DIY ski stand for school. Making a convenient rack with your own hands

  • 15.06.2019

Ski storage winter period and the off-season largely determines their durability. Violation simple rules may lead to deformation, mechanical damage and damage appearance equipment. For each type of ski and the material from which they are made, there are special storage rules.

At the end of the season, it's time to put your favorite skis into storage

General rules for storing wooden skis

Skis made of wood require especially careful handling. The material is prone to drying out, losing shape and changing appearance. Therefore, to store them you must follow the following rules:

  • Don't even hold them a short time, under the sun's rays and near heating devices - too dry air will lead to drying out;
  • High humidity and contact with water are also unacceptable - the wood will absorb moisture and become deformed when drying;
  • It is best to store in an upright position, but not on the floor;
  • Skis should be positioned with their toes up;
  • Do not tie the pair tightly with sliding surfaces towards each other - this can lead to deformation. The best option– the presence of a special spacer.

The ideal conditions for wooden skis are a cool, dark and ventilated room. It is best to store in a hanging vertical position.

If you store wooden equipment correctly, it can last for decades or even centuries, like these antique snowshoes

General rules for storing plastic skis

Equipment made from this material is stronger and more durable. Therefore, the requirements for storage conditions are less stringent:

  • Can be stored vertically and horizontally;
  • It is not necessary to install a spacer, they retain their shape perfectly for a long time without it;
  • Sliding surfaces should not touch - you can use a layer of fabric or store equipment with your toes facing each other;
  • During the season and off-season it can be stored in a special case.

Plastic skis can be kept at room temperature or outside, the main thing is to create a protected place for them so that they do not receive mechanical damage.

Features of storing recreational, mountain and hunting skis

Skis, depending on the type, have different sizes and shapes; when choosing a storage location, these features should be taken into account. They also differ in cost; while walking ones are available to everyone, not many can afford mountain ones; to extend the life of expensive equipment, sometimes it’s worth sacrificing one thing square meter living space.


The smallest and most inexpensive. Made from wood or plastic. Can be stored year-round in a special cross-country ski bag in a dark and cool place. The main thing is not to leave moisture from melted snow on them and not to subject them to mechanical stress.


Larger skis. Storage alpine skiing It is not recommended to use it inside a case; it is better to hang it on a wall or in a closet. Since they are made from a combination of materials: wood or foam filler ( inner part), wood or plastic (for the upper and lower outer parts), metal (fastenings, edges) - careful processing is required before long-term storage.

The sliding surface is covered with paraffin, and the metal parts with a special ointment to prevent rust. The presence of a wooden core requires that equipment be stored in low humidity and in a cool room.


They will require a lot of space to store them, since hunting skis are wide and long. They are most often made of wood, but can also be found in plastic. Metal is not used for fastenings - in most cases it is durable fabric, rubber or leather.

For hunting skis made of wood, the microclimate is especially important. They need to be kept in a place with low level humidity at low temperatures. The best position is hanging vertically, with your toes up.

If space allows, you can purchase or make similar storage racks

Storing equipment in winter

During the height of the ski season, you need to take care of your equipment after every skiing or hunting trip. It is also important to transport skis correctly to the place of use so as not to damage them on the road.

Basic rules for caring for equipment in winter:

  • Wipe dry with a soft cloth after each use;
  • You can put it in a cover only after the surface has dried;
  • For temporary storage, a dark, dry place, away from heating devices and sunlight, is suitable, where you can place the skis vertically with their toes up;
  • The sliding surface must be lubricated in a timely manner, fasteners repaired and edges sharpened;
  • It should be transported with sliding surfaces inward to avoid scratches, you can use a layer;
  • To prepare your equipment for a long journey, you need to secure it with rubber bands at the toes and heels, wrap it in soft cloth and put it in a case.

Shoes need to be dried after every walk. Heating devices are absolutely not suitable for this purpose. It is best to crumple the paper and place it tightly inside the shoe and dry at room temperature.

How to store equipment in summer

After the end of the ski season, the equipment must be prepared for long periods of downtime. To do this, you need to carry out complex processing and find a suitable place for keeping.

Summer storage, preparation:

  • Clean the surface of any dirt and old grease, wipe dry;
  • Clean any unevenness and roughness with fine sandpaper;
  • Apply several layers of varnish to damaged areas where there are chips or scratches;
  • Preserve the sliding surface with lubricant. For wooden skis - with resin, for plastic skis - with paraffin;
  • If the skis are wooden, then they need to be tied on both sides and a spacer made of a wooden block (10 cm) installed at the center of gravity;
  • Bandage the plastic ones and place a layer between the contacting surfaces.

