Evil eye definition. Explicit and hidden signs of damage to a person

  • 16.10.2019

? can burst into your life absolutely unexpectedly, but globally.

After all, troubles come unexpectedly.

It seems that a person lives, everything is fine, ordinary life, then thick, then empty.

And then it suddenly turns out that he hasn’t noticed the sun for a long time, he thinks only about enemies and troubles, he runs around doctors and hasn’t seen money in his wallet for quite a long time.

And there is no one to complain to, to talk about “relevant” topics.

It is at this moment that the thought of damage arises. However, it is quite reasonable.

And such a poor fellow rushes about, trying to find out how to determine damage to a person.

If you have encountered similar problems, it is recommended that you remember your dreams even before you begin to conduct rituals.

As a rule, the subconscious immediately reacts to the activity of negative energy, which, undoubtedly, is damage.

Dreams become gloomy, scary, unpleasant. They do not leave the brain even in daylight, clouding it with a sticky emptiness filled with anxiety and fear. This .

The fact is that damage does not always work. She can "sleep", i.e. to be in the field, but to influence the personality very slowly.

Plants just wither. Such a ritual is associated with this property of theirs.

You need to pick a bouquet of wild flowers with your own hands. Send your love to every petal and blade of grass. Usually people talk to them. For instance:

“Chamomile, how beautiful and tender you are. I really like you. Decorate my house!"

So tell each flower. And at home, put a bouquet next to your bed. If you have spoilage, then it will wither earlier than in a day.

Here is another ritual:

  • needed;
  • candles;
  • nine matches;
  • Still need the texts of prayers.
  1. First, candles are lit and Psalm 90 is read over a glass of water.
  2. Then they take matches one at a time, set fire to them from a candle. You need to wait until the match burns out completely, intercepting it by the end where there is no longer fire.
  3. At this time, read "Our Father".
  4. Now throw the coal into the water.

So repeat nine times. Do not get distracted and do not interrupt the ritual.

If the matches remain on the surface of the water, then there is no damage.

When they all drown, it means that your energy is full of negativity, most likely brought in from outside.

Not all embers always behave the same way. The extreme options are described here. You can drown one or two matches. This is also an indicator of damage.

In the last century, widespread next way definition of damage, which uses a gold wedding band.

For those who do not yet have it, it was recommended to take the ring of a parent of the same sex.

  1. Take the gold band in your left hand.
  2. Gently swipe it across your left cheek, pressing lightly. There will be a mark on the face.

This is how they determine the presence of damage:

  • If it turns dark, then there is definitely a negative. It turns out such a burgundy, sometimes almost black trace. It cannot be confused with anything. So, there will be no doubt.
  • If the strip turns out to be white or light pink, then your fears and concerns are in vain.

It should be noted that in some sources it is recommended to carry out on the right cheek or forehead. This, in principle, will also show damage. But the left side is usually more sensitive.

How to check damage on a person

All of the above methods are suitable for those who suspect damage to themselves, but cannot decide, and for those who filmed it, but are not sure of the result.

  1. Need to ;
  2. Pour into a glass of holy water;
  3. Add a spoonful of honey to it. Mix well.
  4. Drink a few sips from the glass.
  5. Put the rest in the moonlight, after spitting into it.
  6. And in the morning, look at the result.

If the negative energy has not yet left your aura, then there will be a cloudy liquid in the glass.

When the field is clear, the water will be clear.

Although, you will feel the result in a dream.

If there is damage, you will see dirty water.

Still need to go to the Temple.

  1. Light a candle for the health of your enemies. If you know, please name them.
  2. Wish them happiness and prosperity. Sincerely feel that you have forgiven those who caused damage.
  3. Look at the fire.

If damage is induced, the candle will definitely smoke. There may also be black smudges of wax.

In the most severe cases, the fire begins to spark (similar to a small, barely noticeable sparkler).

By the way, this ritual clears the field of the one who could sincerely wish good and happiness to the enemy.

