How to put stress in the word eyes. stress in words

  • 01.09.2020

Stress in modern Russian is strictly defined for most words, in other words, it is always in the same place. So, for example, in the sentence Above the gray plain of the sea, the wind collects clouds, taken from M. Gorky's "Song of the Petrel", seven words. In none of these words is it possible to transfer the stress to any other syllable. Even a person who is sophisticated in all sorts of verbal quirks will not be able to pronounce these words with the wrong stress.

If you take any dictionary and look through all its sections from "A" to "Z", then you can be sure that stability, invariability of stress in words is generally inherent in the Russian language. However, upon closer examination of the dictionary, we find a fairly large number of words that constitute an exception to the general rule, that is, allowing the possibility of transferring stress from one syllable to another.

Here are some of these words: girlish and girlish, from afar and from afar, passed and passed, thinking and thinking, clearing and clearing.

In order to understand the reasons underlying such phenomena, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of Russian stress and, above all, what is commonly called its heterogeneity.

The diversity of Russian stress is characterized by the fact that it can fall on any syllable of the word: boy, car, plane, watchdog and on its various morphological elements - on the prefix, on the root, on the suffix, on the ending: suburb, cart, furrier, milk.

The diversity of stress in the modern literary language is used to distinguish some words in meaning: Atlas and atlas, castle and castle, smell and smell, etc., as well as to distinguish grammatical forms of the same word, for example: meli - plural from noun stranded and stranded - imperative from the verb grind, etc.

In some cases, a change in the place of stress does not form either a new word or a new grammatical form. Then there are hesitations, and many of us have to think about how to say: Coal or coal, goose or goose, etc.

In colloquial speech, the number of deviations from the place of stress in words is sometimes so great that it causes alarm and bewilderment. What are the reasons for these deviations?

One of the reasons is considered to be the effect on stress setting the so-called law of analogy, according to which one type of stress affects another. So, for example, in a number of feminine nouns of the 1st declension of the spin type, which have an accent on the ending in all cases of the singular and transfer it to the stem in the accusative case, under the influence of analogy, the form of the accusative case with the wrong accent on the ending (spinU , harrow, cheek, leg, head, etc.).

Another very significant reason causing deviations in stress is the influence of dialects (local territorial dialects) on the literary language. So, for example, the influence of Northern Russian dialects, in which there is a tendency to transfer stress to a prefix, can explain such deviations as contract, curtain, attack, sentence, belt, etc. South Russian dialects give deviations in the nominative case of plural nouns: choice , acorn, daughter, horse, mother, means, etc. and in the past tense, masculine and feminine: understood, raised, stayed, took, took, gave, slept, etc. Some influence on literary stress is exerted by everyday colloquial vocabulary ( vernacular); put, suggested, you call, more beautiful, as well as individual words from the speech of sailors, drivers, beet growers, accountants, postmen, oil workers, etc. (comPAS, report, beet, quarter, delivery, sole, rubber).

And finally, the third reason that causes fluctuations in stress should be considered the presence in our language of a large number of foreign (loanwords) and the desire to Russify these words by placing stress in them by analogy with similar Russian or rather Russified words. So, for example, the irregular form of the genitive case of the word bambuk - bambooA (instead of bambuk) appeared under the influence of approximately such forms as badgerUk - badgerA. When reading newspapers and books, browsing the Internet, where stress is usually not indicated, some people remember a foreign word with an accent; characteristic of similar words in Russian. As a result, cement is obtained (instead of the correct cement), percentage (instead of percentage), etc.

The difficulties associated with stress in the Russian literary language are not limited to its heterogeneity. They are also generated by the fact that the stress in some categories of Russian words is fixed, and in others - mobile. The immobility of stress is characterized by the fact that during the formation of grammatical forms it always remains in the same place, for example: joy, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy; swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim; diligent, diligent, diligent, diligent. With mobile stress, a completely different picture is observed. Here, in the formation of new grammatical forms, the stress can move from one syllable to another, or from one part of the word to another, for example: head, head, head, head; love, love, love, love, love; dare, dare, dare, dare.

