Indoor anthurium flower: how to care for it. Anthurium - home care, why the leaves dry out and don’t bloom

  • 13.05.2019

Anthurium is a tropical crop, but, unlike other representatives of the flora of hot climates, it is not particularly demanding in terms of growing conditions. This is why it is often grown as a green decoration for a home or apartment.

From this article you will learn what types and varieties of Anthurium exist, and the photos will help you choose the appropriate type of flower. In addition, in this article you will find useful information about caring for anthurium and you will be able to grow a beautiful and healthy flower with your own hands.

Description of Anthurium flower

There are about 500 types of culture in nature, and they are found mainly in South America. The main value of the plant is in its bright flowers of unusual shape, but even after the flowering period ends, the large green leaves of the plant will become an excellent decoration for the home.

In addition to their attractive appearance, the flowers exude a pleasant aroma, and it differs depending on the variety, as does the shade of the petals.

What does Anthurium look like?

Despite the wide variety of species, all plant varieties have some General characteristics. So, it can be easily recognized by its large green and rather hard leaves. The shape differs depending on the variety, and can be either elongated or heart-shaped. Each sheet is covered with a matte film on top (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of the anthurium flower

Flowers also differ in color and can be white, red, purple, etc. It is noteworthy that from a botanical point of view, a flower is usually considered not the petals themselves, but a thin white spadix protected by a colored sail. When the flowering period ends, this sail turns into a new leaf. With proper care, the height of an adult specimen can reach 70 cm even at home.

Flower varieties

There are a huge number of varieties of anthurium in nature, but only a few of them are grown at home. To make it easier for you to choose the right type for home grown, we have prepared descriptions and photos of the most popular varieties of this crop (Figure 2).


One of the most known species culture. It is distinguished by the variegated color of its leaves, and the plant itself is low-growing. Representatives of the variety are of decorative value not only during the flowering period: their large velvety leaves of rich green color will be an excellent decoration for the home at any time of the year.

The blanket around the flower has a light green color with slight purple tints, and the flowers are quite large: about 20 cm in length.


This variety is considered one of the most common among gardeners. Unlike other species, Scherzer's anthurium is not tall: adult specimens rarely exceed a height of 40 cm.

The leaves of representatives of this species are also quite large and leathery. They are painted dark green, and on both sides the leaf plates are covered with characteristic black dots. The peduncle is quite large: its length can reach 40 cm, and the cover around the flower has a bright orange-red color.


This is a relatively young species that is rapidly gaining popularity among lovers of exotic indoor plants. The popularity of the flower is explained by its unusual color: both the flower itself and the cover around it have a rich purple. The shape of the bedspread resembles a tulip, while the flower itself is quite simple and can serve as a stylish and sophisticated interior decoration.

Figure 2. Anthurium varieties with photos and descriptions

It is also noteworthy that the unusual purple anthurium is absolutely unpretentious, and even novice gardeners can grow it. In this case, the duration of flowering of adult specimens is about three months.

Black Prince

This variety is also excellent for home growing, and its high decorative value is ensured by the unusual shade of the inflorescences. The flower petals are almost black, with a slight burgundy tint.

It is noteworthy that immediately after blooming the flowers have a rich cherry color, which gradually darkens. At the same time, the cob is bright yellow, which creates an original contrast.

Princess Alexia

The variety was bred by breeders, and the unusual ultramarine color of the bract was obtained artificially by introducing a blue dye into the root system.

Despite the artificial origin of the species, it is very popular among flower growers, although the inflorescences do not have such a regular shape as those of other varieties. At the same time, the bright blue color of the petals serves as an excellent addition to the interior.

Anthurium flower - home care

Many novice gardeners avoid growing anthurium at home, believing that this exotic plant too capricious and demanding increased attention. Actually this is not true. Anthurium, for all its visual appeal, is absolutely undemanding to care, although some nuances in the growing process are still worth taking into account.

We will look at the main points of caring for anthurium in more detail, so that everyone can grow this unusual inhabitant of the tropics at home.

Selecting a location

First of all, you need to choose a suitable location for the flower. Since this crop is tropical, appropriate conditions must be created for it at home. Firstly, anthurium is a heat-loving plant and does not tolerate temperature changes at all. Therefore, it should be placed away from open windows, especially in winter.

Secondly, drafts are harmful to the plant, so you can’t place it at the intersection of air flows. At the same time, the crop needs a sufficient amount of light, so it is better to place it near a window, but so that cold air does not fall on it.


The basis for successfully growing anthurium is correct lighting. It is best to provide it with diffused but fairly bright light. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, it can cause burns to the leaves and delicate petals.

To create optimal lighting, summer time It is advisable to keep the flower on the eastern or western windows, and transfer it to the southern ones for the winter.

Proper watering

Anthurium, as a resident of the tropics, requires fairly abundant, but not too frequent watering. In summer it will be enough to add moisture once every 3-4 days. At the same time, it is important not to allow water to accumulate in the pan: if excess moisture leaks out after watering, you must drain it from the pan.

Stagnation of moisture poses a serious danger to the plant, since this process can cause rotting of the roots and the crop will quickly die.

In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, but regular spraying and wiping of the leaves with a soft, damp sponge are continued.

Top dressing

It is necessary to apply additional fertilizers only during the period of active crop growth. To do this, it is recommended to use mineral and organic fertilizers once every two weeks.

It is advisable to dilute the fertilizer in water and water the plant with the resulting mixture at the root. This way nutrients will penetrate to the roots faster.

How to transplant correctly

If your anthurium has grown and no longer fits in the pot, it should be transplanted into a new one. This procedure is best carried out in the spring, when the plant has not yet completely emerged from the period of vegetative dormancy and will not experience severe stress (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Main stages of plant transplantation

Anthurium roots and leaves are very fragile, so care should be taken when replanting. In addition, it is important to choose the right pot: it should not be too large, since in this case the plant will begin to grow a root system and its flowering will stop.

