Secrets of proper carrot harvesting. Carrots for storage for the winter: how to trim and prepare correctly

  • 14.06.2019

Of all the root crops grown by gardeners in summer cottages, storing carrots over the winter is the hardest thing. The inquisitive minds of gardeners have come up with many ways to store carrots: in cellars, on balconies, in apartments and even directly in beds.

How to properly store carrots? Based on the existing conditions, the complexity of the process and the availability of materials, choose the most suitable storage option for you from the storage options offered below.

Preparing carrots for long-term storage

The first rule for good preservation of the carrot harvest is proper and timely harvesting.

The ripening time for carrots depends on the variety and is usually indicated on the packet of seeds. It is better not to throw away the bag or to calculate the expected harvest day in advance, in the spring. Why? Carrots pulled out ahead of schedule, does not ripen, does not have time to accumulate a sufficient amount of sugars, which negatively affects its taste. Carrots that are over-exposed in the garden, on the contrary, have an excess of sugars and amino acids, and this, in turn, makes them a tasty morsel for pests - carrot fly larvae, mice and rats.

If you still don’t know exactly when to harvest carrots, focus on the color of the tops. As soon as they start to turn yellow lower leaves– carrots are ready for harvesting. To ensure that root crops remain juicy for a long time, they should not be watered the day before digging.

Immediately after harvesting, the tops of the carrots are cut off. Otherwise, it will draw some of the moisture from the root crops during drying. It is best to trim carrot tops in two stages: - first, the leaves are cut just above the head of the root crop, - then the “head” is cut off completely (0.5-1 cm thick) together at the growth point, and the cut should be even and smooth. Such drastic pruning prevents carrots from germinating in winter, wasting precious nutrients, prevents fruits from withering, and ensures their best storage.

After cutting the tops, the carrots are ventilated under a canopy or dried in the sun for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to keep carrot roots at a temperature of 10-14 °C for 7-10 days. During this time, just like potatoes put into storage, they undergo a kind of “quarantine”: cut points and minor mechanical damage heal, sick and spoiled root crops make themselves known.

Before harvesting carrots into storage, they are inspected and sorted again, removing all unsuitable root crops.

Method number 1. How to store carrots in sand

You will need: sand (preferably loamy, not river), water and boxes. Storing carrots in sand is very popular among summer residents who have cool cellars, crawl spaces, and garage pits. And it is not surprising, because sand reduces the evaporation of moisture from carrots, prevents the development of putrefactive diseases, and ensures a constant temperature - all this contributes to the excellent shelf life of root crops.

The sand must be wet; one liter of water is used for moistening each bucket of sand. Then the prepared sand is poured onto the bottom of the box in a layer of 3-5 cm, after which the carrots are laid so that the root vegetables do not come into contact with each other. The carrots are covered with a layer of sand, and then the next layer is laid out, etc. Some gardeners prefer to use dry sand instead of wet sand and buckets instead of boxes.

Method number 2. Storing carrots in sawdust

You will need: pine sawdust and boxes. Sawdust from coniferous trees is another excellent filler for boxes of carrots intended for long-term storage. The phytoncides contained in the needles prevent the germination of root crops and prevent the penetration of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. In the same way as when sanding, carrots need to be placed in boxes in layers, sprinkling each layer with sawdust.

Method No. 3. How to store carrots in plastic bags

You will need: film bags with a capacity of 5 to 30 kg. Plastic bags with carrots are kept open in cool rooms. The air humidity in such bags naturally remains at the optimal level of 96-98%, and therefore the carrots do not wither. In addition, carrot roots emit carbon dioxide during storage. In open bags, a small amount accumulates, just enough to prevent disease. If the bags are tied, the carbon dioxide content will be several times higher than the oxygen concentration and the carrots will spoil.

If you still want to store root vegetables in closed bags, be sure to make holes for ventilation. During storage at inner surface bags, condensation may form - this indicates increased humidity in the storage. Then fluff lime is scattered next to the bags of carrots, which absorbs excess moisture.

Method number 4. Storing carrots in clay

You will need: clay, water, boxes or carton boxes, plastic wrap, garlic (optional). Clay forms a thin protective layer on the surface of the root crop, which protects it from withering during the winter. There are two options for treating carrots with clay before storing them.

Option 1.