To understand whether there is damage on a person, first you need to determine the presence of its precursors. After conducting an audit in the house, you can find strange objects that do not belong to you. Often they are harbingers of induced damage. From them you can find out what negative things have been brought on you and even what kind of character it is. Found items cannot be taken with bare hands. They must be taken out of the house, wearing gloves, and thrown into the fire, saying: “ Where did you come from, go there". Pay attention to items left behind by departed guests, and don't accept unexpected gifts.

Damage can cause physical or mental illness, and in especially severe cases, even death. It contributes to the development of mental disorders, such as fear, longing, anxiety, sadness, and other negative manifestations of mental illness. Experts say that spoilage can cause various mental illnesses, including schizophrenia.

Scandals often occur in the family of a person who has been cursed, spouses lose not only love, but also mutual respect and understanding. In this case, only timely treatment will help to save the relationship. In order for the young family to be strong, and no one could destroy it, white magicians advise young people to get married. The wedding will give the patronage and protection of the Almighty.

A spoiled person becomes prone to adultery, begins to reach for alcohol, especially if the bottle is dried. His life is drastically changing for the worse. Periodically, he loses something - money, friends, trust of relatives, etc. The person becomes disobedient and arrogant. He does foolish things, refuses to work, wastes money from family budget. Children in his family often get sick.

In addition to physical and mental laziness, a person is overcome by anger, which cannot be explained intelligibly. He hates his loved ones, does not honor his parents and does not love his children.

It is worth noting that the damage sent to a person affects his pets, which begin to get sick, and also brings crop failure to his land plot. Less striking phenomena can also serve as signs of damage, but they are also gradually capable of poisoning human life.

Damage symptoms

Damage to a person can be determined by the following symptoms:

  1. Sleep disturbance: insomnia, frequent dreams with nightmares and waking up in a cold sweat from feeling that you are being suffocated or crushed. It also happens that despite the sufficient duration of sleep, a person constantly does not get enough sleep. Waking up in the morning he feels overwhelmed and exhausted.
  2. Loss of appetite: complete loss or, conversely, constant feeling a hunger that cannot be satisfied.
  3. Loss of strength, constant malaise, weakness, fatigue, although a person lives in the usual rhythm.
  4. Constant headaches, sharp jumps in pressure, dizziness.
  5. The appearance of unreasonable aggression and hatred of others, irritability and nervousness.
  6. Problems and troubles in family and personal life.
  7. Cooling to a loved one.
  8. The appearance of melancholy or apathy, melancholy, fear, sadness and other mental disorders.
  9. Business failures, frequent physical injuries, a sharp decline in business income.
  10. A sharp deterioration in well-being, frequent and prolonged colds, weight loss, the appearance of various tumors and skin diseases (warts, acne, boils), prolonged toothache, infertility, sexual dysfunction.
  11. Damage to death causes a person to develop an unexpected and incurable disease with a fatal outcome.

Recently, bioenergetics are increasingly talking about a new disease, which is based on spoilage. It's chronic fatigue syndrome constant sign which is fatigue. People suffering from this syndrome are not just tired, they are exhausted and devastated.

In addition to a breakdown, there are other symptoms of spoilage: fever, chills, pain in the lymph nodes, in the tonsils and neck, as well as joint pain, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inability to make important decisions. This list also includes the fear of sunlight - photophobia.

To reliably determine spoilage, you must count at least eight symptoms in yourself. If there are fewer of them, then you need to look for the root of the problem not in damage, but in something else. If you feel unwell, then first consult a doctor and take the necessary tests. If you are tired and depressed, then perhaps your current work, in addition to troubles, does not bring you either material or moral satisfaction. Then you should think about moving to another position or changing jobs.

Damage and behavior of the person on whom it is

With damage, a person inadequately perceives reality, he constantly has problems in the family and at work, everything falls out of his hands. He, unlike ordinary people, is more likely to get into accidents, disasters and other troubles. Often the victim is subject to fits of uncontrollable rage, becomes aggressive and categorical in judgments.

Often, the spoiled person sincerely does not understand what is happening to him, and when relatives try to explain something to him, he becomes withdrawn and irritable, begins to abuse alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, after inducing damage, the victim becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses interest in life. In this state, people often lose their jobs, and for a long time they cannot find a new one. In addition to the above troubles, health problems begin.

