing radiators, because some types of radiators are not recommended for a one-pipe system. Be sure to consult with experts to make the right choice.

It should also be remembered that if your battery is installed deep in a niche under the windowsill, then its heat transfer will be lower than expected.

A decorative box and thick curtains that cover the battery will also take heat away from your apartment.

Well, it would seem such a necessary trifle as the coloring of the battery also does its job. Paint applied in several layers can significantly reduce heat transfer.

You can save heat from the battery if you insulate the wall behind the radiator. Then the battery will not heat the wall of the house, but the room in which it is located.

If the flow of warm air created by a heating radiator immediately rises and the temperature at the floor level can be several degrees lower than under the ceiling, then when using a floor heating system, the heated air is evenly distributed throughout the room, which eliminates the possibility of drafts.

In addition, when heating with a radiator, the air temperature in one part of the room may be warmer than in another, and when using the system warm floors the air remains warm equally in all parts of the room.

Fourth - insulate the walls. This method will not only help you not to freeze in the winter, but also save you from the heat in the summer. Thermal insulation materials will make your apartment practically invulnerable to external influence, whether it be cold or heat.

Fifth, install the system autonomous heating. The autonomous heating system allows you to independently control the temperature in the apartment.

It's not cheap and quite troublesome, but the game is worth the candle. Now you can buy great modern equipment and the owners of such apartments have a unique opportunity to completely abandon the services of the heating network.

It is up to you to decide when to start and when to end the heating season. In addition, you will be spared huge heating bills.

I wish you to feel comfortable, no matter what the temperature is outside.

Heat engineering of room heating

If the radiator is installed on outer wall, then it heats the street (if not done very good thermal insulation). In Soviet antiquity, I was struck by a winter picture with a "thermal imager" outside apartment building: the brightest spots (where it is hottest) are windows, under windows, near windows.

As you know, the greater the temperature difference between a solid body (here, a house wall, a window) and a gas (outside air), the greater the heat transfer (heat loss). Moreover, the dependence of temperature - heat loss is by no means linear, convection, the upward movement of heated air, affects.

The idea of ​​​​installing a heating battery under the window - it would seem ... Good idea, should form thermal curtain. However, they forgot (and still forget) about heating the wall behind the radiator.

So, it's normal when there's more outside three days-25 (Celsius), and +25 in the room, then the surface of the wall can have a temperature of +12 ... +15. Depends on design and materials.

Behind the battery, the wall heats up to +40...+55. Again, it depends - how well the air circulates behind the radiator, etc.

So, the usual situation: (in brackets - temperature difference outer-inner surfaces walls)
- Square outer wall"behind" the radiator - 1.8 () square meters- the surrounding area is also heated! - (70 degrees)
The area of ​​the outer wall "not behind" the radiator - 4 square meters (40 degrees)
Window area - 1.2 sq.m.

I can assure you that through the heavily heated wall behind the heating radiator, almost as much goes out into the street as through the rest of the wall.

In addition, in many houses the radiators are in a niche, the wall is thinner near the radiators. For beauty, right? And the distance from the wall to the radiator is only three centimeters.

And if the room is cold, +16?
So, you can raise the air temperature in the room by 2-3 degrees with elementary thermal insulation by hastily. There is a very big difference in "comfort", in the air in the room +16 or +18.

This "trick" I did in Stalin (brick apartment house with "high ceilings", early 1950s), in an office.

The thermal insulation behind the battery consisted of "whatever came to hand": white corrugated cardboard from a large box and aluminum (only metal!) kitchen foil.

Thank the lazy plumbers, they didn't install new ones. cast iron batteries when repairing "as it should", in the niches they stood back from the wall by as much as 7 centimeters. However, under the window sill, a charming gap of almost half a centimeter and dimensionless depth was discovered. He caulked with strips of packing polyethylene foam, or something.

3 blanks of cardboard according to the size of the niche and between the hooks for attaching the radiator were pasted over with foil "on strips" of universal silicone glue.

The most vile thing is to glue this cardboard with foil behind the battery. Closely. I stuck it (smeared) on silicone dots and pressed the "foil cardboard" against the wall with spacers from scraps of cardboard. I took them out the next day. Didn't fall off.