Filling with clay Take half a bucket of clay and fill it with water. A day later, the clay, swollen with water, is thoroughly mixed and filled with water again. For 3-4 days, the clay is in this state, under a layer of water of 2-3 cm. Before use, the clay must acquire the consistency of sour cream. Then the bottom of the boxes is lined with film, a layer of carrots is placed (so that the fruits do not touch each other) and filled with liquid clay. When the layer of clay dries, the carrots are laid out again and also filled with clay, and then dried again. And so on until the very top of the box.

Option 2.

Dipping in clay With this method, unwashed carrots are dipped first in garlic and then in a clay mash and laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area (on the veranda, in the attic, under a canopy). Then the dried carrots in the “clay shell” are placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Garlic mash is prepared as follows: grind 1 glass of garlic through a meat grinder, then dilute the “minced meat” in 2 liters of water.

To get a clay “mash,” you need to dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, so that it cannot then drain from the root vegetables.

Method No. 5 Storing carrots in moss

You will need: wooden or plastic boxes, sphagnum moss. Unwashed and sun-dried carrots are first kept in a cool room for 24 hours, and then placed in boxes, alternating layers of carrots with layers of sphagnum moss. Moss has unique preservative properties and retains the required amount of carbon dioxide inside. In addition, unlike sand and clay, moss is a lightweight material that does not add additional heaviness to boxes of carrots.

Method number 6. Storing carrots in pans

You will need: large enamel pans. After harvesting, carrots must be washed well, the tops and tails must be trimmed, and the roots must be dried in the sun. Then the root vegetables are placed tightly vertically in the pan, a napkin is placed on top of them and the pan is covered with a lid. It is recommended to keep all pots with carrots in a cool cellar - then the carrots will last well until the new harvest.

Method No. 7. How to store carrots in onion skins

You will need: boxes, onion and garlic peels. This method of storing carrots is based on the same principle as storing them in pine sawdust - essential oils from onion and garlic scales also prevent rotting of root crops. Therefore, carrots do not spoil for a long time if they are laid in layers, first sprinkled with dry husks onions and garlic remaining after harvesting these crops and accumulated over the winter.

Method No. 8. Storing carrots in the garden

Some gardeners leave part of the carrot harvest to overwinter directly in the garden bed, then dig it up in the spring and eat it all summer until the new harvest. The tops of carrots left for storage in the garden bed are completely cut off. Then the bed is covered with damp coarse sand and covered with film. Sawdust, fallen leaves, peat or humus are poured on top of the film, and then the bed is covered with roofing felt or another layer of film.

Under such shelter, carrots tolerate winter cold well and remain fresh and tasty.

A few more original ways to store carrots

Pre-washed and trimmed carrots are wrapped in cling film, making sure that each carrot is completely wrapped in film and does not come into contact with its “neighbors”. Root vegetables are stored well if they are first sprayed with an infusion of pine needles or onion peels. For 100 g of husk or pine needles, take a liter of water and infuse for 5 days. This infusion can not only be sprayed, you can immerse carrots in it for 10 minutes, dry it and store it.

Unusual folk way storing carrots in paraffin:

clean and dried root vegetables are dipped in hot paraffin with the addition of a small amount of beeswax for elasticity. This treatment allows carrots to be stored for 4-5 months at a temperature of 0-2°C. It will remain tasty and fresh.

Carrots can be dusted with chalk at the rate of 150-200 grams of chalk per 10 kg. carrots, or immerse the root vegetables in a 30% chalk suspension and then dry well. The chalk layer creates a weak alkaline environment, thereby preventing root crops from rotting.

In addition, you can store carrots by wrapping each root vegetable separately in paper or newspaper. Dry leaves of Saracen mint (kanufera) will help protect carrots stored in the cellar from rodents. It is enough to line the boxes with dry plant stems and rodents will not approach.

If your carrot harvest is small and you have a freezer, it makes sense to grind most of the carrots using food processor and freeze in regular plastic bags. Whatever method of storing carrots you choose, it is worth remembering: - the optimal air humidity when storing root vegetables is 90-95%. - the best temperature for storing carrots is 0-1 °C. We wish you success and great harvests!

If autumn turns out to be warm and sunny, there is no need to rush to harvest carrots, but this should be done before frost sets in.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of carrots, but few manage to preserve them until spring. Its proper storage, as well as other vegetables, begins with proper cleaning, and before that - from the right choice varieties. Mid-late and late varieties and hybrids are suitable for long-term storage.

