How to open a sushi bar from scratch: the necessary equipment and how to properly organize the work of a cafe. Business in national cuisine: how to open a sushi bar

  • 16.10.2019
  • Monthly profit (from): 1000 $
  • Payback period (from): 12 months
  • Starting capital (from): 16500 $

Business Relevance

Establishments offering Japanese cuisine appeared in our country more than ten years ago, but during this time their popularity has not decreased at all, they have high attendance, both on weekdays and in holidays. Opening a sushi bar is a promising direction, therefore, with the right approach, it can bring entrepreneurs a stable good income.

Features of Japanese Restaurants

The main dishes in the menu of such establishments are rolls and sushi, they bring the main profit. For their manufacture, various varieties of fish, rice, seafood, caviar, vegetables or any other ingredients are used. You can earn additional income by offering customers traditional oriental dishes, such as noodles; vegetables with rice; miso soups. The menu also includes delicious desserts and a variety of teas: black, white, green.

Concept development

Before opening a business from scratch, it is necessary to develop a project concept. There are several options for doing business. You can open a Japanese restaurant or deliver meals to customers own production. You can cook sushi both at home and in a rented room.

How to open a delivery of sushi and rolls with minimal cost? A convenient solution is to conclude an agreement with any sushi bar, purchase portable refrigeration equipment and hire a courier who will deliver products by car.

Another option is to offer takeaway sushi to customers. In this case, you can open an institution like fast food. For example, rent small room and install a bar counter in it, where visitors can have a quick bite to eat on the spot.

Stages of building a business

Restaurants that offer additional services, such as home delivery of Japanese dishes, have the highest profitability. In order for the project to pay off soon, you need to correctly draw up a business plan for a sushi bar with delivery. It should include the following steps:

  1. Registration with the tax service as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Obtaining permits from the fire inspectorate and SES.
  3. Search for reliable product suppliers.
  4. Room rental, holding repair work and hall design.
  5. Purchase of furniture and equipment.
  6. Personnel selection.
  7. Menu development.
  8. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  9. The opening of the establishment.

Financial calculations

To start a business, you will need quite impressive financial costs:

  • obtaining a license and processing the necessary documentation - from 50,000;
  • repair and design of the hall - from 150,000;
  • ordering equipment and furniture - from 500,000;
  • buying a car - from 100,000;
  • purchase of a primary batch of products - from 200,000.

Monthly expenses

  • rent of premises - from 50,000 rubles;
  • salary for employees - from 200,000 rubles;
  • utilities and taxes - from 20,000 rubles;
  • advertising - from 30,000 rubles.

If a sushi bar is visited on average by about 60 customers a day, then at the rate of 200 rubles per person, the income can be from 360 thousand rubles a month. Accordingly, the monthly net profit will be from 60 thousand rubles.

  • Starting capital: from 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Monthly profit: from 60,000 rubles;
  • Payback period: from 12 months.

Required documents

Opening a sushi bar requires the following documents:

  • licenses for the sale of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • permits from the fire service and SES;
  • contracts for the removal of waste and the provision of public services;
  • contracts with product suppliers;
  • health books for staff.

Requirements for the premises

In order to ensure a constant flow of visitors, it is recommended to open an institution near a traffic intersection, in an area with good traffic: near shopping centers, railway stations, cinemas or parks. The total area of ​​the premises must be at least 250 square meters. m. It should provide a hall for visitors, utility rooms and a kitchen.


The standard set of equipment for a sushi bar includes:

  • rice cooker;
  • oven for cooking hot dishes;
  • refrigeration and freezing equipment;
  • apparatus for wrapping sushi and rolls;
  • cutting boards;
  • set of knives;
  • dishes;
  • sushi - cases;
  • dishwasher.


  • chef - cooks;
  • several sushi people;
  • waiters;
  • accountant;
  • cashier;
  • kitchen worker for washing dishes and cleaning;
  • order manager and courier (in case of delivery of dishes to your home or office).


Even if the establishment is located in a good location, it may have low attendance if not properly designed marketing strategy. What needs to be done to attract a constant flow of customers to the restaurant? To the most effective methods include:

  • outdoor advertising;
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  • advertising in the media;
  • production of souvenirs with the symbols of the sushi bar;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • development of a system of bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

Possible risks

For the manufacture of dishes, it is necessary to purchase high-quality and fresh raw materials in order to avoid negative consequences in case of poisoning of visitors. It is recommended to conclude contracts only with trusted companies and carefully control all deliveries of products.

Sushi production at home

If entrepreneurs have a limited budget, they do not have to rent a room for the production of sushi and rolls, a home business can also bring good profits. However, if they do not have experience in cooking Japanese dishes, it is better to entrust this activity to professionals.

