How easy it is to install an interior door. Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors: how to do everything correctly and efficiently

  • 27.06.2020

Each dwelling has doors. Interroom structures serve to divide space into zones. The main function of the entrance doors is to protect the premises from intruders. Sooner or later there comes a time when the structures need to be replaced. In some cases, during the repair process, it becomes necessary to install new door where she was not. In order to save money, many owners decide to carry out the installation themselves. Next, we will figure out how to install the door with your own hands.

Manufacturers today offer various models of doors. Often almost all the details go separately. The structure will need to be assembled on site. When purchasing a door, you should pay attention to the quality of the seal. Experts recommend choosing one that is softer. So closing will not be accompanied by a thud. It is better to purchase accessories in accordance with the color of the door. Shop assistants can help with this. As for the latch, preference should be given to the part that has a protrusion on the opposite side. With its help, the adjunction of the web is regulated.


Doors should be left unpacked indoors for at least five days before being installed. At the same time, it is necessary that the room has normal humidity and temperature. To carry out the work, you will need the following tools: a screwdriver, a chisel, a hammer, a circular saw. Be sure to prepare a level, preferably a laser one. With it, the door frame will be aligned.


Consider how to install a wooden door. First you need to make markings in the opening and determine the position of the upper bar. Here you should remember to leave a gap. The optimal distance between the box and the wall is 2-3 mm. If it is larger, then the structure will hang out, and if it is less, it will close with effort. The box pieces will need to be cut to height. This takes into account the difference in the floor. Racks and the top crossbar are cut down at 45 degrees from the edges and connected. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. In the process of work, you need to ensure that there is no displacement in the corners. The parts of the box must be joined flush. After that, markings are made for loops and selection in the side stand.

Box mounting

The assembled structure is inserted into the opening. Small planks (wedges) should be placed between the top beam and the ceiling. Then we perform the following steps:

  • From the side and front, we check the vertical position of the structure.
  • We put wedges on the fasteners to the wall (they must be of the appropriate size).
  • We fix the hinged side of the box.
  • We foam the gap from the inside. The feigned part is processed pointwise - it will need to be aligned later.
  • Finally, with the help of a level, we check the horizontality of the top element.

Hardware installation

Before installing the doors, you should fix the fittings. To do this, the canvas is placed on the edge. It will be more convenient to use a special stand. On the surface, areas are marked where the latch and hinges will stand. The first is placed in the center. The loops will be at a distance of 20-25 cm from the edge of the canvas (top and bottom). On the milling machine(manually) the cutter is set according to the height (width) of the elements and a selection is made. Next, the corners are aligned with a 90 degree chisel. The latch and hinges are fixed with screws. Make holes for fasteners first.

We insert the canvas

Many do not know how to properly install the door. To facilitate the process, a number of recommendations should be taken into account. You need to start by "hanging" the canvas. An emphasis is placed under the door. Next, attach the loops. After their alignment, 2 screws are screwed into each element, no more. Then you need to check the closing of the canvas and the gaps. If there are errors, they are eliminated. Then the feigned side is aligned. It often happens that the canvas has a small marriage. For example, it may be slightly twisted in the plane. In this regard, you should not rush to screw the box on both sides. Otherwise, there will be a gap when closing. After closing the door, you should start leveling the box.

When installing, make sure that the box does not go beyond outer wall premises. Even if the canvas is crooked, it should not open spontaneously. In other words, the door should not be tilted. In this case, one side of the box should be moved. If the skew is too strong, the door will have to be changed, since even the cashiers will not be able to disguise the defect.

Final stage

After leveling is completed, it is necessary to drive a wedge in the latch installation area. To do this, make a notch on the bar and then a selection under the "tongue". A hole is drilled here for a hidden fastener of the door frame. Next, the counter element of the latch is screwed. After fixing - if necessary - the contact force is adjusted by pressing / pressing the tongue.


The owners of many apartments instead of traditional swing doors choose a sliding door (how to install it will be described below). It must be said that this option allows you to significantly save space. V small apartments the ideal solution for zoning a room is a compartment door. How to install such a structure? Let's discuss the main recommendations.

First stage

As is the case with other types of structures, before installing sliding door, it is necessary to prepare an opening. It is cleaned of dust and dirt, then markup is made. Frame elements will already be installed on it.

Mounting guides

When using the lower element, it should be deepened into the floor, leveled with a level and fixed. Next, the upper guide is installed along the control line. During installation, the horizontal position must be observed. The top element is placed at a height equal to the size of the canvas plus 15-20 mm for gaps. You can check the horizontal position using a level. The length of the guide is equal to twice the width of the canvas with an increase of 4-5 cm. This margin will ensure the normal course of the door. As a rule, the guide is attached using brackets.

Canvas installation

How to install the door correctly? First of all, the necessary elements should be attached to the canvas itself. You can then make a setting to adjust the levels. This work is best done with an assistant. It will support the web in the process of inserting carriages with rollers into the groove. If a partition door is mounted, and the guide is installed from one wall to another, the carriages must be brought into the groove in advance. For this, the guide has a window. In this case, the fixation of the web will be reduced to joining the holders on it and the anchor, which moves away from the carriage.

