How to find a job you like psychology. Are you constantly searching

  • 24.09.2019

We all love “twenty ways of this” and “thirty ways of that” style articles: structured lists, concentrated information - just the thing for reading on the run or during your lunch break.

Today I want to write an article in the same style, based on personal experience and refuting traditional ways of finding work for the soul.

When I was tired of working in the financial sector, then, like many in a similar situation, I began to think - what would I really like to do? Without answering this question myself, I, in the spirit of the times, blamed it on the Internet: OK, Google, how can I find a job to my liking? Google gave me a bunch of information. But it didn’t help me very much, and here’s why.

What is usually advised in such articles?

Remember what you wanted to become as a child?

Childhood, they say, is selfless and not clouded by everyday problems, and therefore, it is childhood dreams that will lead you to your real calling. Great, I remember very well what I wanted to be as a child. An astronaut and a princess. I don’t remember exactly, at the same time or not, but both professions at my current age of 38 look a little doubtful for implementation.

I wanted to become an astronaut when I re-read the science fiction books of Belyaev and Krapivin: to search for new worlds, to explore universes, to heroically create a bright future for earthlings - it seemed romantic and the right thing to do.

I dreamed of becoming a princess solely to wear beautiful dresses to the floor and ride a horse, certainly white, around your own kingdom. In my opinion, this dream appeared after the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” if anyone remembers that one.

What now? Now I am not really drawn to explore space, I prefer earthly nature; I don’t really like long dresses - I prefer jeans with sneakers. So both of these dreams, although they remained touching memories, did not help me find a new occupation.

Ask yourself: what do you love most?

Write a list of three to five to ten favorite hobbies and think about how you could make money from it? What professions are related to your hobbies?

Write book reviews? To be honest, I’m not sure that you can make good money from this, but this is also not the business that you have your heart set on. I don’t want to make reading a chore.

Write: writer, copywriter, translator.

Copywriting, by the way, is the activity closest to my liking. I thought about it for quite a long time, studied content exchanges, demand, literature. But something in my heart was categorically against it. I realized that since writing has always been my biggest and most cherished dream, writing custom advertising texts and articles for me is akin to a betrayal of this dream.

Don't get me wrong, I consider quality copywriting a very worthy occupation. But this is just my cockroach: I’m afraid to write texts to order. I'm afraid that it will become a routine and will kill the magic and the desire to write what you want.

Travel: By the way, there are many options here.

Travel journalist for magazines like GEO National Geographic (that's cool, yes; it also implies epic mastery of photographic equipment).

A tour guide or guide in another country (but this is more likely not a travel job, but an opportunity to earn money abroad).

Photographer. Stewardess. Cruise ship employee...

All these professions mean that you will have to spend most of your time traveling and be practical about your surroundings: looking for angles, interesting places for reviews, non-trivial attractions for tourists. It's all great, yes. But what I like most about traveling is the leisurely contemplation of nature and architecture, away from the tourist trails and during the off-season for tourists. In addition, with a teenage son and a Siberian cat, I cannot now afford to constantly travel around the world. Alas.

Cats: veterinarian or breeder. Oh no. Both professions - no. A veterinarian makes me like a ballerina makes an elephant. I am terrified of everything that has to do with treatment, injections and, God forbid, blood. The breeder doesn’t either: otherwise all the kittens will simply stay with me, because I won’t be able to part with a single fur ball.

What's the result? Everything I like is not very suitable for my dream job. It turns out that it is not enough to look for an activity in the field of your hobbies; it must also intersect with character traits, personality type and personal cockroaches. This is where the following common advice comes to the rescue.

Take Career Guidance Tests

Passed by. In principle, a good way. Gives a wide variety of options. Various tests suggested that I work: as a journalist, lawyer, scientist, creative manager, interior designer (which is very “hot”), but they did not find out the main thing: I am a complete introvert. I prefer working alone to any work with people, ideally remotely and with correspondence on Skype.

One of these tests gave me the following verdict:

“People of this type are distinguished by analytical abilities, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, and generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work and conditions that give freedom for creativity. Work can captivate them so much that the line between work time and leisure time is blurred. The world of ideas may be more important to them than communicating with people. Material well-being is usually not a priority for them.”

And as a suitable profession I was offered the profession of web analyst. Let's say it looks like the truth, but it's still not the same. I have always dreamed of creativity, and if you choose a business to your liking, then it should definitely contain a decent amount of creativity.