Note: Any pot into which you are going to transplant the anthurium must have holes in the bottom and a drainage layer. Without this condition, moisture will begin to stagnate in the soil and can cause root rot.

Anthurium transplantation is carried out infrequently, only once every 1-2 years, since this crop is not characterized by rapid growth. During the procedure, the transfer method is used, that is, the old plant is simply removed from the pot and rearranged into a new one along with a lump of earth. The free space must be filled with fresh soil so that the rosette of leaves remains on the surface, but the roots must be well covered with soil. If during the growth process the roots of the crop appear on the surface, they should be covered with moss, which is subsequently constantly sprayed with water, maintaining a stable level of humidity.


Anthurium does not require formative pruning as such, since the plant independently forms a lush rosette of leaves of the correct shape. However, during the growth process, the lower tiers of leaves may die off, and part of the trunk will become bare.

To your home flower has not lost its decorative effect, it is necessary to periodically rejuvenate the bush. To do this, the top is slightly shortened, leaving on the trunk the number of internodes necessary for tillering. The cut top can be rooted in water to create a new plant.


Anthurium has gained wide popularity among indoor flower lovers precisely because of its unusual inflorescences. But it happens that the plant does not form buds. In this case, the problem lies in improper care of the crop.

First of all, determine whether your plant has enough light, since if there is insufficient light, buds will not form. Also, the lack of flowering may be due to the fact that the plant was recently transplanted and the new container is too large for it. The pot for anthurium must clearly correspond to the volume of the root system: in spacious containers the culture will begin to grow roots, but will not bloom.

In addition, the lack of flowering can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the soil. If you have not fertilized in the near future, be sure to feed your flower with complex mineral preparations.

Anthurium flower propagation

The simplest methods of propagation are dividing an adult bush and rooting side shoots (“babies”). These procedures are performed primarily during transplantation. After removing the plant from the pot, you need to carefully divide the rhizome into several parts with a sharp knife, and all cut areas must be powdered with crushed coal. Next, the separated plants are planted in separate pots (Figure 40029.

Note: Seedlings should be watered carefully, as if the soil is too wet, their roots will quickly begin to rot and the plant will not take root.

You can also try to root a piece of stem with one leaf and an aerial root at home. This part is carefully separated from the mother plant and placed in a container with water. Roots form quickly enough, after which the plant can be transplanted into a small container with soil.

Anthurium can also be propagated by seeds, but this method is too complicated for home use. First, you will need to pollinate the flower in the first few days after the bud opens, and it is advisable to repeat the procedure for several days. Secondly, you need to wait for the berries with seeds to form. It should be borne in mind that this process takes about 9 months, and for some varieties it takes more than a year.

Figure 4. Flower propagation at home

After the seeds ripen, they must be immediately cleared of the fruit pulp and immediately planted in the ground, since planting material Anthurium quickly loses its germination capacity. The seeds are laid out on the surface of light, loose soil, lightly pressed into the soil and moistened by spraying. The container should be covered with film or glass and placed in a warm, well-lit place. The first shoots will appear in a maximum of two weeks, and after the formation of two true leaves, the first picking is carried out. A second similar procedure is carried out after another two months, and after the formation of 5-6 leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers.

Diseases and pests

Most anthurium diseases lead to the plant's leaves turning yellow or not blooming. Most often, this process is explained by improper care of the plant. For example, if the leaves of a plant begin to turn yellow, this means that the flower is cold and should be moved to a warmer room. If the anthurium does not bloom, the plant may not have enough light or nutrients. In this case, you need to move the flower pot closer to the window or carry out extraordinary feeding. In addition, it should be taken into account that the lack of flowering may be due to the pot being too large.

If the leaves begin to become stained, turn black or curl, this means that your flower has become a victim of a fungus. You can cope with this by adjusting the frequency of watering and treating the crop with fungicides.

Among the pests, anthurium can be damaged by spider mites, scale insects or aphids. To prevent infection by pests, you should regularly wash the leaves of the crop with clean water at room temperature, but if pests have already appeared, you should treat all above-ground parts of the plant with soapy water, leave for one and a half to two hours and rinse with clean water. Next, insecticide treatment is carried out, and the drug should be selected depending on the type of pest.

More useful information You will find information about growing and caring for anthurium in the video.

The plant is quite heat-loving, but does not tolerate cold and drafts. In spring and summer, the optimal temperature is 20–24 degrees. And in winter they maintain the room temperature from 16 to 18 degrees. It is under such conditions that the anthurium lays buds and then blooms profusely.

Important! Does not survive at subzero temperatures.


The flower loves abundant, but not too frequent watering. In summer, moisture is added every 3-4 days. At the same time, do not allow water to accumulate in the pan; it must be drained after half an hour. Otherwise, stagnation of moisture causes rotting of the roots and the plant dies. IN winter period The frequency of watering is reduced to once a week.


The plant loves bright, diffused light, but without burning direct sunlight. That's why on particularly hot days, the flower pot is shaded.

In winter, additional lighting in the form of fluorescent lamps is installed in the room. In summer, the flower is taken out onto the balcony or into the garden, but protected from moisture, drafts and direct sunlight.


The best places for placement are considered to be western and eastern window sills. There is not enough light on the north side, which adversely affects the condition of the anthurium. The cuttings become long, and flowering is sparse or absent altogether. And on southern windowsills, in order not to burn the leaves, the plant is constantly shaded from direct sunlight.


