Steve Jobs in full growth. Case history of Steve Jobs

  • 11.10.2019

Today it will probably be difficult to find an educated person who would not hear the name Steve Jobs. The man who changed several industries, from personal computers to online shopping. The man who managed to convince millions of people around the world that they need devices that they did not even know about before. A talented inventor, a great marketer, an idealist, a perfectionist, a person who could convince anyone of anything, Steve Jobs can be described with such words.

Steve's biological mother, Joan Shible, could not raise an unwanted child, so she decided to give him up for adoption. The main requirement of adoptive parents was the ability to provide the child higher education. Steve got to Clara and Paul Jobs, who gave him the name Steven Paul Jobs. Clara Jobs, worked in a small accounting firm, and her father was a mechanic, in a company that produces laser systems.

Childhood of Steve Jobs

Steve grew up in the center of computer technology development - Mountain View, California, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley. He was fascinated by the spirit of invention that reigned around. Jobs had an unbridled interest in radio engineering since childhood. One day, he called William Hewlett, president of Hewlett-Packard, directly at home to ask him for missing parts for a device he was assembling. William talked to the insolent boy for 20 minutes and not only agreed to send him the missing parts, but also offered to work at Hewlett-Packard. In this first job, Stephen met Woz, a man who played a key role in his life. Woz, he Stephen Wozniak, later became not only a friend of Jobs, but also a business partner.

In 1972, Steve graduated from high school and decides to go to Reed College, a very expensive liberal arts college. Tuition was high enough for most families, but Steve's parents kept the promise they made to his biological mother and spent all their savings on Steven's studies. To the surprise of his parents, the young man quickly lost interest in studying and decided not to spend the last money of his parents on an occupation that was not interesting to him, he dropped out after the first semester. After that, a very strange period of his life begins in Steve's life, which he spent in search of enlightenment. The young hippie went barefoot everywhere, sat on strange diets, and didn't bathe for weeks. During this period, Jobs attended calligraphy courses at the university, which later, as he says, greatly influenced him and the products he invented.

How did Apple come about?

In 1974, Jobs returned to Silicon Valley and got a job at Atari. There, he was tasked with optimizing the chip for the game and reducing the number of chips on the board. While still working at Atari, Jobs and Woz visit the HomeBrew Computer Club, where Wozniak comes up with the idea of ​​building his own single-board computer. Jobs liked the idea and offered to sell computers. Wozniak insisted on selling only the board and everyone could assemble the computer themselves, but Jobs looked further and planned to create a device that anyone could use, not just crafty radio amateurs.

Apple began its rise to the pinnacle of success with Jobs in the garage. Friends agreed to consider April 1, 1976 as the official birthday of the company. The name was chosen to be in the telephone directory above Atari. The first batch of computers, in the amount of 50 pieces, was ordered by a local electronics store, Jobs sold his minivan, took out a loan and after 10 days transferred the first batch of computers to the store, which bore the proud name of Apple I and cost 666 dollars and 66 cents.

When did Steve Jobs make his first million?

While Jobs was trying to expand markets for the Apple I, Woz was actively working on a new, more advanced device, which came out in 1977 and was not intricately called the Apple II. Jobs orders to create a beautiful packaging and logo for a new product, as well as launch a massive advertising campaign. Jobs himself is actively looking for investors. Fate brings him to Mike Markula, who was just looking for new horizons for investment. Mike invests $250,000 in Jobs' company. Apple begins to grow rapidly, the Apple II sells 5 million copies, and by 1980, the company reaches national proportions and brings Jobs a fortune of 200 million, then he was not even 25 yet.

But soon threatened Apple's success, since in 1981 IBM enters the PC market. At this time, Apple releases the Lisa computer, which was the first computer with a graphical interface that Apple "borrowed" from Xerox, and later from the Macintosh. Due to the complex nature of Jobs and his conflict with John Scully, in 1985 he was deprived of all managerial powers, leaving him only the position of chairman of the board. As a result, Jobs is forced to leave Apple and found new company, which I named Next.

