Observation 2 junior in fgos. Card file of walks for children of the second younger group

  • 30.09.2019


Expand children's ideas about the sky and the sun in spring.

To develop the ability of children to notice causal investigative links. Activate the names of colors in the speech of children.

Promote development fine motor skills, imagination.

To promote the development of motor activity, response to a signal. To form in children an interest in the phenomena of spring weather.

Continue to teach children to determine the state of the weather, introduce some characteristic features spring.

Pay attention to the beauty of spring weather.

In a group:

Educator (V.):

Nature came alive around

Waking up from sleep.

From the blue sky

Spring has come with the sun!

V .: - In the spring, you really want to take a walk, expose your face to the bright rays of the sun. Do you want to go for a walk and meet a forest guest? Then get dressed, and we will go to meet him!

Exit to the street.

Progress of the walk

Stage 1 (game moment)

Target: creating a positive emotional background.

Walking with a character is aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological relief for children, and meeting their need for motor activity.

Children become in a circle.

V .: - Guys, close your eyes to find yourself in a forest clearing.

So we found ourselves in a forest clearing. It looks like someone is hiding in the bushes. Guess what kind of forest animal?

I stood up like a column under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head? (bunny)

That's right guys!

V .: - Let's tell the bunny: “Do not be afraid of us, coward, come out, play with us, we will not offend you! "(Invite one of the children to find a bunny and pick up a toy)

Stage 2 (mobile game):

Before the walk with the children, a lesson was held that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress. In this regard, the sequence of structural components of this walk begins with an outdoor game.

The mobile game "The gray bunny is sitting."

Target: Expand the motor experience of children, improve existing skills in basic movements; develop agility, speed, endurance; to form independence, activity, positive interaction with peers. Game content:

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears

That's it, that's it, and he moves his ears (show ears with fingers)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

Gotta warm up the paws

That's it, that's it, you need to warm up your paws (clap your hands)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jump)

Bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny: Bunny jumped and galloped away. (children run away)

V .: -That's how nicely they played with the bunny, now he is not afraid of us at all! The teacher pays attention to what the bunny said in his ear.

(Oh, how hot I got!)

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, why do you think it became hot for the hare? (Answers of children).

V .: - Look guys at the sky.

Stage 3 (observation): The sequence of this stage of the walk corresponds to the principle of rationality of the alternation of types of activity (from dynamic to static), which implies the replacement of one of its types by another fundamentally different in the nature of the impact on the body. In this case, each new regime moment turns into a kind of rest. Sky watching

Target: Continue exploring different natural phenomena; to teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Observation progress:

Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is (clear, blue), which means that the weather is clear, sunny. And if the sky is covered with clouds, what is it like? (gloomy gray, not joyful). What is the weather? (Cloudy, the sun is covered by clouds) Riddles for children (thinking development):

Blue, blue, very close, dear,

Seems like a stone's throw, but we can't get it. (sky)

Shines for adults, shines for children, warms everyone in the world,

Warm, radiant, bright golden. (Sun)

Fluffy fleece walks across the sky,

The wind will drive them, they run away (clouds)

The lady floats across the sky, gloomy, angry.

Wipes the nose, sheds tears. (cloud and rain)

V .: -And today the sun is shining brightly in the sky, let's stretch our hands to the sun and say hello to the sun:

Good morning, Sunshine!

Guys, what do you think will happen if clouds appear in the sky? (children's answers) - That's right, the sun will hide and it will rain. Stage 4 (independent play activity of children)

Target: to teach children to find an occupation of interest, to unite in the game with comrades; to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children. During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received in the process of GCD, walks, Everyday life learn about the work of adults. It happens in the process role-playing games. The teacher draws the attention of the bunny to a basket with portable material.

V .: -Oh, how many toys are here! Now I will distribute them to the guys at will, who wants to play with what toy. Offer balls, cars, steering wheels, buckets, hoops, turntables, scoops, molds, colored crayons for games.

Stage 5 (individual work on the development of movements): - with Sasha P. Nastya X. Vlad Sh. Katya U. - continue to learn to throw and catch the ball with both hands. - exercise in jumping forward Masha T. Leroux K. Ellin K. Sasha E.

Stage 6 (labor activity):

On a walk, the tasks of not only mental, moral, physical, aesthetic, but also labor education are solved. The inclusion of children in the implementation of the first labor assignments enriches each of the kids. He learns to respect and appreciate the work of other people and come to their aid, learns the rules for performing work tasks, acquires the skills to use tools. When performing labor actions, such personal qualities, as self-confidence, independence, initiative, the ability to bring the work begun to the end. Build positive relationships with peers. Garbage collection at the site "Collect garbage in a bucket."

Target: teach to keep cleanliness and order on the site; accustom to accuracy; encourage adults to help.

V .: -What good fellows guys, nice work. - Nature came to life around, waking up from sleep. Spring has come to us from the blue sky with the sun. - Guys, the hare and I want to give you spring gifts (sun medals) as a keepsake. The teacher gives the children medals-suns (gifts of spring) and invites them to return to Kindergarten.

V .: -Guys, our walk through the forest clearing has come to an end, let's say goodbye to the hare, he was very interesting and fun with us. Let's say goodbye to Zainka, close our eyes and go back to our favorite kindergarten.

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Card file of walks for children of the second youngest
Compiled by: Zhemchuzhnikova
Irina Viktorovna


is a very important regime moment in the life of children in a preschool educational institution.
The purpose of the walk is to improve health, prevent fatigue, physical
and mental
development of children, restoration of those reduced in the process of activity
functional resources
Goals of the walk:
Physical development of children - walking is the most accessible
means of hardening the child's body, helps to increase its
endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences,
especially for colds.
Optimization of motor activity - on a walk, children move a lot,
and movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, improve appetite. Children
learn to overcome obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous,
courageous and resilient. They develop motor skills and abilities,
the muscular system is strengthened, vitality is increased.
Mental development of children - children get a lot of new experiences and
knowledge about the environment: about the work of adults, about transport, about the rules of the street
movements, etc. from observations they learn about the features of seasonal changes in
nature, notice the connections between various phenomena, establish
elemental dependency. Observations are of interest, questions that
they are looking for an answer. All this develops observation, expands
ideas about the environment, awakens the thought and imagination of children.
Solving the problems of moral education - acquaintance with the native village, its
sights, the work of adults, the importance of work for the lives of children.
Familiarization with the environment contributes to the education of children's love for their native
village. Kids work in the flower garden - they bring up diligence, love and
respect for nature. They learn to notice its beauty. abundance in nature
colors, shapes, sounds, their combination, repetition and variability - all this
evokes joy in children.