Formative pruning is not required, since the anthurium independently creates a lush rosette of leaves. However, often an old plant stops blooming and loses decorative look. Therefore, he is rejuvenated. To do this, slightly shorten the top with 2-3 roots, leaving internodes on the trunk necessary for tillering. After which it is rooted in the soil.


The plant needs a loose, not too compacted, slightly acidic substrate. It is made independently by mixing equal amounts of deciduous and turf soil with pieces of bog moss. This composition optimally retains water and is similar to the natural soil in the flower’s homeland.

But you can also buy a special substrate for aroids in the store, which is mixed with bark or moss.

When purchasing, be sure to study the composition of the substrate; it should not contain alkali, which has a detrimental effect on the plant.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is carried out in the spring-summer period twice a month. Use mineral or organic fertilizers.

And also some gardeners use universal formulations, which contain both types of fertilizers. Their disadvantage is high price.

They fertilize with organic matter: mullein, bird droppings or humus. And the following mineral fertilizers are used: Uniflor Bud, Azalea, Kemira Lux.

On a note. Dilute the fertilizer in water, reduce the dosage by half than indicated on the package. Apply fertilizer to moist soil.


Young anthurium is replanted annually in spring or summer, and an adult - once every 3-4 years. If this is not done, the flowers quickly fade and the leaves turn black. The transplantation process consists of several steps:

  1. Place a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the pot.
  2. A small layer of soil is poured on top.
  3. The plant is watered abundantly so as not to damage the roots of the flower when pulling it out.
  4. Holding the base of the stems, using the transshipment method, carefully transfer the plant to a new pot.
  5. Carefully straighten the roots and cover them with soil. Then water it abundantly.

The layer of soil above the roots should be at least 2 cm.


Anthurium needs a shallow but wide pot. It must correspond to the age of the plant - the more developed the root system, the more spacious the flowerpot is needed. It is best to buy from clay or plastic material. Do not plant in metal or glass containers, as they are not compatible with the soil for the flower.


At the beginning of autumn, watering and fertilization are gradually reduced. The pot with the plant is moved away from radiators and other heat sources. The optimal temperature is 16–18 degrees. If there is insufficient lighting, install fluorescent lamps. Any container with water or air humidifiers are placed next to the flowerpot. Water once a week.

After the purchase

After purchase, the anthurium is kept in quarantine for 2–3 weeks. During this time, it adapts to new conditions and tolerates further transplantation more easily.

The flower is planted in new soil because the store-bought substrate is not suitable for permanent maintenance. Choose a pot no larger than 2–3 cm than the previous one.

After transplantation, the plant is cared for as for an ordinary anthurium. But the first feeding is carried out only after a month.


The photo shows what the flower of male happiness looks like.

What should I do to make it bloom?

Anthurium is a very capricious plant and may not bloom if not properly cared for. The main reasons for the lack of flowering are:

  1. Prolonged drop in temperature. The pot with the plant is moved to a warm, bright place.
  2. Constant overflow of soil. The watering regime is adjusted and the water from the pan must be drained.
  3. High temperature during rest period. The flower is transferred to a cooler room.
  4. Lack of light. Move to a brighter place or install additional lighting.
  5. Incorrectly selected soil composition. Transplanted into a new substrate.
  6. Dry indoor air. The plant is periodically sprayed or a container of water is placed next to the pot.

If all errors are corrected and proper care, then flowering usually occurs after 2-3 months.

How to properly maintain a plant in open ground?

Anthurium is a tropical plant native to South America. Grows in mountain subtropical forests. Therefore, in regions with a cold frosty climate, they are grown in a warm, well-lit room. Because of this, the plant is not planted in open ground, it dies there.

But in spring and summer, a pot with a flower is taken out into the garden. At the same time, they are shaded from direct sunlight and protected from drafts.


What is needed to propagate a flower?

Anthurium is propagated in several ways:

  1. Apical cuttings. In the spring cuttings are taken. After which they are planted in a small transparent container with sand. Then water and cover with film. Ventilate and moisten periodically. During rooting, keep at a temperature of 23–25 degrees. When the roots reach 3–5 cm, they are transplanted into the ground.
  2. Seeds. The seed is sown in low containers with a light flower substrate. Sprinkle soil on top, moisten and cover with glass. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 19–23 degrees for about 2 weeks. Seedlings dive as soon as they form two leaves. And then, when they reach 5 cm, they are planted in pots. Flowering of such plants begins after 3–4 years.

Diseases and pests

If not properly cared for, anthurium often gets sick. The main ailments of the plant are as follows:

Often the problem of the appearance of spots on the leaves is considered to be the attack of anthurium by pests. The most serious damage is caused by spider mites, scale insects and aphids. To combat them in case of severe infestation, insecticidal preparations are used. And in case of mild damage, wipe the leaves with a garlic-soap solution.

Watch a video about Anthurium pests. How to deal with them:

Anthurium – beautiful plant, which looks great in any interior. Caring for it will not cause many difficulties if you provide it with bright diffused light, proper watering and timely application of fertilizers.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to care for Anthurium at home:

If you want to have a spectacular flowering plant on your windowsill all year round almost without interruption, choose anthurium. In summer, under favorable conditions, it is capable of simultaneously holding 6-10 large flowers, in winter - on average, 3-4. Moreover, such flowering is easy to achieve by growing anthurium at home, even without lighting.

Each anthurium flower consists of a long inflorescence-cob and a bract of various colors: white, red, pink, green, brown, burgundy, etc. It is the color of the bract that sets general impression from the plant as a whole and often becomes the basis for the name of the variety. For example, Anthurium Andre variety Vivaro Pink expectedly has pink color flowers, and the Black Queen variety reveals almost black bedspreads.

