Houseplant violet. Classification and types of violets, names and photos

  • 12.06.2019

Indoor violet is such a beautiful and delicate plant that even prejudices about threatening loneliness will not prevent you from starting it. For some reason, it was believed that the flower has excess feminine energy, and this will not allow its owner to find a mate.

Fortunately, most home plant lovers do not pay attention to slander and are happy to plant violets on the windowsills. In gratitude, they bloom all year round pleasing to the eye bright inflorescences all shades of the rainbow.

Violets, or Saintpaulias, from the Violet family decorate the interior of houses around the world, but their homeland is Africa. There, flowers grow along riverbeds and near waterfalls, because they love high humidity.

Direct sunlight is detrimental to the fleshy leaves of the plant, so it is low in order to be able to hide under the branches of trees and shrubs. The flower grows in the form of a rosette. Its diameter is from 6 to 60 cm.

Room violet feels best on a window facing east or north, when the bright sun does not burn the leaves and inflorescences.

In nature, the plant reproduces with the help of rhizomes and fruits filled with seeds. At home, the cut leaf is placed in a jar of water and after it has given roots, it is transplanted into moist soil.

The velvety leaves of the plant are oval in shape with smooth or serrated edges. Currently, breeders have bred several tens of thousands of species of violets with a variety of colors.

Popular varieties and types of homemade violets

When choosing a houseplant, many pay attention primarily to the beauty and shade of the inflorescence. The classic violet flower is lilac or blue-lilac. Wild varieties are distinguished by small flowers with five petals and a yellow core. Fashionable bred types of Saintpaulia are characterized by terry, bordered and tricolor petals.

Indoor violets are divided into varieties according to the shape and color of leaves and flowers, the size of the rosette and flowers, and the degree of their doubleness.

To the most known species include the following varieties.

  1. Star. It has a symmetrical arrangement of flower petals with a border and a bright middle.
  2. Pansies. With serrated edging of terry petals and a contrasting border along their edge.
  3. Bell. They are distinguished by petals fused at the base, creating an increased effect of terry.
  4. Bowl. With unfused petals various shapes and shades, got its name due to the oblong flowers that do not fully bloom.

Caught in flower shop and seeing the variety of violets, it will not be possible to stop at one plant. This is good, because violets love to grow surrounded by their brethren.

If the plant occupies the windowsill on the right side of the world, its pot is filled with suitable soil, and the watering is regular and corresponds to the established regimen, it will grow well and delight the owner. lush bloom. Violet does not require complex care at home.

Pot Location

If the windows of the apartment face the south or west side, then for growing violets it is necessary to hang blinds on them. The flower also does not tolerate drafts and a sharp change in temperature, therefore it is impossible to place the pot opposite.

The tender violet will die if the conditions of detention are grossly violated.

Air humidity

At home, violets grow well near waterfalls, as they love moisture. When water splashes dissipate into the air, an ideal habitat is created for them.

Violet leaves will become juicy and the flower will be strong and healthy if placed in a room or a mini fountain. The last element of the interior, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, brings harmony and prosperity to the house. The same is true for violets.


The flower should stand on the windowsill in order to receive the light necessary for growth. Morning sun - the best option for violet, so the east side is fine. For uniform growth of the outlet, the pot must be moved, since the leaves from the side closest to the window will begin to appear much faster than the rest.

It is not necessary to arrange a special lighting for the flower, because in nature violets hide in the shade of trees and are content with diffused light.

To understand that the location of the pot is chosen correctly, monitoring the growth and flowering of the plant will help. In case of a mistake, flowers will rarely appear.

Water the violet, like other house plants, with well-settled water at room temperature. Due to the fact that water enters the water supply after filtration and purification, it contains various chemical additives. Most of them evaporate after 8-10 hours, but it is better to use water for watering plants a day after filling the jug.

Through pallet

This method is common among flower growers. Watering through a pan is suitable for violets, as water is guaranteed not to fall on its leaves. Any drops that fall on the flower should be blotted up immediately.

Water does not evaporate well from velvety leaves, and even a small amount of it will lead to dark spots and plant disease. In addition, harmful fungi and pests start in moist soil.