Limiters and closers

After installing the door leaf, the plugs should be fixed. Limiters can be made in the form of studs or a guide profile. Plugs are recommended to be purchased with special plastic or rubber stops.

Platbands and dobors

Before installation, special brackets must be screwed to the wall. They can also be fixed on the rail with latches. In the latter case, the fastener will not be visible on the outside. Then the restrictive structure is fixed. The canvas will rest against it when closing. As a limiter, you can use a timber with a finish or a profile that is purchased along with other fittings. It is installed strictly vertically. Here the counterpart of the locking mechanism (locking element) will be fixed.

How to install a metal door

To begin with, it should be noted that such structures are used to protect the house from intruders. And quite often, the safety of a home directly depends on the quality of installation. Consider how to install the front door.

The main stages of installation

Before installing the doors, you should familiarize yourself with the process diagram. The work can be divided into three stages:

  • Dismantling of the old structure.
  • Opening preparation. Before installing the doors, you should check for gaps between the frame and the opening. The wall surface must be clean and dry.
  • Direct installation. First, holes for fasteners are drilled in the opening. The door frame is fixed with anchors. The more there are, the better. Anchors should go deep into the wall by at least 20 cm. Fastening is carried out around the entire perimeter of the box.


Fasteners fixing the box should be located as far as possible from the outside of the wall. In the process of fixing it is necessary to use wooden wedges. They should be slightly larger than the gap between the opening and the structure. When installing the wedges in the side racks, it is necessary to monitor the invariance of the distance between the gaps. If the size of the gaps changes, you will have to re-align. The verticality of the structure is checked using a plumb line. Next, to insert the anchors, you need to drill holes. Their diameter is about 15, and their depth is about 200 mm. Anchors are inserted into the holes, with which, in fact, the box is fixed. Next, you need to hang the canvas itself. It is recommended to lubricate the hinges first. After installing the canvas, the gaps should be foamed. Before this, you need to moisten the surface of the wall with water - for better adhesion. A day after the mounting foam has dried, the eyes should be plastered.

For installation, you will need a tool and basic building skills. The quality of the work performed depends on accurate measurements. The slightest distortions will lead to jamming of the sash, the formation of cracks. Door units are sold assembled or disassembled. In the second case, installation will be more difficult due to the need self assembly Ludki.

The installation of doors begins with the preparation of the tool. For installation work you will need:

  • To put the door evenly, you need a plumb line and a level. For measurements, as well as marking, use a tape measure with a pencil.
  • Assembly and installation process interior doors includes final finishing with platbands, and, if necessary, extensions. For cutting planks, a hacksaw with fine teeth, a miter box is useful.
  • From a power tool, you need a drill with a set of drills for concrete and wood, as well as a screwdriver.
  • It is easier to make selections for fittings with a cutter, but in the absence of a tool, you can get by with a chisel with a hammer.

Of the materials, self-tapping screws, mounting foam, as well as many wooden wedges of different thicknesses for spacers are used. Immediately you need to decide how to put the interior doors so that the fasteners are not visible.

If preference is given flush mounting, additionally purchase suspensions. You can fix the boat with anchors. Drown the hats in hidden holes, putty, and paint over the top.

How to install an interior door with your own hands?

With the ability to use the tool, the installation of doors can be done independently. It is important to initially make all accurate measurements in order to avoid distortions. V in general terms The procedure for installing an interior door consists of the following processes:

  1. If the frame is sold disassembled, it will have to be assembled. This work increases the installation time of the interior door, and also complicates the process.
  2. All elements of the door unit are equipped with fittings: handles, locks, heck. On a system consisting of rollers and guide rails. When installing a swing door, the canvas is attached to the boat with hinges.
  3. After assembling the structure, the installation of doors in the apartment begins with. In the opening, the frame is fixed with anchors or suspensions, and the gaps are blown with foam.
  4. A sash is hung on the installed boat, adjusted, set with.

To fulfill correct installation do-it-yourself interior door, even before buying a door block for sure. The dimensions of the frame must be smaller from the passage, otherwise it will have to. It is optimal to withstand the gaps when installing an interior door between the boat and the wall - from 10 to 40 mm.

Mandatory, but needed if the depth of the opening exceeds the size of the frame. The protruding sections of the wall are hidden under decorative strips. Step-by-step instructions will help you better understand the installation process.

Box assembly

They begin the installation of the interior door by unpacking the purchased unit, inspecting all the components. The door frame can be sold assembled or disassembled into individual elements with mounting grooves.

If a boat is purchased with ready-made fasteners, it only needs to be assembled. The frame is sold from elements sawn to size. There can be three of them: a feigned and hinged rack, as well as a ceiling top bar. If a threshold is provided, then the fourth element is included in the kit.

To assemble the frame, plugs are knocked out from the ends of the racks along with the connecting pins. The edges of the vertical and horizontal frame elements are joined so that the mounting holes coincide. The connecting pins are hammered with a hammer, and the holes are closed with plugs.

During the knocking out of the plugs, blows are applied through wooden linings to prevent the destruction of the decorative coating.

Much more difficult, sold in the form of blanks from figured lined timber. You will need a woodworking tool, as well as basic knowledge of carpentry. consists of the following steps:

  • First measure the sash. The length of the frame elements is calculated so that between inside boats and canvas around the entire perimeter formed a gap of 3 mm. If it is planned to install a sealing gum, the size of the gap is calculated taking into account its thickness.