Let him soak up the sun

In order for carrots to retain all their beneficial qualities, they are harvested before frost. At a temperature of minus 1 degree, the head of the root crop will freeze, and such carrots are no longer suitable for storage: even slightly frozen ones in winter will quickly rot. But there is no need to rush into digging. In September - October, if the weather is warm and sunny, each root vegetable gains about 3-4 g in weight per day. Therefore, carrots harvested late (but before frost) ripen better and are stored longer. And it contains more vitamins and other useful substances.

Carrots for winter storage cleaned in good dry weather. They dig up with a garden fork, pull it out of the soil and immediately remove the tops. Otherwise, it will draw juices and nutrients from the root crop, which will become lethargic and dehydrated. Such a vegetable is unlikely to last until spring, and there will be almost no vitamins left in it. But the tops are not cut, but unscrewed, leaving a small (about 0.5 cm) “tail”. So the head of the root crop is not injured. Rolled tops dry out faster and prevent various microorganisms from penetrating inside.

Sometimes carrots have a lot of root fibers. They also need to be carefully removed.

Then the harvested crop must be dried in the sun. This is done so that the soil stuck to the root crop can be shaken off more easily. And such “ultraviolet disinfection” would not hurt vegetables. After sunbathing, shake off any remaining soil. Although, as experience shows, carrots with stuck soil are stored better.

It is not recommended to wash root vegetables before storing them. But you need to sort it carefully. Those with dark spots or damaged ones should be immediately discarded: once they have spoiled and begun to rot, they can infect other root crops. Only healthy ones are suitable for storage.

There are options

You can store carrots in a CLAY COASTER in winter. Mix a solution from water and clay (no thicker than sour cream), dip root vegetables in it for 2-3 minutes, and then dry. It is important that they are completely covered with a clay shell. Carrots prepared in this way can be kept in open boxes or baskets. The drying layer of clay forms a thin coating on root crops, protecting them from moisture evaporation, wilting and various diseases. Compared to other methods, this is the most waste-free - losses are no more than 4-5%.

Helps preserve carrots and CHALK SOLUTION. Coating can be either dry or wet. When the roots are wet, spray them or immerse them in a 30% chalk suspension. After this, they must be dried as soon as possible. Dry coating is dusting with chalk at the rate of 150-200 g per 10 kg of carrots. The chalk layer formed on the surface of root crops creates a slightly alkaline environment, which prevents the development of diseases, the appearance of putrefactive bacteria and mold.

Carrots are also perfectly preserved in SAND. In the cellar, it is better to fold it into a bead or pyramid no more than 1 m high. Pour 2 cm of sand under the bottom row. Then place the root vegetables with their heads facing out and add another layer of sand. Vegetables should not touch each other. Upper layer sand, as well as the sand on the sides of the pyramid or collar, sprinkle with water as soon as it begins to dry out. This method is suitable if the storage is cold enough, but does not freeze. For 1 kg of carrots it takes approximately 0.5-1 kg of sand. You can mix sand with slaked lime or chalk at a ratio of 9:1.

Many owners store carrots in POLYETHYLENE BAGS made of thick (100--150 microns) film. With this method, natural losses and the number of sprouted root crops are practically reduced to zero. Place the vegetables in bags, and place the bags vertically and do not tie them - they must be open: inside them, food is created. high humidity air and the carbon dioxide content increases. Without through ventilation, carrots wither and dry out less and lose less weight. It almost completely retains vitamins, and its taste does not change.

If temperature changes are possible in the storage facility, condensed moisture is formed, which flows down the walls and collects at the bottom. To prevent condensation from accumulating, make several small holes in the bottom of the bag. You can pour 2-3 handfuls of dry onion peels inside the bag.

You can also store carrots in CONIFEROUS SAWDUST. Place shelves in the storage area at a level of 20 cm from the floor and cover them with damp (18-20%) sawdust. Lay root vegetables on them in layers, which you also sprinkle with sawdust. Sawdust should be taken from coniferous wood. They contain essential oil (turpentine), which, having disinfectant properties, prevents the germination and appearance of white rot. When stored this way, carrots remain juicy and firm for a long time.