autumn period
Card #1
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Observations for
Arriving at the group site, with the help of an adult
look at objects in the area
highlight the features of objects, their qualities and

Development in children
cognitive interests.
presentation of objects
the nearest environment.
We walked, walked, walked
What did we find...
Looked, considered and moved on.
Outdoor games
with a run on
orientation to
p / games "Birds fly"
Children - "birds" sit on the bench,
placed behind the drawn line. into words
teacher: “Ay, the birds have flown!” birds fly
all over the site, whoever wants where. into words
educator: "The birds flew into the nests" children
rush and sit on their chairs. caregiver
names the most dexterous and fastest bird, which
the first to fly to its nest. The game is repeated.
Remote games

Develop the ability to walk with each other, holding on to each other

With the help of a rhyme, we
looking at things,
we came across along the way.
Continue to develop running in
different directions, no
trying to find your
house, act on
Navigate to
Develop desire in children
play on your own.
Develop basic skills
educate children
desire to help

leaf fall.
Card #2
"Golden Rain"
The ground is full of foliage. This is because they are flying.
leaves from trees and shrubs. There seems to be no wind, but
the leaves keep falling and falling to the ground. This is leaf fall.
Leaf fall occurs in autumn. Birds fly to warmer climes.
And the leaves also want to fly away with the birds.
Many leaves come off the branches, but they do not
they can fly far. Here they fall to the ground
Golden Rain. You won't see rain like this any other time
of the year. Only autumn pleases us with golden rain. And the leaves
differentdifferent! Let's pick up a piece of paper and
Let's say what color it is.
An adult helps each child determine
which tree the leaf fell, its color and shape. Can
offer to compare the leaves by size. For this they
it is better to lay out in a row on a bench or table. If
allow weather conditions, offer color
draw leaves on the pavement with crayons.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Pin views
children about autumn time
years: fly around the last
leaves, on their trees
there is less and less
less. encourage
enter into the game
interaction with
He has been hanging on a branch since spring,
Was green - turned yellow
Only a slight wind blew
He has already flown.
running games
in space.
Games with
p / and "Sparrows and the car"
Children stand behind a line drawn on the ground or
marked with sticks is a house.
The teacher with a hoop in his hands on the opposite
side. Sparrow children jump over the line and
running around in different directions. into words
educator, "the car is driving, fly into the nests"
sparrows run into the house.
independent activities at the choice of children.
labor on the site to put the toys in the basket
Cultivate interest in
poetic word.
run in different
directions, not
bumping to find
your house, act
on signal
Develop desire in children
play on your own.
Develop skills
basic movements.
educate children
desire to help

Card #3
The autumn wind roars along the paths. He is cold and
a little angry. Why was the autumn wind angry?
He used to play with the leaves on the trees. And now the trees
flew around, got wet and became heavy. Do not play with the wind
leaves. He loved the wind to play with the birds. But the birds
which ones flew south, and which from the autumn weather
hid. Do not play with the wind with the birds. loved the wind
play with balloons and toys
turntables. And the guys don't walk with balloons
and turntable toys. Do not play with the wind with them.
Only windmills are still framing
wind your palms.
The autumn wind began to play with the autumn clouds. will catch
a cloud in the sky, will drive it over the city begins to push into
sides. The cloud will cry with pouring rain. Will see autumn
wind passers-by with bright umbrellas. Fly in and let's go
take away umbrellas. Passers-by hold their umbrellas tightly. BUT
the autumn wind is even more angry. Fly up to the tree, start
shake branches. Branches on the glass of the windows are beating, people are in the way.
The clouds will catch up, Following the summer, autumn comes.
howls, blows. The wind sings yellow songs to her,
He roams the world, spreads red leaves under his feet,
sings and whistles. White snowflake flies into the blue
(wind) (V. Stepanov)
"Birds in the nest"
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Discover and expand
ideas about
air properties.
Cultivate interest in
inanimate phenomena
nature. encourage
enter into the game
interaction with
develop speech,
activity, learning
navigate in
Independent activity at the choice of children.
Learn to play together.
autumn wind.
Outdoor games
with a run on
orientation to
Games with
Walking exercises. Walking with tasks
adult: turn, go around objects, "snake".

individual work
for the development of basic
educate children
desire to help

Card number 4
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Pin views
children about insects. Teach
analyze and do
conclusions based on
personal experience.
"Insects in Autumn"
autumn rules the earth. Puts his order in
cities and villages, in the forest and on the river. Autumn birds in
long journey. Bear, badger and hedgehog
laid to sleep. Those with fright hid in all directions.
Only wasps still fly boldly despite
autumn chill. The wasps have made a home for themselves
barn roof. It is better not to approach their dwelling.
Wasps wake up early in the morning when it's cold and fly
to the bee hive. bees cool autumn
in the morning they are still sleeping and the wasp robbers at this time can
steal honey from bees.
Wasps are evil because they failed to steal from
hardworking honey bees. Better from the striped evil ones
os stay away.
Wasps are yellower by autumn,
Striped and meaner
Apparently, grandmother's compote
It does not give them rest.
And jam, and jam
We have, and they
It's a shame.
(V. Stepanov)
Outdoor games. Mobile game "Wind and leaves"
Remote games
independent activities at the choice of children.
Cultivate interest in
poetic word.
Learn to run
bumping into each other
develop motor
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
Balance exercises. plank walking,

Develop basic skills
work on the site to collect twigs
educate children
desire to help

Card number 5
What kind of tree? Do you like it? And how are you
Do you think this maple is already big or still small?
An adult explains the difference between an adult
tree and young tree. Children are considering
maple leaves, conclude what they are
(light green or dark green, different, similar
on the palm of a person), determine the size,
applying to the palm, etc.
Maple is very pretty. Autumn picked for him
lovely lace dress. Maple his dress
Like. Birds fly by, maple is their own
lace shows. Boys pass by
girls, he them their pockets with seeds
shows with airplanes. Calling the kids:
"Play with my airplanes!"
Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Somewhere summer is lost.
Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind blew the leaves off the maple tree.
New carpet underfoot
Yellow pink - maple.
(V. Avdienko)
Outdoor games
with a run on
orientation to
Remote games
independent activities at the choice of children.
individual work on the development of the main
work on the site to collect twigs
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Continue acquaintance
children with native trees
the edges. Instill love for
trees, the desire to save
develop speech,
cultivate interest in
poetic word.
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
bumping into each other
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
Develop basic skills
educate children
desire to help