The room thermometer on the wall showed two degrees more the next morning, although it was still cold outside.

Warning: if the thermal insulation plugs, leaving an air passage less than 2 centimeters for air to circulate behind the radiator, then the heating may become worse. It remains to sculpt only the foil on the wall.

How to make warmer? You just need to warm up the thermometer.

P.P.S. What was all this insulation fuss about? Wouldn't it be easier to turn on the electric heater? They, oil ones, were simply not enough for all the rooms. Power wiring was also not enough.

When frosts crackle on the street, often in apartments of multi-storey buildings the temperature leaves much to be desired. Residents are forced to constantly walk in warm clothes, turn on electric heaters, sleep under layers of warm blankets, which causes considerable discomfort. What to do if your apartment is very cold? Where to go in such situations?

The problem of insufficient heat in the room can be solved in two ways: on your own or with the help of utilities. Don't know how to deal with the current situation and what to do?

If the apartment is cold in winter, first try to solve this issue on your own. It is possible that heat leakage is due to old windows or defects in the design of the entrance doors.

What temperature is considered normal for a home?

Payment for heating in full can be made if a stable temperature is maintained in the apartment throughout the month. There are standards that indicate how warm your home should be in winter.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, the temperature in the apartment must be maintained from 18 to 20 degrees, if the temperature outside is down to -30. If the thermometer readings are within -31 and below, the heating of apartments should increase to 20-22 degrees Celsius.

It is also worth considering that during emergency work, your home cannot remain without heating for more than a day. One-time shutdowns of radiators are allowed for no more than 16 hours, while the average temperature in the apartment should not fall below 12 degrees.

The law provides for minor deviations from the standards. Exceeding the temperature is allowed within 4 degrees. It can be colder by 3 degrees in the apartment only at night, strictly until 5 o'clock in the morning.

Cold in the apartment: reasons

What to do if the temperature in your home is lower than specified in the regulations? First you need to find the causes and eliminate them.

Heat leakage is facilitated by:

  • old windows, the cracks of which let the cold through;
  • insufficiently insulated balcony;
  • thin walls prone to freezing at low temperatures outside;
  • worn-out batteries of the old type;
  • very cold floor or ceiling;
  • poorly installed front door;
  • drafts;
  • insufficient heat supply of the boiler room.

Replacing old windows

Wooden structures of the old model have already become obsolete. Such windows have impressive gaps, and even closed vents fit so weakly that when strong wind you can see swaying curtains. Here is one of the reasons that the apartment is cold. What to do? Of course, it is worth replacing the old window frames.

Modern double-glazed windows are able to protect your home from drafts, low temperatures and keep warm. You should not install them yourself - in this case, there is a high probability of improper installation, which will lead to their depressurization and the formation of cracks - trust the professionals.

If you already have plastic windows, but there is clear signs drafts, you should call the master. Perhaps there is some defect, or the reason lies in the destruction polyurethane foam outdoors under the influence of precipitation. The rubber seal or any structural element can also be deformed. All these problems are easily fixed and correctable.

wooden window

If it is not possible to install high-quality double-glazed windows, you can try to insulate the old window. The easiest, but short-lived way is to use cotton wool and ordinary adhesive tape. Very easy and economical. Cotton wool is carefully pushed into all the cracks, and adhesive tape is glued on top - on a cleaned and dry window.

Also, in the fight against heat leakage from the windows, adhesive foam rubber insulation will help. It is also an easy to use tool. All problematic joints of the window must be sealed with insulation, pressing it well. This ordinary material is able to retain heat with high quality, but has a significant drawback - its strength is destroyed under the influence of moisture.

You can also try silicone sealant, window putty, or rubber sealant. These are more reliable ways to keep warm.

Is the apartment still cold? What to do? It would be best to install new plastic windows or look for another cause of the leak.

Wall insulation

Can cause a lot of trouble cold apartment. What should residents do? Think about high-quality wall insulation. They can be finished both inside and outside. And it is best to carry out these works during the repair.

Insulation is glued to clean, dried surfaces at the joints of ceilings with walls. This procedure should be done in all corners. If there are visible gaps between the panels, they should be sealed with cement, mounting foam or gypsum mortar. Tow is tightly packed into very large recesses, and a layer of gypsum or foam is applied on top.