Doctors began to see the origin of many mental and nervous diseases in suggestion. And induced damage is an ailment that often develops as a result of suggestion. The impact of one person on the psyche of another, who is completely sure of the existence of corruption, is enough to cause mental trauma or even mental illness. However, real damage is considered to be a conscious negative impact on the victim, expressed in the evil will of the ill-wisher.

Signs of spoilage

The following are signs of damage, in the presence of which, it is necessary to check if there is a negative on you:

  1. During cleaning, things were found in the house that do not belong to you, or that were not there before.
  2. In the yard, near front door or “foreign” objects are found in the workplace.
  3. Something foreign was found in a bag, in pockets or on clothes (grains, poppy seeds, cereals, someone else's hair, a button, a needle, a thread, a handkerchief, a black ribbon).
  4. People regularly come to you to lend salt, bread, flour or money.
  5. On religious holidays, conflicts arise in the house.
  6. Pets, birds or livestock disappear, run away or die.

Spoilage: methods for determining

First, take a close look at your palms. If you have three clear lines, then you belong to the category of people who are not subject to damage. If there is a fourth line that crosses the lines of the heart and mind, then the person has too weak energy to withstand energy attacks. If there are a lot of lines on the palms, in the pattern of which crosses are visible, then damage came to the person from past life or passed on by inheritance.

Definition of spoilage by egg

This is one of the easiest and most popular ways to find out if a person has damage. To do this, pour water into a glass, place it on your crown of the head and, holding the bowl with one hand, carefully pour it into the water. egg. If the yolk lies on the bottom, and the water is clean on top, then there are no signs of spoilage. If silver balls or stains appear in the water, shoots similar to arrows extend from the egg, then a negative is pointed at you.

Determination of spoilage by matches and water

Take a wooden, pewter or clay bowl, pour water into it and prepare three matches. Matches need to be burned in turn so that they completely burn out, so when the flame reaches your fingers, grab the burnt part and wait until the fire reaches the end. After that, throw the match into the water and see if it sinks or not. Well, if all three matches remained on the surface. This indicates that there is no damage to you. But if at least one of them drowns, then a negative program has been imposed on you.

Determination of spoilage by candle

To find out if there is damage on a person, a ritual on a candle will help. On Sunday, go to church and before the start of the liturgy, buy four wax candles. Put three in the temple at the icons: Jesus, Mother of God and the saint in whose honor the church is consecrated. Take the last candle home. On the same day in the evening, seat the person being examined on a chair in the center of the room facing east. Stand behind him, light a candle and read the Lord's Prayer. Then slowly walk around the person sitting, holding the candle from him at a distance of 50-70 cm. Take a step, draw the candle from head level to the floor. Take a step and again pass the candle around the person sitting. Take another step and repeat the manipulations. You will need to make three such circles. If in some place near the body of a person a previously calmly burning candle begins to crackle, smoke or shoot with wax, then there is damage on the subject. The flame may change its color to red. With a particularly powerful witchcraft appears bad smell. The wider the zone to which the candle reacts, the stronger damage. Sometimes a candle reacts to the entire space around the head, legs or behind the back. If the zone of negative energy is small, then there is no damage, but there is an evil eye. In this case, it is located above the waist. Usually, with the evil eye, the flame crackles a little right behind the back of the head.

With the help of a candle, you can also diagnose yourself, only you need to do this on a certain day. Suitable for self-diagnosis:

  • full moon;
  • week between and ;
  • the week before Easter;
  • week after ;
  • two weeks before;
  • week after .

It is also necessary to purchase four candles in the church in the same way, three of which are placed near the images, and the fourth is taken home. From one to three in the morning, cover the table with a white tablecloth without a pattern. If not, then a white sheet will do. Place a candle on the table wooden stand. Sit at the table so that there is a distance of 25-30 cm between the candle and your eyes. Light the candle and carefully look at the flame for five minutes, then pay attention to its appearance:

  1. If the flame is weak and quiet, but even, then in the near future you will have a quiet, measured life without worries and failures.
  2. If the flame is dim, then you have been jinxed for good luck.
  3. A bright, winking fire promises an improved quality of life.
  4. A very bright crackling flame indicates the presence of corruption that has not yet manifested.