after autumn
Card #6
Outside, after rain, the air is fresh and clean.
Breathe in the air. What did you feel? Air
cool and pleasant.
Look around. Everything is so clean. Take a look at
weed. What can be said about her? What is she?
What is the path like after the rain? Yes, the track too
wet. It rained on the ground with wet heels,
ran errands, scattered his droplets everywhere
Let's look for his wet footprints. Where did you walk
rain? On a bench, on flowers, on a ladder. Everywhere.
Everything around was clean and bright. And the grass is wet, and
the paths are wet, there are damp benches. rain everything
washed around.
And now everything around is clean and bright. What do you have
running games
orientation to
Games with
i work.
"Cold Rain"
The rain splashed over fresh puddles,
And now he sits with a cold.
Rain, dry your feet
Somewhere in the wilderness
Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere
In the wilderness.
Vocabulary: hosted
"Needle, thread, knot"
"Yasha and Masha"
Making "pips" from wet sand
the help of plastic buckets and molds.
Balance exercises. Walking in a straight line
limited track (width 1520 cm, length 22.5
m) with the heel of one foot attached to the toe of the other.
work on the site to collect twigs
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Develop the ability to build
simple sentences.
Work on development
speech through
involvement in communication.
Cultivate love for
native land.
Security basics
If it's raining outside, then
need to go out
walk with an umbrella.
Must wear
waterproof clothing and
shoes. Cool in autumn.
From the cold you can
catch a cold and get sick.
But if it's right
dress up then walk
will be long and pleasant.
Develop language, educate
interest in poetry
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
bumping into each other
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
Develop basic skills
educate children
desire to help

Card number 7
Everyone regrets parting with migratory birds.
They are called migratory because they fly to
warmer climes. In hot southern countries it is very warm,
rivers and lakes never freeze there. No on earth
thick layer of snow. Around juicy green grass. IN
there are many berries, seeds, insects in warm regions. This is feed
for birds. And we are hungry during the winter cold
birds. So they gather in flocks and fly south.
Geese, ducks, rooks, swans fly away. Fly to warm
crane countries. You can only hear their sad: “Kurly
curls." People say: “The cranes are cooing, with their native
forgive the earth."
Vocabulary: cursing.
The birds are escorted on the road by the forest:
A long echo flies into the sky.
Birds are escorted on the road by meadows:
The grass grew into large stacks.
Even after them, as if by a wing,
The scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.
(V. Steanov)
Leaves fall from aspens
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Refine ideas about
migratory birds
(crane, swallow, duck,
goose, swan, pelican).
Activate Dictionary
toddlers: develop
dialogic speech.
Cultivate love for
nature native land.
Develop language, educate
interest in poetry
Learn to solve riddles.
The cold scares them so much
Fly to warm countries
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who gathered in flocks?
running games
orientation to
Game "Heron, heron, crane"
Because of distant lands
A crane flew to us.
Wooed a gray heron.
Wooed a white heron.
independent activities at the choice of children.
Games with
naya work.
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
colliding with each other.
develop attention,
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.

Develop basic skills
Walking step forward.
work on the site to collect twigs
educate children
desire to help adults.

in the garden.
Card number 8
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Develop desire
children to join the work,
become helpers
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
We came to the garden. What does not grow here! BUT
who planted all this? (Children's answers.) Vegetables on
garden is guarded by a scarecrow garden. It scares
Look how beautiful everything is in the beds. Who
removed the weeds? (Children's answers.) Cleaning weeds
called weeding. Who swept the paths?
(Children's answers.) Why do you need to put things in order?
What happens if you don't clean up?
Harvesting is the collection of vegetables in the garden and
picking fruit in the garden. Who cleans vegetables and
fruit? (Children's answers.) What is this for?
(Children's answers.) Do children help adults?
What mood will everyone have after picking vegetables and
fruits? What can be prepared from the collected
People are surprised:
What is a wonderland?
There are radishes and lettuce here,
Onion, parsley and spinach.
Tomatoes cucumbers
They ripen together - well done!
Both potatoes and cabbage
They grow densely in the beds.
And everyone says in unison:
“We grow up here for the guys.
For diligence and hard work
The harvest will be collected."
(E. Erato)
Standing in the garden
Does not say anything.
He does not take
And he doesn't give it to the crows.
(garden scarecrow)
running games
orientation to
Games with
Game "Collecting Carrots"
Hey girls and boys!
Hey, eared bunnies!
Do not be lazy! Do not snooze!
And collect carrots!
We will pick carrots
And we'll take it to the closet.
The toothy wolf came running
He scared everyone on the field.
independent activities at the choice of children.
Basic types of movements: Exercises in walking.
Walking on toes.
work on the site to collect twigs
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
colliding with each other.
develop attention,
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
Develop basic skills
educate children

desire to help adults.

in flower beds
around the area.
Card #9
Autumn brought a lot of bright colors. Let's
let's look up. On trees and shrubs
smart clothes: yellow, red, orange,
green. Now let's see what colors
splashed Autumn on the flower beds.
How many beautiful flowers! Look, it's
Flower Kingdom! Princes reign here
Dahlias. Here they are sitting on their throne surrounded by
faithful courtiers. Tall handsome Dahlias
nod majestically to the Gladiolus soldiers, who
guard the peace of the Flower Kingdom. Along the tracks
burning lanterns Nasturtium. They greet everyone
who comes to the Flower Kingdom. multicolored
Asters wave their heads with balloons. They are also happy
see new friends. And here are the fluffy lumps
Chrysanthemums wave their green leaves with their hands.
How beautiful you are, Flower Kingdom!
My garden withers every day
It is crumpled, broken and empty.
Even if it blooms luxuriantly
Nasturtium in it is a fiery bush ...
(A. Maikov)
Astra, probably everyone will know.
It grows in the garden and in the country.
Delicate flower, a little shaggy,
There are many leaves on a thin stem.
Children go to school in autumn
Asters are brought to the teacher as a gift!
And I look like a star
The name is translated as such.
I bloom in early autumn
To get into bouquets for schoolgirls.
running games
"Horned Goat"
on the
orientation to
Games with
i work.
independent activities at the choice of children.
an adult draws a simple pattern in the sand with a stick or
"Continue Pattern"
geometric figure. You can take a flower
topic. Be sure to remember that such activities are not
should be long. Praise your child for
imagination and diligence.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Refine your idea of
autumn colors.
Cultivate interest in
poetic word.
Activate the dictionary
thinking, imagination.
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
colliding with each other.
develop attention,
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
motor development,
imagination, fantasies,
willingness to cooperate with
adults and peers.
work on the site: collect twigs
educate children

