Repair of milling machines. Technology of repair of console milling machines. Milling machines: professional repair

  • 29.09.2018

Repair of horizontal milling machines 6Р81, 6Н81

This machine stood for more than 25 years without breathing. Today I could hardly find an old-timer of those times when the machine worked, and even then he was not a specialist in this technique. The man said that in the early 80s something happened to him with the pitch. Some specialists were called into production. The specialists could not repair it, or did not want to bother. In a word, the then management asked them to make it possible to move the table at least manually. Since there are no fools to work on such a machine, it was abandoned. Then came the restructuring, redistribution, collapse, etc. The machine was covered with a layer of dirt. In some places (vertical guides) there is rust. I don’t know what the repairmen did, but e. the feed motor turns and turns in the correct direction. Only there are no characteristic noises from the gears, everything is quiet and peaceful in the box. Gears do not rotate. The console is dry. I poured 300 grams of liquid from it, in which more than half is water, and the rest is something that does not even look like oil. I am not a machine operator, and at the enterprise we do not have anyone who knows how to work on metalworking machines. There is no one to ask, so if I can I will ask questions on this forum. My incentive is that I am allowed to use the machines whenever I want. There is a 16K20 lathe in the shop, a 676-series vertical mill, but the horizontal one is in a coma.
This is how he looks now. Yesterday I took off the trunk and the table.

Today is still a bit of his section.

Now the first question: what should it look like oil pump assembled? Can I see a photo? By email The oil pump is driven by a separate engine. I did not find it on this machine. That's just what's left.

Milling machines- this is a high-tech type of equipment, the serviceability of which largely depends on the quality of its adjustment. So, often in production, operators do not follow the rules of operation, which leads to the need for repairs. And in this case, the main task is to find specialists who can, in the shortest possible time, but at the same time, carry out high-quality repairs of the milling machine.

From this point of view, the appeal to Russtanko can be called right decision, because our employees are professionals with many years of experience, which allows them to successfully cope with tasks of any level of complexity.

Why "Russtanko"?

Often, when it is necessary to overhaul milling machines, many decide to replace old equipment with new ones, considering it more profitable. However, after reading the price list for Russtanko services, you will see that this is not the case. And the undeniable advantage of our company is that:

  • We carry out repairs in accordance with established norms and rules.
  • We provide services for the repair of milling and turning equipment of almost any brand and model, produced both in Russia and other countries.
  • We guarantee the impeccable quality of the services provided.

Original spare parts - quality assurance

If any element or part of the milling machine has become unusable, for example, due to natural wear and tear, then their immediate replacement will be required. In this case, only high-quality materials can be used for the repair of milling machines.

That is why, in a situation where it is required overhaul milling machines or their individual components, Russtanko specialists use only high-quality spare parts recommended by the equipment manufacturer.

CNC Router Periodic Maintenance

To maintain high accuracy rates, ensure a long service life and uninterrupted operation, a high-tech automated complex, which is a modern CNC milling machine, must be properly operated and receive timely qualified maintenance. Regular implementation of a number of relatively simple preventive measures will significantly reduce the cost of repairs (major, current), as well as reduce the risk of sudden failure and associated equipment downtime, production disruptions and loss of profit (i.e., very significant economic damage).

Types of routine maintenance

In the list of activities for maintenance milling machine includes:

Maintaining performance during storage;
packaging, transportation and placement;
preparation for work;
current operation.

This also includes work to maintain the condition of the production facility in accordance with the requirements of the norms (SNIPs).

Along with the above list, the mandatory set of works also includes the elimination of minor random failures. Maintenance of each machine system (mechanical, electrical and electronic components of the CNC system) must be carried out by qualified personnel.

Regular inspection of the equipment is carried out in order to check the condition and general serviceability of the main components and assemblies of the milling machine. These works allow you to accumulate information about the actual state of parts, their degree of wear, changes in accuracy, etc. Inspection is carried out visually after a set period of time (hours of operation of the milling machine). At the same time, minor faults are eliminated on the spot, however, as a rule, the units are not disassembled.

