Scenario for mother's day in the second junior group Mother's Day.

  • 30.09.2019

- In the House good deeds busy,
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
- "And where?" - you ask
So much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
Children: - This is mom, this is mom!
Host: Who loves us dearly?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Who wakes us up in the morning?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Does he read books to us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Does he sing songs?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Who hugs us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Praises and caresses
Children: Mom, mom.

We congratulate our lovely mothers on their holiday - Mother's Day. And these congratulations apply to our dear grandmothers- after all, they are also someone's mother. The holiday today will be a little out of order.

Our mothers are always somewhere in a hurry, in a hurry. And they practically do not have time to relax, play with their beloved children. But children like it when you sing, dance, play with them. So let's forget about our problems at least for this day. I suggest you start playing with your child right now.

There is a wonderful holiday and a happy time,
Where there is a child and a beloved mother.
And in the proximity of these feelings, a lot is hidden
Patience, affection and life is the beginning!
Here are all the echoes of love and care;
There is no time to sit here, as there is a lot of work:
The hostess and the washerwoman, and the cook with the nurse,
And a doctor, if necessary, with a large warm heating pad.
She is always a master of all trades
And everyone should be proud of their mother.
After all, closer to her can not be found in the whole world.
She is responsible for the child from birth!

Mom's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were small. It was their mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them with her song. Let's remember the time when your baby was just born. He was so small, defenseless. And you, to calm the baby, sang lullabies to him. I invite mothers with children and invite you to sing a lullaby to your children

1. Lullaby(3 mothers pick up their children and sing lullaby“Tired toys are sleeping” to the soundtrack, 1 verse each)
But now your children are growing up, and you begin to read little poems to them. Do you, mothers, remember these poems well? (3 moms look for bugs and name them)

2. Find the mistake and answer correctly.
* Dropped the bunny on the floor,
They cut off the bunny's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I am pulling a basket along a fast river.
And the kittens are jumping on my heels,
And they ask me: "Ride it, captain."

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew him pants.
Gotta put on a sock
And put candy.
Well done our mothers. And they know how to sing songs, and read poetry. And how tasty they cook ....
Now we'll see. 3 mothers will cook with their children.

3. Master class "Together with mom."
For each pair of mother-child, sets of plasticine for modeling are prepared in advance. Task: you need to prepare a "treat" for the guests (pie, cake, pastries).
In the meantime, we will listen to poems performed by our children.

1.After a delicious lunch
I'll help mom right away
But get up off the couch
For some reason I can't.

2. In order not to oversleep in the kindergarten,
Gotta try
I have to ask my mom
Get up at five o'clock!

3.-To mom on Sunday
Don't oversleep for work
I'll set her alarm
And I'll put it under the bed.

4. I love my dear mother,
I'll give her candy.
I'll bring her home: -Mom,
Will you share with me?

5. To make mom smile,
And she was pretty
I'll draw her in her passport
A funny face.

6. What kind of noise, what kind of din?
Mom is surprised!
It's Mother's Day
Papa is leaving!

7. I'm happy about cleaning too
I'll break all the dishes
May everyone be happy!

Well done, kids, real helpers for moms. See what wonderful treats our mothers have prepared. Simply wonderful! Do you know why? Because they made them together with their children.
. And now your children are asking you all to dance.

Dance to the soundtrack "Well, so do moms"
We go in circles - well, mothers too
We are not far behind - well, and mothers too.
We will all squat - well, mothers too
Sit down together, stand up together - well, and mothers too.
Let's have fun jumping - well, moms too
And how birds fly - well, mothers too.
We will wag our tail - well, mothers too
Let's hug mom - well, mom too.
Well done our mothers - they sing songs, bake pies, dance dances. And of course, interesting fairy tales are read to children.