Stages of organizing a business at home:

  • hiring a chef and several assistants;
  • purchase of products and equipment;
  • development of an advertising strategy;
  • creating your own website;
  • hiring an order processing manager and a courier who will deliver ready meals to customers.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this area, then write to us through the Contacts page. Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.
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    I’ll tell you how to open your own sushi and rolls delivery restaurant using my own example. I will try to answer the most important questions: what difficulties did I encounter, how much money did I spend and how much can I earn on this business.
    To begin with, it is best to open such an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur. For this you need to go to tax office- to the branch, which is deployed at your place of residence. You will be asked to write an application, which will be considered within one working week(usually no more). As a result, you will have a certificate of registration in your hands. In principle, these are all the documents that are needed to get started.
    At first, I planned to open a sushi bar. However, during the organizational arrangements, I abandoned this idea, because opening a bar requires more solid start-up capital, which I did not have. My strategy was as follows: open a point in one of the busiest parts of the city, install a banner, advertise via the Internet (Yandex Direct, Google Adwords), devoting a lot of effort to creating and SEO-promotion of my own site. I also organized the distribution of leaflets in those areas of the city where the largest number of offices are located, whose employees are very fond of ordering lunches and business lunches.
    I was looking for a suitable room for my workshop on Avito and quickly found a suitable one, with an area of ​​​​50 m². First, the landlord asked me for 900 rubles per m², but then we agreed on a discount. We agreed that in the first 2 months I would pay only half, due to the fact that I was just starting my business. As far as I know, many people do this, and landlords most often go to a meeting. You just need to talk to them. Thus, we paid 22,500 rubles for the use of the premises in the first months. In addition, the landlord requested an advance payment from us. Such a measure is quite often practiced by landlords. In short, an advance is insurance in case you leave the premises in an improper state, without cosmetic repairs, when moving to another place. If everything is in order, the payment will be returned to you.
    So, opening an IP cost me 800 rubles. Rent without discount - 45 thousand rubles for 1 month. Advance payment - exactly the same. Immediately after signing the contract, you can start repairing and installing equipment. First of all, we delimited the kitchen area and the dispatcher's workplace, where it would be convenient for him to receive calls and work with delivery people. In the kitchen, a warehouse was equipped, shelving was installed. A large sofa was also installed in the dispatcher's room, where customers ordering on the spot could comfortably wait while it was being prepared. We spent 50 thousand rubles for all this.
    To equip the kitchen, we needed to buy a refrigerator. Acting for austerity reasons and given that we specialize in delivery (i.e., customers do not see our “behind the scenes”), I initially looked for equipment with small defects. As a result, on the same Avito, I found a refrigerator with a small dent (it was formed during delivery) and bought it for 10 thousand rubles. Next, we needed a freezer for storage. We bought a new one, it cost us 15 thousand rubles. We also searched for Avito. There were options for 12 and 13 thousand, but they were three, a maximum of two years, and you can expect anything from such. Therefore, we decided to add a little and get a reliable one.
    They bought the cheapest and most standard rice cooker, ordering it for 6 thousand rubles in an online store. I strongly recommend purchasing two. If one of you burns out, you will immediately get the second. Such a precautionary measure is necessary so that your work does not stop and you do not lose customers. We also needed scales to work with products. We paid 3,000 rubles for them. We bought a boxer, knives, etc. - that is, all the kitchen utensils, which cost us 15 thousand rubles.
    We installed a computer and purchased a licensed version of 1C. First of all, it is necessary to account for sellers. When you receive products, you enter them into the computer. Then they are crushed into rolls, and when you need, you can easily calculate how many products you have in ready-made dishes, how much is left raw, and carry out other things necessary for revision. We also installed video surveillance so that in case of an emergency or theft, it would be easy to figure everything out. We spent 30,000 rubles on all this.
    The logo of the company was drawn by friends. In principle, it can also be found on Avito. There are a lot of artists, designers, of which it is easy to assemble a group and give them a task. Then choose which logo suits you best. On average, such a service costs about 2 or 3 thousand rubles. The development of the site, without which no sushi delivery can work, cost us 17 thousand rubles. It was made for us by my friend, who is professionally engaged in this.
    Work was organized in shifts. At the initial stage, we needed two cooks, two dispatchers and two couriers. Thus, it turned out six people of the staff.
    Now for the sushi menu. Since I had no experience, I acted solely on enthusiasm. We invited two sushi chefs and asked them to cook all the products known to them. They made every roll they ever came across. Of these, we have selected the most delicious and most suitable for our menu. Thus, in one evening we approved the menu, took photos and posted them along with the description on our website. All in all, it was a lot of fun and a good time.
    In the column "Additional costs at opening" you can also include the installation of a banner (5 thousand rubles). The author of our site has set up work for us with Yandex Direct and Google Adwords so that we come out on top in advertising. For the first week, we allotted 6,000 rubles (3,000 rubles each) to work with these resources.
    The first purchase of products cost 15 thousand rubles, and another 5 thousand were needed to purchase a stock of boxes, sticks, napkins, etc. Supplies. The uniform for cooks cost 2 thousand. By the way, I note that it must be clean and tidy. This is a must follow. Finally, we spent 5,000 rubles to print flyers and menus.
    Thus, at the start of the launch of our enterprise, we spent 245 thousand rubles (including the discount on renting the premises, which I mentioned).
    Finally, in this post I will mention SES, about which you often have to read a lot of horror stories. They don't visit us often, and that's what they do. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service ensures that products are stored for as long as they are supposed to and that the rules for working with them are observed. According to modern laws, scheduled inspections take place no more than once every three years. Unscheduled ones are also possible. This happens when a complaint is filed against you.
    So that you do not have problems, you must adhere to the following simple rules. The kitchen should not be located on the territory of an industrial enterprise and have a good hood. Walls must be washable. The cook must cook with gloves and a headdress. After preparation and packaging of products, he must put a mark in which the time and date of preparation should be noted. There should be two sinks - for food and for hands.

