Business plan: how to open a furniture store. How to start a furniture business? How to start a furniture business from scratch How much can you earn selling furniture store products

  • 15.06.2019

Kuprienko Dmitry, an experienced entrepreneur in the field of furniture production, shares practical advice about how to start and organize a business in the production of furniture, what you need to organize your first workshop, how to rise from scratch and where to start in this business.


Many firms that started their business with the manufacture of cabinet furniture in small workshops a few years ago became quite successful and expanded their business. Today, some of these organizations, in addition to the production of kitchens, wardrobes and other interior items, provide a number of other services to the population. Usually this cutting chipboard and production of facades from MDF according to customer sizes, pasting the ends of PVC parts and melamine edges, assembling doors from aluminum profiles and selling furniture fittings with accessories.

With some experience and basic knowledge in this area, you can organize your own small business, which has every chance of success. Moreover, some serious capital investments and the presence of large production areas on initial stage you won't need. With a skillful approach, rational use of earned funds and a certain amount of luck, you can literally have a decent income in 1-2 years.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business?

Kuprienko Dmitry(author of the material) - has been manufacturing custom-made cabinet furniture for more than ten years:

"The presence of a huge number of players in this market segment should not stop you. In any business, as elsewhere, the evolutionary process never stops - someone goes bankrupt, and a more efficient entrepreneur takes his place"

Since, as already noted, starting a small business for the production of cabinet furniture does not imply large cash costs, there can be no talk of any expensive advertising campaigns and other promotions. Finding your customers can be much easier and cheaper. It is enough to order business cards and distribute them to everyone you can, or publish a few ads in special newspapers.

Also try to negotiate with small hardware stores for cooperation, since the chances of finding a customer in such a place are quite high. Renovators often plan to purchase new furniture as well. If you can convince the owners of these outlets that they will benefit from a certain percentage of your orders, then customers will soon appear.

In addition to traditional methods, you need to start preparing your website or blog, since every year more and more orders, especially in large and medium-sized cities, are received by craftsmen via the Internet. Of course, promoting such your own virtual store will require financial and material costs but not everything is done at once. Gradually developing the main production, in parallel, engage in the development of an Internet resource, which, under a successful set of circumstances, will provide you with many orders - the dream of all entrepreneurs without exception.

How to choose the right material supplier?

Sufficiently high competition in this sector forces firms providing this kind of services to pursue approximately the same financial policy. Therefore, choosing an organization based only on prices will be fundamentally wrong. Some may sell some products cheaper than competitors, while others - more expensive, as a result, the average cost of components for the production of furniture will be approximately the same everywhere. Naturally, we are talking about the same level of quality, since materials and accessories from different manufacturers have different prices.

The maximum possible range of goods and services offered by the organization to its customers. In such a place, you should be able to buy almost everything you need without spending extra time and money on trips to other stores for some small change. Moreover, it is highly desirable that the components be sold in different price categories, since customers have an unequal income level, and not everyone will be able to pay for expensive elite materials, and some only need these. Therefore, you should have the freedom of choice in one place.

No less important are the terms of execution of your orders and the discounts that are provided to regular customers. Duplicate the information received from the company's employees with experienced clients. It is from them that you can learn important nuances.

The location of the organization plays a significant role, it is better to start working with a company that is located as close as possible to your workshop. Voyages across the city with the current traffic congestion in daytime take up a lot of precious time.

The territory should have convenient access to the workshops and properly equipped platforms for loading parts into your vehicles. It's good when in such places there are canopies that guarantee the safety of parts in any bad weather.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment

For the manufacture of cabinet furniture at the initial stage, you will need a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20-25 square meters, it will be good if it turns out to be one large room. Please note that a small warehouse will be located here for both recently imported blanks and for finished products. In the same room, it will be necessary to drill and process parts, as well as assemble furniture, so choosing a room of less than 20 squares is not recommended.