After pouring water into the pan, you should wait for it to be absorbed. If the top of the earth in the pot has not darkened, the procedure should be repeated. As soon as moisture ceases to be absorbed, its remains are poured out of the pan.


Watering from above should be carried out in a thin stream so that the spray does not fall on the leaves and flower stem. You need to pour water on dried soil until it pours out of the drainage holes. After waiting for the excess moisture to be in the pan, the water should be drained from it.

Many flower growers prefer this method when watering violets. It allows you to evenly moisten the ground, which is important for a tropical plant.

By immersion

Another way to water with a drip pan is to place the flower pot in water until the ground turns dark with moisture. This method is dangerous because pest-infected plants immersed in the same container of water will exchange spores of harmful fungi.


It should be noted right away that not all varieties of violets perceive the wick method of watering. It is not suitable for plants in pots, more than 8 cm high.

The technique of wick watering is to place a container of water under the flower that does not touch the bottom of the pot. The end of a piece of cloth rolled up with a bundle is placed in it, and its second part is inserted through the drainage hole into the pot. Violet regulates moisture intake and is always found in sufficiently moist soil.

Soil selection

In specialized departments, packages with land intended for various kinds plants. There is such a substrate for violets. It contains at least 50% humus, moss or peat and sand. Such a composition will allow the flower to develop normally and form buds.

Violet completely depletes the soil in 2 years, so after this period of time it must be transplanted into fresh soil, gently shaking off the remnants of the earth from the roots.

The plant does not need an overly large pot, otherwise it will put all its strength into growth and will not bloom. The popular flower is compact, it has a neat root system. Since it grows on the surface, the container should not be deep. Pests start up in excess land, so the choice should be stopped on a pot with a diameter 2-3 times smaller than a violet rosette.

Pretty ceramic and clay pots are good for planting. The pattern on them can be selected in color scheme, close to the inflorescence of Saintpaulia.

In light plastic pots, the plant will also take root if done in them drainage holes for air exchange of the root system. They are placed in a ceramic planter or wrapped in paper with a bright ornament.

Fertilizers and top dressings

If the violet stops blooming and looks drooping, adding fertilizer containing nitrogen to the irrigation water will instantly change the situation. In the spring, these supplements are necessary, because due to the short daylight hours, the plant weakens and needs to be fed.

You can use complex fertilizers or organics. It is impossible to bring them into dry soil, so as not to burn the roots of the flower. If the soil is dry, the violet is first watered with ordinary water, and then containing useful substances.

Also, the plant will gratefully accept supplements in the form of phosphorus-potassium supplements. By carefully calculating the dose of their addition, it will be possible to avoid the accelerated growth of the rosette to the detriment of flowering. Violets - Enough undemanding plants, so the lack of fertilizers in the ground is better than their excess.

transplant violet better in spring or in autumn. In summer, it will be prevented from settling down by an increased temperature, and in winter, by a lack of light.

There are several reasons why a plant should be moved to another pot.

  1. Infection of the soil by pests or the appearance of a white coating on it.
  2. The growth of the flower and the formation of additional formed rosettes.
  3. Soil depletion.
  4. Overly compacted root system and cessation of plant growth, despite top dressing.
  5. Transplanting a newly acquired plant from a temporary pot to a clay one.

First of all, you need to moisten the soil of the transplanted plant so that it can be easily removed from the previous container. At the bottom of the new pot, a layer of expanded clay should be poured for drainage, and soil for violets on top of it. It should also be watered so as not to damage the roots of the flower during transplantation.

Carefully removing the flower and clearing it of clods of earth, it must be placed in another pot and add the missing earth on top. After that, the plant is watered so that it takes root more quickly.

Within a month after the transplant, it is not worth fertilizing the violet, as it gets used to changing the soil and may respond poorly to top dressing. It is also undesirable to transfer a flowering plant to a new pot, since it spends all its energy on the formation of buds and flowers.

Trimming Rules

The removal of leaflets is usually associated with the formation of a symmetrical rosette and rejuvenation of the flower. Always remove the bottom layer of leaves. It is more convenient to do this with a sharp knife or razor, carefully cutting off the leaves at the base.