colors (like
has changed
leaves, herbs
Card number 10
"Seamstress Autumn"
An adult attracts the attention of children by the following
We are in a fairy forest. How beautiful everything is! Here
castle of the sorceress of Autumn (it can be a gazebo or
terrace). And this (points around) her workshop, where
she works wonders. Now we're walking through
workshop of the sorceress Autumn and see what she
managed to create with her magic needle, what
I sewed clothes for trees and bushes.
Autumn took golden threads, picked up
wonderful fabrics. Cut with wonderful scissors
fabrics into small multi-colored shreds and handed out
outfits for girlfriends of trees.
So that the little earth winters without hassle,
Autumn sews a patchwork quilt for her.
The leaf is neatly sewn to the leaf,
The stitch adjusts with a pine needle.
Leaves to choose from - any will come in handy.
Here next to the crimson lilac lies down,
Although very golden to the taste of the seamstress,
Will fit and brown, and even spotted.
The thread of the web fastens them carefully.
More beautiful than this, you will not find pictures.
(T. Gusarova)
running games
Game "Tailors"
game "sparrows and a cat from the window"
on the
Games with
Invite children to use colorful autumn
leaves, rowan berries, ranetok decorate your sand
compositions of the building.
desire to help adults.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Create the atmosphere of a fairy tale and
enter the world of autumn colors
and sounds. Develop
imagination, play
thinking. Bring up
interest in poetry
Cultivate interest in
poetic word.
Activate the dictionary
thinking, imagination.
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
colliding with each other.
develop attention,
develop creative
fantasy, nurture
children's desire to play
together, help a friend
naya work.
individual work on the development of the main
Develop basic skills
movements: Exercises in walking. Walking ordinary
work on the site: collect twigs, dry leaves,
sweep the tracks.
educate children
desire to help adults.

late autumn.
running games
on the
orientation to
Games with
i work.
Card number 11
"Late fall"
The summer has passed. Autumn has come. First autumn was
sunny, warm. Colored leaves fell.
This autumn people call golden.
Then it got colder and colder. walked more often
rain. The sky became more cloudy. Leaves on
the trees were getting smaller. The birds have flown to
warmer climes. People got warmer clothes.
There were no leaves left on the trees. They only ate
pines, cedars and firs delight people with their green
outfits. Already sometimes in the puddles in the morning appears
thin ice. The sun warms the earth less and less.
The sky is grey, gloomy. It's late autumn.
branches darkened,
Fog from the water.
The wind drives the clouds
From cold countries.
Summer is on its way
The forest was soaked through.
Cranberries in the swamp
Looking for an old moose.
(V. Stepanov)
In the blue thicket - a scarlet ball,
He is bright and hot.
(sky and sun)
Good, good. Looks at everyone
but does not want to look at himself.
Game "Poplar"
Poplar stands
He is both thin and tall.
It bakes with the sun
Frequent rain cuts,
The violent wind is blowing,
Topolechek tilts,
And he rings a poppy
And cheerful is worth it.
independent activities at the choice of children.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Continue to introduce
children with signs of late
autumn. Teach children
compare and draw conclusions
based on personal
experience. Learn to guess
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
Develop motor
activity, learn to run
colliding with each other.
develop attention,
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
individual work on the development of the main
Develop basic skills
movements: Balance exercises. walking on
ribbed board.

work on the site: collect twigs, carefully fold
toys on the shelves, sweep the floor on the veranda.
educate children
desire to help adults.
native land in
Card number 12
"Golden autumn"
Golden autumn begins. The most beautiful time of autumn.
Trees in fabulous decoration. The days are sunny
and overcast, cold and warm. The leaf fall has begun.
Spinning in a multi-colored round dance autumn leaves
and flew through the air. Birds flew away to warmer climes
(geese, ducks, starlings, swallows). admire
the beauty of autumn nature. What signs do you know
autumn? What does a person do in autumn? How
do animals adapt to life in autumn?
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
clarify submissions
children about golden autumn,
accumulate emotionally
sensory experience.
Autumn on the edge of the paint bred
I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.
The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,
In autumn purple only green oak
Autumn consoles: “Do not regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
I am a ruddy Matryoshka
I won't tear myself away from my friends
I'll wait until Matryoshka
Falls into the grass.
"From bump to bump."
independent activities at the choice of children.
Remote material: children's rake, cubes for

running games
on the
Games with
i work.
individual work on the development of the main
movements: Exercises in walking. Walking on toes.
cut broken branches with the children
trees. Loosen the earth with a rake, pouring it to
tree roots, explain why this is done.
develop skill
jump on two legs
moving forward,
ability to crawl under
arc; dexterity;
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
the plot of the game.
Develop basic skills
cultivate desire
participate in the care
instill careful

relation to nature.

the sun.
Card #13
On a sunny day, invite the children to look in
window. The sun looks out the window, Looks into our
room. We clap our hands, We are very happy
the sun.
When entering the site, draw the attention of the children to
warm weather. (Today the sun is shining -
The sun is huge and hot. Heats the whole
earth by sending rays to it. Take it to the street
a small mirror and say the sun has sent
his ray for the children to play with.
Point the beam at the wall.
Sunbeams play on the wall
Beckon them with your finger - let them run to you.
Here it is a bright circle, here, here, to the left, to the left -
ran to the ceiling.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
work out
the notion that
when the sun shines on
the street is warm;
keep joyful
Autumn continues with October
The leaves are showered with golden rain.
Often the sky frowns at the sun in reproach.
Sweeping the streets janitor breeze.
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
running games
on the
orientation to
Games with
Game with a sun bunny: "Catch a bunny!" (According to
team of children try to catch him.)
"Mice in the pantry."
learning to run is easy
bumping into each other
move according to
text, quickly change
direction of travel
"Get in the circle."

buckets, owls.
improve skill
act with objects;
learn to hit the target;
develop an eye
naya work.
individual work on the development of the main
movements: Exercises in walking. walking with
Develop basic skills
performing adult tasks: with a stop,
collection of stones on the site.
educate children
desire to help adults.