If space does not allow, carrots are stored in BOXES small sizes, with a capacity of no more than 20 kg. This method will help save space for other vegetables. Boxes must have thick walls and a lid. Carrots will be stored in them better than in containers with holes. Place the boxes on a stand 15-20 cm high above the floor and at the same distance from each wall.

If the boxes are stored on the balcony, with the onset of cold weather they need to be covered with something warm. And when severe frosts It’s better to bring it into the apartment and place it next to the balcony door.

Unwashed carrots can be placed in a plastic bag, rolled tightly and placed in the FRIDGE. To make it last longer, it is better to put no more than 2-3 root vegetables in one bag. This will prevent excess air and moisture from entering the bag. But before you put the vegetables in, chill them overnight in the refrigerator, uncovered. Otherwise, condensation will form and the carrots in the bag will begin to sprout and rot.

Recently, another option for storing carrots for the winter has been practiced. The head (0.5-1 cm) of dug up and dried root crops is cut off: this is where, as a rule, the vegetable begins to rot. The cut carrots are dried until the wound becomes rough and healed, and stored in any way.


Without proper storage conditions, carrots are invariably at risk of rapid wilting, sprouting and disease. Therefore, from time to time, sort through the root crops, sorting out those that are rotten and just beginning to deteriorate. Never leave them in storage! If you think that spoiled carrots can still be saved, move them to another place and sprinkle with chalk.


In plastic bags (in the refrigerator) - from 1 to 2 months.

In a clay shell (in the cellar) - until the new harvest.

In sand (cellar) - from 6 to 8 months.

In pine sawdust (in the basement) - up to a year.

In closed boxes (in the basement) - from 5 to 8 months.


The ideal temperature for storing carrots is zero degrees, and air humidity is 90-95%. At temperatures close to zero, biochemical metabolic activity slows down 10 times. If the temperature rises, the root vegetables will begin to sprout and rot, which will significantly reduce their value and reduce the amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Before cutting carrots for storage and for a long stay in the cellar, you need to first study the features of this process. Proper preparation of carrots for the winter is a guarantee not only that they will last until the next harvest, but also that they will retain maximum benefits and taste.

How to prepare carrots for long-term storage?

Tops are trimmed (the video below illustrates how to do this correctly) on the day of harvest. Root vegetables can be picked for food throughout the season, but stored in winter time carrots are harvested in the fall. For each variety, the ripening period is indicated on the bag of seeds; it is important to pay attention to this immediately so as not to start collecting ahead of time. Carrots picked early will not contain the required amount of nutrients, and late harvested vegetables have an increased content of amino acids and sugars, which attracts pests, rodents and carrot fly larvae.

Cut off the tops along with the top of the root crop - about 2 mm, unless you plan to plant carrots in the new season to get your seeds.

The tops are usually cut off at the same time as the top, approximately 2 mm from the edge. You can apply chalk to the cut to be safe. For trimming, it is recommended to use a well-sharpened knife with a sharp blade so as not to leave petioles that can germinate and change the condition of the entire carrot.

Pruning is usually carried out after drying the crop and clearing it of earthen lumps in warm and sunny weather. Whole root vegetables are selected to be stored for the winter, and damaged ones are used during the season.

How to preserve the carrot harvest?

How to store carrots is a question that depends on several factors. The prepared carrots are stored for the winter. Optimal temperature regime is +1-+2 °C. If there is cabbage next to carrots or the storage temperature drops below +1°C, the process of rotting begins.

The most popular storage is in bags, in sand and in large sealed containers (barrels, tanks). The bulk method, that is, “in a heap” directly on the floor, is now rarely used: the crop in this state is susceptible to attack by rodents, and there may also be a lack of moisture or the threat of flooding with groundwater.

When filling carrots with bulk material, you need the following: sand (sawdust, dry pine needles), boxes, water. With this method, the evaporation of moisture from root crops is significantly reduced, protection against putrefactive infection is created, and a constant temperature is maintained. Before backfilling, the sand is moistened by adding 1 liter of water to 1 bucket of sand. Next, the moistened sand is placed on the bottom of the box 3-5 cm thick, a layer of carrots is placed (the root vegetables should not touch each other), sand is poured again so that it completely covers the vegetables, and a second layer of vegetables is laid. It is not necessary to moisten the sand, and instead of a box you can use a bucket.