When the stem of the plant begins to resemble a palm tree, the violet needs to be rejuvenated. It is better to do the procedure with a non-flowering violet. Otherwise, you should first remove all flower stalks, and then cut off the top of the plant with a scalpel or razor and clean the rest of the trunk. Putting it in a jar of water, wait until the flower gives roots and move it to fresh soil.

Violets, for all their unpretentiousness, need attention and care at home due to possible appearance pests and diseases.

With increased watering and excessive soil moisture, violet is often affected by brown or root rot. It is caused by fungi that grow in the soil. Brown rot is more dangerous, as it can spread to nearby uninfected plants.

Root rot affects the roots of the violet, which is why it should be immediately removed from the pot, cleaned out the affected areas of the root system and moved to another soil. If the pot remains the same, it must be ignited and washed with disinfectants. As preventive measures flowers are treated with antifungal drugs and reduce the frequency of watering.

Powdery mildew also often affects violets. The spores of the fungus get on the leaves from the ground and cause the formation of tiny white lumps. They are removed with a toothpick, and especially affected leaves are cut off.

The most dangerous disease is Fusarium. It negatively affects both the roots and leaves of the plant. The root system softens, and the stems become watery and soon die off.

If one flower is sick, it must be immediately isolated from the rest. Treatment and prevention consists in watering violets once a month with a solution of phytosporin.

Dark spots on the leaves are caused by the bronze virus and late blight. In both cases, the affected leaves should be removed and the plant treated with an antifungal drug.

Violet pests such as thrips and sciarid flies cause significant damage to plants. You can fight them with special means and irrigation control.

How to care for violets in winter

In the cold season, violet growth is inhibited, so it needs to be watered less often. The addition of top dressing should also be reduced to once a month. In winter, the daylight hours are very short, and the flower needs lighting for at least 11 hours a day. Installing several lamps over pots with violets will help them successfully winter and meet spring healthy and strong.

If the window near which the violets are located is supposed to be opened for ventilation, it is better to remove the flowers from it. Frosty air burns the leaves, as does direct sunlight.

The homeland of the violet is the tropics, which is why it does not tolerate drafts and temperatures below 20 ° C.


Indoor violet is so loved by people that it has become almost an indispensable element of home decor. A photo of flowering plants causes joy and pleasure, and a small indoor greenhouse on the windowsills will create coziness and comfort. Growing violets, learning the names of new varieties and adding them to existing flowers often becomes a real hobby.

In many countries, it is believed that violet allows you to create an atmosphere of love and harmony at home. A delicate flower with bright inflorescences actually looks joyful. A tropical plant brings a piece of warmth and well-being into the house, demanding in return only proper care.

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Violets have attracted attention due to their charming appearance and variety of bright colors. Wild violet has a small bright flower purple, but its rich and pleasant aroma does not leave anyone indifferent.

Home varieties of this plant are practically odorless, but the flowers are larger, colorful and varied. Homemade violet flowers will delight you with bright color throughout the year with proper care.

How to grow violets at home. Plant characteristic

Indoor, domestic violet, which is also called the Uzambar violet, belongs to the genus of herbaceous flowering representatives of the fauna of the Gesneriaceae family. Such plants are very popular in indoor floriculture.

In the natural sphere, violets grow in East Africa. They choose places near water bodies, rivers and waterfalls.

Experts distinguish more than 20 varieties of the Uzambar violet. The representative of noble blood Adalbert Walter Radcliffe discovered the violet to the world back in 1892.

After the purchase homemade violet This plant will decorate any room for a long time. This is a perennial, evergreen representative of the plant world. Violet has a short stature and a basal rosette.

leaflets room option of the above plant are covered with numerous villi. The base of the leaves is heart-shaped, and the tip may be round or pointed, depending on the growth of the plant.

Indoor violets differ not only in the color of the flower, but also in the height and shape of the leaves. Photos of violets will clearly demonstrate the beauty of this unique plant.

The color of flowers can be varied. From light to rich and dense shades. Some varieties can combine several colors at once. If you properly care for violets, the plant will bloom throughout the year.

plant care

Home violets cannot live without light, however, they must be hidden from direct sunlight. Most best light for these plants - soft and scattered. The optimal length of daylight hours is 13-14 hours. At a time when the day is short, additional lighting is indispensable.