Competition "Visiting a fairy tale"(All mothers participate. Each answers one question). Let's remember the fairy tales that your children love. These are the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
What did the fly find - Tsokotuha? (money)
What did butterflies eat? (jam)
Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (in Limpopo)
What did he give them? (thermometer)
Who ran away all the dishes? (at Fedora)
What is her last name? (Egorovna)
What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moydodyr » ? (Totosha and Kokosha)
What did the gazelles ride? (on carousel)
Who was eaten by the sparrow (cockroach)
How was the cat? (back to front).
What did the fly-Tsokotuha buy? (samovar)
Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)
What were the bears riding? (by bicycle)
What did the crocodile ask you to send? (galoshes)
Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)
Whose blanket ran away? (have dirty)
Who bit the fox? (wasp)
Where did the hippo go? (to the swamp)
Who came out of mom's bedroom? (Moidodyr)
Who stole Muhu-Tsokotuhu? (Spider)
From whom did the shoes and boots run away?

Well done our mothers. And what needlewomen they are! Don't believe? Look! 3 mothers with their children are invited.

4. Competition "Beads". (string pasta on a string for 1 minute)
In the meantime, our mothers will sew, the children will read poems for their mothers.
1. We congratulate mothers from the bottom of our hearts -
Poems are read and sung today by kids.
Who will wake us up in the morning, who will cook porridge for us?
In the world there is no more pleasant embrace of tender mothers.

2. Who will argue with us a little, but will immediately smile?
Whose heart beats stronger than a bird for their children.
We congratulate mothers from the bottom of our hearts -
"Thanks Mom!" - the kids say today.

3. Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a laugh!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is better than nothing!

5. Mom will smile
Mom is sad
Mom is sorry
Mom and forgive

6. Mom is golden autumn,
Mom is the dearest.
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!

7. Mom - the sun, a flower,
Mom is a sip of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter,
Our moms are the best!

In our computer age, the age of progress and speed, we, as always, are in a hurry somewhere, catching up with something and suffering due to lack of time. Early in the morning you have to redo a lot of things, take the child to the Kindergarten and be in time for work, but the child gets dressed very slowly, and you naturally need to help him. Our mothers already do it simply and easily even with their eyes closed.

5. Competition "Dress the child" (3 mothers) (
phonogram "In every little child")

Vedas. Guys, which of you has the most beautiful mother?
Children. I have!
Vedas. Guys, who has the kindest mom?
Children. I have?
Vedas. Who has the best mom?
Children. I have!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun.
Mother! Better words in the world is not.
Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mother! She has spring in her eyes.
Mother! The best on earth.
Mother! Gives stories, gives laughter.
Mother! Because of us sometimes sad.
Mother! Regret and forgive.

Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite a poem together with the teacher, showing characteristic gestures:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
Mom is a blessing! (hands to chest)
Moms are better (leaning forward and waving head no-no)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up)
Mom is a joke! (laughing, smiling)
Mom is a sweetheart (pat yourself on the head)
Moms love everyone! (slam a kiss with two hands to moms)

Dear guests, we have already made sure that our mothers are smart, musical, skillful, and good artists. And now we will test them for dexterity.

6. Competition "Catch the ball with a hat." (3 moms).
The mother is given a baseball cap, and the child is given plastic balls. The child throws, and the mother catches with a baseball cap. Who will catch more balls.
Phonogram group Talisman "Mom"

Well done! Our mothers are very smart. And now our congratulations continue.
1. Mom caresses,
Mom will encourage.
If it breaks
It will always forgive.
With her I'm not afraid
No villain!
There is no better and better
My mothers.

2. My dear mother,
I'm your baby
I love you, dear
And hearty congratulations!

3. I promise to be obedient,
Only to please you
Well, if it doesn't work out,
Don't pout on me!

4. Let's play dolls with you,
Let's drink tea and cake
Take away my toys
Let's sing something!

5. Mom is my sun,
I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

6. Mom can easily
Give the medal "Hero of Labor".
All her deeds cannot be counted,
Even no time to sit down -
And cooks and cleans
Reading a fairy tale at night.

Well done, guys, and now, to please moms, get up in a circle, start a fun dance. And mothers dance with their children.
Dance "Spots - specks" , sl. And muz. Zheleznova E.

Presenter: What do you need to tell the birds?
Children: The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
And for the sea?
- Coast.
Well, to us, we will say directly:
Children: To be with us - MOM!

Mom caresses us
The sun warms
Sunshine like mom
Only one happens.

And here is our sun. (Shows a yellow circle.) And what is our sun missing?
Children: - Luchikov.
-So let's make them from mom's hands, and your moms will help you.
Children and their mothers do team work.

