How to make simple rolls at home. Sushi at home: step by step recipes and tricks

  • 19.10.2019

Rolls are healthy and low-calorie rolls, sometimes used in weight loss diets. At first glance, they are prepared simply, they do not require special skill. Why are there crooked pieces with scattered rice and an unpleasant taste? It is impossible to take them with chopsticks, being afraid to turn a unique dish into a banal garnish with vegetables! Observing how cleverly and quickly it turns out with sushi, not every culinary specialist pays attention to the technique of rolling rolls. He mistakenly assumes that uramaki or hosomaki are easier to make and more beautiful to serve than pancakes. How to properly cook Japanese rolls at home?

Rolls preparation technology

The taste and presentability of a Japanese dish largely depends on the skill of the sushi and the quality of the rice. You should be especially careful when choosing cereals for sushi, because it may not be long enough and with little stickiness. Finished grains do not absorb moisture well, they turn out to be boiled or too crumbly. Culinary experts recommend using the Nishiki or Yoshi variety. It is undesirable to buy a Vietnamese product because of its unpleasant specific smell.


Cooking rice for rolls and sushi is a whole art! It is necessary to exactly observe the proportion and keep track of the time. It is better to steam the cereals in a rice cooker, but you can use a multicooker (set the "Stew" mode for 10 minutes, then switch to heating). If the product is damp, the next time you need to increase the amount of liquid.

Cooking technology is simple:

  • Rinse 1 kg of rice thoroughly in chilled water until it becomes completely transparent (it is more convenient not in a bowl, but in a colander);
  • let the water drain (10 minutes is enough);
  • pour rice into a dry bowl of a rice cooker, pour 1.2 liters of chilled water, sushi sometimes add a couple of drops of vegetable oil;
  • cook for 25 minutes, then turn off the equipment and count down 10 minutes (the lid cannot be opened);
  • prepare any wooden surface, remove the bowl from the rice cooker and turn it over (usually a thin dry crust forms on the bottom and side, so the rice will fall out on the board in one lump, like a head of cheese);
  • wait 5 minutes for the cereal to cool slightly;
  • using a plastic spatula, carefully remove the crust (you can pour it over with sauce and eat it), transfer the porridge to a plastic bowl or a special wooden basin;
  • Weigh out 200 grams of cold rice dressing, spread over the entire surface until the porridge is cold;
  • gently stir the rice with a spatula so as not to disturb its integrity, and leave to cool completely.

As the dressing is added, the porridge becomes a little thinner, but the warm grains will quickly absorb the flavorful sauce. The main component of the rolls will turn out to be not boiled, sticky, fragrant and with a pleasant aftertaste. After cooling, it is transferred to a non-metallic container, covered with a film, in which small holes are made. You can store it in the refrigerator, although it is more correct at room temperature for no more than 2 days. Perfectly cooked rice is the backbone of the Japanese dish's flavor palette.

How to make a savory dressing

The rice sauce will add a sophisticated flavor to the dish. They take Mitsukan (rice vinegar) as a basis, throw in a lot of sugar (almost 2: 1) and salt. To make the liquid more fragrant, a small leaf of kombu seaweed and a couple of grams of lemon zest are often added. In order not to lose the specific sourness, it is advisable to bring the dressing to a boil, cool and strain. It is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, it turns out to be a yellowish tint and a slightly viscous consistency.

Nori is an important ingredient for rolls

The presentability of the rolls depends on the quality of the pressed algae (red). It is better to bypass the cheap options: during the cooking process, nori breaks or crumbles, it quickly shrivels and breaks under the rice. Culinary experts recommend buying grade A: the sheets are dense, with smooth edges, rich green color without a reddish or reddish tint. In the light, they practically do not shine through.

The sheets are lined with 7-piece lines that help cut the product into uniform (wide or narrow) strips. Nori is usually split in two, but whole plates are used to make large or hot rolls. In order not to accidentally tear them, it is better to use scissors or a sharp knife, although experienced sushi specialists easily fold the sheet in half, press it on the bend and tear it apart.

Nori is an excellent source of iodine, so do not get carried away with sushi so that the body does not have an excess of it. Store the product in a tightly closed package or metal box... Due to moisture and steam, the sheets shrink, so during the preparation of Japanese rolls or felixes, the edges must be moistened with water very carefully. If there is not enough practice, it is better to seal the seams of the roll with several grains of rice.

Cooking delicious rolls is a real art!

The important components of the dish are ready, it remains to cut the filling into cubes (vegetables, raw or salted salmon) and discover the secrets of making rolls:

  1. It is advisable to cover the bamboo mat cling film on both sides, carefully wrapping the edges. It should fit snugly against
    mat (can be pierced with a toothpick to release air).
  2. Put the rug on flat surface, place the nori on it with the rough side up so that the grains do not slide off during the roll formation.
  3. So that the croup does not stick to your fingers, it is advisable to moisten your hands, or wear disposable cellophane gloves.
  4. Weigh out the rice (80-130 grams, depending on the type of roll) and place in the microwave for a couple of seconds. The beans should be warm, but not too hot. Place in the middle of the sheet and spread gently over the entire surface, especially on the sides. Do not press the grains against the algae!
  5. If the nori roll is on top (hosomaki or futomaki), when placing rice, you should step back 1 cm from the far side of the sheet. Spread the filling from the near edge. Wrap gently, slightly lifting and pressing the mat. Moisten an uncoated strip of nori with water and spin the roll completely. The seam of the product must not come loose.
  6. If there is rice (uramaki) on top, then a clean strip of nori should be left on the near side, next to you. From the far side, the grains should protrude 1 cm beyond the edge of the sheet. Sprinkle the groats with sesame or tobiko, lightly iron with the palm of your hand. Turn the seaweed over, put the filling on the edge. Raise the uncovered nori strip slightly, cover the vegetables, press down and roll. The seam will not be visible, because the croup will close it.
  7. Put the resulting roll on the board, cover with a rug and press down. Turn the product over to the other side, press down again with a mat, be sure to run your fingers along the entire length at the same time from above and to the sides. At this stage, you can form a square, round or triangular roll. If you cook "Philadelphia" or "Dragon", first lay out the fish plates, and then shape with a mat.
  8. In order for the roll to have smooth and beautiful edges, you need to press them with your palm, holding the product with a rug. It should turn out to be perfectly even, the grains with fish should fit snugly to the roll.
  9. In order not to disturb the fish top, the Japanese roll can be covered with foil. Moisten a sharp knife in cold water, visually divide the product in half and cut quickly. Wash the blade, put the pieces together and divide into 3 parts. As a result, 6 triangles or squares should come out. When cutting, perfect edges can be damaged, so the pieces are lined up and pressed again with a rug. The roll is ready.
  10. Often the ends of the product come out uneven, so before dividing the roll, ugly edges can be cut off. The pieces should be the same height and dense. It is desirable that the fish plates completely or half cover the sides of the product.