In nature, anthuriums are epiphytes and semi-epiphytes that live on or near the bark of trees (in the remains of leaves, branches and other debris) in tropical forests. There are about 900 species of these plants, among which there are subshrubs and vines. But at home, only 3 species are widely used - Andre's anthurium, Scherzer's anthurium and crystal anthurium (decorative deciduous).

Most often in stores they sell Andre's anthurium - a subshrub with heart-shaped leathery leaves. The stem of Andre's anthurium is initially short, but with age it lengthens to several tens of centimeters (in this case, rejuvenation is recommended by rooting the apex). The cover of the flower is glossy, with a bright shine and pronounced veins. The flower spadix is ​​straight. Anthurium Andre at home usually grows to 0.4-0.5 m in height, but in nature it is even larger and can reach 1 meter or more.

Anthurium Andre - the most profusely flowering species of anthurium

Less often you can find Scherzer's anthurium, the spadix of which is not straight, like Andre's, but curved into a spiral, like a pig's tail. The leaves are also different, elongated, lanceolate. The flower cover is oval, dense, matte, without a pronounced shine. Anthurium Scherzer is more compact than Andre, its height is up to 30 cm.

Anthurium Scherzer is often called the “flamingo flower” due to the similarity of its flowers to a tropical bird.

Anthurium Crystal is an even rarer representative of anthuriums, the flowers of which have no decorative value. It is grown for its large heart-shaped leaves with a spectacular pattern of silver veins. The height of the crystal anthurium is about 45 cm.

Crystal anthurium is valued for its decorative large leaves, which can reach 40 cm in length and 35 cm in width.

Caring for any type of anthurium at home is almost identical.

Conditions for growth and flowering of anthurium

Anthurium is often considered a capricious plant. But it is not so. In fact, it is quite possible to grow anthurium at home if you follow simple rules regarding the choice of soil, watering regime and compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. Let's look at these rules in more detail.

Anthurium at home requires heat, high air humidity and moderate soil moisture

As soon as you bring the anthurium home after purchasing it, the question arises where to put the flower and what conditions to create for it in order to preserve its presentation for as long as possible. To do this, you will have to try to bring the conditions for keeping anthurium at home closer to those to which it is accustomed in nature.

Location and lighting

After purchasing, the anthurium can be placed on any light windowsill. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. Therefore, if you only have a south window, place the anthurium at a short distance from it (30-50 cm) or use shading with blinds or tulle during the day. If you place a homemade anthurium to fry directly in the sun without shading, then sunburn (yellow spots) will appear on the leaves, and the flowers will bloom on petioles that are too short.

Anthurium near the south window must be shaded, for example, using blinds

Western and eastern window sills are considered the best for placing anthurium. Northern bright windows are also suitable. But if they are shaded from the street by trees, then the lighting may become insufficient. And this will affect the condition of the plant not in better side. The cuttings will become too long, the flowers will become small, the flowering will be sparse or disappear altogether. Therefore, on such windows, the anthurium flower at home will have to be additionally illuminated using lamps (fluorescent, gas-discharge, LED).


Anthurium is a heat-loving plant that cannot tolerate cold and drafts. In summer, at the peak of flowering, the best temperatures for it are 25-30°C. In winter, special coolness is also not required; the minimum temperature during this period is 16-18°C. Under such conditions, anthurium can exist for a long time without losing its decorative qualities.

Going beyond the temperature limits is also possible, but only for a short time. If the temperature drops to 5°C at night (for example, in autumn, when the plant is kept on a balcony or terrace), then the anthurium leaves will begin to turn yellow and growth will slow down or stop. At zero and negative temperature indoor flower Anthurium does not survive.

Air humidity

Anthurium is a resident of tropical forests, so it loves high air humidity, ideally 70-80%. If the air in the apartment is dry, it will have to be humidified by any suitable means.

The traditional way to moisten a plant is by spraying. Anthurium can be sprayed with warm, settled water, making sure that the water only gets on the leaves, stem and aerial roots. Flowers should be covered, otherwise unsightly spots will remain on them. In winter, especially at cool temperatures, it is not advisable to spray directly on parts of the anthurium. It is better to spray the air around the plant with a fine spray.

You can increase the humidity by covering the surface of the substrate with damp sphagnum moss. It is well saturated with moisture and gradually evaporates it, moisturizing the aerial roots and, in general, the air around the plant. When using sphagnum moss, you should periodically check its moisture level and, when dry, spray it with water from a spray bottle.

The surface of the anthurium substrate is covered with a layer of wet sphagnum moss

Another option, widely used among anthurium lovers: a pot with a flower is placed on a tray filled with wet expanded clay. Expanded clay should be constantly sprayed, and it, in turn, will evaporate this moisture, humidifying the air.

A pot with anthurium can be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles to increase the air humidity around the plant

Water containers, an aquarium, and a humidifier can also help humidify the air.

Anthurium is an epiphyte or semi-epiphyte, capable of living practically without soil and extracting useful substances from tree bark, fallen leaves and branches, and forest litter. That's why we need a special one. It should be loose, allow moisture and air to pass through well, and retain nutrients.

There is a special soil for sale for anthuriums, for example, Polessky substrate “for anthuriums”. It contains peat, bark coniferous trees, sand, coconut fiber and chips.

Anthurium soil can be purchased at flower shop or make your own from available components

However, it is not necessary to look for a special primer; it is easier to prepare it yourself by mixing the necessary components. The simplest, perfect composition for anthuriums: universal soil based on peat + bark in a ratio of 50:50.

In general, as a basis for soil for anthuriums, you can take universal or slightly acidic soil, pieces of bark and add any of the following components:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • pieces of charcoal (good resistance to root rot);
  • sphagnum moss (not a large number of);
  • coconut fiber (small amount);
  • expanded clay chips;
  • coarse sand.