The color of the flame also matters:

  • yellow - joy awaits you;
  • yellow-red - to profit;
  • dark and smoky indicates the presence of any type of damage.

Pay attention to which direction the candle floats:

  • exactly in all directions - no changes are expected in the near future;
  • in your direction - luck awaits you on the love front and material profit;
  • in the opposite direction - you have an evil eye or damage (for unmarried women, this may indicate the presence of a “crown of celibacy”);
  • v left side- there is an evil eye, leading to material failures;
  • to the right - to the conclusion of a profitable deal.

If during the burning process the candle itself bends, then you have damage. With the evil eye, it will remain flat.

It is not always possible to accurately perform self-diagnosis with a ritual on a candle. If the flame is even, quiet and yellow color, then we can say with confidence that there is no negativity on a person. In other cases, doubts may arise. To resolve them, use divination on wax. A week after the ceremony, take a tablespoon of wax from the candle that you used. Melt it over another candle, saying: " Wax burn and crack, tell me the truth. Robbed, bewitched, sent negativity or the heart of a loved one (name) was stolen? Wax do not be silent, but show me the whole truth».

After the wax has completely melted, pour it into a saucer of milk and see what shapes it turns out. If one or two are large, then everything is fine with you. If the wax has broken up into many pieces, then you have damage or an evil eye, which, most likely, was brought by an envious person or rival in love, who dreams of destroying your family happiness. It’s worth it to do fortune-telling with wax if your husband has become cold to you, has begun to get involved in alcohol, and return home late. It is possible that another woman is trying to bewitch him with the help of magic.

Video: spoilage diagnostics

Sometimes strange things happen in our life. A lot of problems fall on people out of nowhere. At such moments, different thoughts come to mind, and one of them - evil forces. A dark streak in life arises not only because of failures and various circumstances beyond our control. A series of failures can be the result of damage or the evil eye. How to find out if there is an evil eye or damage on a person?

Evil eye and damage

Even in ancient times there were sorcerers, healers and healers. They possessed knowledge that helped to identify the evil eye and damage. People always went to them to get rid of evil spells and heal. Very often, various misfortunes are sent bad people. It has long been noticed by Eastern sages that a person has great opportunities, which many do not even suspect. Thousands of years ago people knew about chakras, aura, energy channels, acupuncture points. This knowledge has reached our days, and we can use it if we wish.

Each of us has our own biofield. An unkind energy impact from another person can break it. In the people, such a negative impact is called the evil eye and damage. We are in daily contact with many people who surround us, and the biofields are intertwined. The result is positive and negative action.

The evil eye and damage are able to break through the biofield, after which energy leaks. How to distinguish between these two negative phenomena? It is believed that with the evil eye, the biofield is locally affected, and troubles occur in one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Corruption has a stronger effect, and problems gradually begin in everything.

Does the evil eye exist? Yes, and such manifestations begin when people with a strong biofield have negative thoughts in relation to others. Some may jinx it inadvertently, quite by accident. More strong biofield can harm the weak. As a result, energy holes appear. Through them begins to seep:

  • energy;
  • health;
  • vitality.

Quite often, people can flatten themselves. This happens when one of us begins to rejoice very violently at an event in life that should happen soon. You need to smile for the present moment. If you think too much about the future, then the energy and emotions begin to press on what needs to happen, depriving yourself of support in the present moment.

Damage is always inflicted, since this is a deliberate action. It is done with the help of special rituals and slander. It harms health or completely destroys a person. Corruption acts purposefully and strikes from the inside. She aims at a thing, food, drinks and other objects in order to speak of love or failure, unhappiness in marriage and other nasty things. If they caused damage, then in your home you can find:

  • broken eggs;
  • tufts of wool;
  • scattered salt;
  • needles;
  • twisted feathers;
  • grave sand.