Card #14
How can we recognize a birch among other trees? What
the color of the birch trunk? (White with black spots.)
What parts of birch do you still know? (trunk, branches,
ren.) What color is the branch? Why a tree root?
What color are birch leaves in autumn? (Yellow.) What
what colors were they in summer? (Green.) Look what
beautiful tree! It is tall and slender. Him
thin white trunk, with black stripes. How are you
what do you think they are for? (Through these tree strips
breathes). Flexible thin branches. The wind loves
fly to the birch and play with its branches. twigs
bend to the ground, and then straighten again.
Look how beautiful golden leaves
appeared on the birch. They are like gold coins.
fall to the dark earth. Be harsh in winter, if in
mid-October there are still leaves on the birch. When
a leaf from a birch falls cleanly, the year will be fruitful
Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,
The leaves on the birch burn with gold.
Do not hear the cheerful songs of the nightingale,
Birds flew away to warmer climes.
He has been hanging on a branch since spring,
Was green - turned yellow
Only a slight wind blew
He has already flown.
running games
on the
"From bump to bump."
"Sparrows and the car".
Games with
independent activities at the choice of children.
Remote material: children's rake, cubes for
outdoor games, sand toys, dolls,
dressed for the weather, prams for dolls, cars.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
clarify the characteristic
tree signs,
fix the names of the parts.
learn to compare things.
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
develop children's skills
jump on two legs
moving forward;
accustom to observe
traffic rules
consolidate knowledge about
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
game plot
th work.
individual work on the development of the main
movements: Walking with the fulfillment of tasks of an adult:
Develop basic skills
turn, go around objects, "snake".
sweeping the path leading to the site.
teach right

Card #15
Invite the children to watch the clouds,
Explain that clouds are made up of water droplets.
Invite each child to choose the most
the cloud you like and follow where it floats,
moving fast or slow. Let everyone
the child will give his cloud a name.
Today I saw myself:
The elephant was walking in the sky!
purple ink,
Not in the rainforests
And here, over our land
The elephant loitered in the sky.
In the blue he importantly swam
Even blocked the sun.
White horses jump across the sky
The sun is closed, the water is spilled.
running games
"Sun and Rain"
"From bump to bump."
on the
orientation to
Games with
independent activities at the choice of children.
Remote material: scoops, molds for
sandboxes, cars, cubes for games, chalk, gloves.
use whisks,
cultivate industriousness.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
introduce various
natural phenomena;
- show diversity
water conditions in
- form creative
relation to the matter.
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
learn to walk and run
scattered, not
bumping into each other;
train them quickly
act on a signal
help each other.
learn to jump on
two legs;
jump from high
items, gently
land by bending
legs at the knees;
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
game plot
i work.
individual work on the development of the main
Develop basic skills
movements: Exercises in walking. Walking in a column
circle without holding hands.
collection of fallen leaves and other debris on the site.
accustom to observe

Card #16
Watch the dogs being walked by their owners.
Describe the appearance of the animal and its
behavior. (The dog is very attached to the person, she
guards his house, goes hunting with him.)
running games
on the
orientation to
Grumbled a living castle,
Lie across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not come into the house.
Friendly with the owner
The house is guarded.
Lives under the porch
Ring tail.
"Shaggy dog".
"Running - catch-up."
Games with
"To whom is the flag?"
molds, toys, chalk, cars.
order in the field
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
give an idea of
dog, her appearance,
cultivate love for
Learn to solve riddles.
Cultivate interest in
poetic word.
learn to move
according to the text
change quickly
direction of movement;
- run around trying not to
get caught by the driver.
learn to coordinate
actions with actions
practice jumping
moving forward,
climbing into a hoop;
- develop dexterity
naya work.
individual work on the development of the main
Develop basic skills
movements: Exercises in walking. Walking side-by-side
step forward.
work on the site: raking dry leaves in
a certain place.
teach right
use a rake

Card #17
At the site, the teacher invites the children to find
tree listening to a poem.
You can always find her in the forest
- Go for a walk and meet.
It is prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.
Lead the children to the tree.
Draw their attention to the characteristic features.
(Instead of leaves, needles, always green, branches
long at the bottom, short at the top.)
walk throughout the kindergarten and find
ate. Explain that the higher the spruce, the older it is.
Walks along the forest paths - autumn wanders.
How many fresh cones the green pines have!
And a birch leaf like a golden bee
Curls and plays over the green Christmas tree.
Riddle: (spruce)
They run without legs. What is this girl?
Without wings, neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman fly.
They sail without a sail She doesn't sew anything herself,
(clouds) And in needles all year round
"Shaggy Dog"
"Find your place."
running games
on the
fill buckets up
a certain measure.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
idea of
spruce features, according to
to which it can be distinguished
among other trees;
- educate careful
attitude towards nature.
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
Teaching children to move
according to the text
quickly change direction
movement, running, trying
do not get caught by the catcher and
without pushing to learn quickly
act on a signal
navigate in
Games with
"Get in the circle."
Take-out material: sandbags, balls, hoops,
small toys, molds, gloves, pencils,
sticks, buckets, scoops.
th work.
individual work on the development of the main
movements: Exercises in balance. plank walking,
laid on the ground, on a gymnastic bench.
collecting fallen leaves around trees, caring for
broken branches.
improve skill
act with objects;
learn to hit the target;
develop an eye
Develop basic skills

Card #18
A gray puddle threatened me with a cold.
The dirt was swollen and it was drizzling with might and main.
And there was no more boring yard in the world,
Than the one where I tried to walk yesterday.
Today there is not a drop on the branches, but ice.
I walk through the mud without getting my boots dirty.
And the former puddle of ice water
Trembling and crackling, crunching under me.
Accompany the reading of the poem with actions.
What happened to the puddle? The water turned to ice. IN
cold puddles are covered with thin
crust of ice. (Let the children pierce with a stick
ice. In frosty puddles freeze to the bottom.
Snow flutters, spins,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass
running games
"Sparrows and a cat."
"At the bear in the forest"
on the
"Get in the circle."
Games with
naya work.
The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"You're all rustling, rustling!"
The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"I'll rustle quieter."
cultivate desire
look after
- teach careful
relation to nature.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
familiarize with natural
phenomenon - ice;
the state of the water in

Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
Teach children gently
jump off by bending your legs
knees." and run without hitting
each other, dodge
catching run away, find
place; teach children
be careful! occupying
place not to push comrades
improve skill
act with objects;
learn to hit the target;
develop an eye
- teach properly
make a sound
- work on

pouring the ice track together with the teacher.
learn to water gently
sound culture
from a watering can;
cultivate desire
help adults at work.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
introduce the work
bring up
attitude to work
Work on development
connected speech. Bring up
interest in poetry
word. Learn to guess
learn to navigate
develop children's skills
crawl under the arc;
dexterity; orientation
Cultivate a desire
children play together
to help each other.
game plot
Develop basic skills
Card #19
When going for a walk, pay attention to the children
grocery car, invite everyone to come to it
closer. Introduce the children to the driver and ask
tell what he carries in the car and how he drives it.
After the story, go around the car, examine the body,
And in the back - important
Urgent cargo:
cement and iron
Raisins and watermelons.
Chauffeur Job
Difficult and complex
But how is it for people
Needed everywhere.
running games
orientation to
"Guess who's screaming where"
Games with
naya work.
Remote material: steering wheels, masks, emblems, scoops,
molds, toys, chalk, cars
individual work on the development of the main
movements: "Painters"
We paint the wall (smoothly from top to bottom we drive
hands). We paint the benches and the veranda (we perform
movement from left to right).
Sweeping broom paths on the site.
educate children
desire to help