Other common methods

Asking the opinion of relatives and friends, moving forward a year or five and presenting myself in a new capacity, thinking about what I would like to learn - also did not work very well for one reason or another.

What to do? I don’t know if I was just lucky or the system worked, but I was lucky enough to find what I loved. I am absolutely in love with my new profession as an interior 3D visualizer, and every new day that I spend creating my 3D worlds makes me infinitely happy. But when I started looking for a job I liked, I had no idea about such a profession.

How did I come to her? I tell you and invite you to try to follow my path.

Create an image

Find a time and place where no one and nothing will distract you. Forget about childhood, about “should” and “it’s customary”, about loans and rent, about your education, about diplomas and other honors, about many years of experience in the profession, forget about everything. If you are reading this article, it means that not everything in your life suits you and it’s time to imagine a new life.

So, imagine that you have already found your dream job, it doesn’t matter at this stage what it’s called. Take a piece of paper (it’s better to write by hand than to type on a computer; this is where special neural connections of the brain are activated) and describe: how do you imagine yourself in your new capacity?

For me, the ideal job is me, laptop, cat, quiet workplace in my apartment or in small house, my family is nearby, and nothing more. No tedious trips to the office, traffic jams and crushes, no open-space, meetings, meetings, God forbid, business meetings, dozens of colleagues, hundreds of reports and heaps of bosses. No more overtime or staying up late - how many years of my life have I wasted on this!

Type of work: something highly technical to use the brain; something creative enough so that it is not cramped or boring within the given framework; something quite broad so that you never stop learning and so that there is no limit to perfection. Something like this.

What is the ideal job for you?

Find out what it's called

Now that you have formulated a future image for yourself, try to identify the work that will lead you to this image. There are several ways. Try everything.

If you are comfortable working for a permanent employer full-time or part-time, look for vacancies on the largest job search sites: and

The trick here is in the filters. If you already know what industry you'd like to work in, look for it. If you don't know, watch everything. Most likely, you can hardly imagine what variety of professions are now required and you will be very surprised at their range.

The main thing at this stage is to suppress in yourself “I can’t do this” and “I can’t do this.” Now you just need to determine the name of your dream profession.

Here are some vacancies (in brackets - wage) in the section “Work in the field of entertainment, art, mass media in St. Petersburg”: copywriter/content marketer (50,000 rubles), dancer of exclusive dance show programs/dancer (90,000 rubles), potter instructor to the studio (45,000 rubles), text writer/copywriter (in English) (60,000 rubles), doll decorator (45,000 rubles), quest administrator (50,000 rubles), wedding planner (40,000 rubles) , actor (Father Frost/Snow Maiden) (RUB 15,000). The quest administrator made me especially happy!

Search using different areas and filters, not even limited to the search city.

If your dream is freelancing, look for your dream job on freelance exchanges.

I recommend monitoring demand on four exchanges:,,, The last two are international, suitable for searching if you know English language at least at the schoolchild level. But they will greatly expand your search capabilities.

Look at what projects customers require, how much they are willing to pay for them, and what basic requirements they have. You will definitely like something that is in demand.

Here's a quick selection of the most popular requests: website design, landing page creation, video editing, online store promotion, managing groups in in social networks, copywriting, logo creation and many, many others. Some of the non-trivial ones I came across were: do a smoke removal calculation, create a car booking system, go to the library..., but this vacancy made my day: “Sex toys 3D modeling for 3D printing, only advanced level”...

If you have a specific goal, such as living and working full-time, start by finding and reading blogs from inspiring people who are already doing it.

Most often, in their blog, authors directly or indirectly indicate their occupation; you just need to read it carefully. For example, for those who dream of traveling, there is a fairly well-known blog by Masha Dubrovskaya, which contains a huge amount useful information. Read, study, get inspired!

If you are brave, original and dream of doing something completely unique, look for lists of unusual professions.

Professions such as dream salesman(the company for making dreams come true is located in the USA, in Chicago), brain remover(this is a specialist who must remove the brain from the heads of killed animals and send it to restaurants for preparing delicacies), braider(braid braider) train pusher(this profession has already appeared in Japan and the USA, payment is made for each person packed onto the train), professional sleepyhead(for testing the comfort of hotel rooms), tropical island caretaker, water slide testers And deep ocean explorers- actually exist and applicants are periodically invited to them. Go for it :)

If you don't 100% like anything, choose as starting point the most suitable job for you, even if you are not satisfied with everything about it. There is one trick here, described in the next paragraph.