However, when choosing this option, you should take into account the severity of the sand. It becomes difficult to carry buckets into the cellar, lift them in winter, and clean out the remaining material in the spring.

Many people claim that it is with this method of storage that carrots retain maximum taste.

When choosing to store carrots in bags, you need two types of bags with different volumes. It’s better to choose ones that won’t fit more than 1-1.5 kg of vegetables. The contents of the package in this quantity are easier to transport, save space in the refrigerator and are consumed before the first signs of spoilage appear on the root crops.

This method has a number of advantages:

  • heavy materials and containers are not used;
  • no dirt;
  • fewer root vegetables will be spoiled or eaten by rodents;
  • You can place the packages anywhere in the cellar;
  • longer storage period.

All these advantages compensate for such a small disadvantage as an insignificant loss taste properties vegetables compared to falling asleep with sand.

The technology for packaging carrots in plastic bags involves simple steps. First, purchase two types of bags in rolls: one should be larger than the other. Then the capacity of a package of one type can be used to the maximum. If the bags are the same, then the vegetables are not completely placed in one of them, leaving a little space.

Selected carrots are washed in water.

The washed vegetables are laid out to dry in one layer. For uniform drying, it is advisable to lay a net (for example, from a discarded iron bed).
Drying carrots. Rice. 1

After the moisture has dried, the carrots are cut on both sides as seen in the photo. Carrot trimming. Rice. 2

Ventilate the sections for about 5 minutes. After this, the blanks are laid out in bags with a smaller volume. Having tied it twice, put on the second bag. It is also tied securely. Carrots in a bag. Rice. 3

Important: after some time, condensation will form inside the bags. The water droplets will later disappear the same way they appeared, it’s not scary.

Storing carrots in aluminum cans or bulk enamel pans is also great way. Having collected fresh harvest, root vegetables are carefully prepared: the tops are cut off, washed, and dried in the sun. The containers are placed vertically and covered with a napkin and a lid. It makes sense to put vegetables in a container if the cellar is cool. Then this year's supplies will last well until the next harvest.

Some gardeners leave root vegetables to overwinter directly in the beds so that in the spring they can be dug up juicy and fresh.

In this case, it is necessary to cut off the carrot tops, and build a protection on the garden bed from several layers of wet coarse sand and cover it with film, again pour humus (peat, sawdust or fallen leaves) on top of it and cover it with film again.

The peel of the root vegetable is thin and delicate - this explains their difficulty in storage. Harmful bacteria easily penetrate through the loose skin; carrots quickly sprout, freeze or rot. Be sure to select only dense and healthy fruits, on which there are no traces mechanical damage, diseases.

Carrots are 80% water. Sharp temperature fluctuations, excessive humidity or dryness in the room, dampness, poor cleaning of the basement - a complex of factors leads to the fact that the water from the fruit begins to evaporate (the carrots become soft and flabby). Suitable:

  • – 1-2 degrees above zero (you can find out more about the storage temperature of root vegetables);
  • humidity indicators – 90-95%;
  • moderate level of ventilation (no drafts).

Reliable long-term storage will be provided by a room with artificial air ventilation, where constant temperature and humidity are maintained. Before harvesting, be sure to dry and trim the carrot tops.

We select suitable varieties for harvesting

One of the conditions for high-quality preservation is the choice of hybrids. For planting for the winter, it is recommended to select mid- or late-ripening species. Early varieties They do not retain moisture well and are suitable for immediate use - eating or preserving.
When choosing planting material It is advisable to pay attention to the packaging - the average ripening time is always indicated here.

General requirements for fruits: correct shape, high performance productivity, intended for long-term storage. If you follow the correct technology, carrots will last up to 6-8 months.

Which varieties to choose:

  1. Forto.
  2. Vita Longa.
  3. Shantanay.
  4. Queen of Autumn.
  5. Carlena.

You can find out more about which varieties of carrots are best suited for storage.

What is pruning: the purpose of the procedure

Before the pruning procedure, it is dried. When digging, it is forbidden to hit the carrots against each other, shaking off the soil. This leads to microcracks, loss of integrity and reduced shelf life. If required, then after washing you need to dry the crop well (keep hanging in warm air for at least 1-3 days).