Errors that arise in connection with this feature of stress in Russian are found mainly in the speech of people who do not know the laws of grammar well. Let's look at some of these mistakes.

It is known that for a number of nouns in the nominative plural, the stress falls on the stem, and in other plural forms, on the ending. Meanwhile, many pronounce stones instead of stones, wolves instead of wolves, animals instead of animals, mothers instead of mothers, etc.

A number of feminine nouns ending in -a form a special form of the accusative case with the stress shifted to the stem. However, many people pronounce it incorrectly: winter, board, mountain, wall, back, earth (instead of winter, board, mountain, wall, back, earth).

In verbs, an unreasonable shift of stress from one place to another sometimes gives words an archaic (obsolete) connotation: you give, cook, turn, roll (instead of modern ones you give, cook, turn, roll). A particularly large number of errors associated with incorrect transfer of stress in a word is observed when using a large group of verbs that have stress on the stem in all forms except the feminine. As a result of such a transfer, we have the famous took, took, dala, slept, and also took away, understood, accepted, etc. In order not to make mistakes in placing stresses in verbs of this type, you need to think about them more often or it is best to remember them well:

  • I took, I took, I took, I took;
  • took, took, took, took;
  • heeded, heeded, heeded, heeded;
  • drove, drove, drove, drove;
  • gave, gave, gave, gave;
  • pestered, pestered, pestered, pestered;
  • occupied, occupied, occupied, occupied;
  • hired, hired, hired, hired;
  • Took away, took away, Took away, Took away;
  • started, started, started, started;
  • Understood, Understood, Understood, Understood;
  • accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

Short adjectives without suffixes or with suffixes -n-, -l-, -k-, -ok, which usually have a fixed stress on the first syllable in all forms except the singular feminine, give us great trouble when placing stress. We often doubt how to say, for example: boyka or boyka, cheerful or cheerful, alive or alive. Here, too, one cannot do without "cramming". Therefore, we will make some effort on ourselves and remember:

  • striker, striker, striker, striker;
  • merry, merry, merry, merry;
  • harmful, harmful, harmful, harmful;
  • hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry;
  • proud, proud, proud, proud;
  • bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter;
  • thick, thick, thick, thick;
  • cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap;
  • long, debt, long, debts;
  • expensive, expensive, expensive, expensive;
  • green, green, green, green;
  • sour, sour, sour, sour;
  • meek, meek, meek, meek;
  • young, young, young, young;
  • right, right, right, right;
  • empty, empty, empty, empty;
  • rare, rare, rare, rare;
  • light, light, light, light;
  • cramped, cramped, cramped, cramped.

In some cases, in the middle gender of short adjectives of the indicated type, double stress is acceptable, for example: Sharp and sharp, old and old, high and high, far and far, deep and deep, wide and wide.

Some monosyllabic feminine nouns in combination with the prepositions в and на are pronounced with an accent on the ending: in a handful, in blood, in bones, in the night, in connection, in the steppe, in the shadow, in honor, on the door, on the stove, on chains.

In cases where prepositions take on stress, the noun or numeral that follows them loses its stress. Most often, prepositions on, for, under, on, from, without are “pulled” onto themselves, for example: on the water, on the mountain, on the soul, on the winter, on the year, on the day, on the house, on the hand, on the back, Outside the city, behind the ears, under the arms, under the feet, down the mountain, in the evening, by the sea, across the field, through the forest, two by three, by one hundred, From home, out of sight, out of the forest, without a trace, without sense , quarter to.

Thus, we see that stress in the Russian literary language is of great importance. The diversity of stress makes it a special feature of a word and helps to distinguish one word from another, and the mobility of stress serves to distinguish the grammatical forms of a word in its most diverse manifestations. However, it is very difficult, and often impossible, to establish clear rules for placing stress in all cases. Therefore, in working to improve the level of speech culture, it is recommended to use dictionaries.

