Find a silver cross on a dream book chain. Interpretation according to the dream book of Nostradamus

  • 21.09.2019

The article on the topic: "a dream book of what a cross with a chain is dreaming of" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The cross is a symbol of faith that is not worn just like that. He is hidden by clothes, as something secret, secret. And why is this dreaming orthodox symbol? Dream Interpretations give conflicting instructions on this matter, it all depends on the details in the dream.

The color of the cross, the material from which it is made, its integrity, as well as actions with it - all this is of great importance for the true predictions of the dream book. According to Meneghetti's dream book, to see a cross in a dream is considered a symbol of the dreamer's renunciation of everything mortal and worldly, and this does not always happen of his own free will.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with a cross is given by a female dream book: how symbolic meaning faith and protection, this item promises the dreamer to receive help from the outside, from supernatural forces. Your guardian angel is currently especially desperately protecting you, so troubles will bypass you.

A cross with a chain in a dream, according to the interpretation of Vanga's dream book, promises a person who has seen such a plot, repentance and gaining true faith. Grievances that have accumulated over many years, you can forget and forgive overnight, and this will bring peace to the soul.

Why dream silver cross ik? The 21st century dream book promises to find hope, even if everything around is collapsing. A small spark will appear in pitch darkness, and life will no longer seem like a continuous series of disappointments.

The same dream book gives an interpretation of what the wooden cross is dreaming of. This is a symbol of unprecedented success that will accompany you in all matters. This interpretation is especially true if you wore this wooden object in a dream.

The bad deeds you have ever committed will soon make themselves felt with fair retribution - this is how the dream book interprets what the broken cross is dreaming of. If it breaks right in your hands, then unpleasant events that expose you will happen very soon.

According to another interpretation, if a cross breaks in a dream, your whole life will go to dust, everything that you have long and diligently created will collapse literally in an instant. This can be avoided by turning to the Church, confession and communion will free the soul from sins.

Why is someone else's cross dreaming? This is a harbinger of forced concern for others. You literally have to "bear his cross" on yourself. And a lot of crosses are a sign of good deeds that you have to do.

Actions with a cross in a dream

By old dream book Russian people, finding a cross with a chain in a dream is a good omen. The triumph of spirit and body awaits you, life path illuminated by new impressions, there will be no barriers for you.

If you managed to buy a cross that you liked, then in reality you are on the right track. Even if now you are at a crossroads, and do not know which choice is the only right one, do not worry, the decision will come by itself, at the behest of the heart.

On the contrary, what the dream of losing a cross is explained by the dream book as wrong deeds, a dissolute life that will lead you nowhere. Change your lifestyle, stop constantly celebrating, having fun - in reality there are more worthy things.

If in a dream they give a cross, then the predictions of the dream book are positive: soon you will feel support from loved ones, which will come at the most difficult moment. Take care of relationships with relatives, without their help you definitely can’t cope in a difficult life situation.

Why dream of a donated cross? If in reality you have already been presented with this item, and you saw it in a dream, then you can be sure of the person who gave it. He is very reliable, his help will always follow your request, he will be able to support in difficult times, and will never refuse.

If an unbeliever had to wear a cross, then this is a warning that you need to live not only with material goods. You need to join the Faith, and add more spirituality during your life. Be guided by the dictates of the heart, and not by material gain, and then fate will go in a completely different, correct direction.

To remove a cross in a dream is a symbol of serious change. You have finally decided that no obstacles will stop you from achieving what you want, and you are capable of even the most unprincipled actions, if only to achieve your long-awaited goal. Think again, even if you succeed, remorse will not let you live in peace.

The cross on the neck in a dream is the opposite interpretation. You do not go over the heads, hoping to get some benefit, on your way to the goal you leave only good impressions on other people, and for this you will receive recognition and reward.

Why is the child dreaming of a silver cross around the neck, which I had to give for christening.

I dreamed how unknown woman removes the cross from me ...

To dream that I gave a big cross with stones to my girlfriend?

In a dream, my husband wanted to put on a chain with a cross on me, but we are now in a big scandal.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I found many, many silver crosses!

My boyfriend is a convinced atheist, so he doesn't wear a cross. Once he was informal and wore a pentagram. I dreamed that he put on a golden cross. What does this mean?

I dreamed that I hung them on the curtains with 3 crosses for each curtain, why did I dream about it?

I dreamed about the baptism of my daughter, but she was not baptized. And I just dreamed of a silver cross without a chain. What does this mean?

I had a dream that my ex-young man put a gold chain and a gold cross with precious stones around my neck. I woke up impressed and good mood)) from Thursday to Friday. Can you please tell me what this means??

Why dream of finding a gold chain with two crosses, one is broken?

I dreamed that I was holding a silver cross decorated with rhinestones and next to the bridge, giving it to my friend.

I dreamed that I was kissing a guy, then I looked at his neck there was a silver chain, and on it was a curved silver cross, what could this mean?

An unfamiliar woman presented me with a curved metal cross, on which a demon was depicted, I held it and looked at it for a long time, then put it on myself, when I put it on I saw another wooden cross on myself, I am not a believer. Why dream tell me.

I dreamed that I find a cross on the ground, then I pick it, and there are more crosses. The crosses were large.

My boyfriend told me that he had a dream about how he found three silver crosses. What could this dream mean?!

Why dream of a lost alien cross?

What does the cross mean strangling in a dream?

I caught a fish, and in it was a box with three crosses - one silver, I did not consider the others.

I dreamed that a silver cross fell from me to the ground and broke into several pieces.

I dreamed that I was standing at the counter and looking at the cross, and it is so beautiful with burgundy stones and they tell me this is our family.