Next Cube presentation

Next and Pixar

After leaving Apple, Jobs announced his intention to produce a computer for educational institutions. Jobs spent several years creating a new, ideal computer, which turned out to be very expensive and sold very poorly.

At the same time, Jobs buys for 5 million The Graphics Group (which would later be renamed Pixar), which was owned by Lucasfilm. Pixar created several over-the-top cartoons that brought the company unprecedented success and popularity. Despite this, Jobs accepted an offer from Disney and sold Pixar in 2006 for $7.5 billion.

Return to Apple

After 10 years of Jobs's absence, Apple was going through hard times, the product line had grown a lot, but none of them had really sold well. The situation became even more complicated with the advent of Windows 95, the Mac OS operating system no longer looked so good compared to Windows. In 1996, Gil Amelio, Apple's chief executive, began looking for a new operating system, to replace the outdated MacOs. His choice fell on NextStep, NEXT's operating system. Apple buys NEXT and Jobs, after 10 years, returns to Apple in the role of "informal adviser executive director»

After Gil Amelio announced a $700 million loss for Apple in the first half of 1997, the board of directors decides to get rid of him and Jobs is appointed acting. CEO. After coming to power, Jobs carried out a large-scale reorganization, significantly reducing the number of products on which the company worked, and within 6 months after returning, he brought the company to profit.

The final revival of Apple happened with the release of a new computer called the iMac. The computer was innovative and, together with a revolutionary advertising company, simply "blew up" the PC industry.

Jobs on the cover of Newsweek magazine

Revolutionary iPod

In 2001, after much development and negotiation with record labels, Apple released the iPod, thereby completely overturning the perception of the music industry that was customary at that time. Now music lovers did not need mountains of CDs and bulky players, the new product from Apple was the size of a pack of cigarettes and could hold 2,000 songs. Along with the iPod, Apple is introducing the iTunes Music store, where people can buy and download songs for as little as 99 cents. By 2006, several more iPod models were released, the profit from the sale of which was compared with the profit from the sale of computers. The iPod's share of the mp3 player market was an unheard of 75%.

iPhone and iPad

In 2007, the first iPhone is released, truly revolutionary, which changes the entire mobile phone market and brings the company to a leading position in the world rankings. In a year, the world will see the thinnest laptop on the market, the MacBook Air, and in another 2 years, the first generation iPad will go on sale. By this time, Apple already had a whole army of fans who were ready to stand in lines for days if only to be the first to purchase a new product.

Presentation of the iPad of the first generation

Jobs got sick.

Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. Here he was also lucky, he had a rare, operable type of tumor, but Jobs for a long time refused the operation, hoping that the disease could be cured by diets. In August 2004, he nevertheless agreed to the operation, which was successfully carried out by specialists from Stanford University. Unfortunately, this delay did not go unnoticed, and in 2008, due to overgrown metastases, Steve found another tumor, this time in the liver. In 2009, Jobs underwent a liver transplant and throughout 2010 he took an active part in the life of the company.

October 5, 2011 - Doctors report that Steve Jobs has stopped breathing due to cancer, as a result of which he dies.

Steve Jobs

A man with a capital letter.

Steve Jobs went down in history as an outstanding entrepreneur, inventor and innovator. He could see several steps ahead and with his stubbornness was able to turn not only the personal computer industry, but also the music and mobile phone industries. It is hard to imagine that all this was possible for an ordinary guy, a hippie, without rich parents and higher education.

Steve Jobs changed the lives of many millions of people by making computer technology simple and accessible to everyone. He created and then revived from the ashes the most powerful corporation in the world. He became a genius and wizard of innovative technologies.

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Perhaps today, the majority of people, when it comes to an apple, will first of all think not about a fruit, but about the largest corporation, famous brand, a technology giant - about Apple Corporation.

Yes, indeed, it is, people who do not know about the existence of this product American company and do not dream of a laptop, tablet or smartphone of "apple" production, today it probably does not exist anymore.

But the history of the modern giant began with an ordinary garage and with Apple founder, a simple guy Steve Jobs.