    I will continue to share with you my experience in opening a small business for the preparation and delivery of sushi. In this post, I’ll start with the secrets of the institution’s success. In my personal experience, the first thing that will lead to the growth of customers is, of course, quality. Moreover, quality must be respected in everything - from delivery to the taste and freshness of the sushi itself. Your production should be a well-oiled mechanism.
    The second is the loyalty program. It can be very different. You can introduce a system of discounts for regular customers. You can offer bonuses to those customers who brought their friends with them. Also, discount cards issued when ordering a certain amount work great. Actually, everything has long been invented for you and me. Any knick-knack that comes in the package with the order stimulates customers very well. It can be chewing gum, candy or chocolate. As a rule, 99% of the customers you serve in this way will return to you.
    Also, the success of the institution is influenced by the innovations introduced into production. Without exception, all major restaurateurs, as a rule, do not sit still, but travel around countries and borrow some items from their menu from their colleagues. I personally cannot afford such trips, but I regularly visit my most successful competitors and try their products, constantly trying to learn something from them. They have something, I have something - I order, I try, I adopt something, striving for perfection.
    In accordance with the above, I recommend adding new items to the menu. It is better to do this at least once a season. Your regular customers will always be happy with something new. New items are always in demand. You can deviate from the main dishes: introduce soups, salads, some exotic dishes, etc. delicacies. Sets must be. Let some of them be cheap. It all depends on the professionalism of your chefs and, of course, on you. In any case, proceed from simple rule: You have to love your customers.
    How to choose a supplier. Personally, we, in Nizhny Novgorod, have two organizations that manufacturers can contact. They have a different approach to work. The first have firm, established prices at which you make the purchases you need. The latter proceed from the price list of the former and are engaged in dumping - that is, they sell the same product, but a little cheaper. At first, of course, I switched to the latter, but it turned out that by the second or third week they raise prices, and as a result, you buy more than you could buy from the former. This scheme is not new. So I strongly recommend that you constantly monitor prices. In general, it is best to work with two suppliers at once, making sure that they fight for you and offer ever better conditions. All products that end up in your kitchen from suppliers must be tasted by yourself and allowed to be tasted by chefs.
    Most often, entrepreneurs starting in our business ask the question of what is the cost of one roll. In the early autumn of 2015, Philadelphia cost us 190 rubles. Its cost was 75 rubles. To this must be added the cost of packaging, ginger, wasabi and sticks. Total - the cost of one "Philadelphia" with all the required ingredients is 85 rubles. In general, the markup on the most expensive rolls fluctuates around 110%. For the cheapest ones - from 100% to 200%.
    When opening your business, you should be prepared for the fact that your sushi will not start to sell out right away. So it was in my case. In this case, you should have a certain amount of money set aside. All this difficult initial period should be engaged in advertising. In doing so, you will incur monthly expenses, which include: rent, wage cooks, dispatchers, couriers. In addition, taxes must be paid.
    We spend 5 thousand per week on promotion in Yandex and twice as much on SEO promotion. This should also include the cost of flyers and other unplanned expenses. Our fixed cost level is about 195,000. You must also be prepared for all this.
    In the first month we had a small minus, and already from the second or third month we reached zero. In order for the business to at least pay for itself, on weekdays you must have at least 15 orders with an average check of 500 rubles and a revenue of 7,500 rubles per day. On weekends, there should be about 40 orders, and the revenue should be 20 thousand rubles. I assure you that this is all real even at the start.
    Now I will tell you what turnover will allow you to earn. Let me take as an example a profit of 100 thousand. To earn this money with the above-mentioned expenses, you need a turnover of at least half a million. However, in order for your enterprise to cope with it, you will have to take on an additional cook and courier. In any case, from Friday to Sunday, you will definitely need to strengthen the workforce. Thus, on weekdays you should have at least 26 orders with a check of 500 rubles, and on weekends - about 66 with a turnover of 36 thousand rubles.
    Pay special attention to the seasonal factor, which any sushi maker is aware of. To make it easier to bear the initial losses, ideally open in the autumn. So you will have more chances to reach profitability. Sales peak in winter. In spring and summer, sushi goes much worse, because people leave the city, fry kebabs, etc.