Trimming carrots means removing the top green part. This procedure will help preserve useful components in the fruits and stop the processes of rotting and drying out. If the tops are left, they will actively grow, taking water and nutrients from the fruit. Pruning should be done based on the purpose and storage period.

  • The period does not exceed 3 months. Trim the green mass 2-3 cm above the vegetable head.
  • 2-4 months. Further use- to obtain seeds. Trimming is identical to the first option.
  • Long-term storage (until next season). It is necessary to trim the tops along with 2-3 mm of the root head itself. This will stop germination and the carrots will retain their juiciness and taste.

Do I need to remove the tops to keep them in the cellar?

Cutting off the green part is mandatory for any carrot storage technology. If carrots are left in the ground for the winter, the tops are cut off without affecting the root crop itself. To store in the basement, you need to cut off the greens and remove the growing point - cut off 2-5 mm from the top edge of the fruit, if desired.

How to prepare carrots for wintering: detailed instructions

Preparing carrots for storage is an important stage that needs to be given maximum attention (about how to prepare carrots for storage in winter period, read in).

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure with your hands, tearing off or twisting the tops. Be sure to use a sharp knife and not leave even small cuttings. By cutting off the top part of the carrot, the growth points are muffled, germination is stopped, and the original properties and taste are preserved.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

  1. Trimming the main green mass. It is necessary to leave a small tubercle, cutting off the tops slightly above the upper edge of the fruit.
  2. Dry the carrots in the sun for 24 hours.
  3. Cut 2-4 mm from the head of the root crop. If there are ring cracks or other lesions on the surface, you need to cut off from 5 mm to 1-2 cm.
  4. Removing the root part - the tails, since this is where decay begins. The root must be cut off in the place where the diameter of the tail is 5 mm or less.

Further steps - laying carrots in one layer on plastic film on the ground, dry in the sun for 2-3 hours. During this period, the cut areas will be covered with a protective crust, which will improve the quality of storage. After this, the fruits are placed in a cool place for a day and only then lowered.

You can also learn about preparing carrots for storage for the winter from.


Below are photos of examples of how to trim carrots:

Winter storage methods

High-quality preservation of the root crop is ensured by placing it in sand or sawdust, plastic bags or boxes with clay. The simplest is storage in the basement in wooden boxes with lid. You need to place the containers at a distance of 10-15 cm from the walls, as the walls may become damp, which will affect the carrots. Containers should be placed on shelves or low stands. No more than 20 kg of fruit should be placed in 1 box.

What kind of filler should I put in the box?

  • .

    The material contains phenol, which will prevent rot and other diseases. The carrots are placed in a box and sprinkled with sawdust.

  • .

    Root vegetables should be laid out on a thick sandy cushion (cover a shelf or the bottom of a box). Each new layer must be refilled with sand. You need to use slightly moistened sand.

  • Chalk solution.

    Chalk must be diluted with water to a homogeneous consistency. Dip each carrot in the solution, put it in boxes and store it.

  • Slurry.

    It's dirty but effective method. Suitable for those cellars in which root crops often rot and spoil. From clay and water you need to make a mash - a stretchy mass. Dip carrots into the solution and dry. The clay should completely cover the fruit. After drying, put the carrots in boxes or baskets and lower them into the basement.

  • .

    Dry root vegetables should be folded into tight bags and lowered into the cellar, placed on the floor on protective stands. Make several holes at the bottom of the bags to allow condensation to escape. Do not close or tie the bag.

What if something went wrong?

Throughout the entire period, it is important to ensure that it does not rot, does not grow, or lose its taste and marketable properties. Of the physical processes, the highest risk is evaporation of moisture. Carrots have a thin peel and contain many colloids - this affects intense moisture loss. Possible results include weight loss, wilting, and loss of marketability.

To prevent such changes, it is important to ensure good air exchange and constant temperature. If rotting is detected, the affected fruits should be thrown away, and the rotting area and adjacent root crops should be sprinkled with slaked lime or chalk. In case of mass rotting, all carrots need to be sorted out and sold (used) as soon as possible.

Primary processing of carrots before storage is cleaning, correct pruning tops and drying. At the time of harvesting, it is necessary to cull damaged vegetables. After trimming the greens, you need to wait until a dry crust forms at the cut site and only then lower the carrots into the cellar.
The final result depends on the chosen technology:

  1. clay and sawdust will help preserve the fruits until the next harvest;
  2. moistened sand – 7-8 months;
  3. ordinary wooden containers without filler – 4-7 months;
  4. plastic bags – 3-6 months.

