What you need to work on a sewer machine. New business ideas

  • 23.09.2019

The sewer machine as a business is a profitable business that not many people think about. AT skillful hands it makes good money. Moreover, the organization of this type of business will require a small initial capital, which is quite important for start-up entrepreneurs.

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Where to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Relationship with traffic police

A little competition and profitability make this business more attractive. Previously, the specifics of the work repelled businessmen, as it is associated with cleaning work and waste. But now it is gaining popularity due to the fact that it brings a good income.

Advantages and disadvantages

A vacuum cleaner is a special technique that cleans different rooms with various types waste (faeces). Many entrepreneurs refuse to organize this kind of business, due to their squeamishness. Others believe that it is not prestigious, so they do not pay attention to the opportunity to earn decent money in this area.

The advantages of sewage services include big income in the private sectors and . Various establishments, private houses, sanatoriums need cleaning sewer pipes and septic tanks. This is especially true in summer time of the year.

The owners of sewage trucks claim that there is always work. And in one working day you can get a decent income (from two thousand rubles).

Unpleasant odor during cleaning can be eliminated with hygiene products. Therefore, a novice businessman should not have a dislike for this type of activity.

All modern sewer trucks are equipped with special devices helping to easily clean the septic tank or sewer without getting dirty.

  • low level of competition;
  • profitability.
  • large initial costs organization and purchase of equipment;
  • not the “cleanest” job (unpleasant smells).

Where to start a business?

Private houses, sanatoriums - they all need sewage services (according to statistics, at least 45 million rooms).

Before starting activities, you need to indicate in which places you will clean:

  • pools;
  • basements;
  • dry closets;
  • wells (faecal);
  • settling tanks;
  • sewers;
  • pits (cesspools);
  • septic tanks.

The summer period is the most profitable for those who provide sewage services. This is due to the fact that establishments that operate in the summer have dry closets that need to be cleaned.

How to choose equipment?

The sewage business involves the purchase of special equipment, in particular, a special machine. With the help of it, sewage is pumped out, transported and disposed of. The machine must contain:

  • tank (necessarily sealed);
  • pump (vacuum and high power);
  • a hose that provides the intake of wastewater.

It is better to initially buy a sewage truck, and not rent it. Naturally, if there is no money to buy good equipment, then it is worth renting it than using a low-quality machine. Rent will cost about 1000-1500 thousand rubles. per day.

Multifunctional models are produced in Korea. Their cars cost about 2-3 million rubles.

Japanese models are also valued on the market. They are practical, as diesel. During the pumping process, fuel is not wasted, which also saves money. In addition, Japanese models are equipped with convenient hoses that fold automatically. If necessary, you can install a hose with a length of 100 meters. These machines are durable as the tank is galvanized inside.

The convenience also lies in the fact that the worker can monitor how full the tank is with the help of a measuring window built into the tank. The difference from Russian-made machines is the presence of a cooling and lubrication system at the pump. The cost of the Japanese model with an 11-cc tank is about five million rubles.

If there is no such money, then you can buy more cheap option domestic production or used Japanese model. This will cost one to one and a half million rubles.

There is another option to get such a technique - you can try to win a lot with such a technique with a discount of up to 90%!

Things to consider when choosing a car:

  1. Before you buy a vehicle (vacuum truck), pay attention to fuel consumption. Diesel-powered vehicles initially cost more than gasoline-powered vehicles, but they are more economical.
  2. Give preference to those units that have a large volume of capacity if you plan to clean septic tanks.

GAZ 3307 is considered a good model. It is perfect for cleaning sewers in large Soviet-era buildings. But this vehicle will not cope with a four-cube septic tank, which must be pumped out in one go. A used version costs about 200 thousand rubles. But do not forget about an additional set of equipment, the price of which is approximately 150 thousand rubles.