External insulation is carried out only by specialists - industrial climbers. The procedure is carried out using foam and mesh, which are attached to the wall with special glue. A layer of high-quality facade paint is applied on top.

Problem - cold balcony?

Do you feel constant drafts and do not know what to do? If the apartment is cold, pay attention to the balcony - most likely, the problem is in it.

Contact a reliable company that will take care of the heat in your home. The balcony is covered with foam plastic from the outside and from the inside. To begin with, its facade is sheathed, and then the internal walls are insulated. Also, as materials that will perform heat-saving functions, some companies choose mineral wool or styrofoam.

On the balcony, the places under the window, floor, ceiling and walls are mainly subject to insulation. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with the glazing of the window with high-quality double-glazed windows, which will keep heat in the apartment for a long time and exclude the appearance of any drafts.

High-quality radiators - comfort and warmth in your home

The reason for the constant lack of heat may be old batteries. What to do? If the apartment is cold and the radiators are barely warm, it is better to replace them. It is better to stop your choice on cast iron or bimetallic products. Such radiators are very strong, durable, resistant to corrosion. They are distinguished by high power, give off heat well and have a temperature control.

Good radiators can quickly solve the problem of cold in your apartment. In addition, the service life of some of their types reaches 50 years. By replacing the radiators only once, you will enjoy the warmth and forever forget the time when you observed cold batteries in the apartment. What to do and what products to choose - it's up to you.

Cold from ceiling and floor

It happens that even with new batteries, windows and an insulated balcony, the temperature in the room still remains low. What to do? If the apartment is cold in winter, it is possible that heat escapes due to a thin ceiling or floor. This is especially true of the first and last floors of houses.

The ceiling may freeze due to insufficient attic insulation or roof deformation. Due to these factors, water can seep into the room, which will lead to mold and mildew. To solve this problem, you need to repair the roof and insulate the ceiling on both sides.

In the same way, the problem of a cold floor is solved. It must be insulated or the coating is replaced with a warmer one. The best way keep the floor warm - install modern system with heating.

Checking the design of the door

With ill-fitting front door and the gaps in it, you can lose about 40% of the heat. And in most cases, it is because of this that the apartment is cold. What to do in such a situation?

It is urgent to warm up, otherwise the winter cold will take you by surprise. First you need to make the door itself airtight. To do this, its inner lining is removed, and the empty space is filled with insulation.

Single layer finish metal door produced in the same way, only in this case a layer of material or foam is glued to its surface, and fiberboard or plywood is applied on top.

We eliminate drafts

The door leaf is insulated, but is it still cold in the apartment? What and how to do next? Proceed to the insulation of other sections of the structure. Cracks and gaps need to be sealed. Most often they occur when the door is installed incorrectly or when the building shrinks. The space that appears can be trimmed with a rubberized sealant by gluing it onto the frame.

In order for the cold not to penetrate into the dwelling, it is very important to choose the right material for sealing cracks. Get a seal of optimal thickness - too thin will have no effect, and a large width of the material will not allow the door to close.

All insulation procedures have been completed, but is it still cold in the apartment? What to do? Solve this problem with utilities.

What to do if there are cold batteries in the house?

Before running to the public utilities, you should talk to the neighbors. Perhaps this problem arose only in your home.

In the event of a sudden power outage in the entire entrance, urgently call the housing and communal services. Perhaps there was an accident on the heating mains, and the public utilities were forced to turn off the heating for repair work.

If the temperature has dropped only in your apartment, you should take this situation seriously. Most likely, the problem is related to a malfunction of the heating system in your area. Where to go if it's cold in the apartment? Apply to the company that maintains your home.

After receiving a signal, a master is sent to the problematic apartment, who inspects the heating system and finds out the reason for the lack of heat. If minor problems can be corrected, they are immediately repaired. According to the law, public utilities have 24 hours to do this.

More complex problems are eliminated within a week, after which heat must be supplied to the apartment within the limits of the standards.

Complaints and claims

If you are provided with low-quality services or after the repair of the heating system in the apartment it does not become warmer, you need to make cardinal decisions. You have the right to write a complaint and take it to the company responsible for supplying heat to your home.