How to Submit a Japanese Artwork

Rolls look great on black Asian plates, but you can use transparent dishes. The pieces are laid out in different ways, based on the type of product. "Dragons" usually wriggle like a snake, "Philadelphia" and "California" are collected in a checkerboard pattern. They form a slide from large futomaki and decorate with a neat bunch of mixed salad. Japanese rolls with eel, "Green" and "Yellow Dragon" are poured over unagi and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Sets (assorted) rolls look especially beautiful. However, it is difficult to combine several products to get a unique picture, and it was convenient for guests to eat from all sides.

You need to lay out the barrels in even rows, as if under a ruler. Diagonals and scattered pieces are discouraged. There should be room on the plate to complement the dish with delicious foods:

  1. Pickled ginger is preferable to use white, because it is without dye. First, it is slightly squeezed out so that the excess marinade is gone, a slide is formed and, as it were, put on a plate. With beautiful root petals, it is easy to neutralize the aftertaste of an eaten piece and fully enjoy the taste of another.
  2. Many people mistakenly assume that pale green wasabi powder neutralizes harmful microorganisms that may be found in sea ​​fish... Unfortunately, we sell a tinted horseradish seasoning, and the real valuable root is too expensive and is considered a delicacy. However, the pseudo product is quite spicy, so knead it more comfortable with your hands wearing gloves, preferably near a hood or open window. Put a spoonful of wasabi in a bowl, add a little cold boiled water and mix thoroughly. If the mixture turns out to be thin, you can throw in more powder, but it is worth remembering that during storage in the refrigerator, the mass is slightly compacted. Place the green mass in a small pastry bag, plant on a flower-shaped plate. If you thicken the wasabi, it is better to form a cube or leaf.
  3. Soy sauce is served separately in a gravy boat. If it is too saturated and salty, it can be diluted with water and brought to a boil. Mirin and sake will add interesting notes. Wasabi is often added to the sauce during meals.

Sometimes a plate with rolls is decorated with a lemon wedge, and a damp and heated towel in the microwave (mistakenly) is served on a special wooden stand... They wipe their hands before and after a meal, only after use it is customary to carefully smooth it.

You can store the rolls in the refrigerator, but no more than half an hour, after wrapping it with cling film. Every minute their taste and appearance rapidly deteriorating, rice and vegetables are saturated with other odors and lose their individual aftertaste. Culinary experts are sure that the product should be eaten immediately after cooking, while the rice is not too cold and the filling has not yet warmed up.

How to properly prepare the components of the rolls?

Fragrant rice and specific algae are the background for creating a sophisticated taste range. The dish must be completed with a bright bouquet of filling. Food must be fresh, colorful and properly prepared.

Vegetables and fruits

The taste of the roll depends on the cut shape of the components. They can be chopped into thin and long straws or neat, even sticks. Hard root vegetables and fruits (daikon or green mango) are best crumbled as small as possible. Fresh cucumber must be peeled from the green peel, cut into thin slices in full length, wrap a roll or make a felix. For the filling, the juicy center with unripe seeds is often removed, then the dish turns out to be more crunchy.

The avocado should be moderately ripe. For the back of the "Green Dragon", the fruit is cut into slices exclusively with the tip of the blade, without lifting the knife from the board. With your left palm, you need to lightly press the semicircular pieces and pull upwards, and then gently lower them down. You should get a ladder. Use the blade of a knife to pick up an avocado and place it on the back of the "dragon". The fruit can be cut with a housekeeper, only each piece must be laid out immediately on the roll.

Tiger chrimp

They are often used to make "Yellow Dragon", hot rolls and sashimi, and they are cooked in a special way. Seafood (without a head) is peeled from the shell, leaving 2 plates at the end of the tail, and the intestinal thread is removed from the back. To prevent the shrimps from curling into an arc during cooking, they are put on long wooden skewers, starting from the head. Throw in boiled unsalted water for a minute, and then immediately into ice. The meat is tender and juicy. The shrimp is removed from the skewer, an incision is made along the entire length with a sharp knife (from the side of the abdomen and to the back, without cutting in half). Then they gently straighten, remove uneven places (usually near the head) and give a beautiful shape. The product can be stored for one and a half days.

Tempura shrimp is often added to the roll. In this case, raw seafood is strung on a skewer, dipped in thick batter based on a special flour mixture, eggs and water, and deep-fried until golden brown.

Fish is an irreplaceable component of rolls

Fillet of fresh tuna, salmon, lakedra should be dense, elastic, without loose and exfoliated fibers. Any bad smell, dull color and opaque juice in the package indicates the spoilage of the product. It is better to buy fish chilled and whole or frozen fillets. After thawing, the product is stored in a dry container for no more than 24 hours.