In addition, pay attention to the possibility of maintaining the temperature in it at the level of 10-15 degrees in autumn-winter period. Immediately calculate how much it will cost you. Sometimes cheap rent is completely offset by expensive heating. There was no need to remind at all that the room should be dry, since this is one of the main conditions, and by neglecting it, you risk a lot.

Confidence in the safety of all property is also important, because over time, if the business develops successfully, components and equipment worth several thousand dollars can be simultaneously located in the workshop. Do not forget here about ensuring convenient loading of finished furniture and unloading of imported parts with fittings.

When buying equipment, many cannot decide on the class hand power tools. There are very opposite opinions on this matter: some prefer to purchase inexpensive goods and change as needed, others work only with expensive products worldwide. famous brands.

There is also a tool that is in the middle price range, and here it is, perhaps, worth choosing at the very beginning. In addition to production needs, it is always useful for other things. In order for you not to have any problems during the execution of orders, you must have in your arsenal:

  • Electric drill - 2000 rubles;
  • Cordless screwdriver - 2500 rubles;
  • A cordless screwdriver - 2000 rubles;
  • Electric jigsaw - 2200 rubles;
  • Manual frezer- 2500 rubles;
  • Grinding machine - 2500 rubles;
  • Electric end saw - 7000 rubles;
  • Industrial hair dryer - 1600 rubles;
  • Perforator - 2200 rubles.
  • A set of cutting tools: drills, cutters, knives and crowns - 3000 rubles;
  • Standard set hand tool home master- 1000 rubles;
  • Clamps - 1000 rubles;
  • Miter box - 800 rubles.

Over time, gaining more experience and saving money for the development of production, you will purchase more sophisticated equipment that provides more high level production. In the meantime, it is quite possible to get by with what is listed in this section, since this is quite enough to produce cabinet furniture from finished parts. Your costs when purchasing the mentioned instrument will be about 30 thousand rubles, and prices may deviate in both directions by about 20%.


No, we are not talking about expensive CNC machines, but only about two programs that can greatly facilitate your work at the furniture design stages and when ordering chipboard cutting. One way or another, but you will have to do this anyway, until things are going well that allow you to hire an employee for this purpose. Without the use of software, this entire process will take a lot of time and effort, and errors in calculations are also possible. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to very simple and useful programs:

PRO 100- a program created for the design and construction of furniture. With its help, you can easily carry out both the visualization of an object and the calculation of the parts necessary for assembly. To date, there are several versions of PRO 100, as the program is constantly being improved. The latest development allows you to create quite realistic 3D pictures.

Cutting- a program whose purpose is to assist in compiling the best option for cutting sheets of chipboard and MDF. Using it, you will quickly find out how much material is needed for the manufacture of a particular product, and you will also be able to minimize unclaimed waste. Cutting saves both time and money.

In addition, it is desirable to have a laptop. Your future work is associated with frequent visits to housing, offices and other facilities where measurements will be made. Almost all customers in this case are childishly impatient, they want to immediately see what their furniture looks like. With a laptop and PRO 100, you can render in 45-70 minutes. By the way, this greatly increases your chances of getting an order.

Prospects for the development of the furniture business

Following our recommendations and setting aside part of the money earned for business development, you will be able to reach a new quality level within 2-3 years. In the process of fulfilling orders, acquaintances are made with construction teams, since repairmen and furniture makers, in fact, are inseparable. Such connections, like the Internet project, will allow you to increase the number of customers and increase your income.

An important factor guaranteeing success of undertakings, is the constant expansion of the production base, both in terms of increasing space and purchasing new equipment.

From the first days of work you will dream of panel saw and edge banding machines. They provide independence, allow you to quickly correct errors on the spot and save money.

But you can’t rush to buy them, many craftsmen, applying ahead of time to a bank or private individuals for a loan to purchase them, incorrectly assessed their capabilities and subsequently suffered losses. Therefore, it is better to make such serious purchases with your own money or borrow a small amount.

Expensive machines justify themselves only with the appropriate volumes of processed material, only then they are effective.

Their cost is approximately:

  • Panel saw (made in China) - about 200,000 rubles.
  • Curvilinear edge banding machine (made in Russia, China) - about 50,000 rubles.