teach right
use whisks,
finish what you started

leaf fall.
Card #20
On a warm, clear autumn day, the educator, bringing
children for a walk, addresses them: “Look,
kids, it's autumn. Leaves covered the ground,
flowerbed with many flowers. yellow trees, yellow leaves
- everything is yellow. Therefore, autumn is called yellow,
gold. Let's go, quietly wander through the leaves (leaves
rustling underfoot). Do you hear how they rustle?
You see, then one leaf flies to the ground, then another
spins and spins and slowly falls to the ground.
The wind blew, and the leaves, rustling, flew to the ground. This
leaf fall.
The leaves are light, so they fall to the ground slowly.
They fly and spin in the air.
The teacher puts a dry leaf on the table,
offers any child: “Blow!” The sheet flies from
table, everyone agrees: an easy sheet. All comers
independently select the sheet they like and blow.
Falling, falling leaves
Leaf fall in our garden.
yellow, red leaves
They curl in the wind, they fly.
He has been hanging on a branch since spring,
Was green - turned yellow
Only a slight wind blew
He has already flown.
Tasks (develop,
fasten, etc.)
Show children
variety of colors
golden autumn; to uncover
new concept of "leaf fall".
Show through poetry
the beauty of nature.
running games
on the
orientation to
p / game "Leaf fall"
Invite the children to turn into leaves.
Falling leaves! Falling leaves!
The yellow leaves are flying! (children are spinning with leaves in
hands, circled and sat down).
Falling leaves! Falling leaves!
Leaves fly in the wind. (the teacher blows, children
scatter). The wind died down and again slowly
leaves fall to the ground. – the game is repeated 23
Consolidate children's knowledge about
color, size of autumn
leaves; teach children
move around the site
following the directions that
are given in a playful way;
specify the concept
- leaf fall.
Games with
Sand games: molds, buckets, rakes,
shoulder blades.
Cars, wheelchairs, strollers…
Develop desire in children
play on your own.
naya work.
Walking and running in different directions.
Cleaning up leaves in the area.
develop in children
orientation to
educate children
desire to help adults.

Sky Watching:

Completed by: Shilova Kristina Viktorovna Educator GBDOU No. 50

Walk progress:

1. Organizational moment

Purpose: to form in children an interest in the phenomena of spring weather. Continue to teach children to determine the state of the weather, to introduce some of the characteristic features of spring. Pay attention to the beauty of spring weather.

Educator: Dear kids, please come to me. I will now give you a riddle, and you try to guess it, be careful:

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day comes, when does it happen?

Children: In the spring.

Educator: That's right, well done! Children, it's the month of March.

March is the first month of spring. Snow melts everywhere, stormy, sonorous streams run.

2. Observation: the sky

Purpose: - to form ideas about the features of the spring sky; - develop speech, memory, attention; - to form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, to awaken a sense of interest and belonging to everything that they see and notice.


Blue sheet
The whole world dresses.
Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet unfolds.

He is always, always scattered
Above you and above me
He's gray, he's blue
He is bright blue.

(Independent observations of children).

Questions to children: - What is the sky now? - Are there clouds or clouds in the sky?

How do clouds move across the sky? - What do they look like? - What color are they?

3. Labor. Cleaning benches from sand.

Type of work: collective

Purpose: to educate labor activity children to teach to keep order, cleanliness. Encourage them to help adults, cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of labor.

3. Outdoor game: "Sun and rain"

Children stand in a circle. -

“The sun looks out the window, They go in a circle.

Shines into our room.

“We will clap our hands, Clap standing still.

Very happy with the sun.

Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stomp on

Top-top-top-top! place.

Clap-clap-clap-clap! Rhythmically clapping their hands


On signal "It's raining, hurry home" children run away. The teacher says "The sun is shining" , The game is repeated.

Purpose: To teach children to listen carefully to the teacher.

"Mice and Cat"

Children- "mice" sitting in "minks" - on a bench, in one of the corners of the site sits "cat" the role of which is played by the educator. The cat falls asleep and only then the mice scatter around the playground. But then the cat wakes up, meows and begins to catch the mice, which run into their minks and take their places on the bench. After all the mice have returned to their places, the cat once again walks around the site, and then returns to its place, falls asleep and the game is repeated.

4. Individual work:

Throwing a sword at a target.

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements.

5. Independent activity:

Goal: To teach children independence, to show creativity, ideas, to think for themselves and find the right solution.

Games at the request of children

Limanova Yulia Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU CRR Kindergarten No. 1 "Anthill"
Locality: city ​​of Kolomna, Moscow region
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Autumn walk at 2 junior group
Publication date: 06.10.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Organization of activities for children on a walk in the second junior group

on the theme "Autumn Tree".

Purpose: To introduce seasonal changes in nature.


1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes.

2. Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about trees.


1. Develop respect for the environment.

2. Develop attention, memory., motor activity.

3. Activate lexicon children.


1. Cultivate love for nature.

Vocabulary work: trunk, branches, root, foliage, mountain ash, leaf fall.

Walk progress:

The teacher reads a poem to the children:

Become one after another

Take hold of your hands firmly.

Along the paths, along the paths

We'll go for a walk now.

Children become pairs and follow the teacher along the paths.

Educator: - Guys, look how beautiful our site is. How many trees and

bushes. But there is a very beautiful tree - tell me, what is it called? (Children's answers

Educator: That's right, it's a mountain ash.

Listen to the poem:

Oh, rowan, dear,

beautiful in autumn

Calling the birds

Eating fruits!

Educator: - Guys, let's take a look at the mountain ash. Look carefully and

Can you tell me if it is high or low? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, high. Trees are tall. To see their tops, you need

raise your head up. Trees are tall, grass and bushes are low. The tree has a trunk

hard), and on the trunk there are many twigs and leaves.

Educator: Guys, look, what color are the leaves on the mountain ash?

Children's answers: Yellow, green, red.

Teacher: That's right guys. Tell me, why did the leaves turn yellow? What time is it now

Children's answers: Autumn.

Educator: Well done! Guys, let's play with you now.

D / and "Find a leaf."

Guys, look carefully at the leaves on the tree and try to find rowan leaves on

One, two, three - go! Whoever found it, bring it to me in a basket.