The optimal temperature regime is from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius above zero. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts adversely affect the plant.

Violets love high humidity, but the flowers and foliage should not get water.

Indoor violets are not large in size, so the pots for them should also be compact.

It is worth noting that the plant begins to please with abundant flowering only when the root completely fills the pot.

For young plants optimal size pot about 6 inches in diameter. best material- plastic.

For domestic violets, the standard soil of the Terra-Vita class is great. The stores sell special land for each type of plant, but experience shows that not always purchased soil perfect fit.

How to transplant a violet

In order for the plant to feel good, it is necessary to change the substrate in the pot once a year. If you notice that the violet began to look worse, the leaves began to fall off and the flowers lost their brightness, then you need to pick up a larger pot.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure for planting homemade violets as carefully as possible so as not to damage the plant and the root system, which is covered with an earthen ball. At the end of the transplant, it is necessary to water the flower well.

Violet breeding

Indoor violets reproduce in several ways: by seeds, leaf cuttings and babies. Experts recommend using vegetative propagation methods.

Reproduction with children. Periodically, the violet bush releases baby rosettes. When they grow in the same pot as the main plant, they become crowded and the violet has to be seated.

Using a sheet. This method of plant propagation is the simplest. To do this, you need to separate a healthy leaf from the second tier of the outlet and put it in water. As soon as it takes root, it can be transplanted into the ground.

Photo of home Violets

Saintpaulia or violet takes pride of place on the windowsills. There is even a club of flower growers who breed these lovely creatures. They grow hybrid specimens, arrange exhibitions where they share their experience in caring for this plant at home. One species has thousands of varieties that are registered and are still in breeding.

Description of violets

Indoor violets are one of the most favorite indoor flowers for many growers. Due to the variety of colors and sufficient ease of care, these flowers enjoy great popularity.

According to the description, indoor violets are similar to each other, however, there are a number of differences. This mainly concerns the shades of inflorescences and the shape of the leaves. The plant is rosette of leaves, the central stem, which is missing.

Small flowers form in the middle, their shape can be simple or bizarre. The color of the petals and leaves is varied. Rosette in shape is found from simple to very terry.

These lace plants can decorate not only window sills, you can create a composition from them and place them on a kitchen apron or shelving unit. If you follow the rules of care, violet will decorate the most modest home.

Varieties and types of indoor violets

  1. Indoor hybrid violet Wittrock. The flowers are large, 4 to 12 cm in diameter, solitary, formed in the axils of the leaves. Corolla 5-lobed, various colors, from pure white to jet black, plain or with strokes and spots various colors and magnitude. Petals can be smooth, corrugated or with wavy edges.
  2. Violets Hemalis-winter (Hiemalis) with a flower diameter of 4.5-5.5 cm was registered in 1916, they are distinguished by winter hardiness, early and long flowering. Differ in compact bushes and bright flowers.
  3. Golden yellow violet Helios.
  4. Violet Mars (Mars) ultramarine-blue petals and dark "eyes".
  5. Varieties of violets "North Pole" (North Pole) - with pure white flowers and even white seeds.
  6. "Jupiter" (Jupiter) - with purple-violet lower and white upper petals.
  7. Violets Rococo (Rococo) - plants with bright, variegated flowers 5.5 cm in diameter and heavily corrugated petals. The variety has an exotic, unusual view, but, unfortunately, in the conditions of Russia, the corrugation of the petals rarely appears.
  8. "Flamenco F1" (Flamenco Fj) - the variety has red-orange petals with a blurry yellow spot and shading in the center.
  9. "Eye of the Tiger" (Tigereye) - a variety with an amazing color - brownish-yellow, with small dark spots in the center and shading on all petals.
  10. Violet "Cardinal" (Cardinal) - with a dark red flower and a darker "eye".

Care for violets at home

If you want to put a violet in the house, then you need to know about her preferences and follow them. There are basic rules for caring for these flowers at home:

If you have not yet left the desire to settle a violet in your home, then get ready to receive a new family member.

Soil composition for room violet

Home care begins with the preparation of the substrate and containers. Violet needs an acidic substrate, which includes the following components:

In winter, once a year, a solution of humate is added, in the spring and autumn they are fed liquid mineral fertilizers for Saintpaulia. The main thing not to do is to overfeed. Do not overfeed, the soil should be in a lean state.