Believe in the universe and the space of options

It's difficult at first. The secret is that as soon as you start walking the road from point A to point B - to the job of your dreams, completely new opportunities and options suddenly open up for you that could not have opened up at starting point A. You meet someone, you learn new information, you get new offers that you would never have received without moving. Therefore, if you were not able to immediately find the right option, and you were not able to plan your entire path to the end, but you intuitively feel that you are walking in the right direction - believe this feeling.

It was this step that led me to my dream profession. I started trying out the profession of “interior designer”. Understanding its basics, requirements, methods of training, I came across a description of the specialization of an interior 3D visualizer, and the inspiration came immediately - this is it!

You too: you will begin the journey, begin learning, communicating with new people, with professionals and mentors, and this path will open many other forks for you. You will definitely have plenty to choose from!

Try on a profession

Try it new job profession. Sign up for training courses. Get an internship, trainee, or assistant professional. Feel your sensations. The feeling of joyful excitement, the desire to learn more and more nuances, the desire to grow and develop in the chosen direction did not leave you until the end of the course or internship? Hooray, you have found your business!

If it has left and you are disappointed - well, it doesn’t matter! It's great that you tried it, otherwise how else would you know that it's not for you? Crossing out options brings you closer to that cherished one. In addition, you have purchased useful experience and new acquaintances! You can take a break and try something else.

Take a big step towards your dream

So, have you found a job you like? Congratulations! The most important thing remains: to take a step from a dream to its fulfillment. Do it! Just prepare yourself properly first. Work in your chosen field in the evenings, on weekends, on holidays (this is temporary), earn your first money, your first clients and your first experience.

At your current job, make savings in the form of a financial cushion for the first time (ideally for six months). Be patient and support your household. Believe in yourself. Remember that at first it will be difficult, very difficult and unusual, but if you don’t give up at this stage, then everything will work out.

Is everything done? Bingo! Receive a bonus as a gift - happiness. I'm not kidding, doing the job of your dreams, receiving pleasant feedback from customers, growing and developing professionally in your chosen field, making money doing what you love - this is the real happiness, available, in general, to each of us.

Join us! Share your achievements, doubts, victories and difficulties.

Every person sooner or later begins to ask questions: “What is my calling?” or “How to find something you like so that it brings maximum pleasure?” Someone has already had it since school clear presentation in which direction should you move. And for some, such a search continues almost their entire life.

There are people who, in despair, never find something they like, go with the flow, not enjoying their work. But it makes up a third of our lives. A person who regularly experiences stress at work and has no other positive activities in life risks seriously undermining his health and losing interest in everything around him.

Choosing a strategy for finding your favorite thing

First of all, you need to choose one of two strategies:

  1. Doing what I love is my main job, from which I will receive not only profit, but also maximum pleasure.
  2. An activity you enjoy is a hobby that will allow you to relax (take a break from your main job) and get a charge of positive energy.

The second option is more common in our lives and is usually easier to implement - everything here depends on the person himself, the efforts he makes, the setting of priorities and the desire to change something.

  • Make a to-do list to your liking

You need to take a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything you love to do. Reflect the most simple, including everyday activities, for example: “I like to cook, sing, play with a child, write stories or poems, sew, make cards, take photographs, count, etc.”

It is important at this moment to focus on your emotions, track the reaction that occurs when writing each type of activity (surprise, delight, joy, tenderness, anticipation), and pay attention to what will cause the strongest feelings and interest.

  • Analyze professions

From the list you need to select your favorite activities and think about whether they can be combined in one activity, will any work allow you to realize them all, or will they remain separate hobbies?

  • We separate our expectations and desires from the expectations of other people

You should honestly compare who you see yourself with what ideas your close relatives have about you (or what they previously had). It's time to rely on your desires, and not play a role imposed on you that is simply “prestigious”, “paid”, “profitable” or convenient for others.

  • What happens without much difficulty

You should remember what you can do easily and well. Does it bring you pleasure? Are you interested in this? Such activities do not always become the main job for a person. But their implementation requires a minimum of effort, which is good news. At the same time there is good opportunity get satisfaction from the result.

  • What hobbies did you have in childhood?

It is important to remember yourself before adolescence: what games you liked, what you wanted to become, what you dreamed about. You can find answers to many questions in childhood experiences and impressions.