Children find leaves and carry them to the teacher.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Guys, autumn has come, the leaves have turned yellow, the breeze blew and plucked the leaves

from a tree. When the leaves fall, what is the name of this phenomenon?

Children: Leaf fall.

Educator: That's right, well done! Let's remember a poem about leaf fall:

leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying

Under the foot rustle, rustle,

Soon the garden will be bare!

P / and "Leaves and breeze"

Objectives: to develop motor activity in children; develop the ability to interact with each other

with a friend; fix the name of the trees.

Description: Leaves are handed out to children. Educator: Guys, imagine that you are leaves, and I

breeze. Now I am a breeze, I will blow and the leaves-children will scatter all over the site. And when

I’ll say the breeze fell asleep, the children - the leaves will squat.

We are leaves, we are leaves

We are autumn leaves

We were sitting on branches

The wind blew, flew ...

The game is repeated 2 times.

Mobile game "On a flat path"

Purpose: to develop coordination in the movement of arms and legs in children; learn to walk freely

column one by one; develop a sense of balance, orientation in space.

Description. The children go with the teacher. The teacher pronounces at a certain pace

the following text, children perform movements according to the text:

On a flat path, (Go step by step).

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One - two, one - two.

On pebbles, on pebbles, (Jump on two legs moving forward).

Stones, stones...

In the hole - boom! To squat.


The game is repeated 2 times.

Individual work: exercise Zlata Z., Sasha M. in jumping on 2 legs.

Stepping over leaves. “Raise your foot higher, don’t step on the leaf.” (Ulyana U.,

Labor activity:

Educator: - Guys, the breeze

plucked the leaves from the trees, let's

help our

janitor to collect leaves from the site, take a rake and we will rake the leaves into a pile.

Independent play activity. Game "Collect a bouquet"

The teacher offers each child to collect a bouquet of colorful leaves as a gift

for mum.

Educator: - “One leaf, another leaf and more, it turned out a lot of leaves - a whole bouquet!

Look at our bouquet - lush, elegant!





remember what we did. (The teacher, together with the children, says: they considered

mountain ash, looked for rowan leaves on the ground, recited the poem “Falling Leaves”, played,

raked the leaves with a rake, collected a bouquet for mom).

Walk No. 1 "Watching the snow"

Target: continue to acquaint children with a natural phenomenon - snow.

Progress of observation

Take the kids out for a walk and take a good look around. What did you notice? Everything is covered in white snow. The snow sparkles in the sun, even the eyes hurt. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is “outraged” that we walk on him and trample him? Or maybe he "tells" us about something? Listen to the children's stories.

It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

- What, snow, snow-snowball, on earth have you become?

- For winter crops I became a feather bed,

For pines - lace feather bed,

For bunnies it became - a downy pillow,

For kids - their favorite game.

Labor activity

Clearing a path covered with snow.

Target: to learn how to use a spatula correctly, to bring the work started to the end.

Outdoor games

"One is two."

Target: when moving in pairs, learn to balance your movements with the movements of your partner.

"Who will run to the flag faster?".

Target: learn to overcome obstacles while running.

Remote material

Shovels, sledges, oilcloths for skiing.

Walk No. 2 "Observation of the sky"


- to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena;

- to teach to distinguish the states of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Progress of observation

Invite the children to look at the sky. Note how it is (clean, blue), which means that the weather is clear, sunny. And if the sky is covered with clouds, what is it like? (Gloomy, grey, joyless.) What's the weather like? (Cloudy.) And if the wind blows, what will happen to the clouds? (The wind will disperse them, the weather will change, and we will see the sun.)

The winds are blowing, the winds are violent,

The clouds are moving, the clouds are clear.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the playground.

Target: to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

mobile game

"Catch the plane."

Target: learn to run fast at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

Remote material

Shovels, scoops, buckets, stretchers, paper plane.

Walk No. 3 "Observation of passing vehicles"


- fix the names of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel);

- note a wide variety of machines, their purpose;

- educate respect for work.

Progress of observation

When going for a walk, pay attention to the food truck standing near the kitchen, note its main parts and purpose - it brings food to the kindergarten. Next, watch the passing vehicles. What cars? Cars and trucks. Trucks, their purpose. What goods are transported by trucks? What cars do you know? Their purpose. Why do we need buses? (To transport passengers around the city.) And there are also special cars. Invite the children to name them. (“Ambulance”, fire, police, street watering machine.) Tell about their purpose. Ask whose dad works as a driver.

On the street of our car, car -

Small cars, big cars.

Trucks rush, trucks snort,

Hurry, rush, as if alive.

Every car has things to do and worries

Cars go to work in the morning.

Labor activity

Building a road from snow, playing with cars in compliance with the rules of the road.


mobile game

"We are chauffeurs."


- to consolidate knowledge about the work of the driver;

- learn to navigate the terrain.

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, molds, cars.

Walk number 4. Observation "Footprints in the snow"

Target: continue training in identifying footprints in the snow: children's, adults, bird and animal footprints.

Progress of observation

All around lies white, fluffy snow, walking on which you leave footprints. In the footsteps you can find out who walked, rode, there were birds or animals here. Consider the traces with the children on the site, determine whose they are. Invite the children to leave their footprints in the snow, compare the footprints of an adult and a child.

Labor activity

Decoration of the site with snow cakes.

Target: learn to tightly fill a form with snow, knock snow out of it, decorate snow ramparts.

Outdoor games


Target: teach jumping on two legs with advancement forward by 2-3 m.

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, emblems for games, molds, oilcloths for skiing.

Walk number 5 "Observation of the bullfinch"


- to consolidate children's knowledge about bird habits, their appearance;

- make you want to take care of birds.

Progress of observation

Go out with the children for a walk, go up to the mountain ash, show the bullfinch.

He does not suffer from colds, he is not afraid of winter blizzards.

And by winter it does not fly away to the distant sultry south.

Let snow cover piles and hillocks and wasteland,

Glad handsome red-breasted - a resident of the North - a bullfinch.

Mark what a beautiful bullfinch. (Black head, red breast.) Put rowan berries in the feeder. Watch how it deals with berries: it pecks out the seeds, and throws the pulp to the ground. Birds are cold and hungry in winter, so you need to take care of them, protect them.

Labor activity

Clearing the area from snow.

Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Outdoor games

"Find us."


- fix the names of objects on the site;

- learn to navigate the terrain.

"Giants are dwarfs."


- improve walking technique, achieve a clear wide step;

- learn to navigate in space.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, scoops.