There is equipment and a little cheaper, and much more expensive than the given prices. But even familiarization with the average cost of machines, which are usually purchased for small workshops, is enough to avoid making impulsive decisions. Without a carefully calibrated business plan, which is confirmed by an increase in the number of orders, you should not start this event. Just as undesirable for effective development may be a delay in such a purchase. You will simply waste money and time.

Furniture manufacturing has always been considered a promising occupation, especially in our country, since a huge percentage of the population still exploits old sets and dreams of new ones. People who bought a kitchen, closet or hallway about 5-8 years ago are already starting to think about replacing them, so furniture makers will always be with work. You just need to organize it correctly.

New idea for business: Production of fences and railings for private households under the Lego Fence franchise (novelty, lack of competition, high demand even in current market conditions).

From this article you will learn how to start a furniture business and other interesting points about this activity. Success can be achieved with a competent business organization and a person without specialized skills!

There are two areas of activity - the assembly of furniture from ready-made components, which practically does not require investments, and the creation of our own workshop for the manufacture of components and assembled furniture. The latter will not require investments when there are carpentry skills and a room.

Furniture assembly as a business

All you need to get started is a computer with a printer, a hand drill and a small hand tool (screwdrivers, hammer, etc.). It is important to know the build process itself.

It is possible to assemble furniture that we see in stores and salons on our own, the main thing is to understand what and how to do.

To make woodworking production waste-free, they open it for solid fuel boilers.

For entrepreneurs, one of the pleasant moments of a business is opening it without global investments. - from 60%.

It is possible to organize it in such a way as to do without investing money. Clients will invest.


Let's look at this expensive kitchen.

Made from modern materials. Cost without household appliances(hood, oven) 48000 rub. When the kitchen gets to the store, the price will increase by 15,000 rubles. Total - 63,000 thousand. The facade is made of frame MDF. There are built-in appliances, roof rails, deep drawers, long handles. The box is made of German laminated chipboard. Fittings are also from the German company Nettich.

Let's see how, without equipment, machines, to independently make such a kitchen to order, without investing your money.

Imagine that you were given it unassembled. Assembly will take 5-7 days. The cost of furniture is 40-50%. To see the assembly order, there are videos on the Internet on this topic.

Build to order

The main thing is search the right materials, accessories, fasteners. It is necessary to make documentation with the dimensions of blanks, accessories, a list of components. With this, you go to specialized stores or warehouses, where they will cut to size.

Facades, fittings, countertops and components are made in factories. Now in all cities there are representations from these plants. Buy everything there. Materials that are not on display can be ordered. Glass is cut to size in glass workshops.

As a result, we get the usual constructor, what remains to be assembled and installed fittings.

Getting started without investment

Furniture makers working to order do not make furniture at their own expense. A prepayment for the cost of materials is required.

That's . The client makes an advance payment for expenses. Furniture makers often do not have a car. They go shopping on public transport, make an order, and then rent a car, bring materials to the workshop.

Do the assembly. Then they disassemble, hire a car and deliver the furniture designer to the client. This is done by 2-3 people. Furniture is assembled and final payment is received. The client is satisfied.

You can really start a business with minimum investment, and then develop to an assembly shop with its own professional equipment.

Self-made furniture

The first step in such an activity is to find a place. If you are starting with a minimum of funds and are ready to work with the tree yourself, then a garage will do. But for a serious event, you need full-fledged workshop from necessary machines, equipment.

The next step is to purchase equipment. The minimum set of tools required for manual labor, will cost inexpensively - up to 20 thousand rubles. It is possible to purchase a used version, which will be cheaper. The presence of a sawing machine will reduce the time and cost of finished products. A set of necessary machines for the work of one to three people with wide functionality - 100-500 thousand rubles, which will allow you to work with the creation of furniture and produce various other wooden crafts and blanks. This will provide additional income.