Aerial roots develop on the anthurium stem, which, just like ordinary roots, require nutrition. They come from the stem, some reach the substrate, others remain in their infancy. To prevent the aerial roots of the anthurium from drying out, cover the surface of the substrate in the pot with sphagnum moss and spray it regularly. This procedure perfectly moisturizes aerial roots and increases air humidity in general.

Anthurium roots extending to the surface of the substrate should be covered with sphagnum moss

Anthurium: how to care?

Anthurium does not belong to fast growing plants requiring 24/7 attention. Therefore, the main care activities - watering and fertilizing - are carried out carefully, without excessive fanaticism.

Despite the statements of some sellers, anthurium does not like damp, non-drying soil. In a constantly wet state, the anthurium root begins to rot and, without resuscitation procedures, dies very quickly.

Unfortunately, about 90% of deaths of all domestic anthuriums are associated with flooding and root rotting. “It works here.” Golden Rule": it is better to underfill than to overfill. In other words, anthurium tolerates fairly long drying quite well, but one good flood can easily kill it.

In order for anthurium to settle on your windowsill for a long time, its watering must be strictly regulated. It is enough to water it after drying the substrate for half the pot. Some gardeners use the weight of the pot to determine how dry the soil is. Before watering the anthurium, they lift the pot. If it's light, it's time to water. If you feel heaviness, you can wait.

Even in the summer heat, anthurium needs watering no more than once every 1-1.5 weeks. In winter - even less often, approximately once every 2-3 weeks (depending on temperature and humidity).

Watering anthurium at home is done with warm (above room temperature, about 30-34°C), settled water. Any water that leaks into the pan must be drained immediately so that it does not stagnate.

Very often, anthuriums die from waterlogging of the substrate, so they should be watered very carefully and only with warm water


If you have an anthurium, caring for it should include periodic feeding. In summer, to stimulate flowering, fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, stop feeding. If it blooms, you can feed it according to the established scheme. Fertilizer for anthurium is applied once every 2-3 weeks.

Crystal anthurium is naturally fed with fertilizer for decorative foliage plants.

Anthurium is very responsive to organic feeding. You can use infusion chicken manure or mullein - no more than once a month.

An important step in caring for anthurium is replanting.

The first transplant is usually performed after purchasing the plant. Anthurium easily tolerates replanting even in a flowering state, so there is no need to wait for the end of flowering.

In the future, young anthuriums are replanted every year, and adults - once every 2-3 years. Best time for this event it is spring. Although, if necessary, for example, if there is suspicion of root rot or flooding, replanting can be done at any time of the year. Read about anthurium transplantation.

When replanting anthurium, you should handle the roots carefully; they are very fragile and can break from careless movement.

Valuable tips for caring for anthurium at home are given in the video:

Caring for house anthurium flowers is, in principle, simple. The most important thing is that with the right approach, this plant will definitely thank you. Anthurium Andre and Scherzer - year-round flowering, crystal anthurium - large, showy leaves.

Exotic anthurium, or as it is called “male happiness,” pleases with beautiful foliage, unusually bright flowers with delicate inflorescences that look like a candle. If you want the plant to feel comfortable at home, you should know the secrets of care and replanting.

Features of growing anthuriums at home

Despite its high decorative value, anthurium is easy to care for if you know certain secrets. Like all tropical plants, it loves moist air and does not tolerate drafts or direct sunlight. Watering should be moderate so that there is no stagnation of water: 3-4 times a week in the summer, and once in the winter is enough. It is better to drain the water from the pan so that the earthen ball does not become waterlogged. Fertilize the soil twice a month with a product for flowering plants. Don’t forget about periodic replanting into fresh soil.

It is important to choose the right soil and pot, as well as take care of plant rejuvenation

Secrets of proper plant transplantation

When purchasing an anthurium, it is worth remembering that it is better to immediately transplant the plant into a new pot: this will help you understand the condition of the roots, as well as replace the soil with a better one.

The plant is replanted in the following cases:

  • It is recommended to replant young anthuriums once a year, older ones - once every 3–4 years;
  • if a rusty or white coating appears on the surface of the earth, which indicates depletion of the soil;
  • if it becomes noticeable that the pot for the plant is too small;
  • if the plant is sick, to examine the roots and replace the soil with fresher and healthier soil.

Which pot to choose for anthurium

Because the roots male happiness"grow more to the sides rather than down, then it is better to choose a wide container for transplantation so that moisture does not stagnate.

It is important to choose the right pot size - if it is too large, pathogenic organisms will develop in the ground.

By the way, the future result depends on its size: if you want to propagate the plant, then it is better to choose a wider one - then the anthurium will grow well and form children, but it will bloom worse. It has been noticed that in a cramped space, “male happiness” blooms better. In this case, when replanting, you should select a container that is not much larger than the previous one. So, a container with a width of 25–35 cm in diameter is suitable for an adult anthurium. Speaking of material, it is worth purchasing a plastic pot - this will help create a normal temperature regime.

If you have to replant a plant into a previously used pot, be sure to treat it with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate

What kind of soil is needed

Choosing the right soil for anthurium is an important task. A simple solution is to buy a special substrate for flowering plants (for example, aroids, bromeliads, and orchids): it has excellent air permeability and low acidity (pH-5.5–6.5). Visually, it should be loose and fibrous.

You can prepare the mixture yourself: take peat, sphagnum moss and fertile land, add some coconut fiber and charcoal. Or you can mix crushed sphagnum, peat and turf soil in a 2:2:1 ratio. The flower will also like this soil mixture: humus, leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. It is worth remembering that the structure of the soil is important, so chopped sphagnum, fine expanded clay, pine bark, and charcoal are added to it in small quantities (10–15% of the total volume).

When is the best time to replant?