After a phone call, you need to writing write a statement regarding your problem. Usually it is provided in two copies. Next, you need to go to an appointment with an employee of the company to consider your complaint.

One copy of the application must be kept for yourself. The second must contain notes on the date of submission of the document and the serial number of its consideration. These nuances are necessary in case you have to resolve your issue in higher instances or judicial bodies.

Carrying out recalculation for heating

According to the law of the Russian Federation, a written complaint is considered within three days. During this time, your apartment should be visited by a specialist who will make the necessary measurements of heat in each room. Please note that the measuring device must be 1.5 meters from the floor and 1 meter from the walls. Based on the results obtained, an act is drawn up in two copies. This document is the main basis for recalculating for heating in case of poor-quality work of the service company.

Despite the modern approach of many management companies to solving the problems of citizens regarding heating, it will not be possible to restore order in the field of housing and communal services soon. Therefore, all tenants need to know where to turn if it is cold in the apartment, how to properly resolve disputes and how to correctly fill out their applications.

Take care of the heat in your home, because your comfort, mood and health depend on it!

Ecology of consumption: Heating season hasn't started yet, and it's already noticeably cold in the house? Or maybe the available heaters are just not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode?

The heating season has not yet begun, but it has already become noticeably colder in the house? Or maybe the available heaters are just not enough to heat your home, especially in energy saving mode? It doesn't matter why you have to chatter your teeth: what matters is that you need to think about how to use heat more rationally.

How warm it will be depends on the house itself and many of its features. You can enjoy the warmth, spending a minimum of heating appliances, or you can heat with might and main, and still not know winter evenings without a sweater.


  • First of all, it is important to insulate the house itself. If you are seriously thinking about saving heat and its rational use, pay attention to the thickness of the walls of your house. If the wall is 40 cm thick, then it is not surprising that you expect winter period with horror: you will have to insulate the walls with foam or other material that has low thermal conductivity. If the house itself becomes a "thermos", then it will not get very hot in the heat, but it will not get cold in the winter frosts either.
  • The next nuance of the house is the windows. Big windows- that's a lot of daylight. They are also a huge source of heat loss. The modern fashion of "glass" houses and floor-to-ceiling windows has its own reverse side: incredible fuel costs for heating such a house. Therefore, without insulating windows and eliminating cracks, it will not be easy to keep the heat in the house.

If the windows are wooden, then you have 2 ways: rational, but costly and long, but economical. Following the first path, you once change all the windows to metal-plastic at least three-chamber ones, thereby reducing heat loss by several times and eliminating the very concept of drafts. Unnecessary spaces are simply bricked up. The second way is an annual red tape with window insulation, plugging them with foam rubber, pasting with a film (by the way, a window curtained on both sides with an ordinary polyethylene garden film keeps heat no worse than metal-plastic. Appearance- this is for an amateur), curtaining them with thick curtains.

  • Make the most of outdoor heat and sunlight. During the day, remove everything from windowsills and windows that prevents light from getting inside. In the evening - curtain the windows with shower curtains or film: it will attract sunlight and heat, and at the same time prevent drafts. Doors, by the way, can also be hung with a film: when you enter the house, less cold air will flow there.
  • Try to insulate the ceiling of the house, if the house is private: after all, warm air rises, leaving through the attic. Put foam or drywall on the floor of the attic, at worst, an old thick carpet.
  • Thermally insulate the floor: carpet on the floor will greatly increase the comfort of walking.
  • Use incandescent lamps for heating: they emit up to 90% of heat during operation, and only 10% goes to glow. Electricity costs will increase, but without a heater, the house will be warmer.
  • Close rooms you don't use. If the house is two-story, it makes sense to heat only that part of the house that you use, and the largest rooms in terms of area should be closed and curtained altogether.