  • Charge yourself with positivity

Make a habit of smiling at yourself in the mirror every morning and mentally saying: “I am worthy (worthy) of what I love!”

  • Need to increase self confidence

The lack of desire to look for what you love may be due to uncertainty and a feeling of your own inability to do anything. Most often these are groundless thoughts, and sometimes even a tendency towards laziness.

In this case, turning to successful examples from life often helps. You can find them among friends, read in books or in stories from the media about people who have achieved success from scratch. If they succeeded, then why don’t you try it too? Such examples often inspire different endeavors and help to find something to do in life.

  • Seek advice

Sometimes a person may not notice key points and not even pay attention to what he could succeed in and what he can do better than others. An outside perspective is often helpful. Sometimes close relatives or friends can help with advice on how to find something you like. After all, they notice your mood and behavior, evaluate the results of your activities.

  • Unloading consciousness

More people always come with a fresh mind interesting ideas, answers to important questions and a desire to act appear.

  • Get outdoors more often

Walk more often, walk in the park or in places where you feel comfortable. The influx of oxygen promotes increased mental activity and helps direct thoughts in the right direction. This is also a great opportunity to see how many interesting things there are in life - things that go unnoticed in the daily cycle of affairs and travel on public transport.

  • Listen to your condition

If you feel that you are “burning out” and your health has begun to deteriorate, then you urgently need to change something, and radically. You should admit to yourself that this is “not your” business and you need to abandon it, since it has begun to destroy you from the inside. If you continue to endure this situation, then there is a high risk of causing serious problems for yourself and ending up in the hospital.

  • Willingness to take risks

You need to prepare for the fact that you will probably have to take risks. Leaving your previous job, learning the necessary skills and creating new habits - all this is sometimes not easy. But it’s worth working hard for your own dreams, so that you can regularly enjoy what you love.

  • Connect with people with similar interests

This includes personal acquaintances and the exchange of information on forums and social networks. Your like-minded people can talk about their development in this direction, their achievements, answer your questions, give advice and charge you with positive energy.

  • Stimulating reminders

Prepare stimulating reminders for yourself and hang them in your home. These could be notes on the refrigerator, posters, a computer screensaver, or notes in mobile phone, motivating to find a favorite activity and reflecting a plan on how to find something you like.

  • Imagine that you already have a favorite activity

How do you look and how do you behave? What feelings are you experiencing? Have your relationships with others and loved ones changed in any way? What do you think about yourself? What have you achieved? It is useful to draw such pictures in your consciousness, because by doing so you attract the desired situation into your life and stimulate your thoughts to search for the desired activity.

  • Make a list of your favorite books, movies, songs

Is there between them General characteristics? Which of your personality traits, values ​​and interests are reflected in them? Why do you like them? Which of your aspirations resonate with them? What actions do they encourage?

  • Try it

If you have doubts, but want to check whether this activity is for you or not, take it up and you will immediately understand. Are you comfortable doing it? Is there still interest in this matter? Does it go against your values? Do you have a desire to develop in it and achieve success?

Of course, the sooner you find something you like, the better, the more interesting and fuller life will be. But it is important to remember that no age creates barriers to this; a person is always open to new experiences and new activities. Try it and take action! How more energy is given, the more it comes back. At the same time, people regret what they did much less often than what they didn’t do. It all starts with desire, and it already guides your thoughts and actions.

Why is it so important to have something you love?

If a person is passionate about something, then he:

  • he lights up with an idea, he always has a goal and a desire for activity;
  • feels a charge of positive energy, enthusiasm, becomes more active;
  • feels pleasure not only from the result, but also from the process of his activity;
  • works with desire, which means faster, better and more efficiently;
  • satisfies an important need for self-realization;
  • gets less tired and overcomes stress more easily;
  • looks like a cheerful and happy person;
  • can become an expert in his field, a mentor for others;
  • feels interest in life and believes in his own strength.

All characteristics reflect the obvious benefits of doing what you love, which is simply necessary to find. And if it has not yet appeared in your life, then under no circumstances stop searching for your favorite activity and do not despair. It’s better to use recommendations on how to find something you like.

In this article we will tell you how to find a job you like. This is very important, because a person spends most of his life at work, and if you treat it solely as a source of income, and endure, counting the days until the weekend, instead of enjoying what you do, nothing good will come of it. Confucius also said that if a job suits a person and satisfies him in every sense, then he will never have to work a day in his life.