It is preferable to replant “male happiness” in spring or summer. But sometimes there is a need to do this in the fall, then it is worthwhile to start replanting with special care. After moistening the soil, the plant is removed from the pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Transfer into a container slightly larger than the previous one, carefully changing upper layer soil. If necessary, add a little soil or moistened moss to cover the exposed aerial roots.

Features of transplantation after purchase

As mentioned earlier, after purchasing the plant, it is recommended to immediately replant it. Otherwise, it may die: after all, for sale it is grown in a minimal amount of coconut or peat mixture, generously seasoned with fertilizers. This allows the plant to look decorative, but depletes its strength for further growth and development.

If the plant was blooming when purchased, then it is worth trimming the flower stalks, shriveled and yellowed leaves, which will help the anthurium to take root faster

After watering thoroughly, remove the root ball from the container. Before this, if the container is made of soft plastic, you can lightly knead the pot or tap it on the table to make it easier to remove the flower. After inspecting the roots (if they are rotten or damaged, making sure that there are no pests), you can plant the anthurium in a new container. If there are rotten roots, they should be cut off and the rhizome should be sprayed with Phytolavin, which is sold in gardening stores.

At the bottom of the pot you need to lay a drainage layer of expanded clay, pour in the prepared soil, and lay it ready for replanting. indoor plant, add soil to cover the aerial roots and carefully compact the soil. The soil level should be 2–3 cm lower from the edge of the pot.

Video: step-by-step transplantation of anthurium

At correct transplantation Soon you can expect the appearance of new foliage and inflorescences.

Is it necessary to divide anthurium and how to do it correctly

To propagate a plant, it is enough to divide it when transplanting. But this should be done only after the flower reaches 4 years of age. After moistening the soil, carefully remove the root ball from the pot and divide the rhizome so that each part of the plant has not only enough stems with leaves, but also buds.

It is best to divide a flower in January-February, when it is in a relative state of rest (sheds its leaves), but exceptions are possible

Often it is not possible to separate the rhizome with your hands, then you can use a sharp knife, first treating it in a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. Plant small plants in compact containers, taking care of drainage and quality soil. After planting, slightly compact the soil around the stems and water.

Features of plants with aerial roots

Anthurium has a special root system: an adult plant produces a large amount aerial roots who don't like drying out. A small amount of soil is enough for them (for example, when transplanting, the aerial roots only need to be slightly deepened, compacting the soil around them), and those roots that still remain on the surface should be covered with moistened sphagnum.

How to treat anthurium roots

When replanting, it is important to carefully examine the roots: if rotting is noticeable, the damaged parts should be cut off, sprinkled with coal or ash, and left for 1–2 hours to dry. Next, the root system should be treated with fungicides (Fitosporin or potassium permanganate).

Is it possible to replant a flowering plant?

It is better to replant any plant after flowering has completed, but anthurium does not react as severely to replanting during flowering as other plants. It is recommended to trim flower stalks and wilted leaves before replanting so that the flower takes root faster. If you don’t want to lose its decorative appearance, then careful handling of the plant will not harm it.

What to do after

After transplantation, care for the anthurium is usual: protect from direct sunlight and cold. In the future, you need to water it moderately with settled water as the soil dries, spray the leaves and moisten the moss that covers the aerial roots. There is no need to fertilize for a few weeks after, let the plant adapt.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting

Proper transplantation promotes the development of the plant, and step-by-step instruction will help speed up this process:

  1. Preparation. Choosing the right pot and soil; We prepare drainage, settled water, a sharp, disinfected knife, as well as means for treating the roots if the plant is sick. Approximately the height of the container should correspond to its width - the anthurium will feel comfortable in such a container

    When replanting anthurium, remember that drainage should occupy at least 1/3 of the pot

  2. Water the plant well; when the earthen ball is completely moistened, carefully remove the anthurium, holding the stems close to the surface of the earth, trying not to damage the roots.

    Save the root ball so the plant can adapt faster

    Carefully inspect the roots, cut off rotted and damaged roots, sprinkle with coal, and, if necessary, treat (fungicides/insecticides).

    Carefully examine the rhizome: the future condition of your plant depends on this

    Place a layer of drainage on the bottom (expanded clay, pebbles, bark), add some soil. After installing the plant, add soil so that the roots and the spaces between them are covered with soil.

    The soil needs to be evenly distributed, compacting a little on top

    Having chosen a warm place without drafts and bright sunlight, the plant is left alone for several days.

How to rejuvenate anthurium

Over time, anthurium loses its attractiveness: lower leaves die off, exposing an inconspicuous stem, the leaves of the plant noticeably decrease, the flowers become crushed or disappear altogether. Ignorance of age is not a problem: the appearance of “male happiness” will always tell you when to rejuvenate it.

There are several ways to update an old plant:

  • The top of an adult anthurium with several primordia of aerial roots should be cut off. Plant it in a small container with loose substrate, deepening only the roots.
  • Wrap the upper part of the stem with the beginnings of aerial roots with moistened moss. When the roots grow through the sphagnum moss, cut off the stem with a ball of moss and plant it in loose soil.

Cut tops usually take root well, but to increase the chances, before planting, moisten the lower edge of the cutting in a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, etc.)

It is especially convenient to carry out an operation to rejuvenate anthurium during transplantation: it is enough to separate the young shoots, as well as cut off the crown for rooting and plant them in prepared soil.

Video: Anthurium rejuvenation

Life after transplant: possible problems

Incorrect replanting (choice of soil, careless handling of the plant, improper post-care, etc.) can cause growth retardation, disease, or even develop into something more serious: the death of the plant.