Phonogram song "Mom"

What a beautiful sun! We will take it with us to the group, it will warm you with mother's warmth.

Thank you mom for the beauty.
Thank you moms for your kindness.
Because you have such babies.
For the fact that they do not have a soul in you.
Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
This is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
Happy holiday, dear mothers! Accept small gifts from your children.

Title: Joint leisure of mothers and children second junior group for Mother's Day
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, Mother's Day, 2 junior group

Position: preschool teacher
Place of employment: MBOU Dobrinsky Lyceum
Location: Dobrinka village, Uryupinsk district, Volgograd region

"Mom is the best friend"
Scenario matinee for Mother's Day in the 2nd junior group

(tutor: Tanaeva N.A.)

The most beautiful word on earth is MOM. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. This means that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, give them gifts. Arrange a holiday for them. But, I think that the best gift for each of you is your child! Meet! Your children!
The children enter the room. Stand in a semicircle.

Happy Mother's Day to you, dear!
May this holiday be bright
May the winds bring you joy
Let sorrows go away, dreams come true
May you always be given smiles and flowers!
Today all over the world
The holiday is big and bright,
Listen moms, listen!
Children congratulate you!

The song "Guests have come to us"
Poems for children

May this snowy day be wonderful
Will be remembered as the most gentle!
As the most joyful and sweet,
Cheerful, kind and beautiful!

There is a women's day in the spring,
This one fell in the fall.
Asking for warmth from the sun?
No, we won't ask.
After all, our sun is mom
It always shines for us.
And with this autumn day
We congratulate her!

Let the song flow like a stream
And my mother's heart warms.
We will sing about mom in it,
Tender than which does not exist.

The song "Mom dear, my mother ..."

For children more than mom
There is no one in the world.
The children of our group send you
Dancing hello.

Dance "Once a palm ..."

Mother. With this word, children are born into the world. We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers! And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! Let's listen to our guys!

Let them sound today in the hall
Songs, music and laughter!
We invited mothers to the holiday,
Our moms are the best!

Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is a treat!
Mom loves everyone!
You are the most beautiful,
You are the best!
To the gentle sun
And looks like me!

Our dear mothers
They love us very much.
Song for mom
We'll sing now.

The song "Oh, what a mother"

And now we'll play
Let's take care of our mothers.

Let their bright smiles
We will have more fun!

Game "Find Mom"

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world.
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

I don't want to argue with you.
You believe me so.
My mom is the best
The best in the world!

And cooks and cleans
Read a story at night.
And in the morning with great desire
Mom goes to work.
And then shopping...
No, we can't live without mom!

A woman should be able to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook. Moms know how, now they will teach their daughters.

Game "Golden Hands"
(mothers should make an outfit for a child from a scarf, scarf, bows)

Our children are already big and help their mothers tidy up toys, fold their clothes beautifully on a high chair, and even know how to wash the dishes! And here's how our kids do it all, we'll show you now!

The game "Let's help mom!"
(hang clothes on a clothesline)

Each of us, dear women, knows that with experience we gain wisdom and treat our affairs and our grandchildren in a completely different way. As you guessed, we will talk about grandmothers. Let's listen to poems about grandmothers.

Who's in the kitchen with the ladle
Is it always on the stove?
Who mends our clothes?
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?

Who in the world is the tastiest
Bakes pies for us?
Even dads who are more important?
And who is always honored?

Who will sing us a song at night,
To sweetly fall asleep to us?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandma!

Let's sing a song for grandmothers today.
Happy International Day to all grandmothers!

Song about grandma

Dance with ribbons

All children love fairy tales. Probably, mothers and grandmothers read fairy tales to them at night or in the evenings. Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.

1. She is the most important of all in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents. (Mouse).

2. Waiting for mom with milk,
They let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children? (Seven kids)

3. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale "By the command of the pike")

4. This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to the full,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food. (Tablecloth - self-assembly)

5.Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And light around, as in the daytime. (Firebird)

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?
Give me an answer, friend. (Needle)

7. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

8. Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way. (Fedora)

9. Both a hare and a she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

10. I went to visit my grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Red Riding Hood)

11. Cinderella has a leg
Fell off by accident.
She was not simple
And crystal. (Shoe)

Well done! All riddles solved.
Carefully, it means that you read fairy tales.
Today, mothers, we invited you,
To loudly and amicably say:
Dear mothers, we congratulate you
And we want to wish you happiness!
And as a gift, accept a song.