For some, the search for your calling may seem difficult and unnecessary, because the age when you often had to answer the question: “what do you want to become” has long passed. But good job It's a job you enjoy, not one that pays better, so it's important to be honest with yourself about what you really want.

Just close your eyes and dream, try to imagine yourself in ideal conditions. What would you do if it weren’t for... (lack of education, family circumstances, lack of the required amount of money, etc.)? Introduced? Now write it down on paper.

If it doesn't work out

Some people may experience a kind of stupor when all that comes to mind is something like “”. This happens due to fatigue and reluctance to leave the comfort zone, that is, the familiar environment. In this situation, you should seek help from loved ones. Of course, they are unlikely to tell you how to find a job, but, for example, your parents will be able to tell you what you wanted to become when you were a child. This may be exactly what you need. After all, all adults are big children.

How to analyze your tendencies

It is equally important, when choosing a future job, to decide on your desires, goals and priorities. If you don’t do this, you will be working in someone else’s place, and, quite naturally, such work will cause you discomfort. Therefore, on the same sheet you need to write down everything you like. Write everything that comes to mind, everything unnecessary (some completely crazy things) can be crossed out later.

Do you like dogs? Write! Can't go a week without fishing? Don't forget to note this in your notes! Are you a good cook and proud of it? Be sure to write this down too!

How to draw the right conclusion

If you wrote down that you are a banker, but at the same time, among your inclinations there is nothing related to economics and finance, you can safely cross out this entry - the ideal job must necessarily resonate with your desires and life priorities. If there are no such intersections, cross them out without thinking until the list is reduced to a few positions.

So, you are left with just a few options for potentially interesting types of work and a list of inclinations. All that remains is to choose the best of these options. The simplest way is arithmetic. The more items from your desires correlate with a specific job option, the better it is, because your favorite job is always a hobby. You can’t have a soul that you don’t truly love.

How to move from words to action

Perhaps even now you are left with not just one option, but several. Well, the sages say that if you throw a coin in the air, as it falls, you will know what you want. As a rule, this is true - even if the options seem equivalent, one of them appeals to you more than the others, and you should focus on it.

But if you can’t decide on something specific, prepare another sheet of paper. On it you need to write down what is required for this or that job: knowledge of languages, education, some specific skills, cash and so on. And, accordingly, the fewer such points a particular work option has, the better it is.

In the end, you will only have one job option left, and this is exactly what you need. All you have to do now is fulfill all the conditions that separate you from your ideal job. Need to learn a foreign language? Sign up for courses. Will you need a diploma? Enroll in the correspondence department. Need money? Start saving today.

Make a clear plan of your actions: write down goals for the week, for the month, for the quarter, for the year, and write down how you will achieve them. And most importantly, remember why you are doing this and don’t stop.

Perhaps the preparation will take some time: a year, two, maybe even five years. And yes, it won’t be easy. Leaving your comfort zone is always difficult. But if you don’t do this today, tomorrow will not become easier, and your dream job will remain a dream. Therefore, you will have to show persistence and diligence.

Now that you know which one will be best for you, it’s time to move from theory to practice, from words to action. After all, in the future, doing what you love, you will receive exclusively positive emotions. It's worth it, believe me.

Everyone knows how important it is to do something you love. This gives physical and psychological health, and also, as a rule, brings more income, since we invest all our energy and all our hearts into what we love. However, finding your favorite thing is not so easy. What prevents you from finding a job you like?

There are a number of beliefs and actions that prevent you from finding a job you like:

1. Belief in the supernatural power of everything that finds a bright response in our soul

There is an opinion that what you love is like true love: you can recognize it immediately, at first sight. And finding it, just like true love, is not given to everyone, it’s luck. Several times I heard the phrase: “You’re lucky, you have something you love.”

The belief that you have to be lucky to find what you love is based on what we see around us day in and day out. a large number of people working out of place. And then it may seem to us that this is how it should be, that this is life, that this is how it should be. And that a job you love is something like a miracle.

In fact, due to the fact that few people really know what they want to do professionally, finding their calling can seem like a miracle. But that shouldn't stop you from looking for it. It is useless to look for true love - it finds itself. But with work everything is different. And not only with work. Understanding what you want, what gives you pleasure is also work, sometimes quite long, but undoubtedly useful. It means the need to listen to yourself, the need to pay attention to yourself and notice what you like and what you don’t. In addition, it means the need to support what you like and what you don’t like - to reject and not make a deal with yourself: “Okay, so be it, I’ll do this for now.” Often when we compromise, we give up on our dreams and stop looking for what we want to do. Even if at the moment you are forced to do something you don’t like, don’t stop there, but keep looking. You won't find your own business.