  • The blanks are marked, then sawn with a hacksaw on wood with fine teeth at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Direct docking is easier. To properly saw off the corner, the workpiece is placed in the miter box. Connect the prepared elements of the box with long self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes.

  • It is easier for an inexperienced person to install doors without a threshold, since only three elements will have to be connected. The shape of the box is made in the form of the letter "P". The edges of the upper jumper are laid on the ends of the racks. Each joint is fixed with two self-tapping screws.

  • The sash is placed in the finished frame. Measure the gaps between the door and the frame on three sides, adhering to the desired 3 mm. Racks from below will rest on the floor. The length is calculated so that flooring and the lower end of the sash turned out to be a gap of 8–15 mm.
  • To install the threshold of an interior door, the box is assembled from four elements. The lower jumper is inserted between the uprights, then fixed with self-tapping screws. The gap between the threshold and the end of the sash is 3 mm.

After the box is made, the door leaf is laid. Stepping back from above and below 25 cm, on the hinge stand, as well as the end of the sash, mark the places for mounting the hinges. So that the mounting plates do not protrude, recesses are chosen in the wood with a chisel or cutter.

Two ways to install the box

open way provides anchors. The frame is inserted into the opening. Exposed vertically and horizontally. All measurements are carried out with a level, as well as a plumb line. Observing a gap of 10 to 40 mm, wooden wedges are driven in between the box and the walls. By knocking or loosening the spacers, the frame is perfectly even.

WITH inside boxes with a step of 50–60 cm drill through holes with hidden selections. Holes are made in the wall with a concrete drill. The anchor is screwed in so that the hat is hidden inside the hidden sample. After a level check, the gap between the wall and the frame is blown out with foam. Hidden holes are puttied and then painted over.

Second closed way the installation of the box involves the use of suspensions used in the manufacture of a frame for drywall, or a special mounting system. The metal bar is screwed with screws to the wrong side of the frame. The box is inserted into the interior opening, wedged with wooden wedges, the suspension petals are bent onto the wall, fixed with self-tapping screws with plastic dowels.

Dobor installation

When installing the door unit in a deep interior opening, the frame is not able to close the entire wall. If the width of the box is not enough, then use. Decorative strips are installed on the longitudinal groove of the frame, having previously lubricated the lock with glue. If the door frame does not provide for a lock for extensions, the slats are fixed through hidden holes with self-tapping screws. The optimal fastening step is 60 cm.

Door leaf installation

Before installing the door, the canvas is equipped with fittings. There are different types and colors of awnings on the market. The place for their fastening is determined even before the installation of the box. For an interior sash, it is popular to install butterfly awnings that do not require a tie-in.

Two hinges are installed on a light sash, stepping back 25 cm from above and below. A heavy canvas is reinforced in the center with a third canopy. At open method fixing the box, the anchors are positioned so that they do not interfere with screwing the hinges with self-tapping screws. If the installation of interior doors was carried out in a hidden way on suspensions, there is no problem with the location of the fasteners.

The gap between the end face of the sash and the hinge post of the frame must be 6 mm. First, mark the place for fastening at the end of the sash. A notch is selected under the mounting plate of the loop with a chisel. Canopies are screwed with self-tapping screws.

The door leaf, together with the hinges, is inserted into the box. The sash is bursting with wedges so that gaps form around the perimeter. Places for sampling recesses are marked on the hinge stand. The canvas is removed from the frame, a recess is selected with a chisel, then the second halves of the canopies are screwed with screws.

The handle with a lock is installed at a height of 90 cm from the floor. The body of the locking fittings is applied to the sash at a measured height. With a pencil, mark the location of the handle, outline the boundaries of the castle. At the end of the canvas, a recess is chosen with drills or a chisel. For handles drilled through hole. The nest is treated with varnish, a lock is installed, the body is fixed with self-tapping screws, and then the handles are inserted. On the rack of the box opposite the lock, a selection is made, a counter plate of the locking fittings is placed.

To install the doors with your own hands without defects, the process of hanging the sash is carried out after the mounting foam has completely hardened.

Trim fastening

The final installation of the door block is. Decorative strips are placed on both sides interior opening. sell wooden, plastic or MDF. The shape is simple flat, with a bevel or curly. to the end of the interior box with a lock connection, screwed with screws or nailed. Planks can be glued, but the adjacent wall must be perfectly flat, finished with a durable cladding.

To perform a simple installation of the door trim, first fix the horizontal bar in level. The edges are pre-cut at an angle of 45o. Vertical strips are installed from the floor. From above mark the cut line at the same angle. The joint is made as tight as possible. In case of crack formation, putty is used. After hardening, the flaws are painted over.

Platbands can be joined at right angles. The top bar is inserted between the vertical elements or laid on top of the end.

Stop setting

The hinged interior door opening on the run by children hits the wall with handles. spoils decorative trim and even the plaster is crumbling. It helps to install a door stopper that prevents the canvas from opening completely.

The stop is a barrel with a rubber nozzle. The limiter is installed after the installation of the door block and all finishing work. The interior sash is opened to the desired position. On the floor mark the location of the stop. A hole is drilled with an electric drill, a fixing screw is driven in and the limiter is clamped.