For the filling, the fish is cut into even cubes. To get beautiful thin plates for the top of the roll, the blade must be held parallel to the fillet. Make a small incision and smoothly slide the knife from right to left, holding the layer with all your fingers. This makes it easier to control the thickness of the piece.

Smoked eel is freed from excess sauce, divided into two parts along the back. Be sure to check for small cartilages that have not softened to the end during the manufacture of the product (usually they are on the sides). For the back of the "Yellow Dragon" roll, remove the golden upper part (obliquely to the skin at an angle of 30 degrees). For sushi, eel is cut diagonally and at a slight incline along with the skin. You should get 12 gram pieces (with sharp edges), a bit like petals.


It is impossible to forget the enchanting taste of shiitake rolls! Dry mushrooms are poured with water for 5 hours to swell, and washed. Cook until tender, cool, free from liquid, cut into thin slices. Fill a preheated pan with prepared shiitake, sprinkle with sugar and heat (you can season with black pepper along with soy sauce). Sweetish taste with specific notes will exquisitely complement almost any vegetable roll.

Video recipes

A professional chef prepares several types of rolls in a regular home kitchen. Explains the rules for cooking rice, rolling rolls. And as a bonus prepares a couple of Japanese soups, including.

Japanese dishes attract with their simplicity, beauty and healthiness. However, not knowing about the intricacies of making rolls, it is impossible to create an exquisite "Philadelphia" or a sophisticated "Green Dragon" at home.

Over the past 10 years, the entire planet has been engulfed in a gastronomic boom in sushi and rolls. Millions of Chinese restaurants have been opened around the world, ranging from eateries to high-end establishments. They were united by one thing: serving a Japanese dish of sushi (rolls). Today we will teach you how to cook exotic food in your kitchen.

The main thing in the article

Sushi at home: varieties and popularity

Sushi Is a traditional, popular Japanese food made from fresh fish and rice. The Philadelphia and California rolls, on the other hand, are the American interpretation of traditional Japanese sushi. They have more delicate taste and prepare without special efforts... The advantage of this dish is the minimum required ingredients.

Japanese sushi can be roughly divided into four types:

  1. Oshi (pressed sushi). This type of sushi can be called lazy because the cooking process requires a minimum of effort. The fish, preferably red, is placed on the bottom of a shallow vessel. Put rice on it to the brim, bend it up. After 1-3 hours, take out the resulting layer. Turn it over with the fish up and cut it into portioned pieces.
  2. Nigiri (compressed sushi). Also from the lazy series. For cooking with our hands, take rice and form a compressed small block (the size of a finger), and put a piece of red fish on top. Usually nigiri is made from two types of fish and is served in pairs.
  3. Chirashi (separate sushi)... They are the most popular in Japan. For cooking, you need to put the rice in small containers, and pile fish and vegetables on top. These are the portioned containers with separate sushi.
  4. Maki (rolls). This is a familiar option that is served in all Japanese restaurants. Rice, vegetables, all kinds of seafood are curled in the seaweed nori. Next, the resulting roll is cut into sushi that we already love.

What is needed to make sushi and rolls at home?

Let's list the tools and devices that you simply cannot do without in the process of making sushi. Mandatory special tools for the job:

  • Special machine for making rolls.
  • In the absence of a typewriter, a bamboo makisu rug is ideal. With it, you will spin future sushi.
  • A sharp knife that will need to cut the resulting roll.
  • Two wooden sticks for eating exotic "snacks".

Helpful tools you can't do without:

  • A saucepan for cooking rice.
  • Clay film is required for "rolls inside out". If you use nori, then its use is at the request of the hostess.
  • Tray for soy sauce.

Products for making rolls at home

There are obligatory products, without which sushi is difficult to imagine, and auxiliary (spices, snacks). Consider the products, without which it will not work to create rolls in your kitchen.

  • Rice... It is necessary to take a special, special kind of rice. Usually on the packaging is written "Japanese rice" or "Rice for rolls and sushi", it is he who provides the best adhesion of the ingredients. Today you can find such rice in every large supermarket. If, nevertheless, there is a problem with the purchase of special rice, then you can take the usual round-grain rice. The only difference you can feel if cooked correctly are the larger grains, which makes the roll a little rougher.
  • Vinegar but not simple. For seasoning rice, use a special rice vinegar mitsukan. It provides a decent bond between the "rice" in one mass, while it remains quite crumbly, unlike porridge or loose pilaf. The addition of this ingredient is necessary for any situation, otherwise, if you do not use special vinegar, your rolls risk falling apart while trying to eat them.
  • Nori seaweed. This is the main attribute of sushi: they can be used to make nori-maki rolls. That is, all the ingredients are wrapped in these algae.
  • A fish. You can talk a lot about her. For rolls, they usually take red fish, but there are exceptions, and oily fish are "wrapped" in the rolls or served with artificial red caviar.

The filling belongs to auxiliary products and there are no special requirements for it. You can put absolutely everything inside. Our compatriots, making sushi in their kitchen, wrap them in:

  • fillet of salmon, eel;
  • cucumbers or avocados;
  • shrimps;
  • crab sticks;
  • omelette;
  • small fish caviar.

This list varies depending on your gastronomic preference. The main requirement for the ingredients that you purchase for making sushi at home is quality and freshness.

Secrets of making homemade sushi and rolls

  1. Nori algae, regardless of whether they are expensive or cheap, have the same structure, do not overpay. The main thing is that the packaging is intact and clean.
  2. Wasabi - in addition to the function of a seasoning, it performs preventive "work" to destroy microbes in fresh fish.
  3. When cooking rice, you should give preference to a deep saucepan and pour only a third of water into it.
  4. The finished rice is mixed exclusively with a wooden spatula, and vinegar or a sauce based on it is introduced along the wooden spatula in a trickle.
  5. Rolls with no more than 5 products will be tasty. This principle is called The "rule of 5 ingredients".
  6. To make an elite fish from an inexpensive fish, it is necessary to marinate it in soy sauce, sake and vinegar for rice taken in the same amount. Such fish practically does not differ from the expensive varieties used in restaurants.