Song Oh, what a mother!

Guys, invite your moms to the dance.
Dance "Reconciled"

Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day! Again, we read poems for our beloved mothers.
We ask you, mothers, not to forget to clap for us.

My mom is the best!
If it hurts me
Mom good hand
Soothes pain
And brings peace with it.

And when the toy is new
I rejoice noisily
Smiling with me
My dear mother.
Let the wind carry you
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mom is the best!

Our mother is no better!
There is no kinder, gentler.
We will always be obedient
And congratulations to the mothers!

And now our girls will dance the matryoshka dance for you.

Matryoshka dance

We are ending our holiday
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.
We want no reason
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.
And our children have prepared gifts for you and now they will give them to you. (Children give mothers cards)

Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you mothers and grandmothers for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. Dear children, love dearly, respect, take care of your mother and grandmother, do not hurt them with words and deeds. Thanks everyone! We invite everyone to the sweet table.

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" DECEMBER 2017

Preliminary work:
arrange a photo exhibition "Our wonderful mothers";
cook Balloons, patterns: eyes, mouth, bow (blue for boys, red for girls).
manufacturing confectionery parents;
prepare soundtracks for songs about mom
decorate the hall with balloons, flowers.

Used equipment: music center, musical phonograms, artificial flowers, attributes for games.

Music sounds. Introductory word of the educator
Educator1. Hello mothers and grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today, because today we celebrate Mother's Day. We dedicate this holiday to the most beloved, most caring, most tender and, of course, the most beautiful - our mothers.
Educator2 On this day, I want to say thanks to all mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
In the world kind words lives a lot
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother"
And there are no words in the world more precious than it!

Educator1 Mom is my sun!
Mom means tenderness
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn

Educator 2 Mom is the greenery of summer,
This is snow, autumn leaf.
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means life!
Educator 1: And now let's play the game "Mommy". I will ask questions, and you answer in chorus "Mom"

Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said "It's time to get up!"
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Shall I pour some tea into a cup?
- Who braided my pigtails?
- Who kissed me?
-Who childish loves laughter
- Who is the best in the world?
- I will always be with you, mom! (all children in unison)
(Children run to their mothers and sit next to them).

Educator 2: Dear mothers, accept a song as a gift

Educator 1: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers among the people, and our mothers, of course, know them. Dear mothers, you need to finish the proverb.

In the sun it is light, with the mother (good.)
The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is (mothers.)
There is no sweeter friend than my own (mother)
A person has one mother, one he and (Motherland).

Educator 2: Guys, look how many, many, around the flowers! Let's collect them all and give them to moms?
The game "Flowers for Mom"
(Flowers are laid out in different places in the hall. Children, on command, look for and collect flowers, bring them to their mothers. The teacher reads a rhyme:
Mommy, my mommy
I love very much
I will give her a flower.
For me to find him
I need to bypass everything.

Educator 1: What good fellows you are! That's how you love your moms! And now dads will play. Most recently, your children were babies, let's see if you have forgotten how to swaddle children.

Competition "Who swaddles the doll faster"

Educator 2: And now it's time to sing a lullaby to the children

Mothers sing a lullaby "Tired toys sleep"
Tired toys sleep, books sleep.
Blankets and pillows are waiting for the guys.
Even the fairy tale goes to sleep
For us to dream at night.
You wish her bye-bye.

Definitely at home at this hour,
Quietly, a drowsiness walks around us.
Outside the window everything is darker, the morning is wiser than the night.
Close your eyes, bye bye.

Bye-bye, all people should sleep at night.
Bye-bye, tomorrow will be a day again.
During the day we were very tired,
Say good night to everyone.
Close your eyes, bye bye.

Educator 1: “I love my mom
I will dance with her"
(Children dance with their mothers "Dance of the Little Ducklings".)