Steve's childhood and youth

Steve was born in 1955, and his parents were students who were not even married. Given life's difficulties, problems with parents and many other factors, the biological parents were forced to give the boy up for adoption. So the future billionaire ended up in the family of Paul and Carla Jobs, people whom in the future he called his real parents.

It was Paul who introduced his son to the basics of electronics even in childhood, which attracted the boy very much and gave him the main hobby and passion for the rest of his life.

Jobs nearly skipped elementary school due to his extraordinary knowledge. And thanks to a suggestion from the director, he skipped several classes, going straight to high school.

Friendship with Steve Wozniak

At fifteen, Steve struck up a friendship with one of his classmates at the new school, whose name was Bill Fernandez. He, like Steve, was interested in electronics, but this acquaintance did not become such a significant moment because of this. Bill had a friend who was almost more passionate about technology and innovation than Jobs himself. And that was Steve Wozniak. Over time, Bill introduced the two namesakes, and this made, subsequently, their best friends.

Apple's iOS is


Crucial moment

In 1971, a turning point occurred in Jobs' life, which made him understand that electronics can bring quite serious money, but simply be a kind of hobby, a hobby.

All this happened due to interesting history, which, by the way, was the first business project of the two Steves. Then the guys were able to invent the so-called "Blue Box", which imitated the sounds of payphone tone. Thanks to the use of the product, it was possible to make completely free calls from payphones to anywhere in the world.

The guys very quickly realized that with such a device you can make good money and soon began to sell them to their peers for $ 150.

A year later, Jobs entered Reed College, where he met Daniel Kotke. The college was abandoned by the founder of Apple six months later, but Daniel remained his best friend along with Wozniak.

Apple I

In 1975, Wozniak created the Homemade Computers Club, where meetings were held for everyone. Steve joined soon after. Over time, these meetings resulted in the creation of the first of its kind Apple computer.

The presentation of this computer was already carried out when the club was significantly expanded, and even moved its meetings to the university premises. After the presentation, the person interested in buying a computer was Paul Terrell, who offered Jobs one of the main and first deals in his life: he immediately requested 50 of these computers in a complete set, for which the entrepreneur was ready to pay $ 500.

Work on computers was carried out in the garage of the Jobs family, and all available forces and acquaintances were involved in it. Daniel and the two Steves worked around the clock building computers to complete the order within a month.

The completed order was successfully delivered, and with the money saved, the guys assembled a new batch of computers. It was a success that eventually led to the creation of the Apple Corporation.

This is how the story of such an influential person began, who will forever remain in the history of not only the innovation and technology industry, but also of all mankind.

Celebrity biographies


24.02.16 10:02

His name during his lifetime became a household name, and after the untimely death of Steve Jobs, the biography of this genius became a tasty morsel for screenwriters: two full-length films have already been shot about him. Moreover, the title role in Danny Boyle's biopic "Steve Jobs" brought Michael Fassbender an Oscar nomination. However, we are not talking about cinema at all! It is very difficult to present a detailed biography of Steve Jobs and talk about his personal life in one article, so we will highlight the main milestones in the life of this cult person.

Biography of Steve Jobs

unwanted child

From the very first days of his life, Steve was "not like everyone else." He was the fruit of the passion of a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin with German roots, Joanna Schible, and a Syrian who worked in the department, Abdulfattah Jandali. The Catholic Joan could not have an abortion, just as she could not keep the child: her parents were categorically against it. Much later (31 years later), Steve, who suffered from the fact that his mother abandoned him, found his biological family and kept in touch with his relatives.

In the meantime, the baby, born on February 24, 1955, was adopted by the childless Jobs family. Californians Paul and his wife (Armenian by nationality) Clara named the boy Steven Paul. They were pretty simple people- a mechanic and an accountant, but Steve grew up as a young inventor. He did not get along very well with his peers, but he was “on you” with technology.

Fateful acquaintance

One day, while on assignment for a research circle organized by Hewlett-Packard, Jobs realized that there were not enough parts for his frequency counter. Without thinking for a long time, he called the head of the company, William Hewlett - not at work, but at home. He was imbued with the persistence and intelligence of a 13-year-old teenager, shared the necessary details and invited him to work at Hewlett-Packard during the holidays. There was a fateful meeting - with an older guy, Steven Wozniak, the future companion of Jobs.