The matter will remain small - to purchase materials and find customers. The initial purchase of materials, as in the case of furniture assembly, occurs after receiving an advance payment for orders. Availability own production, official registration as an entrepreneur increases the chances of finding interested customers.

What does a furniture entrepreneur need?

When developing furniture, it is necessary to have not only the appropriate equipment, customer base, work space, established supply chains, but also the ability to demonstrate finished products. Now it is not necessary to demonstrate many models in showrooms and stores - modern Computer techologies allow you to create any furniture in three-dimensional mode, and specialized programs simplify the necessary calculations of materials, fasteners, as well as provide fast production on computerized machines.

The main thing that is needed in the field of furniture manufacturing is the presence of a specialist, a designer who is able to work with such programs, or personal skills. The correct presentation of the material will ensure successful activities.

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The first thing a novice entrepreneur needs to decide is. In a case that arouses your sincere interest, success is much easier to achieve. If you have ever thought about how to start a furniture business, then it is quite possible that this is where you should try to realize yourself.

Furniture has always been in demand. It can be produced both for the VIP segment and for a wide range of consumers. Everything will depend on your desire and business strategy. However, let's start from the beginning.

  • Read: How profitable is it to produce frameless furniture?

The situation in the furniture market

The growth of housing construction and the development of mortgage lending have led to the fact that the demand for furniture has increased significantly over the past ten years. At the same time, even in the domestic market, one can observe an extremely small number of domestic producers. And this despite the fact that Russia occupies one of the leading positions in the world in terms of timber reserves.

Due to the small number of manufacturers, the profitability of furniture production is quite high. If you correctly develop the furniture business, profitability can reach up to 40% per year. However, to achieve such impressive results, you will have to make a lot of effort.

The market is now moving towards specialization. And if consumers are in a hurry to large ones, where you can buy everything at once, then manufacturers are trying to focus on the production of a specific type of product. This makes it possible to work on product quality, its properties, ergonomics, design, etc.

Until recently, furniture restoration services were in great demand. However, with the growth of the well-being of the population, this service remained in demand only in the segment of antique furniture. Inexpensive products are easier to replace with new ones.

Decide on the range of products. The following groups of furniture can be distinguished:

  • by operational purpose: household or for public places
  • according to technological features: collapsible, sectional, non-collapsible, built-in, bent or wicker
  • on functional purpose: cabinet, furniture for sitting and lying, furniture for work and eating

You can also choose to specialize in antiques, children's, upholstered furniture… It all depends on your production capabilities and range of interests.

  • Also Read: How to start your own business

Where to begin

The first thing you should do if you decide to start a furniture business from scratch is writing a detailed furniture production business plan. This will help you draw up an action algorithm for the near future, choose the right strategy and tactics of behavior, and correctly calculate the next steps. In addition, if you do not have your own start-up capital at your disposal, a business plan will be required when taking a loan from a bank.

To understand how to open a furniture business, be sure to read the latest research on both the All-Russian furniture market and the regional one. This will help you choose your target audience, determine the price level and find out which suppliers and distributors you can work with.

In order to operate legally and not be afraid of inspections, it will be necessary to register a legal entity. This is a costly business both in terms of time and finances, but the times of the underground business are gone forever.

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What to choose IP or LLC?

If the scope of the business is small, then when choosing a form of ownership, you will have to choose between IP and LLC. It is easier to register an individual entrepreneur, however, upon closer examination, the Company with limited liability quite a few significant benefits. First of all, individual entrepreneur is responsible for its activities with its own property, and in case of bankruptcy risks being left without funds. The owner of the LLC risks only his own contribution, the minimum of which is 10 thousand rubles. In addition, an LLC is less often perceived as a one-day firm than an individual entrepreneur. In addition, in the case of registering an LLC, you can always hire a director of the enterprise and engage in other projects, occasionally controlling its activities.

On the other hand, if you are not too confident in your abilities, you can first register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, maintaining financial statements will be simpler. In the case of expansion, it will always be possible to change the form of ownership.

Bolder on the road!

So, we already know how to start a furniture business. The business plan is ready, the legal entity is registered. What to do next? Start acting!