    Our establishment works both in the hall and for delivery. The kitchens of such cafes can be large, small or middle class. At the same time, the latter are quite capable of pulling work with a large turnover of products.
    In the kitchen we use:
    large and durable scales powered by electricity;
    a chest freezer for storing semi-finished products (so the assortment of our establishment includes not only Japanese, but also Italian dishes);
    multifunctional refrigerator in which blanks are stored both from below and from above;
    two fryers Ergo in which we cook both hot tempura rolls and potatoes
    very easy to use Cuckoo middle class rice cooker.
    To prepare sushi, we work only with chilled products - no freezing, because it is not tasty and not practical. The working area of ​​the sushi maker is a long stainless steel table, on which all the ingredients are at hand, a board, a mat for twisting rolls (makisu), a Japanese slicing knife, a small electronic scale for weighing and gloves.

    I started doing business related to Japanese cuisine back in those days when, as they say, it was not yet mainstream. At the very beginning of my career, like everyone else, I made a lot of mistakes, as a result of which I lost a lot of money and a lot of precious time. Based on my rather solid experience, I will try to warn you against those wrong steps that I myself took. I'll start with how I opened the first delivery in 2010, illustrating my story real examples.
    Name and logo
    Delivery of sushi at first glance seems to be a fairly simple matter. The operator takes calls, the chefs fulfill orders, and the courier delivers them. That's exactly what I thought too. Like everyone else, I started with a name for my company. We came up with it easily, but immediately stalled on the logo. The main idea was to come up with a picture that would reflect both our attitude to the matter and how we value our (not yet existing) customers. In general, we have collected absolutely all the stamps that beginners sin with. As a result, without approaching any common denominator, we downloaded the picture we liked from the Internet and instructed a freelancer we knew to finalize it. The logo that we ended up with, I still remember with horror.
    Registration of a legal entity
    I learned my new business just like most people, drawing information from all sources available to me. The result was an absolutely fragmented and contradictory picture without any system. And here I was faced with the question of registering my enterprise. I thought about what form I should choose. Will it be an LLC, an individual entrepreneur, or something else. What codes to prescribe, what type of taxation is right for me. In the end, I again made a mistake by not indicating the real type of activity of my organization during registration. At this stage, I was lucky and avoided the checks. However, all this could end very badly.
    Menu, training and photo session
    No good delivery can work without a menu. It should be of high quality, beautiful and appetizing. Since at that time I was a person far from the kitchen, I needed someone who would develop a menu, train me and all my employees. Already at that stage, I understood that each of us, regardless of our main responsibilities, should have clear view about the dishes that we will sell. In addition, I needed high-quality product photos.
    Fate turned out to be favorable to me, sending a real gift in the form of a professional chef of Japanese cuisine. He was ready to give me a master class. When we met with him to discuss all the nuances, he asked me to tell me how I see my institution in the end. After listening to my story, he generally supported me, while giving me quite a few recommendations related to the arrangement of the kitchen itself.
    Developed the menu, launched the learning process. We needed to arrange a photo shoot for our dishes. To do this, we invited a photographer, deciding at the same time to save money. As a result, not very high-quality photographs were obtained. Looking ahead, I will say that this was our next serious mistake. However, we realized this much later.
    Generally speaking, we worked inconsistently on all the points already listed. At first I grabbed one, then suddenly a third. Having not finished with the fourth, he again returned to the first and to the second. Such randomness in actions often led to problems. Today, our entire company works according to a clear algorithm. Then it seemed to me that I could handle everything alone, and there was nothing complicated about it. Over time, I cooled down, but, of course, I was not going to stop.
    Advertising materials and equipment
    After the menu was developed and a photo session was held, we thought that we needed really high-quality promotional materials, and, of course, professional kitchen equipment. In search of the first, we again turned to the services of the same freelancer who organized the photo shoot for us. Mainly because it caught our attention with its low prices. He made flyers, booklets, maps for us, all using our logo that I mentioned above. This process took quite a long time (at least two weeks), because it worked very slowly.
    In parallel, I persistently made calls - got acquainted with product suppliers and equipment sellers. However, at the same time, I periodically got into a dead end, bumping into counter (quite logical, as I now understand) questions. For example: “Do you need a rice cooker? And how many liters? The fact is that at that time I did not understand what sizes and volumes we were talking about. In all this, I began to understand only over time. However, the huge number of calls that I had to make also took away my strength and time.
    Vendors, site creation and room selection
    Our acquaintance, a professional chef, helped us to solve the issue with suppliers. Thus, at the start, this was not a problem for us. However, later we had to abandon them and look for those whose pricing policy would suit us completely.
    In parallel, active work began to create a site and search for premises. There were no errors in these paragraphs. So, the premises were rented far from the very the best place. In addition, it did not contain some things that were extremely necessary for our purposes. As a result, a week after the opening, we had to move urgently. On this we lost several days of work and, of course, a lot of customers and money.
    To create a website, we again turned to the services of a freelancer, who agreed to fulfill our order for a very reasonable amount. As a result, on the day of opening, he worked only half. The online store, on which we made the main bets, did not work at all. Most pages either opened slowly or did not open at all. As for the photographs, they, as I said, left much to be desired. It was almost a failure, but we managed.
    From all this we have tried to draw useful lessons. For example, work with the site continues to this day. The interface is constantly updated, the location of positions in the menu is thought out, photos are updated.
    Advertising and software
    Being engaged in advertising, at first we were also surprised. The fact is that I had never thought about how much it could cost before. But most importantly, I did not suspect that some types of advertising could be absolutely useless for a particular case. The result of my ignorance was that we again spent a lot of money absolutely for nothing.
    Speaking of software that would allow you to control business processes, the work of couriers, analyze average check etc. - at first, unfortunately, there was no talk of this at all. We wrote our first checks by hand. Naturally, this did not paint our company in any way. To date, we work only with special programs that allow you to perform a wide range of operations.