Steve did not do well in college - after the first semester he left Reed College (it was too expensive for his parents to pay for him, and Jobs decided not to strain them). But during this semester, Steve managed to make friends with some students, switched to a vegetarian diet and became interested in Eastern philosophy. He lived with his friends in Portland for almost a year, doing odd jobs.

The biography of Steve Jobs continued at Atari: by the time he returned to his native California, he had to decide on a profession. The work of a technician did not really appeal to him, so he took a break - for the sake of a pilgrimage to India. It was a time of experimentation - Jobs took stimulants (including LSD), was engaged in curative starvation, hippo. After a seven-month journey, he was back at Atari.

During this period, there is a funny story that surfaced after the arrival of worldwide fame to Jobs. He connected his friend Wozniak to one of Atari's projects: it was necessary to minimize the number of board chips for a video game, and there was a premium for savings. Wozniak completed 44 chips and received half of the payment - $ 350. Years later, it turned out that Steve had deceived his partner - in fact, he was paid not 700, but 5,000 dollars (each part cost 100 dollars).

Own business: ambitious partners without a penny

Soon, Jobs said goodbye to his previous work - Wozniak persuaded a friend to start creating home-made computers for sale (Stephen had already made one for himself). They started with printed circuit boards, and then switched to PC assembly. In 1976, the two Steves, taking engineer Ronald Wayne as a third partner, registered Apple Computer Co. The starting capital was $1,300 (Jobs donated a van and Wozniak donated a programmable calculator). True, Wayne soon left the company.

Steve suggested the name (both for the company and computers) “Apple” – probably due to the fact that quite recently he lived in a hippie commune, worked there picking apples and sat on an apple diet. The first customer of friends was a small electronics store. For the sake of a trial batch (50 computers at $666.66 per unit), they took the components on credit. Soon the order was ready. In the same 1976, a computer for mass production was born.

Young millionaire

When Wozniak designed the Apple II model, a logo was developed and an advertising campaign for a new product was agreed upon, which the partners sold with an unprecedented “circulation”: 5 million. So the 25-year-old Jobs became rich (his fortune exceeded one million dollars).

The next stage of the corporation was the invention of a computer with an interface in which the cursor gave commands. There was a model in development that was named after Jobs' daughter "Lisa". But friction began in the company, and as a result, Steve became the head of another project - "Macintosh", which later became a very popular PC in the electronics market. At the same time, Jobs managed to poach the talented marketer John Scully from Pepsi-Cola Corporation. He, in the end, headed Apple, but they never worked with Steve. This was the reason Jobs left the company. Following him, in 1985, Wozniak left Apple.

Head of animation studio

Jobs, of course, found something to his liking: first he organized the NeXT corporation (it produced hardware), and then, in 1986, headed the Pixar studio, a computer animation pioneer (its founder in the late 1970s was George Lucas). The studio cost Jobs $5 million: Lucas was in trouble (divorced from his wife) and needed money. It was at this studio that the cult franchise Toy Story, the animated masterpieces Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and others were born. The box office receipts for these films were simply crazy.

Latest successful projects

Ten years later, Steve sold Pixar to the Walt Disney Company, but retained his seat on the board of directors. At that time, he was already the CEO of Apple: prodigal son” (no, rather, the founding father) is back!

He has always been a presentation genius - an excellent speaker who could win over any, even the most incredulous, audience to his side. So in 2001, Steve himself held a presentation of the IPOD player, the mass production of which brought sky-high profits. In 2007, a similar revolution was made by the iPhone mobile phone.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

Stormy romances: from hippie to respectable businessman

Steve's first strong passion was a girl of free morals - Chris Ann Brennan, with whom he ran away from his parents before graduation and hipped in the mountains for some time. Then he was only 17 years old. The novel lasted several years, and in 1978 Brennan gave birth to a child from Jobs - Lisa.

He did not want to admit paternity for a long time - they say, Chris met with other guys. And only years later, after a DNA test, he began to communicate with his daughter.