Skis can be packed in a cover or stored in the summer without it in a ventilated, dry place, away from light rays and the risk of mechanical damage.

On sale you can find various options portable cases, including those that are attached to a car

Arrangement of storage space

The ideal positions for skis are suspended vertically or horizontally with three points of support.

How and where in the apartment you can store equipment in the summer, several options:

  1. In a closet on glazed balconies. It will protect from direct sunlight and prevent your skis from drying out. You can install a hook inside the cabinet and hang a ski bag or a bunch of skis on it.
  2. Ski storage bracket. You can purchase ready-made or make your own from metal corners and a couple of boards. The bracket can be installed under the ceiling inside the apartment or on a loggia or balcony.
  3. In a pantry or dressing room, you can hang a bunch of skis on the wall or make a horizontal rack if there are a lot of pairs.

In order for your skis to last for a long time, it is important to take care of them not only during the season, but also before storing them. The equipment must not come into contact with liquids or be exposed to direct sunlight. For storage, it is better to choose a place that is not used in the summer, since every ski fall may be the last for them.

Mounting skis on the wall in an apartment with your own hands. Video

If you are a regular at ski resorts, you may have noticed convenient devices for storing puddles. They are a special design where the fastening is carried out by small extended pins for easy grip and quick release.

Prices from 9,000 (for 40 pairs)

Cost calculation


Order a cost estimate

Almost all managers of ski resorts that provide ski rentals order similar designs from us, because it is inexpensive and reliable, and most importantly, it saves space in the storage room and warehouse.

Features of ski racks

Ski racks have a lot of differences and can also serve useful functions. Thus, the presented furniture has a number of features:

  • racks are made for horizontal and vertical storage of skis. This is where you need to decide on the location of such racks, because the small space will not allow you to install structures for storing skis in a horizontal position. To make the right choice, you can contact our specialists. Our craftsmen will take precise measurements and recommend models for you to order;
  • racks for storing skis in a horizontal position are made with only three supports to prevent modification of sports equipment;
  • racks with vertical ski storage consist of a rack with two crossbars and hooks for storing skis and poles;
  • the task is to maintain the original appearance and quality of this sports equipment for a long time;
  • the racks have different capacities, depending on the number of pairs available, as well as the customer’s preferences;
  • often the crossbars have the ability to adjust the width to accommodate equipment, since they can differ in their purpose (running, mountain);
  • the racks have special trays for collecting melted water;
  • It is possible to order racks with additional space for installing shelves, used for storing other sports equipment.

All of the listed features and capabilities will allow you to choose the appropriate design model, a selection of which is presented in our catalog. It is also possible to order a rack according to your own sketch, recorded by our employee.

With the arrival of winter, training for fresh air acquire their own unique flavor. When buying skis or a snowboard for quality time, we must not forget that for long-term storage of equipment it is necessary to purchase special ski racks. They will save space in your rental office, plus everything else you can choose a design for organic integration into your everyday environment. They can also be transported without problems.

You will do the right thing if you purchase ski racks from us:

  • the likelihood of product damage will be reduced ahead of schedule due to improper storage of inventory;
  • racks can be placed easily and quickly;
  • the cost of the product is adequate and lower than imported analogues;

Will ski racks be the key to successful outdoor activities?

Undoubtedly. The design of these ski racks is such that even when used at a mountain resort there will be no problems with storing skis or snowboards. In addition, it is worth recognizing that with the current development of the tourism business, it makes sense to finally conquer new heights in the most unexpected places in the world. And any useful device should make it so that there is less time for assembly, and more time for rest. You also need to take into account the fact that metal racks are incredibly reliable and you should not have any worries about the integrity of this product at all. If you are going to spend your vacation profitably, then this sports equipment will be incredibly useful in any case.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal state educational institution “Primorsk secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects named after. Hero Soviet Union Semenova P.A.” Bykovsky municipal district, Volgograd region "Ski storage rack" Creative project using technology Completed by: students of 6th grade Artem Goppe, Roman Gribennikov, Alexander Sergin, Andrey Lobodin, Pavel Ogai. Supervisors: physical education teacher I.Z. Shumanov 2015

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Relevance of the problem: During the school year, our school gym received new equipment, i.e. sports skis. The problem has arisen, where and how best to place and store these skis? We consulted with the technology teacher and the physical education teacher and decided to fix this problem, i.e. Make your own ski storage rack.