Educator 2: And now we will check how often you read fairy tales to your children,
1. Waiting for mom with milk,
They let the wolf into the house.
Who were these kids (seven kids)

2. Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way. (Fedora).
3. And the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment (Aibolit)
4. She is the most important of all in a riddle
Even though she lived in a cellar,
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Grandfather and grandmother helped (mouse).
All the riddles were solved, well done, our mothers.
Educator 1: The next contest is “Find a child by the palm of your hand.” Children form a circle. Moms stand in the center of the circle. We will blindfold them, and they should find their child by the palm of their hand, but guys, don’t tell me!

All mothers have found their beloved children, otherwise it could not be!
Educator2: Dear mothers, the guys and I prepared small gifts for you, but did not have time to collect them, and we ask you to help us. (Children are given balloons, patterns: eyes, mouth, bow (blue for boys, red for girls).) reverse side templates are glued with double-sided tape. With the help of moms, children turn balloons into funny faces.

Educator 1: Every mother deserves a high title and we award you with the medals that you deserve for raising your kids ..
(music plays).
Educator 2: Our holiday has come to an end, we thank all mothers for a cheerful mood and pleasure. We were very pleased to see kind and happy faces.

And we invite you to a festive tea party!

Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day in the second junior group

"Mommy dear, I love you"

The scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day in the second junior group Mom for joy "

Purpose: To instill in children love and respect for mothers, a desire to take care of loved ones.

Equipment: (musical recordings: the song "Mom is the first word"; "Mustachioed nannies"; "In every little child"; "Dance of little ducklings"); 2 boxes with toys; 2 pieces of clothesline 1 meter each; 2 sets of clothespins.

Children enter to the song of the ensemble "Fidgets" "Mom is the first word", sit down)

presenter: Hello, dear guests!

There are a lot of good words in the world.

But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:

Of the two syllables, the simple word "mother."

And there are no words dearer than it!

Guys, today we will dedicate our holiday to our beloved mothers. Let's talk about how much we love them! Let's make them happy with our skills. Guys, I want to ask you:

Who wakes you up from sleep? (Mommy)

Who said: “Is it time to get up? " (Mommy)

Who managed to cook the porridge? (Mommy)

Pour tea into a mug? (Mommy)

Who braided your pigtails? (Mommy)

Whole house swept one? (Mommy)

Who childish loves laughter? (Mommy)

Who is the best in the world? (Mommy)

Presenter: And now the children will tell poems.


I love my mother

I sing songs to her

And I help around the house

I love my mom!


Mother! I love you so much,

I don't know right!

I am a big ship

Give the name "MAMA".

Presenter: Let's applaud our guys.

Presenter: Guys, let's now tell our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance?

Can we sing?

Can we dress up?

Can we clean up toys?

Then let's show how we can collect toys.

Game "Collect toys" (in yellow baskets - constructor and animals)

The teacher scatters toys from two baskets on the floor, the children collect and sort them into one basket - Lego parts, in the other - rubber animals.

The song "In every little child" sounds

Presenter: Well done! You can immediately see what assistants are growing! Let's listen to the verses we prepared...

3. Child

Mom, mom, mom - there is light in this word of the sun!

Mom, mom, mom - there is no better mom in the world!


I love my mommy

I will dance with her.

Presenter: So it's time to listen to the song and dance with mommy.

The “Dance of the Little Ducklings” sounds, the children dance with their mothers according to the teacher’s show, movements familiar from childhood.

Presenter: Well, we danced with you!

Presenter: There is only one mother for everyone and she is the best in the world. Now we will see how you will help your beloved mom in the game "Mom's Helpers"

The game "Mother's Helpers" is being held (with the participation of mothers)

Two mothers each hold a clothesline in front of their child, the child must get the “washed” linen from the basin and attach it to the string with clothespins. The song “Mustached nanny” sounds.

Presenter: What kind of economic guys are growing here!

Presenter: Guys, now your mom will show their creativity. Look at the hats your moms made. Moms, you recognized your hats, go on stage and show off your hat.