Containers for transplanting

In the care of indoor violets, every little thing is important. So that the substrate does not turn sour and does not spoil the roots of the plant, it does not need much. For example, for an adult culture a glass is enough, whose height and diameter are 10 cm each. In addition, it is half filled with drainage.

Remember, in order for the violet to bloom, you need to wait until the root system completely fills the pot with earth. For cultivation, the first container is taken with a diameter of 6 cm.

The drainage hole must be sufficient. Transplantation is carried out no more than once every three years, while the pot can be left the same. You just have to be careful peel the roots as far as possible and change the substrate.

Reproduction and transplant

Planting Saintpaulia begins with a young culture. Saintpaulia propagates as follows: leaves; cuttings; peduncles and seeds.

Often use the simplest method of rooting - sheet. Before rooting, the cut is updated diagonally with disinfected scissors, then, the cut of the leaf is sent to the water, where it is until the formation of callus and roots.

When roots 4-7 cm long appear on the leaflet, he is rooted. From above you need to cover with a jar or film from evaporation and wait for the results. If everything went smoothly, the plants that appeared as they grow are transplanted into separate pots. If provided good care, then violets will bloom in a year.

Hybrid saintpaulias - chimeras breed only stepchildren and peduncles, it is they who will give the young plant maternal qualities. The baby can be separated from the parent with an awl, it is rooted immediately in a peat substrate.

When a houseplant requires a transplant, it is necessary to check the health of the root system. Roots must have White color , fill the container with themselves, then they are alive.

If you take it out of a conical pot, then you need to save the root system that has taken this position and transplant it into a larger pot with a moistened substrate in a special cell.

Before planting Saintpaulia, you should carefully examine the root system and remove dead roots they will turn brown.

Be careful not to damage the light healthy roots. With such careful processing, the violet can be washed in water, after which the roots are carefully straightened and planted in a new container.

In case of root system rot, the plant must be cleaned to a healthy living tissue, lowered into crushed activated carbon and dried. After this execution, you need to re- root in water or moss because it has disinfectant properties.

In summer, the plant feels good when the room is up to 25 degrees Celsius, in winter it takes 18-20. Humidity should be around 50%.

This flower requires long daylight hours all year round. Lighting should be at least 10 hours, during flowering periods it is required additional fluorescent lighting.

If watering is carried out through a pan, it is necessary to drain the water not drunk by the plant. If watering is carried out from above, then you need to make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves. Summer watered every day little by little, in winter - 2 times a week. To young plant blossomed, it is necessary to wait one year.

If properly cared for, then you will be rewarded with a lush flowering plant. Indoor Saintpaulia blooms for about two months, during flowering it should remove faded flowers.

Features of winter care

So that the violet does not die in winter, and this happens due to the lack of proper care, certain rules should be followed:

Saintpaulia is very beautiful plant . They are distinguished by a huge variety of textures and colors. If you follow the above rules for caring for a room violet at home, then this gentle creature will often delight with its blooming, radiant health, the appearance of all households.

In our climate, violets are houseplants. Violet also has another name for Saintpaulia.

They attract lovers of flowering indoor plants with bright colors and fluffy leaves. Moreover, this home flower is not a source of allergy. But the violet is not easy to care for, it is quite capricious to the conditions, and in order for it to bloom, the grower needs to try.

Most frequently asked question, asked by novice flower growers, why does the violet not bloom?

This can happen for various reasons:

  • lack or excess of nutrients;
  • a pot too big for a plant;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • violation of the irrigation regime;
  • unsuitable climate for the plant;
  • insufficient level of illumination.

On a note! Some varieties of violet bloom for a long time, while others require rest after flowering, while the flowering period can be much shorter than the recovery period.

Cultivation and care

planting violets

Violets or saintpaulias are very capricious and demanding on growing conditions.

First of all, you need to choose the right pot for the plant. Violet roots grow on the surface of the soil, and not in depth, so the pots for violets are selected quite compact. Pot sizes range from 5cm x 5cm for small varieties or baby violets to 9cm x 9cm for full grown plants. Moreover, if you decide to transplant a plant, then you should not change the size of the pot in the direction of increase.