How to change the canvas?

Often, during repairs, only the replacement of the door leaf is required. The procedure is much easier than installing an interior door from scratch.

  • The old canvas is removed from the hinges. Canopies usually consist of two detachable halves. To remove the interior sash, it is enough to pry it open from the bottom with a mount. If in hinges the axial rod is inserted from above, the canvas will not be removed. First, a screwdriver is inserted under the cap of the rod, then it is knocked out of the nest with hammer blows. Dismantling starts from the bottom loop. After removing the rods, the sash can be easily removed.
  • Two canvases are compared in size, stacked on top of each other. If the new fold is larger than the old one, mark the boundaries with a pencil. Extra sections are cut off by hand circular saw. Slices are adjusted with a planer, processed with a grinder.
  • The door leaf fitted to the size is equipped with hinges, a lock, a handle.
  • Hanging on the loops occurs in the reverse order.

If the new canvas was adjusted, the cut points must be masked. The paintwork material is selected close in color or the entire canvas is completely repainted.

Installing interior doors is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If the master has at least a little experience working with doors, then this is a big plus. The only thing that is better to entrust to a specialist is fitting fittings. Incorrectly installed fittings can spoil the entire result of the work.


Installation of interior doors takes place in several stages:

  1. Box installation.
  2. Canvas installation.
  3. Installation of additional elements.

preliminary stage

The technology for installing interior doors is quite simple. However, before starting work, there is one crucial stage that cannot be missed. This is the stage of choosing a door.

The final result largely depends on how responsibly you approach the choice.

  1. The first thing to do is to go around the shops. Do not take the first available option. If we are talking about online stores, then here you need to carefully compare the characteristics of the designs.
  2. The door leaf should ideally fit the box in size. All characteristics of the door must be known in advance. Measurements are indispensable here.
  3. Sometimes very cheap options appear in stores. After purchase, the owner may find that the box or accessories are not included. You have to spend time and select the rest of the parts. It's not always possible to do it right. Therefore, do not look at too cheap door designs. In extreme cases, it is necessary to first clarify the presence of certain parts in the kit.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools for installation must be prepared in advance. From the tools you will need:

  • wood saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • level.

From the materials you need to purchase:

  • mounting foam (balloon);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wedges.

Assembly and installation of the box

When the door is bought, you can get to work. The first step is to assemble the box.

Assembling the box is a simple process. The only thing to remember is that it is necessary to trim the standing boxes in order to set the gap between the door leaf and the floor. For ordinary apartments, the gap is set to about 10 mm.

After the gap is set, the racks are connected using self-tapping screws. After assembly, the stage of installing the box in the opening begins.

It is desirable that the opening was pre-treated. To do this, check the verticality of the walls, as well as the height and width of the opening.

The box is installed using a level and wedges. The level checks the position of the structure in the opening. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The box is fixed in the opening with wedges at the top and bottom.
  2. First, the door must be fixed with wedges from below, before that, having checked the position of the structure in two dimensions with a level.
  3. The average gap between the box and the opening on all sides should be about 10 mm.

The door leaf is hung on hinges. The box at this time is fixed only with spacers and wedges.

Foaming the door frame before hanging the canvas should not be. The fact is that you also need to make sure that the door will not open itself in this position.

After the canvas is hung, you can foam the gap between the box and the opening.

Care must be taken to ensure that foam does not get on the surface of the door. The composition of the mounting foam can easily damage the surface, so you should work carefully.

Now you need to install an additional element.

  1. The additional plank is measured to the size of the distance from the edge of the box to the edge of the wall.
  2. With a hacksaw, it is cut along the edge.
  3. The additional element is mounted in a groove and foamed. Foaming is done at several points.


After the additional element is installed, you must wait for the foam to dry. Any work with mounting foam we must remember about its extension property. The substance should always be dosed.

The next step after installing the additional strip is the trim.

  1. To install platbands, you need to determine their size.
  2. After that, the platbands are sawn with a hacksaw.
  3. Holes for nails are drilled.
  4. The platband is fixed.

If the platband is "with a beak", then it is attached to liquid nails. You don't need to sip it.

Types of interior doors

Today in stores you can find doors from natural wood, glass, plastic, metal and composites. There are also mixed designs.

Usually the choice is made taking into account the design of the room and this is the right approach. However, it is necessary to consider all the main varieties of these structures in order to know their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the subtleties of care.

  1. Paneled hardwood. Such designs are very durable and prestigious. In addition, they are very expensive. The most common panel doors are made of oak and walnut. Designs are made either with or without glue. The last type is the most durable. Care for such a door is necessary, as well as for any natural surfaces. The door must be protected from moisture and high temperatures. It is recommended to wipe them with a tissue. The use of abrasives is prohibited.
  2. Paneled softwood. Ideal for summer cottages and cottages. In ordinary apartments, such doors do not look very appropriate. They are more suitable for country style. Care for such structures is the same as for hardwood doors.
  3. Paneled combined doors. These designs are made of veneer. They contain few valuable species of wood. Therefore, these doors are quite inexpensive. Their service life, however, is less than that of solid wood structures. However, they can stand for about 50 years, which is also very good. Special care for veneer doors is not required, this is their advantage.
  4. Shield structures. The advantage of panel doors is that they are inexpensive, do not require special care, are easily replaceable, have presentable appearance. In addition, they are well decorated and suitable for any interior. About 85–90% of all doors are panel doors. Such a design can be glazed, decorated with natural veneer or artificial materials. Shield doors - the best option for most apartments and offices.

