The benefits of air baths. How to make air baths for babies? How long to carry out the procedure? Dosing of air baths

  • 17.05.2019

>>> Air baths and fresh air

Some scientists compare the value of air for humans with the value of water for fish. There is much fairness in this comparison. No man can live without air, nor a fish without water. Based on this, according to some biologists, air baths are much more beneficial for humans than bathing in cold water. If you want to know more about this, read our article.

Air baths perfectly regulate the work nervous system. If you come home from work in a tense and irritated state, take an air bath. You will be surprised, but after a few minutes the tension will pass, your mood will improve, you will sleep better at night. It also turns out that air baths normalize blood pressure, help improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

What is the secret of the healing qualities of the air? Taking an air bath, we allow the skin to breathe. It is very important. After all, for days on end, the skin is hidden under many layers of clothing, oxygen is practically not supplied. And everyone knows that the skin also absorbs oxygen.

In addition, under the clothes, the air temperature is almost the same, it is approximately twenty-seven degrees. When you undress, the skin is suddenly exposed to a lower temperature. This is a wonderful exercise for blood vessels.

Doctors call air baths the most in a gentle way hardening. It is recommended to use it even for hardening newborn babies. Such procedures cannot cause any harm, and besides, they are easy to perform. Nothing is needed to take an air bath.

You can take an air bath completely naked, then it is a general air bath. And if you expose only the torso, or legs, then this will be a partial air bath.

Air baths are divided by temperature. They can be warm - more than twenty-two degrees, cool - from seventeen to twenty degrees and cold - below sixteen degrees.

You can take air baths lying down, sitting or moving. Most useful way It is, of course, in motion. In order for the air bath to have a result, you need to take off your clothes very quickly. As soon as you feel that you are shivering, if the skin turns blue or becomes covered with pimples, dress immediately.

After the air bath, you should immediately put on clothes that are slightly warmer than you usually wear in such weather. Clothing should be slightly warm, but in no case should you overheat and sweat. In addition, it is useful to lie on a hard surface with a roller under your head for a few minutes.

Air baths are best taken just before sunrise. But if you like to sleep longer - try to have time to carry out the procedure before ten o'clock in the morning. The course of procedures is one month daily, then three days of rest, and then again repeat a month of procedures. Such treatment should be carried out for up to three months in a row, but if you have a disease of the liver or other internal organs, then you may need to take air baths for more long time. If you are relatively healthy, then the duration of the first procedures can be up to half an hour at a temperature of fifteen to twenty degrees. You can add ten minutes every day until you reach two hours.

It is not advisable to carry out air baths in windy weather. This can provoke colds. Especially if you have just started hardening. It is very easy to get sick if you take air baths at low temperatures, and even at high humidity. In the event of precipitation or fog, as well as strong winds, air baths should not be carried out outdoors.

If you carry out air baths indoors, then these are the so-called contrast air baths. First you undress and open the windows - this is the cooling phase. During the warming phase, you must close the windows. So it should be alternated several times.

Sometimes, at first, air baths can make you want to itch or, for example, pain in the abdomen, or other unpleasant phenomena. This is only at first. In time, everything will pass. Don't do anything and don't stop.

If you want to harden your child, be very careful. In babies, thermoregulation is still very weak. How younger child the worse his thermoregulation. Before starting hardening, talk about this with your doctor.

First, teach your child to breathe fresh and cool air. Let the temperature in the room not exceed nineteen degrees. Don't wrap your baby. Neither at home nor on the street, he should not resemble a cocoon. Walk at least three hours a day in any weather. Enrich your child's diet with special children's vitamins and dietary supplements (biologically active supplements).

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Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists in the dosed effect of air on a naked body, protected from direct solar radiation.