These signs indicate that a person is interfering with someone, and they decided to ruin his life.

Obvious signs of the evil eye are considered to be chronic fatigue and weakness. However, the evil eye is applied without magical influence. If you shout at a person strongly, envy him, say bad things, look angrily in his direction, then the biofield suffers from this. Pregnant women and children are especially vulnerable. Children often get sick afterwards., fall behind in studies, become naughty, sleep poorly, have nightmares. The evil eye can gradually pass, since the biofield in this case heals like a wound.

Damage is manifested by many signs that can be easily seen in Everyday life. It is worth considering when the following symptoms are noted:

Many people who experience these symptoms go to the hospital. However, doctors do not always find an explanation for such symptoms. In addition to a medical examination, it is also necessary to conduct a diagnosis for the presence of the impact of a negative biofield. The result may be unpleasantly surprising.

Recognition methods

There are several ways to help identify negative impacts from other people. Such methods are used traditional healers. Some of them can be used at home to understand if there is a conspiracy. We bring the most simple ways to recognize the evil eye and damage.

Protection methods

Much in the methods and methods of protection from negative energy and bad people will depend on the personal strength of the person. A weak energy field is affected more often, so a negative impact can always occur. Damage and evil eye are not terrible for people who are strong in spirit and full of energy and strength. You need to be very careful about your energy state.

It is advisable to observe what gives strength and takes it away. There are facts and people who are able to take away strength, energy, drive into depression. Gives us something good mood, gives strength, energy, makes you move forward, grow spiritually, intellectually.

It is necessary to learn how to cut off everything unnecessary and bad, which takes away strength and energy, worsens the mood. Any actions and activities that make you rejoice and develop will strengthen the aura and make a person stronger.

Before you find out if there is damage on you or on another person, or jinxed, you need to understand what it is in principle.

What are corruption and evil eye?

Corruption is a negative effect that is exerted on a person for a specific purpose. This is a special program that must be created and transferred to another person (the victim).

There are many types of damage. They can be directed not only to a person, but also to his family, home and even animals.

Most often create programs for:

  • loneliness;
  • diseases;
  • inability to become pregnant and carry a baby;
  • poverty
  • troubles in the house;
  • alcoholism.

There are corruptions that are inherited by innocent people. Withdrawal ancestral curses- a complex procedure that only experienced magicians can carry out. But they do not always agree to work with such negative programs.

As for the evil eye, this negative impact on a person is not intentional. But that doesn't make it any less harmful. It can also lead to mental disorders and somatic diseases.

The evil eye is less powerful than damage. But it is much more common, since anyone who experiences negative emotions(anger, envy, hatred), is able to jinx it. You can jinx yourself or cause damage even kind word which, for one reason or another, injures a person.

How to understand that you have been jinxed or damaged?

General signs

There are special techniques that make it possible to independently find out if you have damage (evil eye) or not. However, before performing these rituals, one must at least approximately understand whether there is a negative program or not.

The following signs indicate the possibility of damage.

There is another symptom that indicates the presence of the evil eye. You have probably been jinxed if you cannot look the interlocutor in the eyes for a long time or constantly experience increased tearing.

Be prudent!

Probably, every person who has read the above list may think that that's it - I have damage or an evil eye. But he will think so only when he is inclined to such conclusions.

All people from time to time something breaks in the house or there are quarrels with loved ones. But this does not mean any harmful paranormal impact on their lives.

Many are in a state of chronic anxiety and stress. That is why they feel tired and overwhelmed all the time, suffer from incomprehensible sensations in the stomach and chest, suffer from lacrimation, etc. But this also does not mean that they have been jinxed. And it only indicates the presence of a neurotic disorder, to which these people themselves have led themselves, including their thoughts that they can be jinxed or damaged.

Many people dislike the heavy smell of incense. And they don't worry about it at all.

So, be prudent. Damage and the evil eye are rare. In most cases, people simply scare themselves with this, attributing any of their troubles and health problems to the harmful influence of others.

Rituals for identifying negative programs

If you still do not want to be prudent and still want to check at home if there is damage on a person, you can resort to performing the following rituals.