Video: instructions for installing interior doors



Every person in life has to deal with the need to install entrance or interior doors. Of course, there are many companies that can repair old structures or install new ones. However, why not think about how to install the doors yourself, saving a large amount of money. Due to the presence of certain skills, it becomes possible to independently perform the installation, both in a private house (at the porch, in a steam room or bathhouse) and in a city apartment. To install the door with your own hands, it is recommended to use general rules that will always help you move in the right direction.

How to install doors with your own hands?

Often, before installing a new one, you have to dismantle the old door. First, with the help of a crowbar, you need to remove the platbands, and then the old canvas, carefully lifting it. It remains to carry out the removal of the old box from the opening: for this you will have to file it in several places, then there is a chance that it will freely come out of the opening without damaging it.

If the old door was installed in a foam block or brick opening, most likely the box will be cemented. To remove it from the opening, you must use a hammer, breaking the cement base. When the canvas, together with the box, is finally dismantled, it is possible to trim the slopes and plaster especially “affected” places. Now you need to remove all the debris from the opening and you can start measuring for the new door. Taking measurements is easy. The main thing is to measure the width and height parameters, given that with curved walls, the edges of the opening will be uneven. You should take measurements in 3-4 places and choose the smallest of them for further orientation.

When ordering a door, you should not worry that you will have to wait a long time for its manufacture. Usually, the order is processed quickly. When unpacking, always check the delivery note and what is included in the package. A good product must be guaranteed. If it has a factory defect, it can be returned to the store, or exchanged for another. It is possible to return the door before the installation of hinges, locks or other fittings, therefore, it is necessary to check whether the product has a defect or a shortage in the configuration before starting the installation.

Before assembling the box, you should mark with a milling machine the places for the future fastening of the hinges and the lock. In order to make the markings correctly, the door must be placed vertically, using fixtures in the form of stands that are upholstered in fabric to avoid damage to the canvas.

After fixing door structure, the first step is to mark with a pencil the place where the lock will be embedded. To do this, you need to attach it to the door, remembering that it optimal height must be 900 mm from the floor covering. If you plan to install two locks next to each other, you should first be guided by the height of the main lock, and then plan the sidebar of the second one.

The places where the loops will be located are outlined as follows: 200 mm indent from the top and 200 mm from the bottom of the canvas. These steps are also made by applying stitches and basting with a milling device. After preliminary marking, all holes are drilled with a screwdriver. A vertically mounted post is applied to doors with a mandatory gap, which must remain between the door itself and the crossbar of its box, laid horizontally. The gap size is 2-3 mm.

Now you can mark the place where the tongue of the lock and hinges will be attached, attach the hinges themselves and make holes with a drill. After the attachment points of the lock and buttonholes are pre-selected, it is important not to forget to treat them with building varnish, which will protect the material from moisture penetration. If entrance doors are being installed, or very heavy models, then their fastening should be carried out using 3 hinges (sometimes additionally on a spring). If the doors are interior, for example, from MDF with eco-veneer, two hinges will be enough.

The hinges simply need to be screwed to the jamb, or inserted into the corner opening and screwed to the door leaf. With a castle, things are more complicated. It is better to make preliminary holes for all its parts (for fasteners, the lock handle and its locking structure) according to a diagram or template. To do this, you just need to attach the lock to the canvas. The very place for installing this part is also selected using a chisel or a small milling machine.

Collecting the box is best done on the floor, as it requires a lot of free space. Racks are measured vertically strictly in accordance with the height and cut with a miter box. In order not to damage the door frame, you need to place several wooden slats. The crossbar, which is planned to be attached horizontally, is applied to the rack structure, and the box is assembled using a drill and self-tapping screws. If possible, it is better to immediately order a door with a finished frame, since in this case a small adjustment is made to the size of the opening, followed by fixing.

It often happens that the door width during assembly is narrower than the slope. In this case, if it is not possible to purchase a telescopic box, you will have to work with extensions. If the opening is larger, then the trim strips are selected according to the color of the door, and their thickness can vary from 8 to 12 mm.

After it turned out to assemble the box, you need to install it in the opening. To do this, the assembled structure is carefully inserted inside and fixed with wedges. After such fixation, it is aligned in the vertical and horizontal direction. In conclusion, the box is fixed by drilling holes in the wall and the rack itself. Now it remains to fix the entire structure with nails and screw with self-tapping screws. Wedges are recommended to be made of wood, the density of which is approximately the same as the base material.

Hanging the door begins with screwing the hinges on the already prepared markings. These parts are often detachable and the basis for their manufacture are plates, the core of which is removed or embedded in a hinge. The door is very easy to install - you just need to lift it to the height of the rod. In order to set it up faster and safer, it is better to do it with someone together.

An important note that should be taken into account when choosing hinges: if the doors are hinged, you need to immediately decide in which direction they will open and close.