As Apple Computer Co. took off, Steve Jobs' personal life changed as well. He had to conform to the image of a businessman, so the hippie period was over. He became close to the beautiful advertiser Barbara Jasinski. A well-established life, an exquisite mansion - all this continued until 1982.

A brief affair with Joan Baez flattered Steve. The ex-lover of Bob Dylan, herself a famous country singer, she was 14 years older than Jobs and raised her son.

For almost four years, the relationship between Steve and another IT-schnitsa, Tina Redse, lasted. He considered the girl the most beautiful on earth and called her the first true love. True, the obstinate Tina refused the marriage proposal that followed in 1989, and Steve backed down.

20 year marriage and three children

Steve was married only once. He met bank clerk Lauren Powell in the fall of 1989 - she healed the wounds inflicted by Tina. At the beginning next year the engagement took place, but then Steve got too carried away with new projects, and Lauren, unable to stand it, left. The quarrel was short-lived - a month later the groom gave the bride a ring, then they spent a vacation in Hawaii. And on March 18, 1991, a wedding ceremony was held in Yosemite Park by a Soto-Zen monk.

Lauren radically changed the personal life of Steve Jobs, became his "guiding star" and gave birth to three children in marriage: the eldest Reed (in the fall of 1991) and daughters Erin (in 1995) and Eve (in 1998). Jobs was not up to the offspring - he remained full of ideas to the end and brought them to life. Although he liked to talk with his son, and Eve considered his worthy successor.

He fought pancreatic cancer for a very long time - oncology was discovered in the fall of 2003. Steve delayed the operation, resorted to unconventional treatment. If not for this, the untimely end might have been avoided. But cancer still won - the genius of IT technologies, who loved worn jeans and black turtlenecks, died on October 5, 2011.

I don't trust a computer that I can't lift.

From iPhone creator Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steven Paul Jobs, Steve Jobs) is one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a person who largely determined the course of its development.

The future billionaire was born on February 24, 1955 in the town of Mountain View, California (ironically, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley). Steve Abdulfattah's biological parents John Jandali (a Syrian immigrant) and Joan Carol Schible (an American graduate student) gave their illegitimate child up for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs (née Hakobyan). The main condition for adoption was Steve's higher education.

Even at school, Steve Jobs became interested in electronics, and when he met his namesake Steve Wozniak, he first thought about the business related to computer technology. The partners' first project was the BlueBox, a device that allows free long-distance communications and was sold for $150 apiece. Wozniak was involved in the development and assembly of the device, and thirteen-year-old Jobs was selling illegal goods. This distribution of roles will continue in the future, only their future business will now be completely legal.

In 1972, after graduating from high school, Steve Jobs enters Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but quickly loses interest in learning. After the first semester, he was expelled own will, but remained to live in the rooms of friends for about a year and a half, sleeping on the floor, living on the money for the returned Coca-Cola bottles and once a week coming to the local Hare Krishna temple for free meals. Then he got into calligraphy courses, which later prompted him to think about equipping the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

Then Steve got a job at Atari. There, Jobs is developing computer games. Four years later, Wozniak creates his first computer, and Jobs, continuing to work at Atari, establishes its sales.


And from the creative tandem of friends, the Apple company grows (the name "Apple" Jobs suggested due to the fact that in this case the company's phone number went in the telephone directory right before "Atari"). Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 (April Fool's Day), and the first office-shop was the garage of Jobs' parents. Apple was officially registered in early 1977.

And the second most development was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer. It is believed that it was Jobs who convinced Wozniak to refine the microcomputer circuit he had invented, and thereby gave impetus to the creation of a new market for personal computers.

The debut computer model was called the Apple I. In a year, the partners sold 200 of these machines (the price of each was $666.66). A decent amount for beginners, but it's nothing compared to the Apple II that came out in 1977.

The success of Apple I and especially Apple II computers, coupled with the appearance of investors, make the company the undisputed leader in the computer market until the early eighties, and two Steves millionaires. It is noteworthy that software for Apple computers was developed by the then young company Microsoft, created six months later than Apple. In the future, fate will bring Jobs and.