At the same time, metabolism improves, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background calms down and normalizes, irritability decreases, appetite and sleep improve, mood rises and vigor is added. Blood pressure normalizes, blood flow accelerates, heart function and activity improve respiratory system. Protective capabilities increase and hardening of the body occurs, the risk of diseases decreases. Skin tone, color and structure are improved. Among other things, breathing in clean fresh air is in itself an incomparable joy and pleasure.
"You need to start air baths in the warm season, in summer. In the cold season, start taking air baths at home in a pre-ventilated room. As you harden, this procedure can be transferred to the street. "The best time to take air baths is in the morning before or after light breakfast or in the evening before dinner.If you want to take an air bath in the afternoon, then you need to do this an hour or two after dinner.
Leave on a minimum of clothes - a swimsuit, a topic with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will give a partial effect, it is better to stay naked at all. You should undress quickly so that the air bath affects the entire surface of the naked body at once and causes a quick energetic reaction of the body. Now sit down and just relax or read. If there is no time, then combine taking an air bath with doing household chores.
» An air bath should be a pleasure. The main thing here is well-being. Its duration depends on the air temperature and health status. “For a healthy person, the optimal air temperature is 15-20. Weak people should start at three minutes. For hardening, it is enough to increase the duration of the bath by 5-10 minutes from time to time. Average duration air bath at comfortable temperature air - half an hour.
Take air baths as often as possible during the day. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day. It is impossible to allow a feeling of chilliness, the appearance of "goosebumps". If you feel that you are freezing, get dressed immediately and get some exercise. In order not to be afraid of freezing, it is good to combine air baths with walking, running, gymnastic exercises, sports games.
Of course, the best air baths are where there are no industrial enterprises: near the forest, the sea or in the mountains. The ionized air of green areas is enriched with phytoncides - volatile ether compounds. In addition to a beneficial effect on the pulmonary system, phytoncides heal the heart, blood vessels, improve metabolism and tissue respiration, and have antimicrobial properties. Sea air enhances the absorption of ozone by the body, increases the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, stimulates mental and physical performance, improves sleep and appetite, and activates the immune system.
There are many tempering procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear overly warm clothes and expose your skin often. Sleep with the window open. Make it a rule, if the weather is good, to keep the windows open around the clock. In rainy or cold weather, ventilate the room at least three times a day.

Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists in the dosed effect of air on a naked body, protected from direct solar radiation.
The life of the human body can be represented as a metabolism, and metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances beneficial to the body. In addition, one of the main factors affecting a person is air temperature. The air layer between the body and clothing usually has a constant temperature of about 27-28 ° C, and as soon as the human body is freed from clothing, heat transfer immediately becomes more intense, and the skin begins to fully breathe.
Expose your body to air baths whenever possible. It's very simple and affordable way expose your skin to the beneficial effect of oxygen.
At the same time, metabolism improves, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background calms down and normalizes, irritability decreases, appetite and sleep improve, mood rises and vigor is added. Blood pressure normalizes, blood flow accelerates, the work of the heart and the activity of the respiratory system improve. Protective capabilities increase and hardening of the body occurs, the risk of diseases decreases. Skin tone, color and structure are improved. Among other things, breathing in clean fresh air is in itself an incomparable joy and pleasure.
Unfortunately, the specificity of the modern lifestyle is such that most of us spend a huge amount of time in artificially created atmospheres, being influenced by both heating devices with their drying effect and air conditioners. To top it off, the constant wearing of clothes does not allow the body to fully breathe, depriving the skin of the necessary amount of oxygen from the outside. Therefore, whenever possible, try to get rid of clothes and take an air bath. After all, staying in the air has practically no contraindications.
It is best to take air baths on outdoors And you need to start in the warm season, in summer. In the cold season, start taking air baths at home in a pre-ventilated area. As hardening, this procedure can be transferred to the street.
The optimal time for taking air baths is in the morning before or after a light breakfast or in the evening before dinner. If you want to take an air bath during the day, then you need to do this an hour or two after lunch.
Take off everything you can, leave only a minimum of clothes - a swimsuit, a top with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will give partial effect. It is much better, if the situation allows, to remain completely naked. You should undress quickly so that the air bath affects the entire surface of the naked body at once and causes a quick energetic reaction of the body.
Now sit down (better in a sun lounger in the shade of trees or under an awning) and just relax or read. If there is no time, then combine taking an air bath with doing the necessary household chores.
An air bath should be enjoyable. The main thing here is not time, but well-being. Its duration depends on the air temperature and the state of human health. For a healthy person, the optimal air temperature is 15-20 degrees. Weak people should start with three minutes. For hardening, it is enough to increase the duration of the bath by 5-10 minutes from time to time. The average duration of an air bath at a comfortable air temperature is half an hour. Take air baths as often as possible during the day. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day.
Regular air baths in the fresh air improve the tone, color and structure of the skin. Whenever possible, try to take off your clothes and let the fresh air blow over your body.
It is impossible to allow a feeling of chilliness, the appearance of "goosebumps". If you feel that you are freezing, get dressed immediately and get some exercise. In order not to be afraid of freezing, it is good to combine air baths with walking, running, gymnastic exercises, sports games. In this case, the air bath will be accompanied by muscular work and deep breathing.
Of course, the best air baths are where there are no industrial enterprises near the forests of the sea or in the mountains. The ionized air of green areas is enriched with phytoncides - volatile ethereal compounds produced by plants. In addition to a beneficial effect on the pulmonary system, phytoncides heal the heart, blood vessels, improve metabolism and tissue respiration, and have antimicrobial properties. Sea air, completely devoid of dust and saturated with negative ions, salts and ozone, enhances the absorption of ozone by the body, increases the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells, stimulates mental and physical performance, improves sleep and appetite, and activates the immune system.
Of course, air procedures are not limited to being outdoors during the warm season. There are many tempering procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear overly warm clothes and expose your skin often. Sleep with the window open.
At home, try to wear clothes made from natural fibers. Fabrics made from natural fibers keep us warm in winter and, on the contrary, cool the body in hot summer, while synthetics are in disharmony with temperature. environment and has the opposite effect.
It is necessary if the weather is good to keep the windows open around the clock. In rainy or cold weather, ventilate the room at least three times a day. If it is possible to rest, sleep, eat outdoors - try to do so.