Monthly maintenance allows you to determine the condition of the most vulnerable (unreliable) units and prevent their breakdown by timely intervention. Maintenance is carried out without stopping work (setting the machine for repair).
Periodic partial maintenance includes the same set of works as the monthly one, but for a larger number of checked parts, assemblies and kinematic friction pairs.
For modern CNC machine tools, regular chip cleaning of electronic and electrical components is extremely important. This eliminates the risk of circuit boards or current leaks that adversely affect the accuracy of the equipment.

Lubrication order

The high speed and accuracy of processing of modern CNC machines requires minimal friction losses in moving kinematic pairs. Friction reduction is achieved both by increasing the accuracy of parts manufacturing (which is specified by the machine design), and by providing sufficient lubrication of rubbing pairs (which entirely depends on the operating personnel).
Restoration of the lubricant layer (and, if necessary, its complete replacement, for example, during intensive milling of materials with abundant chip formation) should be carried out at the end of each work shift.

It is imperative to lubricate:

Longitudinal guides of the tool portal, located on the sides of the working field (providing movement along the table along the X axis);
transverse guides (backstage) for fastening the spindle, ensuring its movement along the Y and Z axes;
ball screw assembly (so-called ball screw);
bearing units.

Lubrication of bearing assemblies should be carried out by injection through specially provided holes (after thoroughly cleaning them from dust and chip particles). Special grade grease must be used, strictly adhering to the equipment manufacturer's recommendations.
Rolling bearings operating at peripheral speeds up to 4-5 m/s can be lubricated with grease or liquid lubricants. For higher speed units, only liquid oils are used (the higher the circumferential speed, the lower the viscosity of the oil!).
The lubrication procedure must be carried out carefully. To avoid the risk of falling, oil accidentally spilled on the floor should be covered with sawdust or other sorbent, and then removed.

Carrying out maintenance

Below are the recommended time intervals and types of routine maintenance for the milling machine:
Interval Serviced unit Type of work
Daily Chassis, desktop Clear
Every 10 hours Drive screws Lubricate
Every 10 hours Portal guides Lubricate
Every 40 hours Bearing units Lubricate
After 400 hours of operation Belt drives Inspection (replace if necessary)
After 400 hours of operation Screw connections Tightening check
It is recommended to use a dry, lint-free cloth to remove a contaminated layer of grease from components and parts. Do not use solvents!

Maintenance and overhaul of equipment

With proper maintenance, as well as periodic monitoring of accuracy, the onset of the moment at which the operation of the equipment becomes impossible is delayed. However, the need to repair the milling machine sooner or later comes. Signs of such a moment are the external condition of the parts (appreciable wear), as well as the data of control checks using measuring equipment.

When diagnosing the limit state of parts, they should be replaced without waiting for failure. However, this rule only applies to mechanical components - most electronic components cannot be diagnosed preventively. Therefore, their replacement must be carried out not earlier than the actual failure.

The increase in the duration of trouble-free operation of modern CNC milling machines served as a change in the previously adopted system (small, medium, major repairs) in favor of a “two-level” scheme - current and major repairs.
Wherein Maintenance provides for a complex of works with the disassembly of the units and the replacement of worn parts, as well as their subsequent adjustment, in order to ensure the correct functioning of the equipment and the compliance of its parameters with the characteristics originally declared by the manufacturer.
Overhaul is a set of measures to restore the health of machine components and assemblies in order to ensure its guaranteed performance until the next scheduled overhaul.
A separate type is distinguished emergency repair, which consists in restoring the normal operation of the equipment, disrupted due to defective components or improper operation.

All work on maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out in a strictly defined sequence in the form of periodically repeating cycles. Only compliance with the regulated rules will effectively and with minimal cost exploit milling equipment throughout the declared service life.