Presenter: And our mothers are still the keepers of the hearth. Now we will watch the presentations prepared by the parents “Formation of the Family”. I invite the family ....... (in turn)

Presenter: Guys, your moms also cook delicious food. I invite everyone to a tea party. (Children and parents go to a tea party)

Host: And our meeting has come to an end! Once again, we want to congratulate you, dear mothers, on such a wonderful, kind and gentle holiday! May a smile always shine on your face. Goodbye.

for children of the younger group "Chamomile"

Theme: "My Mom"

Prepared by: Sergeeva I.A.

Integration areas: Music, Health, Communication, Reading fiction.

Integrated tasks:

Form in children family values, positive features nature, contributing to better mutual understanding in the process of communication;

Develop a positive parenting attitude kindergarten, to intensify parental participation in the life of the kindergarten;

To educate children in love and respect for their mother, affection for their family, kindergarten.

Preliminary work:

Learning with children the literary and musical repertoire;

Making a wall newspaper;

Making gifts with children;

Preparation of competitions, attributes, music.

move holiday entertainment.


Our dear mothers! We are glad that you, despite the endless business and worries, have come to us today. After all, today we celebrate a wonderful wonderful holiday "Mother's Day". Today, on Mother's Day, we greet you and want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your dearest, most beloved, our most charming children.

presenter: Mom - it means tenderness,

This is kindness, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story

It's morning dawn

Mom - a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice

Mom is the green of summer

This is snow, autumn leaf.

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means life!

Dear mothers, accept a song as a gift ...

song "Who loves us dearly"

For moms today, our little ones clap their hands together! (clapping)

We tried, we hurried, we taught dances, songs,

We will read poems to moms, play and sing!

And now we will take the hands and smile at our mothers together.

And to the delight of our mothers, we will now dance merrily.

(boys invite girls to dance)

Dance "Reconciled" ( 1 time)

(then each child invites his mother and dances with her)

VED.: We dance very fashionably, anyone will say that!

And let everyone hear mothers, how we sing cheerfully,

Let's congratulate them on this day with the best song about mother.

The song "Mommy dear, my mother .."

And we know the versesAnd now let's read them.

Who is the cutest in the world?
And who in the world is more beautiful?
Children's best friend
This is our mom!

I'll sleep next to my mother

I will stick my eyelashes to her.

You eyelashes, don't blink,

Don't wake up your mom.

I blinded as a gift to my mother

Plastic Palace.

He is like in a fairy tale on the screen.

Mom will say: "Well done"

ruddy apple

I won't have one

half an apple

Give to my beloved mother.

Song "Ladushki"

And now a gift for mom

Difficult, but musical,

Disassemble the tools

Friendly, have fun.


Rattle, rattle,

Our first toy

You are a talkative parrot

Ivan-tea bell!

I'll take the rattle

I call the guys to play.

Rattle game

Presenter: And now we will check how often mothers read fairy tales to their children, don’t worry, the guys will tell you. We have such a magical flower, it’s called TSVETIK SEMITSVETIK. Now mothers with their children tear off one petal, read the riddle and try to answer it correctly.

1. Waiting for mom with milk,

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these children (seven kids).

2. What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,

Mouse, another dog Bug

Helped grandpa and grandma

Have you harvested root crops? (turnip)

3. From flour, he was baked,

On sour cream was mixed.

On the window, he was chilling,

He rolled down the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And along the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat it

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red fox

I couldn't get away from her.

What is a fairy tale? (kolobok)

4. Near the forest, at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (three Bears)

5. Harmonica in hands,

On top of a cap,

And next to him is important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Friends portrait

Turned out great

On it Cheburashka,

And next to him (crocodile Gena)

6. Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the story, don't you?

Who was it? (bear)

7. Little people are very quick

They fix electrical appliances!

You can't see them, don't look

After all, they live inside.

There is no place for mysticism

If nearby ... (Fixies.))

Presenter: All the riddles were solved, well done, our mothers.

Presenter: And for this, for my dear mother

We will dance our dance.

Girls dancing "Sponges with a bow"

Dance "Funny Mushrooms" (boys)

And now I'll tell the guys a riddle

Song. "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb"

Guys, why do we have a screen here? Maybe there's a surprise for us?

Maybe miracles are waiting for us!

We will sit quietly.

Who is this? Let's see!

Puppet theater "It's good when mom is around!"