All parents have certainly heard about how hardening is beneficial for the health of their child, starting from a very early age. Many people imagine hardening in the form of extreme dipping into an ice hole, taking a contrast shower or dousing ice water. In fact, in the case of infants, these can be daily routines: walking in the air, doing gymnastics, air baths, swimming, water baths, etc. The whole process of hardening occurs with the help of air, water and sun.

Air procedures have practically no contraindications and are equally useful for all babies, however, consulting a doctor and determining the optimal hardening strategy with his help will be useful.

In fact, these bathtubs are one of the most effective methods hardening of newborns at an early age. They pose absolutely no danger to the health and life of the baby, and are very easy to perform. It is enough to leave the child naked for a certain time.

The main goal pursued by this procedure is to activate the protective functions of the body of newborns, which will help to cope with all the dangers in the dangerous environment in which they enter after birth. Protective, thermoregulatory and other functions of the child's body are laid down at the stage prenatal development. To awaken, improve and strengthen them, hardening is required, and as one of the methods of this complex concept, air baths are required.

Many parents make the mistake of constantly wrapping the child up, immersing him in a hot and dry environment and creating a hothouse creature out of him.

At the same time, they may not even realize that by doing so they create the prerequisites for the atrophy of all the protective functions of the body of their baby and leave him completely defenseless against external viruses, bacteria and other dangers. So the child remains painful and short-lived for life.

The main methods of hardening

Baby can take air baths different ways. The most common are the following:

  • air ventilation in the room;
  • finding the baby naked in the room;
  • walks in the fresh air: wakefulness and sleep.

As for the ventilation of the room, cross-ventilation is considered the best option. In this case, the baby must be temporarily removed from the room. To ensure free circulation of air from the street, you can open the window and the door at the same time. When the room is filled with fresh air and the temperature in the room drops by a couple of degrees, the child can be brought back. It is not worth dressing him in warmer clothes, as all the effect of airing and taking a fresh bath will be lost.

The regularity of airing the child's room in winter should be at least 4 times a day. The duration of ventilation in the cold season should be 10-15 minutes.

Walks in the fresh air should be carried out regularly. At the same time, the time of year does not matter at all, since it is always necessary to walk, dressing the baby in accordance with the weather conditions, but not wrapping up.