Egg work

Store eggs are not suitable for the ritual, as they are not fertilized. They do not have a germ. It is also impossible to use tap water, since it contains chlorine (such water itself is cloudy and contains bubbles). Only clear spring water is allowed to be used.

Take a glass of water and a raw egg. Put the glass on your head and hold it with your hands. Have someone you know about break an egg into a glass and see if the yolk is intact.

If you are forced to perform the ritual on your own alone, find a suitable mirror.

It will be possible to recognize damage in 1-2 minutes.

  1. Negative influence you are missing if the yolk has sunk to the very bottom of the glass, and the water in it has retained its transparency.
  2. The fact that they caused damage or the evil eye is evidenced by the fact that the yolk has separated, and bubbles, white threads have moved away from the protein. The negative impact is stronger, the more bubbles and threads you see.
  3. When the evil eye is on a person, then 1 thin thread will depart from the protein.
  4. When a person has weak damage, which they can get rid of on their own, the outgoing threads will look like a thin web. Such damage is caused by people who do not have deep knowledge in this area.
  5. The presence of bubbles indicates that the damage was done by the magician.
  6. If you see black dots on the yolk or bubbles, then you have been cursed for death. Such a strong impact can lead to the death of a person in a year.

After you have performed the ritual, pour the egg outside. If there is no damage, wash the used glass well, and if you find it, then throw it away.

And again, be reasonable. Each. Anyone who has cooked scrambled eggs at least a couple of times in their life knows that the yolk will remain intact or spread, depends on the force of impact on the egg shell and the proximity of the yolk to the impact site. And not from some negative energy, Egg Ambient.

There is another option for detecting spoilage through a domestic egg. It will require you to take your photo. Roll the egg for 10 minutes over the photo.

Then put a glass filled with spring water on the photo and break the egg. When there is no spoilage on you, the protein will not separate from the yolk, and the shape of the egg itself will not change. If there are flagella, threads and dark spots, this indicates a negative impact.

pendulum method

The most suitable time to perform this ritual is the full moon. Before the ceremony, take clear sheet paper, schematically depict a little man on it (without sexual characteristics, hairstyles, clothing items - all this will only act as useless distractions).

  1. Think of a name for the drawn person. If you ask the question “is there damage or evil eye on me”, then give the image your name. If you are guessing at another, then you call him the name of the fact that you are exploring the biofield.
  2. Start reading passages from the Lord's Prayer, baptize the little man and say the words.
  3. Then put one candle from the church on all corners of your desktop. Light each candle in turn, in the order in which you placed them.
  4. Put a drawing in the middle of the table and place a pendulum over the head of the drawn man. As a pendulum, use any weight suspended on a string (ring, nut, needle).
  5. Next to the little man, write the words "Yes" and "No."
  6. Having asked the question that interests you, let the pendulum swing in different directions.
  7. Ask the pendulum if there is damage on you. If the pendulum has swung in the direction of no, complete the procedure. If the answer is yes, find out who set it on you, what kind of damage it is and how it was carried out.

After performing the ceremony, cross the little man on paper and your pendulum 3 times, say thank you to them.

Note! The pendulum should swing by itself. You should not support him, force him to move. But for the pendulum to swing, you must have at least a little psychic ability. Therefore, not all people will be able to perform this ritual. For many, the load on a string will simply hang lifelessly and not give an answer either “yes” or “no”.

Use of matches

This rite is based on the ability of the flame to purify. When a match burns in your hands, a small part of your aura is transferred to the fire, and the charred tree receives the received information.

The most suitable time for the ceremony is at sunset or sunrise, the day of the week is Friday.

  1. Take a glass that has no edges and pour raw water into it. Leave a little space to the brim - on the finger.
  2. After that, take the glass in the palm of your hand and hold it for a few minutes so that your energy is transferred to it. Sprinkle some salt into the water.
  3. Silently, without uttering a word aloud, ask if damage has been cast on you, then light a match.
  4. Wait until it burns out on your fingers almost completely. Intercept a burning match so as not to get burned.
  5. When the match burns out, lower it into the water. Do this a couple more times.
  6. If there is no damage on you, then the matches will float on the water.
  7. If the matches sank to the very bottom or froze vertically, then damage was done to you. When all matches have changed in this way, then the damage is strong, when only a part is not so serious.