You already know what kind of furniture you will produce and what you will need for this. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase equipment and hire staff.

If you do not have experience in this area, find yourself an assistant who is well versed in production technology: at the initial stage, his advice can greatly contribute to getting on your feet.

A knowledgeable person will tell you what kind of machines and tools will be needed to implement your plans, and will help recruit knowledgeable staff.

Choose a room

The room in which you place the production is better to rent at first. It is important to take into account the transport interchange, the condition of the structure, including temperature and humidity conditions.

The recommended air temperature at which the raw material will not be damaged is 18 degrees Celsius, the relative humidity should fluctuate between 55 - 70 percent. Moist air will cause wood to swell and paintwork to fade, as well as mold.

The minimum "set" of premises in your production is a workshop, a warehouse for finished products and an administrative building.

Knowing the expected number of products, you can decide on the volume of purchases. Responsibly approach the choice of suppliers: both the price and the quality of your products will largely depend on this. It is better to choose several proven points where you will purchase basic materials and accessories. Otherwise, if there are interruptions in supply, production will stop, as a result of which production downtime will lead to losses.

Sales and promotion

No matter what quality products you produce, without a competent marketing policy to conduct a successful commercial activity will not work. It is important not only to create your own furniture business , but also to keep it afloat, and, if possible, to develop it.

Almost anyone can start their own business. The desire to become an entrepreneur arises in each of us at a certain stage of life. At this point, we begin to search, or metropolis, village or town. The most important thing is to find a business that would bring not only profit, but also pleasure.

Deciding on the format of a furniture store

Surely each of us bought furniture and household appliances and certainly faced a situation where we had to choose between price and quality, a finished product or made to order according to individual measurements. Accordingly, we can conclude that all stores are conditionally divided into several types, differ in format, price category and assortment.

Therefore, first of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to decide on the format of his future store.

To make it clear, I will guide you through several basic formats of furniture stores.

  • Furniture shop of narrow specialization. This is an establishment that offers customers a certain type of product, for example, exceptionally soft sofas, kitchen corners and chairs. In this niche, this store is considered a full-fledged owner, offering customers a wide range of a specific group of goods. The required area for such an outlet is from 300 sq. m.
  • Furniture hypermarket. This store provides a wide selection of headsets for the living room, bedroom, office, bathroom. To open such a store, you need a large room, not necessarily in the center, you can even outside the city. Recommended area from 1000 sq. m.
  • Furniture salon. This establishment differs significantly from its brothers in that it offers a wide range of expensive, luxury furniture from well-known manufacturers. Such stores are visited by people with high material wealth who can afford to buy a sofa for several thousand dollars. As a rule, such furniture stores, even in big cities not too much. You can order goods there exclusively from the catalog, all furniture in the store is presented only as an exhibition material.
  • Store-warehouse. Such establishments offer their customers ready-made furniture from the factory. Here you can no longer order a sofa or bed according to individual standards, you can only choose a product exclusively from the proposed grid standard sizes. The advantage of buying such furniture is its cost and the ability to purchase goods in one day, and not wait several weeks to produce it.

It should be noted that the cost of opening a furniture store will directly depend on the chosen format.

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Where to get money to open a store?

In our article, we promised to tell you about how to open a furniture store from scratch. There are several options that you can use individually or all together.

Bank loan

If you do not have enough money to open a business, buy real estate or purchase household appliances, then you can easily borrow them. Is it worth it? Dealing with banks is a risky business, but sometimes quite justified. I recommend that you, before making this important decision, think carefully about everything. First, you need to make sure that the business is profitable, determine its approximate payback period and the level of competition. Once you are sure that you have made the right choice, go to apply for a loan.

Financial assistance from the state

Surely many of you have heard about such an opportunity to receive a certain amount for the development of your business. All that is required of you is:

  • Register with the employment service as unemployed;
  • Submit a certificate of income from the previous place of work;
  • Draw up a detailed business plan with calculations and submit it to the commission, which will make its verdict on receiving financial assistance or refusing it.