My mother was sick, and my husband had a cousin and I had a dream that it was as if some saint gave me two crosses and said one give my mother to the other Tanya (that was the name of my husband’s sister), I didn’t take it when I asked my friend what the dream was she said they would die, and so they did. So now I'm afraid when crosses dream. The other day I had a dream about giving a gold cross with a chain to my girlfriend. What is it for?

I dreamed that a strange man put on me a huge cross with a chain, but I didn’t want this and I was ashamed that the cross was around my neck.

I dreamed that I had a silver cross with a chain around my neck, and I was thinking about selling it, what is it for?

What if my mom gives my ex a silver cross in her sleep?

Put on 3 crosses.

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend put a ring on my finger with a silver cross. What does it mean?

I dreamed that the devil himself gave me a cross. What is it for?

Why dream of a pectoral cross in dream books

The pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of people. The mystical meaning of the cross carries a symbol of suffering and miraculous salvation, death and resurrection. Why dream pectoral cross ik? According to popular beliefs, finding a cross is not good. And what does a dream about a pectoral cross mean according to dream books? Let's consider in detail.

Symbolism of the cross

What means find a cross in a dream? If this omen is considered bad in real life then in a dream such a find will bring happiness. However, to see in a dream someone else's cross- voluntarily shoulder the problems of another person, carry his burden.

Remember what material the cross was made of:

  • golden - according to dream books, such a pectoral cross for joy and happiness;
  • silver - friends will help in solving problems;
  • iron - be patient, problems will not recede for a long time;
  • wooden - a symbol of health and well-being;
  • copper - soon all problems will be resolved;
  • inlaid with diamonds - wealth tempts you;
  • tied on a rope - to life's difficulties;
  • baptismal - to heavenly patronage;
  • blackened metal (or rusty) - for the coming trials;
  • plastic - to insurmountable obstacles.

dreaming gold chain with gold cross- to wealth through hard work, lonely people predict a wedding.

If a the cross broke, which means that you have taken on a burden beyond your strength. Throw some of the obligations on other shoulders and continue to carry your cross further.

Actions with a cross in a dream

Remember what events happened in the dream, what did you do with the pectoral cross?

  • Throw out a cross - to the bad news.
  • Accept as a gift - to an authoritative patron.
  • Look for a cross - advice to complete the work you have begun as soon as possible.
  • Buy a cross - to a successful undertaking and completion of the plan.
  • Lose the cross - beware of sins for which inevitable retribution is coming.
  • To remove the cross from oneself is to repentance for the committed deeds.
  • Wearing around the neck - to favorable changes.
  • To give to someone - to hope for the help of others in solving their problems.
  • Stolen cross - you have many ill-wishers and envious people.
  • If you stole the cross - the search for easy ways and profit.
  • The cross fell - to get rid of a heavy burden in life.
  • Kissing the cross in a dream - to virtue and spiritual purity.

The meaning of the pectoral cross according to dream books

  • The Italian dream book considers the cross a symbol of sadness and difficulties on the path of life.
  • The Russian dream book considers the cross to be a symbol of humility and patience.
  • A modern dream book prophesies misfortune.
  • Azar's dream book sees an expression of sadness in the image of a cross.
  • Vanga considers the pectoral cross a protective symbol of protection from evil.
  • Dream Interpretation of Winter considers the pectoral cross a symbol of preservation from temptations and seductions.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century believes that the pectoral cross is a harbinger of good events. A golden pectoral cross dreams in a dream to joy, silver - to hope, iron - to trials. Find a cross in a dream - to success, wear it as a decoration - you will charm people.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z he sees protection in difficult times in the image of a pectoral cross, he prophesies mutual understanding to lovers, and a speedy recovery to the sick.

Modern dream book warns: a pectoral cross promises trials, anxiety and anxiety. Putting a cross on someone in a dream - trouble awaits this person. The lost cross portends a series of troubles in the near future, which you will survive with the help of faith in higher powers. Buying a cross is for well-being.

Esoteric dream book considers the image of the cross as a symbol of trials. Difficult times are coming for the dreamer, however, with faith in the heart, you can survive everything. A cross on a gold chain warns: you will make a big mistake if you act thoughtlessly. The dream tells you - do not rush to make decisions, do not chop off your shoulder. The cross appears in a dream when a person has conceived an unseemly act.

If you quarreled with someone the day before, the image of the pectoral cross advises you to reconcile and find mutual language with this person. The cross is the main symbol of faith in Christ, so the one who wears it must fulfill the covenant of God - to love your neighbor.

What happens if you do not listen to the prompt of the subconscious in a dream? You risk losing support higher powers which you will need shortly. The subconscious is trying to prevent future misfortunes, therefore it sends the image of the cross as a reminder of faith in God.

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dream interpretation

Cross chain

Dream Interpretation Cross Chain had a dream about why the cross chain is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Cross in a chain in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Why dream of a golden cross on a chain and without it?

The cross is one of the most important, complex, ancient and mysterious symbols of human dreams. Such night dreams warn of cardinal changes in the dreamer's life. What character these changes will have depends on many circumstances. Understanding why the golden cross is dreaming is not so simple. It is necessary to take into account who had this dream, the actions of the dreamer with the jewelry, appearance golden decoration.