The key event was the signing of a contract between Apple and Xerox. Revolutionary developments that Xerox could not find a worthy application for a long time later became part of the Macintosh project (a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Apple Inc.). In fact, the modern personal computer interface, with its windows and virtual buttons, owes much to this contract.

It's safe to say that the Macintosh is the first personal computer in the modern sense (the first Mac was released on January 24, 1984). Previously, the control of the machine was carried out with the help of intricate commands typed by "initiates" on the keyboard. Now the mouse becomes the main working tool.

The success of the Macintosh was simply stunning. In the world at that time there was no competitor, even close comparable in terms of sales and technological potential. Shortly after the release of the Macintosh, the company ceased development and production of the Apple II family, which had previously been the company's main source of income.

Jobs leaving

Despite significant progress, in the early 80s. Steve Jobs is gradually starting to lose ground in Apple, which by that time had grown into a huge corporation. His authoritarian style of management leads first to disagreement and then to open conflict with the board of directors. At the age of 30 (1985), the founder of Apple was simply fired.

Having lost power in the company and work, Jobs did not lose heart, and immediately set to new projects. First, he founded NeXT, which specialized in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. This market was too narrow, so it was not possible to achieve any significant sales.

Much more successful was the graphics studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), bought from Lucasfilm for almost half the price ($5 million) of its estimated value (George Lucas was getting divorced and needed money). Under Jobs' direction, several super-grossing animated films were released. The most famous: "Monsters Corporation" and the famous "Toy Story".

In 2006, Pixar was sold to Walt Disney for $7.5 billion, while Jobs received a 7% stake in Walt Disney. By comparison, Disney's heir apparent only inherited 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. First, as an interim director, and since 2000, as a full-fledged manager. Several unprofitable directions were closed and work on the new iMac computer was successfully completed, after which the company's business rapidly went uphill.

Later, a lot of developments will be presented that will become trendsetters in the technology market. This is an iPhone mobile phone, an iPod player, and an iPad tablet computer, which went on sale in 2010. All this will make Apple the third largest company in the world by capitalization (it will bypass even Microsoft).


In October 2003, an abdominal scan revealed that Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. In general, this diagnosis is fatal, but the head of Apple turned out to have a very rare form of the disease that can be cured with surgery. At first, Jobs refused it, because, according to personal convictions, he did not recognize interventions in the human body. For 9 months, Steve Jobs hoped to recover on his own, and all this time, no one from Apple management informed investors about his fatal illness. Then Steve nevertheless decided to trust the doctors and informed the public about his illness. On July 31, 2004, Stanford Medical Center performed a successful operation.

In December 2008, doctors discovered a hormonal imbalance in Jobs. In the summer of 2009, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University (Scientific Medical Center) of Tennessee, it became known that Steve underwent a liver transplant. March 2, 2011 Steve spoke at the presentation of a new tablet - iPad 2.

Promotion Methods

To determine the charisma of Steve Jobs and its impact on developers original project McIntosh, his colleague at Apple Computer Bud Tribble coined the phrase "Reality Distortion Field" in 1981. Later, the term was used to define the perception of his key performances by reviewers and fans of the company.

According to colleagues, Steve Jobs is able to convince others of anything, using a mixture of charisma, charm, arrogance, perseverance, pathos, self-confidence. Basically, PIR distorts the audience's sense of proportion and proportion. Small progress is presented as a breakthrough. Any errors are hushed up or presented as insignificant. The difficulties overcome are greatly exaggerated. Certain opinions, ideas and definitions can change dramatically in the future without any regard to the very fact of such changes. In principle, PIR is nothing more than a mixture of political propaganda and advertising technologies.

For example, one of the most common examples of PIR is the claim that consumers are "suffering" from competitors' inferior products, or that a company's products "change people's lives." Also, often unsuccessful technical solutions are explained by the fact that the consumer does not need it. The term is often used in a pejorative context to criticize Apple, or its supporters. However, many companies today are moving to a similar technique themselves, seeing how far it has been able to move Apple economically.