A suitable soil composition can be easily purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently, following the recommendations. Replanting requires especially careful treatment of the plant, because the roots are very fragile and easily damaged, and their inattentive inspection can lead to the death of the anthurium. After replanting, the plant should be placed in a quiet place (carefully protected from drafts and direct sunlight), watering when the top layer of soil dries out. Remember to spray the plants regularly, but reduce watering: weak roots may begin to rot. Postpone fertilizing for at least a couple of weeks.

Why doesn't anthurium grow?

Slow growth may be due to the fact that the wrong period was chosen for this operation. It is best to do this from February to August, when the plant is actively growing.

The plant should be planted in the soil a little deeper than before.

As mentioned earlier, for young plants the frequency of replanting is once a year (less than 2 times), for adults - once every 3–4 years in order to replace the soil with a more nutritious one.

The leaves have turned yellow

If the leaves turn yellow after transplantation, then water may be stagnant. The lack of a drainage layer, not too loose soil - all this leads to rotting of the roots and yellowing of the leaves. It is necessary to replant the plant again according to the recommendations, cutting off the rotten roots and treating them with special preparations.

Yellowing and drying of only the edges of the leaves can be caused by too dry air.

: Anthurium is a tropical plant that needs to be sprayed with warm water

Caring for anthurium is not so difficult: this tropical plant loves moist air, warmth and proper care. Simple rules(how to replant a flower, what conditions to create for it, etc.) will help you admire it all year round abundant flowering and the exquisite beauty of the plant.

Anthurium, or as it is popularly called “male happiness,” is one of the most common plants from the Araceae family, cultivated in room conditions.

Tropical forests are considered its homeland South America.

Among the more than 800 species of plants in this family, there are both epiphytes and semi-epiphytes, which differ quite significantly from each other in external characteristics.

This flamingo flower has gained popularity in indoor floriculture due to its unusual appearance: the species diversity is represented by both decorative foliage and beautifully flowering plants.

Among gardeners, anthurium is considered a “capricious sissy”: it requires careful and regular care. In order for this flamingo flower to delight with its beauty, it is important to create conditions close to a tropical climate: high humidity, high air temperature and bright, diffused lighting. The following species are most suitable for growing at home:

Anthurium Andre- a flower with bright green shiny leaves. Reaches 1 m in height. The bract has a heart-shaped shape, depending on the variety it can be red (Arizona), white (Champion, Acropolis, Polaris), pink (Pink Champion), salmon (Minnesota), yellow (Casino, Marasol), green (Manaka), purple (Sensa). Inflorescences last up to 5 weeks.

Anthurium Scherzer- an epiphyte with short stems and matte leaves covered on both sides with black speckles. The cob has a curved spiral shape. The elliptical-shaped bedspread is bent downwards. Considered one of the simplest anthuriums in indoor growing.

Anthurium Crystal- decorative leafy type of anthurium. It is effective due to the contrast created by the network of silvery shiny veins against the background of dark green leaves, velvety to the touch.

Anthurium: home care - reproduction

At home, anthurium is propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Seed method the most labor-intensive and time-consuming, but it allows you to obtain new plant hybrids. Seeds can be purchased at specialty garden stores or you can get your own. IN latest version you will have to artificially pollinate anthurium flowers, transferring pollen with a cotton swab or soft brush from one cob to another. The seeds will ripen 9-12 months after pollination. The degree of ripeness is determined by the change in color of the berries on the cob and the bract (it turns green). They must be sown immediately after harvest, because they quickly lose their viability. The seed material is pre-treated with a fungicide solution. For sowing, take shallow bowls with light soil. Plantings are watered by spraying from a spray bottle. To germinate, the bowls must be placed in a greenhouse or covered with glass. Shoots appear by the end of 2 weeks. In the true leaf phase, the seedlings dive into separate pots. Leaf soil with the addition of peat, charcoal, and crushed pine bark (in equal proportions) is suitable as planting soil. Seedlings are kept at high humidity and air temperature +20-24ºС. Plants grown from seeds bloom after 2-2.5 years with small flowers and may lose varietal characteristics. Full-fledged ears will be available only for 4-5 years of life.

The easiest way to propagate anthurium is by dividing the bush, cuttings, and side shoots.

Divide the bush It is most convenient when replanting a plant. Each division must have roots and a growing point. Such plants may bloom as early as this year.

As the anthurium bush grows older, it becomes overgrown lateral offspring. They can be easily separated along with the roots from the mother plant and immediately planted in prepared pots. If there are no roots, then the shoots are rooted in sand or perlite. The cuttings are placed in a greenhouse or covered with bags to provide increased humidity.

Side shoots with roots

Some types of “male happiness” (Andre, Scherzer, leathery, etc.) can be propagate by leaf, which is cut off with a petiole approximately 3 cm long. To reduce evaporation, the leaf blade itself is rolled into a tube and secured with an elastic band. The prepared cutting is planted in a substrate of sand and peat (1:1) or cut sphagnum moss, moistened and covered with a jar or bag and placed in a greenhouse. The cuttings are ventilated daily. After the appearance of a new sprout, the seedling is transplanted into separate pot.


Young plants are replanted annually as they grow. Adult specimens migrate every three to four years. This is done during the active growing season from February to August. Anthurium does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so when transplanting, a thick layer of drainage is required at the bottom of the planting pots. The size of the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. Otherwise, the substrate may become waterlogged and sour, promoting root rot. The roots of “male happiness” are quite fragile, so care must be taken when transferring the bush into a new container. Plastic pots are better suited for anthuriums - in them the balance of air and soil temperatures is easier to maintain than when using ceramic containers. Purchased flowering plant can be replanted only after complete flowering.