Roll recipes at home

Making rolls at home is easy, the main thing is to buy the necessary products and acquire patience.

Simple salmon rolls

To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • Salmon fillet - 200-250 g.
  • Japanese rice - 250-300 g.
  • Wine vinegar (from white wine) - 1 tbsp.
  • Yolks of 2 eggs.
  • Nori - 6 sheets.
  • Avocado - 50-80 g.
  • Red bitter pepper - 1 pod.
  • Onions (feathers) - several pieces.

Boil the rice, and salt or marinate the salmon in your favorite way (you can also boil it). Break the fish fillet into flakes. Add vinegar to the rice and move, send to the refrigerator. From yolks the usual way prepare a thin omelet. Cut the avocado, omelet into cubes, red bitter pepper into thin slices.

Put rice on the edge of the nori sheet. Squeeze a hole in it, put salmon, yolk and avocado omelet there. On top are green onion feathers and a slice of bitter pepper. Cover everything with rice. Wrap the nori in a roll and cut into portions with a sharp knife.

Sushi with tuna

For 2 servings you will need:

  • Japanese rice - 120 g.
  • Vinegar (special) for rice - 2 tbsp.
  • Tuna - 100-120 g.
  • Wasabi (powder) - 1 tsp
  • Nori - 0.5 sheets.

Boil rice. Add vinegar to the cooled rice. Use your hands to make small (portioned) "cutlets" of a rectangular shape from the finished rice.

Make a paste with wasabi powder. Using a sharp knife, cut the tuna into strips across the fibers. On one side of the tuna, apply wasabi (do not overdo it) and put it on the rice "cutlet" with the buttered side. We cut nori into thin strips, moisten with water and wrap each piece-roll.

Hot rolls

Required Ingredients:

  • Japanese rice - 200 g.
  • Rice vinegar - 1 tbsp
  • Nori - 5-6 sheets
  • Cottage cheese - 100 g.
  • Cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • Bacon - 100 g.

Boil rice, add vinegar, mix well. Peel the cucumber and cut into large cubes.

Put rice on half a sheet of seaweed, on it cottage cheese, cucumber cubes and bacon. Wrap the roll and portion with a knife. Sprinkle grated cheese on portions and microwave for 7 minutes.

Homemade rolls: photo

Rolls Philadelphia: step by step cooking master class

In the early 80s, the still not famous sushi chef wanted to contribute to the preparation of uramak sushi, and added Philadelphia cheese, which was at the peak of popularity at that time. The Americans appreciated the dish, but no one remembers the name of the master sushi chef to this day.

To prepare Philadelphia rolls at home you will need:

  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 g.
  • Japanese rice - 250 g, if you don't find - take round rice.
  • Rice vinegar - 30-40 ml, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. In 30 ml apple cider vinegar add 1/2 tsp sugar and 1/4 tsp salt.
  • Cucumber - 1-2 pieces, depending on the size.
  • Nori - 1/3 of a leaf.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 200 g, at home it can be replaced with cream cheese.

Cooking process:

Boil rice.

Pour vinegar into the cooled rice and mix everything.

Wash the cucumber and cut into strips. Whether or not to peel the skin is up to your preference.

Using a sharp knife, cut the salmon into thin slices against the fibers.

Cover a bamboo mat with cling film and place a rectangle of rice on top of a portion of the nori sheet. It should turn out so that the edge of the nori protrudes 1 cm beyond the rice, and the rice is 3–4 cm higher than the seaweed.

On the nori, in the center of the resulting "pillow", put cucumber and Philadelphia cheese (cream cheese is used in the photo).

Moisten the bottom of the nori (1 cm left) with water and wrap the roll.

Put the pieces of fish tightly on the plastic wrap.

Wrap the finished roll in the fish.

Use a sharp knife to cut the resulting roll into portions.

Rolls California: recipe at home

Rolls "California" were invented back in 1973 at the Tokyo Kaikan restaurant (Los Angeles). His chef decided to surprise VIP guests with standard sushi, but did not find fresh fish in the kitchen. For their preparation, he used slightly salted, and to cover up the fact of "substitution" of nori seaweed, he sent it inside, making sushi-uramaki, translated as "rolls topsy-turvy". The guests highly appreciated the efforts of the chef and California rolls began to be served in all restaurants in the United States, and later around the world.

To prepare California rolls at home you will need:

  • Japanese rice - 200-250 g.
  • Nori - 0.5 sheets.
  • Avocado - 0.5 pcs.
  • Crab meat - 100 g, if not, shrimp or crab sticks are suitable.
  • Tobiko caviar - 1 jar, small caviar of any other fish can be used.
  • Japanese mayonnaise - 1-2 tsp.

Cooking process:

Wrap a bamboo mat with cling film and put nori on it, and on top of the rice.

Straighten the rice so that algae protrude from one edge, and rice from the other.

Turn over the "construction".

Peel the avocado and cut into cubes.

Place the mayonnaise in the center of the nori.

For mayonnaise - boiled and torn crab meat.

Place the avocado next to the crab meat.

We turn everything into a roll.

Place the tobiko caviar on the resulting roll.

We get such beauty.

Cut into pieces with a sharp knife.

What do they eat homemade sushi and rolls with?

Seasonings are an integral part of sushi. Mandatory seasonings, without which sushi cannot be served, are:

  • Pickled ginger. It is usually served to refresh the taste buds between meals. different types sushi and rolls. You can buy it ready-made in many stores.
  • Soy sauce. Everyone is familiar with it, since it is widely used by housewives in their kitchens. It can be added to the ingredients for the rolls themselves and must be served with them in a separate tray.
  • Wasabi or as we call it "green mustard". It is served to spice up the rolls. Very often, spicy lovers add wasabi to soy sauce, although this is not customary in Japan.