2. Remember that the first and very important step in finding a job will be the very beginning of this very search.

Talk is one thing, but action is another. You shouldn’t hope that your favorite job will find you on its own, it’s unlikely. You may not believe it, but as soon as you take the first step, you will realize that you will be one step closer to your cherished desire. If you think about it, this is quite possible. However, thousands of people still sit at their jobs as if in hard labor, wasting months and even years of their lives in vain, achieving absolutely nothing in their lives.

There are quite a lot of reasons for this, but they are all banal and come down to two simple theses:

1) lack of faith in yourself and your strengths;

2) constantly postponing important things “for later.”

People have the most sophisticated forms of excuses, although this is not surprising, because those who don’t want to look for reasons, not opportunities...

The vast majority are simply afraid to leave their personal comfort zone. Fear makes you endure unloved job, in return, he gives them a familiar but understandable state of absolute dissatisfaction with their own lives. Their lives turn into standard and boring obligations: every week they look forward to days off, and every year - vacations.

Where to look for your favorite job?

Be open to finding work you love. You can start by analyzing the job you currently have. Remember the moments that bring you joy and you feel interested. Understand the reason why this particular activity is most interesting to you. Then try to determine what type of activity can also interest you, but for a longer period of time.

However, you should not be upset if, after a detailed and in-depth analysis of your work, you do not find anything interesting or that brings you joy, much less a feeling of satisfaction from the process. I think, after thinking a little, you will still make a list of possible professions. Then, think about what you need to do to get this position.

Try to be honest with yourself at least now. Look around, how do you live and what position do you hold? Do you like what you have at the moment?! Believe me, all your wishes really have the ability to come true. Each of us can become anyone, the main thing is to believe in ourselves and our strengths. Don’t waste time, make a list of activities that bring you satisfaction and joy right now. Start taking action, stop being lazy and afraid!

Exercise #1:

1) Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down 10 sentences that begin with the words: “I must...”. You need to write down 10 things that you think you should do in life;

2) Now write down 10 sentences that begin with the words “I can’t...”. In this part of the exercise you need to write down 10 things that you think you cannot do;

3) Read out loud what happened. How does what you write make you feel?

4) Now cross out the word “should” in the first ten sentences and replace it with the word “want”. In the next ten sentences, cross out the word “can” (leave the “not” particle), and also replace it with the word “want”;

5) Read what you got. How does what happened make you feel now?

While doing this exercise, you may have noticed that everything you wrote down you either want to do or you don’t want to do. However, when you tell yourself “should” or “can’t” instead of “want” or “don’t want,” it blocks the energy and prevents you from enjoying or refusing to do what you do. Train in everything you do to reveal either your desire or your reluctance. The more you understand and know about your “wants” and “don’ts”, the easier it will be for you to apply this to your work.

2. Lack of goal to find a job you like

Often the desire to find a job to our liking is not realized because we do not set such a goal for ourselves. For example, just finding a job is important because you have to live for something. And to achieve it, we set ourselves a goal - to find a job, we take the appropriate steps - we compile a resume, send it to employers. And what is good for the soul is something you can do in your spare time, if you have time. And if there is no goal, then there are no consistent actions that will help you find what you like. Set a goal to find something you love. Analyze what steps will help you move in this direction. What do you need to find the job you love? What can help you find a job you like? Make an action plan. And the exercises that I offer will help you take the first steps in this direction and get closer to your goal.

3. Lack of action

Sometimes we say to ourselves: “If I don’t yet know what I want, then what’s the point of doing something? When I understand, then I’ll start moving.” But for now we don't practical actions, we risk staying in the same place. Finding a job you love is a matter of doing, not thinking, and it requires activity.

Exercise No. 2.

1) Answer the following questions:

If your life had a very specific purpose, what would it be?

If there was a god or other super being, what abilities could it give you? For what? What could you give to the world, to people?

2) In accordance with the answers, determine your life mission and form a life credo.