Thus, you will receive free financial assistance for the development of your business. Agree, even a small start-up capital won't bother you.


Another option for getting money and the opportunity to open a furniture business from scratch. Finding a partner or investor is quite difficult, but if you are confident in the profitability of your idea, have developed a detailed business plan to achieve the goal, then you can try to find a person who will agree to financially support your project.

Registration of a furniture business

To obtain a furniture trade permit, you should collect and issue a certain package of documents and permits.

The first step is to register with the tax office. Need to apply for registration legal entity(LLC) or individual entrepreneurship.

The second step is obtaining permits from the sanitary and fire service. The store premises must comply with safety standards and regulations. After checking specialized services, you will be issued a permit document.

The third step is obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Where is the best place to rent a room?

In order to sell the goods, in this case furniture, you need to rent suitable premises. As noted above, first you need to decide on the format of the store, after which we can draw conclusions about the required area. After that, the rented premises of the outlet should be repaired so that it meets all fire safety requirements.

furniture store location

As for the location of the store, the same format of the outlet is taken into account here. If you are planning to open an elite furniture salon, then you need to rent a place in the city center, because rich clients will not go to your remote sleeping area. Opening a furniture hypermarket requires a large area on which the store itself will be located, as well as a parking lot and a warehouse. Therefore, it is most profitable to open a hypermarket outside the city or in a residential area of ​​the city, where the rental price is much lower than in the center.

As for the design of the premises, in the case of a hypermarket, there is no need to do any special repairs, it is quite enough to comply with the rules for storing furniture and comply with the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

If you open a salon of luxury furniture, you should take care of the interior in the room. This store does not need a large area, 30 sq. m., because in such establishments, customers choose all the goods from catalogs and only make and pay for the order. Therefore, there is no need to rent a large room, it is enough to equip a place for employees (table, chairs, computer) and a place for clients (soft sofas).

When opening a furniture store, your main expenses will be paying rent and advertising costs, which will attract wealthy customers. As for profit, you will receive a certain percentage from each order made. In this case, you, as a store, do not invest in the purchase of goods, the costs are borne by the buyer, who pays all the costs. Thus, your salon only provides the opportunity to select and order goods from the catalog and guarantees their delivery.

Making furniture to order or finished products?

You need to decide in what format you will work. First of all, you need to create an assortment. There are two options.

Manufacture and sale of products. In this case, your store is engaged in independent production furniture and its implementation. In our previous publications, we somehow discussed the possibility of opening a furniture and other goods manufacturing business, if you are interested, read it. In this case, production and sale are combined. This is a pretty good way to earn money, but financially costly for a novice entrepreneur.

The second option is exclusively the sale of furniture. This option involves mediation between the manufacturer of the product and the client. The point of sale receives a profit from each order by setting a margin on the product that it sells.

As a rule, the second option is used more often, because it is less costly and risky.

We create a business plan

A business plan for a furniture store is a document that calculates the costs of implementing an idea for the production of furniture.

At the moment, all areas of small business are developing very actively. The business associated with the production of furniture is considered especially productive and profitable. In order to be aware of all the subtleties of this production, you do not need to undergo special training. For successful management cases it is necessary to have elementary knowledge, concepts and little experience in this area. Luck and patience are not the last components of your success in this business.

Furniture business today

Not only mass production, but also piece-made furniture today has become a simple matter, accessible to everyone. Assembly processes are sometimes referred to as adult building blocks. If you have elementary concepts of what and how to do, then collect modern furniture, which is sold in expensive stores, it will not be difficult for you.

In fairness, it is worth noting the fact that the furniture market in Russia today suffers from great competition. About three thousand large medium-sized enterprises are actively fighting for their potential customers. Is there even the slightest chance for small businesses to find their niche in this market segment? In this article, we will try to address issues related to this topic.

If the company is not very large, it should pay great attention to the development of the production base, otherwise it may lose its competitiveness and go bankrupt.