After the box is finally installed, all the extra gaps formed should be closed with mounting foam. Through it, you can also increase the soundproofing properties of the door and keep warm. The polyurethane foam has excellent binding properties, which provide additional strength to the doors.

It is easy to apply, but to do everything right, you need to follow a few simple instructions:

  • The main thing is to paste over the door frame with construction film or tape before applying the foam. Fresh foam, when it hits the surface of the door, is instantly cleaned with any solution that contains alcohol.
  • No need to allow drying: if the foam dries, it will have to be scraped off with a metal object, due to which scratches on the door cannot be avoided.
  • The foam is applied in two stages: the first is a spot application (it fills the largest gaps), and the second is best done in three hours to fill the remaining gaps.
  • After the foam has hardened, its excess can simply be cut off.

The final stage of installation is the fastening of the platbands and the remaining fittings to the profile. The platbands are cut in height and at an angle of 45 degrees. Trimming is done at both ends with a miter box. The platbands are fastened with ordinary small nails or construction glue. To complete the whole process, door handles, latches, ties and other fittings should be installed.

Features of mounting doors of various types

Depending on the material from which the door is made, there are certain subtleties in terms of its installation. It should be noted right away that with the installation of a cheap Chinese model, consisting of flimsy panels and accessories of dubious quality, you will have to tinker pretty much, and many elements can be deformed already in the process of work. This is especially true of entrance structures made of any metal: steel, aluminum, vestibule - those that usually go to the landing or to the pre-street room.

In order to pick up and install in the corridor entrance metal doors good quality, you need to understand this area and carefully look at the materials offered by the seller. If the goods are of poor quality, during installation it will be impossible to comply with those installation standards that provide iron doors maximum degree of reliability. When installing doors made of iron or any other metal, the fit of the threshold to the flooring must be tight, and the location of the standing doors must be strictly vertical, with a minimum deviation. Accessories must also be durable and wear-resistant.

As you know, the standard length of the canvas is 2 m, and if you plan to install new doors to the bathroom and toilet, it is important to consider that the bathrooms already have thresholds. The approximate height of the threshold in the bathroom or in the toilet room is 1 cm, which means that a model with a non-standard size will fit there - 1 m 90 cm, and not 2 m. It is advisable to buy or order just such an option, otherwise you will have to shorten the standard canvas, which can not always be obtained without deforming its structure.

When installing plastic doors made of PVC, it should be borne in mind that the door closer is not included in any of their delivery packages. It is purchased separately, and it should be changed every 3-4 years. When installing plastic kits, you should always check the operation of handles, locks, tightness of doors to the jamb and to the threshold.

When mounting heavy canvases, it may turn out useful technology hidden installation door hinges. They are highly durable and do not deform under heavy weight. Concealed hinges are the optimal solution for the installation of elite solid wood panel doors: with front side their doors are absolutely invisible, which increases the aesthetics of an already beautifully designed structure.

Finnish bi-fold doors are often installed with hidden hinges for aesthetic purposes. In such situations, when installing, it is important to consider tolerances double-leaf doors designed for a wide opening - this is a feature that is characteristic of most double-leaf structures. Massive armored models with additional reinforcement inside are best installed with hidden hinges - they do not have to be changed for a long time. And, of course, if the installation is done for painting, it is better if the hinges are also not visible: this will greatly facilitate the painting work and allow them to be carried out as accurately as possible, without the need to “circle” the hinges with a brush.

If entrance doors are installed in frame house or in a small private dwelling, during the construction of which hollow facing bricks were used, it is not recommended to mount your choice on heavy metal structures to avoid distortions of the walls and the doorway. However, with a strong desire, you can redo the opening itself by making it from bars. V panel house It is best to have entrance doors with good thermal insulation. If it is possible to install a double structure, you can stop there. It is known that the thickness of the walls in such houses is 30-35 cm, which does not contribute to the preservation of heat in the home.

As for the installation of interior doors in houses where there is a risk that the doorways will not withstand the weight of a heavy structure, it is better not to consider the prospect of glass models due to significant weight gain. In such cases, you can choose a lightweight version with eco-veneer sheathing. Eco-veneer is safe, easy to care for, and it looks very attractive in appearance.

For greater convenience, in many modern houses it is often practiced to replace conventional swing doors with sliding models, essential element which is a special mechanism. With the help of hinged rollers, the doors move freely, which provides enormous space savings. Such models are often called sliding, suspended or retractable. They are easy to install, but the cost of such a mechanism is usually quite high.

Installation of a folding door, despite the visual complexity of the design, is also simple. Separate lamellas of "accordion" or "books" are connected to each other by movable hinges, and one of the extreme strips is fixed motionless. In addition to her, all the lamellas "walk" on small rollers, which will simply need to be placed in the guide hole during installation. Thanks to the sliding of the wheels, the lamellas of the canvas can be unfolded and folded.

Installation of automatic doors is carried out in rooms with high traffic. Ordinary swing options may simply not withstand a strong flow of people. The main part of such models is an automated sensor that, when a person approaches, detects his movement and signals that the doors need to be opened. Important point the installation process is to conduct electricity closer to the doors. The panels themselves are placed in the grooves, then the sensor itself and the mechanical door stops are installed. For the first time, you will need to adjust the sensor so that it responds faster to movement.