Anthurium: care at home - soil, lighting, humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

To grow anthurium, you need a loose, moisture-permeable aerated substrate with a slightly acidic reaction (pH = 5-6). At the same time, it should not cake or compact. It is made from the following components: peat, cut sphagnum moss, turf or deciduous soil in proportions of 2:2:1. You can add crushed pine bark and coconut fiber for looseness. Anthurium also grows well in hydroponics.


The flamingo flower feels great in bright, diffused light. It would be optimal to place plants on window sills in eastern and western directions. On southern windows it is necessary to provide shading from direct sun.


In summer, the optimal temperature range for anthurium growth is +20-28ºС. In the autumn-winter period, the temperature is reduced to +15-16ºС. Some hybrids (for example, Scherzer) require a cooler regime (+12-16ºС) with a simultaneous reduction in watering for the formation of flower buds in winter. It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts. In order for the tropical “flamingo” to bloom earlier, from January they begin to gradually increase the temperature to +20-25ºС.

Air humidity

Like all epiphytes, anthurium loves high air humidity (up to 95%). In residential premises it is difficult to achieve this indicator. Although modern varieties of anthuriums Andre and Scherzer are quite resistant to the dry air of apartments, nevertheless, they must be sprayed daily with warm, settled water, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, and cover the aerial roots with sphagnum moss. At the same time, do not allow droplets of moisture to fall on the flowers, otherwise unsightly brown spots will form on them. Once a month, you can give your green pets a warm shower, after covering the substrate with the roots with polyethylene. To increase air humidity, it is recommended to place pots with plants on a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Conditions for flowering

In favorable conditions, anthurium can bloom for almost a whole year. The absence of flowering indicates errors in care:

The dormant period is not observed - in order to lay flower buds, the anthurium requires cool winter maintenance at +15-16ºС and reduced watering;

In autumn and winter, fertilizing should be stopped and, starting in February, resumed.

The lack of natural light, especially in winter, must be compensated for by illumination with phytolamps;

Incorrect pot size - in a large container the plant will not bloom until the roots fill the entire earthen volume. In this case, the anthurium is transplanted into a tighter pot.

The old substrate does not have enough nutrients for the plant to force buds. Therefore, it must be updated annually.

Low temperatures also prevent anthurium from flowering. To bring the plant out of the dormant period, it must be gradually increased to +20ºС, starting in February.

During the flowering period, all faded inflorescences must be cut off.

Anthurium: care at home - feeding and watering


Anthuriums are watered abundantly, but it is important not to flood the root system. By the next watering, the substrate should dry out by half the volume of the pot. Irrigation water is used that has been left standing for 24 hours (or better yet, filtered), at room temperature. Excess moisture is drained from the pan immediately after watering. To stimulate abundant winter flowering, watering is reduced from September. At the same time, the air temperature is reduced to +16-18ºС.

Top dressing

Anthuriums are fertilized during the active growing season once every 14-20 days. Due to the increased sensitivity of this Tropican to excess lime and mineral salts, fertilizers are applied at half the dose recommended on the package. As an organic fertilizer, the surface of the substrate is mulched with leaf humus or watered once a month with an infusion of mullein or chicken manure (1:10). During the flowering period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied for ornamental flowering plants (Agricola series, Bona forte, Pokon, Baikal, etc.).

Anthurium: care at home: why does it die? The main problems, diseases and pests when growing anthurium

Anthurium in indoor conditions most often dies from improper care.

Overmoistening of the substrate and low air temperature provoke the development of various root and stem rots caused by pathogenic soil fungi. Most common anthracnose– a disease in which brown spots appear on leaves and stems. As the process progresses, the leaves turn completely brown and dry out, ground part plants die. In the initial stage of anthracnose, the infected parts of the plant are removed, and the plant itself is sprayed with a fungicide (Oxyx, Acrobat MC) according to the instructions.

Anthurium anthracnose

Another “fungal scourge” of anthurium - white rot. It is characterized by discoloration of the lower leaves with the appearance of white plaque. Black sclerotia of the fungus are visible on the cut of the stem. The plant becomes infected through damaged roots. The disease progresses rapidly at low air temperatures or sudden changes in temperature and high humidity. To treat diseased plants, contact fungicides (Oxychom, Bordeaux mixture) or combined action (Rovral, Fundazol, Skor, Previkur, Profit) are used.

Of the pests, frequent guests of anthurium spider mite, scale insects, thrips. To combat them, acaricides (Akarin, Sunmite, Apollo, Actellik) and insecticides (Admiral, Aktara, Biotlin, Confidor Extra) are used.

If the bush begins to fall to one side, the young leaves are limp, and the old ones are covered with black-brown spots, then this indicates intense rotting of the root system. If the process is very advanced, it will not be possible to save the plant. If healthy tissue remains, they are cut off, sprayed with fungicide, wrapped in damp sphagnum and placed in a greenhouse for rooting.

Have the tips of the leaves darkened? This indicates that the water for irrigation is saturated with hardness salts. Use filtered or boiled water.

If the lower leaves have acquired a brown tint, this means that the plant is overfed with fertilizers. In this case, the anthurium must be transplanted into a new substrate or washed out the old one and stop feeding for at least 30 days. In the future, fertilize with half the dose recommended on the package.

Do anthurium leaves curl? This happens if the plant is in direct sun, in a draft or in low humidity.

Deformed flowers and leaves can occur when the plant is damaged by pests, lack of lighting, low temperature and humidity.

The appearance of small green blisters on the leaves is just a special physiological state of anthurium. This happens at high humidity and low temperature. It is recommended to reduce watering and move the plant to a warm place.

Sometimes you can notice that the anthurium is “crying” - droplets of water are dripping from the leaves. Don't be scared: this natural process, characteristic of many Tropicans, is called guttation. The plant, thus, through special water stomata of the leaves, gets rid of excess moisture after abundant watering and low light.