In addition to seasonings, it is popular to serve vegetables, shrimps, and crabs with sushi. They look harmoniously with the main course - sushi or rolls. As for drinks, sake (rice wine) must invariably be present here, but in our country it can be replaced with weak beer.
Sushi should be eaten slowly, enjoying every bite. Make sushi at home and bon appetit!

Video about making rolls

Rolls have long been popular outside of Japan. Now in almost every country you can find small sushi bars and restaurants, and somewhere even large chains have opened. This is all good, but what could be better than trying to make rolls at home on your own? Then you will be absolutely sure of the quality of the ingredients and you can be sure of your health.

Rolls at home

It so happened that most people have an extremely negative attitude towards Japanese cuisine. Basically, such cases occur due to an unsuccessful first acquaintance. To avoid this, you can try to cook rolls and sushi yourself. It is enough just to have a few skills and know the main secrets.

Required cooking tools

So, in addition to having desire and products, you also need to have some tools for making homemade rolls.

These may include:

  • a special sharpened knife for cutting rolls;
  • bamboo mat. Its other name is makita;
  • cling film.

If you have already got your hands on it a little, then the cooking process will not be difficult for you. Amateurs can use a special roll cutter. Together with her, the dish will turn out no worse than in a sushi bar. You can also do without cling film, but it will make cooking easier. In addition, this makes the rolls more accurate, and the process itself will be easier and faster.

How to cook rice for rolls?

Please note that only round grain rice should be used for making rolls. If you want to follow the tradition, you can also purchase special Japanese rice, which is sold in stores in the Asian section.

Required Ingredients:

  • rice - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 coffee a spoon;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • rice vinegar - 2 tbsp spoons.
  1. First, rinse the rice thoroughly several times. ice water until it flows completely transparent.
  2. Pour it into a saucepan, pour two and a half glasses of water. You don't need to add any spices and salt too.
  3. After boiling water, reduce heat to low and cover the rice tightly.
  4. Continue simmering for 10-15 minutes, but do not overcook. Do not stir the rice or remove the lid from the pan.
  5. Add salt and sugar to the rice vinegar and simmer.
  6. Once the crystals have completely melted, remove the dressing from the oven.
  7. The finished rice should be steamed for about 10 minutes with the lid closed, and only then can it be removed.
  8. Transfer the rice to a bowl and pour the vinegar mixture evenly over the still hot mixture.
  9. Stir, and when the rice has cooled, you can start directly preparing the snack.
  10. Rice should be used immediately after cooking. If you put it in the refrigerator, it will become tough and tasteless.

Simple rolls "Syake maki" with salmon

Ingredients Required:

  • ready-made rice - 300 g;
  • lightly salted salmon - 150 g;
  • nori - 3 sheets;
  • wasabi - a pinch.
  1. Boil rice. How to do this, you can read a little above.
  2. Peel the salmon and cut into small equal sized strips.
  3. To prevent the rice from sticking to your hands, pour water and vinegar or lemon juice into a bowl. Hands should be washed periodically in this liquid.
  4. Wrap the mat in cling film.
  5. Steam the nori crosswise equal parts and put it on the mock-up.
  6. Dip your hands in sour water and take rice. Roll it into a ball and place it on the seaweed, stepping back about a centimeter from one edge.
  7. Place a very thin layer of wasabi in the middle, followed by a strip of fish.
  8. Moisten the edge where there is no rice by running a wet finger over it.
  9. Start rolling the roll from the side where the filling is most and, as it were, press it inward with your fingers. It is important not to put too much a large number rice and fish, otherwise the roll will not stick together.
  10. Shape the roll into a triangle or square.
  11. Soak a knife in acidified water and cut the rolls with it.

An important point fillings for rolls and sushi are considered. They can be very diverse. Much depends on people's personal preferences, but there are options that will appeal to everyone. This exotic dish is now very popular among young people. Rolls can be ordered or prepared by yourself.

How to cook rolls at home?

You can cook your own exotic dish. You will find a recipe with a photo below. Before starting, you need to prepare the equipment. Buy a special bamboo fixture. Don't forget the main ingredient - rice. You can choose any kind, the main thing is that the rice is round-grain. Such cereals will contain the amount of starch we need.

Cooking rice right!


210 grams of rice cereal;
250 ml of water;
2 large spoons of rice vinegar essence.


First you need to rinse the rice thoroughly. Rinse until the water is clear. Approximate draining - about 7 times. It is advisable to soak the rice for 40 minutes before cooking.

Place the rice on low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove. When it cools down, put the rice in a separate bowl.

You will also need to prepare the solution in advance. You need to combine 1.5 large tablespoons of vinegar with a small spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Smooth the boiled rice and add the vinegar essence. Mix everything. So the filling for the rolls is ready.

Various fillings for rolls: 15 main types

You can make delicious rolls filling at home. The most popular ingredients are cream cheese, fish, cucumber, avocado and seafood. Mayonnaise adds juiciness to the filling. For lovers of something spicy they use it. It will be tasty and unusual if you put a green onion and pickled radish on rice. Many recipes include avocado and cucumber. It is not uncommon for housewives to add instead of fish smoked chicken... You can also add crab meat to rolls and sushi. All ingredients can be combined with each other.

Recipe number 1

Very delicious filling for rolls of cucumbers and red fish.


200 grams of any red fish;
a couple of cucumbers;
Philadelphia cheese".


The red fish should be cut into medium-sized strips. It is desirable that they be long. Cut the cheese into strips. The width should be about 2 cm. The cucumber is also cut lengthwise, in long pieces.