When installing doors with a thermal break, it is important that their installation is carried out in a timely manner, that is, when the building is completed construction works associated with the use of wet materials. The wall is primed and cleaned before mounting the frame, and when using mounting foam, it is imperative to protect the surfaces with a special tape with the function of isolating moisture and steam. This will help prevent moisture from entering the inside of the door casing towards the surfaces that are insulated with the foam.

When installing and replacing doors in terraria, you should pay attention to the correct selection of glass and suitable fittings.

Mounting methods

different models doors are equipped with different fasteners:

  • fastening of conventional swing structures is carried out using hinges and does not require the use of more complex parts.
  • As for sliding (or hanging) models, you will have to learn a few new ways in order to strengthen them yourself.
  • The most popular way is the suspension mechanism with the top rail. This guide is made in the shape of the letter "P", the edges of which are smoothly bent inwards. The canvas will move on rollers at the top, and this is called a hanging door, which is mounted on the top rail. First of all, you need to attach the rail to the top, and then screw the rollers to it. The door leaf is carefully placed in the finished guide, after which the locking mechanism is installed so that the structure does not come out of the grooves. With the door open, the rollers are mounted at the bottom.

How to adjust interior doors

Interior doors can be adjusted independently. A common reason for having to adjust them is sagging. This is due to the weakening of the fastening part of the hinges. Nothing complicated is required here: just tighten the screws tighter. Sometimes it becomes necessary to slightly correct the axis. In order to tighten the hinges of plastic doors, you need to use a hex key.

Also, a common reason for adjustment is a loose clamping of the web to the box due to its skew. To do this, you will need to remove the door from the hinges, find out by measuring with a tape measure where the skew is located and additionally fix the box with the help of beams and self-tapping screws. At the end, the application of mounting foam will not interfere.

In case you have to deal with double sliding doors, which are often installed in the kitchen, sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the latch (or stopper). This is a small metal bracket, which is usually located in the upper guide of the door and, thanks to a special recess inside it, prevents the leaf from rolling away on its own. You need to fix the latch by returning it to correct position. To do this, you just need to remember how it was installed initially.

Mounting kit for door installation

In order to install any doors as quickly and competently as possible, it is recommended to purchase a universal mounting kit. Thanks to this set, it becomes possible step by step to figure out how to properly handle the box, how to install a structure without a threshold or with a threshold, how to attach canopies, suspensions and cashing.

To the manual, which contains basic and valuable information step by step installation, attached and a set of tools:

  • wrench for fastening all fittings,
  • special nut and collar for reliable fastening of the blade, at least 6 points,
  • press washers with screws,
  • plastic dowels,
  • low nuts,
  • 12 screws
  • hex bolts,
  • mounting brackets.


In addition to a crowbar, a screwdriver, a hammer and a standard screwdriver, you should think about what tools you may need additionally. For accurate processing of the edges, you can use a milling machine (it is often called a milling cutter or cutter). Miter saw can be useful for working with extensions in case the door frame does not completely close the opening and you have to cut out additional elements. The mounting pad is a wonderful latch that securely fixes the door in the opening, after which it can be leveled and fastened even if the master has to work alone.


Traditionally existing standardization door dimensions according to GOST at the present stage is often irrelevant due to the fact that now such strict standards are not observed during construction as before. All dimensions should be prescribed and determined individually, and experienced manufacturers will always help you choose a kit in accordance with the dimensions of the doorway.

How to put a new door in an old door frame

If the old door frame is still strong and looks decent, and the old door needs to be replaced, you can easily install a new door leaf into the old frame. You only need to remove the old door from the hinges, and make the dimensions for the new one based on the old parameters. Before installation, you need to carefully inspect the box for any extra gaps and cracks. You may need to additionally fix the extensions, if any. If the old hinges are in good condition, you can screw the new door onto them. If it becomes necessary to put new loops, you will have to correct the old holes for them, after hammering small wedges or "chops" into them with glue. Such simple technique will help to make the holes denser, and new loops will hold tight in them.

What comes first: do the floor or install the doors?

It is recommended to install the door after the floor has been laid. But if there is no floor covering yet, when drawing up the dimensions it is very important to take into account how high the flooring will be, and also to take the size of the gap that always remains between the door and the floor. It is precisely from the exact measurements of the level of the floor covering that it depends on whether the door will move easily and freely, or whether it can touch the lower part when opening and closing. The standard distance between doors and flooring is 10 mm.

What to do first: wallpapering or installing doors?

There is no exact answer to this question, because during the repair process various technical situations arise. Installing a door can be accompanied by an abundance of dust and dirt that can damage the new wallpaper, so it is recommended to think over the repair steps in advance. You can wallpaper most of the room, and leave the area where the installation work will be carried out unglued and decorate later. But it is best (especially when it is planned to install a massive entrance or several interior doors at once) to install structures before gluing, and finish after.

Each master is faced with the problem of how and on what to fix the assembled doors. To install the finished door block, it is possible to use various installation methods. Knowing these installation options, you can easily choose the right one for yourself. You will need a small set of tools such as a drill, hammer, level, screwdriver and hammer. Also, to directly fix the box in the opening, you need fasteners and mounting foam. Depending on where you need to fix the door block, you may need self-tapping screws, dowels, anchors.