For many years now, sushi bars have been at the peak of their popularity. These establishments cannot be seen empty either during the day or in the evening. And sometimes it seems to break through there on holidays an impossible task- You have to book a table in advance. However, in order to reach this level as quickly as possible, you need to clearly draw up a business plan for a sushi bar and stick to it.

Step 1. Selecting a district

First of all, you have to decide where your future institution will be located. Lots of options. In particular, these are expensive central areas of the city, where fashionable boutiques and fashionable restaurants are concentrated. However, in this case, the business plan for the sushi bar should be designed in such a way that the establishment matches the luxurious surroundings.

Everything should be perfect - the level of service, the menu, and the prices. Of course, renting a room in such a place will cost you a round sum, but keep in mind that your prices will be quite high.

An alternative option is to open a small democratic sushi bar with low prices in the area of ​​​​a cluster of offices, on the territory of shopping and entertainment complexes or close to other food outlets (provided that there is no such institution there). The cost of rent will be lower, and the main income will come from high attendance.

Sushi bars are opened both in residential areas and in small towns. They can also be profitable, because Japanese cuisine is in great demand, and there will certainly be those who want to spend time in your establishment. However, prices in this case should not be too high - this will scare away a fair share of customers.

Step 2. Choosing a room

As for the size of the premises, it can start from 30 m 2 (we are talking about the area of ​​​​the hall for visitors) and reach 300 m 2 or more (if you are going to create a large institution).

It is important that the room you choose meets certain regulatory requirements- in particular, sanitary-epidemiological and fire-fighting.

Once you find a suitable location, you can move on.

Step 3. Registration of activities and obtaining licenses

What documents are needed to open a sushi bar? In fact, this is a very important issue that should be carefully studied.

First, you will need to register the business itself. You can do this both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. It is believed that opening an individual entrepreneur and maintaining business documentation is not as difficult as for an LLC.

To register with the tax authorities, you will need to select the appropriate OKVED activity codes:

  • 55.30 - "Activity of restaurants and cafes";
  • 55.4 - "Activity of bars";
  • 55.52 - "Supply of catering products".

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the system of taxation. First of all, you should start from the planned activities and the size of the hall for visitors. For a hall up to 150 m2, you can use more than simple system- UTII (single tax on imputed income). However, if the area of ​​​​the premises exceeds the specified figure, you will pay a simplified tax (STS) - 15% of the net profit of the establishment.