A well-bred person always feels confident in communicating with a variety of people. He will not save in front of the professor at the session and will be full of dignity, having met a public person. What gives him confidence? Perfect mastery of the native language, when he has the opportunity to speak on equal terms with the most educated people. You cannot consider yourself an intellectual if you cannot express your thoughts or use inappropriate words in your speech, especially if you pronounce words with errors. Setting the correct stress is one of the components of a competent and beautiful speech.

Correct literary speech involves the implementation of certain rules, among the most significant - stress. Hearing correct speech around him, a child automatically remembers stressed syllables from childhood and usually does not make mistakes when talking. But as with any rule, there are exceptions to stress. There are more than 20 of them in Russian. And in order to pronounce these words correctly, you just need to remember them. Moreover, some of these words refer exclusively to the business sphere, where illiterate pronunciation can not only distort the ear, but also make a depressing impression on business partners.
To prevent this from happening, you need to remember that the stress in words is placed as follows: development - development, catalog - catalogue, domain - domain, marketing - marketing, means - means. In the word contract, the emphasis is on the last “o” - contract, in the plural the correct literary form is the word contracts, and in business life you need to use only it. In vernacular, the form is acceptable - contract A.

It is completely unforgivable for a person who considers himself literate to make mistakes in everyday speech. Therefore, you need to firmly remember the stress in the following words: call - call, more beautiful - more beautiful, thinking - thinking, quarter - quarter, stroke - stroke, provision - provision, petition - intercession.

Language, like everything that surrounds us in life, tends to undergo changes from time to time. New forms are being introduced, old ones are falling into disuse. This is especially indicative of such words as cottage cheese - a more preferable form - cottage cheese, although cottage cheese is considered acceptable, but a more colloquial and outdated form of using this word.

The word deserves special attention. The fact is that we pronounce it very often, and just as often we make mistakes. You can often hear "About money, money, money." But these are outdated and obsolete forms of pronunciation. Modern literary norms suggest a completely different emphasis in words - about money, money, money. However, in sayings, it will be correct to use the old form, for example, "Money does not buy happiness."

If you have children in your family or Russian is not your native language, be sure to get a dictionary. Look into it more often and teach your children to do it. At a minimum, you are provided with a competent pronunciation and spelling of words. Deep and solid knowledge of the language is the basis of confidence in communication, which has interlocutors to you. Therefore, try to speak correctly!

A modern person has a lot of opportunities to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully. And these opportunities should not be neglected. Competent speech disposes interlocutors, arouses interest and forms respect for a person.

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Stress in Russian

Development phonetics of the Russian language can be challenging for foreigners starting out learn Russian language. As you should be aware, the pronunciation of Russian vowels differs depending on which accent the given letter is present or not.

Unlike some other languages, Russian no strict stress rules- it can fall on any account syllable in a word (compare with French, where the stress almost always falls on the last syllable). It is almost impossible to predict which syllable is stressed in a given word, especially for a foreigner who has just begun to learn Russian.

Online tool on this page automatically places stresses in Russian words, and also restores the letter "ё" in the Russian text. This will save you time, because. you don't have to look up word stress in a dictionary.

Some Russian words, which are spelled the same, have different meanings depending on where the stress falls. Compare:

lock lock
big big

Such words are called homographs. The online tool will show all possible stress positions in similar words. The dictionary contains information about 23,376 homographs (16,609 unique spellings).

There is also a group of words in Russian that I call "false" homographs. These are words with the letter "e", which become homographs if they are written with the letter "e". For example, the word "shore", being written as "shore", can be read both as "shore" and as "shore". The online tool shows both possible stresses in similar words. Other examples:

wheels wheels
lakes lakes

There is another group of words that can also be written with the letter "e" or "ё". The stress position in such words is the same, but their meaning is different. For instance:

all all
sky sky

If you choose to display stressed vowels "dyed red", then the letter "ё" in such words will be highlighted in purple: all .

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Stress in Russian words, homographs - online resources

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  • Updates in the online tool for placing stress in Russian words

    I have improved an online tool that places stresses in Russian words. One of the improvements is the ability to restore the letter "ё" in Russian text....