If you plan to work in cottage settlements, then purchase a KAMAZ 4308 car.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Before starting work, you need to draw up all the documents necessary for legal activities. The most important thing is to get permission to drain sewage. After all, without this document, you will not be able to carry out activities. If you dump waste in a place not intended for this, you can get a big fine.

To obtain a permit, you need to contact the housing and communal services. Its cost depends on the regional location of the business. Usually the monthly fee is two to five thousand rubles.

Naturally, you can not do without registering a business. A control form based on . It is better to choose UTII as a system for paying tax liabilities.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To provide sewage services, you need to purchase equipment, the cost of which depends on the country of manufacture and condition. New Japanese-made equipment - at least four to five million rubles.

Korean model - about two million rubles. Domestic car - within one million rubles. A used Russian-made version is about five hundred thousand (depending on condition).

How much can you earn?

An entrepreneur can choose how to make money on sewage services. The first way is to purchase specialized equipment (machines) and rent it out. You can also buy several cars at once and rent them out for temporary use, but this requires large investments. The second way is to pump out wastewater on your own equipment personally or with the help of a driver.

What affects the prices of services:

  • workload;
  • type and place of pumping;
  • regional location of the business.

The approximate cost for pumping out the pit (four cubic meters) is within five hundred to a thousand rubles. If the place where you need to pump out wastewater is outside the settlements, then the price for services will increase depending on the mileage.

Calculating the approximate income is easy. To do this, you need to take into account the fact that residents of one private house order a sewer about once every three months. In the presence of a large number houses (more than 1000) revenue increases. Of course, not all people will use your services, but some part will still resort to your help. Let's take an average of 300 clients (per month). It turns out that annually you can make 3600 cleanings. If the price for one trip is approximately 700 rubles, then you will be able to receive about 2.5 million rubles. in year. This is perfect option, but with great competition, it is unlikely that such results will be achieved, since there will be much fewer potential customers.

What else can you earn today? The real estate rental business has always brought good profits. If you have an empty house or apartment, you can start now, if not, learn how to make money on real estate investmentand put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Relationship with traffic police

Road inspectors rarely slow down sewer trucks. This is due to the fact that they do not see a threat in the contents that these vehicles transport. The psychological side also plays a role here. People in uniform do not want to check the documents for the car with the drivers of such cars.

Since competition in this area is not yet fully developed, this business is attractive and profitable. Do not hesitate to open your own sewer and other wastewater treatment plant.

Do you know how much you can earn by investing in cars? If not, then look at profitable investment in cars and learn how to make 1600% on renting an ordinary car.

You can start a sewage business with 500 thousand rubles. This is how much a used GAZ-3309 2007 car will cost. You can earn about 400 thousand rubles with it. per year, if you work in a locality where at least 10 thousand people live. The only difficulty is that sewage services are quite popular, so the competition in this area is high. Although during the season, the population usually complains that it is not easy to order a car to perform a service.

Before you start

Business is quite specific not only because of the subject of entrepreneurial activity. The fact is that it is profitable to offer sewage services only where there is a large private sector. This is the only way to ensure a high flow of customers. But it is important to consider the level of competition. Such services are offered by housing and communal services, but the main competitors are the drivers who work for them at the rate. They often use a vacuum truck outside the main office, and therefore carry out cleaning at dumping prices.

Many entrepreneurs are also embarrassed that it is difficult to “wash off” such activities. In fact, modern hygiene products and equipment that absorb all odors are used for work today. Therefore, outside of work, nothing will indicate the nature of your business.

Service list

According to statistics, there are about 45 million homes in the country that need sewage services. Therefore, the market potential is great. When opening such a business, the business plan should include cleaning services for such points:

  • dry closets;
  • pools;
  • car washes;
  • cellars;
  • faecal wells;
  • settling tanks;
  • sewerage systems;
  • cesspools;
  • septic tanks.

The biggest income can be obtained during the summer season, working in popular resorts. The main customers for this period will be summer cafes and recreation areas equipped with dry closets. At that time profitable business you can even build on a rented car. As a rule, a vacuum truck can be rented for $15-20 per day.