Planting violets in a pot larger than 9 by 9 cm leads to a negative effect, which is expressed as follows:

  • the flower may not bloom for two years due to the fact that all the power will be spent on the formation of leaves to the detriment of the formation of inflorescences.
  • in those places where the soil is not braided with the roots of the plant, fungal diseases can develop and subsequently harm the plant.

The material from which the violet pot is made also matters. If you choose a lightweight plastic pot, it's a good idea to make holes on the sides of the pot so that air can get inside the potting soil and ventilate the violet roots. It will also save the earth from souring. If the choice of the grower fell on a ceramic pot, you need to choose pots without glaze, since pots without glaze allow air to pass through and allow the roots of the plant to breathe.

Secondly, you need to choose the right soil for violets.

Violets love slightly acidic soil. If the acidity of the soil deviates greatly from the pH value of 6-6.5, the violet may stop growing normally: the buds will fall off without even blooming. This can happen due to the fact that the plant stops absorbing nutrients from the soil and nitrogen-phosphorus starvation sets in. According to the state of the plant, an experienced grower will find out what kind of soil the violet has at the moment. If the young leaves curl up, then the soil is acidic; if the leaves turn pale and the tips turn brown, then the soil is alkaline.

Now many manufacturers produce special primer for different types plants. Violets are no exception. But even purchased soil is not always perfect - it happens that it is so light that when watering, water seeps into the gap between the soil mixture and the walls of the pot without soaking the soil. Therefore, it is better to prepare the soil yourself by taking two parts of garden soil and combining it with one part of sand. Next, you need to ignite the soil prepared by yourself in order to destroy pests and pathogenic bacteria. Now you can pour soil into the pot and plant violets. After planting, it is better to pour expanded clay on the surface of the earth, which will retain moisture and protect the soil from drying out.

Caring for homemade violets

To achieve maximum decorativeness, violet needs a very bright place, but without direct sunlight. Therefore, most often blooming violets can be seen in the houses of flower growers on the windowsills from the north, northwest, northeast side. If, in the grower's apartment, the windows face only the south side, then you will have to shade the pots with violets with something in order to avoid getting sunburned by the leaves and flowers of Saintpaulia. To make the sunlight soft and diffused, you can close the window with light curtains or sheets of white paper. During the day, violets need 10-12 hours of light. AT winter period when natural lighting is not enough, you can highlight the plant with fitolamps.

On a note! So that the violet bush grows evenly and does not bend from the fact that it is lit only on one side, from time to time turn the pot with the plant on different sides to the window, so the Saintpaulia rosettes will be symmetrical and neat.

I must say that those violets with dark green leaves need more lighting than plants with light green curly leaves.

Important! How to determine Is there enough light for your violet? Watch the plant: if the leaves are down, then there is enough light, but if they are stretched up, then the saintpaulia suffers from its lack.

High-quality care for home violets is ensured by maintaining a comfortable home. temperature regime. The ideal temperature for growing violets is 20-22 degrees, in this comfortable climate the violet blooms profusely and the greenery looks bright. If the plant blooms in the hot summer period, and the air temperature in the house rises above 28 degrees, then the violet flowers become small, pale, in varieties with a bright border along the edge of the flowers, this feature disappears. Such a temperature can destroy the plant, you can only help by lowering the temperature by installing an air conditioner, split system, fan, or by ventilating.

No less detrimental is the hypothermia of Saintpaulia, which can result in rotting of the roots. If this happens, the only way to save the plant is by re-rooting it. A draft is also contraindicated for violets, it is not only dangerous for appearance plants (light spots on the leaves), but can also cause significant harm to their condition and even lead to death.

In winter, if the window sill in an apartment or house is cold, the violet must be protected from hypothermia of the root system. There are two options for solving the problem:

  • you can put a thick wooden or foam stand under the flower pot
  • you can move the plant from the window sill to a table or stand adjacent to the window, but then you need to remember to highlight the plant with a phytolamp, since plants usually suffer from a lack of light in winter.

Capricious violet loves moderation in watering. She will not like very plentiful watering, but its long absence also negatively affects the plant. One of the conditions for proper care of violets is watering the plant with settled water at room temperature. Once a month, you can water the violet with acidified water. To do this, add acetic acid to the water (one teaspoon per liter of water) or citric acid(5 crystals per liter of water).