From a photograph in the water

It is possible to determine if a person has damage or an evil eye with the help of a photograph without using an egg.

Take consecrated water and put your photo in it. After a few minutes, study the changes in the water in the photo. If the program really is, then you will see cloudy spots dark colors. The negative impact is the more dangerous, the more such spots.

After the ritual is completed, leave the photo in the water. So the energy field will be cleared a little.

By wax and photography

  1. Take a photo where the person is in full height, as well as a deep metal container, a bowl of spring water and wax - 200 g.
  2. Put a bowl of water on the photo, melt the wax in the container. As it melts, focus on the question. Pour the wax into the water and wait until it becomes solid.
  3. Consider the decorated castings. There is no negative effect if its edges are smooth and it is even. When waves appeared in the lower part, this indicates damage, bumps indicate the presence of the evil eye.
  4. In the case when the casting looks like a ring, it means that the person has.
  5. When a curse is difficult to remove on the victim, then pegs will be observed from the top of the casting to the bottom.

Again, be careful with your conclusions. The shape of the cured wax can depend on how it is poured. Craftsmen who call themselves "magicians" often pour wax in such a way that it takes on the most bizarre forms. And then they demand money for the removal of damage, which is not there.

candle method

Acquire an icon and 3 candles from the church. Go into an empty room, read the prayer "Our Father" and watch how the candles burn. A person is spoiled if smoke and crackling come from candles.

There is another way to detect negative influences. Light a church candle and begin to drive it along the body. A negative program was launched on a person, if the candle also began to crackle, smoke came from it.

However, such manifestations can also be observed if the room itself is saturated with negative energy, but it is not on the person himself.

Detection of negative impact on the whole family

If you want to check at home if the damage is not on you specifically, or on one of your loved ones, but on the whole family, proceed as follows.

Work only in your common house. Relatives should be near you. And they have to know about what you want to spend. They must support you.

  1. To carry out the ceremony, you need silver. This metal is distinguished by high susceptibility to negative influences.
  2. Buy a silver cross from the church store. If this is not possible, visit a regular store and purchase a similar jewel. It will need to be consecrated in the church before being used in the ceremony.
  3. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on a calm, quiet morning, when the whole family will be gathered at home. One candle should be lit in each room. Pick up a silver cross, begin to say the prayer "Our Father", while going around the whole apartment. Go around your entire house three times.
  4. After that, choose a certain room where your family will be comfortable for the whole day, and spend as much time with each other as possible. Silver cross should lie in this room in a conspicuous place.
  5. At nightfall, examine the cross. If the silver has darkened at least a little, this indicates a strong negative impact that was directed to the whole family.

Damage, evil eye, love spell - magical effects that can destroy a person's life. Fortunately, you can identify them yourself. Effective method, known since ancient times, will save you from dangerous energy influences.

If inexplicable and terrible events began to happen to you, and the black streak dragged on, it is possible that these are the machinations of envious people and ill-wishers. A person who falls under the influence of black magic becomes a hostage to other people's desires. The first signs of damage, evil eye or love spell signal a danger that may soon fall upon you. Effective folk methods will help you identify and get rid of magical blows in time.

The first signs of a love spell, damage and evil eye

V modern world, where esoteric knowledge has ceased to be the property of people with superpowers and has become widespread, absolutely anyone can cause damage.

Such destructive actions are resorted to by offended, offended or envious people. The feeling of revenge overshadows the mind, a person sometimes does not even think about the consequences due to his selfishness. But any magical effect can be fraught with mortal danger.

No one is immune from evil influences, not even the most honest and righteous person. Almost everyone has ill-wishers or envious people, which is why it is so important to conduct rituals aimed at diagnosing black magic and witchcraft. And you can remove yourself a love spell, damage and the evil eye even at home. Be happy, take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and