The cost of services is formed depending on the type of pumping, volumes, as well as where it is offered. For example, download sewer hole up to 4 m 3 costs 500-1000 rubles if the process is carried out inside the settlement. The cost for the settlement is calculated based on the mileage. The cost of a large volume is also calculated - based on how many walkers the car will have to do and how much mileage to cover.

Vehicle selection

If you want to build a long-term and profitable business, include in the business plan the purchase of imported equipment. Moreover, it is recommended to pay attention to Japanese-made cars. Of course, at the start, this will increase costs by two or three times, but in the end you will only win. The main advantages of such machines are:

  1. Economical fuel consumption. Japanese cars run on diesel fuel, practically not using it during pumping.
  2. Convenient hose length. Special automatic system Hose coiling allows you to install a hose up to 100 meters, which greatly expands the capabilities of the car.
  3. Quality and reliability. The Japanese car tank is galvanized and equipped with partitions, which increases its service life. It also has a measuring window, which allows you to accurately monitor the filling of the tank. Pump operation supported reliable system cooling and lubrication, which is not available on domestic machines. Therefore, the Japanese vacuum truck will never let you down at the most inopportune moment.

If we talk about the cost, then such a machine for 11m 3 will cost about 5 million rubles. If you take a used one and not the last years of production, then you can meet one and a half million. If your financial plan does not involve such significant expenses, you can get by with the domestic GAZ 3307 2000, which in a used condition will cost about 180 thousand rubles. You need to purchase a set of equipment for it, which will cost another 120 thousand rubles.

Legal nuances

In order to officially offer sewage services, you need to register your activity. In this case, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, since the bulk of customers will individuals. When registering, you must indicate the OKVED code "Sewage disposal and other similar activities." If possible, it is advisable to apply for UTII if you plan to work independently without hiring additional labor. Otherwise, it is better to use the USN.

When drawing up a business plan, keep in mind that a special permit is required for this activity. After all, the pumped out waste must be disposed of in some way, and it is categorically contraindicated to drain it where it will have to be. They merge into an exclusively central collector, for which you need to obtain permission from the administration or housing and communal services, having drawn up an appropriate agreement with them. It costs from 2 thousand rubles. for a month or more.

Possible profit

How profitable the business will be depends on how many houses in your area that require sewage services. If you take, for example, that your area covers about a thousand private houses, this means that about a third of them may be your customers for the next month. This is about 300 clients per month or 3600 per year. With an average cost of this kind of service of 700 rubles, your potential income for the year will be about 2.5 million rubles. But this figure is relevant under the condition of low competition or its complete absence, which is practically unrealistic. As a rule, 2-3 machines are already operating in such regions, so the potential profit should be divided by the number of operating machines. As a result, your income may be about 600 thousand rubles. per year.

From this figure it is necessary to subtract the consumption of fuel and fuels and lubricants for car maintenance. If you use domestic gas in your work, count on 25 liters of diesel fuel for every 100 km. If it runs on gasoline, this is about 35 liters.

Development prospects

There are several ways to optimize your business in a highly competitive environment. For example, if several similar machines operate in your region, you can simultaneously offer maintenance services for this type of equipment. True, this will require additional investments for the purchase of special equipment, inventory and tools. But this will allow you to reach a wide audience of customers.

But you can develop your business towards cleaning services. Many experts recommend purchasing a sludge suction machine in addition. It will allow offering services for cleaning wells and sewer networks from sludge, transporting industrial water and other non-aggressive liquids. This service can be even more profitable. But at the start it will require at least 2 million rubles. to buy a car.

What special equipment makes human life cleaner and safer. Waste truck, this is unique look special equipment that can be used in places where there is no centralized drainage system or there are restrictions on the removal of liquid or liquid waste (liquid household waste). All sewage, liquid forms of domestic and industrial waste in systems without a centralized sewerage system, at best, fall into ready-made cesspools, at worst, into the open environment of the natural environment. Accumulated vapors of sewage adversely affect environment, and only a sewage truck can effectively cope with the task of preserving the environment and at the same time cleaning it from sewage.