4. Fear of trying

Continuing the previous point, I would like to note that finding something you like is a purely practical matter. It is impossible to find what you love without trying yourself different types activities. It's impossible to know whether you like drawing or not if you've never tried it. Child psychologists recommend that parents take their children to different clubs and sections. In order for a child to decide for himself what he wants to do in life by the end of school, by this period he must try himself in different types of activities. You can only understand whether you like doing something or not by trying it.

Exercise #3:

1) Write down on a piece of paper everything you like to do, everything you have ever done and enjoyed it. You don't need to think about whether this could become your business yet. Just remember, reflect. Perhaps you once read a report in college and were greatly inspired by it. Or you like to sing with a guitar. Or go shopping. Write down everything you do with pleasure. This exercise can be done for several days, adding to the list what you still remember or come up with.

2) If you carefully read the resulting to-do list, you will notice that all the to-dos can be divided into groups. Remember the children's exercise called “Find the Common Thing”? So, you need to do the same thing: break down all your tasks according to some common characteristic. One group, for example, relates to communication with people, another group to clothing, a third to literature, etc.

3) What profession or professions are associated with each group of things that you enjoy doing?

4) Which of the professions you have identified do you prefer?

5. The belief that you are unworthy of having a job you love.

The roots of this belief lie in one's attitude towards oneself. If you believe that you are unworthy of being happy and doing things that bring you pleasure, then you will have a hard time discovering this or applying it in your professional activities. Change your self-esteem. It’s real to do what you like and still get paid for it.

6. Fear of losing what you already have

There is even a saying about this: “Even if it’s bad, it’s mine.” Or “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky.” Sometimes we are afraid to try something new for fear of failure and loss of the results that have already been achieved. What if it doesn’t work there and I lose it here?

Take reasonable risks. Don’t rush into a new business recklessly, calculate the chances of success. If you have to start from scratch (and you almost always have to start a new business from the position of a “newbie”), first secure your rear or create a “safety cushion” of set aside money, just in case.

What you have already achieved in life is very important. This is your experience, your skills, your knowledge. The wise man is the one who relies on his experience.

Exercise #4:

1) Write down what you can do well.

2) How can each of the items you wrote down help you in the professions from the previous exercise? How can your skills and abilities help you in the things you love to do?

7. Lack of belief that what you love can bring you money.

We often think that what we like is a hobby, a passion, and work is something else. And this is perhaps one of the main obstacles to making the profession enjoyable. Hobbies and work can and should coincide in order for us to be happy and satisfied with life.

Exercise #5:

1) Take a look at the results of exercise No. 3. For each point, answer the question: what prevents you from making money from this?

2) Create a different resume for each profession identified in Exercise No. 3. Justify your choice with your experience and education.

3) HR departments of various companies have a favorite question: why do you want to work in this position? You can answer it right now. Write a short essay on each profession and why you want to work in it.

Exercise No. 6.

Let's do a check for those professions that you chose in exercise No. 3.

1) For each profession, find a thing that will symbolize it. This can be absolutely any thing that evokes some associations with the profession. Place it in the room. Do this with every profession. There should be as many things as you were able to discover professions.

2) Now each profession has its own place in space. Stand on the place where one of the things lies (pay attention to which place you stood on first). This place is the space for the designated profession. By standing in this place, you “occupy” this profession, this professional niche. How do you feel in this place (and in this profession)? What feelings do you get in this place? Do you feel comfortable here, is it interesting, is it convenient? Are you at ease? What do you want to do in this place?

Take turns to other professions and do the same.

All you have to do is find out more about this profession, understand what you need to work in it, look at the websites about open vacancies for the expectations and requirements of employers for an applicant for this position and write a competent resume. If you still can’t find what you would like to do, try looking through the same sites. Open the categories that attract you most, see what positions and professions are available there, pay attention to what piques your interest. Send out your resume and go to interviews. This way you can learn more about professions and understand whether you really like them or not. The best time to make money is when currency exchange rates fluctuate. For those who don’t know how to do this, I give you a schedule of master classes where you will be taught the basics of trading on the FOREX foreign exchange market and many other tricks.

For most of us, the morning begins with a sharp alarm. It is necessary to open your eyes and sadly realize the unpleasant fact - the work day begins. This happens because 70% of the population of our country devotes their energy to work, the performance of which does not give them true pleasure. Earnings, prestige and prospects are of primary importance. career growth, but only a few people think about how to find something they like and enjoy the results they get.