Stress is the selection of one of the syllables of a word that has the greatest power. Literary speech implies compliance with certain rules, including the placement of stress. However, there are no clear instructions in this regard. The stress in it, unlike many other languages, is free or floating. Unlike French, where, according to the rules, it always falls on the last syllable, in can fall on any of them.

To determine which syllable should be stressed, place the back of your hand under and say the correct word. On which syllable your chin touches your palm, that syllable will be stressed.

However, in Russian there are special words, the correct placement of stress in which always raises questions. There are only 20 such words and they are called exceptions.

For example, like this:

The work of scientists is multi-volume -

It explores the phenomenon.

You can also come up with sentences that, in addition to the word “phenomenon”, will include other words with a similar stress. For example like this: "The phenomenon is huge and puzzling."

And finally, you can go “on the contrary”, remembering that in the word “phenomenon” the stress can fall on “e” only in relation to people:

Let's say "phenomenon" to uncle,

If uncle is superman,

Well, if it's not there...

Emphasis on "O"!

Call”, “hand”, “bleed”, “speed up”. Mistakes in the placement of stress in such words can be heard very often in speech - even literate people make them. The fact is that in Russian there is a tendency to shift the stress in verbs to the beginning of the word (for example, “glue” or “defile”). In addition, polysyllabic words are often characterized by a shift in stress to the middle of the word. However, the speed of these processes in relation to different words may vary.

In the case of the word “facilitate”, the emphasis on the latter in modern Russian is the only true one. Perhaps, in the future, the stress “to facilitate” will begin to appear in dictionaries, first as a valid option, and then as a normative one, but so far this has not happened.

Stress in the words "light" and "light"

When forming the passive past tense from verbs in -it with stressed endings, -yonn is used, which is always stressed. Therefore, the correct stress is "lightened", in short form - "lightened".

In the word “lightweight”, the stress is preserved in all genders and numbers - lightened, lightened, lightened, and so on. When the short form “lightened” is changed, the stress goes to the end of the word - facilitated, facilitated, facilitated.

curator of belles-lettres

indulge, indulge, indulge



water pipeline, gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, but: electrical wire

contract (and contracts)





more beautiful

culinary and culinary ( both options are equal)








loop (loop - Appropriate in everyday speech)

call, call, call



dancer, dancer

cottage cheese and cottage cheese ( both options are equal)







What is written in pen...

The insidiousness of all the rules and lists is that they do not linger in the head: read - forgot. There are several ways to retain useful information in memory, in our case, words with the correct stress.

#sing now. A difficult word for you needs to be said out loud loudly, clearly, several times (you can also sing) and ... in front of witnesses. Let friends or colleagues support you and join your shock flash mob with their problematic words (“Venice is more beautiful than Paris, more beautiful, more beautiful, more beautiful than Paris”, “they call me, they call me”, “my boyfriend is a barmen, barmen, barmen”). This is our psychology: what we do not alone is better remembered.

#wonderful moment. For those who have a developed imagination, it is easiest to involve associations and images associated with it in memorizing any information. Here, for example, is a healthy beetroot vegetable, and its ruddy grandmother Fyokla sells it. And a great marketing specialist knows everything about how to keep the brand!

#graphomania. Remember how at school, when studying a foreign language, we made up dialogues and stories with new words, picked up rhymes for them or came up with funny poems? The principle also works for the native great and mighty, you just need to give free rein to your imagination! There are a lot of ready-made cheat sheets on the Internet, take note: “We ate cakes for a long time - the shorts didn’t fit”, “You don’t carry curtains for us, we will hang the blinds”, “Phenomen calls on Wednesdays, having accepted the contract for years”, “The ringer is calling, they are calling in a bell, so that you can remember correctly!

And, of course, dictionaries and reference books will always help out: a spelling, spelling dictionary (translated from ancient Greek, “orthoepy” means correct pronunciation), a dictionary of stresses. Online resources will not let you down either: portals (be sure to check out the Memoirs section) and, Yandex.Dictionaries, website, which, unlike printed publications, are always at hand thanks to the ubiquitous Internet. Let's talk nice!