It is possible to start taking out a newborn to fresh air from 2-3 weeks of age. Be sure to ensure that the air temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. The duration of the first walks should be 10-15 minutes. Gradually, this time can be increased, evenly bringing up to 2 hours. It is best to walk outside with a regularity of 2-3 times a day in between feedings.

Babies up to the age of 1.5 years are recommended to sleep in the fresh air. During daytime sleep on the street, you will notice how calmly and naturally he will rest, breathe evenly and what pink tone acquire facial skin. All this indicates that the baby is comfortable and good at taking air procedures. Discomfort will be signaled by restless behavior, turning blue in the skin (if cold), as well as damp, sweaty skin (if hot).

Regarding the last method of hardening a child - taking a bath naked, it should be noted that in this way the baby has the following:

  • the conditions for heat exchange are improved;
  • increased oxygen uptake;
  • improves the well-being of the nervous system;
  • the baby sleeps well, eats and behaves calmly.

Babies under the age of 1 year can be left unswaddled for some time. The air temperature in the room should be normal from +18 to +20 degrees. It is very appropriate to combine this procedure with gymnastics, and in summer with sunbathing. The regularity of performing air baths is initially 2 times a day for 3 minutes, bringing the time gradually to 10 minutes.

It is very important not to ignore the signs of hypothermia in a child, for example, the appearance of goose bumps. At the first appearance of suspicions that the baby is cold, procedure should be stopped..

Important hardening rules

The durability of the positive effect will be maximum if you follow the basic rules of hardening:

  • carry out regularly and systematically;
  • consistently lower the air temperature during hardening;
  • it is best to carry out procedures when the child is in a good mood;
  • it is necessary to exclude the possibility of hypothermia.

Thus, with the help of simple and very effective procedures, you can increase the protective functions of the child's body.

The fact is that the layer of air between clothes and our skin usually has a constant temperature of 27-28 ° C. As soon as we get rid of clothes, the intensity of heat transfer and heat generation increases.

At the same time, metabolic processes, blood oxygen saturation, muscle and nervous system tone are enhanced, breathing improves. In addition, blood pressure normalizes, sleep, appetite and even mood improve.

How to take air baths: step by step instructions

  • The optimal time to start air baths is in the summer, and in the morning.
  • This can be done indoors with windows open, or outdoors if there is no wind.
  • Suitable air temperature for beginners is from 22 ° C. At first, 10-15 minutes are enough, then add 10-20 minutes every day, bringing up to two hours.
  • After that, you can gradually reduce the temperature. Air baths are warm (more than 22 degrees), cool (17-20 degrees) and cold (less than 16 degrees).
  • It is preferable to take an air bath on the move, and take off your clothes quickly. If you feel chilly, get dressed.
  • During the air bath, sweating should not be allowed.
  • Try combining an air bath with gymnastics or barefoot walking.
  • After the air bath, put on clothes slightly warmer than you usually wear in such weather, and lie down on a hard surface with a bolster under your head.
  • In addition to morning baths, you can arrange these procedures before dinner.
  • Ideal if you can take air baths by the sea, in the mountains or near the forest. The air there is enriched with phytoncides - volatile compounds with antimicrobial properties. They are also beneficial for the lungs, heart, blood vessels and metabolism. On the coast, ozone is better absorbed, due to which the level of hemoglobin increases, immunity is strengthened, and working capacity is stimulated.
  • If it is cold outside, there is precipitation or fog, and strong wind, - air baths are transferred to the room so as not to get sick.

Air baths are recommended for infants, but they should be carried out taking into account the difference between children's thermoregulation and adults. In order for the child to tolerate air baths well, accustom him to fresh and cool air. Do not wrap the baby either at home or on the street. Ventilate the room more often, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 19-20 ° C. Play with him for as long as possible.

People with poor health should start air baths from three minutes a day.

The duration of the course of baths is usually a month, then a three-day break, and again a month of procedures, and so on up to three months. But if there is liver disease or other internal organs, it is recommended to prolong treatment.

Air procedures are only the first step to hardening. Having mastered them, you can safely move on to water.