Golden pectoral cross on a chain, seen in a dream - a symbol of great happiness, God's grace and success in all endeavors. The owner of the vision and all his close people are under the protection of higher powers. However, sleep can have other meanings:

  1. 1. The work of the dreamer will be appreciated. Opportunity for career advancement or promotion wages. Another meaning of such a night vision for entrepreneurs is getting a big financial profit which comes with hard work. However, a new profitable activity will be quite interesting and will bring pleasure to the dreamer.
  2. 2. Some dream books interpret this dream as a quick marriage. For married people, night dreams portend a fateful acquaintance with a person who will radically change their life.
  3. 3. If a woman in a position dreamed of a night vision of a golden cross on a chain, then this promises her an easy and timely birth.
  4. 4. For a sick person, a golden cross on a chain is a sign of a speedy recovery and healing from a serious illness.
  5. 5. vintage cross portends an inheritance. According to some interpreters of dreams, a dream foreshadows the emergence of a difficult situation in the dreamer's life. He will be forced to seek help from his family or good friends.
  6. 6. If the chain on which the golden cross hung is torn, then this is a warning to the owner of the dream that he may soon become seriously ill. You should pay special attention to your health. From bad habits better to refuse. This will help to normalize the state of the body.
  7. 7. A dreaming silver chain with a cross characterizes the dreamer as a bright person with a pure soul and thoughts. Seeing a chain of silver on yourself foreshadows the beginning of a new stage in life, which will be accompanied by success in all matters.

If you dreamed of a cross without a chain, then this is a hint to the dreamer that he committed the wrong actions, and now he is tormented by remorse. It is necessary to learn a lesson from this situation, and if there is such an opportunity, then it is necessary to try to correct the situation, to ask for forgiveness.

If you dreamed of a golden cross without a chain on the eve of a long trip, the journey will be easy and leave only pleasant memories. For entrepreneurs, such a dream promises a successful signing of a profitable deal.

If you had a chance to see in night dreams a stranger with a golden cross in his hands, offering the dreamer to do charity work, then this means that one of the relatives is in great need of the help of the owner of the vision.

A cross with stones dreams of on the eve of a difficult period filled with anxieties and sorrows, with diamonds - to unexpected wealth. If in the night dreams the figure of Christ on the cross was seen, then this promises a sacrifice of one's interests for the benefit of the family or loved one.

A cross on a rope portends material difficulties, on a thread it is a symbol that the owner of the vision is beginning to lose faith. This will be the main cause of most of the problems in his life.

A golden cross shimmering in the rays of the sun characterizes the dreamer as a kind and generous person. Bent and dirty - means that the person has become too greedy, greedy and callous. You should be more merciful and generous towards other people.

If the cross turns black or rusty, then this warns the owner of the vision about big trouble in personal life or a serious illness that will require long-term treatment.

If a person saw a broken cross in a dream, then this promises a series of troubles in the sphere of the dreamer's personal life. Such a dream can be seen by a person who has recently experienced a strong moral shock, and indicates that he is in great need of psychological support.

The found cross is a sign of great joy and God's grace. Soon the dreamer will be able to solve most of the old problems. His life will change dramatically better side. He will be able to achieve all his goals. To put on a symbol of faith found on the side of the road is to dump the problems and worries of other people on your shoulders.

A presented cross, which was dreamed of during a difficult life period, tells the dreamer that he is under the protection of higher powers and will be able to overcome any obstacles. At the most crucial moment, the dreamer will be able to make the right decision.

Break, throw out or trample the cross in the mud - to great life disappointments, tears and heartache, lose - parting with a loved one. The reason will be the dissolute lifestyle that the sleeping person leads. If the lock on the chain breaks, then this is a series of troubles and obstacles in achieving your goals. When the losing streak ends, it completely depends on the person.

If you dreamed that a stranger tore off a cross from a person, then this warns the dreamer about a scam into which the dreamer will be drawn. And it can also mean the emergence of dependence on something. A dream in which someone breaks a chain with a cross from you means that in life they will have a bad influence on you. This can turn into addiction.

To take off a symbol of faith - to remorse for a rash act in the past. Another meaning is the commission of wrong actions or even crimes in the near future.

Steal a chain with a cross - gossip about someone else's personal life. Demonstrate jewelry to other people - to forget about the spiritual side of life due to the pursuit of money, to hold it in your hand - to good news from afar, to kiss - a sign that the dreamer owes someone. Perhaps a person has unfulfilled promises, vows, financial obligations.

Find a symbol of faith - to defeat enemies, ill-wishers and solve old problems. For those who are going on the road, this dream promises a successful and interesting journey. For a girl, night vision portends an imminent marriage. For married people, such night dreams promise replenishment in the family.

If a dream occurs in which a person is looking for a golden cross on a chain, then this is a warning that the dreamer needs to hurry up with the completion of the initiated event or abandon it. Otherwise, unforeseen troubles may arise.

Dropping a creed is a sign that the owner of the vision is succumbing to difficulties. Another interpretation of the dream is that there is a possibility that the dreamer will fall under adverse influence.

Throw it in the trash - to bad news from afar, receive as a gift - to the appearance of a person who will become his reliable friend and patron, take or give - to unexpected wealth.

If the dreamer was presented with a golden cross, then this warns him that unexpected obstacles may soon arise on the way to achieving the goal. The owner of the vision will be able to adequately overcome all difficulties.

To buy a symbol of faith - to receive a blessing for the fulfillment of conceived plans, to steal from someone - to earn money dishonestly. If the cross was stolen from the dreamer, then this suggests that in his inner circle there are many envious people and gossips who spread false information about the owner of the vision.

To hear how the cross falls is to get rid of the heavy burden that the person has taken on himself. To see how a stranger puts a symbol of faith around his neck is to be embroiled in a scam or fraud.

If a woman dreamed that she was receiving a golden cross on a chain as a gift, then she would soon become a mother. For an unmarried girl, night vision promises an acquaintance with an interesting young man who will offer her a hand and a heart. For a woman in position, night dreams promise timely and easy childbirth without complications. Watching a loved one put a chain with a gold cross around his neck - for a wedding with this person. Relationships will be filled with love, tenderness and mutual respect.

For men similar dream portends the solution of material problems, an increase in the ranks or an increase in wages. He will be able to find a job that will bring not only material, but also moral pleasure. If the dreamer saw several crosses, then he will be able to get rid of negative impact their envious and ill-wishers who are constantly trying to harm the dreamer or denigrate his reputation and position in society.

Esotericists, psychologists, dream specialists notice that the positive symbolism of the cross is not always the same in a dream. A Christian symbol may have an unfavorable meaning. It all depends on the circumstances under which the golden cross was seen.

There are many decodings of the golden chain - this is and under what conditions it is dreaming, and on whom it is worn: on a person watching a dream or on someone else, and there is also a separate description of the cross, and together with the chain. But more on that later.

What if you dream of a gold chain with a cross?

If you see a chain in a dream or give it to someone, then this means that the person who sees this item in a dream has an interest in the person to whom he gives it, or expresses a feeling of love or gratitude. Or, giving a chain is not sure of a loved one who is faithful and devoted to him.

If you receive a gold chain in a dream as a gift, then this means that the person who gives it is sincerely devoted to the one to whom he gives it. If a family man dreams of a chain, then this means the strength of family ties. When a woman dreams that she is given a chain not made of gold, this may mean that her marriage will be poor.

If you dream of the loss of a chain or its damage, then this is not good sign, meaning health problems, some kind of danger, or a quarrel or parting.

If you dream of a gold chain on someone else, then this means that a person who sees this in a dream is prone to envy and loves to be interested in someone else's life.

A golden chain in a dream means a material beginning. And also it can be accumulated problems. The thicker and heavier the chain, the harder it is to solve problems in reality. But, if the chain is massive and gold, then this means receiving big profit and wealth.

A cross seen in a dream can mean protection from evil and love. This dream can also mean that difficulties and trials lie ahead that require great patience. Another cross can dream of and to joy. If a person is given a cross in a dream, this means that a person will soon appear who will serve as guardianship and protection from all sorts of dangers. If someone steals the cross, then this means repentance for some act. If they give an unwanted cross, then this serves as a warning about troubles that will endure courageously and steadfastly. If in a dream you remove the cross from yourself, then this may mean changes in life, possibly positive ones. If you put a cross on a person, it means that this person is assigned some duties.

What portends?

A gold chain with a cross can mean that it's time to repent and atone for your sins. This dream does not portend anything bad, rather, that on a subconscious level you are turning to God. This dream also portends that a huge number of life victories await ahead, the achievement of which will not require any effort. If in a dream you see how a cross falls from a chain, then this portends some kind of bad event that can happen in life and after which strength will be restored for a long time. Also, a cross on a gold chain can mean a joyful event that will happen in life, and which can lead to a wedding. If you dream that the gold chain with the cross is torn, then this is a warning about a serious illness.

In general, gold jewelry seen in a dream is mainly an alarming signal and more often carries a negative than a positive. The interpretation of a dream with gold jewelry affects many areas of life and means both good and bad, but as for the material side, basically more loss than profit is expected here.

Of course, a dream is a very interesting and amazing thing, and to the end no one has been able to unravel it, how much it is connected with reality and how it affects the subconscious of a person and his fate. It is not known for sure whether dreams are a foreshadowing of an event or not. But be that as it may, to believe in it or not is everyone's business.

The article on the topic: "dream book silver cross" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The cross is a symbol of faith that is not worn just like that. He is hidden by clothes, as something secret, secret. And why is this Orthodox symbol dreaming? Dream Interpretations give conflicting instructions on this matter, it all depends on the details in the dream.

The color of the cross, the material from which it is made, its integrity, as well as actions with it - all this is of great importance for the true predictions of the dream book. According to Meneghetti's dream book, to see a cross in a dream is considered a symbol of the dreamer's renunciation of everything mortal and worldly, and this does not always happen of his own free will.

An interesting interpretation of dreams with a cross is given by a female dream book: as a symbolic meaning of faith and protection, this item promises the dreamer to receive help from outside, from supernatural forces. Your guardian angel is currently especially desperately protecting you, so troubles will bypass you.

A cross with a chain in a dream, according to the interpretation of Vanga's dream book, promises a person who has seen such a plot, repentance and gaining true faith. Grievances that have accumulated over many years, you can forget and forgive overnight, and this will bring peace to the soul.

Why dream of a silver cross? The 21st century dream book promises to find hope, even if everything around is collapsing. A small spark will appear in pitch darkness, and life will no longer seem like a continuous series of disappointments.

The same dream book gives an interpretation of what the wooden cross is dreaming of. This is a symbol of unprecedented success that will accompany you in all matters. This interpretation is especially true if you wore this wooden object in a dream.

The bad deeds you have ever committed will soon make themselves felt with fair retribution - this is how the dream book interprets what the broken cross is dreaming of. If it breaks right in your hands, then unpleasant events that expose you will happen very soon.

According to another interpretation, if a cross breaks in a dream, your whole life will go to dust, everything that you have long and diligently created will collapse literally in an instant. This can be avoided by turning to the Church, confession and communion will free the soul from sins.

Why is someone else's cross dreaming? This is a harbinger of forced concern for others. You literally have to "bear his cross" on yourself. And a lot of crosses are a sign of good deeds that you have to do.

Actions with a cross in a dream

According to the old dream book of the Russian people, finding a cross with a chain in a dream is a good omen. The triumph of spirit and body awaits you, your life path will be illuminated with new impressions, there will be no barriers for you.

If you managed to buy a cross that you liked, then in reality you are on the right track. Even if now you are at a crossroads, and do not know which choice is the only right one, do not worry, the decision will come by itself, at the behest of the heart.

On the contrary, what the dream of losing a cross is explained by the dream book as wrong deeds, a dissolute life that will lead you nowhere. Change your lifestyle, stop constantly celebrating, having fun - in reality there are more worthy things.

If in a dream they give a cross, then the predictions of the dream book are positive: soon you will feel support from loved ones, which will come at the most difficult moment. Take care of relationships with relatives, without their help you definitely can’t cope in a difficult life situation.

Why dream of a donated cross? If in reality you have already been presented with this item, and you saw it in a dream, then you can be sure of the person who gave it. He is very reliable, his help will always follow your request, he will be able to support in difficult times, and will never refuse.

If an unbeliever had to wear a cross, then this is a warning that you need to live not only with material goods. You need to join the Faith, and add more spirituality during your life. Be guided by the dictates of the heart, and not by material gain, and then fate will go in a completely different, correct direction.

To remove a cross in a dream is a symbol of serious change. You have finally decided that no obstacles will stop you from achieving what you want, and you are capable of even the most unprincipled actions, if only to achieve your long-awaited goal. Think again, even if you succeed, remorse will not let you live in peace.

The cross on the neck in a dream is the opposite interpretation. You do not go over the heads, hoping to get some benefit, on your way to the goal you leave only good impressions on other people, and for this you will receive recognition and reward.

Why is the child dreaming of a silver cross around the neck, which I had to give for christening.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar woman taking off a cross from me ...

To dream that I gave a big cross with stones to my girlfriend?

In a dream, my husband wanted to put on a chain with a cross on me, but we are now in a big scandal.

I dreamed that my boyfriend and I found many, many silver crosses!

My boyfriend is a convinced atheist, so he doesn't wear a cross. Once he was informal and wore a pentagram. I dreamed that he put on a golden cross. What does this mean?

I dreamed that I hung them on the curtains with 3 crosses for each curtain, why did I dream about it?

I dreamed about the baptism of my daughter, but she was not baptized. And I just dreamed of a silver cross without a chain. What does this mean?

I had a dream that my ex-young man put a gold chain and a gold cross with precious stones around my neck. I woke up impressed and in a good mood)) from Thursday to Friday. Can you please tell me what this means??

Why dream of finding a gold chain with two crosses, one is broken?

I dreamed that I was holding a silver cross decorated with rhinestones and next to the bridge, giving it to my friend.

I dreamed that I was kissing a guy, then I looked at his neck there was a silver chain, and on it was a curved silver cross, what could this mean?

An unfamiliar woman presented me with a curved metal cross, on which a demon was depicted, I held it and looked at it for a long time, then put it on myself, when I put it on I saw another wooden cross on myself, I am not a believer. Why dream tell me.

I dreamed that I find a cross on the ground, then I pick it, and there are more crosses. The crosses were large.

My boyfriend told me that he had a dream about how he found three silver crosses. What could this dream mean?!

Why dream of a lost alien cross?

What does the cross mean strangling in a dream?

I caught a fish, and in it was a box with three crosses - one silver, I did not consider the others.

I dreamed that a silver cross fell from me to the ground and broke into several pieces.

I dreamed that I was standing at the counter and looking at the cross, and it is so beautiful with burgundy stones and they tell me this is our family.

My mother was sick, and my husband had a cousin and I had a dream that it was as if some saint gave me two crosses and said one give my mother to the other Tanya (that was the name of my husband’s sister), I didn’t take it when I asked my friend what the dream was she said they would die, and so they did. So now I'm afraid when crosses dream. The other day I had a dream about giving a gold cross with a chain to my girlfriend. What is it for?

I dreamed that a strange man put on me a huge cross with a chain, but I didn’t want this and I was ashamed that the cross was around my neck.

I dreamed that I had a silver cross with a chain around my neck, and I was thinking about selling it, what is it for?

What if my mom gives my ex a silver cross in her sleep?

Put on 3 crosses.

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend put a ring on my finger with a silver cross. What does it mean?

I dreamed that the devil himself gave me a cross. What is it for?

Dream Interpretation Cross, why dream of a Cross in a dream to see

From this article, you can find out why you dream of the Cross from the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you. And even more accurately, the lunar calendar will help to understand the dream.

Why the Cross is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream of the Cross in a dream?

Golden cross - soon you will meet joy in life, such a dream is at the same time a symbol of love.

a gold cross on a chain - for an early marriage. If you are already married / married, then such a dream means that you will meet a person who has an important role in your life.

The golden cross is broken in a dream - a symbol of the trials that life has prepared for you.

The Cross is dreaming, what does it symbolize?

Cross - "Put on something as a cross" - the end of the case or the rejection of this activity. “carry your cross” - hardships, the need for suffering; “cross swords” (duel), “religious procession” (religiosity). Esoterically, the location of the portals (chakras) on the human body is cruciform; the outer side of spiritual transformation, resurrection. "pectoral cross" - a symbol of protection; "St. George's Cross" - an award. "crusaders" - aggressive distributors of the Christian faith.

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why the Cross is dreaming, we analyze the vision:

Cross - A symbol of pain, suffering, prescriptions for renunciation of one's own Self, regression (the imposition of prohibitions, a call for humility, a symbol of a difficult situation in which a person has fallen).

Why dream of a cross in the fall?

Cross - To see in a dream a cross on a church - to a spiritual conversation. Seeing a cross on a grave in a cemetery is a commemoration.

Why dream of a cross in summer?

Cross - If you see in a dream a cross put on you - carry your cross for the rest of your life, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Why does the woman dream of the Cross, what is this dream about?

Cross - In a dream, this symbol means forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. If you dream of a man with a cross in his hands - such a dream encourages you to charity, caring for others. A young woman's dream, in which she holds a cross in her hands, portends the love of others and the favor of fate. The cross hanging around your neck in a dream symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. A golden, shining cross means your ability to forget and forgive insults.

Old Russian dream book

Why is the Cross dreaming, according to the dream book interpretation:

Cross - Seen in a dream, marks well-being, happiness and triumph over all disasters; praying chair promises to receive gifts; to carry the cross on oneself portends sorrow and misfortune; to find a cross is a sign of triumph; losing it marks a dissolute life, for which a worthy punishment will follow in due time.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why does the Cross dream in dreams?

Cross - Fate, share.

Polish dream book of V. Kopalinsky

Cross - Happiness, luck, triumph, this is the interpretation of the Cross according to the dream book.

Why is the Cross dreaming folk beliefs Little Russia:

Cross - Cross - burden. Seeing crosses in a dream is suffering or war.

What does the cross symbolize and why do you dream?

Cross - Symbolism of pain, suffering, difficulties, prescriptions, rejection of the Self for the sake of the Super Self, prohibition and humility, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why does the Cross dream in night dreams?

Cross - Carry the cross in a dream - to hard work, to danger. To see a pectoral cross - to good events, gold - to joy, silver - to hope, iron - to the need to show patience. Finding a cross is for victory, wearing it as a decoration means you will seem better than you really are. Wear a wooden cross - for success, pray in front of a cross or crucifix - for a gift or the acquisition of things necessary in life. Attached to the cross means that you need to be patient in order to solve your problems. To decorate it with flowers - to calmness, satisfaction. It is visible, the cross standing by the road - to the good news, to see yourself crucified on it - to severe trials. a blood-drenched cross - to an important event.

Why dream of a cross in spring?

Cross - To see Jesus Christ on the cross - to great trials and torments.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Cross - Suffering; pectoral cross - protection. The cross on the grave - no comment.

Cross - A sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of "special" close attention; broken relationship. See add. R. Attributes.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of the Cross:

Cross - Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning of the approach of misfortune in which others will involve you. Kissing a cross in a dream - predicts that you will accept misfortune with due stamina. For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands, predicts that she will observe modesty and benevolence in behavior, which will win the love of others and cause the favor of fate. - if you dream of a man with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity, caring for others.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

What is the dream of a cross according to spiritual sources?

Cross - Sorrow, chagrin

What is the dream of the Cross for?

Interpretation of sleep: Cross - in a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal. The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain around your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will save you from misfortunes. In a dream, you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary quality of character as the ability to forget and forgive insults. You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you see a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you lost faith in the validity of this truth.

What is the dream of the Cross in a dream:

To see a cross in a dream is a Symbol of salvation, trials, hope. To see a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials. To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering. If in a dream you are squeezing a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy life path. The dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its claws means the aggression of a powerful empire. To dream of a cross outlined in a circle is a sign of trouble, the whole planet and humanity are under threat. If in a dream you put a cross around your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you. Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger. An anchor-like cross means spiritual rebirth.

What is the dream of the cross, interpretation:

Cross - Great stop before accomplishment. You need to gain strength and energy. Wearable danger! You are about to commit a grave sin.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why the Cross is dreaming - the dream interpretation is as follows:

See a cross in a dream - Iron - a reliable support (guardianship) - decorated with flowers - happiness in the house - on the road - good news - fenced - get out of a difficult situation - closed - death will happen in the family - see someone - sadness - stand in front of on his knees - repentance and sadness

Crosses - Depression and chagrin

Crosses - Sadness and grief

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream of the Cross, psychological analysis:

Cross or crucifix - This powerful religious symbol represents consolation, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what effect it has on the entire plot of the dream. The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, repulsion, or a desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, inadequate attitude to eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore MEMORY, i.e. kind defense mechanism, which helps you forget about the consequences of a choice or event related to religious symbols in your life. Crucifixion, of course, has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are a positive Taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of the symbol gives us a sense of security. Christians, having seen a crucifixion in a dream, can achieve inner purification, renewal and reconciliation. Who is next to you when the cross appears? What events precede and immediately follow the crucifixion? This will tell you if the cross is for you a symbol of inner healing or an outer guide to reconciliation.

Dreaming of a Cross - A sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of "special" close attention; broken relationship. See add. R. Attributes.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

The Cross is dreaming, why?

Cross - Iron - reliable guardianship; a cross by the road is good news; decorated with flowers - happiness in the house; fenced - get out of a predicament; closed - death will occur in the family; to see on someone - sadness; to kneel before him - repentance and sadness.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Cross in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • What is the dream of the Cross according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If the Cross is dreaming from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of the Cross according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What is the dream of the Cross from Thursday to Friday
  • If you dream of a Cross in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why dream of the Cross in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Fri January 05, 2018, 11:06:14 AM

Thu July 20, 2017, 02:06:04 AM

Wed July 12, 2017, 09:35:13 AM

Sun May 21, 2017, 06:30:46 AM

Sometimes, remembering his night vision, a person wonders why a golden chain with a cross is dreaming. In different interpreters, quite interesting information, which will help you look into the future and analyze your behavior.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

  • Such a dream may mean that now you are on the way to realizing one of the most important goals in your life. A favorable period is coming when you can not be afraid of obstacles and difficulties.
  • If the chain is torn and falls from the neck, it means that you give yourself entirely to work and care for others. But you completely forget about yourself, which leads to health and mental problems.
  • If in a dream you feel that the chain is choking you, this means that your current activities do not correspond to your true goals.
  • Strong and reliable friendship - that's a gold chain with a cross. But if the decoration is darkened and does not shine, then your new friend is insincere and pursues selfish goals.
  • If in a dream you are trying to find a cross, it means that in real life you are constantly waiting for help from someone. You should learn to solve your problems on your own.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

Freud has a rather eccentric view of the interpretation of dreams. Here is what he said about what the golden chain with a cross is dreaming of:

  • The decoration indicates that you unreasonably suspect your partner of infidelity. Rest assured that he has no one on his mind but you.
  • Unhealthy interest intimate life other people - this is what a man dreams of a gold chain with a cross around his neck.
  • You have a new acquaintance, which will end in a pleasant pastime. Perhaps the meeting will develop into a serious and strong relationship.

Interpretation according to the family dream book

Sometimes night visions are a reflection of family relationships. In this context, the question of why a golden chain with a cross is dreaming of can be interpreted as follows:

  • If you look in the mirror and see jewelry on yourself, it means that there is some kind of confusion in your life. Perhaps one of the family members is deceiving you.
  • If you accidentally broke the chain with a cross, it means that you will be disappointed. Perhaps a crisis is brewing in your relationship with your soulmate.
  • Buying a chain with a cross means trying to save a family. Show a little patience, and you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that overshadow your happiness.
  • If you dropped the cross, it means that you spend too much time communicating with the outside world. Because of this, your family suffers from a lack of attention.

Interpretation according to the female dream book

Women are very sensitive to vital signs and symbols, including night visions. For example, according to women's dream book, the following can be said about the chain with a cross:

  • Getting married soon mutual love- this is what a golden chain with a cross around its neck dreams of. Family life promises to be happy and secure.
  • If you saw gilding peeling off the gold jewelry around your neck, this also indicates marriage for love. But family life will be accompanied by material difficulties.
  • If the chain with a cross is tangled around your neck, this is a warning that someone is plotting behind your back. It is possible that you have great confidence in this person.
  • If in your dream a man gave you a golden cross on a chain, it means that he is absolutely faithful to you. Your suspicions are completely unfounded.
  • If you bought a golden cross, it means that nothing in life was given to you just like that. Everything that you have, you have earned with your work and mind.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

The famous seer Vanga accurately predicted the future and with amazing insight unraveled the meaning of dreams. Here is what she said about what a golden cross with a chain is dreaming of:

  • A golden pectoral cross is a symbol that your work will be appreciated. Perhaps you are expected to move up the career ladder or the patronage of an influential person.
  • If a woman dreams of a child, such a dream portends the fulfillment of a desire. And if a woman is already pregnant, the cross means an easy birth.
  • If a sick person dreamed of a golden amulet, this means that complete healing will come soon.
  • If a large beautiful cross inlaid with stones hung on a chain, it means that you will suddenly become a rich person. We can talk about winning or a large inheritance.
  • If you have lost the chain, and only a cross is left in your hands, this means that you are tormented by remorse. Perhaps it's time to apologize to those you've offended in the past.
  • If someone put a chain with a cross on you, but it immediately fell to the floor, this means that no one will be able to put the solution of their problems on your shoulders.
  • If you see someone holding a chain with a cross in their hands, then this person harbors a grudge against you.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The predictor Nostradamus also paid attention to the interpretation of dreams. Here is how he interpreted the chain with a cross:

  • Difficult life situation- this is what a golden chain with a cross in its hands is dreaming of. To solve the problem, you will have to seek help from loved ones.
  • A broken chain is a warning about health problems. While taking care of others, remember to take care of yourself.
  • If the jewelry was made of white gold, it means that you are a bright and kind person. This will surely be rewarded by higher powers.
  • Finding a chain with a cross can mean a fateful meeting with a person who will become your reliable companion throughout your life.
  • If you are wearing a thick gold chain with a massive cross decorated with stones, this promises you a solution to material problems and gaining prosperity.
  • If you see a golden cross with a chain burning in fire or sinking in water, this means that you should beware of the elements.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

If you want to understand what your night vision means, take a look at the interpreter of the medium Hasse. Here is what it says about the cross with a chain:

  • The chain is a symbol of affection and dependence. A chain with a cross means that you do all the actions in your life with an eye on religion.
  • A broken chain is a harbinger of failure and financial loss. In the near future, try not to start any important business.
  • If the chain bothers you, and the cross seems heavy, it means that you have taken on an unbearable burden of caring for others. Don't forget to pay attention to yourself.
  • You are too obsessively interested in someone else's life - this is what a golden chain with a cross around the neck of another person dreams of. Because of such curiosity, you devote little time to your personal life.
  • If in a dream someone is chasing you and trying to break the golden chain with a cross, it means that someone is jealous of your success and is trying to ruin your reputation.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Quite capacious interpretations of dreams about a golden chain with a cross can be found in Loff's dream book. Here's what you can learn about this from this source:

  • If you received a cross on a chain as a gift and immediately lost it, it means that you do not want to pay attention to problems. But if you leave them without a solution, serious troubles are possible.
  • A chain with a cross can symbolize a quick meeting with a person who will become your true friend.
  • If you are with a chain on the eve of a long trip or a serious matter, do not worry. You will be lucky in everything.
  • If you see a cross on a person that you know well, it means that he has health problems or financial difficulties. Perhaps the hero of your dream needs your help.

Interpretation according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Tsvetkov's dream book is distinguished by accurate and reasonable interpretations. Here is what you can learn from it about a gold cross with a chain:

  • If there were traces of plaque or rust on the decoration, it means that difficulties await you in the near future. It can be health problems or trouble at work.
  • If the cross was broken, then you are going through difficult times associated with mental storms or some kind of moral shock. You need the help of relatives or a professional psychologist.
  • Now you are experiencing difficulties. But soon all your problems will be solved by themselves or with the help of someone who is favorable to you - this is what dreams of finding a golden cross with a chain.
  • If someone gave jewel to you as a gift, it means that you are under reliable protection higher powers, as well as loved ones.
  • If you have lost the cross, it means that you are at risk of quarreling with your loved one. If you think only of yourself, you may end up breaking up.

Interpretation according to the 21st century Dream Interpretation

AT modern world scientific achievements and digital technologies, there is a place for mysticism. People never cease to be interested in dreams. In particular, such a decoding can be given to visions of a golden chain with a cross:

  • If you dream that you stepped on a chain with a cross, it means that you are neglecting important things, spraying on unnecessary trifles.
  • If someone plucked a cross from you in a dream, it means that you need to be more careful in choosing friends. Most likely, someone communicates with you out of selfish motives or is trying to draw you into a scam.
  • An imminent replenishment in the family - this is what a child dreams of a gold chain with a cross around his neck.
  • If you stole jewelry from someone, it means that you are gossiping about others. Think about your behavior before others turn their backs on you.
  • If in a dream you demonstrate to others, this means that you do not pay enough attention to spiritual life, but only care about material things.

If you saw a pectoral cross in a dream, try to remember all the details, because each of them is important. Indeed, for Christians, this symbol means patronage and protection of higher powers, but followers of other religions can interpret the dream in a completely different way.

A crucifix, a place where you see crosses or yourself in it speaks volumes.

Or they may simply mean that soon the christening of one of the little relatives, and you still have not decided what to give for the celebration.

With chain

The golden cross dreams of people who have to decide in the near future to help those in need or to pass by, pretending that someone else's misfortune does not concern you.

Such a cross on a chain of promises an increase in prosperity, an event due to which spiritual growth will become possible, acquaintance with an interesting and very enlightened person.

  • Golden cross on a chain can also be interpreted as a symbol of complete well-being, family happiness, joyful events.
  • Old-time cross can talk about the imminent receipt of an inheritance. And if suddenly in your dream you see a chain with a cross on your chest, soon you will need help, protection, or just forgiveness of loved ones.
  • Dreams with cross on a chain often interpreted as a sign of healing, gaining a powerful patron, or support in solving serious problems. For lonely people, he dreams of how - a meeting with fate is just around the corner.
  • Among the interpretations there are also those that speak of the need to repent of obscene behavior or a dishonest act.
  • You proudly display a beautiful chain and a cross made of gold how is the jewelry? Such a dream warns that you should never forget about the soul, and you, it seems, do not think about the material at all that not everything is measured.
  • Gold cross on a chain or another metal can talk about a deception that will soon be revealed.

And one more interpretation can be found in dream books: if you saw a cross on chains at a difficult moment in your life, then you just need to rely on the Lord, leave everything to his will. After all, only He will not betray and will give you what you really need. With Him, you are never alone.

Putting on a cross for someone on the neck - to give protection or shelter, to help in reality people who are dear to you. If you understand that in a dream you put on a cross to a more powerful person, then in reality you will be able to shift some of the responsibility to someone, get support.

Take off the chain with a cross- not a very good sign. The subconscious mind tells you that you will have to be ashamed of what you have done, you understand that you are committing an unseemly act, but you are ready to give up your principles. Is it worth it?

A broken chain with a cross is a sign of imminent illness and trouble. Think about which side trouble may come from, be prepared for anything, you will overcome everything.

Donated cross

The golden cross that the angel gives you is a dream that can be considered if you dreamed about it at a difficult time or at the time of making a very important decision. It is interpreted as a blessing, patronage of higher powers, a sign that you are doing everything right. Leave doubts and do as your conscience tells you.

Someone in your dream gives you a golden cross? This is a very good sign, they will come to your aid, they will not leave you in trouble, they will support you. Moreover, soon you will gain protection that will protect you from problems, everything will be resolved as safely as possible.

Such a dream can also promise the appearance of a guardian, a person who will take responsibility for your future destiny.

Find a cross

The dream in which you find a golden cross also speaks of good. Its interpretation depends on the circumstances. For unmarried girls, such a dream promises soon and very successful marriage . For family people, a dream suggests that all troubles will be left behind, you will simply forget about problems.

To those who involved in major projects a dream with a cross found may indicate a victory that you did not count on. Also, such dreams are interpreted as a sign that all the terrible things are left behind, you have crossed the line, and now peace and joy will reign in your life.

Find a cross on the road - you will find support along the way. But if he blocks your path, does not allow you to move on, this may indicate obstacles in a matter that you considered almost solved, unexpected troubles.

To put on a cross found on the side of the road - to shoulder other people's troubles and worries, to undertake to carry someone else's cross.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, the cross is interpreted as a sign of trials and tribulations. It is as if he warns you against imminent trouble, says that protection will not be superfluous, you need to seek support from the Lord.

young girl a dream can be a dream if soon, with modesty and benevolence, she will achieve the love of loved ones.

Vanga's interpretations

The soothsayer Vanga believed that the pectoral cross dreams of those who needs forgiveness and repentance. If you saw it on yourself, your repentance will be accepted. A brightly shining golden cross indicates that no one will make your soul turn black with anger or envy, hold a grudge. You will be able to forget and forgive everything, throw memories of insults out of your head.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

In Tsvetkov's dream book, a cross in a dream is interpreted as fate, a difficult fate. If the cross is golden, you are promised well-being and prosperity.

Russian dream book

In an old Russian dream book, a cross in the hands of a girl indicates that she will soon meet a worthy life partner. The cross in the hands of a stranger is interpreted as upcoming troubles and troubles. A cross on another person indicates that you need to be more careful, soon someone will need your help.


Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus explains the dream in which you holding a cross in your hand, as a difficult but worthy choice made by you. This will have a positive effect on your life in the future.

Loff's dream book

Loff's dream book details how to explain the dream in which you tried to get rid of the cross, lost it or did not want to put it on. Above you threatened the cause of which is yourself. Something you did in the past now does not allow you to move on, promises trouble and trouble. Perhaps you need to repent of your deeds in order to correct the situation.