Hard road to success

For the first time, a sewage truck appeared in the post-Soviet space in the early 60s of the last century. It was during this period that the first calls with an unpleasant environmental situation arise. The principle of operation of the sewage machine was to effectively solve the issue of pumping out sewage and other liquid waste not only from cesspools, but also from other technological facilities, for example, cleaning a construction site, cleaning ponds, dried-up reservoirs, etc.

“Important! The equipment is equipped with a special hinged technological equipment, which has the characteristics of tightness, which means that it sufficiently ensures the primary disposal of sewage.

Modern options for completing vacuum sewer trucks are equipped with improved models pumping equipment, special alarm safety devices, process tank accumulative type, autonomous pipeline complex and corrugated hose. Note that attachments it is easily and without problems mounted on the chassis of many domestically produced vehicles, such as KAMAZ, ZIL, and the most famous model, which was originally developed for the public sector, was the KO 53 cesspool.

Types of sewage equipment

At the dawn of the development of sewage equipment, two model range special equipment. The first group included machines that carried out suction in a collector way, that is, due to a collector engine. The second option of special equipment is a built-in vacuum pump, which was later recognized as technological and rational. In the public sector sanitary norms for the sewer truck were perfectly implemented on the implemented vacuum suction technology.

The vacuum pump, according to the general technological structure, creates a vacuum inside the working tank (completely hermetic installation), as a result of which the liquid waste is sucked up through a special receiving hose. Built-in special sensors automatically control and regulate the filling mode inside the tank, and when a certain level of capacity is reached, the vacuum pump will automatically turn off.

The duration of the suction system depends on the total volume of the tank, according to the technical data of special equipment, average duration full filling of the tank is from 4 to 12 minutes. At the end of the suction process, the transport on its own goes to the disposal point for solid waste or solid waste, the tank is emptied, moreover, by gravity or with the help of a pump.

In general, the types and types of special equipment of a sewage truck have the same scheme of work, but differ in:

  • The volume of filling of the tank;
  • General technological capacity capacity;
  • Dimensions and dimensions of the sewer machine;
  • Chassis brand on which attachments are installed.

The general structural structure of special equipment includes several elements:

  • Cylindrical tank, which is mounted at a slight angle of structural inclination, for easy draining by gravity;
  • Vacuum pump of a special principle of action;
  • Alarm sound and light safety equipment;
  • Compartment with a receiving hatch and built-in suction corrugated hose;
  • Technological crane for the operation of the pipeline system;
  • Auxiliary mounted and electrical equipment.

The principal part of the work of sewage equipment

Many are wondering how a sewage machine works, and what you need to know during the operation of special equipment. The online magazine "About special equipment", which is designed for information about the conditions for renting special equipment in Russia and the CIS countries, is ready to provide you with detailed technical descriptions for each group of vehicles used as specialized equipment on lease.

As mentioned above, the sewage machine is equipped with a tank or a sealed container for the disposal of pumped out solid waste, a vacuum pump, a corrugated pipe for pumping liquid from septic tanks of any design, cesspools, drainage common wells, drain technological complexes provided for car wash stations, as well as for natural reservoirs , small ponds, etc. General principle work is as follows:

  • One end of the working sleeve of the hose is connected to the tank of the machine, and the other end is lowered to the place where the liquid waste or other liquid suspension is pumped out;
  • With the help of a vacuum pump, liquid is sucked into the tank, and its complete filling is allowed. The alarm and safety device will automatically turn off the pump in the event of a full tank;
  • At the end of the work, the machine is sent by self-propelled to a special disposal site, which meets high sanitary conditions. regulatory requirements environmental safety.