  • If it is still very cold outside, then you can light a fire in the yard. Stones are heated on it (dense in structure, not building bricks), and they are brought into the house. For some time, the stones will give off heat no worse than the stove.
  • Try to be in small rooms: they are faster to "breathe".
  • Light candles, if any. Candles give off some of the heat.
  • Use a hairdryer to dry your hair: warm your clothes and linen with it. You can also heat the bed, but manually: in no case leave the veins covered, otherwise it may catch fire.
  • Cook food in the oven. Together with delicious dish get a heated kitchen. But dishes that produce a lot of steam when cooked are better not to cook: they increase the humidity in the room.
  • Dress in multiple layers of clothing. Oddly enough, the proverb “why do I need your jacket if I have 3 bathrobes-ta-ta-ta” makes sense: several light sweaters are warmer than one dense one. Wear slippers and woolen socks: if your feet are warm, it is easier to warm up. In extreme cold, wear a hat: a large percentage of the heat goes through the head.
  • Sleep in warm fluffy pajamas: it's a thing!
  • Another thing is a warm down sleeping bag. Hikers successfully use this achievement, and nothing interferes with you: it perfectly warms and retains the heat of your body. By the way, you can’t climb into it very warmly dressed: a downy sleeping bag reliably stores your body heat, which is not released through three sweaters and a jacket.
  • Put a heating pad in bed: heat water and pour into ordinary plastic bottles. Such a heating pad will perfectly warm the bed. You can also heat a pillow with rice inside in the microwave: it also keeps heat for a long time.
  • Drink hot drinks: Ginger tea is a great way to warm up.
  • Let warm pets into the house. A cat in bed or in arms successfully replaces a heating pad.
  • Hug: the coldest evenings are better spent together than alone! published

Standards of rendering operating in Russia utilities imply that the temperature in ordinary rooms should not fall below 18 degrees. In the corner rooms and bathrooms, the bar is slightly higher, 20 and 25 degrees, respectively. If the temperature in the house is below the standards, the tenants can officially complain to the managing organization. And if the current standard seems insufficient, the problem will have to be solved independently.

Close cracks and openings. Gluing window frames makes sense only on windows with ordinary glass. Plastic bags are usually draft-proof a priori. close gaps in doorways and on the balcony you can use mounting foam or a woolen cord sealed with a special tape. The shelf life of temporary insulation is one season.

Find cracks in the corners. The best option is to order a thermal imaging study, a picture of the apartment from a special device, which will reflect the coldest areas of housing. Problem areas can be eliminated according to the results of the study. The average cost of a service in Moscow varies from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles; in the regions, a thermogram can be ordered for 3,000 rubles.

Glaze the balcony. The presence of an isolated loggia will significantly increase general temperature in the house, especially if the design is connected with several rooms at once. According to the engineers, covered balcony saves about 15% of heat in the apartment.

Don't neglect carpets. The coating will automatically help to cope with all the cracks and increase the thermal insulation of housing. The option is suitable in the absence of the opportunity to put a complex "warm floor" in the apartment.

Block off the walls facing the street. In Soviet times, carpets hung on the wall were used to insulate load-bearing structures. An alternative would be a wardrobe placed close to the wall or any other overall furniture.

Partially cover the ventilation holes with paper. The system will help slow down the circulation of air and keep warm. In damp areas, such as the bathroom or kitchen, it is best to proceed with caution. Insufficient air movement can cause mold to form.

Strengthen doors. The apartments lose quite a lot of heat through the cracks in the entrance jambs. The best option is to put double doors. If this is not possible, you can simply take care of the tightest fit of the door to the jamb, sealing all the cracks with mounting foam.

Check the functionality of the radiators. The temperature of the riser and the entire surface of the battery must be uniform. The presence of "cold" areas indicates poor system performance. There are three main reasons: general wear and tear heating system, a malfunction of a particular radiator or hard limiters on the thermostat. The standard temperature maximum for radiators is usually set at 35 degrees, but in some cases the comfort temperature of 17-19 is considered the maximum. The device, as a rule, can be simply reconfigured.

Get fans. It is easy to raise the temperature in the room by 3-5 degrees by installing a fan that will direct the air flow along the battery. The design will help to evenly distribute heat throughout the room. The same approach can be applied to electric heaters.

Upgrade battery. If you stick on the wall, behind the surface of the radiator, a piece of reflective foil or a special heat-reflecting material with a shiny penofol surface, the batteries will work more efficiently. After installing the reflector, the gap between the wall and the structure should not be less than two centimeters, otherwise the disturbed air circulation will provide the opposite effect.