Attention! Spraying is contraindicated for violet. Its shaggy leaves retain moisture for themselves, which can cause a fungal disease to develop in the plant.

You can moisten by pouring water into the pan and placing a pot with a plant in it for thirty minutes. If the house is very warm (above 22 degrees), the violets are watered from above, but you need to make sure that the water does not get into the outlet. Well, another solution to the problem is to install a humidifier in the room, which will be useful for both plants and humans.

Attention! If you are watering violets by dipping into the pot tray and you have a large tray where you put several pots of plants at once, be attentive to the condition of the plants. Since in this case it is very easy to infect a healthy plant from a sick one through water.

Fertilizer and top dressing of violets

During the growth period, young plants are fed with nitrogen supplements. On a note! Capricious violets will not bloom if you overdo it with fertilizers with nitrogen. Violets and this time tell us that they need moderation in everything. matured and flowering plant you need to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of buds and flowering.

How to care for violets in winter

The basic rules for maintaining the life and good condition of saintpaulias in winter are four main points:

  • Ensuring a long (10-12 hours) daylight hours with the help of supplementary lighting;
  • Ensuring the temperature in the room is not lower than 20 degrees;
  • Watering three times a week with water at room temperature;
  • Providing high humidity in the room with a flower.

Note! During flowering, faded buds should be removed from the violet, so the plant will have more strength to ensure the current flowering. After the flowering period is over, to restore the strength of the violet, the lower leaves are removed and transplanted into fresh soil or, at worst, fertilizers are applied to the ground.

Reproduction of violets

Violet blooms only at a young age. If the plant is more than three years old, then most likely it will no longer bloom. Time to think about the propagation of Saintpaulia.

The simplest and effective way propagation of violets - cuttings or leaf propagation. To do this, you need to take a good leaf from the plant along with the cutting and put it in a glass of water. After some time, a root forms on the handle, then it is planted in a pot with soil.

Another way is to separate the children of violets. In the process of growing adult plants, they form children. In order for the children and the mother plant not to interfere with each other, they need to be seated. It is better to do this in the summer, since an adult plant, after separating the children, needs strength to recover by winter.

For reproduction of violets by children, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • Carefully dig out the baby and detach it from the parent plant with a sharp knife. When doing this, it is very important not to damage the socket.
  • If there are a lot of leaves on the baby, and very few roots, some of the leaves must be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on maintaining the leaves, but uses them to develop the root system.
  • Next, the baby needs to be put in separate pot, water and place in a place where it is warm and light, but there is no direct sunlight.

Diseases and pests of violets

  • Violets are affected by late blight. Brown spots appear on the violet. From this fungal disease in the case of violets, it makes no sense to fight, therefore, in order to avoid infection of other plants, the diseased saintpaulia is disposed of, as well as the soil from under it. To prevent this disease, it is better to buy soil for violets in stores or it is good to ignite the soil prepared by yourself in the oven.
  • Violet can be affected by powdery mildew. With this disease, the trunks of Saintpaulia are covered with a white coating. This disease appears in the following conditions: dusty room, air temperature below 18 degrees Celsius, lack of light. To treat the plant, you need to wipe the stems with a damp, clean cloth, ventilate the room and treat the flower with the benlat preparation.
  • Gray rot manifests itself in the form of a gray fluffy coating on the leaves and petioles of violets. The reason for the occurrence is that the plant is not watered with settled water at room temperature, as expected, but cold water and very often. This disease should be combated by treatment with 2tiram, phytosparin, agate and others, as well as by establishing a normal irrigation regime.
  • Fusarium fungus affects the roots of violets - they begin to rot. This is due to frequent watering with cold water and gives out this disease gray falling leaves and lack of flowering. For treatment, the plant is treated with a solution of fundozol and benomyl.

On a note! No more than once a month, you can water the violet with phytosporin or a pale solution of potassium permanganate. This is a good prevention against fungal diseases.

Violet is a very capricious plant, but if the grower pleases her and provides her with quality care, she will delight him with beautiful flowers on the windowsill for most of the year.