“The main characteristics of the sewer truck are presented in application for a specific vacuum pump model. Below is a table that can be used to determine technical specifications pumping equipment for a specific model of special equipment.

Pump parameterModel KO-503Model KO-505AModel KO-510
efficiency0,8-0,9 0,8-0,9 0,8-0,9
Power6 kW9 kW9 kW
Speed1450 rpm1150 rpm1450 rpm
Pump performance240 m 3 per hour310 m 3 per hour360 m 3 per hour
Rotor rotation by designThere is a right and left versionThere is a right and left versionThere is a right and left version
The weight90 kg110 kg125 kg

The technological valve on the sewer machine is allowed for operation under certain climatic conditions environment, and the minimum temperature of the environment should not be less than -20 C, and Maximum temperature environment +40 C. Exactly the same requirements for the operation of the machine in general, if a vacuum pump is involved.

The maximum distance that is intended for fluid intake ultimately depends on the length of the corrugated pipe, so the average size such a pipe is from 6 to 15 running meters. In some cases, with technological equipment, the sewage machine allows the use of a corrugated hose, which has a length of up to 25 linear meters. In very rare cases, when the volume of the sewage truck allows you to accommodate a significant amount of LRW, it is possible to lengthen the hose by another 5-10 meters, but the issue of lengthening depends primarily on the technical design of the vacuum pump. The extended sleeve size is used only if there is no other way to drive up vehicle to the place of liquid suspension intake.

In some cases, some models of special equipment have distinctive features from powerful sludge pumping equipment, and many users are wondering how a sludge pump differs from a sewer. In this case, the recommendations of specialists will help you, who will tell you about the fundamental difference between sludge pumping and sewage equipment.

Liquid waste tank capacity for vacuum truck

The structural technological volume of the tank of the sewage truck depends on the volume of the tank-reservoir installed on the chassis of the machine. For many consumers, an important question is how many cubes in sewer truck? The answer to this question can be given by the exact parameters of each machine where tanks are installed for pumping liquid. The technological capacity for a sewage truck can accommodate from 3 m 3 (for example, a model of the ERMZ PCF-9671-10 type), and up to 16 m 3, for example, imported models Kobit FEKO-16ADR. domestic models, as a rule, contain from 3.75 m 3 to 12 m 3. The average load time of the LHW is 4-12 minutes.

Vacuum tank

Hello, Alexey Vladislavovich!

The concept of "hazardous waste" is given in the Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" (Article 1).

Hazardous waste is waste that contains dangerous substances that have dangerous properties (toxicity, explosiveness, fire hazard, high reactivity) or contain pathogens of infectious diseases, or which may pose an immediate or potential hazard to the environment and human health on their own or when they come into contact with other substances.

In accordance with Art. 14 of the Law, depending on the degree of harmful impact on the environment natural environment waste is divided into hazard classes in accordance with the criteria approved by the order of the Ministry natural resources of Russia "On Approval of the Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Waste as Hazardous to the Environment".

Thus, all wastes are classified as hazardous. 5 waste hazard classes have been established.

One for Russian Federation The system maintains the state waste cadastre, one of the sections of which is the Federal Waste Classification Catalog (FKKO). FKKO is actually a list of waste, which is updated as additions are made.

FKKO approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2002 No. 786 "On Approval of the Federal Classification Catalog of Waste" (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2003 No. 663).

Waste from cesspools and domestic sewage are included in the FKKO and are hazardous. The hazard class of this waste has not been determined.

Transportation of hazardous waste must be carried out on the basis of a license for the collection, neutralization, use, transportation, placement of hazardous waste in accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

The legislation provides for obtaining a license legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The driver involved in the transportation of any hazardous waste must have a passport for the transported hazardous waste.