If, being interested in how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you plan to carry out not only customer service directly on the territory of the establishment, but also the delivery of dishes to your home / office, you will have to keep separate accounting and use two taxation systems simultaneously. For the catering system in a sushi bar, UTII will be applied, and for delivery - USN.

What else do you need to open a sushi bar? A whole list of documents must be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor. It is important to ensure that all your employees receive medical books.

Another important point concerns the implementation alcoholic products. If you wish to include alcoholic beverages on your establishment's menu, you will also need to obtain an appropriate license.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

We continue to draw up a business plan for a sushi bar. At this stage, our task is to acquire all the required equipment. Depending on the characteristics of your institution full list can be adjusted, but its basis remains unchanged:

  • a set of specialized utensils for cooking rice;
  • machine for making sushi and rolls;
  • thermoses for storing cooked sushi rice;
  • refrigerators that will store seafood and other ingredients;
  • a variety of cooking utensils;
  • sushi cases - special glass showcases-refrigerators with a given temperature and humidity, designed to store finished products;
  • tableware.

What equipment is needed for a sushi bar besides the one we have already mentioned? If the menu of your establishment will contain exclusively cold dishes (sushi, sashimi, rolls, etc.), this set of equipment will be more than enough. If you plan to add hot dishes to the menu, you will need not only additional equipment, but also new staff.

An interesting fact: according to the estimates of entrepreneurs who work in this area, about 60% of orders fall on cold dishes, and only 10% on hot ones. The remaining 30% are orders from the bar.

Step 5. Recruitment

Several decades ago, when Japanese cuisine was just beginning to develop in our country, chefs were ordered directly from Japan. Of course, this pleasure was not cheap. However, these days, after the opening of a huge number of courses and the growing popularity of sushi, it is not at all difficult to find an experienced and talented sushi master.

If you are interested in how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you need to take into account that a Japanese restaurant requires an impressive staff, among which there must be:

  • Chef;
  • several sushi chefs;
  • chefs specializing in hot dishes;
  • kitchen workers;
  • waiters;
  • cashiers;
  • accountant;
  • Purchasing manager for products and other goods.

Of course, some employees may combine the performance of several functions. For example, waiters can perform the duties of cashiers, etc. However, this is unacceptable for a prestigious institution.

Step 6. Grocery shopping

When writing a business plan for a sushi bar, be sure to think about where you will be purchasing products. Even a brilliant sushi chef will not be able to cook real sushi if he does not have the right products at his disposal. Rice, fish, vinegar, sugar and salt must be Japanese. And it's not whims at all.

Sushi made from our local products may appeal only to those who have never tasted real ones. Focusing on such visitors, you should not count on big profits either.

Step 7. Room decoration

It is desirable that the oriental flavor in the design of the hall is combined with truly European comfort. You should not seat visitors on mats and force them to eat exclusively with chopsticks. Leave a corner in your establishment for those who want to relax in traditional Japanese style, but buy beautiful and stylish furniture for the sushi bar (or rather, for the rest of the hall). Chopsticks should be offered to absolutely everyone, but at the first request you should be given the usual European cutlery.

Step 8. Cost Analysis

Let's summarize and try to decide what start-up capital you need to open your own sushi bar:

  • rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • renovation and decoration of the hall - 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of furniture and utensils for the main hall, kitchen and bar - 2.5 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • the first purchase of products - 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary for employees for the first month of work - 300 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses (registration of licenses and documents, utility bills, transport costs) - 300 thousand rubles.

In total, it will take about 4 million rubles to open an average sushi bar.

Of course, in smaller cities the level of spending will also be much lower. However, the ratios between the various costs will remain approximately the same. That is, by compiling your own business plan, you can easily navigate the numbers that are typical for the city in which you live. It should be borne in mind that the price level, and as a result, the profit that you will receive, will also be lower.

Step 9. Evaluation of the prospects of the project

Think it's expensive? However, it should be borne in mind that the profit of an institution of this type can reach 250-300 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of a sushi bar is extremely high - your initial investment can fully pay off in 1-1.5 years.

What do people eat at lunchtime? Some people chew sausage in dough or white meat from a stall located next to the place of work, others eat soup brought from home, someone goes to the nearest cafe. As recently as ten years ago, sushi for a working man's lunch was in the realm of fantasy. They were perceived as a holiday and allowed themselves only in special days. Now is a different time, for Russians this product has become everyday.

Sushi is tasty and healthy (it is no coincidence that the Japanese are the longest-lived nation), they are in great demand, so business in this area is a profitable enterprise. To open a point where takeaway sushi will be prepared, you must at least love Japanese cuisine. This will help to create a good menu and control the quality of products. An enterprise in the field of catering is not a cheap pleasure, main reason- high cost of equipment. But a small roll making bar does not need a huge list of machines.