Regular inspection of the crop, removal of damaged fruits and trimming of overgrown tops in the basement will extend the life and improve the quality. It is important to consider that the condition of the tops plays a decisive role during storage. The larger the size of the stump left, the faster the root crop will begin to germinate.

ATTENTION! The only undesirable neighbor for root vegetables is the apple. The fruit releases ethylene, which affects the taste of carrots.

If the basement freezes, boxes with carrots need to be additionally covered with felt. or any other thermal insulation material. It is advisable to use small and thin fruits first, as they dry faster. Larger carrots, if handled correctly, will last until spring and summer. Be sure to isolate vegetables from direct sunlight and moisture.

Trimming carrots before storing them for the winter is a mandatory procedure. The final period and quality of storage of the crop depends on the quality of its implementation. You need to cut the tops with a sharp knife or scissors, leaving no growth points or stumps. Root crops should only be lowered into the basement after the cut areas have been covered with a protective film.

Carrots are a root vegetable rich in vitamins and easy to grow. Not only the vegetable itself has beneficial properties, but also its tops. But do they cut off the tops of carrots at all? Is it possible to trim the tops of carrots while the vegetable is growing? And when can you trim the tops of carrots? Let's find answers to these questions.

In front of everyone beneficial properties green root vegetable, it should be eaten with caution. If you are allergic to carrots or the essential oils contained in their stems and leaves, have a stomach ulcer or inflammation of the large intestine, then it is better to refrain from adding carrot tops to your diet. It is not recommended to consume these greens for pregnant women, as they increase the tone of the uterus and can cause miscarriage.

Is it possible to cut off the tops of carrots while they are still growing? It is not recommended to trim carrots while they are growing. Like the greens of any plant, carrot tops are involved in the process of photosynthesis. If you cut off the green stems before harvest, the carrots will stop growing and simply rot in the ground. Also, root vegetables with greens cut before ripeness lose their taste and are no longer saturated with useful microelements. If you notice that a vegetable is larger than its neighbors, do not panic and try to cut everything off to reduce the growth rate - large tops will not have a bad effect on carrots, but cutting them can only do harm.

When to cut

When can you cut carrot tops? When you are preparing a root vegetable for storage for the winter, cutting off its stems is not only possible, but necessary. If they are left, the rotting process will begin very quickly. Without stems, cut correctly on the day of harvest, the root crop itself will be stored longer, and it will better retain its taste. Do they trim carrot tops in advance while they are still unharvested and in the ground?

Some gardeners begin trimming green leaves about a week before harvest, but it is better to leave everything as it is until harvest. Carrots, being in the ground without greenery, begin to grow it again. If you use a vegetable directly from the garden throughout the season and do not plan to store it, then it is not necessary to follow the pruning rules in this case.

Pruning rules

Pruning of greenery is carried out on the same day as the harvest. Before cutting, vegetables are dried and cleared of soil. If you are cutting greens with the root top, use a well-sharpened knife so that no stems remain on the surface, and apply chalk to the cut. The petioles left behind may begin to sprout and the harvest will be ruined.

Trimmed and prepared vegetables are stored in the cellar, stacked in boxes in layers with some space between each vegetable, and filling each layer with sand. Descent harvested into the cellar occurs only two weeks after collection. This way the skin will become quite rough, and during this time all the spoiled and unsuitable root vegetables will reveal themselves.

Cut tops can be used in cooking, dried or frozen for the winter. Some people use the branches for pickling and preservation. It does not keep in the refrigerator for a long time and dries out after a couple of days, so when fresh it is used immediately. Everything will wither even faster in plastic bags, so if you put the cut tops aside with plans to use them in soup or salad, it’s better to just tie them in a loose bundle. More mature greens will be bitter, but in combination with pepper, vinegar, ginger and garlic there will be much less bitterness.

For storage, choose only whole leaves that are not yellowed, limp or slimy, and free of mold. Drying the tops in the sun is not recommended. You can store it both in glass containers and in canvas bags. The storage area should be dark and at room temperature. You can freeze both in plastic containers and in plastic bags.

Video “Recipes for treating carrot tops”

In this video you will hear useful tips on the use of carrot tops.