Put the cucumber and fish on top of the cheese. Now we have to wrap home rolls. Now you see which ones exist simple recipes fillings.

Recipe number 2

This recipe is especially exotic due to the addition of an unusual fruit. You can put shrimp and avocado as fillings.


210 grams of shrimp;
avocado (1 piece);


Place the mayonnaise on the first layer of rice. The next layer is a strip of peeled shrimp. Exotic fruit cut into small pieces along. Place it next to seafood. Now you can wrap the roll.

Recipe number 3

There are a variety of recipes. It all depends on the preferences of the person. For cooking, you need an omelet and smoked eel.


Chicken eggs (2 pieces);
soy sauce;
vinegar from rice extract;
eel (smoked).


The first step is to prepare. The testicles are broken into a separate bowl. Whisk them and pour over a large spoonful of soy sauce. Vinegar essence, salt and sugar are also added there.

Then we put the pan on the stove and put a piece of butter. Pour the mixture into a preheated skillet and fry the omelet. Then it must be cut into strips. On a layer of rice you need to put an omelet, eel and wrap everything.

Recipe number 4

There is another interesting recipe with a Japanese omelet. Toppings for sushi and rolls are very simple to prepare, and this one is no exception. Beat a couple of eggs and add 2 small spoons of brown sugar, salt on the tip of a knife, pepper and a small spoonful of soy mixture. Fry the omelet in a skillet. It should be thin. It is advisable to cook a few pancakes to roll them up later.

Recipe number 5

There are very interesting recipes for making fillings. They are juicy when combined with fruits and vegetables. As a filling, you can take cucumber, avocado, radish, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and various fruits.

Recipe number 6

And although the filling recipes are very diverse, many people prefer to prepare the filling from Spicy sauce. These rolls are spicy and tasty. For cooking, you will need mayonnaise, red pepper and kimchi vegetable paste. All components just need to be mixed.

Recipe number 7

You can choose any filling, but it is better to roll the rolls in any kind of sesame. It is white and it is black. It will turn out very tasty if you pre-fry the sesame seeds.

Recipe number 8

No one will remain indifferent if you add red caviar as a filling. Usually it is laid out on top of the rolls. But in Japan they use a special orange-colored caviar. They also use dyes to make it green.

Recipe number 9

When making rolls at home, many housewives prefer to put chicken instead of fish. You can pre-fry it, boil it or smoke it.

Recipe number 10

There is another popular recipe. It includes one very important Japanese ingredient - shiitake mushrooms. They grow on trees.

Recipe number 11

Among other things, the most favorite recipes are seafood rolls. Usually, boiled shrimps are placed inside and on top. But in restaurants they put mussel meat instead. You can also cook.

Recipe number 12

Wasabi is a special green supplement. We call this spice horseradish. But in Japan, this supplement has a different meaning.

Recipe number 13

Many people prefer to use bacon as a filling. It is usually used to wrap rolls. And also put the bacon inside.

Recipe number 14

Instead of sesame seeds, you can roll cooked rolls in tuna shavings.

Recipe number 15

Some people use completely unusual fillings. They add soy bean curd. main feature of this component is that it has no taste.

Now you can see how many different recipes for making fillings exist. Rolls are considered the most common dish in our time. Many housewives experiment with the filling and end up with the newest dish. As ingredients, you can take products familiar to everyone. It can be pickled mushrooms, various fish, pickles, tomatoes and peppers. That is, you need to take absolutely any components, the most important thing is to combine the products correctly.

How to choose the right fish for your dish?

Fish fillings are very popular. But how do you choose the right core component? This recipe uses fresh fish. But now no one wants to take risks, so they use a smoked product. Only use red fish.

Now it is easier to buy a ready-made piece of pink salmon. If you buy whole fish, choose it carefully. Good pink salmon should be odorless, and the scales should stick to your hands. It is very easy to determine its quality by its appearance. Frozen fish will look dull and dull.

Cooking red fish for rolls at home!

If you are in doubt about the freshness of the fish, you can cook it at home.


Trout (1 piece);
salt to taste.


First, the front part and fins of the fish must be cut off. Use a special knife to clean it from the scales. Then an incision should be made at the top along the ridge. Now divide the fish into two halves. One should have a ridge with bones. They will need to be removed.

Place both halves in a separate bowl and season with salt to taste. Leave the fish in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Rolls can be made in different ways. If you don't know how to surprise your guests, then this exotic dish will come in handy. The most important thing is to combine the ingredients correctly. Of course, you won't find the real ingredients, but you can pick up any other products. Different ingredients in different variations will help you prepare the newest flavors every time. All guests will be delighted with such delicious and juicy rolls.

Rolls are a part of Japanese cuisine, although in Japan itself, the preference is not for rolls, but sushi. Rolls and sushi are consumed all over the world today and we are no exception. Probably there is no man who has not tried rolls or sushi at least once. Why don't we cook the rolls at home ourselves?

What is needed to make sushi and rolls at home?

Let's list the tools and devices that you simply cannot do without in the process of making sushi. Mandatory special tools for the job:

  • Special machine for making rolls.
  • In the absence of a typewriter, a bamboo rug is ideal. With it, you will spin future sushi.
  • A sharp knife that will need to cut the resulting roll.
  • Two wooden sticks for eating exotic "snacks".

Helpful tools you can't do without:

  • A saucepan for cooking rice. Read more
  • Clay film is required for "rolls inside out". If using enori, then its use is at the request of the hostess.
  • Soy sauce tray.

Products for making rolls at home

There are obligatory products, without which sushi is difficult to imagine, and auxiliary (spices, snacks). Consider the products, without which it will not work to create rolls in your kitchen.