Walk No. 6 "Observation of the roadway"


- to consolidate knowledge about the carriageway of the road - highway;

- mark a wide variety of cars, their names;

- to form an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

Progress of observation

Together with the children, make an excursion to the carriageway and watch the movement of cars. Explain that the kindergarten and houses can be located next to the main road. This is a highway.

Like a river, the avenue is wide,

There is a stream of cars here.

Ask the children what cars are on the highway. Trucks and cars - their purpose. To draw the attention of children to the fact that drivers strictly follow the rules of the road. On ice, vehicles move slowly for safety reasons.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow in a certain place, cleaning paths on the site, feeding birds.


- to teach cleanliness and order;

- Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games



- exercise in loose running;

- learn to navigate in space.

"Obstacle Track"


- learn to coordinate movements with each other;

- develop an eye.

Remote material

Shovels, traffic light model, cars, dolls.

Walk No. 7 "Watching icicles"


- to acquaint with various natural phenomena;

- show the diversity of water conditions in the environment.

Progress of observation

What grows upside down? (Icicle.) Pay attention that icicles form on the sunny side. Why? On the south side, the snow melts and flows down in droplets, the icicles do not have time to fall and freeze. An icicle grows in frosty weather, and decreases in warm weather. The icicles begin to cry. Find a place where droplets drip. How is it different from neighboring areas? Where did the word "drop" come from?

An icicle is a frozen drop of water that has turned into ice. Offer to look around through the icicle.

Did the children sit on the ledge and grow all the time down? (Icicles.) Why do icicles "grow" with their tip down? When a droplet flows down the icicle, falls down, it seems to stretch out, and the tip becomes thin.

Playful icicles sat on the ledge,

Playful icicles looked down.

Tired of them hanging down, they began to throw droplets.

The whole day goes ringing: “Drip-drip-drip! Don-don-don!"

Labor activity

Snow removal from paths.

Target: learn to work together, help each other.

Target: improve coordination of movements.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, buckets.

Walk No. 8 "Observation of the mountain ash"

Target: expand knowledge about wildlife.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What is this tree? (Rowan.)

What is the tree worth? (Beautiful, the leaves fell off, clusters of red berries remained hanging.)

What are the benefits of rowan? (Birds are fed with its fruits in winter.)

These stones are ruby

And rowan berries

On the hills and on the plains

Dress brushes on mountain ash.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.


- teach to keep the area clean and tidy;

- Encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games



- exercise in running, actions at the signal of the educator;

- to cultivate dexterity.

"Find where it's hidden."


- learn to navigate in space;

- educate attention.

Remote material

Balls, cars, buckets, hoops, scooters, reins.

Walk number 9 "Signs of early spring"


- to consolidate knowledge about the time of year;

- to study the signs of early spring.

Progress of observation

On a sunny March day, pay attention to the signs of spring: a bright dazzling sun, a high sky, light white clouds. On the south side, in the sun, the snow melts, and icicles appear. The snow has become loose and wet - you can sculpt from it. Sparrows chirp merrily and jump in the snow.

Soon, soon to be warm -

This news is the first

Drumming on glass

Willow with a gray paw.

We are tired of winter, leave the winter itself!

In March the sun bakes, in March water flows from the roofs,

And the snowdrop blossomed on time - our very first flower.

Good March, warm the whole world, you are sweeter of all months!

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow on the site, snow removal on the veranda.


Outdoor games

Target: to consolidate repulsion skills when jumping on two legs.

"Jump - turn around."

Target: learn to quickly perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, buckets.

Walk No. 10 "Observation of birch and spruce"


- expand children's ideas about trees;

- educate the desire to protect and protect nature.

Progress of observation

Thin birch, small in stature,

Like a teenager, she has pigtails!

The tree has grown remarkably in a year!

How curly, how white!

A beauty lives in the forest, green, prickly.

Under New Year smartly come into our room.

You will always find me in the forest

You go for a walk and you will meet:

I stand prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow, clearing the playground.


- continue to teach how to properly carry snow for construction;

- to form a desire to help comrades in the performance of labor activities.

Outdoor games

"Who will run faster to the birch?".


- learn to run without bumping into each other;

- act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

"On a flat path."


— learn to walk on a low boom;

- jump, bending your knees.

Remote material

Shovels, stretchers, scrapers, snow molds, sleds.

Walk number 11 "Observation of the work of the janitor"


- continue to educate respect for the work of adults;

- Learn to help others.

Progress of observation

Draw the attention of children to the cleaned area. Tell them about the features of the janitor's work, its need for people. Encourage children to keep clean.

Labor activity

Clearing sites from freshly fallen snow.


- teach children to help adults;

- teach the correct skills of working with the shoulder blades;

- to consolidate the ability to clean up inventory after work to its original place.

Outdoor games

"Horses", "Find yourself a mate."

Target: exercise in running, develop endurance and agility.

Remote material

Shovels, scrapers, sleds, reins, seals, pencils, flags, panicles.

Walk No. 12 "Observation of nature"

Target: when meeting trees, learn to gradually memorize them, find features name the individual parts.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, offers to answer questions. Girlfriends fled along the edge In white dresses. (Birches.)

Why do you think that these are birches?

What color is the birch trunk?

How do branches hang from a birch?

What are the benefits of birch?

Labor activity

Tidying up the site.

Target: teach to be careful.

Outdoor games

"Catch up with a couple."

Target: to train children in fast running.


Target: practice throwing at a distance.

Remote material

Panicles, shovels, scrapers, sleds, oilcloths.

Walk No. 13 "Observation of bullfinches and waxwings"


- to deepen and replenish knowledge about the life of birds in winter period;

- make you want to take care of them.

Progress of observation

Red-breasted bullfinches and waxwings appeared on the trees. They fly in flocks. Taiga residents, they leisurely peel ash seeds, rowan fruits. Consider and find the difference in birds. (Males of bullfinches are bright, females are gray, inconspicuous.)

Black-winged, clear-breasted

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold,

With the first snow right there.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow rampart.

Target: learn to shovel snow with shovels in a certain place.

Outdoor games

"Bird flight".


- exercise in climbing;

- develop motor activity.

"Find where it's hidden."

Target: learn to navigate in space.

Remote material

Shovels, panicles, buckets, stretchers.

Walk No. 14 "Watching the trees on a frosty day"


- to expand knowledge about the plant world;

- cultivate love for nature.

Progress of observation

Come to the willow tree. Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected: do not hit the trunk with a shovel, do not run into the sled, do not play close to the trunk. Invite the children to see if there is green grass under the snow? Dig up the snow. Remind that if there is a lot of snow on the branches of trees, it must be shaken off, otherwise the branches may break off.