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Make an unusual rack for storing skis and for ease of use. The product must be made quickly, simply, cheaply, originally and from environmentally friendly material. Target:

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make a ski storage rack with your own hands develop creative thinking, independent creative activity improve and develop skills in working with tools Tasks:

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Having made a choice of objects of labor, we began to think about the shape of the ski storage rack. To do this, we went shopping and studied illustrations in books, magazines, and on the Internet. Ski storage racks can have different shapes. Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 From the found forms of ski storage racks, we chose the sample shown in Fig.1. We think that this ski storage rack will really appeal to physical education teachers and will create coziness in the gym. Development of the idea

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Slide description:

Product Requirements Product name Ski storage rack Functional purpose For the convenience of storing sports equipment in the gym User Students Schools Single or mass production Single Requirements for materials Natural Requirements in terms of safety of use Smooth, burr-free surface Environmental requirements Environmentally friendly material - wood

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To make a ski storage rack, we will need the following material: Boards 1500 mm long; 200 mm wide. Material selection

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For the work we needed the following tools: Tape measure Drawing Pencil Hammer Jigsaw Nails Sandpaper Rasp Carpenter's square Hacksaw Brush Clear varnish Selection of tools

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Securely secure the workpiece when planing and sawing. Work only with a working saw, do not allow the saw to become distorted. Using a chisel, cut the wood in a direction away from you. Be careful, precise, precise, attentive. Only use a rasp with a working handle. If your hands are tired, put the instrument aside, relax your muscles, lower your hands down, and shake them slightly to restore blood flow. Be careful: chips can hurt your hand. When cleaning the edges of the product, be careful with your fingers. Work in a well-ventilated area. Apply varnish using a respirator. Avoid getting varnish on open areas bodies. Varnishes are flammable and toxic. Remove wood dust with a broom or damp cloth. Safety precautions when performing work

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Routing“Making a rack for storing skis” No. Technological operation Sequence of execution Tools and equipment 1 Select blanks (2 pcs.) for the base 1260x100x20, plan the edges at an angle of 90° Workbench, plane, square 2 Mark blanks (2 pcs.) along the length of 1260 mm Workbench , ruler, pencil 3 Mark the workpieces (2 pcs.) with a square at an angle of 90° Workbench, ruler, pencil 4 Saw off the edge of the workpieces (2 pcs.) Workbench, hacksaw according to the marking

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5 Clean the plate, ends, edge, edge, blanks (2 pcs.) Workbench, rasp, sandpaper 6 Select blanks (2 pcs.) for the racks (left, right), plan the edges at an angle of 90° Workbench, plane, square 7 Mark the blanks along the length of 1400 mm Workbench, ruler, pencil 8 Mark the blanks with a square at an angle of 90° Workbench, ruler, pencil 9 Saw off by marking the edges of the workpieces Workbench, hacksaw 10 Clean the ends, face, edges, edges Workbench, rasp, sandpaper 11 Select a workpiece (1 pc.) Crossbar for hanging ski poles 1320 x 100 x 20 Workbench, plane, square

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12 Mark the workpiece along a length of 1320 mm. Workbench, ruler, pencil 13 Mark the workpiece with a square at an angle of 90° Workbench, ruler, pencil 14 Saw off the edge of the workpiece according to the marking Workbench, hacksaw 15 Clean the surface, ends, ribs, edge Workbench, rasp, sandpaper 16 Attach holders for ski poles (20 pcs. ) Self-tapping screws, screwdriver 17 Select a workpiece (1 piece) upper cross member, ski stop 1320 x 125 x 20, plan the edges at an angle of 90 ° Workbench, plane, square 18 Mark the workpiece along the length of 1320 mm Workbench, ruler, pencil 19 Mark the workpiece with a square at an angle of 90° Workbench, square. Ruler, pencil

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20 Saw off the edges of the workpieces according to the markings. Workbench, hacksaw. 21 Mark the grooves 60 mm wide and 70 mm long. After 70 mm. (10 pcs) Workbench, square, pencil, ruler 22 Cut out grooves 60 mm wide and 70 mm long. After 70 mm. (10 pcs) Workbench, hacksaw, jigsaw, chisel 23 Clean the ends, face, ribs, edges Workbench, rasp, sandpaper 24 Assemble the product Hammer, pliers, nails 25 Coat the product with varnish Brush, clear varnish

Whether the ski machine was created with your own hands or in an industrial environment does not matter. Anyone who loves skiing knows how important the quality of equipment is. To achieve reliability and stability, a ski preparation machine is used.

To engage in skiing, you need the skills of an athlete and equipment that is reliable and of high quality. Ski equipment that is in good condition, with factory parameters preserved, helps ensure speed.

According to servicemen, people who prepare equipment for competitions, the design of the equipment plays a major role. After all, prepared equipment glides better. Even lubrication does not have the same effect as machining.