  • Rice... It is necessary to take a special, special kind of rice. Usually on the packaging is written "Japanese rice" or "Rice for rolls and sushi", it is he who provides the best adhesion of the ingredients. Today you can find such rice in every large supermarket. If, nevertheless, there is a problem with the purchase of special rice, then you can take ordinary round-grain rice. The only difference you can feel if cooked correctly are the larger grains, which makes the roll a little rougher.
  • Vinegar but not simple. For seasoning the rice, use a special rice vinegar. It provides a decent bond between the "rice" in one mass, while it remains quite crumbly, unlike porridge or loose pilaf. The addition of this ingredient is necessary for any situation, otherwise, if you do not use special vinegar, your rolls risk falling apart while trying to eat them.
  • Seaweednori. This is the main attribute of sushi: they can be used to make nori-maki rolls. That is, all the ingredients are wrapped in these algae.
  • A fish. You can talk a lot about her. For rolls, they usually take red fish, but there are exceptions, and oily fish are "wrapped" in the rolls or served with artificial red caviar.

The filling belongs to auxiliary products and there are no special requirements for it. You can put absolutely everything inside. Our compatriots, making sushi in their kitchen, wrap them in:

  • fillet of salmon, eel;
  • cucumbers or avocados;
  • shrimps;
  • crab sticks;
  • omelette;
  • small fish caviar.

This list varies depending on your gastronomic preference. The main requirement for the ingredients that you purchase for making sushi at home is quality and freshness.

Secrets of making homemade sushi and rolls

  1. Kelp algae, regardless of whether they are expensive or cheap, have the same structure, do not overpay. The main thing is that the packaging is intact and clean.
  2. Wasabi - in addition to the function of seasoning, performs preventive "work" to destroy the microbes in fresh fish.
  3. When cooking rice, you should give preference to a deep saucepan and pour only a third of water into it.
  4. The finished rice is mixed exclusively with a wooden spatula, and vinegar or a sauce based on it is introduced along the wooden spatula in a trickle.
  5. Rolls with no more than 5 products will be tasty. This principle is called The "rule of 5 ingredients".
  6. To make an elite fish from an inexpensive fish, it is necessary to marinate it in soy sauce, sake and vinegar for rice taken in the same amount. Such fish practically does not differ from the expensive varieties used in restaurants.

Cooking rolls at home

Ingredients for homemade rolls:

  • rice for sushi - 300-400
  • nori - 8-10 pieces
  • slightly salted salmon - 300 g (1 piece)
  • soft cheese - 200 g
  • cucumbers - 200 g (2 pcs)
  • mayonnaise - optional

For seasoning rice:

  • rice vinegar - 60 ml (6 tablespoons)
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - 1 tsp

For filing:

  • soy sauce
  • pickled ginger
  • wasabi
  • sesame

As well as:

  • a cup of water
  • very sharp knife
  • napkin
  • mat (bamboo mat)
  • cling film

Cooking tips

  1. For rolls at home, in addition to lightly salted soft cheese, I like to use the most tender Philadelphia, and instead of cucumbers - avocado.
  2. Choose a soft, ripe avocado.
  3. I advise you to buy ready-made sushi rice dressings in specialty stores. It tastes a lot better than homemade vinegar and salt and is more difficult to make at home. There is a ready-made sushi vinegar in such a small amount compared to the main ingredients, mere pennies. But the rolls are tastier.

Cooking rolls at home

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly.
  2. Pour in cold water and, stirring with your hand, gently rub the rice between your fingers. The water turns white, drain and pour clean. Thus, change the water until it is completely transparent. Rice is usually not washed very quickly.
  3. In a bowl of rinsed rice, pour clean cold water about 5-7 cm above the rice and leave on kitchen table for 40-60 minutes.
  4. Now we cook rice.
  5. Remove the cooked rice from the stove and leave for 10 minutes under a closed lid.
  6. For sushi dressing, combine rice vinegar, salt and sugar, heat slightly until the bulk products are completely dissolved, and cool.
  7. Pour the rice vinegar evenly over the hot rice and stir gently until the dressing is completely absorbed.
  8. Put the rice to cool naturally, stirring occasionally.

Preparing ingredients for homemade rolls

  1. Cut cheese, fish and cucumbers into neat slices and arrange on plates =)
  2. If I use Philadelphia, I usually just scoop it straight out of the jar with a long knife. I don’t make any special bags for extruding this soft cheese.
  3. Wrap the bamboo rug several times with cling film and secure it with tape so that the film holds tight.

Cooking rolls at home - assembly

  1. Place the nori sheet with the smooth side down.
  2. Put out 2 tbsp. cooked rice, smooth and tamp with your fingers. Advice
    It is most convenient to level with a soft silicone spatula.
    It is easiest to tamp with fingers soaked in water. Place a cup of water next to it.
  3. Put fish, cucumbers on rice.
  4. Put out feta cheese or Philadelphia, hold a thin strip of mayonnaise. Advice
    To subtly squeeze the mayonnaise out, I usually cut off a small corner.
    When I make rolls with Philadelphia, I don't put in mayonnaise, so as not to clog the taste of this amazing cheese.
  5. Now gently fold the roll.
  6. To do this, roll up the mat, holding the filling with your fingers, as if covering the bottom of the roll with the top of the roll.
  7. Give it a square or round shape with your hands.
  8. The first twist looks like this.
  9. Further, in the same way, using a mat, fold the roll to the end.
  10. Moisten the remaining extreme 2-3 cm of nori with water, make the last turn and lightly press the roll.
  11. If the filling comes out a little during twisting, gently touch it up with a silicone spatula or with your fingers.
  12. Cut the uneven edges off the roll with a sharp knife dipped in water. I often don't.
  13. Then cut the roll in half.
  14. And cut into three more pieces.

Rolls Philadelphia: step by step cooking master class

In the early 80s, the still not famous sushi chef wanted to contribute to the preparation of uramak sushi, and added Philadelphia cheese, which was at the peak of popularity at that time. The Americans appreciated the dish, but no one remembers the name of the master sushi chef to this day.