The main stages of installing a door block

At the very beginning, the old door frame is dismantled. It can be carried out using a nail puller (crowbar), having previously made cuts on both sides of each vertical bar, in order to then squeeze this structure from the opening. If anchor bolts were used during the installation of the old box, nails that cannot be unscrewed can be cut off using a grinder.

Before installing the interior door frame, it is necessary to check the verticals of the walls and take into account the differences in the level of the walls and floor. The door frame must be positioned so that if there are irregularities, the wall box does not deepen in the opening. This is necessary to fit the door trim. In order to correctly position the door frame, you should use the building level and take into account all the opening errors.

First, the installations are rigidly fixed in the opening, in order to achieve the initial level of rigidity, wedges are used. After completing the fixing work, it is worth re-checking the correct location of the level so that the box is level with the door.

Working with mounting foam

It is important to know that the foam that is designed for the gun is much better and more convenient to use due to the fact that it is more dosed and has a small expansion coefficient, it hardens much faster. Foam, which is fed with a straw in a large amount, it will expand longer. Before starting work, it is better to cover the door leaf with masking tape and film, because the foam is difficult to wash. It is important to know that you need to start foaming with the fixation of individual small sections. After 30 minutes, you can already go through the entire perimeter. All cracks are filled with foam (50% of the total volume). Do not fill with a large amount of foam, because during expansion the foam will squeeze the box inside. We recommend using professional foams.

Since the tree shrinks and expands precisely because of high humidity a consequence of the expansion is the deformation of the door block. The door simply stops closing for this reason.

Video on possible door mounting methods

There are several ways to fasten the door frame in the opening, each of which involves the use of a special type of fastening. Various options fasteners provide a certain level of reliability and strength of the fixed structure. We hope the video stories on the options for installing boxes wooden doors will help you.

Hidden way to install doors on foam

The door frame is fixed in the opening, wooden wedges are used for fixing, and correct location checked by building level. Foaming with mounting foam should be done little by little, in sections and intermittently to avoid deformation. The door frame is kept almost thanks to the foam alone.

To maintain a gap between the frame and the door itself, small spacers of 3 mm are used, which are inserted between the door and the frame. They can be removed only when the foam dries. Usually the door is left overnight.

This method is convenient if you do not need to go into the room, it is fast and does not require special efforts. It is important not to overdo it with foam so that you can open the door.

Installing doors with clamps or spacers

The principle of installation lies in the fact that we use inside for temporary fastening of the door block in the opening of the spacer. It can be both ordinary wooden rivers and special adjustable devices.

Both of these methods are very good for light and small doors.

Fastening doors with Knauf hangers

For these purposes, Knauf's direct suspensions, which are used in suspended ceilings, are the best fit.

  • First you need to screw the plates to the box.
  • Insert the door into the opening.
  • Adjust the level.
  • We mark the places under the recess in the wall.
  • We make a sample under the plate.

After that, we set according to the level and fix the plates. For adjustment, we use wedging with wooden bars.

It is also necessary to take into account that with this method of mounting the box on the outer part of the wall, the place of the recess will definitely need to be hidden under a layer of plaster. That is why this method is good only when there is no fine finish.

New mounting options

This video will let you know how to fix the door frame in the opening. This type of fastening is the installation of an interior door frame by putting the box on the screwed-in heads of self-tapping screws that are located at the ends of the opening. This happens with the help of metal plates with a hole, which are screwed on the outside of the box.

To achieve the final fixation of the frame in the doorway, the usual means of adjustment are used.

With this method, the racks of the door block move freely in the opening.

A clear advantage of this method is the full possibility of adjustment and, at the same time, rigid fixation while maintaining the original appearance of the box and exterior finish walls.

Concealed installation, fastening under hinges

As a rule, for the rigidity of the structure, screws or anchors are used, which are hidden under the hinges. To do this, a hole is made between the screws in the loop and fastened through it to the wall. From the side of the lock, another mount is attached under the decorative plate. As a result, we get 3 fixation points.

After fixing directly, we put a spacer at the bottom of the doors, since the bottom is not fixed and fill all the gaps with foam.

A significant advantage of this method is the relative rigidity, the preservation of appearance.

Through-hole fastening on anchors or screws

This is the most common standard installation option for interior doors. For this mounting option, first, holes for anchors are drilled in the right places of the racks, then the door is fixed in the opening.


  • Marking 4 anchors on each side.
  • Drilling with a pen 14 mm to a depth of 10 mm (space for a plug).
  • We drill a through hole with a 10 mm pen (a place for fixing with an anchor).

After that, the box is exposed and the concrete under the anchor is drilled with a 10 mm drill. When the box rests on its anchors, it holds securely and does not require any spacers. The attachment points can be hidden by installing decorative caps of the desired color, size (14 mm). Screws can be used instead of anchors, this will reduce the diameter of the plug. The use of this option is the most reliable for heavy doors. With it, you can align (stretch) a curved rail. Doors can be used almost immediately. It is possible to adjust the gap. The downside is the presence of stubs.

Tricks when installing door extensions


There are many options for installing an interior door frame, but you should choose the one that is the easiest, most convenient and reliable, or the fastest. The choice can be made according to any method of door installation, but these methods can be affected by which opening the installation takes place, take into account the intensity and other factors.