In big cities, people are picky and very demanding about the quality of furniture. They are not satisfied with low quality products. The consumer is increasingly complaining about poorly made furniture. He looks not only at appearance goods, but also interested in how long the furniture will last.

It is very difficult for small producers to compete with large firms, which have much more opportunities to produce products. best quality and in a larger range.

Many experts are inclined to think that the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in the furniture business will increase every year. This trend is quite understandable and predictable. In a few years, the share of small enterprises is expected to increase to 75 - 80%.

One of the most promising areas is the production of kitchen and office furniture. There is a real boom in this industry. Over the past 10 years, profits in this sector have increased by 20% every year. Small businesses are increasingly turning their eyes to built-in furniture - it is the leader in sales. Inexpensive, high-quality furniture, which is almost half the price of similar furniture made abroad, is in great demand among the population of our country.

It is worth knowing that investors are happy to invest in this type of business, as they know that with a successful investment, they can count on 40% profit.

For small and medium-sized furniture businesses, the main task is to occupy a certain niche. It means to produce a specialized product. Increasingly, firms that are engaged in the production of unusual furniture glass, plastic, rare woods.

Do not forget that lately it has become very fashionable to make furniture to order, which will have non-standard shapes, colors and designs. Manufacturers of wicker furniture have virtually no competition. Their merchandise sells well.

Instructions for those who decide to open a pawnshop, but do not know how best to do it:

Furniture business from scratch: we buy equipment

You can organize the production of furniture various kinds and destinations. It can be a business for the production of built-in furniture, cabinet, upholstered, kitchen, office, garden and specialized.

Premises selection and purchase necessary equipment for the production of furniture is one of the most important components of the whole process. At the beginning labor activity You will need an inexpensive tool. A sample list of what you can not do without:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdrivers;
  • jigsaw;
  • grinding machine;
  • milling cutter manual;
  • perforator;
  • industrial dryer;
  • tool for manual carpentry;
  • miter box;
  • clamps.

After the production moves to a new, high level, it will be possible to take care of buying a better and more expensive tool. The cost of buying a tool can be from 40 thousand rubles and more. Professional machines are expensive and should only be purchased when sales volumes and orders reach economically viable levels.

How to promote a furniture business?

The main role in the implementation belongs to retail. You can negotiate the sale of your products in large shopping malls and shops. Large manufacturers create their own branded salons, in which they sell goods of their own production.

Retail outlets should have a large area so that the furniture is placed freely and is clearly visible. In small towns, furniture sells well in the markets. To sell specialized furniture, you need to send out booklets and leaflets to company managers.

Relevant at the moment is the sale of furniture via the Internet. The only disadvantage of promoting the product in this way is the inaccurate representation of the buyer about the product.

The profitability of this type of business

To open shop medium scale, you will need from 2.5 to 3 million rubles. The main amount will be used to rent the premises, purchase goods and wages staff. The business will pay off in 1.5 - 2 years with a margin on goods of 20 - 40% of the cost.

Budget and profitability of the furniture shop:

  • rent of premises - 60-70,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase of equipment, arrangement of production - 1,000,000 -1,300,000 rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary raw materials and materials - 250,000 rubles;
  • wages for workers - 100,000 -120,000 rubles per month;
  • expenses for other needs - 30,000 - 40,000 rubles.

Furniture shop can pay off in 2 - 2.5 years. Profit per month will be about 80,000 rubles.

Furniture factory- ideal profitability - 10 - 25%.

  • rent of premises - 2.5%,
  • staff salaries - 8 - 10%,
  • purchase of materials - 70%,
  • utilities and equipment maintenance - 3.5%,
  • transport - 2%,
  • advertising - 2%.

This is a calculation for a factory that specializes in the production of cabinet office furniture from chipboard. At the same time, the sales volume must be at least 10,000 items per month.

The furniture manufacturing business has always been and remains promising. People have changed and will continue to change furniture according to the degree of its wear. Manufacturers will never be out of work. And you can safely plunge into manufacturing process. The main thing to do is to plan everything accurately and organize it correctly.