A cafe where takeaway sushi is prepared can be created with a registered individual entrepreneur (this form is the most profitable for this business). LLC is another option, but it has complex taxation, but it simplifies the product supply system and enjoys great confidence among customers. For an enterprise, you need to obtain the following legal documents:

  1. Permission from the fire inspectorate and SES.
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax office.
  3. License to sell alcohol (if needed).
  4. Execution of paperwork related to the lease of premises.

Rolls must be eaten within three hours after preparation, it is in these minutes that they have that very unique taste that we all love to enjoy so much. Yes, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, no one will get poisoned, but it is unlikely that customers will return to you again. This means that you do not need many refrigeration units. It is better to once again go to the supplier for raw materials than to sell a product that has been stored in the freezer for weeks.

One more thing: in order to turn the rolls, you don’t need a lot of space, and the point of sale should not be huge, in Last year in the capital and in some regions of the country, sushi markets with an area of ​​1x3 m appeared. This is enough to place a stand with products and a place for a cashier-seller.

Separately, we note the profit of takeaway points. The cost of one roll is 3-10 rubles, they are sold for 40 rubles (or even more). No comments here!

Equipment purchase plan

To open your point, you need to purchase:

  1. Sushi cases. We have already said that it is advisable to eat sushi immediately after preparation (without the addition of harmful preservatives, the shelf life does not usually exceed 24 hours). The cook rolled the roll, but buyers will not take apart the product at the same second and they need to store it somewhere before buying. The secret of this type of refrigerated display cases is that they are absolutely hermetic. This allows seafood not to air out or freeze, as in a conventional refrigerator.
  2. The business plan must include the purchase of a rice cooker. Rice cooked at home on a regular stove has nothing to do with sushi rice.
  3. It is better to purchase a thermos for ready-made rice at specialized points.
  4. Knives.
  5. Tableware.
  6. Special cutting boards

The equipment will cost about 100-130 thousand rubles.

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Business plan: a few words about products

Even the best sushi chef can't cook delicious rolls no quality products. We will not now list everything from which sushi is made, we will simply note that rice, vinegar and sugar must be Japanese.
This is not a whim, this is an integral part of Japanese cuisine; fish can be Norwegian. Products made from domestic raw materials will be liked only by those who have not tried overseas ingredients, and there are few of them (such people also rarely buy sushi, so you can’t count on an increase due to this category of citizens).

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Premises: location and design

The business plan of any enterprise includes a chapter on premises. Try to make the hall decorated in an oriental style, if you wish, you can make a few purely symbolic seats with inexpensive furniture (for example, the management of the Omsk Sushi Market acted). You can open a sushi bar almost anywhere in the city. But it is more profitable to do it in the neighborhood with large stores, educational institutions, near office centers.

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Financial investments

We continue to write a business plan. To open your point, you also need:

  1. From 2,000 rubles for paperwork.
  2. From 30,000 rubles per month for renting a room.
  3. About 100 thousand rubles for the repair and decoration of the outlet.
  4. 130,000 rubles for equipment.
  5. 300,000 rubles for the purchase of raw materials for the first month of work.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Taxes.
  2. Rent.
  3. Payment for utilities.
  4. Products.
  5. Staff salary.

As far as staff is concerned, main man at your enterprise it is a dryer. It depends on how he cooks whether the buyer will return to you or not. Now there is no shortage in sushi bars, the only thing that will help keep a client is the quality of the products. You will also need to hire a cleaner, cashier, dishwasher, accountant. The profitability of the business here is similar to this indicator in other catering industries, it is about 10-15%, the business will pay off in a year. By the way, according to most owners this business, the number of orders is highly dependent on advertising.

Opening any catering establishment is certainly a big investment. Arrangement of premises, purchase professional equipment, furniture, design - all this costs a lot of money. Sushi bar in terms of investment is one of the most profitable businesses in this area. We will talk about how much it costs to open your own sushi bar in this article.

  • Opening a sushi bar from scratch
  • What does it take to open a sushi bar?
  • How much money do you need to open a sushi bar?
  • How much can you earn selling sushi?
  • Preparation of documents required to open a sushi bar
  • Choice of tax regime

The peculiarity of an institution with Japanese cuisine is that 50 square meters of space is enough for it. The kitchen and a few tables will fit perfectly in this area. The peculiarity of the sushi bar is that they often buy takeaway food. For guests, it is enough to install a bar counter, where it will be convenient for them to have a bite to eat.

Opening a sushi bar from scratch

To open an institution of this format - it is not necessary to rent separate room. Suitable, for example, a small area in a supermarket or mall. The menu is what always attracts guests to the sushi bar. It should be as varied as possible. Real culinary masterpieces can only be prepared by experienced sushi chefs. They will also help to choose dishes so that each guest can choose them to their liking.

It is important to update the offer regularly. Other cold snacks, national sweets and drinks can be added to sushi. This will be especially true if you are thinking about how to open your own sushi bar in a small town. Japan has always been famous for its tea ceremonies. If you open a full-fledged sushi bar, then you can offer visitors to them.

The design of the institution should be both exotic and European. Tables for food can be placed both in Japanese style - on the floor, and in the usual European environment. It should be noted that not all people are comfortable eating with chopsticks. At the request of the guest, he should always be offered ordinary appliances.

What does it take to open a sushi bar?

Despite all these advantages, the most significant is the profitability of the business. Usually the cost of one unit of the product is not higher than 10 rubles. On sale, the dish costs four times as much. Such a benefit from the implementation is infrequent.

Sushi is a cold Japanese dish. Almost all ingredients do not require heat treatment. The only exception is the main component - boiled rice. Considering all this, we can conclude that the plates and ovens you don't need a bar. But it is impossible to do without a professional rice cooker. In addition to it, you will need thermoses to store the main ingredient.

There is also special equipment, which is indispensable in Japanese cuisine. These are sushi cases. They allow you not to freeze seafood and at the same time keep them fresh for a long time. Sushi cases are showcases in which ready-made meals are usually stored. Freezers are used to store purchased products. cold rooms. To open a bar, experts advise immediately opting for imported installations. Although they are more expensive, they are more reliable in operation. You also need to carefully approach the choice of tools for the cook: boards and knives. They must be designed specifically for sushi. Other models wear out faster, boards crumble, and knives become dull.

How much money do you need to open a sushi bar?

Everything initial costs, which will allow you to open the bar, can be presented in the form of a simple table. So it will be easier to buy everything you need and calculate how much it will cost.

As you can see, to open an institution, you will need 694 thousand rubles.. Based on the figures, almost half of the amount will go to the purchase of ingredients. The peculiarity of cooking real Japanese dishes is the use of products from this country. Neither local rice, nor butter, nor domestic seafood can give the dish all the spice and sophistication. Finding suppliers of such ingredients at affordable prices is not easy, but it is quite possible.

How much can you earn selling sushi?

Each month, the sushi bar will require the following expenses:

In total, the maintenance of the sushi bar will require at least 413 thousand rubles a month. It is quite possible to plan a daily income at the level of 20 thousand rubles. This amount is 600 thousand rubles per month. After paying all monthly payments, the owner of the establishment will have 183 thousand rubles. With such income, it is quite possible to return the invested funds in 7 months. For a small business, this is a very good indicator, which means that opening such an institution is initially a profitable business.

Preparation of documents required to open a sushi bar

The first question that every novice businessman must decide is the choice of the legal form for future activities. If there are no strong alcoholic drinks on the menu of your bar, then you can draw up IP documents. To do this, you need to pay a state fee, make a photocopy of your passport and TIN, and also write an application to the Federal Tax Service. After three days, you should be handed the finished documents.

If you plan to do business with partners, sell alcohol in a bar or do not want to risk your own property (in case of bankruptcy, a house, apartment, etc. can be confiscated from an individual entrepreneur), then register an LLC. This procedure requires not only the above papers, but also the presence of a legal address, as well as an authorized capital (from 10 thousand rubles).

Both legal and individuals When registering their business, they are required to choose a code corresponding to this activity. In this case, for your sushi bar is suitable OKVED code 55.30.

The following documents are required for the operation of the institution:

  • conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • papers from the fire inspection confirming the fulfillment of fire safety requirements;
  • quality certificates;
  • garbage collection agreement
  • license to trade in alcoholic beverages;
  • employees working with food products must have sanitary books.

No additional licenses and permits, for the legal operation of a sushi bar, it is not necessary to issue.

Choice of tax regime

If the total area of ​​your sushi bar does not exceed 180 sq. m, then you can pay UTII. Questions about the applicability of this system, interest rates for tax, etc. decided by local authorities.

Favorable for this activity, the taxation regime is a simplified system that allows entrepreneurs to choose the method of calculating obligations: 6% of revenue or 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses.

An important point in deciding on the taxation of your business is the timely provision of an appropriate application to the FTS officer. Experienced businessmen recommend combining this procedure with paperwork for registering a company. If you did not have time / forgot to prepare and submit an application for choosing a regime to the tax office, you will automatically be enrolled as business representatives who work on a common basis.