Name: Steve Jobs

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: San Francisco, USA

Place of death: Palo Alto, USA

Activity: entrepreneur, founder of Apple

Family status: was married

Steve Jobs - Biography

It is easy to talk about a person gifted from childhood, such is the entrepreneur and founder of the era of continuous computerization, Steve Jobs.

Childhood, inventor's family

A Native American from San Francisco was born into a family associated with science. Her father is a teaching assistant at the university, and her mother was educated at the same institution. There was no official marriage in the couple, since the girl's parents were categorically against their acquaintance and living together. Little Steve was born almost secretly, and then he was raised by foster parents.

The Jobs spouses were happy to pay attention to the baby, since they could not have their own children. The real mother wanted her son to get a good higher education. From the very beginning, it seemed that the biography of an unwanted child could not be happy.

Stephen Jobs - businessman

Soon the couple adopted the girl so that the boy would have a sister. The whole family chose Mountain View as their permanent residence and left San Francisco. The adoptive father was an auto mechanic, he found a high-paying job to pay for the education of children. Steve was not interested in mechanics, he preferred electronics. Although the town was small, it was believed that all high technologies were located in it. The biography of the boy was a foregone conclusion. Stephen was not stupid, but he was not interested in studying.

Once a miracle happened: one of the teachers managed to instill diligence, and the boy finished two classes at once as an external student. With radio electronics, the student was on “you”, he himself managed to assemble a frequency meter using electronics, he worked in one of the famous companies. Like many teenagers, from the age of 16, a passion for the hippie culture and the Beatles begins. He began to try drugs, gets acquainted with a guy much older than himself. Stephen Wozniak became a friend of Jobs for many years.

The guys were brought together by a passion for computers and electronic technology. They knew how to invent, and the first device invented was a tool for hacking the telephone network. The guys learned how to select tone mode signals. Then the device began to be in demand, and friends helped out a lot of money. Steve Jobs easily entered the college, which taught the liberal arts. But after 6 months he drops out of school, as at that time he is fond of the practices of the East and vegetarian food.


Steve gets a job at a company that produces games for the computer. And an old friend creates boards and improves them. The two Stephens set up their own firm. In this duo, it was necessary to take the lead, and Jobs did it perfectly. Thus began the biography of the first computers.

The first copies were primitive, but the companions continued to work on the perfection of their offspring. As a result, the improved Apple II became with a plastic case and a beautiful appearance. AT financial plan the company prospered, but due to the difficult nature of Jobs, scandals often arose between friends. Jobs quit, but immediately organized a new company.

Jobs retrained

Stephen bought George Lucas' animation studio to create commercials, but his cartoons receive prestigious awards. Jobs is engaged in the creation of animation, and after a while he manages to profitably sell his studio to the famous Disney company. Returns again to his beloved company, the founder of which he was. Managed to find a new market and always strived to act in the spirit of the times. He owns the production of media player, touch mobile phone iPhone, tablet with internet iPad.

Steve Jobs - biography of personal life

Steve had many beloved and loving women. The first was Chris Ann Brennan. Relations with her were always complex and confusing. When their daughter Lisa was born, her father Steve only recognized her by doing a DNA test. Then an advertising agent Barbara Jasinski, singer Joan Baez, Tina Redse, who works with computers, appeared in the life of a young man. None of these women became Steve's official wife. Lauren Powell became the official wife, she worked in a bank.

A year after the marriage proposal, they got married. The couple had a son, Reed, and daughters, Erin and Eve. The father understood that electronic technology was harmful to the health of young children, and computers and telephones were banned for Jobs' children for a long time. In the future, Steve decided to find his real mother and sister, began to communicate with them, which he had been deprived of since childhood.

Steve Jobs - Sickness and Death

The businessman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, all the treatment undertaken by his relatives did not work. The businessman died, the whole family was with him. Cause of death apple genius was an oncological disease. A film was made about Steve Jobs, books and memoirs were written. His biography is interesting to many screenwriters and directors. But do not forget that this man had a talent not for entrepreneurship itself, but for invention and for the latest computer developments.

Steve Jobs - Documentary