Unfortunately, any equipment is not 100% reliable, no matter how much it was purchased and who the manufacturer is. Therefore, the most important task of the company supplying equipment is to provide timely and high-quality service of its equipment. Often, companies supplying equipment work on the principle - sell and forget, and cases of warranty breakdowns are considered as sabotage of the client.

Our company works according to other rules, the main of which is trust in the client. We do not arrange long-term examinations, we, like our clients, are interested in our equipment working and earning money for our clients. In most cases, a call with a description of the problem is enough, and we send the necessary spare part to the customer.

StepDir Customer Service provides the following range of services:

CNC milling machines

    Commissioning works

    Equipment diagnostics

    Setting up the mechanics of the machine

    Setting up the software part of the machine

    Equipment operator training

    Training of technologists-programmers

    Equipment upgrade

    1. Replacing the CNC system

      Spindle replacement

      Drive Replacement

      Setting the axis of rotation

    Building models according to customer sketches, writing UE

CNC laser machines

    Machine start

    Training of personnel to work on the equipment and its programming

    Equipment diagnostics

    Adjustment of the laser path

    Setting up the mechanics of the machine

    Replacing the laser emitter

    Replacing the HV Power Supply

    Replacement of the machine control system

    Equipment upgrade

The task of the StepDir service department is to do everything possible so that our customers can work and earn money, and we will take care of the condition and repair of equipment.


CNC- computer numerical control:

    NC Studio - CNC system manufactured by Wiehong, is a PCI interface board installed in system unit, and with the help of special software that controls the CNC machine (usually milling). A low-cost, proven solution for entry-level machine tools with a wide range of features and a user-friendly interface. The main disadvantage is the mandatory use of a PC.

    DSP remote control - CNC system made in the form of a remote control with LCD and keyboard. The most common are RZNC 5416, DSP A 11, etc. DSP Wiehong are also found, but they are both rare, since they are more expensive than simpler DSPs. The advantages of this solution are compactness, ease of operation (the operator needs to memorize a dozen buttons, and not memorize a hundred buttons as in the program). Cons - remotes are more expensive than the interface board, and are more prone to mechanical damage during use.

    Ruida RDC 6332G, Topwisdom TL 403, Leetro MPC 6515 - laser machine control systems.

Guides- elements of the machine, responsible for the rectilinear movement of the unit or unit. There are several types:

    round guides - guides of round section. They have a low cost, it is possible to adjust the gap between the bearing and the guide. Of the minuses - relatively low accuracy and resource.

    Prismatic guides (square) - guides of complex section, have high rigidity and accuracy. Of the minuses - the high cost.

    Also, laser machines often use a moving system on plastic rollers. This budget solution does not allow achieving good accuracy and has a very small resource.

Spindle - asynchronous motor alternating current with a shaft having a fixture - a collet for fixing the cutter. On CNC milling machines, two types are most often found:

    air cooled spindle. Plus - does not require a supply of cooling. Cons - more noisy compared to liquid cooling, high cost of replacing bearings.

    liquid cooled spindle. Pros - Quieter, lower bearing replacement cost. Minus - requires a supply of coolant.

Inverter (frequency converter)- a device for converting frequency, voltage, supplied to the spindle. Used to change the spindle speed. Allows you to control the rotation of the spindle programmatically.

Collet- fixture for clamping end mills into the spindle. It is made in the form of a split conical bushing. Differ in standard sizes (ER11, ER16 and so on).

End mills- a group of milling cutters that differ in mounting in the spindle of a milling machine. The milling cutters are mounted in the machine spindle using a cylindrical tail. The teeth on the cylindrical part are designed similarly to the teeth of cylindrical cutters, and on the end part, similarly to the teeth on the end part of end mills.

CO 2 laser- carbon dioxide laser, carbon dioxide laser (CO2 laser) is one of the most popular and affordable types of laser. The efficiency can reach 20%.

Laser path- a system of movable mirrors that transmits the laser beam from the emitter to the material being processed.

Adjustment- adjustment of the laser path of the machine, the main purpose of which is to set the angles of the reflecting mirrors to ensure the correct reflection of the laser beam.