Documents on training for the right to work with waste are checked during the work of the expert commission of the state environmental review of license substantiation materials and during the check of the license applicant or licensee by the bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Licensing of waste disposal activities is carried out by the Main Directorates / Directorates of Natural Resources (GUPRs) of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

You can also read the Decision of the Novichikhinsky District Court in order to better understand the logic of the legislator and law enforcer when applying environmental protection legislation: http://sudact.ru/regular/doc/7903ZoeKXIWT/

  • Assessor machine services
        • Similar business ideas:

You can open a small business using the services of a sewage truck with a minimum amount of 600 - 800 thousand rubles. That is how much a used GAZ-3309 2007 - 2009 of release costs. Often, such services are provided by individuals who own one, maximum two cars, with each of which, minus wages, taxes and depreciation, you can earn from 400 thousand rubles a year ...

It is difficult to say how profitable the business is on the sewer machine. There is one important rule- You need to open where there is a large private sector. The level of competition in the city/district is also important. The more competitors, the less your potential income. Moreover, in areas where housing and communal services drivers are actively “leftist”, offering pumping at ridiculous prices of 300 rubles, it is extremely difficult to make money. Therefore, when starting a business, it is recommended to carefully study the market.

Assessor machine services

On the sewer machine, you can carry out a range of pumping services:

  • septic tanks;
  • Cesspools;
  • Sewer systems;
  • Sumps;
  • Fecal wells;
  • Cellars;
  • car washes;
  • pools;
  • Dry closets.

According to experienced businessmen, it is advisable to take a car for cleaning services foreign production. Yes, start-up costs increase by 2-3 times, but at the “distance” the businessman is in the black. Japan is considered the leader in the supply of sewage equipment. Buying a "foreign car" the entrepreneur receives whole line advantages over the owners of the domestic auto industry:

1. Low fuel consumption - Japanese equipment is equipped with a diesel engine and pumps out waste almost at idle.

2. Hose length - the Japanese have an automatic hose reeling system, so you can “wind” at least 100 meters on it and perform the most complex work.

3. Reliability and quality - does not need proof. Here are just a few facts from the owners: the barrel of a Japanese car is boiled from the inside with partitions so that it does not squeeze, the structure itself is galvanized, which guarantees the absence of rust even after ten years of operation. The measuring window is made from bottom to top, which makes it possible to visually observe the process of filling the tank. The pump is super reliable, which cannot be said about domestic counterparts. Installed on Japanese efficient system lubrication and oil cooling system of the pump, which our machines do not have, so the pumps often fail at the most inopportune times.

The new Japanese sewer truck Hyundai HD250 with a 11m3 tank will cost the entrepreneur 5 million rubles. A used car with a barrel volume of 10 m3 manufactured in 1995 will cost about 1.5 million rubles.

If there are extremely few financial resources, but you really want to start a business, then you can meet 250-300 thousand rubles. Supported GAZ 3307 2000 release can be purchased for 180 thousand rubles. A set of equipment, including a tank, will cost 120 thousand rubles. At the same time, you need to be prepared for frequent repairs and unexpected expenses.

The "vacuum" business is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Most beginners think fairly straightforward: buy a car, put up ads and collect "cabbage". In fact, everything is much more complicated. One of the first and main difficulties is getting permission to drain waste. Just pumping out and pouring waste into the field is a tough violation, in fact you are polluting the environment, for which you can get a serious fine. Therefore, the first step is to contact the local housing and communal services (or the administration) and conclude an agreement for the discharge of waste into a specially designated place. How much such a contract costs is another question and often depends on the appetite of local authorities. It can be 2,000 rubles a month, or maybe 5,000 rubles or more.

What OKVED code should be indicated when registering a sewage truck business

When registering a business, you should indicate the OKVED code "Wastewater disposal and other similar activities." The organizational and legal form is individual entrepreneurship. Taxation system - UTII or USN. It is more profitable to use “imputation” (UTII) when you work alone, that is, for yourself. In this case, you can completely get rid of the tax by including it in the cost of insurance payments (mandatory pension contributions). More on this is provided in tax code RF " the federal law dated June 25, 2012 No. 94-FZ.