To prepare Philadelphia rolls at home you will need:

  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 g.
  • Japanese rice - 250 g, if you don't find - take round rice.
  • Rice vinegar - 30-40 ml, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. Add 1/2 tsp of sugar and 1/4 tsp of salt to 30 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • Cucumber - 1-2 pieces, depending on the size.
  • Nori - 1/3 of a sheet.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 200 g, at home it can be replaced with cream cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil rice.
  2. Pour vinegar into the cooled rice and mix everything.
  3. Wash the cucumber and cut into strips. Whether or not to peel the skin is up to your preference.
  4. Using a sharp knife, cut the salmon into thin slices against the fibers.
  5. Cover a bamboo mat with cling film and place a rectangle of rice on top of a portion of the nori sheet. It should turn out so that the edge of the nori protrudes 1 cm beyond the rice, and the rice is 3–4 cm higher than the seaweed.
  6. On the nori, in the center of the resulting "pillow", put cucumber and Philadelphia cheese (cream cheese is used in the photo).
  7. Moisten the bottom of the nori (1 cm left) with water and wrap the roll.
  8. Put the pieces of fish tightly on the plastic wrap.
  9. Wrap the finished roll in the fish.
  10. Use a sharp knife to cut the resulting roll into portions.

Rolls California: recipe at home

Rolls "California" were invented back in 1973 at the Tokyo Kaikan restaurant (Los Angeles). His chef decided to surprise VIP guests with standard sushi, but did not find fresh fish in the kitchen. For their preparation, he used slightly salted, and to cover up the fact of "substitution" of nori seaweed, he sent it inside, making sushi-uramaki, translated as "rolls topsy-turvy". The guests highly appreciated the efforts of the chef and California rolls began to be served in all restaurants in the United States, and later around the world.

To prepare California rolls at home you will need:

  • Japanese rice - 200-250 g.
  • Nori - 0.5 sheets.
  • Avocado - 0.5 pcs.
  • Crab meat - 100 g, if not, shrimp or crab sticks are suitable.
  • Ikratobiko - 1 jar, you can use small caviar of any other fish.
  • Japanese mayonnaise - 1-2 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Wrap a bamboo mat with cling film and put nori on it, and on top of the rice. Straighten the rice so that algae protrude from one edge, and rice from the other.
  2. Turn over the "construction".
  3. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes.
  4. Place the mayonnaise in the center of the nori.
  5. For mayonnaise - boiled and torn crab meat.
  6. Place the avocado next to the crab meat.
  7. We turn everything into a roll.
  8. Place the tobiko caviar on the resulting roll.
  9. We get such beauty.
  10. Cut into pieces with a sharp knife.

Simple salmon rolls

To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • Salmon fillet - 200-250 g.
  • Japanese rice - 250-300 g.
  • Wine vinegar (from white wine) - 1 tbsp.
  • Yolks of 2 eggs.
  • Nori - 6 sheets.
  • Avocado - 50-80 g.
  • Red bitter pepper - 1 pod.
  • Onions (feathers) - several pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the rice, and salt or marinate the salmon in your favorite way (you can also boil it). Break the fish fillet into flakes. Add vinegar to the rice and move, send to the refrigerator.
  2. Prepare a thin omelet from the yolks in the usual way. Cut the avocado, omelet into cubes, red bitter pepper into thin slices.
  3. Put rice on the edge of the nori sheet. Squeeze a hole in it, put salmon, yolk and avocado omelet there. On top are green onion feathers and a slice of bitter pepper. Cover everything with rice.
  4. Wrap the nori in a roll and cut into portions with a sharp knife.

How to cook Caesar rolls at home

Cooking delicious and ideal-shaped rolls is a task that not every novice cook can cope with. But with a strong desire and patience, this can be easily learned.


  • 0.4 kg of cooked rice;
  • nori sheets - 4 pieces;
  • fried chicken breast - 200 grams;
  • sesame;
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 100 grams of bacon;
  • 100 grams of Grana Padano cheese;
  • 10 0 grams of lollo-rosso salad.

Cooking Caesar rolls is a real pleasure, because, despite the multicomponent nature of the dish, everything in it is quite simple.

Cooking process:

  1. Rice is boiled and brought to the desired state in advance, cooled a little and laid out on a sheet, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Nori is best laid out on a bamboo rug covered with cling film;
  2. Nori is covered with the free edge of the rug and turned over, and on reverse side chicken breast, cheese, bacon, lettuce, and cucumber and avocado are laid out in the center;
  3. Form a roll, and grease the edge of the algae with water and fix;

This sushi is perfect for those people who like to experiment. Cheese, chicken, bacon and other ingredients create a rather delicate and harmonious taste that simply cannot be forgotten.

Rolls with egg pancake

To create not just rolls, but a real culinary work that will appeal to children and adults, anyone can cope with this. Such sushi is not only tasty and tender, but also has a presentable appearance, so they can even be served on a festive table.


  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • nori - 2 sheets;
  • soy sauce;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • 40 grams of cream cheese;
  • 60 grams of salted pink salmon;
  • rice vinegar - 0.5 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt, add vinegar, sugar and one teaspoon of soy sauce to them, mix well;
  2. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil and fry a pancake under the lid so that it is completely cooked;
  3. Cool the egg pancake, cut into 4 even strips;
  4. Put the nori on the mat, moisten its edges a little with water, and spread the cheese over the surface, put a strip of egg pancake, in the center of which place a cucumber cut into strips, pink salmon slices, on top of the fish - another strip of pancake, grease again with cheese and wrap it in a roll, cut;

Sushi prepared according to this recipe always turns out to be tender and tasty. An egg pancake instead of rice brings an unusual flavor to this dish.