True calling

Even from school, most teenagers form an idea about their future adult life. It is very important not to make a mistake when choosing your true recognition, because by engaging in an activity that brings satisfaction, a person actually abandons the generally accepted meaning of the term “work”:

  • Inspiration. What you love will “destroy in the bud” laziness and indifference to tomorrow. You won’t have to force yourself to act, because interest is a sea of ​​energy that will tirelessly drive a person to new actions.
  • Success. All the strength and desire given to your favorite work process will definitely come back as skill and recognition. And this, in turn, will turn into a decent cash income.
  • Positive emotions. When doing an interesting activity, a person gets pleasure, which has a positive impact on the psychological and physical state of the body.

Not everyone finds their true recognition right away, and for years they are engaged in work that is alien to them. If you fall into this category, it's time to radically change the situation and find something you like.

How to find your favorite thing?

Having started your career, have you realized that your future profession does not inspire you? Do you hate your alarm clock because it forces you to go to your least favorite job every morning? It's time to think about how to find your favorite thing. The following algorithm will accurately help everyone find their favorite activity:

  1. While in a remote and quiet place, you should relax and write on a piece of paper a list of things to do that give you pleasure. It is very important, at the same time, to completely turn off your logic and listen to your subconscious.
  2. Time to analyze the results and highlight the main aspects from the resulting list. To make everything clear, let’s give an example: take photographs, read books, travel, study foreign languages, etc. Summarizing the above, we conclude: a correspondent is a profession that is really suitable for a given person.

Highlighting true values ​​will help you set priorities correctly. Even if the chosen business, at first glance, is not prestigious, the point is different - a favorite activity can give life more than any highest-paid job.

In this video, psychologist Ilya Timurov will tell you what self-realization in life is, how you can find something you love in order to enjoy what you do:

Change: why aren't we taking a step forward?

The prospect of doing what you love warms the soul. But, nevertheless, many prefer not to rush the situation, and there are many reasons for this:

  • Self-esteem. Lack of self-confidence.
  • Skills. Low professional skills, and the consequence is the danger of ending up with nothing.
  • Determination. A rosy outlook is good, but a bird in the hand (for example, a low-profit but stable job) is better than a pie in the sky.
  • Capital. Any, even the most burning desire, rests on the fact that in a new role a person starts as a beginner. To achieve decent financial wealth, you need time to live on the money you collected earlier.

Having identified the reasons for excessive indecisiveness, you should overcome your fear and move forward. Believe the main obstacle to a new life lies in psychological aspect, and, having adjusted a person’s inner mood, you can do what you love.

How to find your business in life?

How can you find true acceptance in life? The recipe is simple - make sure that your hobby begins to generate cash income. The main danger is a false choice of future occupation, when satisfaction is replaced by prestige and money:

  • Choice. Before choosing a perfectly prepared dish from the five presented, you need to try each of them. You need to do the same when choosing a new business, and among several, find one.
  • Psychology. A new activity should not cause discomfort in a person, and vigor and powerful energy in the body can be felt even at the end of the work week.
  • Character traits. Some people strive for teamwork and communication, others prefer a free schedule and individuality.

In search of your recognition, you can get yourself into more than one bump. But after this, a person receives an inexhaustible source of enthusiasm and becomes a real master of his life.

Reshaping: real stories from the lives of famous people

Do you know that:

  • The founder of Dell Corporation, Michael Dell, decided to connect his life with medicine. After graduating from school, he entered the University of Texas to study pharmacy. In his third year, Michael realizes his mistake, drops out of school, and creates a company that later became one of the largest technology corporations in the world.
  • Before creating Nike, Phil Knight worked as an assistant at a small newspaper and tried to write books. The idea of ​​reselling cheap Japanese-made sports shoes in the United States made Phil a billionaire.
  • The famous Harrison Ford worked as an ordinary carpenter. Only chance and a minor role in the low-budget youth comedy American Graffiti allowed Harrison to become the most popular Hollywood actor of the 80s and 90s of the last century.

To suffer for decades in a job you hate, or to radically change the ordinary and monotonous course of your life is the business of each of us.

The recipe for finding something you like is quite simple - you need to do something in which a person has an interest. Any hobby and interest can be turned into an activity that brings in a lot of money. By completely dedicating yourself to your favorite job, you can forever forget about spiritual emptiness, and, in addition to material income, receive physical and psychological satisfaction.

Video: in search of your favorite activity

In this video, psychologist Tatyana Rybakova will give useful tips How can you find your life's work: