Sleep cross with a chain. Why dream of a gold chain with a cross? Why is the cross dreaming

  • 21.09.2019

Some of our dreams are so clearly important and significant that after waking up there is no doubt at all - something is coming, something big and important, and the interpreter will tell you what.

There are signs and symbols that are intuitively perceived as something globally important. And among them the place of honor is occupied by the cross.

This is the oldest of all symbols, its meaning is so deep and primitive that it is not easy to interpret dreams. In ancient times, it symbolized both the connection and harmony of light and darkness, life and its end, and the ladder leading to the creator of everything.

How, after this, to understand what the cross is dreaming of - after all, the symbol is incredibly complex! Rest assured, if it arose in a dream, this is no accident. But, firstly, nothing terrible and bad should be expected, and, secondly, the interpreter will put everything in its place and reveal the correct meaning.

Only for this, the dreamer will need to be attentive and take into account all the details, remembering them during interpretation. Determining what the cross is dreaming of is not as difficult as it might seem. It is only worth remembering what he was like in a dream, and what you did with him.

Because you can just see a cross - a small pectoral on a chain or a large one, gold or copper, or you can be baptized, pray near it, and so on. The options provided by the dream book look like this:

  • To dream of a simple pectoral cross on a chain.
  • Golden cross in a dream.
  • Silver pectoral cross in dreams.
  • Dreaming of an iron cross.
  • Copper pectoral cross in a dream.
  • Cross on a gold or other chain.
  • A large wooden grave cross in a dream.
  • Just a wooden cross.
  • Huge - golden, fiery, or luminous.
  • Standing by the road.
  • Pray and be baptized at the crucifix.
  • Wear on a chain or hold a cross.
  • Take a big cross, carry it.
  • Find a cross in a dream.
  • Baptized in a dream.

Needless to say, all such dreams have a very important meaning, which is difficult to overestimate. So, it is worth interpreting them carefully, without missing details, without confusing nuances. Remember your whole dream, and find out why the cross is dreaming.

See but do nothing

It is important to remember the very first thing - you only had to see this symbol in your dreams, or you happened to take it, wear it, be baptized, and so on. If the first - that is, you did nothing, and only saw the cross, then remember its appearance. It was gold or iron, on a chain or grave, or something else. Its appearance will reveal the secret meaning of the dream.

1. A pectoral cross, seen in dreams from the side, is a very pleasant sign. He promises only good things. The dream book here does not specify what specific events await the dreamer - but it will be joy, harmony, peace and all the brightest.

2. A golden cross - worn on a chain or another kind, for example, in a church - is a symbol of great happiness, contentment with life, a symbol of great protection of higher powers. Gold in general is very lucky sign, and a cross from it is a great symbol of complete well-being.

3. Silver is a symbol of hope. And if it was the cross in your dream that turned out to be silver, know that it is hope that will help you in any adversity. Take care of it, keep it and never lose it!

4. As any dream book will say, the iron cross is a symbol of patience - and here is one of two things. Or is it yours strong point, and thanks to him you will be able to endure adversity and achieve your goal, or, on the contrary, you lack patience in reality.

And then the interpreter advises learning to be more tolerant, for you this is an important quality that is lacking. It is his lack that often causes unpleasant moments in your life.

5. A copper cross portends great work, painstaking work, but noble and grateful. So be prepared - you won't be lazy. Now is a favorable and suitable period for you to spend your energy on work - all this will pay off, do not hesitate!

6. A cross on a chain is a sign that portends a joyful, kind activity that will bring you satisfaction and happiness. If you get some kind of offer for an activity, even if it’s unusual, accept it, you won’t regret it!

7. The grave cross is a very important symbol. If you saw him in your dreams, this is a hint that you are surrounded by kind people, and you underestimate their spiritual qualities, do not believe in human kindness and sincerity.

Try to reconsider this attitude towards people - it interferes with your happiness, harmonious interaction with others and loved ones. The people around are not as bad as you might think!

8. The wooden cross is a symbol great success thanks to great diligence, honesty and hard work. You will achieve a lot, even be surprised, but all this is well deserved!

9. If you saw in a dream a huge cross that was glowing, burning, or was in some way a memorable and unique sight, this promises very important, large-scale events. Changes are definitely coming to you - and global ones, be ready for them.

10. The cross by the road is a symbol of an imminent important and very joyful event. Something is coming, something good and rare!

Some actions

Now it’s worth considering why the cross with which you did something is dreaming. To be baptized, to carry it, to hold it, to decorate it - these actions seem simple, but in dreams they carry a lot of meaning. What does it mean?

1. Praying in a dream near a crucifix is ​​a symbol of a great gift, the acquisition of something very valuable and rare. Do not think first of all about the values ​​​​of the material plane - it is possible, and very likely, that you will gain knowledge, rare experience, or even a friend.

2. Carrying a cross or holding it in your hand promises great joy. From an unexpected event, news or visit of a dear person.

3. If you took and carried a large, heavy cross in a dream, you have to take on responsibilities in reality that you are not used to. But it will be a great honor for you and will open up new opportunities for you.

4. To find is to victory, triumph. Overcoming difficulties, poverty, getting rid of enemies or problems.

5. To be baptized in a dream is a great happiness. And also it is a symbol of protection of higher powers, spirituality, faith.

This symbol is favorable, and it should be understood that the meanings of such dreams are almost always associated not with the material sphere of life, but with something personal, spiritual. Understand and perceive interpretations correctly, draw reasonable conclusions - and believe that your dream promises joy!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Religious subjects both in the world of dreams and in real life have a special meaning. Therefore, many are interested in what the cross is dreaming of, what future this image promises to the dreamer. The interpreters of dreams are sure that the cross seen in a dream is a fateful sign, however, the vision must be interpreted taking into account many details.

Religious subjects both in the world of dreams and in real life have a special meaning

One of the most famous interpreters, Miller's dream book, regards the religious attribute found in a dream as a sign that reminds the dreamer of his faith, the teachings of Jesus and his Testaments. Thus, finding a cross in a dream means that in difficult times for himself, the dreamer must act as his heart tells him, without using the dirty methods used by his ill-wishers.

One of the most famous interpreters, Miller's dream book, regards the religious attribute found in a dream as a sign that reminds the dreamer of his faith, the teachings of Jesus and his Testaments

A chain with a cross, dreamed of by an unmarried young lady, testifies to her modesty and goodwill. Thanks to these qualities, the girl won a crystal clear reputation, love and respect from others. If you dreamed of silver crosses in the hands of strangers, then the sleeping person needs to do charity work. There are a lot of suffering people in the world, and if the dreamer helps at least one of them, his kindness will return to him in the future.

Why is the cross dreaming (video)

Psychological dream book

According to the Psychological Dream Book, a chain with a cross made of gold indicates that the dreamer is a kind person and sincerely forgives insults. It is possible that in the recent past someone offended the sleeping man, but he was able to understand his misdeed and, out of the kindness of his soul, forgave this person.

Silver items symbolize the hope of victory. Probably, the dreamer is now going through hard times, but the dream reminds him that all problems have their solution, you just need not to give up and fight them to the end. If you find a silver pectoral cross right on the road, then in life you will try to find peace of mind. To do this, you may have to make a short trip to a quiet, peaceful place where you can forget about all the problems and misfortunes.

According to the Psychological Dream Book, a chain with a cross made of gold indicates that the dreamer is a kind person and sincerely forgives insults

If you dreamed of a copper cross, it means that the dreamer will soon have to work hard. The payment for the work done will not be too chic, but it will fully satisfy the dreamer's needs. An iron cross indicates that the dreamer in reality will need to show courage and patience. If he manages to restrain himself, then in the future fate will reward him well.

A small cross made of wood promises success, but in which particular area - the dreamer must figure it out for himself. A dream in which a woman found a wooden attribute on a gold chain warns of some kind of injustice. Probably, the authorities will not appreciate the efforts of the sleeper and assign the laurels of the winner to another person.

Sometimes in a dream, religious paraphernalia breaks or does not look very presentable. How, in this case, to interpret the vision, why dream of a broken cross? As a rule, this image indicates unfulfilled hopes or vain work.

The famous seer Vanga during her lifetime had a difficult relationship with the clergy, but she also gave an explanation of why the cross on the chain is dreaming

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The famous seer Vanga during her lifetime had a difficult relationship with the clergy, but she also gave an explanation of what the cross on the chain was dreaming of. If the sleeper just looked at him in a dream, then he is a very sincere person who can love with all his heart. The main thing is not to lose this quality in the modern realities of life.

The clairvoyant also knew what she dreamed of finding a cross in a dream. In her opinion, if the product was made of gold, then in reality some events will require a manifestation of wisdom and kindness from the sleeping person. If in a dream a priest puts on a pectoral cross on a dreamer, then the guardian angel will save him from some kind of trouble. However, the sleeper should also be more careful and not tempt fate.

The color of the dreamed product is of particular importance. For example, a white cross dreams of spiritual cleansing, and a red one - to a serious illness. The black attribute indicates the dreamer's despair. Probably the sleeper is at a loss and does not know what to do in the situation that has happened. The seer in this case recommended that the sleeper turn to old friends who will be able to look at what happened from the outside and will definitely give good advice.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book interprets a cross hanging on a chain as upcoming trials. Probably, the actions of the sleeper are regarded by experienced people as a big mistake, but he does not want to listen to the opinion of strangers.

Finding a baptismal cross in a dream - to gain a wealthy patron. However, if the product was made of gold, then the dreamer will suffer because of his greed and inability to talk to people. A presented cross is a sign that in reality someone will turn to the sleeping person for help, and it will be better if he does not refuse the suffering.

To the question of what dreams silver cross The authors of this publication do not give a definite answer. In their opinion, if the product was polished to a shine, it means that in life the sleeper will be able to solve some of the problems that have haunted him for many years. A darkened cross has a less positive meaning. Probably, the dreamer on his life path will meet a not very good person who will try to deceive him.

Why dream of a cross (video)

Modern dream book

A modern dream book attributed a cross broken in a dream to positive signs indicating that the sleeper will be able to avoid trouble. A silver product dreamed of by a woman indicates that she will have to be faithful to someone. Happy marriage prophesies a dream in which the girl, on the night before the wedding, finds a pectoral cross.

In a dream, various symbols and signs may appear. But what is the dream of the cross for? Is this dream some kind of omen? Worth sorting out.

What is the dream of the cross - the main interpretation

If a cross appeared to you in a dream, it is important to remember all the details of the dream, otherwise you may miss its important interpretation:

Where did you see the cross?

Was it a pectoral cross;

What was it made from?

What emotions did you experience?

Who else appeared in your dream.

If you dreamed of a pectoral cross, then such a dream may indicate that you are being protected from above. You should not be afraid of anything - life is on your side. You just have to remember that there is nothing more important than family. Especially if you dreamed of a wooden pectoral cross. Such a dream speaks of the need to support parents and help them in difficult times.

The dream in which you give your godson a pectoral cross indicates that you will become a guardian angel for him. Perhaps the child will need your help, or you will be engaged in his upbringing.

The dream in which you choose a pectoral cross in a church shop speaks of your need to repent. You will sincerely want to radically change something in your life, and you will start the changes from yourself. You will actively take care of your appearance, decide to change your lifestyle.

This desire to change is not spontaneous. You have long dreamed of doing something important and useful for yourself and finally decided. If you buy a cross in a jewelry store and can’t choose in any way, such a dream suggests that many unusual events will happen in your life. You will be picking up for a very long time Right words to characterize them.

The dream in which you were presented with a pectoral golden cross indicates that the person who gives it to you has long wanted to be useful to you. Now there will be an opportunity. You will finally be able not only to appreciate his friendship at its true worth, but you yourself will be able to be useful to him.

The dream in which you hand over the cross to a pawnshop indicates that you do not appreciate everything that life presents you and in the end you will lose everything. A dream in which a man rents your cross to a pawnshop speaks of the betrayal of loved ones. You have already been betrayed, but you have forgiven it. Now the situation will repeat itself.

The dream in which you wipe the golden cross says that you will try to revive old memories and you will not succeed. The dream in which you sell your pectoral cross on the market indicates that you will betray yourself. You will become your own enemy. You will be bored with yourself. Try to avoid such a situation. Because there is no greater betrayal and rejection than rejection and betrayal of oneself.

The dream in which you lost your pectoral cross indicates that you will lose confidence in your loved ones. Some of them will really betray you, and you will not be able to come to terms with this. The dream in which you found someone's pectoral cross suggests that you will have to take on someone's problems.

You can refuse to do this, but the situation will repeat itself again and again. Seeing a cross on someone's grave in a dream promises you health problems and troubles. You will see yourself from the outside and feel abandoned, depressed.

Such a dream also portends the illness of one of your relatives. If you saw a cross on the grave of a loved one, such a dream can predict health problems for him. Try now to support your relative in everything so that he does not need anything.

If you see a new cross on a new grave in a dream - many of your plans, especially those related to finances, are not destined to come true. If in a dream you see how someone is trying to prevent you from painting a cross in a cemetery, such a dream means that your problems will not end for a long time, due to the intervention of an outsider in them.

Your problems, most likely, began due to the intervention of an outsider, and you are now reaping the benefits of this act. The dream in which you break the cross speaks not only of betrayal, but also that you have long wanted to live in peace and quiet and you didn’t manage to do it, and now you have a wonderful opportunity to do it.

The dream in which you pray at night in front of the cross promises you repentance for many sins. Emotions and memories from the past will flood over you, and you will try in every possible way to get rid of them, but you will not succeed. You will replay the script of events in your head over and over again. You will execute and punish yourself.

The dream in which you pray in church in front of the cross speaks of your need to tell a friend about your problems. A friend will sincerely support you and help you, but this will not seem enough. If you melt down a golden cross in a dream, you will try to get rid of the memories that have been pressing on you for a long time. Don't give in to them.

Why dream of a cross according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the golden cross dreams of as a symbol of joy and happiness in life. But, if you suddenly found a cross in a dream under your door - such a dream means that you should not let anyone into the house. A person will come to you with malicious intent, and you will not be able to resist it. At first, it may seem to you that the person came to you with open heart, but then you will understand what he really thinks of you.

If you dream that the cross is broken in a dream, trials await you in your personal life. You will never be able to build smooth and happy relationships. If someone else broke the cross in a dream, such a dream means that this particular person will affect your relationship. He can destroy them by spreading gossip. If you yourself broke the cross, such a dream means that you yourself will make problems for yourself. Your behavior will put your reputation in doubt.

The dream in which you wake up from the fact that the pectoral cross bakes your chest means that you will fall in love with someone so much that you will lose your head. Cross in the middle of the desert - promises you a lot of partners who will want an intimate relationship with you, but sincere feelings will not arise in them. A dream in which the cross is on fire indicates that you will simply burn with passion and jealousy. You will burn endlessly. Until you realize your mistakes.

A dream in which you see someone stealing your precious cross promises you parting with your loved one due to the intervention of someone else. Such a dream can also promise you a temporary separation, and if you can forgive your partner for treason, your relationship will receive a new impetus in development.

A dream in which you hear a cross falling means that your plans for a romantic relationship will collapse. You won't be able to truly love anyone for a long time. Your previous relationship hurt you so much.

What is the dream of the cross according to the Esoteric dream book

A dream in which a cross falls out of your hands indicates that you will miss a wonderful opportunity to become a successful and rich person. The dream in which you throw away the cross and do not want to pick it up indicates that you yourself will refuse a wonderful opportunity to improve your life.

A dream in which a pectoral cross is stolen from you indicates that someone will decide to appropriate your laurels. It's too late to do anything, henceforth try not to be so gullible. A dream in which you see an old, rusty, faded cross promises you trouble from the past. You did something that you are still ashamed of. You are still worried about this situation. The dream book advises you not to torture yourself, but to live on.

Why dream of a cross in other dream books

AT Women's dream book it is said that the golden cross dreams of joy in life. And the bigger the cross, the more joy you will have. If you see how a golden cross turns black in a dream, someone will envy you and overshadow your joy with their anger.

Seeing a silver cross in a dream - to tears over nothing. Try not to let this happen, otherwise you yourself will regret the perfect act for a long time. The dream in which you give the cross speaks of your open soul and your generosity, for which you will be thanked with true feelings.

Grishina's dream book says that an old, damaged cross indicates that the events of the past have too much influence on your present. It is high time for you to reevaluate them, to look at them differently. A dream in which you see a huge cross inlaid with stones speaks of your luxurious and prosperous life. You just need to wait. Soon life will give you a gift.

Why dream of a Cross on a chain in a dream from a dream book?

We saw in a dream a cross with a chain worn around your neck - you are kind, forgive a lot to others, love and respect them.

Such a vision is a symbol of repentance, humility. Keep inner purity for many years and share it with others.

What cross and on what chain did you dream about?

If you dream of a gold chain with a cross

A dream about a gold chain with a cross predicts a quick wedding. Maybe you will be united by a fateful situation with a person who will play a key role in your life.

Why dream of a torn chain with a cross

The dream interpretation explains that a torn chain with a cross means the occurrence of a disease in a waking sleeper. You should quit bad habits to change the state of the body for the better.

Silver chain with a cross in a dream

I dreamed that I saw a silver chain with a cross - in reality, you have a bright mind and pure thoughts. The chain is worn on you - a new life stage is approaching, which will be accompanied by good luck.

Dream about a golden cross on a chain

Dreaming of a golden cross on a chain that you wear - a confusing issue will be resolved in a positive way for you. They'll be in order labor activity and personal life. The main thing - do not take risks, stick to balance.

Silver cross with a chain according to the dream book

A silver cross with a chain in a dream promises in real life a change in the train of thought in a positive direction, gaining hope for success and prosperity.

What happened in a dream about a cross on a chain?

If you dream that you have found a cross with a chain

The dream where you find a cross with a chain marks physical and moral well-being, you will get many new impressions from life. You will go to your goal, regardless of the obstacles.

Why dream of losing a chain with a cross

According to Felomena's dream book, losing a chain with a cross means that in reality you devote little time to serious things, leading a dissolute lifestyle. It is necessary to change everything, otherwise eternal fun will lead to despondency.

Dream interpretation find a gold chain in a dream

Why dream - to find a gold chain. Dream interpretation

Find a gold chain in a dream for joyful events and wealth. However, it is not necessary that they will be only of a material nature. Perhaps you will meet a person who will mean a lot to you. This can be a multifaceted and talented person who will help you out more than once in the future and become a guardian angel. Finding a chain means great luck and good material acquisitions. You will receive them as a result of a difficult, but honorable assignment. It also means a true friend. In addition, you can realize the value of relationships with a loved one.

Seeing a chain with a cross on you in a dream means starting a new stage in life in the near future, in which you will be accompanied by good luck and success.

To see how a lock breaks on a chain with a cross in a dream means to expect a streak of bad luck to come in the future. This period will last for indefinite term and will not depend on your actions.

If you put on a rusty chain with a cross, then this may mean the imminent onset of a disease due to nervous strain.

A dream in which someone breaks a chain with a cross from you means that in life you will be influenced by a bad influence that can develop into addiction.

If you dream that you have found a gold chain, you are probably haunted by the thought that by some act of yours you provoked a whole cycle of events that are closely related to each other. In addition, this symbol means affection, fidelity, close connection (for example, two loving people or mother and child).

Finding a chain in a dream is a sign that, perhaps, you didn’t understand before how valuable these relationships are for you and how scary it is to lose them. In addition, this may indicate that all doubts about the fidelity of the chosen one are in vain. Gold, from which the found jewelry is made, is a symbol of material wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation Chain

Chain, Chain, Gold chain, Chain with a cross, Chain with a pendant, Jewelry

Jewelry often becomes the object of dreams, especially among the fair sex. But any decoration seen in a dream has one or another hidden meaning, one or another meaning. For example, Dream Interpretations describe the Chain seen in a dream as a very pleasant and positive symbol, while the Chain is interpreted as a manifestation of both problems and hidden negativity. But what will the Dream Interpretations say if you see a Chain with a pendant or a Chain with a cross? But you may also dream of a Chain with a pendant or a Golden Chain, a Chain with a cross! How not to make a mistake, Trying to interpret this kind of dreams? For this, Dream Interpretations are needed.

Seeing a chain in a dream, Giving it to someone- to be interested in this person, Expression of love and appreciation; otherwise - you are not sure about your loved one, while he is faithful and devoted to you.

Seeing a chain in a dream, Receiving it as a gift is a sign of sincere affection for you by the one who gives; for family people - a dream is another proof of the strength of marriage bonds, the fidelity of a partner. For a woman to receive a base metal chain in a dream is a warning that her relationship (marriage) will be held in poverty (need).

The chain is a kind of life cycle (your existence in miniature, a closed chain of events). It turns out that if the Chain looks attractive in a dream, it is comfortable for you to wear it on yourself, or it is a gift from loved one- Nothing threatens your life, Everything goes smoothly, In its own way. Moreover, the Chain in the form of an expensive gift symbolizes both the fidelity of your partner, And good luck in love.

Seeing a chain in a dream, Losing it or breaking it- the dream speaks of possible problems with health, Dangers, Quarrels or partings, Not very good sign.

Such a dream warns - your life cycle may be in jeopardy - be careful! The chain, torn or lost, is a sign of a lack of any qualities in you personally. Perhaps you lack inner confidence, Or your motivation is not strong enough. It is worth making some effort to "connect" all the links of your life chain - then happiness and success await you

Seeing in a dream a massive chain on another person- a dream says that you like to spy on someone else's life; otherwise, you are characterized by envy, Complexes about your failure in life and business.

Such a dream should make you think - what did a person have to go through to earn such a Chain? Perhaps these thoughts will help you get rid of envy.

Seeing a massive gold chain in a dream, Wearing it - a noble metal chain is a symbol of success, which has to be achieved at a heavy price. If the chain is ordinary, metal and very heavy - this is evidence that you have to take on an overwhelming burden, "hang the yoke."

The chain as an image of a dream has a pronounced material beginning. It can also be compared to a load of accumulated problems "hung" around your neck. The thicker and heavier the Chain, the more difficult it is for you to carry this heap of problems in reality. You have to gather strength and break the circumstances that weigh on you. However, if you see a massive golden chain in a dream, wear it with joy and pride, it does not burden you - this is a very good sign in terms of obtaining material profit and wealth. Get ready for the fact that your efforts will be rewarded - success and wealth are just around the corner!

Seeing a chain with a cross in a dream- It is worth repenting and expiating sins.

This dream is rather good than bad - you thought about the soul, Turned (albeit subconsciously) to God.

Seeing in a dream a chain or a chain with a pendant- manifestation of personal interest in you (or by you), For family people - proof of loyalty and love.

The pendant that adorned a Chain or Chain in a dream is a "worldly", worldly symbol. He reports that peace and tranquility reign in your relationship, the Partner is faithful to you. However, the pendant itself seen requires a separate interpretation (remember what kind of pendant it was, what shape and size it had). The exact meaning of such a dream, Perhaps, Compose, Only on the basis of these data.

Cross with chain

Dream Interpretation Cross with a chain dreamed of why a cross with a chain is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Cross with a chain in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Cross

Lose - trouble or illness. Wear discreetly - you do not want to notice the danger, be careful if you see it in time - you will be able to cope with it. Buy, receive as a gift, find - help will come from where you do not expect.

Imagine that the cross is not yours, but someone else's. You find the owner and give him the cross.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Your careless act can cause a whole chain of consequences. Be careful with your words and actions.

Imagine that you break the chain and throw it away.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - find a true friend.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Our chain is torn - to a break in relations.

Find chains with crosses

Dream interpretation Find chains with crosses dreamed of why in a dream Find chains with crosses? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find chains with crosses by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes dependence or attachment to something.

Golden chain: this is a sign of dependence on one's passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Base metal chain: disappointment.

Broken chain: portends failure and loss.

Watch on a chain: a sign of punctuality.

Seeing a person with a watch on a chain or wearing such a watch yourself is a sign that you will need accuracy and diligence to achieve success in some business.

To feel in a dream that the chain is interfering with you, or to feel that it has become excessively heavy: it suggests that you are at risk of becoming a slave to your desires.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

Chain - To receive a silver or gold chain as a gift - a dream tells you that you should finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you: he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way. To see a wide chain on someone's neck - you think too much about intimate life other people.

Most likely, the reason for such a slightly unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence, which, of course, could not but affect the psyche. Be alert, otherwise your interest will go too far, and you will cease to be interested in your own life, clinging to someone else's "keyhole". To lose a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The dream of the cross predicts fate and warns of trials, while demanding tolerance and determination. Praying to the cross in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving a gift from a loved one. Kissing a cross in a dream is a sign of impending trouble, which will be a real test for you. To see an iron cross in a dream is a sign of protection; see a fenced grave cross in a dream - a harbinger of joy and peace; a cross by the road - receiving good news; to see a cross across the road in a dream portends failure in business; flowers next to the cross in a dream mean joy, a pleasant meeting, peace of mind. Seeing a golden cross in a dream portends good news. Seeing a cross on yourself is a sign of fate: it all depends on how it looks. Seeing a cross on others in a dream is a sign of trials. Putting a cross on others (or passing it on to others) in a dream means that you assign certain responsibilities to this person.

Taking off the cross from yourself in a dream means that you will want to change your life, despite the remorse that you will then experience. Finding a cross in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that your life may soon change. Kneeling in front of the cross in a dream means that repentance for sins, humiliation, and emotional experiences await you. A broken cross in a dream portends that your real life will collapse like a house of cards. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a sign of happiness, good luck. Holding a cross in your hands is sadness, chagrin.

To see a golden cross in the hands of an angel in a dream is a sign of God's will, God's blessing.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The cross that appeared in a dream should be taken as a warning of an impending misfortune in which others will involve you.

If in a dream you kissed the cross, then you will accept this misfortune with due stamina.

A young woman who sees in a dream that she is holding a cross in her hands will observe modesty and benevolence in behavior, which will win the love of others and cause the favor of fate.

If you dreamed of a man with a cross in his hands, do charity work and take care of loved ones.

Nostradamus considered the cross a symbol of salvation, trials, and hope. He gave the following interpretations of dreams about crosses.

We saw a cross in a dream - get ready for long and difficult trials.

I dreamed of a church crucifixion - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

If in a dream you are squeezing a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy life path.

The dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its claws means that someone is very aggressive towards you.

A dreaming cross outlined in a circle is a sign of trouble, you and your loved ones are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross around your neck, then in reality one of your neighbors will ask you for help. If you do it, you will incur losses.

A burning cross is a warning of danger.

An anchor-like cross means spiritual rebirth.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that in a dream the cross is a symbol meaning forgiveness, protection from evil, renewal. Here is how she interpreted these dreams.

The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain around your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor.

Seeing in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will save you from misfortunes.

In a dream, you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such a necessary quality of character as the ability to forget and forgive insults.

You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you see a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished higher powers. In reality, you lost faith in the validity of this truth.

And D. Loff wrote: “This most powerful religious symbol personifies consolation, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what effect it has on the entire plot of the dream.

The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, repulsion, or a desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, inadequate attitude to eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore memory, that is, a kind of defense mechanism, which helps you forget about the consequences of a choice or event related to religious symbols in your life. Crucifixion, of course, has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are a "positive" taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of the symbol gives us a sense of security.

Christians, having seen a crucifixion in a dream, can achieve inner purification, renewal and reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, in which you see a chain on yourself in the mirror, indicates that confusion and confusion will arise in your affairs.

To break the chain in a dream - to disappointment in love, if you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday, short-term but tedious work awaits you.

If from Thursday to Friday you dreamed that you were buying a chain, this predicts a cooling of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

A door chain dreams of a robbery, a silver chain - to trouble, a gold chain to a series of big troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Cross (large)

A test from which you will come out with honor. Iron - be steadfast and be patient. Wooden - simplicity of solutions is the key to success. Gold - you will gain the support of an influential person. Silver - you will find a compromise solution in the reconciliation of two opposites. Direct cross - you have to break strict prohibitions. Oblique St. Andrew's Cross - your actions will bring glory and honor. Carry the cross yourself - it's time to do charity work. To see how others carry the cross - a dream calls to be more merciful to people who are dear to you. Kissing the cross - you have to prove loyalty to friendship. Pray near the cross - a dream portends happiness and triumph over all disasters. Cross by the road - you will be required to do things that contradict your beliefs. Cross in the blood - you will find reliable support from your next of kin. Decorate with flowers - get good news. To be crucified on a cross - you will become the object of gossip and humiliation. Grave cross - to recovery from a serious long-term illness. Cross on the church - you have to go through mental suffering. The cross is inscribed in a circle - at the end of the test, financial well-being awaits you.

Imagine that the cross is made of gold or precious stone.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

Get tangled in chains - have a lot of unfinished business.

To be chained - to carry a heavy load of worries and responsibilities.

However, such a dream can also mean a pleasant dependence on a loved one.

Other people in chains are failures and misfortunes for them.

Silver chain - to pleasant chores.

A gold chain around the neck - to fidelity in friendship and love, to wealth.

In general, a chain and chains made of expensive or precious metals - to a happy and rich marriage.

If the chains or the chain break or fall apart, you will be freed from something or someone, perhaps from some kind of obligation.

Dream Interpretation - Chain

If you dream that you are given a chain, this indicates vain doubts about the sincerity of a loved one.

He tries to express his love to you in all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hesitate.

If you see a wide chain around the neck of another person, this indicates your curiosity about intimate relationships between other people.

Such an unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of a personal life for yourself.

Get into a close relationship with someone to stop meddling in someone else's life and focus on your own.

If you dreamed that you received a chain as a gift and then lost it, this means that some events are happening around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Dream Interpretation - Cross

The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope.

To see a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials.

To see a church crucifix in a dream - your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

If in a dream you are squeezing a cross in your hand, then you are choosing not the easiest, but worthy life path.

The dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its claws means the aggression of a powerful empire.

To dream of a cross outlined in a circle is a sign of trouble, the whole planet and humanity are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross around your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you.

To see a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger.

An anchor-like cross means spiritual rebirth.

Dream silver chain with a cross

I find a chain with a cross. The chain is very massive, as thick as a thumb, and the cross is the size of a palm. I was delighted with the find, hung it around my neck. This was my former mother-in-law. She comes up to me and asks what I found. I showed her my find. The former mother-in-law, as she saw that the cross was silver and even precious stones strewn, he understands - he is dear, and let's shout at me that the cross belongs to them. She walked around me and grabbed my chain from behind, so much so that I almost suffocated. I shout to her: “Let me go, I will give the chain myself.” But she does not listen to me and I understand that she wants to strangle me. With difficulty, I take off the chain, and the mother-in-law jumps back, clutching the cross in her hand and laughs at me, saying what a fool I am. Then I see either a full-length photograph of my mother-in-law, or her reflection in the mirror, but the photograph-mirror turned upside down and blood flowed down it in streams, and seemed to be scratched with sharp claws. I see their door, it also turned upside down and blood also flowed through it. And a voice from nowhere says: "Retribution is coming, soon everyone will pay their bills." I understand that something bad will happen to the former mother-in-law, but I don't want it. I cry, I ask that there is no need to punish anyone, but the voice answers that nothing depends on me.

Silver chain with a cross

Dream Interpretation - Buy a chain

Dream Interpretation - Silverware

Good material conditions; buy - experience a big change; to receive as a gift - to render a great service to someone; to have for sale - count on good earnings

Dream Interpretation - Silver money

To profits.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

Carry the cross - to hard work, to danger.

Cross pectoral to see - to good events.

Golden cross - to joy.

Silver cross - to hope.

Iron cross - the need to be patient.

Find a cross - to victory.

Wearing a cross as a decoration - - you will seem better than you really are.

To wear a wooden cross is to success.

Pray in front of a cross or crucifix - for a gift or the acquisition of things necessary in life.

Attach to the cross - you need to be patient in order to solve your problems.

Decorate a cross with flowers - to calmness, satisfaction.

The cross standing by the road is good news.

Crucified to see yourself on the cross - to severe trials.

A blood-drenched cross is an important event.

Dream Interpretation - Chain, chain

When you see yourself in chains, know that the burden of worries and responsibility will fall on your fragile shoulders completely undeservedly. But if you manage to break the chains, you will be freed from some unpleasant things.

A dream in which chains are on someone else is a harbinger of failure for this particular person.

By themselves, the chains seen in a dream portend slander and betrayal on the part of your envious people.

Tried to break the chain - you are too determined. Slow down a little, otherwise you can sweep everything in your path.

Forged a chain or saw in a dream how someone else was doing it - in real life, great luck awaits you.

Received a silver or gold chain as a gift - finally stop doubting the feelings of a person close to you. Can't you see that he loves you and is trying to prove it in every possible way.

To see a wide chain around someone's neck - you think too much about the intimate life of other people. The reason for this unhealthy interest lies in your excessively long abstinence. Better manage your personal life.

Lost a chain donated by someone - you stubbornly do not notice what is happening behind your back.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

A cross seen in a dream: is an unequivocal symbol of prohibition and a warning of possible danger.

Direct cross: a sign of an absolute ban, the violation of which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Oblique St. Andrew's Cross: means, as a rule, less strict prohibitions.

Seeing a cross on some object is a sure indication that you should not do this or that business.

If you see a cross scratched or drawn on your hand (it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or someone else’s), such a dream suggests that some of your ideas can lead to irreparable consequences.

Pectoral cross: warns you against the temptation to succumb to dangerous feelings and passions.

Finding a pectoral cross in a dream is a good sign that your life will certainly get better, unless you yourself cross the dangerous line.

Dream Interpretation - Silver money

Seeing silver money in a dream - to purification.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

A sign that suggests that for a successful recovery it is good to do meditation, go to the cemetery where your relatives are buried.

To serious trials in which you have to prove your case.

If you see a cross in a cemetery, this is a sign of the need to put in order the graves of your relatives, followed by an order for a memorial service in the church.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

Take the cross or give - to wealth.

To carry the cross is a great good.

Dream Interpretation - Cross, cross

The cross existed: as a mystical symbol long before the time of Christ.

In ancient times, the cross was a symbol of the sacred balance of opposites - heavenly and earthly.

The cross was compared to a ladder by which a person can reach God.

In Christianity, the cross is equated with infinite love.

It can also symbolize the sacrifice and suffering on the cross.

The expression "bear your cross" refers to self-sacrifice.

Are you sacrificing yourself for someone or something? When you give yourself or your possessions easily and freely, you increase your energy.

Self-sacrifice, on the other hand, lowers your energy level and does not benefit anyone.

Are you giving yourself to something or sacrificing yourself for something? The cross has always been used to guard against evil.

Do you feel like you have to protect yourself? Call on the angels and the divine energy that lives within you and you will be safe.

Red Cross: A sacred symbol that existed long before the coming of Christ.

It signifies wholeness and unity.

Dream Chain with Cross


Ira Ira

Someone will try to change your destiny, karma, but you refuse help.


You see a cross in a dream, this dream is a harbinger of misfortune.
You see in a dream a person holding a cross - a dream encourages you to do charity work; perhaps this is the only way you can get out of trouble.
A young woman dreams that she is holding a cross - modesty and numerous virtues will help this woman avoid trouble.



the gold chain torn into two parts was also torn by a friend and gave

Julia Dream Interpretation:

p, you may have to break off an already difficult relationship.


I dreamed that two photographers were taking pictures of me, then I looked at my neck, there should have been my gold chain, but instead it was a fake. I thought to these photographers that one of them distracted me, so that someone from the crowd of people would steal it from me. I spent the rest of the dream searching for this chain with a friend, walking on buses and looking for it in public.

The next day I dreamed that I was at the market with my father, and again I looked at my neck, and there was a fake.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that you can receive an enviable reward for your efforts and enviable results.


In the room on the table lay a gold chain, then in another room another chain, a little less.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Love, perhaps gold chains mean that you have to find something valuable.


in a dream they offended me very much and when I walked away from everyone, on the road I saw a gold chain with a cross (very beautiful and large) and I took it and wrapped my arm around it, then I saw another one, but I didn’t take it ..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Natalya, seeing a chain with a cross in a dream may mean that you are protected from enemies.


In a dream, my child climbed into the hollow of a tree, and there, when I pulled the child out of it, I found several thick gold chains in the sand. Some of them were with pendants. I took all the chains.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Evgenia, perhaps the dream suggests that in a situation that would seem to bring trouble, you can actually contain a positive urge.



gift chain for parents
and the cross - I bought myself.


in a dream I chose a gold chain on my hand in a store, and I wear only silver

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Julia, perhaps a dream about choosing a gold chain, suggests that significant changes are possible in some of your preferences.


I saw in a dream a thin gold chain around my neck, without pendants. I had this dream twice.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Nurgul, a dream may indicate that in reality you will have to turn your attention to something important, valuable.


In a dream, a man I did not know gave me two chains, one of which was with a small cross.
Please tell me what this could mean.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Gulya, perhaps a dream suggests that some kind of dependence may appear between you and someone in reality.


In a dream, a man kissed me and passed the chain in a kiss
beautiful with a small flat medallion
the man is my friend, he is very pleasant to me
there was a pattern on the medallion - this is the inscription GALAXY in Greek
my name is Galina, and he calls me GALAXY

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Galina, the fact that you dreamed of such a chain most likely promises you a reliable friendship with this person.


a chain with a pendant of the Mother of God, which belongs to my daughter, is worn by another girl

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Elena, most likely, such a dream suggests that you are not sure that your mother is happy with you.


I dreamed that my close friend was hanging two chains around my neck from the back: a gold one with a gold medallion and a silver one with a cross. And the cross is big enough. Both the medallion and the cross are very beautiful.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Mary, the fact that there were two chains in your dream probably indicates that he can become both a friend and something more for you.


I dreamed that some guy gave me how to hold a silver chain and put it on my left hand! Then he left, but the chain remained, but I didn’t remember him, and then I was looking for someone to give it to! what does this mean?


I dreamed that I found a thin gold chain and put it around my neck. Going further, I found another one, only already thick and put it in my bag. Please tell me what this could mean.


I had a dream that a man tried to put a gold chain on me, then he kissed me.


i dreamed that they gave me a gold chain with an orange pebble, I want to put it on, but it turns out to be small for me and does not fasten ...


Today I dreamed that I found a silver chain on which hung a silver ring. I wrapped everything in a bundle and took it for myself.


I dreamed that I was standing on the street near some building, then my grandmother comes out of it (she is no longer there) and I see a bunch of keys in her hand, which in a second turn into several gold chains and she hands them to me.


In a dream, I accidentally broke the chain, not myself! torn into 5 parts: one long and 4 small pieces, and the small pieces remained with me, and the rest of the chain was taken by my brother, who tore it for me. He took it to be repaired, he did not know that there were still pieces left, he brought it to me to kiss, and I show him these remaining pieces and give him the same whole chain, supposedly they gave us 2 chains. In the end, he took the torn one, and gave me his whole bonnet.
What does it mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that in your dream the chain was broken for you probably warns that you may lose something important to you, perhaps give some of yours to others.


I had a very vivid dream. A man aged 50 years presented in a beautiful package in the form of a satin heart in red and black color, a silver, beautiful chain. I accepted this gift. I stood for several minutes and admired my gift. At that moment, a man stood next to me, who means a lot to me. He looked at me with the expectation of what I would do. I woke up abruptly. Please help me solve the dream. This is very important for me. Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that in your dream there was a similar gift from a man probably indicates that you will receive reliable patronage.


I dreamed that the man I loved was put in jail
and I brought him my chain with a cross there
gift chain for parents
and the cross - I bought myself


in reality, I gave my husband a large gold chain on it, a large cross, I dream that the chain is broken and there is no cross, I look at the chain and cannot understand how it broke, horrified that the cross is lost.


Hello, in a dream, I broke a silver chain into two parts and put one part on my hand. Thank you!!


I dreamed that the man I loved was put in jail
and I brought him my chain with a cross there
gift chain for parents
and the cross - I bought myself


I recently broke up with my lover. In a dream I see him at home and he asks me for my gold chain.


I have a gold chain with a pendant around my neck. At some point, I notice in time that the chain has broken. I put it in my bag so I don't lose it.


I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that I collected gold chains after a fight and gave them to a representative of one of the sides of this fight (a familiar side) and left one thick one like a bicycle chain (after agreeing with the one to whom I gave all the previous ones).


Hello. I dreamed that I put a thick chain with a medallion around my neck (as if made of white gold). In my life I don’t have such a chain, but in a dream I had a feeling that it was mine.


woke up from the fact that I was strangled by a chain with a cross tried to remove it did not work
i.e. filmed as soon as he jumped
I tried to unzip it and it didn't work either.
what is it for


I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday how I was sitting in a beauty salon and looking at myself in the mirror and I saw a gold chain on myself, knowing that my boyfriend gave it to me, now we are in a quarrel ... and the woman who does my hair says: you see, I told you that he will give it to you .. what does this mean ??


I had a dream that a classmate was coming to me. And he began to pester me, and I saw ticks on his body under the skin. We began to get them and they already looked like scorpions. Then a classmate took my chain with an amulet from me, which I am very dear and put on myself. so that this could mean.


I had a very vivid dream from Thursday to Friday that my husband and parents were in the room, my husband was whitewashing something, and my parents gave me a gold chain with a gold cross, it was very unusual, long somewhere along the stomach, the links are rectangular and large. and I complain to my husband and say: “look how long it is”, and he replies: “if you don’t like it, then melt it down and make another one if you want.” what could this dream mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was such a gift most likely indicates that a significant reward awaits you.


hello. i dreamed of a bag full of gold jewelry .. among them was a chain. I put it on .. although I had my own.


Today I dreamed that I was looking at my hands, and I had gold chains on both my left and right hands, and I know that one of them is gold (which I constantly wear), and the other is made of gilding, presented to me by my aunt . In a dream, I am perplexed .. Why do I have chains on both hands: ??!


Hello! I’m dreaming about how I see a large gold chain around my son’s neck while he is training. I say: it probably prevents you from training and he took it off. Please tell me why such a dream?


Hello! I had a dream as I look and see two chains lying. I understand that one of them is mine (although I don’t have one in my life), and the other is as beautiful as she was intertwined with her, I wanted to disconnect them, but I didn’t succeed. I thought okay, I'll unpack them later and took them for myself.


Good afternoon. I dream that I go into the bathroom, I’m going to take a shower, I undress and find that the gold chain on which I wear the cross is torn into several pieces by the cat and it starts to fall off me and crumble. I pick it up, and after it, my old chain with pendants, also torn, but tangled, is taken out from under the bathroom. Please tell me why such a dream


In dream of a man with whom I met broke the chain with a cross on me, did it with a smirk, and smiled at my indignation


Good afternoon! I dreamed of a river bank on the bank of several trees .. and on these trees a lot of gold chains are hung, they are hung in one place and form thick hanging chains! there were about 3 trees, respectively 3 places where these chains hung!


I have a friend who lives abroad, we have been friends for many years, we have known each other since childhood. I think there are feelings between us. Now he is going to get married.
And now I dream that he gives me a chain, with a beautiful bar in front. I don’t know what metal, but I liked the gift. Why?

CHERRY 2011:

I dreamed that I left the doctor's office. There are chains with crosses on the table in the corridor, there are many of them. I put on one, and then immediately take it off thinking that my cross is at home.


hello)) I dreamed I see a loved one, and on his neck he has such a wide and large chain ... golden .. and I somehow took it off from him .. the dream ended with the fact that she remained in my hands .. I considered .. please tell me what this dream was for?


Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting at someone's table for a birthday. There people are all familiar to me by sight, but I don’t communicate with them (in real life). And suddenly a guy comes up from the other end of the table and hangs a silver chain around my neck, while saying that if I want to meet him, I should leave it on my neck, and if not, then take it off. And I suddenly become somehow uncomfortable in front of others, I think that they will all think, because he is younger, and the chain is not very beautiful, silver, and I am wearing only gold. But I still do not remove the chain and continue to sit in it. Thank you very much in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that there were such events in a dream most likely indicates that you can be the center of attention and honor.


Hello. I have recently been wearing a silver chain with a cross around my neck. In a dream, I see this chain of mine and I wanted to fix something, it twisted or something. I put my hands behind my head to straighten it and suddenly felt something in the collar. She turned it over and pulled out a gold chain with a cross. Started looking. They are mine, I just haven't worn them for a long time and they are hidden. And the chain is not very good, there are very thin links that sometimes break. In a dream, I was delighted with the find, checked that the chain was intact and put it over my head around my neck. And then I noticed that there was still something left - a small piece of another gold chain (not familiar) with a pendant. The pendant is also gold, the image is associated with religion, but not an icon, like the silhouettes of three saints or monks walking one after another. I vaguely remember this pendant. He may also be mine, but I don’t remember where he is and I don’t understand where he ended up here, torn off the chain (with a piece of this chain) ...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream of such content, most likely, warns you that you have nothing to fear, you have an enviable assistant.


A couple of weeks ago I dreamed that I came to jewelry shop I wanted to choose silver earrings. But I didn't see any earrings. I was offered a chain (silver) and I started trying it on, just applying it to my chest. I don’t know if there was only one chain or several, but I really liked some of them. Mom was standing next to me and she liked it too. I wanted it, but I doubted, I didn’t come for this, and I didn’t even seem to have enough money, but my mother persuaded me to take it, and even the missing money was ready to report. I don't know how it ended...

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that your hobbies or work can help you acquire relationships that are beneficial to you.


Good afternoon! From Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was seeing my school friend, I was very happy with her and with all my heart I gave her a very beautiful white gold chain with a beautiful massive diamond-shaped pendant also made of white gold. I remember how I put it on her neck. And then she said that she was leaving and we would never see each other, and I burst into tears. Tell me, please, what does this dream mean? In reality, we live very far from each other and have not seen each other for several years. Thanks in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream in which these events took place probably indicates that you are still attached to the advice and help of this person, he is still authoritative for you.


Next to me is a young man (in my dream I understand that the doctor, although without a bathrobe). And now he pays signs of attention to me, and I am tightened by the fact that I want to unhook 2 chains: it seems that another one got entangled in my gold chain - not mine, whose I don’t know. And this man says that in order to get better I need to drink beer (well, in order to gain weight), and offers me a drink with him, like he has with him. I see that he is not breathing evenly in my direction. I must say handsome, dark hair, well, how I like it ... I continue to deal with the chains, smile at him and say: “Is it possible to drink at work?” , and he answers like that he can drink with me - because it’s obvious that he himself wants to, talk with me, drink ... And then I peer into my chain and see that under my effort it breaks, but I didn’t want to tear it , I just wanted to unhook it!. And that other golden chain remained intact. I look at the links of the chain and think - in principle, it’s not a problem to connect again.
(As I understand it, a break in the chain is a break in relations? By the way, my husband gave me this chain in real life. But these relationships will break when the other contributes to this? Is it not in vain that a man is in my dream? My husband and I are in a family crisis ...)

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Most likely, such images of this dream indicate that you may try to break off contacts that you are bored with.


I dreamed that my father gave me a chain - so unusual, with a bar, it looks more like silver in color. Quite large.
I communicate with this guy as friends and nothing more, although I really like him. Why?


To see how a little boy bathes in a basin, when he saw me, you start running after me, he grabs me so harmful, stubbornly tries to climb on me, and then grabbing my gold chain and pulling me, I try to unhook his hands from my chain so that he didn’t break it and I kill from him, then I wake up


The man I meet dreamed that he was strangled by the chain that he wears around his neck, he took it off in a dream. In the morning I forgot about the dream, then I noticed that he didn’t have his gold chain on him, he began to look, it ended up on the bedside table. I remembered a dream, I realized that almost sleepy I took it off and forgot. Why such a dream? Write please!! Thank you!


i dreamed that I had a simple silver chain, but changed it to a coarser one and with a cross, what can this mean?


Hello. I dreamed a large room, there were chains on the floor. It seemed to me that they are historical exhibits. I walked and looked at them. And then she went to the table where the wallets lay. They were new and empty. I liked one golden purse. Thank you.


From Sat to Sun I dreamed that I found several gold chains and one silver one, but they were a little darkened from the fact that someone was wearing them. And I decided to wash them.
The chains were very thick and heavy. And then I saw a gold chain with a very large cross on my neck, but they shone on me.
I was happy with the find.

I'll be grateful for the clue


Good day to everyone !! today I dreamed that I was holding my child in my arms (although I don’t have one) I look in the mirror and I see a very beautiful gold chain on myself, I really like it. Why would it


I had a dream .. All I remember is that the person I love gave me a chain .. In my opinion, silver .. And then .. It seemed to break off and I immediately woke up .. But I don’t know for sure if it broke off .. But there was a feeling .. What could this mean? Thank you!


hello))) I had a dream, as if my classmates and I were swimming in a pool, and then a classmate found a chain in the water and gave it to me, golden, long, with thick large links, I left it to myself, as if I found it myself, and she I didn’t mind ... and a couple of people in the water found a gold chain and gold rings. And when I went along the pool to look for gold rings, I found only beautiful jewelry. Please answer what this means, thanks in advance!


Hello! In a dream, I want a rubber “chain” for such a cross; but I want it to be like on rubber ”circle around the neck.


I dreamed that I found so many gold chains and they are different, whole and torn with and without pendants, and I think everyone sees they don’t take it, although they were lying around for a long time, I scored a lot, they were lying on the ground, and I wanted to make one thick chain .... wallet I found there gr 200 for 50 gr, tickets to Moscow.


I dreamed that they gave me 2 gold chains with pendants, and I found the 3rd in the grass. For some reason, I wanted to check them, or are they made of real gold. Dripped on each special. acid, It turned out that the first 2 were fakes, and the one that I found was gold.


Hello!!! I'm married. But I have been dreaming about my ex-boyfriend for almost 4 years, although we live 600 km from each other, we don’t communicate and haven’t seen each other for 4 years. We are constantly filming each other. This time I had a clear dream that we finally met and he gives me a gold chain, but a very very long one. I clearly remember that it is so long that I had to put it on in 2 turns and still it was long, up to the navel. I also remember exactly that it was gold, but its color was dark, not bright.
I can't interpret the meaning of this dream. Help, pliz)))).


hello, help me understand the interpretation of my dream. I dreamed today that, as if a man unexpectedly came to me and gives me a gold chain, and I stand with my back to him, and he unexpectedly tries and fastens, as a result, a beautiful chain with a pendant around my neck. In fact, relations with this person have come to naught, and we no longer communicate, although serious plans were made for life. Maybe he thinks about me or wants to talk? please advise, thanks in advance


Good afternoon.
i dreamed that I was running away from some evil people who were shooting everything in a row, I was running, all my loved ones were in front of me and we were running together, then I found a chain on a gaytanchik, with a wooden pendant on which was an image of the Mother of God, I leaned over and took I put it on my neck, while it turns out that I already had one chain with a pendant, but it was gold and I ran further, so that you could mean?


I dreamed that some man in a skullcap took my 2 chains (one was silver, the other was gold) and tore them. I was furious, and took from him in the diary - invitations to some event. (actually, I don't have such chains).


Hello, I dreamed that I was walking down the street and on the floor there was a chic gold chain around my neck, I put it on myself and it hung to the bottom of my chest, about 80-100 grams in it, in my life I don’t have a gold chain, but only a silver one with a cross with which I have been baptized for 20 years, I’m 21, I wanted to give this chain for melting so that it becomes smaller and made a chain from the leftovers on hand so that everything was beautiful, but then suddenly I didn’t have this chain where it went to, it’s not clear a dream from Thursday on Friday so that it could mean? Thank you.


On Sunday morning I dreamed that I found a black smooth stone wrapped in a gold chain, what does it mean


I'm married. But I love another man very much. I dreamed that this man was complaining. and I try to carry it. but I wake up. What could this mean?


I dreamed that I was winding a silver chain with a silver twist on a corton stick and carefully folding it. and there are many such chains with knots.


I walk around the city and notice that a “cape” is following me in it, a young guy of gypsy nationality and he has a bunch of puppies in his car. And I realize that today is called “Dog Night” (in a dream everyone knew about this day, this is when dogs are released and they are looking for a yard in which they will live and there a guy is looking for a bride for himself) having approached me, he opens the door and lets the dogs out I'm running away. Running into someone else's yard, I knock on the windows to hide me, but two men with pistols are already looking for me, the woman opened the window for me and I climbed into the house, ran to the exit to the yard, but the men saw me and shot me. But I did not die.

Nikolenko Tatiana:

my husband had a dream that he was putting a gold chain around his neck and in a dream it seemed to be stolen, but not by him. He is afraid to leave it to himself and therefore takes it off. What does such a dream mean? I had a dream from Sunday to Monday.


Hello. From Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I had found a silver chain with a heart-shaped pendant, the chain itself was quite long and thick, I also found a lock there, closed, but there was a key inside it and it was written “him” so that it could means? thanks in advance


Hello! I dreamed that I found a very large massive heavy chain, on the ground powdered with snow, under thin ice. Obviously male. Very beautiful. Naturally, I decided to find the owner. But then the chain became different, just as massive, but with stones, white, similar to diamonds and with a pendant that looked like Hamsa, an oriental amulet in the form of a palm, also in stones.


i dreamed that an unfamiliar young man gave me a gold chain with a cross in a kiss, I directly felt it in my mouth, and it was as if in a dream he was a thief running along a long dark street from the police, but somehow he hugged me like a native man and I wanted to help him ...


I passionately kiss on the lips a woman I know and I really like, but with whom I did not have a close relationship. The gold chain she wears around her neck ends up in my mouth. When I take it out of my mouth, the woman is unhappy that several links are wrinkled. I worked with this woman.


gave a pendant with the image of the mother of God


In a dream big size, weight, I didn’t feel the golden chain-bracelet on my arm, but someone’s voice of a person standing next to me noticed this fact admiringly, drawing attention to the complex and strong weaving. At the same moment, I looked at my right hand, and was pleasantly surprised, golden a bracelet with massive links flaunted on my arm.


I dreamed from January 18 to 19 that I had several gold chains around my neck, and it was thick and tight around my neck with a round medallion. and I talk to my mother in my sleep and show these chains around my neck


I dreamed that the beckoning chain was gold with white pebbles and a pendant. My leader says, let me fasten it, and begins to tie it, just tie it around my neck and so that the chain is torn in half, and the pendant has flown off. She was upset and offered to make repairs at her own expense.


hello, I dreamed that the chain around my neck was broken and they wanted to pick it up, but I dodged and didn’t give it away, then I get to visit people and ask to go to the toilet room, and there is a lot of shit and became a leg


I lost my gold chain along with the pendant in reality and I dreamed that in a dream I found some kind of wallet and there were several small gold items in it, as well as my chain with the pendant, I took it and held it in my hands, but did not put it on


in the forest strip I found a cross and a chain, massive gold and put it in my fist and in my pocket. Then an unfamiliar woman appeared next to me, at first she said that it was not hers and then she says that I wanted to give her away, but I realized that she was like some kind of evil spirit and began to read loudly the prayer of OUR FATHERS many times


I dreamed that a guy I knew proposed to me, gave me 2 rings, one gold, the other white gold with a white stone, it was just right for me. And I also had a thick gold chain on my hand. I really liked it. another guy. in a dream, I doubted what to do. I didn’t want to take off the ring))) why tell me please ???


hello. I have had the same dream several times already that I find chains on the seashore in the sand. Chains are both gold and silver. (More silver). one of the gold ones, it was beautiful and long, I dressed it for my dad. very interesting what that could mean. Thank you


I dreamed of a thin gold chain. She held it in her hands and looked at it. Between the links at some distance from each other the butterflies are openwork, some had blue pebbles.


i dreamed that my ex-lover, who is already married, gave me a gold chain. and even put it around his neck. in a dream, I couldn’t believe that he gave such a gift and was pleasantly surprised


There was a bunch of silver chains on the table, they were all tangled with each other, and my mother and I chose one at a time.


Hello Tatiana! My name is Natalya! I had a dream last night, as if my boss came up to me and began to scold me strongly for something, and then grabbed the golden icon (Saint Natalia) that hangs on a golden chain around my neck and tore it off the chain. The chain did not break, but simply unfastened from the clasp .. And I woke up horrified by this ... Tell me, what is it?


i dreamed that a friend gave me a chain with a pendant on which the Mother of God and Jesus were depicted ... .. then for some reason the hospital is somehow gloomy and I seem to be healthy, but for some reason I’m lying there and went to the store but didn’t find him


i dreamed that my husband and I were choosing a silver chain in a large store; my husband saw a lot of chains, but everyone didn’t know which one to choose


they gave me a beautiful cross on a thick gold chain, there were purple patterns on the cross, and the chain broke into a link, I tried to connect it but in vain


I dreamed of a chain that got very dark, but in general, I know that it is gold. I decided to clean it off my neck, removed the cross and found that some links were unbent. I took the tool and started to repair it. I cleaned it and it shone.


i dreamed that they presented a gold chain with a small midallion of a heart, I was very surprised in a dream. When I continued to open the gift, there were more rings.


that I was walking through the woods and found a lot of pendant chains (massive chains). I came home and gave my wife one and kept one for myself. and the rest were taken by friends.


my common-law husband puts on me two chains of gold and silver, and then I see a lot of oriental figurines and I know that they are gold and I know that they are talismans, that's what I remember very well


My boyfriend has two chains hanging around his neck, one is silver, which he wears, and the second is a new massive gold one, sort of like with pendants


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my chain broke (a cross and a pendant in the form of a cat hang on it). Everything is golden. I didn’t notice, my young man noticed - “Oh, your chain has broken!” I was not upset by this, but simply took it off and put it on the chest of drawers. The only thing I thought at that moment was that it was good that I didn’t lose the cross on it. That's all.


my wife's grandmother hung a chain with a cross around my neck and said that this chain and cross were made of red gold, and two chains hung on my grandmother's neck before giving


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my young man came from a rather long business trip and brought a gift a golden chain, quite long, it was thick with a little finger and empty inside, it looked like snake skin in weaving. It was he who put it on his neck, he did not let me do it myself.


1. at work I accidentally found a torn chain of a friend. I returned it to him. 2. a former classmate gave a thick torn chain.


hello)) my parents gave me a gold chain with a pendant (Quran) for 21 years. in a dream, I ended up in our old house in the village who no one lives with someone (I don’t remember who was with me), and I found that the chain was gone. All of them had rings on their hands. And in a dream, I argue when it could be stolen. I decided at the moment when the lights went out in the whole house. I came to the conclusion that this is a neighbor opposite, who was recently released from detention zones. I call my parents in tears and tell them what happened. In a dream, I was worried that the chain was expensive in price (and not just that my parents gave it to me), I cried in a dream and even woke up. I dreamed a lot of things that day and my school and school best friend and my sister's lover and the snow and the grannies on the bench gossiping - all that crap. here))))


In a dream, she found gold and silver chains one by one in the sand. Some had pendants, others had crosses. I put all the chains in my pocket. My husband and parents were with me.


the chain was given by my grandmother, who is now very sick, she told me that this was a gift in honor of her memory and put a chain around my neck on the chain there was a pendant in the form of a heart with pebbles


I walked down the street and collected chains on them, there were pendants in the form of a capricorn, gold prevailed, there were fewer silver ones, and among this I had one unbuttoned silver bracelet.


my ex-husband gave me several beautiful light-colored chains as a gift, while gently kissing me on the cheek. There were about three chains, at least not one. Gorgeous, rich.


I gave a bribe with a gold chain (which was then melted down and made another weaving) to the teacher of the head teacher at the school where my daughter is studying for 13 years


I dreamed of a young man with whom we are not together, but whom I love. He gave me a gift in a dream: a chain with a cross and a ring with a small stone. Moreover, I didn’t really like the gift at first, because the chain seemed to be silver, and the ring was gold (but I don’t remember exactly). He brought this gift in a box for jewelry, and in front of everyone I did not want to accept this gift. And when he left, I opened the box, saw a chain and a ring and put them on (the ring is on the ring finger of my right hand). Then suddenly she heard a voice in a dream that her beloved was returning. I wanted to take off my jewelry (as if so that he would not notice that I was trying them on), but I did not have time. Awoke. And yet - the ring came up to me in size exactly to a tee. This surprised me in my dream. But the chain, when I took a closer look at it, seemed to be made of some kind of base metal.


lay down on the sofa, began to hide from the blanket, a gold chain with a cross fell out, was delighted and decided to remove it to all the gold, when he got up from the sofa, another chain with a cross fell out. what is it for?


Hello Tatiana.
I had a dream about a warm spring day. I'm walking on the grass in the park where many bloom different colors. On the way back from the park on the path in the dust, I noticed a lot of gold jewelry. These were gold chains of different sizes: lengths and thicknesses. Among them was a gold bracelet, as well as a gold, very beautiful chain with a pectoral cross, also gold.
Thank you very much.


The ex-husband came up from behind, and as if giving me a chain with a cross around my neck ... in public ... and I proudly announce to everyone - This is my husband! And I was happy in a dream


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed that I was buying a large and thick chain around my neck in a store. When I left the store, I met a stranger and we went for a walk in the park. There was a tour for the two of us.


Hello. I had a dream where on a beautiful sunny day I found on clean asphalt someone's thick (the size of a thick thread), shiny, torn gold chain, consisting of 3 parts. I happily put it in my pocket. I was looking for some kind of pendant from her, but did not find it. Then I immediately saw beautiful large beads and also began to collect them into something. Later I found the torn necklaces themselves from which these beads spilled out. I also started packing them in a bag. But suddenly the mistress of these necklaces appeared. I guessed that if he asked, I would have to give them (but not the chain). Then I woke up. Thanks in advance!


Hello. Three days ago I dreamed of a gold chain, very beautiful and massive, it shone and shimmered all over, I found it and put it on my neck, and I really liked it, and today I dreamed of two silver chains, one thin and torn and the other thicker and a whole beautiful one, I picked it up and left it to myself. Tell me what does this mean? Thank you.


Hello! In a dream, I dreamed that I was walking and there was a golden chain on the ground, I took it and looked, and again I walk a lot and collect only the rest, not gold, but also a lot of budget, I go and collect them!


in a dream I found a thick gold chain and the whole dream I wanted to melt it into two chains. one for myself and one for my boyfriend. And like still me need to was rings.


Hello! I dreamed that I was presented with a long silver chain with a pendant of my zodiac sign (Aries). I don’t remember anything else, but in a dream I rejoiced at this gift.


i dreamed that I was with my parents somewhere in another city, there were large trading buildings, we were looking for something for my daughter, we were looking for .. then on the floor I saw a lot of chains, both gold and silver, some were whole, others were then torn, some other decorations. we were going somewhere


i dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. I dreamed that I was leaving the room and clinging a gold chain around my neck, it breaks, but the lock on the chains breaks. I try to make it, I did it somehow, but I myself think that I need to go to the master. thanks .


I found a thin chain with pendants under my feet in the mud. The pendant was square with some kind of pattern

In a dream, I found a thin chain with pendants. It was in the mud under my feet. I took it in my hand and rejoiced. The pendant was square and something was drawn on it.


Hello, for 2 nights in a row, unfamiliar men in gold chains around their necks dream. And I dreamed that I broke the chains of one. What does this mean. Please help me understand.


The man of my dreams wanted to give me a platinum chain and wanted to remove my chain because mine gave me mine former man and he wanted me to take off his gold chain, I broke it, and he just smiled, although he couldn’t be angry, he didn’t show me. . I see him in my dreams almost every day. He always wants to stay alone with me, but he just can't.


I dreamed. that they gave me a gold chain and a bracelet. Everything was in a small transparent bag. I was very happy with this gift...


I was given two chains. One is gold with a smooth cross, the second is very long and a little tangled, silver. I was very happy about it, but I didn't know what to do with them.


I dreamed of a large wide gold chain with a small cross. I tried her on. It turned out to be very long and I shortened it a little. Then I put it on and was very pleased with the chain.


I have a cross on a silver chain, and in a dream I see how this chain was torn from the side, I don’t know whether the cross was lost or in clothes or had not yet fallen, but I understand in a dream that this is exactly the chain on which the cross


I bought a gold chain in a store in a dream, I wanted a thick one, but my mother looked thin, she went somewhere, and I started measuring the chains, mostly they were not very massive but very beautiful.


I dreamed that I was drowning, and at that time the chain broke on me in one place, then in another, and so on in 4 places .. when I wanted to get out of the water .. half of the chain was left in my hand ... When I got out, I was afraid that I don’t have enough strength, but almost getting out, the girl gave me her hand ..


i dreamed that I found a thick and very expensive chain, but two men were chasing the replacement to take it away and I threw the chain in the green grass so that they would not find it and was very afraid that they would find it


I saw a chain on a person, like mine, I didn’t see a face, I didn’t see anything else of this person, just a close-up of a chain with a pendant. I immediately began to grope for it on myself, I don’t remember if it was on me or not, but there was a feeling of panic.


i dreamed that some guy gave (put on me) a chain, even, rather, a necklace. Platinum. with some kind of square pendant. later I met my mother. she was surprised at such a gift and seemed to tell me that it was too expensive a gift and I should return it.


Dreamed of the sea. I swam in it and then felt something clinging to my leg. At first I thought it was mud, but then, when I swam ashore, I saw that it was a thin silver chain with some kind of turquoise or blue droplet-shaped pendant. But I don’t remember exactly whether I dressed her in general, and if I did, then who helped me.


I bought a handbag, and in it was a gold chain with a pendant with a turquoise and coins. They tried to take this handbag away from me, but I managed to keep it.


In a dream, I go to bed, wake up and see that the gold chain around my neck is stretched. And in general, the gold chain turned out to be just a wire with small rings


Hello Tanya! I am divorced and very hard going through these days. In a dream, I dreamed of my very old friend, classmate. He buys me a bag on which I point with my finger (a bag in black and white). Then, he buys me a gold chain from the window. the chain is beautiful, not thin, with different pendants. Afterwards, he wants to buy me rings, but I hold him back. Somehow it became embarrassing. It's embarrassing because he doesn't know who he's in love with. (one man divorced me and my husband, who put me in a not very good light, that's why I'm afraid that when other men in love find out about this, they will turn away from me)


Good afternoon. I had a dream in which a man (about 50 years old with gray short hair of high stature and glasses - I even remember his last name, her husband read it to me from the list as mine - Oksana Buzukova, I still could not put the accent correctly) gave me for our engagement with him, a bon-sai tree hung with thin gold chains and precious stones. He promised to take care of me and take care of me. My husband was very happy for me. Maybe you can interpret this dream. Help.


i dreamed that they presented a gold chain with a cross, the chain was very thick ... I don’t remember the person who gave it to me


Good night, I dreamed that I was sitting next to my beaten lad and looking at the chain on my neck, and in reality I was small to give you a gift..


Good morning. I dreamed that I pulled a lot of chains out of the pipe. Long, short, silver and gold. There were also bracelets. I especially drew attention (in a dream) to two very thick and long gold chains. I even tried on one of them. She was below her breasts.


dirty toilet (with feces) and I take out a silver chain with a cross and a crystal from it and wash it under running water.


For some reason, the police were chasing me. Then I had two gold chains (thick and thin). And then a guy came to my house with a friend of my husband. I liked him. This guy offered to be with him ...


I chose a chain or necklace from the store. Hung a lot, very different. I did not choose - I woke up the alarm clock.


I saw in a dream that they tried to kill me, but it turned out that they rewarded me with a silver chain


Hello, I don’t remember the dream completely, but I was struck by the fact that my boss gave me a small silver chain in the package and urged me to take it, and I take it in confusion and wake up))) what does this mean? thanks for the answer


I hold my gold chain with a cross in my hand and I found the chain
with a cross only a chain and a cross larger than mine. I look and don’t understand
Is this chain gold or not?


a silver chain with a cross, also silver, broke around my neck, and hung, and the cross burst in two, why is that


hello, I’m 13 years old and I don’t have an email, I saw that my mother told me to go and give me this chain, but the tsipotska was simple and I didn’t sell this chain, but I sold my late grandfather’s medals and the dream ended there,


Today I dreamed that we were walking around the market with a friend and passing glass, and I see in the reflection that behind me a woman rips off my gold chain with a cross and puts it in her pocket, I naturally try to pick it up, in the end I returned it to myself, this is to what could it be??


hello. my dream. He piled up his wife's jewelry. we moved and when parsing the jewelry did not find a thick silver chain.,


I guarded my house, as if, a one-year-old daughter from alien people. I was afraid that they would be hosting, trampling the floor without taking off my shoes, touching, taking away my things. I had to leave, but people continued to stay in the premises of my house. So, as collateral, I offered to take the gold things from them. of all that was offered to me, I chose a very massive, long gold chain. Its links were golden leaves (of some kind of tree), I had to dress it in two additions. measured some more gold jewelry. I don’t remember what else ... .. I remember that they woke up my daughter, she woke up and walked with her legs along the bed along the wall covered with a carpet with a red pattern and held on to it.


The dream began with my wife going out into the street and I couldn’t find my car. I started looking for it and they told me that a tow truck had taken the car. We went to some hospital to look for a car there. And there was a dachshund dog with us and there the nurse took my dog, I found this nurse to return the dog to me, and she brought me another dog of the same breed, only a boy and scarred, I said I need mine, I called her, she came running, I took her and we left. Then in a dream we walked down the street and there we met a girl with a big dog, my dachshund approached this dog and that dog bit her so sharply that there was a strong bang and my dog ​​opened a wound, I covered the wound with my hand carried it and we went into We met another girl in the yard and she invited her to the apartment. Her dad was there, we were sitting, we said that he knew Putin, he was like a relative and came often, and then the mobile phone rang, he answered and said that Putin had come to visit. They went to meet him Putin came in, I looked at And I saw a type similar to Putin then only homeless appearance, I say that it’s not Putin, but they tell me it. Well, okay, I didn’t argue and we left. The three of us left the entrance - it’s me, my wife and my daughter. we pass them and see that they have a game - who will find the golden chain, I heard this and without stopping looking to the side at the front garden and saw a transparent bag with a chain in it, I took it and went with my daughters to the avenue, and we are in Odessa. It was already dark, we went through the yards, I took out a chain and two coins of 1 euro from the bag. The chain turned out to be massive, I then put my daughter around my neck, I said that I would give it to my wife, but she was not with us. I had to return for her ... ….


some kind of holiday and my boyfriend gives me a chain. she was in a red box, in addition to this, there were still boxes. it was from two chains of a pleasant golden color. I put it on and woke up. I was very happy in my dream


vo sne nashla dve ogromni cepi zolotix!odnu muju dala odnu sebe na sheu povesila..s krestikom sebe a s kulonom muju na kotorem bil giorgi pobedanosec


A friend came to visit and presented her gold chain. I was glad of the gift. That I hadn’t worn chains around my neck for a long time because of the children. And she says that the chain is worn on her leg. And I put it on my hand, and I’m glad.


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream that I found a long chain with a pendant. Someone has lost her. I had my doubts for a long time before I got it. When I found it, it seemed simple to me. When I put on the chain, it sparkled and seemed golden to me. She was wearing a beautiful pendant and her length was up to the navel. I really liked it, but there was a residue that the chain was someone else's, someone had lost it.


The man gave me a gold chain and two rings. I immediately put the chain around my neck and looked at the rings for a long time and tried them on




i dreamed that a man gives me a large long gold chain and puts it on his neck, and I refuse that it’s uncomfortable too expensive, but he still leaves it to me, and after a while the chain began to deteriorate in places, a plaque appeared on it


i dreamed that I was with my grandmother (she was alive) in the village, looked out the window, it was dark outside, then I went to the kitchen where I saw my dad (he is alive), he was repairing the sink, and he did it silently. I was attracted by attention a gold chain with an image of the MOTHER OF GOD felts, felts of MATRONUSHKA, could not make out, dad finished the work and silently left


Hello! I dream as if I went out into the street at night and I see a garbage can nearby, and on its lid there are two women's bags! One of mine, I immediately recognized her, and the other one was black! I took them and quickly went into the entrance to see what was in someone else's bag. I went into a long, dark corridor and began to look! The bag was heavy. She pulled out her makeup, opened it, and there were several gold chains, and there was still some gold! I remember that I was very happy and that's it! What is it for????


I walked past the lake and met friends, then a feeling of heaviness appeared. The landscape changed, winter tried to rape, no one helped until she called the police for help. , then they put the chain on their hands and tried to fasten the second one and I knew that it was like a talisman.
She herself tried to fasten the second one and hurried to help


That I choose a gold chain for my son. There were a lot of them, I looked at two, one was very thick, I thought and decided to take a little thinner.


my mother-in-law gave me a thick gold chain for my birthday, and then my husband also gave me a chain, it was big with flowers, and my mother-in-law that my husband put them around my neck


i dreamed that we were walking with a company from the forest ... we were resting there ... .. and I felt that something was bothering me on my neck .... I held my hand and in my hand I found a chain with a pendant of the MOTHER OF GOD ... .. the chain was large and not gold, but gold pendant ... .. but I don’t have such a thing in my life .... my usual real chains remained on me in a dream ....


Two gold chains hung on the wall nearby, one with a cross, and the other had a pendant in the form of a bullet. I stole the chain with the cross. what is it for.

[email protected]:

Hello, I dreamed that I found two chains - one gold and the other silver in clean water, I was very happy and wanted to give a silver chain for my nephew, but then I don’t remember. Thank you very much!


Hello. For the second time in a week, I dream of my torn gold chain, I see that it is torn around my neck, I take it off my neck, take off the pendant and think about how to quickly send it in for repairs.


I dreamed that I was here here, and I saw that it was less cold to slip cold under my clothes, if I put out my hand, then I had my cross and a chain in my hands, as I wear about 12 - 14 years.




in a dream, a stranger gave me a chain, when they asked me who gave it to me, I said that the groom, then I decided to return it, but he said no, it's yours


The dream was similar to the fairy tale Cinderella. Some lady with her daughter found out that her husband, who died, left a chain with a key that opened the door to where the treasures were. I turned out to be the daughter of her late husband, that is, this lady was my stepmother. My stepmother didn't love me, but she loved her daughter. My father loved me very much. And now, for some reason, my stepmother thought that it was a chain with a key hanging around my neck. She comes running to me, in a rage she rips off the chain from my neck, and it turns out to be my cross. I cried. The stepmother went to her room. This is where the dream ends.


My chain with a cross accidentally ends up in my hand, one part of the chain is torn off and I want to make a bracelet from this piece.


the girl gave me a silver chain with gilding and a cross like that. everything was fine, but I had a dream that this chain was choking me. I tried to break it but couldn't. and when I woke up I was still trying to break the chain with the cross


I'm being attacked by robbers, I'm worried about my purse with money, and they take off my gold chain, I'm at a loss and then I see rings in return ....... but people I don't know ...... ..sleep in the morning


My boyfriend and I rode in a car, he stopped, he tells me to take off the chain, I carefully remove the heart pendant on it, and he starts telling me that his heart was empty and in two years of communication he realized that he was able to love, which warmed his heart.


I walk along the rocky seashore. Between the stones I saw a long and thick chain, a ring. She took it, she took it. I walk along the shore, my grandson comes, but we don’t swim. We see fog ahead.


I dreamed that a young man came up to me and put something in his hand, when he left I saw that my silver chain and a cross were in my hand. I knew that this chain was on my neck, I looked at my neck, but it wasn’t.


the guy owed me, but I don’t remember exactly how much, and he says let me give you a chain with a cross as a gift for a debt. And he gave me a thin gold one with a delicate cross.


I dreamed that a girl brought me a soldered gold chain with a cross and I gave her 6000 thousand, but I later regretted this money. I saw 5000 and 1000 thousand money.


I dreamed that I was at my grandfather's house. I help him in everything I can. He is incredibly kind to me. And then some young man gives me a very beautiful thick gold chain with the same cross on it. Almost puts it on me with a very warm expression on his face. I don’t know this person, but in a dream I accept a gift as from a person close to me


hello, I had a dream a lot of gold chains on the table are beautiful and the people they said that they would make me an offer to make hands and hearts.


Hello. I dreamed that some guy who I don’t really like wants a relationship with me and gives me a silver chain with a pendant in the form of an angel. He clings to my neck, and then I admired this angel for a long time and was very happy.


the ex-boyfriend whom I had not seen for a very long time sent a letter in which there was a gold thick chain, a bracelet and a necklace and a message asking to be with him


I found the keys on a chain on the seashore, only the sand on the shore was gray or even marsh in color .. I didn’t want to pick them up, but my dad (now deceased) made me pick them up. Then, all the same, I went and threw these keys at some girl and shouted to her that her mother should not go to my father anymore. There was never such a situation in my life that dad was with someone and I didn’t like it.


I dreamed that I walked at night and exchanged my chain with a stranger, dressed him only took my pendant from him with fish, because he would have an incomprehensible symbol


Lately, I haven't had dreams in a long time. and here for the last three nights so clearly 1- in a dream I mentally communicated with my former son-in-law, 2 - my godfather tried to rob me (I don’t know where he lives at the moment, I haven’t talked for 17 years) 3- my golden chain is breaking in my hands in pieces starting from castle and for me it seems to be very important in a dream


winter cold snow my girlfriend with her boyfriend and her boyfriend gives her a very massive gold chain, but it does not fit her dress,


Today I saw in a dream, they gave me flowers and hung a gold chain around my neck and a familiar man kissed me on the cheek


Good afternoon. My friend had a dream about me. I asked her to mend my broken silver chain. my friend agreed. but didn't get to take it. awoke. the chain was in a pile of jewels.


I dreamed that my golden chain with a palm was unfastened around my neck, I tried to fasten it, but it turned out that it was torn and I took it off and held it in my hand until my hand got tired, and then put it in a sweatshirt pocket.


I had a dream, he puts a golden, “rich, fat” man on my neck with whom I was talking to “you”, maybe I know him, the conversation was about a chain. He pulled the chain that was worn on my neck, and I said him that he could break it, but the chain remained intact. Then we danced. Why sleep, thanks in advance.


I had a dream in which my son's girlfriend stood in front of me almost naked and there was some kind of chain on her stomach. What does this mean?


I dreamed that I took off my chains, one was silver, the other was gold ... I put it on the table, I thought that I didn’t take it off for a long time, it just bothered me ... I flirted with a man I like, the dream is bright, warm, sensations pleasant ... most likely that I put it on again later ... ... a calm and very pleasant dream


I dreamed that the guy I like gave me something beautiful. I can’t remember exactly whether it was a chain, or something else .. But the most important thing was that there were two gifts, an ornament, and, if I’m not mistaken, a small soft toy or a red handkerchief .. Something like that. I vaguely remember everything. But then I tried to say thank you normally, and woke up at the moment when we were alone. I just had to go somewhere when he gave me these gifts.


They put two chains around my neck, one of which is silver and the other with pearls.
He dresses, supposedly my boss, and the chain is a form of distinction. They chose me and my colleague, who had already died.


at first I dreamed of a cross - this cross was once given to me by my mother, then I lost it, an unusual cross, it was bought in a monastery, and it was brought to the monastery from Mount Athos in Israel. Then two gold chains appeared with beautiful powerful weaving, but slightly different, one (which is thinner) had rectangular links, the other (thicker) had more rounded links. The chains appeared as if one in the other, then separated, but still touching each other and put on my neck. And then I already see myself from the outside with one of my friends and I tell them - look what a gift my mother made me.


Hello, I dreamed that my silver chain was torn and tangled in my hair, then I took it out and gave it to a girl, like a fortune teller, she was sick with some rare disease, but she treated herself, she turned the chain in her hands, told me something , returned it to me, then she drew attention to the fact that there was no cross, we started looking for it, but we never found it. Then I assembled the links on the floor under the chair. For some reason my hair was messed up. I was not concerned about the cost, the chain with the cross itself is a pity ... Thanks in advance ...


I ran away, it was scary, I confused the moves, and the more I ran, the more turns a golden chain or several appeared on my hand.


My gold chain, which was stolen 3 years ago, was around the neck of my late father. Here is such a dream. Thanks in advance


In a dream, I dreamed that my mother-in-law gave me a golden chain and put it on my neck. And there were many gifts around, but it was I who was wearing the golden chain


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was at my own wedding and a girl gives me a gold chain or a military order, and this is where the dream ends


i dreamed that it was my birthday, there were a lot of people.
And the gifts were exceptionally valuable, rings, earrings, and one of them was a gold chain.
In general, I dreamed that they gave gold things.


i dreamed that I found a gold chain with a pendant. I hid it in my pocket. And then I found a ball of two chains. unraveled and put on. one with a pendant with a red stone and the second with a cross.


i dreamed of a former young man ... we talked with him the whole dream ... in the process I gave him some keys but left one for myself ... then I don’t even remember how I gave him the chain ... I only remember how he put it back on my neck ... then we talked and parted ... he to his current girlfriend and I to a young man


I’m pushing the truck only without a truck. I’m trying to push it out of a snowdrift. As if I want to drive somewhere. And I’m walking around the truck, but I don’t see anyone in it, it’s so covered in it. it was crowded in the car at first. and the man drove started to flirt, I wanted to get out, I thought they were blue. and then I heard female voices and the sleeping bag opened, and there were so many places and two girlfriends, I thought the shoulder one was red with long curls. and the second with dark hair was cut short. I started giving leather and rubber sandals, and a lot of them were hung around the car. And then she gave me a thick chain and wanted to hang it around my neck. I started laughing at what kind of gold it was and she tied it on my hand. customs and they went swimming, but already in an embrace with some guy. I walked behind and watched. There was a strange lake, as if around a lake like a stream and there a tiger and a tigress with cubs lie in clear water. bent into the water and began to gnaw off the right hand of the guy, there was a lot of blood. well shoto so. thanks in advance


Good afternoon, my beloved dreamed, there were a lot of white terry clean towels around him, I carried a white towel in my hands, I went to meet him while I was walking, in a hurry, like, holding a lot of things in my hands, I broke the chain strap of my bag)


in a dream they put a chain with a cross on my neck, then a young guy dreamed, I don’t remember his face, he held 2 bouquets of flowers in his hands, one was from red flowers and another of the whites, I want to know why I dreamed about it.


i had a dream that my boyfriend gives me a gold chain with two crosses, like on February 14. one is gold and the second is silver. I was also surprised that the chain was again, because for the new year he also gave me a chain with a pendant in the form of my zodiac sign .what does this mean and what is it for?


I have a dream for two days in a row about how the chain is torn off my neck, and I don’t see the image of the person who rips it off ... Why is this * ??


They gave me a chain with a cross, but I had to choose myself, because. these chains with crosses were very good. lot. They hung on the hand of a young man, I didn’t see his face, but I knew that this was my classmate. The most interesting thing is that I graduated from school in 1998, and this boy left our class even earlier.


As if I was walking and saw on the ground in the dust a long and thick silver chain. I went to the men's one. I picked it up and put it in my pocket.


I dreamed that I was taking off my chain from my neck, but I didn’t want to, I wanted to and give it to a person for money, but he didn’t give me money


I dreamed that I and my loved one and his brother were sitting in the same room. The room was dark, a loved one dangled a silver chain on his finger, but I didn’t feel comfortable and I left the room and climbed the stairs and sat in a dark corner and I had a little boy in my arms. Then I again went into their room and said that my beloved had left and lay down on his bed and bed there was an iron grid

Anna Remets:

I already have a chain with a cross, but in a dream I was presented with two more chains with a cross by two women completely unfamiliar to me. one cross was large with some white stones, and the other chain with a small cross. and they told me these two women that they had long wanted to give them to me. the dream was from Sunday to Monday. gold chains and crosses too.


Good afternoon!
I dreamed that my ex-husband gave me a silver chain, large and long, dogs are squeezed on such, it was all covered with a coating, like old silver objects. I was delighted and rushed about with it, even put it on my neck and showed off to everyone, although the chain was huge and did not even shine, I told everyone you look how big it is, real antique silver. The former said that he has nothing else and that this is the most valuable thing he can give me and that this chain is very expensive, I need to put it in order (clean it)


as if some kind of wooden workshop and it no longer worked, but I began to restore it and there, with the help of running water, you can clean things, for example, silver and copper.


i dreamed of a sick boy with a pregnant mother, I know them and they put on a gold chain with a cross and I treated him with my grandmother in the village where she lives only in summer


i dreamed of a lot of chains with pendants and gold crosses in a pile among them, I saw mine and took it away. at the same time she was delighted


i dreamed of a chain that was not long, it had two keys, one was golden, the other was interesting and unusual, sort of like electronic, there were also key rings in the form of white beads on the chain in a dream, this was given to me by a man


I dreamed that I had 2 gold chains hanging around my neck and my friends decided to joke and pulled them towards themselves and they broke. I was very angry and worried, I was in a lot of pain because of this, I tried to restore them in the workshops, but it didn’t work out.


Hello!!! I dreamed that my good friend gives me a thick gold chain with a medium-sized cross (also gold with stones), and puts it on my neck, and I'm surprised because I'm a person of a different faith, we wear mostly Muslim pendants and wake up on this .


Hello! The dream is that I can’t choose which is better to buy, for my recently deceased, little daughter, a large toy chair or a gold chain with a small pendant of a praying angel. At the end of the dream, I was more inclined to buy a chain.


Good night! In short, let me tell you. I climbed with unknown people through some cold months, but instead there was a sewerage system somewhere else (there was definitely a grate there). turning back from that month, I noticed that I was right. I was right. Like yogo, I hit it (hitting it first) and dangled a silver pendant there. I remember it very well, but I remember it too far, and I slipped. Tell me, kindness, what can this dream mean? and I forgot why. What does vin mean?


i dreamed that my boyfriend in a dream gave me a gold chain, thick, very beautiful. the chain was without a pendant and a cross, just a chain


I dreamed of a very long gold chain, consisting of many other gold chains of different shapes, with a large pendant icon on the floor of my chest, the chain was on me, I looked and was surprised.




Hello. today is my birthday, my husband is now in intensive care and I dreamed in the morning that he congratulates me and gives me a gold chain with a cross pendant in a black box


I dreamed about the hands of a longtime friend, they weren’t in a close relationship, but they were relatives .. a school friend ... it didn’t work out due to my fault several attempts to connect with us. We are already 65. Warm native hands gently put on me a light, expensive gold chain with a chic pendant on it the profile of a woman is depicted and the frame is gold. The colors are juicy green and a dark middle. I didn’t feel it on my neck, but I seemed to be watching from the side as he puts this gift on me. It’s already evening, but the state of warmth remains. and there wasn’t a strong love .. Therefore, she didn’t get married .. But something has been pulling in recent years .... although she was successfully married ......


a familiar guy suggested that I put a silver chain around his neck with a cross, but it was torn, but I still put it on


lost gold rings looking for one found found a lot of gold chains one at a time in different places (about 10) Before waking up I found a silver one with a cross of pure white silver color


i dreamed ... that I found two chains with pendants on the ground in the grass, one with a whole cross, and the second chain seemed to be soldered to the pendant, the chains were gold ...


Three gold chains around my neck, one of them with a diamond pendant. I don't remember the details of the dream. I have two of these chains in my life, but I don’t remember the third.


my mother gave me chains of about 40 pieces .. Like they were given to me by relatives .. chains of different, different colors ..


I found a torn thick men's gold chain in a puddle of mud. The chain itself has already been fastened several times. I took it and went home satisfied, with the thought that I will repair it and give it to my husband.


I wear a chain on my arm. I dreamed that I gave it to a girl, but I don’t remember and for what! then I forgot to pick it up from her and called and arranged to meet to pick up the chain from her!


at first, my brother strangled my mother with a gold chain. I intervened in this process. He bought it for his girlfriend. I took the chain away and in the process of taking it away, we broke it. but in a dream I understood that I had killed him and a prison was shining for me.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that a piece of a chain was sticking out of my finger, I pulled it, it came out of my finger with blood and pain. What does this mean? Thank you.


My little son found gold jewelry and one of the jewelry was a gold chain (Big) around my neck


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was comparing two gold chains on my hand, one that I now wear in reality (a gift from my mother) and the second that I found in my mother's box. Both chains were similar. The dream was that I looked at both chains, compared and chose which one I liked more.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that a young man was coming up to me (I know him). He asks to give him a silver chain, but there is a tangled earring in it. in


As if I was burying some girl and she was still alive, I put a gold chain with a cross on her chest


The son is now deceased, but in a dream he returned alive from a mission in a place with the guys. The meeting took place in a room with snow-white walls. Out of joy that he returned alive, I gave him a pectoral cross and put it on him. As it turned out, he did not return empty-handed - he put on a massive silver jewelry for the bride (it looked like a princess on her), came up to him from the back and hugged her head against her powerful back, I realized that he was already a man. I felt his excitement ... in a second I felt an enveloping jewelry on my hand, my son turned around and I saw a chain with a cross. Everyone had joy and happiness in front of their eyes. The bride also put on a massive decoration for my sun (visually similar to his gift to her), but for some reason it took several hours to decorate it. Having put on another piece of jewelry, given (still) to her by my son, taking it by the arm, we headed for the exit. By asking the question: - Where? I heard the answer: - Manage!


I dreamed that I knew a dekilka of garni, rude golden lancers on my neck, and the stench was not mine, on the back of my head I was chomping to give voddat to the hairdressers, if we were to deprive us of our lancelets, and then we would still lances, they would give the lancer, they knew the bathers, they knew the bather in the pools, As a result, I found the golden garni of the lancelet gave the hairdressers their bulo 2 (man and woman). I handed the lancelets back through our sleeping acquaintance.


i dreamed that a golden chain with a cross broke and a part of the chain and a cross remained in my hands


In a dream, I immediately put on 2 chains of my own and my husband, knowing that they were with crosses. earlier, my husband and I exchanged chains with crosses. The dream had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. Me and my husband are Libra.


I'm going to visit and I was presented with a chain, I fasten it. But it constantly unfastens and falls several times. I wore it several times, but in the end it was divided into two parts into larger and smaller ones. I don’t see who gave it, but I feel that I am pleased this gift. After trying it on several times, I put it on and wake up. But I feel that someone close to me gave the chain, but this is not a husband. What does that mean.


The director’s wife dreamed that she left a long chain and a chain bracelet in the toilet, I went into the toilet and saw that a long chain was falling into the inside of the toilet into a hole with feces, and I took the bracelet and put it on my hand, then I went into a dark room and I vaguely saw many chains on the floor and began to choose them for myself, chose a few pieces,


Good afternoon! I dreamed that the ex-boyfriend was giving me a chain with a cross. And also money in dollars. I immediately hide the chain in my wallet. And then I took it out and looked at it. I didn’t really like the cross because it was flat. .
I wonder what it is. Thanks in advance!!


Good afternoon, I had a dream in which I collected a torn gold chain from the ground, it was torn into small pieces. There was a big cross. Gathered all the details. As if the chain belonged to my loved one. Although in reality this person is just a friend of mine and I saw him for the last time about 10 years ago.


I dreamed that in addition to my chain with a cross, I had another chain with a cross on my neck, only wider than mine, both chains were gold


two mice were sitting on my shoulder, and they were sharpening something in their paws, and suddenly a piece of a golden chain came out of my mouth, I start to pull it, pull it, pull it, and pull out a whole bunch of chains, I rejoice and think that I will wear everything at once!


I had a dream that I bought a gold chain with a pendant, I don’t remember which one. So I show it to my boyfriend at home and say it looks like gold? since there weaving was not like a chain. And he answers me “I need to clean my silver” (he has a signet and a silver bracelet on his hand) and why I turn over the gold chain and it either has rust on it or it has peeled off. that's all.


I saw in a dream 3 chains 2 gold and 1 silver weigh on my husband's neck. Many pendants were weighed on one patched chain, and there was a lanyard on the back.


they just gave me a gold chain in a dream. and it seemed to come from a murdered girl. and they decided to detain me for 48 hours. although the one who gave me justified it. and I cried in a dream.


First there was the sea. I was on the beach with my family and friends. Later the circumstances changed. I ended up in a hostel, which I currently live with my classmate. After this, we found out that we were being moved to another hostel. Accordingly, we went to inspect the new room. It turned out to be very spacious. In light orange shades. There was a large bed in the center. Then I stepped aside and saw a gold chain with a pendant. I took her. At this point, the dream was interrupted.


We arrived at an abandoned building and we were looking for a chain, we found it very often silver chains, I used to come to this building and there I met my aunt and told her to get in the car and on this I woke up


I had a dream where the company and I were walking down the street and a guy I was in love with came up to me on a bike. He looked at my neck, and I had a chain there, he asked me for it, but I refused and asked why he needed it , to which he did not answer, but asked her again and again. Then he said that he would give his chain so that I would give him mine. I took his chain and put it in the pocket of my shorts, but did not give mine. Then I tried to put on his chain, and ended up wearing it.


I dreamed that I want to buy a white quartz watch in a store for every day, but the seller offers to buy and puts on my neck a rich chain with a watch pendant, a chain and a white gold pendant, I explain to her that it is expensive for me, but somehow I put it on and left


In a dream, a woman I knew gave me a gold chain with some kind of square pendants and there were several of them around the chain. I took a look and wanted to put it down and suddenly the pendants broke in half


a week ago I dreamed that I was looking in the mirror and I had two gold and silver bracelets on my arm, and on my neck there were also two gold and silver chains (it was thick, and a half-moon silver pendant hung on it) ... and today I’m renting from a friend a gold chain, and in my hands it became silver, and they tell me that later it will be possible to change it to gold. To what?


I dreamed of a massive gold chain with a white gold cross. She was on my neck in two turns and still seemed long. It embraced a state of contentment and calmness.


i dreamed that I was in the house of my grandparents, but not real ones, but as if they were mine. I went somewhere, got ready, and found a bunch of chains that were almost not tangled with each other, about a dozen, probably no less, one gold, one silver and the rest are simply beautiful, jewelry, blackened metal with a pendant, the rest are just chains. All are relatively thin.
I was delighted, very much, but I didn’t put it on myself, I just took it.


in a dream, at first I held in my hands a beautiful gold chain with a pendant in the form of small wings strewn with small transparent pebbles., then I put it on my neck and saw its reflection in the mirror on my neck (I didn’t see my face in the mirror). I knew for sure that I bought it with the donated money (I don’t remember who, but I remember that there was still a lot of money left, I didn’t hold the money in my hands)


I already have a gold chain around my neck, but I dreamed that I had another one around my neck and it was thick, beautiful and long, I just remembered it


Hello, Tatyana. my dream is this: my mother and I got into a car with a man I know and his mother, whom I don’t personally know, but according to other people, she treats me very warmly and wants to get to know me. the man turns to me and holds out his hand, gives the tongue from the lightning, I clearly see him once. Further, in my hand is not a lightning bolt, but a dark lead-colored silver chain, earrings and a seemingly ring, all silver. I put the earrings and the ring in my bag, opened the chain (it is quite large, voluminous) and was going to put it around my neck. dressed or not, I don’t know, the alarm clock rang. I clearly remember the blue eyes of a man (he has them in life of the same color). I know the name of the man, I know him, I called him by name in a dream, but I can’t say that it was him, as if a symbiosis of two men I know


my mother put a gold chain around my neck and wrapped it around my neck twice, it was difficult for me to breathe and I asked her to take it off, she took it off, we began to swear and I hit her with a chain on the neck. I woke up


I saw in one dream different situations in one I kill a man who attacked me with a weapon, then a basket full of red roses, then a big fish caught by another person


I dreamed that the police took me away and I hand over my things and pull out two bunches of keys from my pocket and the chains got mixed up on them, and after that I lost sight of one as I lost it


i dreamed that the aunt of my beloved, whom I left 2 months ago, gave me a gold chain with pebbles and put it on me


I dreamed of my parents' house, but my parents died and I had a dream in their house in a vrord, I was going somewhere and I had a beautiful chain with a cross around my neck and my youngest daughter was standing next to me


I dreamed that I had a thin gold chain, but I wanted to choose a beautiful thick one for myself, and yet I chose and tried it on.


Hello! I was in some apartment and it seemed like it was my room, but it’s not. I don’t remember exactly where they came from (2 rings and 2 chains and some other pendant in the form of some kind of animal, but he didn’t have a piece at his mouth .1 of the chains was not a big piece, and the strangest thing is that I once said to a girl such a phrase (see what strange color for silver, it looks like gold, but it’s silver) to which she answered me (yes, a very warm color). 2 the chain seemed to be intact, but I can’t say for sure, I woke up at that moment.


a foreigner man put on my finger a ring with a gold stone and a silver chain. I was glad and kissed him.


I dreamed that my young man gave 2 golden chains identical on one small heart on the other a small cross, I put them on, and two gold rings, one looks like a wedding but stones in a circle, the other with a pattern and stones


i dreamed that a man began to look after me and gave me a large, very beautiful pendant with stones and three gold chains of different textures and sizes ...


I saw a gold chain around my neck with a cross. but I'm a Muslim and don't wear a cross


the guy was in my chain, I told him you will return my chain to me and took it off and held it in my hand


i dreamed that I had three wide silver chains around my neck, of good quality and shiny, and one fourth (which I threw away in reality, thin and worn with a cross and a medallion), in the end I took off all the chains, because my neck started to hurt, And talking on the phone with a guy with whom we communicated only in the social network


I have two silver chains merrily around my neck, one is thick and short and the other is thin and long. And one of them broke, getting mixed up with the second. When I unraveled them, I realized that it was torn thin and long. I didn’t like it so much! (I have a 14-year-old daughter and an elderly father)


I dreamed about my right hand .. she was already wearing a gold, not thin chain-bracelet .. I myself put on the second one .. of the same size and weaving ... fastened ... everything ...


I dreamed that a former classmate was selling a silver cross like her own. I decided to buy, the chain was broken where the clasp was, nowhere else. Then I carefully examined the cross, it seemed somehow unusual. The silver was darkened or just dark silver.


i was with my grandfather in the village .. we were at home .. and I found a silver chain with a large and voluminous pendant .. in a dream I realized that this was a thing of someone of their relatives (living) and grandfather said that she was now mine. I put it on around my neck. I got into the car and drove away, although I don’t know how to drive a car ..


I dreamed about my late grandmother, and she takes off a large chain with a cross and gives it to me, and I don’t remember something else, but I want to buy it in the church in exchange, but she says she doesn’t need anything, but I need it and gives me


I dreamed of a gold chain with a cross around the neck in front, on the chest, and a silver one with a moon pendant on the back.


I often dream that gold and silver chains, bracelets, rings are washed ashore by the waves, I don’t take all the jewelry - a few chains, a bracelet, sometimes an engagement ring.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was choosing silver at a kiosk and in the end it turned out that the chain was in my pocket, as if I had stolen it. Two gold and silver.


I dreamed that the ex-husband gave a gold chain with a pendant and put it right into his hand.


hello. I had a dream today that there were two chains on my neck. one thick another is thinner on each chain pendants on a thick one with an Arabic prayer and on the other a cross. and I saw in a dream and I ask myself what the cross does to me, I'm a Muslim and woke up


they wanted to steal my chain, I took it from this man. and out of anger tore off his thick chain from his neck, a piece remained with him, but I took it too. and said that it was because she was very nervous


Good afternoon. I dreamed that my young man forgot his chain with a cross and some other things with me. What would that mean?


I dreamed of the late mother-in-law, her husband gave her a gold chain, more like a man's, I secretly took it to look and it broke, the chain turned out to be fake. Since it broke, I was afraid to put it back in place. When my mother-in-law saw that her chain was missing, I had to tell her that I took it.


i dreamed of a gold chain with a cross and it was stolen from me, I’m looking for it, I think they gave it to me only, but I didn’t keep crying again, I can’t say anything, I think I should call the police, but I know who stole it.


my husband wore my chain, which my sister gave a long time ago and tore it I don’t remember anything else


I got a thick gold chain from some woman, then it disappeared, there was a large weighty gold ring on the chain, I wore a chain with a ring around my neck, then I tried on the ring, it turned out to be small, I wanted to sell it all, the price was 28 million, but changed my mind ... to what would it…


I am a housekeeper, my former owner, who liked me how the worker dressed other women with chains with pendants with beautiful stones, but I don’t


my work friend gave me a silver chain with a pendant. Then he took the pendant from me, and left the chain for me.


I went into the toilet room where one person was washing, and there was a soap dish on the opposite wall next to the window on the floor, and in it and next to it were golden things (as if someone was washing and taking off these things) and a lot of ants who tried to carry them into their chain house. I picked everything up and put it on the windowsill, there was a chain, a bracelet (which I took for myself), but in my thoughts as if for my daughter, there were also pendants and a thin chain, but I didn’t take anything else, there was still some kind of seal And to find out whose seal I turned over and tried to make an imprint on a bar of soap, which was also in the soap dish, but the seal was not printed, because. I didn't push too hard


I remember the beginning of sleep vaguely, dark tones prevailed. The main point was as follows: I and another person (I don’t remember, most likely one of my close friends) stood on a large iron grate, water flowed under it from all sides. On the ground under the bars, I felt and took out a silver chain, a long-lost gift. ex girlfriend. I have not had any contact with her for more than three years. The chain was in excellent condition, sparkled.


the foreigner removed a gold chain with a cross from his neck and put it around my neck (the chain is massive)


I was sitting and I had a chain around my neck, and there are many more chains on this chain and I am sitting unraveling them

Marina Anatolyevna:

The dead grandfather gave the black chain to be cleaned, I cleaned it, but I could not clean it


the action took place on the street, on my neck was a silver chain with pectoral cross, which I lost a long time ago, and my friend put on his gold chain with his own hands while saying, take it for yourself, I don’t wear it anyway.


i dreamed that the common-law wife tore the gold chain I gave me and lost the archer's pendant, I was looking for the pendant and did not find it


I bought a gold chain with a cross for my husband as a birthday present.


two gold chains, one is thicker and I hide them under the table on top


My youngest daughter was sitting on my lap, smiling at me. And broke my chain. I began to pick up the torn chain from her hands, and for some reason, along with the chain, there was a pearl bead


In a dream, I saw a guy who came up to me and put on two gold chains, then we were already riding camels with two humps, it turns out that the guy was taking me home to meet my parents, then I got scared and said that I have a daughter didn’t want to deceive him. He was unusually handsome and kind, he reacted very well, then I ended up at home in the yard and he went somewhere with friends and came to pick me up and was without makeup, but he still took and treated the same and did not change and all this while we were still waiting for the upcoming wedding


I was looking for my two golden chains in a dream and found them hidden by me and forgotten in a vase on the closet


Hello, in a dream I tear off a gold chain with a cross and Mother of God throwing robbers running away from them. why such a dream, thanks.


An older woman saw a thick gold women's chain around her neck, said she took a vilification from an employee, what is it for?


Hello! I dreamed that I was trying on a silver chain and I wanted to buy it, and another person tried on my gold chain with an icon, as if he was showing me my chain from the side.


Hello! I dreamed that I was holding my gold chain in my hands, and it was torn in the fastener section. And then another piece comes off.


hello tatyana. I dreamed that my friend was giving me a chain bracelet, I was very happy in a dream


Hello, on the night from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream that I was going to get married (although I am married and have three children), around a lot of guests everyone is happy somehow trying to help with the preparations, I am running around in a turmoil in my hands with a white fluffy I’m looking for a hairdresser with a wedding dress who should wind up beautiful curls for me, and I’m upset that everything is already assembled and I’m not wearing makeup without a hairstyle and not dressed, and she (the hairdresser) is somewhere lost in the crowd of guests when I finally find her my hair from long (up to belts) somehow fall out and become approximately long under the bark, I am very upset because the hair looks very casually hanging from under the bark and several long strands seem to be cut off, then I remember the end of sleep when the guests disperse, I see a lot of tattered gold bracelets on the ground in the form of chains of thick and thin (different), I squatted down and began to quickly gather them into a sack, almost full turned out. like this weird dream)) help to interpret correctly))

A golden chain with a cross dreams of an event that will turn your whole life upside down. For a young girl, this sign may be a harbinger of imminent marriage. For a married woman, the plot seen predicts the birth of a son. A man who sees such a piece of jewelry will soon become a father.

Don't miss your destiny. Be ready to meet her and accept with all your heart.

Seeing in a dream a golden cross on a chain

A golden cross on a chain in a dream book promises that the situation that is currently worrying will be safely resolved. You will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation and successfully complete the work you have begun.

Take your time, be consistent in your actions. Haste can lead to unforgivable mistakes.

A dream in which they found a cross with a chain

To find a cross with a chain in a dream - in reality you will experience new emotions and sensations. Perhaps go on a trip to countries where you have not yet been or visit unusual sights. In any case, a lot of positive impressions are provided to you. You won't be bored anytime soon.

Try to visit unfamiliar places more often, expand your horizons. Do not regret the money spent on travel.

What does a torn chain with a cross mean in a dream

A dream in which the chain with a cross was broken warns of a threat to the health of you or one of your closest people. The disease may not make itself felt with external symptoms for a long time, but then the disease will rapidly become severe.

Don't ignore the sign you see. As soon as possible, go through a complete diagnosis of the body in order to identify the disease at an early stage.

Interpretation of the plot by the dream book, where they lost the chain with a cross

Losing a chain with a cross in a dream means that your attention is focused on the wrong things. With a lot of effort, you don't understand why the results don't live up to expectations. Actually you missed important points when planning their actions, and this led to the fact that the wrong path of moving towards the goal was initially chosen.

Change your business tactics. By understanding and eliminating the cause of your failures, you will notice how quickly you can move forward.

I dreamed of a silver chain with a cross

If you dream that you are wearing a silver chain with a cross, significant changes in life are coming. They will affect, for the most part, the business sphere, but will affect everyone else. Wearing the expected changes will be positive and will help you regain confidence in yourself.