The service of pumping out sewer pits, depending on the region, varies from 500 to 1000 rubles. This is if the service is provided within the city/settlement. If the service is ordered in a place remote from the city, then the price can reach up to 3,000 rubles, or depending on the mileage. The price, as a rule, includes the pumping out of one machine - within 4 cubes. If the pit is larger, for example, 12 cubic meters, then the amount is taken in a triple rate, etc. since the car will have to make several trips to completely clean the hole.

Business gurus, to the extent of financial capabilities, are advised to buy a sludge pump (for example, a KO-510K sludge pump machine) - in this case, you can not only pump out septic tanks, but also provide services for the delivery of technical water, clean wells, sewer networks from silt, carry out fences and transportation of liquid non-aggressive and non-explosive waste. Starting costs are slightly higher (from 2 million rubles), but the profitability is also higher.

How much can you earn working on a sewer truck

To do this, you can resort to a simple calculation. Sewer pumping services in a private house are ordered on average once every three months. If there are 1,000 private houses in the area, then at least 300 houses per month are potential customers. In a year, accordingly - 3600 clients. With an average service price of 700 rubles, the market capacity is: 700 * 3600 = 2,520,000 rubles. This is your potential income. Of course, it needs to be adjusted taking into account competition. If there are 3 more competing cars in your area, then the amount received should be divided by four and you get a little more than 600 thousand rubles per car per year.

What equipment to choose for the operation of sewage trucks

As prospects for the development of such a business - the opening of a company for the services of special equipment. Investments, of course, are incommensurable, but at the same time it is possible to reach the widest audience by purchasing the appropriate machinery and equipment: aerial platforms, truck cranes, dump trucks, backhoe loaders, graders, tow trucks, and so on.

A step-by-step plan for opening a company providing services for sewer trucks

The sewage business must be started in the same way as any other direction. commercial activities- with detailed marketing research, but taking into account the specifics this lesson. A novice entrepreneur must solve the following tasks:

  • Determine the level of demand for these services (one person - 1.5-2 cubic meters of sewage per month).
  • Find out what percentage of potential customers use the city's central sewerage or turn to competing firms.
  • Study a map of the areas he plans to serve (to determine which equipment is better to buy).
  • Prepare a preliminary business plan.
  • Register a business with the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, Pension Fund and extra-budgetary funds.
  • Conclude contracts for the discharge of sewage, agreeing on all available "points", payment terms, etc.
  • Purchase machinery and equipment.
  • Find an office space and a protected area for a car park.

The most difficult issue in this case is the search for conscientious drivers. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, you do not need to spare money for the remuneration of these employees. It is better to pay a good salary to a proven person than to look for a new employee every month.

How much money do you need to start a business

The minimum starting capital for organizing this business includes:

  • Preparation of a business plan.
  • Purchase of a five-year-old GAZ-3309.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.
  • Search for 2-3 employees.
  • Acquisition of a minimum set of office equipment.

But even in this case, you will need from 17-27 thousand dollars. If we are talking about opening a full-fledged company, then the business organizer must find at least 250-500 thousand dollars.

What documents are needed to open a company

In addition to the standard documents of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (if we are talking about a business providing services to government agencies and large companies), you must have:

  • Permits from the local administration, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate.
  • Contract for the discharge of waste / sewage.
  • Labor contracts with personnel.
  • Contracts for the lease of premises and territory for the placement of equipment.

Regardless of the scale of the business, each ac-car must comply with the safety requirements of the traffic police.

What taxation system to choose for the provision of services of sewage trucks

In many regions of our country, local authorities have included the area of ​​commercial activity in question in the UTII list. But if in your city, this business did not fall into this category, you can write an application to the Federal Tax Service about choosing a simplified taxation system. It provides for two options for paying taxes: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

Do I need permission to open a sewage services company?

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to provide sewage services, the organizer of this area of ​​​​commercial activity does not need to obtain a license or additional permits.