There are many types of skiing. Therefore, different equipment is selected. Racing models have different structures and levels of aggressiveness of the material from which they are made. Professional athletes know how to choose equipment depending on the climatic conditions, in which they are going to “drive”. But sometimes the factory structure is not satisfactory, or wear and tear has already reached its limit. Then the ski preparation machine comes into play.

Damage to sports equipment is difficult to repair. The device will help restore the surface's slip and former properties. Not everyone has access to factory equipment. In this case, we recommend making your own ski machine.

Design features for different types of skis

The ski dressing machine is a two-profile structure made of metal or natural wood, which is placed along the edges of the aluminum base. On some modifications, supports and elements in the form of legs are attached to the base. The foundation is a fragment on which the success of future use depends.

For processing, the equipment is placed on the structure so that the sliding plane is directed upward and the ends touch the profiles. A metal loop is inserted into the fastening element for boots, which is stretched until the equipment straps take the desired configuration.

This position is fixed, facilitating further work process.

To reduce the weight of the device, the base is made of aluminum tube. Since the equipment is needed at any time, you can carry it with you.

Main details

Winter sports enthusiasts need to regularly update their equipment. For this purpose, a toolkit has been developed to keep the equipment in good condition. Buying a factory model sometimes becomes pointless. Therefore, fans of skiing will find this homemade device useful.

Today there are many elements on sale to make models that delight with their simplicity and ease of equipment repair. Options for drawings of such structures can be found on the Internet, and you can create the model you like. Not required complex circuits, because even on the simplest model prepare equipment for training or competitions.

The applied structure on homemade equipment lasts a long time. And the design is always at hand. This allows you to achieve sliding of equipment in convenient time, anywhere. Fans are happy to tidy up their equipment before the start of the skiing season.

Why is inventory processed? To achieve good sliding, without “blockages” on the sides, this happens when worn. It is necessary to take into account that equipment is processed differently, and special machines are designed for it. And if snowboards and equipment with metal edges are processed with strong pressure on the sliding plane, then running equipment requires careful handling. The preparation of running models is carried out with care and precision.

The condition of the sliding surface must be carefully monitored:

  • do not allow drying out;
  • regularly wash off used lubricant;
  • treat with ointment;
  • To store or transport equipment, fill the plastic with shipping paraffin.

Strict adherence to the rules of equipment care will allow you to avoid using harsh machine processing using emery wheels for a long time, which is necessary when the equipment is severely deformed.

A hand-made ski processing machine is enough to ensure easy gliding, giving skiers the opportunity to achieve high performance.

Wooden supports

We are talking about creating collapsible equipment consisting of two parts. Both parts are identical. The base is a square metal pipe. A support made of natural wood is installed on top of it.

The quality of processing depends on the nuances of manufacturing the structure. Mandatory point - correct location and holding the slats on the bed. An important nuance the production of the base is considered.


When creating this element, attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  1. The wooden support is attached to the base with self-tapping screws.
  2. The head of the screw is carefully recessed.
  3. The supports must have a deflection so that the equipment fits correctly on the bed.

A base of metal square pipes that are connected by a wooden strip inserted into both pipes is a good option.

Ski brackets

When creating a homemade structure, you need to know that the bracket is the element to which the planks are attached when preparing for further use. Therefore, processing depends on the correctness of its choice.

The height of the bracket is adjustable according to requirements. For durability, the part is made from a piece of round steel. To secure the bracket, it is better to weld it. This is reliable, because to prepare modern equipment before training, you need a device. Otherwise, if the structure is shaky, it will be impossible to carry out full preparation.

Important nuances during manufacturing

Light and reliable materials should be used to make the machine. Carry out work observing safety precautions. The homemade design must meet the dimensions and requirements, otherwise in the future it will be impossible to process the equipment correctly.

When starting to manufacture the device, you need to make sure that the necessary parts are prepared. Choose dry boards for the structure so that over time they do not “sag” when dry. Precision in creation will allow the inventory to be processed correctly.

Create homemade design It won't work without a drawing.

Advantages of the machine

A number of advantages that the device has are:

  • mobility, compactness;
  • structural strength and resistance to force loads;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of manufacture.

People who own factory models consider homemade devices to be imperfect from a technical point of view. But it cannot be denied that designs made independently have many advantages. Light weight, quick installation, adjustment along the entire length of the slats, stability due to square profile at the base. With the advent of new materials, it has become possible to create fantastic things.

Performance homemade device for processing winter equipment, a useful, exciting activity. This design gives high performance slip. And success in making one machine will become a useful skill in life.