Blooming violets on the windowsill - a delight for the eyes of lovers ornamental plants. Their incredible popularity has also contributed to a long or even continuous flowering. New hybrids appear every year room violet, replenishing the already wide varietal assortment.

Today's site theme for progressives is violets (indoor flowers). Photos and names, home care and ways to lengthen the flowering period, we will consider in detail today. Choosing for yourself suitable variety and having studied the agricultural technology of the plant, you can turn your windowsill into a fabulous place.

Indoor violets at home will give delightful beauty

Violet (saintpaulia) room - a brief description and varieties

The plant in question is a rosette of fleshy leaves covered with fluff. In the center a "bouquet" of delicate flowers is formed. Depending on the variety, they can have a different color, size and shape.
There are many varieties of simple indoor violets and large terry ones. The latter, of course, are more in demand among flower growers, but simple uncomplicated flowers still adorn many houses and apartments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the names and photographs of some popular hybrids of indoor violets.

Saintpaulias according to the shape of flowers are divided into large groups, each with its own set of varieties. The table below shows photos and names of all existing groups.

Names of groups of room violets according to the structure of the flower
In the photo violet Tarabarskaya Radiance of the Stars - violet in the photo
In the photo, indoor violet Pink Panther at home
Fire Moths
Violet EK Bullfight
Pictured violet White Queen

In the photo, a violet for home conditions Winter smiles
Pictured Blue Flash

Rules for the care of room violet

If the initially created home conditions suit the room violet, it will not manifest itself as a capricious plant. The simplest care will help her bloom magnificently and for a long time. In inappropriate conditions, the flower will gradually fade, and in the end it may completely disappear.

Suitable home conditions for Saintpaulia:

Illumination is good and long (10 hours a day), but without direct midday rays.
The soil is moisture-permeable, well removing excess moisture.
Humidity is low (50%), the leaves never wet.
Watering - best through a pallet using warm water. In winter - twice a week, in summer - daily.
Drafts are unacceptable.
Temperature - 25 °C in winter and 20 °C in summer.

ground for it indoor flower should be sour. The main component is leaf earth. Peat is added to it in a smaller volume. It just creates the acidic environment necessary for violet roots. The third component is coarse sand (volume - 1/8 of the land-peat mixture). It is advisable to add sphagnum moss and charcoal.

As for the fertilizer of Saintpaulia, it is undoubtedly necessary. But in this case, it is important to remember about moderation. Indoor violet does not like greasy soil. Usually top dressing is carried out two or three times a year:

In winter - with a solution of humate;
in spring and autumn - specially designed mineral top dressing.

When choosing a container for room violets, you do not need to focus on large flowerpots. It is considered a mistake to believe that the size of the outlet will be comparable to the dimensions of the pot. It is important to understand one important nuance- Violet will not bloom luxuriantly until its roots fill the pot. Don't expect violets to bloom all year round - it's fine if only the leaves remain in the winter. Although under ideal conditions there may not be a break.

Small flowerpots are suitable for growing room violets at home.

In view of this, it is better to choose a pot with a diameter of about 6 cm as the first container for Saintpaulia. After a few years, the bush can be transplanted into a larger vessel - about 10 cm in diameter. Approximately half of the pot should be occupied by a drainage layer. If holes for the outflow of water are not provided, they should be made independently. When transplanting room violets, you need to completely replace the substrate.

Common problems with growing violets

Thickening of the center of the bush, but the leaves do not change direction and color - this situation occurs due to excessive lighting (more than 14 hours a day). Shading the plant for several hours a day will help correct the situation.
Thickening, accompanied by drooping of the leaves and the appearance of a purple hue with their reverse side, also speaks of an excess of light. But in this case, most likely, direct rays fall on the bush, which the violet does not like. The solution to the problem is shading.
white bloom on small leaves indicates a deep planting of violets, as a result of which the young leaves are in the water. Over time, the flower usually rots. A higher planting and reduced watering will solve the problem.
Small and hard, brittle leaves are a sign of too much fertilizer. In this situation, only one thing will help: transplanting room violets into new soil.
Many stepchildren are formed, and the main bush slows down in development - this is most often a consequence of overfeeding. Need a transplant into a new soil and removal of stepchildren.