The course of the performance

Vedas: Once upon a time there were Kotik and Cockerel in the same yard. And then one day they decided to run away from their mothers ...

To the music, the Cockerel appears on the screen.

Cockerel: Wherever I want, I go there! Wherever I want, I look there! I do what I want! When I want, then I sing - Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm running away from my mom!

To the music, Kotik appears from the other side of the screen.

Kitten:Meow! How good! Meow I'm gone! I will do what I want, I will not come to my mother again !! Meow!

Cockerel:Hello Kitty!

Kitten:Hello Cockerel!

Cockerel:Where are you going?

Kitten:Wherever I want, I go there. I left my mom!

Cockerel:And I left my mother. What, is it bad for you?

Kitten:I don’t know, it makes me wash my face, drink milk, catch mice. And I don't want to. What, you have a bad mother too?

Cockerel: I don’t know, wakes up early, makes people crow, so that people wake up. And I don't want to. You can't fight, you can't fight. I'm tired of it, so I left!

Kitten:Look, now, without moms, we can do whatever we want. I will bite and scratch.

Cockerel :(cockerels)And I will fight and peck.

Heroes fight

Kitten:Oh, it hurts! Don't peck!

Cockerel:Don't scratch, don't tear the feathers! Mother! Mom, help!

Kitten:What are you calling mom? You left her.

Cockerel:Yes, gone!

Kitten:Okay, let's not quarrel, come on, better, let's eat. I'm so hungry, and here is the mouse running (trying to catch up). Oh, she ran away! Now, if my mother - I would definitely catch it!

Cockerel:I'll find you a worm now (looking, pecking and all in vain). And I couldn't find it. Now, if my mother, I would definitely find it.

Kitten: Something became cold, if my mother were with me, she would warm me, she has the best fur coat in the world, warm and fluffy.

Cockerel:Ko-ko-ko! My mother would also warm me under the wing.

The howl of a wolf is heard:


Kitten:Who is it?

Cockerel (stammering)This is a wolf..

Kitten:Let's hide from him...

They hide. The wolf appears.

Wolf:How delicious it smells like a cockerel and a cat here, I'll eat them now (refers to children)Have you seen a cockerel and a cat here?


Wolf:I'll go look elsewhereleaves)

Cockerel:Kitty, come out, the children saved us, they didn't tell us where we hid.

Kitten:What are we going to do - fight or bite?

Cockerel:No, Kotik, you need to return to your mother. And the wolf may return.

Kitten:Meow! I myself want to go home to my mother.

Cockerel:Ku-ka-re-ku! And me too!

Together:I'm going to my dear mother, I will hug my mother tightly!

Kitten:I will drink milk.

Cockerel:And I peck grains.

Together:Let's not hurt mom!

Kitten:After all, they are the best, the most beautiful, the most beloved!

The heroes leave to the music.

VED.: Guys, good fairy tale did we tell you?

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for you, kids

The fairy tale ended with a good end, And we know exactly what will happen next.

We will congratulate mothers, wish them a sweet life.

And the guys were very good, clap them wholeheartedly!!!(

audience clapping)


At the end of the holiday, I propose to take a ride on a cheerful musical train.

Game: "Musical Locomotive"

/ A mother and a child become a train with each other, to the music “trains” go in different directions.

1 stop - Khlopotushkino - clap

2 stop - Topotushkino - stomp

3rd stop - jumping-kino -jumping

4 stop - to the dance group - "go" to the group

Our holiday has come to an end.

Congratulations dear mothers, happiness to you, health to you!

We will be waiting for guests again - to sing, play and dance!

Happiness, to you, warmth, kindness, good luck,

joy, health, beauty,

so that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the burning

and the best dreams come true

And our children have prepared small gifts for their beloved mothers.

Children give gifts.

The song "We wish you happiness" sounds

Used scripts from the Internet:

Yanchurina Yulia Ramilevna
Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day in the second junior group "My Mom"

"MOM MOTHER" / matinee dedicated to Mother's Day for children of the 1st junior group / Compiled by: Educator: Ermakova M.V.

Elena Simakova
Entertainment scenario in the 2nd junior group "Mother's Day

our joint congratulations with children to mothers (newspaper)